Peter Parker Oneshots

By genocidemf

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The title says it all More

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Fucked up
The aftermath (NWH SPOILERS)

Idk but its angst

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By genocidemf

Summary: Peter suffers after the events of endgame (tony snaps but doesn't die) and aunt may, MJ and ned are dead(I'm sorry) Natasha is alive tho cause idk she's hot as fuck
TW: Depression, underage drinking, self harm, drugs

I kinda hate writing how Peter turned out the way he did I'm sorry and The avengers and guardians and shit all live together (peter is 16 in this)

It was 3 AM and Sam and Bucky were talking in the kitchen, why at 3 AM you may ask? No one really knows why but anyways. They were having a random conversation about wether mermaids exist or not until it was interrupted by a certain spiderling stumbling through the elevator door with an almost empty bottle of absolut vodka "heyy buckety wuckety" "what the fuck peter" Sam said clearly remembering that he overheard pepper telling peter to be home before 10 PM "oh hi pigeon *hiccup* boyyy" "peter are you drunk?" "" he said "was that a question or an answer?" "yes" "alright let's get you to bed" Bucky said while picking up the totally not drunk teenager "But I'm *hiccup* not tired at all" "sure peter" "I will live forever even if I have to *hiccup* be either completely drunk and high to do it" peter slurred as if he was giving a speech "what?" It was obvious that he was drunk, he held a almost empty vodka bottle in his hand and he reeked of alcohol and cheap tobacco "yeah Tony almost died and all of my other father figures are dead, Morgan most likely hates me and pepper probably prefers her over me anyways and heck I don't blame her why would anyone actually like me? So since I have no one to disappoint I am going to live fore-" and he threw up on the floor "oh fuck peter!" "I-I'm sorry..god I'm such a disappointment no wonder I slit my wrists" Bucky was already carrying peter to the bathroom in case he had to throw up again but this made both Sam and Bucky stop dead in their tracks "huh?" "Yeah there's dozens of red cuts on my arms n' legs n' shit no wonder you didn't notice because no one cares" peter said clearly still very drunk

Then he threw up again, all over his clothes since Bucky had decided to put him on the floor. Peter stared at it for a few seconds and then started crying "god I'm so useless" he said as he layed onto his side on the white carpet "Bucky, would you mind filling up the bath tub for peter?" "Absolutely not I'll do it"

-time skip to the bathtub being full-

Sam and Bucky helped peter out of his clothes and sat him in the bath, they washed his hair and cleaned the small cuts and heck he wasn't kidding when he said dozens "I hate myself" that just made them even sadder, Peter was 16 years old and has already gone through so much "peter, why do you hate yourself?" "Isn't it obvious? I'm a fucking disappointment I couldn't save my father, I couldn't save uncle Ben, I couldn't save mr. Stark and I couldn't save aunt may,Ned and MJ, Morgan probably just hates cause I almost killed her dad and well I'm not sure if you guys even like me cause you know, you always make fun of me" and he threw up again on sams lap cause he put his head over the edge of the bathtub and now he was just crying hysterically "god I don't wanna be alive anymore" Bucky couldn't resist it anymore, after he took peter out of the bath and dried him,put the clothes on him,he put peters head in his chest and softly caressed his his hair, sure it was making his shirt wet but he didn't give a shit "why do I have to b-be alive? It should've been me that snapped not tony IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME I DONT WANNA LIVE ANYMORE" he said crying and sobbing so heartbreakingly loud it ended up waking everyone in the tower

Tony went into the bathroom, worried about the boy he saw as his son "peter?" Peter just looked at him, eyes read and still sobbing loudly "mr stark?" "are you okay Petey?" That broke him you may think 'that before seemed like he just broke down' but hell no, he was just crying harder at seeing his totally not dad "oh Peter.." Bucky stepped aside to let tony give Peter a big ol' dad hug "I-I'm sorry dad I wasn't any better" "peter you did amazing you literally took the gauntlet from thanos" "I'm gonna go to sleep" peter said as he fell asleep in his dads arms "god he looks so broken" said a voice from the door, it was Wanda "Wanda could you read his mind?" "It would hurt him too much" she said "I can do it" mantis said as her little thingys started glowing "he's in deep deep emotional and mental distress, do any of you know what happened?" "I think it's best we put him in med bay and then meet in the kitchen" "alright"

-time skip-

After Bruce finished with bandaging up Peter arms and legs he joined the others in the kitchen "so what happened?" Tony asked and Bucky started "so basically me and Sam were in the kitchen talking and then peter just stumbled through the door with like an almost empty bottle of vodka but we assume he drank more wherever he was at before this" "yeah and then we just asked him if he was drunk and then he just went on about him living forever even if he had to be drunk and high while doing so" "what?!" "Shut up I'm talking, anyways we wanted to bring him to his bedroom but then he started throwing up and crying so we took him to the bathroom where he threw up again so we bathed him" "then he just started ranting his whole heart out which was sad even for me so I just pulled him into a hug then he ranted more then you guys showed up and now we're here" "we forgot to mention uh he thinks we all hate him and he blames himself completely for tony being injured and he also kinda cuts himself" Morgan suddenly spoke up, they forgot she was there "can I go cuddle brother petey? I think he needs it" "of course you can Morgan baby"  pepper said while taking her to the med bay where peter was, morgan snuck under the blanket and hugged Peter with her little arms

"We're all going to help him through this"



"Spiders stay loyal to eachother so yes"

"Anything for my bug bro"

"Only cause I hate him least out of you mortals"

"Anything for the peter-bro"


"Yeah we call ourselves the peter-bros"

"That's lame"

"Fuck off drax"

"You fuck off"

*totally not fighting background noises*

"Are we just gonna leave them there?"

"Yeah they'll figure it out"

"Goodnight everyone"


-The End lmao-

Words: 1206


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