BABQFTIM: A Heart Worth Loving

By Madison000430

146 6 1

I was living a somewhat normal life, that is...until I found made a certain wish! Hi, I'm Madison Rose Tidwel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

23 1 0
By Madison000430

I wake up to an alarm, and sit up in bed. I stretch my arms, and yawn. "Might as well get up, and see if the boys are awake." I beamed, getting outta bed. I leave my room, and walk over to next door. I knock on the door. "Um...Boris? Are y'all up?" I ask quietly. The door opens, and Bendy looks up at me with his sweet eyes. He smiles wide when he sees it's me. He jumps up and hugs me, purring. "Good morning, Madi!" I hug back, with a smile. "G'mornin, my lil Devil darlin. Is Boris awake yet?" I ask. He shook his head.  "Mm, he says he don't wanna get up." he said, looking back at me. "Oh really? Well I know just the thing that'll wake em up." I smirked. I walk into their room, with Bendy still in my arms. I put him down gently, and walk towards Boris. He looked like a starfish. I giggle at his awkward position. "Boris, wake up sleepy wolfie." I say sing-song like. He grumbles. I bend down, and kiss him on the forehead. Then he bolts up, wide awake and bushy-tailed! "Morning beautiful. How'd ya sleep?" he smirked. "I slept great. What about you?"I asked. "I slept really well, especially after that duet we did last night." he said, winking at me. 'Shit! He heard me?!' I thought panicking. "Y-You heard me?" I say shyly. "Mmhm, you did really well too. You should be in an orchestra." he smiled. I blush at his complement. "N-No, thank you though. I-I'm not t-that good." I smile sheepishly. He smirks, and takes my hand into his. "You're that good in my eyes." he smirked. I smile, and blush. "Well, lets get some breakfast. What do y'all think?" I asked. Our stomachs begin to growl. "Pfft...I'll take that as a yes." I laughed. We walk outta the room, to get breakfast. Bendy went to go get his bag. "Did ya miss me?" a voice asked. I knew that voice. 'M-Mugs?' "Don't worry it'll be quick and painless." he said pinning Boris to the wall. 'SHIT! He's aiming at Boris!' I panic in thought. Then he kicked Mugs where the sun never shines! He runs towards me. " little...That's how you wanna play huh?!" Mugs grunted in pain, crouching. "BORIS! MADI!" a familiar voice cries out. We turn our heads, to see Bendy being chased by Cuphead! Mugs aims his finger gun at Boris and Bendy! He was about to fire! "NOOOO!" I yelled, pushing the boys outta the way.


My chest, now in pain, burns. I fall to the ground. Boris lays my head on his lap. I look up at him, with tearful eyes. "M-Madi? H-Hang in there, lemme just take ya to-"
Boris paused. I close my eyes, from exhaustion. "H-Hey! NO! OPEN YOUR EYES! OPEN THEM NOW!" he yelled. I pass out.


Why did she do that? She could've gotten killed! "Sir, is she okay?" my brother asked. "I-I never got to tell her." he sobbed. I don't think neither him or his bro could pick her up. "I'll carry her, Boris." I said, walking closer to him. "No way in hell, am I gonna let you touch her!" he snapped angrily. I don't blame him. "Please? I know you don't trust me. You have every right not to. Just please, let me carry her, so we can get her to a hospital. And maybe we can save her." I replied. Bendy looked up at him, with tears in his eyes. "P-Please Boris. I don't w-wanna lose Madi!" he sobbed. He looks at 'Madi', then at me. He hands her to me, and puts her in my arms. I look down at her features. 'Damn...she's hot! WAIT! NO! Stop it, Mugs! You just met the woman!' I punish myself in thought. "Come on. Let's get her some help." I said, walking towards the nearest hospital. "Bro? W-Will she be o-okay?" Cup asked. I wasn't sure. "All we can do is pray, that she'll make it." I replied, with sadness in my voice.
'Why do I care about her, all of a sudden?'

We rush her into the hospital, and quickly signed her in. For some reason...when the doctors came to get her, I didn't wanna let her go! I sadly lay her down on the bed. 'Please live!' I said in my head. Cup, Bendy, and Boris were bawling their eyes out, scared for her. For some reason, the thought of her dying...tears me up,on the inside. I could feel my heart begin to shatter. 'Why do I care?! Hmph!...I-I just wanna see, her eyes again. Wait! WHY?!' "B-Boris, I-I'm scared! W-What if...what If she's not gonna make it?!" Bendy sobbed. Boris wrapped his arms around him. "Shh...she's gonna be okay. Just pray, okay? J-Just pray." he said, rubbing circles on his back.

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