By hosie2222

2.4K 38 7

Liam and Hope Mikaelson. Hope and Liam are close they tell each other everything like when Hope tells him sh... More

Get to know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

144 4 2
By hosie2222

Hope kept trying to make Rebekah budge about the surprise that they are going on in the morning but she wouldn't. All she said was that it was at the compound in New Orleans and that they had to bring it back.

"Aunt bexxxx what if I don't like it and your making me drive 11 hours there and back." Hope says whining.

"Your gonna like it and I let you bring company so you'll live." Rebekah responded.

"Why can't Liam go get it with his 'football buddies'. Hope asked.

"Because I want you too and his 'football buddies' won't care." Rebekah said with a sigh

"And my friends will?"

"Go get your things ready and go to sleep." Rebekah said shaking her head.

Hope then went upstairs and got her stuff ready for the morning then decided to text Josie to see if they had their stuff ready.

                              To: Jo Jo bear🧸

Hey do u, Kate and Stef have everything ready for the morning?

                              To:Hopey 💅
Yeah we're set, are u going to pick us up?

                               To: Jo Jo bear🧸
Ofc ma'lady.

                                To: Hopey 💅

Okay, goodnight Mikaelson :)

                                 To: Jo Jo bear🧸

Sweet dreams Salvatore

Neither of them knew but they were both smiling like idiots at the texts.

"Are they ready for the kids to get them." Klaus asked Rebekah downstairs.

"Yep all set, I'm gonna get the kids to bring the RV." Rebekah says.

"Good with me, goodnight Bex." Klaus responds.

"Night Niklaus." Rebekah said.

At the Salvatore boarding house.

"What has you smiling like a idiot over there." Stefanie asked walking over to Josie.

"Probably has something to do with the oldest Mikaelson." Kate teased.

"And the best looking." Josie responded.

"SO YOU ADMIT IT." Kate screamed.

"Admit what that cocky Hope Mikaelson is hot because I could say that everyday for the rest of my life." Josie replied in her Hope Mikaelson la la land.

"No that you have a crush on Hopey." Kate said with a smirk and looking at Stefanie who has the same smirk.

"HA I'll admit she's hot but I don't have a 'crush' on her, she's like our best friend. Josie says in thought.

"People start crushing on their best friends all the time and looks like your rethinking what you said because your zoning out." Stefanie said pointing to Josie.

"Go to bed whores." Josie responded laying down.

"You first hoe." Kate said.

Then they went to sleep all thinking about the conversation about Hope especially Josie.

Morning at the Mikaelson resident.

"Bye aunt Bex I have to go get the wonder girls." Hope said about to walk out the door.

"Ok, don't have to much fun Hope." Rebekah responded with a smirk.

"Okkk I'm leaving now byeeee." Hope replied walking out the door to the RV.

Hope got to the Salvatore's and knocked.

"Hey honey the girls are upstairs if you want to go get them." Caroline said with a smile.

"Thank you Caroline." Hope said then went upstairs to get the girls.

"Guyyyyys it's time to go." Hope shouted through the door.

"Hopey help us get our bags." Kate also screamed.

"Damn Kate it's a day and we aren't even leaving the RV." Hope said as she walked in to see a whole week of clothes.

"And....I care why?" Kate responded with sass.

"Just give me the damn bag." Hope said shaking her head.

Then everyone followed her to the RV and put everything inside.

"Nice RV Hope." Stefanie says looking around.

"Thanks it's the 'Mikaelson mobile' as my uncle Kol calls it." Hope responded with a chuckle.

"That's-thats a uh cool name." Josie said slowly nodding.

"You don't have to lie." Hope replied whispering in Josie's ear which for some sent a shiver down her spine and made Hope smirk.

"Will you two stop so we can leave?" Kate asked with sass.

"Fine." Hope hope responded with even more sass.

"Uh uh don't catch that attitude with me Mikaelson." Kate said looking like she was going to murder her.

"Yes ma'am." Hope says quick and with no hesitation.

After that they went ahead and drove off with Hope driving.

"Hope I have to pee." Kate said 2 hours in the drive.

"Why didn't you go before we left."

"Because I didn't have too."



"Uhhhh there's a gas station in like 2 Miles." Hope responded sounding annoyed.

"Good." Kate said walking away from Hope with a smile.

"Jo you ok back there." Hope asked looking in the rear view mirror.

"I could be better." Josie responded looking pale.

"Here you can use my phone for music, do you have your headphones?"

Josie just nodded.

"Ok here."Hope said as she tossed Josie the phone.

"Kate go pee and get some snacks, Stef and Jo you guys could go too if you need to."

Stefanie and Hope stayed in the car while Kate went to get snacks and pee and Josie probably went to throw up for the first time out of 20 ahead.

"The queen has peed." Kate says as she enters.

"HA I don't see Taylor Swift." Stefanie responded.

"I'm slightly offended but I'm glad Aunt Elena taught you well." Kate said acting offended at first then Josie walked in a little after.

"Kateeeeee your driving." Hope said quickly.

"Hell no, your funny Hopey." Kate responded with a laugh.

"I guess I could drive." Stefanie said with a sigh.

"Thank you, Jo you ok?" Hope asked with a concerned voice.

"I feel nauseous but I'll be fine." Josie responded with a weak smile.

"You could go lay down in the bed if you want."


"Because she's sick have the couch, now stop yelling she already doesn't feel good." Hope said closing the little door to the small room.

"Whipped." Kate whispered under her breath.

Hope just shook her head in response.

About two hours later Josie came out of the room and Kate woke up from her 'beauty sleep' as she calls it.

"Hey Jo you feeling better?" Hope asked as she saw Josie.

"A little, laying down helped." Josie answered.

"Kate go look in the little night stand thingy and grab the Tylenol."

"Uhh fine only because it's for my dearest sister." Kate said as she sighed.


"Uh Hope what is a Intermittent explosive disorder?" Kate asked walking out of the room.

"W-W-why do y-you ask." Hope stuttered.

Kate then held up a medication bottle.

"Stefanie stop the RV." Hope said not looking up.

"Hope we're on the highway I can't stop." Stefanie responded.

"Stefanie stop the RV." She repeated.

"Hope are you ok?" Josie asked stepping up to Hope.

"Just stop the RV." Hope pleaded.

"Ok, Stefanie please just stop improvise or something." Josie said as she turned towards Stefanie.

"Ok we're stopped." Stefanie responded as she turned around.

"Hope, baby, are you ok." Josie asked trying to look in Hope's eyes.

"I have to take them." Hope said after a few seconds.

"Elaborate Mikaelson." Kate replied in a 'im here for you bestie' voice.

"I don't really know what caused it in the first place but that's why I get angry, it's sudden outbursts I can't really control it, I also get panic attack things too because of it, the medicine helps though. I just thought if I told you guys, you will leave me." Hope said voice breaking every few sentences.

"Awwww Hope we wouldn't leave you nor will we now." Josie responded and hugged Hope which eventually Stefanie and Kate joined.

"Yeah bestie we're here for you." Kate says still in the hug.

"I know we're not exactly besties but don't worry Hopey I'm here too." Stefanie responded.

"Not you too with the name." Hope said with a chuckle.

"Now, we should get going, we don't have too much longer." Kate responded getting out of the hug.

"I'll drive the rest of the way." Hope said as she sat in the driver's seat.

The rest of the way they all slept well except Hope of course and when they wake up their in New Orleans.

"New Orleans is beautiful." Stefanie says as she's glancing out the window.

"That it is." Hope responded.

"Hopey are we almost to your mansion or 'compound' as you Mikaelson's call it." Kate asked whining.

"Yes we're like 5 minutes away." Hope responded.

"Damn Hope." Kate says as she's looking at the compound.

"Yep home sweet home." Hope said as she opened the door and surprised at what she saw.

"Hello darling."

"Uncle Kol?!"



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