That Which is Owed To Me || O...

By ms_writingbgnr

1.7K 66 10

OhmNanon AU Karma is a bitch and Nanon is on the move to ensure that it happens. Circumstances from the past... More


OhmNanon || OneShort AU

1K 55 10
By ms_writingbgnr

When the alarm went off for the second time, Nanon groaned as he covered his ears with the pillow blocking the constant sound but soon gave up when he reminded himself of what's at stake if he slacked out. He literally fell asleep an hour ago and now he had to wake up again. Dragging himself off the bed, Nanon went to the bathroom connected to his small bedroom. Half awake and half asleep, he kept turning on the warm tap water but nothing came out. He sighed once he remembered there wasn't any warm water and so he opted for the only water available. 

Slumping down on his small shower, he felt the cold water come in contact with his skin. He shivered as he felt goose bumps all over his body. He never could get used to this; in fact his life wasn't something he could ever get used to. He fought back the tears and gulped down the huge lump formed on his throat. He wanted to cry his heart out, hoping it would soothe down the pain he felt. Thinking back on the day he had ahead, Nanon didn't have time for a pity party. He had to get a move on. 

Nanon readied himself and was soon out of his condo, out of the apartment building he stayed in and on his way to the first job of the day. Sometimes Nanon thought he overworked himself, he did 2 part time jobs, one as a library attendant and another as a front manager to the Coffee shop in the city mall and as if that wasn't enough, he attended online lessons for his BBA course and physical lessons for his LLB course. It was a good thing he was good in time management and organising, for he had things already planned and laid out. 

From where he stayed to the Central City Library, it was a 45 minute walk and since he was used to this every day, he had become familiar with it. From any bad situation he was in, Nanon always looked at the bright side of things, the positive side, and walking everyday would 1) save money, 2) contribute to environmental safety and lastly he didn't need to exercise a lot. No matter how many times he tried to convince himself, deep down Nanon knew he looked at the positive things to avoid thinking of how life would be if he had a car, or money to spend on taxis. 

Nanon passed the rundown flats and houses, drunk and homeless people sleeping on the sides of the buildings, walking straight until well built and maintained buildings came into view. The change in scenery was evident. In this city, there was a difference in social status. The lower class on the pyramid stayed on the west side of the city and the upper class belonged to the east side of the city. There had been a point in time where his life was much easier than his present. 

Entering the library, he passed Mr Sus at his usual chair, giving him a nod and walked right straight. Mr Sus was the security man at the door, who kept an eye on whoever entered the library. He was a very humble and sweet man. At first glance, he may look grumpy and all around serious, but once you got to know him you would realise he was a family man working hard to feed his children and wife. 

"Good Morning Mrs Pakt" Nanon greeted the woman behind the reception desk,

"Morning Nanon'' Mrs Pakt answered back, flashing her warm smile towards him. It always made his day whenever he received one of Mrs Pakt's smiles; it was soothing and full of care, like a mother's love. Passing the receptionist area, Nanon went to the back of the library to the workers locker room. What he enjoyed most about working in the library was the countless books he could read and borrow. It was no doubt he was a bit privileged on the borrowing part because Mrs Pakt would extend his return period by maybe a week, a month depending on what type of book it was. And Mrs Flencher, the library manager, whenever he was done with his part of work, she would allow him to utilise the little time he had before his next job to study for his LLB and BBA courses. 

There were tonnes and tonnes of assignments that required his absolute attention and energy. Stepping out of the locker room, he took a deep breath, put on his work smile and walked into his designated work area. He worked on the lower ground whilst his co-worker worked on the upper part. Mostly his job here consisted of packing and rearranging the left books on top of tables back into their shelves. 

One would think it was an easy job but it wasn't, it needed you to know and memorise the alphabets chronically, where they belonged. Not only that, but he had to situate the books according to their genre. What made his work difficult was those who left books anywhere on the shelves. A book that belonged in shelve 1 would be found all the way back to shelve 60, and so he went up and down from one place to the other rearranging them. He was used to this. 


When it marked 12 noon, like every day, Nanon said his goodbyes to Mrs Pakt and Mr Sus making his way to his next and last part time job of the day, the coffee shop. The two places weren't far from each other; it was a 15 minute walk. 

The coffee shop was more like a breath of fresh air from the uptight atmosphere of the library. From the smell of books and 80's antique to the smell of freshly made coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice. As he shifted in between his jobs, the gears in his mind, his atmosphere and perception also shifted, redirecting his mind to move from his attitude towards the work environment in his library to adjust to the fast serviced environment of a coffee shop. 

Before he entered the place, he took a long look at the place, he always did this and it had become a habit. This was his home away from home. Even from the outside he could see the customers piling in. The place was busy as usual considering it was noon. Greeting his co-workers he navigated to the back and came out a few minutes later wearing his apron. Usually he was in charge of the front that meant he kept an eye on the waiters and waitresses took orders at the counter and complaints of the customers whilst he worked on the tills. His jobs were both draining and difficult but then again, he was used to the difficult life. 

Nick and Puken were waiting today. He greeted them as they did back, in the process handing him orders. He placed them on the rail clippers and went back to the till. Sometimes he did help in the kitchen if they required extra hands.  He knew how to cook and bake. 

Puken came to stand beside him, "Don't be obvious, but you see that girl in the corner of the shop?" she whispered whilst busying herself, "she has been looking at you ever since you came in" Nanon took a few minutes before he could glance to the direction Puken was talking about. There he caught a glimpse of a pretty young girl, hair fluffy and skin tan.

"I don't know her" Nanon whispered back

"I know, but I think she fancies you" Nanon was taken aback after she said that. He wanted to laugh at her joke so he could see he was serious, "She looks like a nice girl, don't waste the opportunity" she advised before she left. Nanon's eyesight went back to the girl and at that moment caught her eyes. She had been flustered after being caught red-handed looking at him. She immediately stood up and walked out of the shop; Nanon couldn't help but let out a small smile. Even then Nanon's eyesight trailed behind her until she was not visible to the eye. He shook his head, and continued with his work. Yeah right as if someone would be interested in him.


Nanon worked at the library from 08:30 to 12:00 hrs then began his part time job at the coffee shop from 13:00 hrs until 16:30 hrs pm in the afternoon. He said his goodbyes and walked on to the familiar path that led him back home to his condo; he could feel his whole body exhausted, and on the edge of giving up and collapsing right then and there. His feet were killing him but this was something he was yet again familiar with, nothing cold water won't fix. 

He passed the same building he had in the morning, entering his apartment building and heading straight to his condo. The good thing now was that there was hot water available. Whilst a cold shower woke him up in the morning, a hot shower refreshed him. At exactly 19:00 hrs he was going to have to catch the night bus downtown for his LLB lecturers which lasted for 2 hours every day except for Fridays. There weren't many students that attended the night class, looking around the lecturer room; there were approximately 50 if not 60 present people. 

It had been after 10 minutes of Nanon settling down that his female lecturer entered. Growing up, being a lawyer wasn't something he initially wanted to do, when he looked further into his future, being an actor and a singer was something engraved in him. He was so sure it was set in stone but because he had been forced into circumstances he himself didn't understand, he had no choice but to venture into this. Taking BBA was an added advantage towards the goals he set for himself. 

Once the lesson was done, the same direction and routine he took to come down into the Sachavat University was the same he used to go back home. Unlocking the door, Nanon entered into his small apartment, the silence of the night usually got to him, made him think, dive and sink deeper into his thoughts. He was afraid of them - his thoughts - all he got from them was constant pain and him reliving the past life he wanted to forget. 

A bit of a toxic trait of Nanon he himself had come to notice was having the urge, the need to relapse into the pain he suffered from for the sake of feeling alive and more human. He sniffed and ruffled his hair back walking towards the small desk that occupied many files and books along with them a laptop. He remembered buying it from his third pay check. He had been so proud that his workload would be a lot easier. It was 22:50 and at 00:00 hrs he would be having his UK BBA online class. He wished he could take a break sometimes. 


Ohm stood before the counter, his fingers tapping gently on it in a rhythm like manner, as his eyes raked over the coffee shop. His sister came around from the back and motioned for him to sit down. 

"I want you to try these muffins," Love stated, already giving him one to bite from. Ohm let out a chuckle 

"It hasn't even been a day since I arrived and already you feeding me" 

"Come on, I am recreating one of our staff's recipe and I want to know how well I did" 

"Then why don't you ask the same person to taste" 

“He’s not here yet and I want to know if I can bake as good as he does" 

"But I don't even know how his baking tastes like" it took a minute before Love cursed making his brother smile, “Why are you so competitive with him" 

"It's just, he's good at cooking, baking, basically his job. I just wanted to do something good for him. Besides, I pity him. It's like he's living a difficult life" a sad expression appeared on Love's face. Ohm could see how concerned his sister was

"One thing I know is that people don't take kindly to being pitied. Treating them the same way you do others is fine"

Pouting, she asked "You think so?" of which Ohm nodded. 

"And besides this type of gesture is more than enough. People like that appreciate even the smallest gesture of affection" 

"How come you became even wiser than me? I too want to study in London" Ohm gave out a snort but before he could respond, Love's eyesight trailed away from his own and settled behind him, "Nanon hey!" She called out as she stood up. The said boy came and stood in front of Love greeting her back. 

"How are you?" 

"I'm fine" 

Ohm eyes were instantly mesmerised by the beauty of the boy beside him, flawless skin and cute dimples that kept popping out whenever he smiled and talked. He had seen and been with a lot of beautiful young men and women but the one that stood before him, was the true definition of God took his time perfecting him into existence. 

Watching him talk to his sister, all could see were hand, mouth and body language. He had zoned out the noise in the background as his eyes concentrated on the young boy before him. He was only brought to reality as his sister shook him out of his day dreaming. They darted from Nanon to his sister, "I was saying this is Nanon, the front manager of our shop" standing up, Ohm gestured a handshake of which Nanon gladly took. 

An indescribable electric shock seemed to pass through them at the sudden contact. They both felt it, Ohm could see from the way Nanon had flinched before relaxing into the touch, it was confirmation enough. Ohm tried to keep himself composed but his heart wasn't having it. This was sudden, confusing and yet everything felt so right between them, whatever it was brewing under the surface, it felt so damn hell right and he was ready to welcome it with open arms. 

"What was that all about?" Love asked, sitting down watching as Ohm's eyes lingered at the door behind Love that made entrance to the cafés kitchen 

"Do you believe in love at first sight?” he blurted out with no care in the world. 

Slapping him lightly, Love warned, "Hey! That's my favourite employee. Don't even think about it" flashing a smile to her, Ohm took a bite out of the muffin. This was the sweetest welcome back he had. 


The decision for Ohm to study in the UK had been sudden and abrupt and since he was left with no choice, the 10 year old Ohm was taken abroad to one of the UK most prestigious and expensive schools where he learnt a lot from the various diverse people. Although he hadn't been too happy and excited for the opportunity - his 10 year old could never understand - Ohm came to be very appreciative and glad for what his parents had done for him. Now he was back home, hungrier for success than ever before. 

At UK he studied and majored in both Business Administration Management and Finance bringing home a qualified BBA specialist and Financial Specialist. He was now ready to head their family businesses. The Chittsawangdee Family had 2 major businesses, owned Thailand's most exquisite hotel and Thailand Fun-day Water Park. These two sources of income generated millions of money for the family that even if the business were to be lost tomorrow, the money was enough to last them a lifetime. 

Ohm twirled the chair inside the CEO's office and slumped down in it. He was only 21 years old and already he was to work beside his father. He was to take over both companies at the age of 25 guaranteed he would be ready to lead. Taking out his phone, he found himself going back to his gallery. He let out a chuckle remembering how childish it was of him to take stolen pictures of Nanon who had been very much dedicated to his work. 

Occasionally from time to time, he would steal glances at the said boy finding him immense around the till, with a frown on his face, or he would watch him as he went from and to the kitchen, smiling to customers. Ohm couldn't keep his eyes off him, and was no way too confident that their coffee place was to be one of his favourite hangout places all because of a cute dimple boy. 

"You back?" a well-rounded and deep voice brought Ohm back to the present. He watched as his father strolled in, flashing his dear old son a smile. Ohm came from all the way across the table to hug his father, "Good to see you son" 

"Me too dad" 

"I bet your mother was over the moon when she saw you" 

"She immediately feed me pa, saying I was way too skinny" they both shared laughter

"That's your mother after all" they both sat down in the leathered couches that occupied the centre of the office. 

"And I also dropped by to see Love at the Coffee house, its doing even better than what I had imagined"

"Your mother loves that place, hence why she left in Love's care" Ohm had nodded in response, "Now that my oldest son is back, when are you to start working here?"

"Well I need everything of mine prepared first, my office, work car, work ID -" 

"Done. Everything was made ready the day you were to board the plane" 

"You can't wait for me to start working I see" 

"Of course, I need to retire and enjoy life as soon as possible" 

"And you will Father. In that case tomorrow then" 

"Okay. Now have much with your father before you go about your day" 

Ohm loved his family more than anything in the world; they were so precious to him, both his parents and siblings. 


Nanon was always glad whenever the weekend arrived. He had only the coffee shop job from 10 to 4 to focus on and after that the rest of the weekend belonged to him. He did his general cleaning on Saturday before going to work and then after work he would rest up and later dive into his tonnes of assignments. His life revolved around school work and part time jobs. 

Nanon strolled down the same street leading to the Coffee shop. It was owned by the Chittsawangdee Family, the prestigious family that owned two most successful businesses across the entire country. Mrs Chittsawangdee owned this safe zone place Nanon considered home but was managed by her daughter, Love Chittsawangdee. 

Coming into view of the coffee shop, he saw a very luxurious car parked in front of the shop. It was the same car he saw the other day that belonged to Love's brother Ohm. Nanon didn't know what to think of him. When he first saw him, his mind had gone blank, only to feel a sudden electric shock course through his entire body when he extended a shake to him. It hadn't been like something he had never felt before. Walking inside, his eyes scanned the area until they found Love's brother seated at the end corner of the shop taking a sip from a cup in front of him. 

Nanon began his work at the till, occasionally stealing glances at Ohm. One could see his visuals from a distance; he had the face and the body to become a model. Nanon looked around the shop; even on a slow day like this they always did have customers. Perhaps it had been more of whom it belonged to, rather than what they offered but no doubt Nanon's baking always received compliments. 

All the while he was working going back and forth he could feel Ohm's eyes on him, observing him, every little thing he did he took note of. Nanon had tried to go on pretending he wasn't fazed, but there was something about Ohm's gaze that sent shivers down his spine. For some reason, he could feel as if Ohm could see right through him. Afraid he would stumble, cause havoc and embarrass himself; Nanon excused himself and went outside, at the back of the building for a breath of fresh air. He usually felt suffocated by the circumstances of his life but now he was fazed by Ohm's stares. 

"Forgive me if I stared too much" A sudden occurrence of a familiar voice made Nanon abruptly turn around. There stood Ohm, hands in his pocket, eyes locked onto his. 

"Don't get too cocky, who said I left because of you" Ohm chuckled, taking a few steps closer to him leaving a fair distance in between them so as not to make Nanon uncomfortable. 

"I know Love introduced us but I want to properly introduced myself and not as Love's brother" Nanon just stared back waiting to hear his intentions by that," My name is Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee" 


"So Nanon, how long have you been working here?" 

“It’s about a year now" 

"Figured so! It's been a year since I haven't been home" with nothing to say Nanon kept quiet, he honestly didn't know what to say, somehow Ohm's presence just made him at loss with words, "You cute, do you know that?" with a serious and yet soft tone, Ohm spoke out. Embarrassed, Nanon shifted his gaze from Ohm to the ground, surprised at the words that came out his mouth. Ohm was bold to compliment another guy's beauty, he had never had anyone compliment him other than girls so this made him feel otherwise - not comfortable but he felt weird. He could feel his cheeks heat up as he suppressed a smile. He was taken aback but yet flattered.

"I hope you don't expect a thank you from me" 

"No, of course not, it was a fair compliment from my side"

"I should head back" deciding he had taken a break long enough, Nanon stated

"Before you go, I just -" Nanon frowned as he watched Ohm words trailed down, " I want to get to know you more, that is if you don't mind" He had known the minute Ohm followed him that he was up to something the way he had caught him stealing glances at him the other day when he was with his sister and today, he knew it would lead to something. Nanon simply shrugged and headed back inside. Ohm smirked, taking it as a sign that he was allowed. 


From his back to back part time jobs, assignments and lessons, Nanon had no time for himself or anybody. All day everyday he had a schedule of his time, how he spent it and doing exactly what. He was so used to the routine that it was subconsciously engraved within him. Now adding a new mix into his schedule wasn't something he was solely keen on but Ohm was persistent in wanting to invade his life. It had been weeks of Nanon taking in Ohm's advances and he didn't know how to feel. 

In all his life, Nanon had never seen anyone interested in him, boy or girl nor had he ever had the chance to fall in love. All he knew from his life was to survive and ensure success if he wanted to conquer the obstacles in his life and so to receive Ohm's flirtatious moves was somehow overwhelming. The energy Ohm seemed to release and caused Nanon to navigate towards was positive and calming that the walls Nanon had tried to build and hold onto not to be swayed easily were literally and slowly crumbling down. 

To say the least it was quite fun seeing how a rich boy wooed a person. It was refreshing to see and it allowed his mind to move from the dark hole that was his life and be pulled back into reality of how life was to some other people. Earlier on, Nanon had been very much confident Ohm would throw his money at him like the rich did, perhaps it had been the stereotype thinking but he was glad and surprised when the said boy did the complete opposite. He found himself smiling most of the time of the small kind gestures the boy did. 

For instance, one Saturday weekend Ohm had taken Nanon by surprise and waitered around the shop. Love had stopped in her tracks as she watched his brother go up and down serving people. She tried remembering any day his brother had helped around the shop but couldn't, even when his mother had asked, Ohm still refused. 

He spent his time with his father and grandfather mostly teaching him about the family businesses. She knew his brother had a big heart but this was beyond her. Nanon on the other hand couldn't help but not suppress a smile, he found it sweet to see him sweating, mixing people's orders, getting them wrong and yet humbling himself, bowing down and apologising. 

Nanon found himself missing Ohm's presence during the course of the week. He hardly saw him but his presence was always with him. He would text Nanon good morning texts, between the day he would ask him how his day was and text him good night when it was time to go to bed. Nanon found himself looking at his phone more. 

Nanon knew the basic things about Ohm's life known to the world, and Ohm knew little about Nanon's life. Once the boy figured Nanon didn't want to share much, he refrained from asking and continued talking about the meaningless topics. Nanon appreciated it, and found himself being given even more reasons to open himself to Ohm. 


"Where are you taking me?" Nanon asked as Ohm navigated through the afternoon traffic. 

"Taking you somewhere that's more to your scenery" Ohm had simply stated. 

He had arrived exactly 5 minutes before his clocking time and had convinced him to come with him. 

The ride had been in comfortable silence, and Nanon had slept. He got woken up by Ohm's soft voice and gentle caress. Stepping out of the car, a cold breeze hit his face, the smell of the ocean, the salt water nuzzled his nose. Ohm had taken him to the beach. 

He stopped where the sand met the ocean and sunk his feet beneath the cool wet sand. His eyes twinkled with admiration to the view that set before him. He could see the endless view of the wide vast ocean. The waves hit his feet as the water soaked them in. He took a long breath before slowly releasing it. He remembered how he used to come here with his family, his mother and father with his little sister and how he would fly away the kite his dad made. Nanon never wanted to reminisce on his life before the new one befell him. It was filled with painful memories that had been happy ones. 

"I didn't think bringing you here would get you to shed tears" Ohm mentioned seeing Nanon's teary eyes. 

He wiped them away, "it's not tears, the breeze is just too strong" he lied and he knew that Ohm knew that he was lying. Hands in his pocket, he glances at Ohm, "thank you, for bringing me here" Ohm could never understand just how much being here meant for Nanon. 

Ohm simply shook his head, "there's a reason why I brought you here" he turned around facing Nanon, "a few weeks ago, I had told you that I wanted to get to know you because I had taken a liking to you" 

"I figured so, you so easy to read" Nanon gave Ohm a small smile 

"You watched me for the past weeks making a fool of myself trying to get you to like me, trying to impress you time and time and again" avoiding his gaze, Nanon glanced down on his feet. He felt like Ohm was about to drop a bombshell, "Nanon, please look at me" bravely so, Nanon did, "I like you" his voice unwavering, calm, collected and confident Ohm confessed, "And I would like to officially date you. Can you please be my boyfriend?" Ohm had made no secret of his interest towards Nanon, everybody around the coffee shop knew of his intentions and even Nanon himself was aware. 

Taking his hands inside his pocket, Nanon looked away from Ohm into the ocean. The sun setting view was amazing, where the sun met the ocean left a blazing orange colour, "I am not going to lie to you. My life is difficult, and I have things that I need to do so let me just say, forgive me if I might be a lousy and forgetful boyfriend" a smirk made itself evident in Nanon's face whilst giving Ohm an eye glance. It had taken a few seconds before it sank into Ohm's mind, once it did Nanon saw his eyes lit up, a happy smile plastered on his face immediately hugging him, lifting him and twirling him around. 


He felt himself being nervous as he stood at the entrance door, his hands sweaty no matter how many times he wiped them. Saying a mini small prayer, Nanon entered the Pukit Law firm. It was that time of the course in LLB that students had to ask for internships to law firms and work until their graduation time. Pukit Law Firm was one of the best law firms around the country and Nanon was hoping his internship would be approved. There was a lot riding on this. He had sent countless CV's and application letters for internship but none had gotten back to him except for the firm which he was about to do an interview for. 

Nanon greeted and introduced himself to the secretary informing him of his visit, the lady as kind as she was had told him to wait since the head lawyer was still finishing up his meeting. The firm was a busy place; Nanon couldn't tell just how many people had passed him whilst waiting. What he hoped to achieve from this visit was to get hired considering countless of rejects. A buzzing sound of a message alert made Nanon checks his phone, "Good Luck, teerak!" and a smile flashed across his face fighting back the flush blush. 

Instantly his mind was pulled back to the last couple of days where Ohm had been very supportive of him, helping him study for the interviews and all. He had even tried to get Nanon's to be on the most top performing firms around the country but Nanon had generously declined. If he was going to overcome the obstacles in his life he had to do it alone but more than anything he didn't want to come across as using the privileges he had by dating Ohm. 

It had been almost an hour before Nanon was called in. He knocked once, waited then entered, finding a man behind his desk going over documents in his hands. The man had looked up and signalled for Nanon to sit down and redirected his attention back to the papers. The office was well ventilated, spacious and full of books. 

"So Mr Kirdpan?-'' the man brought Nanon's attention back on him, "Why did you want to study law?" The automatic answer to this question would be to bring justice to people, help those in need and fight against crime wrongdoings. Nanon had practiced this so many times with Ohm and had memorised each line and sentence for every possible question. 

This had been what he was going to say initially but now being in the presence of Mr Pukit, the most formidable lawyer known to be cold hearted and vicious on the panel, the immense intimidation he got by just his stare alone made Nanon rethink his already planned answer. The look in Mr Pukit was as if he could read him, what was going through his mind and heart, it was as if he knew the answer but waited on Nanon to confirm. 

"For my own selfish reasons" he began as the man opposite him placed his pen down and settled back leaning on his leather chair, hands folded as he waited for Nanon to continue, "there's something that I want and I can only do so as a lawyer" Nanon took a deep breath bracing himself for what he was about to say, looking at Mr Pukit dead in the eyes, "I want to destroy the Chittsawangdee Family" Nanon confirmed. 


"Yes Chimon I am eating and sleeping well, I don't know how many times you want me to say this'' Nanon said as he threw down his backpack on his one mini long couch.

"I am just worried about you, if I don't, who will?" Chimon responded at the other end of the line. Nanon made way to his study table, pulled up a chair and settled down,

"I know I know" 

"So, did you pass the interview?" 

"Yep I begin on Monday, he gave me this week to prepare for myself" 

"Is there anything I can help you with? Money is not a problem you know that" 

"No I'm good, I have my savings not to mention your mum sends me a monthly allowance. I don't know why she still does that, I told her to stop" A chuckle was heard at the end of the line, causing Nanon to subconsciously smile

"You know you are fighting a losing battle with her. She considers you his son. Speaking of being a son, when are you coming down here? She misses you" 

"She asked me the same thing when I talked to her in the morning as she wished me good luck. I don't know when, you know I am a bit tied up here" 

"Yeah yeah! Your revenge and everything" Nanon didn't respond, "Anyways I gotta go, I still need to get some sleep" 

"Okay will talk later then, bye" he ended the call as his eyes landed on a filed document. He had gone through it this morning when he needed to remind and motivate himself of what he was doing, and why he was doing all of this. Taking it in his own hands, Nanon flipped through the pages, eyes taking note of every part written down as if it was the first time reading it. Pictures of the Chittsawangdee Family, Mr and Mrs Chittsawangdee, Ohm, Love, their grandparents were plastered and made into a family tree, notes written beside them explaining who they were and their relationships. 

Caressing Ohm's picture, Nanon plugged it out and stared at it. If there was one person who was going to derail him from his mission, it would be him. He was the calm in his storm, the light in his dark tunnel. Nanon had planned everything out from start to finish, but what he didn't plan for would be to fall in love with the enemy he was set on destroying. 

Nanon had been happy once in his life. There had been nothing but happiness and joy, laughter and smiles. He had had a family once, a father to protect and care for him, a mother to take care of him and shower him with motherly love, teaching him from right to wrong and a sister who he had sworn to care for, defend and protect. He remembered how he had been filthy rich, how many cars, houses and land his family had owned, his father telling him to protect it all once he grew up and took over him, to fight for the Kirdpan legacy. 

He remembered it all, the rich parties he would reluctantly attend because his parents forced him to stay and forge friendships. The fake laughter’s he had to endure from those spoiled brats who cared about nothing but trying to outdo each other materialistically. He remembered how he hated all that. Then in a single moment all of it was gone. Everything was taken away from him. 

His eyes schemed through the police case report files of the accident his family had been involved in. The pictures taken at the scene spiralled out on the table, unlocking the memories he tried to escape from. He remembered the day clearly as if it had happened yesterday. They had been travelling from the Kirdpan Foundation Christmas event and were riding back home when their car had collided with a truck. It had come for them, even when his father flicked lights countless times to alert whoever had been driving the truck, it still came for them, even when his father had tried to manoeuvre to the other side of the road, it turned and maneuverer the same way. He remembered his father screaming "get down, get down and cover yourself" before the impact came. 

Nanon fought back the tears as he remembered how he cried when he heard of the passing of his entire family and he remained as the sole survivor. It was hell for him, the countless nights he cried himself to sleep, and the days spent asking God why had he not been the one to die, why was he saved? There had been a period during his grief where he had been sent to a psychiatric hospital due to his depression and written off unfit only to come back and find the legacy of his family left for him to care for no more. Their family lawyer who had been taking care of all the dealings had conspired and drafted a fake will of his father leaving everything to him signed, sealed and concealed. Nanon watched as everything that belonged to them vanished. 

It had been Chimon's parents who came through for him. Took him in, bathed, clothed and fed him. No doubt they were angels sent by his parents to help him. When all hope was lost for him, Chimon's father gave him something to fight for, something that made him want to live again. Once he had conducted his own research, Chimon's father indulged with Nanon, told him everything of the conspiracy that happened and how the Chittsawangdee Family had been the one to steal all that belonged to his family. The hotel they gladly told the world was theirs, they stole it made it seem as if they bought it because the "Kirdpan had gone broke" before their accident. 

"I am going to destroy them. All of them, every member of that god forsaken family will not go unscathed" determination in his voice in his face had been bold and evident. But he knew he couldn't do it alone, that's why he was glad to have Chimon's father with him, to give him a helping hand, direct and ensure he got his revenge. 

Abandoning the good qualities his mother had instilled in him, teaching him to be kind and considerate, to always live a hopeful life and not be stuck in the past, Nanon set himself on a path he knew will never bring him happiness nor joy but at least – as he would comfort himself - it would give him the justice he needed, seeing the Chittsawangdee Family in ruins. Now so much had happened, with Ohm in his life, Nanon wondered if it was all worth it.

A call came through, Ohm's name flashing on the screen, making him smile 


"Hey" a tired and defeated voice answered making Nanon frown

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing! Just tired" 

"Have you had a busy day?" 

"Yeah, but Nanon?" he called out. There was something about the way Ohm's voice turned serious if he had something bugging him, by now Nanon could differentiate Ohm's tone of voice and the mood it came with

Slow and almost wavering Nanon answered, "Yes" 

"Can I sleep over at your place tonight?", 

They had been dating for a few weeks, 5 weeks to be exact and never even once had Ohm asked for a sleepover. Nanon sucked a breath biting his lips back

"No funny business though" he mentioned, smiling when he heard Ohm let out a chuckle

"I am coming right up" 

"You here already" 

"Yes! Been waiting for a while" 

A few minutes later, a knock came through at the door. Nanon stood up and opened the door, he found a tired Ohm before him. 

"You look drained" 

'It's because I am. Soon I will be taking over from my father so the workload is just - - gosh - - - anyways right now I just want to eat and sleep, ' Ohm stated as he dragged himself in behind Nanon.  Nanon turned to face him, 

"You are taking over from your father!?!" he asked needing assurance of some kind

"Yes! Soon" 

"You go shower as I sort out dinner", a half smile was all Nanon could give. Ohm gave him a soft kiss on the cheeks right before navigating towards the mini bedroom. 

Nanon didn't want to derail his mission but if Ohm took over then it would change everything. But then again, maybe this was a good thing, every Intel he could get from him. He felt like beating his head against a wall, it was sometimes like this he asked himself how he allowed himself to fall in love with the enemy. 


Being second in command came naturally for Ohm. Perhaps it had been because he had watched from behind the scenes, the 2 most important male figures in his life run their businesses. He was well articulated when it came to the pros and cons of the business. He was currently in his father's study, in their family home, looking through the blueprints of a grand guest lodge they envisioned building and he was to be in charge of the constructions.

From the way it was designed Ohm could tell his father and grandfather were willing to spend money for the new lodge to come into existence. He noted down a few changes he thought would be better suited, realigned the proportions of the corners of the buildings but the measurements were giving him a problem. He needed a reference and knew exactly where to find it.

Opening their safe, he found it stashed inside. He took it out and spread it on top of the table next to his and began assessing them. Half way through Ohm jotting down the referenced measures he did a double take back and recognised that the two buildings had the same blueprints but just modified. A frown appeared on his face, his father had told him this was a new building and never had been in existence before. 

He took the one with old blueprints in hands and pinned them on the soft board before taking the new one and pinning it opposite the other. His eyes went from one blueprint to the next. How was this possible? They legit looked the same. If it had been designed before couldn't they have just told him the new blueprints were modified? At the far end corner, in an almost unrecognised writing it had stated "Property of Kirdpan". Kirdpan? Ohm was sure he heard that word somewhere. 

He settled down on the chair and redirected his attention on the laptop before him. He typed Kirdpan on the browser search engine and found a picture of Mr and Mrs Kirdpan with their two children, a boy and a girl. They were dead, died in an accident 11 years ago leaving a boy as the sole survivor of the family but his whereabouts were unknown. 

"The Kirdpan Family had been well known for their investment in Properties owning -" Just then the door opened, entering both his father and grandfather. 

"Ohm" his grandfather called out, hands ready to engulf in a hug, "How are you son?" his grandfather had asked right after they exchanged a hug. 

"I'm fine grandfather, just dad here keeping me busy"

"I heard but you are a Chittsawangdee in the making soon to take over from your father" before Ohm could answer his father cut through with a question, 

"What Is this?" following the trail of his father's eyes plastered at the two blueprints 

"Oh! This! Nothing, I was actually looking for measurements I can reference to until I remembered seeing this particular blueprints from time to time" 

"You are never ever in your life allowed to use this, do you hear me?" angrily his father unpinned and rolled the blueprints, placing them into the safe, "better yet, let me change the password" baffled Ohm watched as his father changed and set the new pin all the while hiding from being seen. His grandfather had already taken his seat around the table and faced Ohm

"Did I miss something here?" Ohm genuinely asked. 

"Let this be your last time you touch that safe" His father warned him off. 

"Father, who’s Kirdpan?" The four sets of eyes landed on him, anxiety written across their faces confusing Ohm even more. 


His eyes darted around as they scanned the building; Nanon could estimate it being a fourth floor building. The board before the entrance door was written in bold italic, Canal Firms. Letting out a scoff Nanon walked inside, his mind going back to the yesterday's conversation he had with Chimon's father.  

"You have gone soft Nanon" the voice at the other end of the line stated. 

"What do you mean?" 

"What's the progress lately?" Nanon bit back his lips at the question 

"Uhm… I haven't had time to plan anything….. yet'' there was silence at the other end, only silent breath could be heard. Nanon gulped, knowing very well he was lying. 

"Really?. Nanon I know you have been slacking, the motivation you had before vanished, isn't it?" 

"It's not that" quickly he answered "Something things have changed -" 

"I know, even though I am not there I am keeping an eye on everything… on you" instantly Nanon could tell Mr Ruangwiwat knew of what has been going on lately. 

"I am sorry"

"It's okay, it's okay. You fell in love and that's okay" Although he was saying that, Nanon could feel the animosity in his voice, he hated every bit of the fact that he was dating a Chittsawangdee, the very same people that took everything away from him. " But it shouldn't derail you from your revenge. That boy shouldn't be the reason you - sigh - you have survived and lived for this day in your life Nanon. Don't. Derail." 

Nanon nodded before remembering Chimon's father couldn't see him, "Yes" 

"Anything you need, whatever it is to help you, you contact me" 

He wanted progress, well here he was. 

The time of the hour had come and Nanon wasn't sure how he was taking this. He couldn't diagnose his emotions and was just on a roller-coaster, all he could feel was intensified adrenaline rush within him, urging him to do this. He entered the building and introduced himself to the receptionist area, with an intent to see a Mr Canal. Knocking once and entering, Nanon found the said man seated signing on some documents.

"Yes, how can I help you?" 

Nanon stared back at the man taking his view and his whole image engraving it in his mind. As he looked at him, Nanon's mind retraced to this morning's events. 

Nanon was going through his documented file he had been compiling together with what Chimon's father gave him, behind him was a board sticker notes in different colours were placed. He needed to prove 3 things 1) the will was fake and forged, 2) the accident that cost him his family was planned and 3) the family lawyer at the time had been in cahoots with the Chittsawangdee Family to rob him of everything. 

Mr Pukit earlier had advised him to start with the lawyer, write everything there was about him, follow him around if must to see who he was seeing. Surprisingly in his interview, Mr Pukit had only asked him that single question of why he chose law and had been the determining factor. Nanon had truthfully told the said man his real reason, he had listened carefully to Nanon's full story how everything had changed in a swift of the moment and he was here to take it back, all of it back. 

"My name is Nanon Korapat Kirdpan" in a slight and swift moment, Nanon was sure he saw a frown on the man's face before it went stoic. 

"How can I help you Mr Kirdpan?" He was trying to keep his cool, keep everything under wraps and calm but the man's face was pissing him off. 

"Do you remember me?" 

"I don't think so" 

"I suggest you take a very long look at me Sir", and Mr Canal did just that 

"As I said, I don't think so. I deal with so many clients day in day out" 

"Okay fine then. Let me ask in another way. Do you know the name Kirdpan?" 

"Kirdpan? Kirdpan? Kirdpan?" he resonated causing Nanon to let out a snort, "I remember being a client to one before" 

"A client? You were practically family to them. They could never do none without your advice" when Mr Canal didn't respond, Nanon continued, "My name is Korapat Kirdpan, the last surviving child or Mr and Mrs Kirdpan who died 11 years ago along their daughter" he saw the man shift uncomfortably, "as a lawyer the one mistake you could do ever do is leave a trail. You should have killed me when you had the chance" a sudden smirk appeared on Mr Canal's face, full of confidence as if undermining Nanon's presence and determination

"So what? Are you here to declare war? On me? I suggest you don't waste your time" 

"I'm simply here to get what's owed to me and punish those who betrayed and stole from my father" 

"You still a child, focus on school, build your career, date around, do kids’ stuff and leave the adult matters alone" 

"You're underestimating me and that's fine" Nanon stood up from his chair, "Remember this, I Nanon Korapat Kirdpan, will avenge my family's death" bowed down and left the office. 


As the days progressed, more and more guilt kept creeping into Nanon's heart. He had decided to use whatever means he could to get Ohm to reveal and confide in him with regards to their businesses. It hurt Nanon, what he was doing to Ohm but the more he thought of how each one of his family members lavished onto his father's hard work the more it fuelled his anger and revenge more. 

To be honest, Nanon was in a fix and conflicted on what to do. Sometimes he would have much important information about the Chittsawangdee dealings which he could single-handedly destroy but he would hesitate in the process. At the other hand it was Ohm, someone who made everything in his life bright again, even when he saw his apartment for the first time, he didn't care to comment and just accepted his "poor life" and on the other hand he had his vengeance to get on for being robbed of the most important people in his life, robbed of his father's legacy. In this situation, what would his father advise him to do, be happy or live in vengeance?. 

The pen twirled within his fingers, a small notebook in front of him as Nanon scrolled through his laptop, looking and observing Mr Canal's pictures and his associates his PI had sent a few minutes. Nanon was onto the lawyer, thanks to Chimon's father, he had hired him a PI a few days back to follow the said man around and gather information on him and the people he worked for and was affiliated to. 

"He has a meeting with Mr Chittsawangdee this evening" 

"Which one?"

"Ohm Pawat Sir" Nanon bit back his lips as the man stated. What was Ohm doing with Mr Canal?

"Keep an eye on him, also I need you to hack into his laptop the one at his office if need be get a hold of his personal one too, I need information dated back to 11 years ago anything to do Kirdpan and Chittsawangdee Family" Nanon demanded

"Yes sir" 

Placing his phone down, Nanon glanced at his watch, 15: 25 hrs. He was to go out with Ohm and have dinner together, now with this sudden development, Nanon wondered if they would. A knock at the door disturbed Nanon's trail of thought. He moved to open the door to find Chimon's father standing in front of him. Shocked and surprised at the same time. 

"Mr Ruangwiwat, you here?" he opened the door wider to let the said man inside as two bodyguards waited outside. He could only hope Ohm doesn't anonymously arrive. Walking behind him he saw him looking around the apartment, Nanon had no doubt Mr Ruangwiwat was making mental notes about the place. 

"At least tell me you have another comfortable place to sleep in '' looking around Nanon did notice that the place was a bit rundown for a person like Mr Ruangwiwat social status. 

"I had to stick with the plan, be very convincing" 

"And very convincing you did. And now look you live together" Nanon shifted uncomfortably as he stared at the pictures of him and Ohm placed around the house. "My sources tell me he really does think you are poor, that you have nothing to your name, little does he know the privileges he has are yours'' Mr Ruangwiwat stated

"Mr Canal has a meeting with Ohm later on" Nanon mentioned as he tried to shift the focus of the conversation. 

"I know. I know everything before you do Nanon. You know why, because I want to bring back everything that belongs to you and so I have to know the enemy's plans. I even went to the extent of asking Mr Pukit to take you under his wings and teach you, train you in the pros and cons of being a lawyer. But you go and do what, have relationships with the very same people that killed your father, your entire family" he shouted, his voice hard, and cold causing Nanon to flinch. He knew the okay Mr Ruangwiwat had been spouting a few days ago had been a facade. Nanon didn't dare answer, "They took my friend and business partner from me, if I had been here at the time, I would have dealt with them but it was already too late" 

The Ruangwiwat family had not been around in Thailand, during the whole of his family's destruction and by the time they had arrived it had been too late. They took him with him, back to the UK and came back when he began his university thinking it was better to be here and begin the phase of their plan. In order to be convincing, Nanon had to take the image of a lowlife with nothing but struggles in his life working so hard to achieve something. 

They allowed him to study law here and continue with the UK's BBA course. Mr Ruangwiwat stared at him, his dark piercing eyes reminded him a lot like Ohm's, "I Let you take control up to this point but no more, from now on, I will be doing things my way" that took Nanon by surprise,

"But -" 

"But what?" he cut Nanon's off, "Is it Ohm you worried about? I could have suggested you cut ties with him, but seeing how he got you messed up in the head, I assume that will be impossible" letting out a sigh, Mr Ruangwiwat tapped his cane onto the floor as he assessed Nanon's worried face, "What is it?" 

"Apparently, Ohm is set to take over for his father. I know it's wrong and I should be punished but -" he sucked a breath; he could feel his hands trembling, his forehead sweating, "I don't want him to be destroyed. I suggest that, we act now before he becomes in charge so -

"Nanon" the sound of Mr Ruangwiwat voice when he called his name had been nothing like before, it had been low and defeated somehow it made Nanon ashamed of what he had just said. The look in Mr Ruangwiwat was a look of disappointment and evidence of betrayal flashed through his eyes. A few seconds passed without anything being said, before the man before him walked past him and towards the door, "To be honest I didn't expect this from you. I had thought it was infatuation but I was wrong. Am I too late?" Nanon didn't know whether to answer that or not, "I take you as a son Nanon, and I will never let anyone wrong you ever again. What belongs to you will return, I will make sure of that regardless of who is in the way", before he left, he glanced back at him, "We at the mansion, feel free to come by anytime" nodding towards Nanon, Mr Ruangwiwat left. 

The silence of the room was all that was left to comfort Nanon forcing him to get into his head and have a conversation with his thoughts. His anger and hate wasn't directed towards Ohm but rather his father and grandfather, they were the culprit and for Ohm to take control now, he wondered if he really wanted to jeopardise his leadership. He always saw how Ohm was dedicated to his work and his own family legacy to make it work and take it to new heights. In all things considered, the casing point was Nanon had to let wrath unleash on the entire family but the main question was, would he allow Ohm to be hurt in the process? 


Gulping the entire contents of the whisky, Ohm stared back at Mr Canal. He hissed and groaned back the bitter taste as it hit back against his throat. He might be young but Ohm did love to drink whisky, somehow a glass or two seemed to relax him, ease his thoughts a bit and surprisingly enough activated his mind and think and plan more. It was good for him; there were a lot of benefits for him rather than downfalls. Mr Canal was leaning back into his chair, relaxed and calm waiting for Ohm to begin. 

"Whisky is good for you" he stated as he waved the empty glass before Mr Canal's eyes, "But nevertheless, back to business. Mr Canal-" 

"Yes Ohm, how can I help you?" 

"There's something I need to pass by you. Do you know the name Kirdpan?" the man opposite him instantly frowned


"Yes Kirdpan" 

"Uhm… it was once a very famous name, but the family fell down. The man behind the name died in an accident with his wife and kids" 

"Are you sure? Because one child is still alive. Only the girl child died. I tried searching for the boy child but the Internet has only his childhood pictures" when the man didn't answer back Ohm continued, "You were once their family lawyer. So you have absolutely no idea where he is?" 

"Why are you asking about this specific family?" 

"They just interest me. Especially now that I think they have a connection to my family. I saw some of the building plans belonging of them"

"I really don't know about the son's whereabouts, a family relative claimed him and sold the property assigned to the boy and I never heard from them again" Mr Canal was confident in his story and Ohm was aware he was being lied to.

After the countless digging he has been going through for the past two weeks having barely any time to see his boyfriend Ohm found out that it was his family that bought the entire property of the Kirdpan family. Reasons known only to his Father and Grandfather but he was set on finding out the truth. Ohm stared back at Mr Canal, mentally deducing that Mr Canal was a crook man, working hand in hand with his family. 

After turning his paternal house storage room, his father as well as his grandfather's study rooms, Ohm came to learn that, the Coffee shop they owned and the famous Hotel in Thailand weren't theirs from the start, their only true billionaire business had been the Thailand's biggest water park which flooded at about 10000 people per day making approximately a million. Ohm wondered just how greedy could his father and grandfather had been to opt for buying out the hotel and Mrs Kirdpan's coffee shop. Now his mission was to find the solely surviving Kirdpan, hear the whole story and possibly give everything back.

"Mr Canal-" Called out pushing back his chair and walking towards the said man, standing beside him, hands in his pocket, "I may come off as a child, I mean I am 21 years but do not underestimate me"

"I can assure you I am not" 

"To remind you since you seem to have forgotten, my name is Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee. The second in command and the next head of the Chittsawangdee state. I went and studied abroad at a round school where I had to learn to read and observe people. I can assure you when I walk in a room as small as I am, respect is shown to me, I have more than enough earned the respect so I beg of you, don't take me for a fool." 

"I know that and I respect and condemn you for that but all that I said with regards to the Kirdpan family is true '' he was adamant to sticking to his story and Ohm let him be. He was never going to reveal anything if his Father or grandfather never gave him a go ahead.

"Mr Farh" Ohm called out from the landline, 

"Yes Sir" Ohm cringed at that. The man was older than him called Ohm Sir; he could have retorted that but figured it wouldn't make a difference considering how many times he had told the said man to not call him that. 

“I need you to find me a Nanon Korapat Kirdpan. I will send you a picture of him, but it was when he was 10 years old"

"Okay Sir no problem" 

Thinking about a certain Nanon, Ohm took his own phone and called him. He was happy to see and talk to him. He and Nanon had been dating for over a month now and Ohm had ever thought he could find his other half so fast at this point in time. Even though he didn't want to rush Nanon, they had only entered into their twenties, Ohm couldn't help but think of the future, his future with Nanon. He wanted him to be by his side come hell or high waters, he wanted to see Nanon achieve his goals and dreams with him by his side. A few months ago it would have been different, but now he couldn't see his future without Nanon.


Stepping into the apartment, Ohm found Nanon dishing up food for them. Excitedly, he placed down his briefcase and rushed over to the small table between the kitchen and living room, giving Nanon a kiss on the cheek before he sat down. Nanon let out a small giggle in between. After everything was set, he sat down beside Ohm and began eating. It was a simple meal, mashed potatoes, fried chicken with coleslaw and green salads but Ohm devoured it as if it was prepared by a 5 star hotel chef

"This is amazing. Your food always feels like home to me" Ohm complimented giving him a smile, which he gladly returned. 

"I'm glad you like my food"

"it tastes even better after the day I had" 

"What happened?" 

Ohm let out a sigh as he thought back to the information he discovered, "I am currently looking for someone, by the name Nanon Korapat Kirdpan" a cold shiver ran down Nanon's back, stilling in his movements as his heart throbbed. He took a glass of water and sipped to gush down the lump forming in his throat. 

"Who’s that?" 

"A person who our family did wrong and I want to fix it" in the midst of the shock and fear planted inside him, Nanon was still glad to hear the direction of Ohm's thoughts. He was willing to find "Nanon" and sort things out, correct the wrong doings of his family; he didn't know whether he was glad or not, "Let's say it's something I am working on. I don't want to disclose any information for now but once I find this Nanon Korapat Kirdpan I will tell you everything, okay babe!" 

"There are so many Nanon's out there, how will you find the person you talking about" 

"Well, his a boy, around our age and his a Kirdpan, it shall be easy" 

"How will you find him though?" 

"You seem to forget that I'm rich. I hired a PI" 

Nanon didn't know how to take the sudden news. Ohm was looking for him, and by the looks of it he was dead set on finding him. He glanced to look at Ohm; he was eating almost nearing to finish the meal on the plate unknowingly oblivious to the problems he created for Nanon. 


Nanon stomped inside Mr Ruangwiwat office, anger flared across his face, Chimon right behind his trail. He looked at the man seated on his couch, flipping pages through the newspaper with a cigar in his mouth. 

"I will not allow you to do this" Nanon stated, his voice hard, 

"Non, I need you to calm down" Chimon chipped in patting his friend on the back trying to calm him down from saying something he will not regret. 

"No Chimon let Nanon speak his mind. I want to hear his objection to this' ' standing up Mr Ruangwiwat came eye to eye with Nanon, puffing out smoke between intervals. 

"Doing this will destroy Ohm; this is just his first construction - 

“Even better. Attacking Ohm will be much more impactful and will destroy his will before anything else. We need to make him feel like a failure and this is the perfect opportunity" Nanon couldn't stomach what he was hearing, "You wanted revenge Nanon, and this how you get it" 

"No, not at the cost of the person that I love", a glass smash coming into contact with the wall made both Nanon and Chimon jump in surprise. As their eyes moved from the shuttered glass to Chimon's father, the two young boys’ couldn't comprehend the vicious face the man showed. Anger was evident to the point his nerves were popping off

"Love?" he began slowly, "Love?!!!" screams echoed inside the office, "His family murdered your entire family, not even sparing your sister and you want to talk about love" Never in his lifetime had Nanon seen Mr Ruangwiwat this angry, even Chimon had never slight idea, "You were locked in mental asylum because of them, they destroyed what your father built, his hard earned money, the blood and sweat it took for the Kirdpan name to become the name it is, it was because of the three generations of the Kirdpan until it was your father that made it successful" as the man vented Nanon pushed back the tears 

"But his innocent, Ohm didn't -" he couldn’t even finish his sentence, 

"You were innocent, your sister was innocent, and yet they didn't even leave you a single cent" he knew Mr Ruangwiwat, made so much sense, he knew he was right but he couldn’t bring himself to accept that, to hurt Ohm. It was times like these Nanon wondered if he was weak in his resolve. He had vowed to destroy them all but now when the matters of the heart came into view, he couldn’t really do it? Was that how far his resolve went? Nanon glanced at Chimon, who only shook head signalling for Nanon to say no more. Retracing his steps, Nanon left the study. 

"You know how Nanon is. He is kind to those who are kind to him and would move mountains for those he loves, and now you want him to witness the one he loves the most here be destroyed like this?" 

"It's because I know him that I am doing this for him. He's a sensitive kid, I know that but after all that he has been through, he will be fine" once his father made up his mind there was no way to convince him otherwise, Chimon could only listen to what his father said. 


“It is done sir, Mr Ruangwiwat released the report, I will email you everything right now’, the phone dropped from his hands, his heart skipped a bit as a rush shiver ran at the back. Nanon rushed towards the laptop and scrolled thought to find the sent email, it was a business article of the country’s well known newspaper.

‘…………..Ohm Pawat a Fraud?? – The young man, Ohm Pawat has submitted blueprints to the District Board for the new construction of the Chittsawangdee Guest Lodge. But twist in the tail is that, before they could be approved, an anonymous source released similar blueprints made and drafted by the past Sir Kirdpan. Now, just how come does the 21 year old, who always insist on creativity and individuality be the one to steal and submit on someone’s original work? Where is his originality and creativity?.................’ 


xxxxx - Rich people, will cash on anyone’s work,

xxxxx - Oh my god, this makes me wonder if they actually had a hand in their accident.

xxxxx - Always preaching the opposite of what they do, assholes

xxxxx – his so handsome to be a crook, I’m disappointed

xxxxx – they should just shred the proposal to pieces

xxxxx – not the Chittsawangdee painting bad on the Kirdpan legacy, eww, they disgust me

More and more hate comments followed that Nanon shut down the laptop, he couldn’t take it anymore. This was going to cause a backlash Ohm’s reputation. He took his phone and called him but he was unavailable. He couldn’t even bring himself to be mad at Mr Ruangwiwat for what he done; he understood where he came from. 

As documents and papers spread across his desktop, Nanon wondered if he was doing the right thing. Ohm was supposed to arrive any time soon and Nanon had been going over and over in his head how he was going to start the conversation. He was going to tell Ohm everything, and he meant everything. If Mr Ruangwiwat was going to continue with his plan then at least it would give Ohm a heads up right. 

The unlocking of the door made Nanon stand up in the blink of an eye as he watched Ohm come into view. He could see he looked defeated. Ohm walked towards Nanon, his briefcase in one hand and a folder in another. He stood before Nanon, without a single word being uttered out. Nervously Nanon fiddled with his fingers, in his mind trying to figure out he could break the news to Ohm. 

"How was your day?" He figured that was a way to start. The only response Nanon got was a folder thrown before him. His eyes moved from the yellowed file to Ohm and back at it again, "What is this?" Nanon's hands moved to grab the file

"Why didn't you tell me?" immediately Nanon froze, without even having to look at the file, he knew what Ohm meant. His voice was full of pity, hurt and betrayal. 

"Ohm" Nanon called out

"You are Nanon Korapat Kirdpan, right?" When Nanon didn't answer, Ohm moved to ask again, 'You are him right? The last surviving child of Mr and Mrs Kirdpan" Nanon placed the folder onto the table; it took all his might to look up at Ohm. 

"Yes" the answer came as low, almost so inaudible to the ear. Nanon didn't miss the disappointed look in Ohm that came after the answer. 

"So - my family, my family took -" 

"Yes, they did but I can assure you, it's not your fault" Nanon knew nothing could better the situation, even his words fell on deaf ears. The bottom line was that Ohm's family ruined his life and there was no way Ohm would overlook that, it was his family after all.

"Why did you let my family buy you out?" Ohm asked, his gaze never leaving Nanon. The said boy had to do a double take as he stared towards Ohm, buy him out?

"What do you mean by that?" 

"I confronted my Father and grandfather about this whole situation earlier, they told me they bought you out because of the financial crisis you were going through. I mean, I can understand to a certain point but this was your family's legacy Nanon, you shouldn't have done that. And now you have come back to ruin us isn’t it?"

"Wait - buy me out - what are you talking about? Your family did not buy me out, they stole from me. Everything that belongs to them now wasn't bought. They planned everything and took away everything" when Nanon saw that Ohm didn't believe him, he rummaged through the papers one by one handing it over to him to read. 

"What's all this?" 

"My family was murdered Ohm, by none other than your father and grandfather. The family lawyer at the time was in cohorts with your family to take away the businesses my father built. They planned the accident, hired a truck driver to crash with us the day we came back from our annual Kirdpan Christmas foundation. I remember my dad trying to avoid it, but somehow even when my dad maneuverer that car, the man still came for us until we crashed. I was the one that managed to survive" Ohm's eyes stared back at the police report, photos from the accidents and a copy of the road camera. It was all there, "I was in dismay, I mean I was only a kid and didn't know who to turn to, or what to do. I was only left with maids and our lawyer who turned out to betray me. When I couldn't cope with the loss of my family I was sent to a psychiatric hospital" Nanon let out a chuckle as he remembered the screams and amount of begging he did that day, "I was hurt and an emotional mess but somehow they placed me there in a mental asylum with no tests being done or procedures. I was abandoned there'' small tears streamed down as his mind unlocked the memories of his past. He watched as Ohm's eyes darted around, he was shuttering down slowly as he continuously read the reports confirming Nanon's story, "It was Chimon's father, who came and saved me from that hell hole. But by the time I was out the property belonging to the Kirdpan family was all sold out, to none other than your family" silence, "When I moved to the UK with the Ruangwiwat family, I vowed to ruin your family and take back everything owed to me. Ohm -" Nanon’s sentence trailed down as he looked at his boyfriend, in total loss of words.

Ohm didn’t understand what was going on, he couldn’t comprehend what he was being told, and he could see the evidence in his hands but his mind couldn’t bring itself to believe that his father and grandfather could do such a cruel thing to the Kidpan family, to Nanon. Nanon saw Ohm slowly staggering back and slumping down on the small couch as he stared into oblivion his eyes a little bit teary, it was a while before he spoke up, "Then you should '' he had cut Nanon off, "It's your birth right, it belongs to you not my family. If you want to take vengeance and destroy them, be my guest I won't stop you"

"Are - are you sure?" 

"You had to pretend to be poor in order to work in our coffee shop, you had to conform yourself to this lifestyle to take on a persona that is not yours. I mean you even have me in your life, you have come too far to quit now so why should I let you" hurt was evident in the way Ohm spoke, somehow even if he wanted to understand, he felt used.

"Ohm, I don't want you to misunderstand. You are in my life because I love you and not just a pawn in my revenge. 

"But that's the thing Nanon, I don't know whether to believe you or not" when Nanon tried to take a step closer, Ohm only moved backwards, "let me ask you then, when you agreed to be with me, what had been running through your mind at the time. Was it because you love me or you could use me for your vengeance" 

"What ran through my mind at the time was how lucky I was to have found you and made you become a part of my life I never wanted to let go. How I was to make you happy and stay happy knowing that I haven't been happy for the longest time" slowly and cautiously, he walked to him, took Ohm's hands in his, "You are sunshine that reigns over my life, that brightens up my day and gives me hope, to push forward. When I look at you, I can't help but have you in my future. I can't help but think of a house you and I are going to live in one day, with our kids, a dog and a cat and how successful we both will become side by side. I laugh more now and cry less because of you. I find myself smiling and having a clearer mind without thinking to plot how my next move will be. You are the freedom that I have yearned for, and I thank my parents every day for you because every good thing that has happened in my life is because of them and was brought by them to me. I love you Ohm, I really do" swiftly he was taken and engulfed into a hug, strong arms encircled him and the smell of his fragrance gave Nanon a comforting feeling. 

He had tried to keep his cries in, but with his constant hiccups he failed. As Ohm brushed his hair Nanon cried his heart out onto Ohm's shoulders. This pain he had felt was a result of fear, fear that Ohm would not believe him, that he - like his family - would leave him. He doesn't know how or when he stopped crying but his puffy eyes in the end made him fall asleep.

“ _”

Ohm watched as Nanon slept. He could never imagine the pain this poor man went through in his past life all because of his family. But now he was here, he was to make everything alright, starting by giving everything back. His eyes trailed from his sleepy eyes to his lips lingering there before moving closer. He planted a small kiss on them before cuddling himself next to him, burying his head in between Nanon's neck and shoulder, taking his baby powdered like scent. He loved Nanon more than anything and he was going to do right by him even if it meant fighting his own family.

                           < The End >

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