An Epic Love Story

By TanithBot

15.7K 749 39

DRARRY A love story of epic proportions. Like Hermoine loves books. Like Ron loves food. Like Harry loves... More

1. Train to Hogwarts
2. Hal Portland
3. A New Side of Potter
4. Teachers Meeting
5. Inside the Rooms
6. The Report
7. Tears and Questions
8. New Friendships
9. Stories of Love
10. The Isolation Ward
11. Waiting and Hoping
12. Waking up
13. The Betrayal
14. At the Request of Dumbledore
15. Good News & Bad News
16. Jacob Summers
17. The Truth of Ronald Weasley
18. Luna Knows
19. More than a Smile
20. Apologies
21. Dumbledore's Tears
22. Not a Crush
23. Something More
24. Taken
25. The Speech
26. Explanations
27. The Missing Shirt
28. Hogsmeade
29. Words
30. Worthless
31. Breathless
32. The Winnings
33. Graduation Day
35. Goodbye
36. Payback
37. Epic Love

34. Thank You

323 15 5
By TanithBot

After everyone had taken their seats, Dumbledore stood up to say a few words.

"Thank you to everyone who is here to witness the graduation party for the year 1999.  And while it is a sad day, it is also a very happy one.  There have been many trials that these students had to go through, some in a personal fashion, and some not so personal", he said with a twinkle in his eyes, looking at Harry and Draco.  He smiled and continued.

"To the students who are leaving us, may I say Congratulations.  You have all passed with flying colors, just as we knew you would.  You have persevered and held on, at a time when things didn't seem quite so simple.  The hard work that you have put in, shows us exactly what each of you will be getting back from that.  

Miss Parkinson, you are going to be a force to be reckoned with in the fashion industry, and while I am sure your style will be met with vigor, it will never be mine but I dare say, I salute you.

Mr Malfoy, you are by far, apart from Professor Snape, the best potions brewer that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  You are going to go far, and I only hope that you will be able to keep up with the demands of the public.

Miss Granger, you should have been put in Ravenclaw, although I am inclined to think that your bravery during the war outshone your intellect.  As did that of the way you did all you could to help free the elves from working.  I commend you.

Mr Weasley, your temper and your passion has always been your go to in a moment of anger.  Keep these in check, and you too will find what it is you are looking for, if you have not already found it.

Mr Longbottom, your love of herbology is astounding, and to answer your question of last week, I would be happy to hire you as the next Herbology teacher as Professor Sprout is retiring.  Congratulations".

One by one, he thanked them for something they had done, and congratulated them for everything that they had achieved.  Wishing them well for their future, because it lay before them like a feast, and they should do nothing else but enjoy every single morsel.  And then it was time for him to address Harry.

"Harry, you have done the wizarding world a great service.  You have not only survived the killing curse twice, you have defeated an evil that would have taken over our world with no thought whatsoever.  And for that I thank you Harry.  You have never once complained about the abuse or the unfairness of life that was thrown at you, and I am here to tell you that that alone makes you a remarkable young man.  Your loyalty and your fierceness make you extraordinary.

All you want to do is love Harry, and that is what makes you special.  Because you love everyone and have in turn taught everyone else to love, and for that we will never be able to repay you.  

Hogwarts is filled with love for all of you, and I only hope that each of you will remember what it was like when you first entered these halls, and call on us once in a while.  Because believe me when I say, you are going to be missed.  Hogwarts is going to be so quiet without you", he said with a chuckle.  "Good luck to all of you, wherever you go, whatever you do, know that you will always have a place here, in our hearts and at Hogwarts.  Thank you", he said, his voice shaking, and sat down at the clapping.  

Professor Mcgonagall stood up and approached the microphone.  

With a stern look on her face she looked at her students, took a deep breath and started talking. 

"While I am sad to see you go, I am also happy that you have all achieved what you set out to do.  The unity that all of you have portrayed this year is remarkable, and I for one am very proud of all of you.  That you saw fit to get rid of the hate, and move forward with a passion for all things good, will go down in history.  Good luck in your futures, and I hope this isn't the last we will be seeing of you", she said with tears in her eyes and a tremble in her voice.

She sat back down, but there was a sudden sadness in the hall.  "Harry, why don't you say something?", whispered Draco.  Harry looked at him with wide eyes as if to say, I'm not good with speeches.  But Draco insisted and when his friends agreed with Draco, he relented, and stood up.  Making his way towards the microphone, there was absolute silence. 

Harry was breathtaking in his humbleness.  He kept running a hand through his thick hair, and with his earring dangling and swinging with his movements, he smiled and nodded at some of the students.  His stride was long, and every single eye followed his movements, making Draco proud but jealous.

When he reached the microphone, he put one hand in the pocket of his pants, and the other went to rub his neck.  He was nervous, he hated being looked at.  But if this was his last time doing it, he would do it for his friends, his teachers and for Hogwarts.  And of course for Draco, who he had come to love beyond comprehension.  His year having started off with dying, but ending at the prospect of living.

New dreams, new friends, new horizons, there would be no stopping any of them.  

He cleared his throat, because he knew that this was going to be an emotional moment, and although he didn't want to cry, he knew he was going to.  His love for everyone in the room was just so immeasurable, he wondered how his life was going to be without being here, surrounded by it.

He wanted to start off with a bang, and make it a happy memory.  One that he would be able to look back on, and smile.  So great that he would literally be able to feel the emotions just from thinking about it.  

His friends at the table, had taken hold of each other's hands, and couldn't wait to hear what he was going to say.  They would rather it be him than them, and waited with baited breath for him to start.

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