Claire Redfield x Male Child...

By RhykerRomanoff

8.5K 134 40

Hey all my resident evil peeps! Since I'll be done with my other Resident Evil story within a week or so I wa... More

Chapter 1: Welcome To Racoon City
Chapter 2: How Big Is The R.P.D?
Chapter 3: Sherry's Your New Sister
Chapter 5: Sherry's Mom Is A Bigger Bitch
Chapter 6: Goodbye Racoon City

Chapter 4: Mr X Is A Bitch

848 19 5
By RhykerRomanoff

(A/n - sorry for the delay! I cleaned and rearranged my room/closet for 15 hours yesterday so I totally forgot!)

You awake a little while later, still in the parking garage. You're sitting up against the wall and your mom is no where in sight. You stand up stretching out a little, wiping any blood on your face with your shirt. You then hear a door open and turn to look at it. Your mom comes out and sees you, "good, you're awake. That bastard that took Sherry is chief of police, but I found a way to get out of here". It takes you a minute to process that information but after you do, you just shrug and follow your mom through a different door. Your mom grabbed supplies as you went over to an elevator and pressed the button on it to open the doors. Your mom joined you in the elevator and she pressed the up button. You walked through some rain and then into the chiefs office. There were creepy notes that the chief wrote and you were too disturbed to finish reading. Then you found a cell which had the key card you needed in it. But you had to get electrical parts to open the cell. You sighed and said "of course it's a fricken treasure hunt". Your mom came back with a new key in her hand and said "it's alright, we'll figure it out". She unlocked the door with the new key and you went upstairs to check around as she went downstairs. You went through a door that lead to outside. You saw a fire on the platform below and slowly went down the ladder. You tried to push a lever to put the fire out but noticed that the water was going to a different place. Your mom soon joined you and said "I found our first electrical part". "Yay" you said sarcastically. You nodded towards the fire and said "the water needs to be rerouted". "Probably down there, be right back, stay put" your mom said, heading over to the staircase going down. "Okay I got it! you heard her yell a minute later. You pushed the lever and the fire went out. "Let's keep going" she said and you followed her through a door. You saw the helicopter from before blocking the path, until it wasn't and it was being lifted and thrown by a big sort of monster in a black trench coat. "Jesus... Stay back!" your mom says. The thing goes to punch her but she evades it. The thing is slow and so you both book it past him. You run to the secret exit and hide in there. You take some deep breaths and then look to your mom. You wait until you hear the footsteps fade and then whisper, "okay, we need to figure out a plan". "The only place we haven't explored is the one the library leads to" your mom says. "Well you need some sort of lever or lift to put the bookshelf down, then if you push them all to the right we can get there" you explain. "I just got the heart key, so maybe there's one in a heart door" she says. "Uh... The room where we got the detonator! There was a heart door" you say excitedly. "Good thinking" your mom says. "What about the big guy?" you ask. "If we run into him, I'll just shoot him with some flame rounds or something" she says and stands up. "No I have an idea, you go get the lever, I'll go move the bookshelves that I can. He can't get both of us at the same time" you say and are out the door before she can protest. You can hear her whisper yell your name but it fades as you make it to the library. You make sure that all of the bookshelves are together so that you can move them all at the same time when your mom gets the lever. Your mom came rushing through and put the bookshelf down. You grabbed the one on the left and pushed all three into place as you hear the heavy footsteps come closer and closer. You climbed up the ladder as fast as you could with your mom behind you. You made it through the doorway but the footsteps were still following. Your mom shot the knees of a couple zombies and you hid in the nearest room. You stayed quiet, only the sound of your heavy breathing being present. When you thought the coast was clear you looked around. "There's the other electrical part" you say and point into a cage with a bell in it. "We probably have to put things into place to get it to start" your mom says and walks up the stairs. She puts a large gear where the small one was and then hands you the small one and you put it into place. The bell then rings and you cover your ears. Your mom grabs the part as the bell stops and you uncover your ears. "There's no way that thing didn't hear that" you say. "Yeah, let's go" your mom says and pulls out her grenade launcher. You go out the door and leap over the zombies grabby hands. You look and see the door bust open as the big guy comes towards you. You follow your mom to the other door on the other side of the hallway. Your mom unlocked the door and you both rushed through it. She stunned a zombie that was in the way and ran down into the chiefs office. You heard the loud footsteps but it couldn't get you in there. You went to the cell with the puzzle and your mom put the parts in. "This is all you, that's way too confusing for me" you say and sit against the cell for a minute, trying to catch your breath. Your mom figures out the puzzle and opens the cell door. She grabs the key card and you hear a phone ring. That draws your attention and you stand up and stand next to your mom when she answers it. "Hello...?" she asks into the phone. "Good to see you again, Claire" you hear the guys voice from before say. "We've got unfinished business" he says with a darker tone. You look confused as your mom asks "what're you talking about?". "Don't waste my fucking time! Bring me the pendant or Sherry dies" he yells. Your mom grabs the pendant from her pocket and looks at it. "The pendant? What do you need it for?" she asks. "Do you want the girl to die?" he fires back. "Fine. Where are you?" your mom asks. "The orphanage" he answers simply. "The orphanage...? Where's that?" she asks. "In the neighborhood. You'll find it" he says. "Is Sherry all right?" your mom asks. "...For now" he says like a villain in a superhero movie. "I swear, you bastard, if you hurt her--" is all your mom can get out before the chief hangs up on her. "Well, he's a real nice guy" you say sarcastically as you make your way out into his office. You take the elevator back down and your mom puts the key card into the slot. It beeps and starts to open but you get surprised by the big guy from before when he comes stomping towards the both of you. "You again?" your mom questions. You duck and roll under the gate and your mom does the same. You run up the street and to a gate that opens when a zombie collapses on it. Your mom shoots the zombie behind him in the knee and you run past it. You walk until you see zombie dogs running at you. Your mom shoots them just enough to run until you reach the orphanage. "That's gotta be it" you say as you come up on two big doors that have animals painted on them. You bust through it and your mom locks it behind you. You walk out of the rain and into the orphanage. "Hello! I have the pendant!" your mom yells out. You walk to an open door and get jump scared when the chief jumps out at you from around a corner and grabs you. His face is messed up and he looks gross. Your mom pulls you from his grip. "Your fault...!" he gurgles out. "What?" you question. "Took too long!" he says. "What happened...?" your mom asks. "Get away!" your mom says and pushes him back when he starts to gurgle in pain. Something then bursts through his stomach area as he says "damn you, William!". "Oh my god! Jesus Christ!" your mom says as he dies. You walk into a messy room and find a ladder. When you reach the bottom you go down a long staircase. "Sherry!? Where are you!?" your mom yells out. You hear Sherry's voice, "Claire!". "Sherry! We'll be right there!" your mom says. When you reach her you hear a loud boom and see big stompy boots again. Sherry screams and you just let out a huff of air. "Go, go, go!!!" your mom yells out. You jog until you reach an elevator, which your mom frantically pushes the button in. The guy slams into the elevator as it closes and tries to pry it open. It almost gets you when a claw pierces through his chest. You see the monster that you thought was dead. "daddy...?" Sherry asks. Your mom looks back at her and asks "what'd you say?". You're too stunned to even listen to what they're saying anymore as the non dead monster hits into the elevator enough to make it slide down. You're not exactly sure what happens in between the elevator falling and you passing out. But what you do know is, you're sick of this shit.

To be continued...

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