An Epic Love Story

By TanithBot

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DRARRY A love story of epic proportions. Like Hermoine loves books. Like Ron loves food. Like Harry loves... More

1. Train to Hogwarts
2. Hal Portland
3. A New Side of Potter
4. Teachers Meeting
5. Inside the Rooms
6. The Report
7. Tears and Questions
8. New Friendships
9. Stories of Love
10. The Isolation Ward
11. Waiting and Hoping
12. Waking up
13. The Betrayal
14. At the Request of Dumbledore
15. Good News & Bad News
16. Jacob Summers
17. The Truth of Ronald Weasley
18. Luna Knows
19. More than a Smile
20. Apologies
21. Dumbledore's Tears
22. Not a Crush
23. Something More
24. Taken
25. The Speech
26. Explanations
27. The Missing Shirt
28. Hogsmeade
29. Words
30. Worthless
31. Breathless
32. The Winnings
34. Thank You
35. Goodbye
36. Payback
37. Epic Love

33. Graduation Day

345 18 0
By TanithBot

After their passionate lovemaking, they lay down next to each other on the mattress.  Draco in Harry's arms, and they were both where they needed to be right now.  "I love you", said Harry.  "I think I always have".

Draco leaned up and looked at him. "I love you too Harry.  And I know I always have", he said rolling his eyes.  Harry laughed at him, bringing him even closer to him, and kissed him again.  They talked of many different things that night, before sleep took them. 

What they were going to do after leaving Hogwarts.  How much their lives had changed, not just because of the war, but because they had found each other, and wanted to love and never stop.  

How they were going to tell Draco's mother about their relationship, and wondered what her reaction was going to be.  Draco knew his mother would be accepting of them and told Harry the same.  

If and when Harry would contact the Dursleys after all this time, but he thought not.  He told Draco that they were his past, but not his future.  "You are my future Draco, only you", he had said.  Taking Draco again shortly after that, because who could resist the beauty that was there for the taking.  And Draco willingly let himself be loved and showered in affection, because all he had ever wanted was the golden boy to notice him, and he would never stop loving him.

They spoke of the many friends they had made, the winnings, making Harry laugh and blush again.  They spoke of graduation, and how on earth had their time come to an end.  It felt like it was only yesterday that they sat on the stool, waiting to be sorted into their houses.  They spoke about almost everything.

They talked about goodbyes.  It was going to be heartbreaking saying goodbye to everything that they know.  The Castle, the elves, Hagrid and his beasts.  The teachers, the Room of Requirement, the Astronomy Tower, and most of all, their friends.  It was going to be hard, but it was going to be amazing.  And who doesn't like amazing Harry?, asked Draco.

They talked about the love that Harry had felt when he was in the hospital wing.  "Dumbledore told me when I was eleven, and again in my third year, that I had a power - the dark lord knows not - and it turned out to be love", he whispered while holding onto his lover.  

"Are you serious?", asked Draco.

"Yeah.  Voldemort was conceived under a love potion, his mother died giving birth to him, when she had the option to save herself as well.  She wouldn't even stay alive for her son.  That's why it was so easy for him to kill people, because he didn't know the opposite of hate.  All he knew was hate, and that is why I never want to feel that emotion.  Can you understand that?", he asked Draco.

Draco nodded and said it was weird though.  An emotion saw fit to get rid of the most evil of villains in the world, who knew, he said with a smile.  They fell asleep in each other's arms soon after, and when the morning sun blinked at them through the trees, Harry took Draco in his mouth, savoring the taste of him, holding onto him while he reached his orgasm, while Draco kept pulling on the mop of Harry's hair.

"Jesus, you are a monster Harry", he panted, after Harry had finished swallowing all of him.

Harry licked his lips and kissed him on the lips.  "Come on beautiful, we need to shower and get ready", he answered.  Today was graduation day, and they wanted everything to be perfect.  They got dressed in between kisses, and Harry vanished the evidence of their love, not wanting to, but preferring not to leave it there on the forest floor.

After their shower all the students dressed in their best, made their way to the entrance of the great hall.  Harry and Draco in the lead, while everyone was behind them.  Dressed in suits of charcoal grey and light blue shirts, with a tie, they both looked ravishing.  Well, all of the men did, while the girls wore gowns.  Down to their ankles, with thin straps, each wearing a color representing their house.  

They had been told to wait outside the closed doors, until they were called to enter.  The hall had been done up in decorations better than that of the Yule Ball.  There were portraits of all of them hanging on the wall behind the teachers' table, and a microphone, so that those who wanted to say a few words were welcome to do so.

And the food!  It was out of this world.  There were pastries and cakes for dessert.  Main courses like lamb chops, with mashed potatoes and sweet peas.  Roast pork with rice and a garlic sauce, with creamy spinach.  There were little sausage rolls, and olive sticks, and to drink there was pumpkin juice and of course, champagne for the students who were leaving.  

The whole school had gathered to watch the graduation ceremony, including staff from the Ministry.  The two men that had come to see Harry on his first day back were there, wanting to witness his last day, and see how much he had grown.  And he had.  Mentally and emotionally, in fact they all had.  When news of his and Draco's union reached them, they were gobsmacked in the beginning, but remembered his words shortly after.

"Draco is not his father", and they gave him the benefit of the doubt, glad that they were indeed part of this special day.  Everyone had taken their seats, and a special table had been laid out for them.  Upon hearing a whistle, there was total silence in the hall.  With a loud noise, the locks to the door released and both doors opened wide.  Showing the students that were leaving.

Gasps could be heard at the beautiful way the entered the hall.  Harry, with Draco on his arm.  Ron with Hermoine.  Blaise with Pansy.  Neville with Luna.  Theo with Millicent.  Seamus with Dean.  It was glorious.

"Welcome to the graduation of Hogwarts students.  If you would all please rise up and give them a round of applause", boomed the voice of Dumbledore.  All the students and staff, the Ministry workers, the house elves, everyone rose up when they started their walk of fame.  Clapping their hands, making a thunderous noise, some were whistling, some were even crying at the loss of what they felt were the best students that had ever graced the halls of Hogwarts.

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