The Abbey

By Marialixandra

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This is a story that continues with the saga of Planet Charook's corner of it's known world. The Abbey is a J... More

Mongoose Spyder Definitions
Chapter One
Chapter III

Chapter Two

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By Marialixandra

                                                                  Small Article Found In Fish FACE NEWS!

Year Articles Found Sheep Dog Labryinth Service :                        Send down every PIGMY Chimney!

Dearest Little Diary that might grow fat with time:

    Believe it or not the Nurses RN at the Post Abbey Mail Stop Post Pavillion have now received

the Hard Copy of the News just published of a very tiny article found Sheep anse Great Shepherd

News of the NEWSY.  The Article Sheep?  I can'se only go over what is being said anse re said

in the large Abbey itself of where I lie there between life and death, I believe.  This 'tis the report

that came from King Peter of Byzumtine.  This 'tis King Peter Alexander of 5th Regiment of Space

gods Athens for Little Sheep Dog Service high up above Planets.  Read anse re-read as follows:

                                                                             Pages of Light House Keepers

     "Nurse Peters!  Did thee hearest the News of Sheep?  This same little girl now lying

here in our Advanced Life Supports 'tis also in Pergatory!  She t'was taken to a far away

Future of Pergatory of Worlds that we are now Bo-Peeping to anse borrowing from!"

Nurse Emiline saith for thus saith the Lord God again!  

     "Her soul?!" a shocked Nurse Emiline saith for thus saith the Lord God again!  

     Nurse Solomone stood in the offing anse Nurse Solomone 'tis always quiet.

Dr. Pordgy t'was continuing his rounds.  Merlin the Majican stood at a giant suspended

green chalk board anse he continued to write out the Apple Cart for the Nurses RN.  

     Just thence the King of Russian CATS as in King Peter of Byzumtine walked into

the room.  "Fastest Horses!" he whispered quietly to King Ezra of Sheep.  This meant

to send the fastest giant Star Ships to the Future of the World of Pergatory there of

where souls go whence they are not passed on yet anse they could still return to their


     Agog Nurse Evelyn thence came into the larger Wing of the Abbey.  She

carried a letti with her of a Dragon News Letti.  "We are to EVA!  Ninevah will

be destroyed anse we are to EVA Witch the children of the Hen House Henrietta,"

she saith out loud anse into the giant room of a large open Cathedraled Abbey.

The ceilings were very high anse birds flying in could be a problem.  The reports

had come over that there were 1700 men, women and children that were all

in Poltergiest Space as in lying as in their souls lying in comatose as in lying

suspended in a Poltergiest Space.  They could not wake up!  This was due to

the bombs that fell over Petersburgh for the Petersburgh Address as in our

Known World of Ninevah.  I need to catch up on this.  I cans'e simply go back

a bit anse pass on to thee a Letti passed on in a Pie as in a Computer from

the Future found it anse it became passed on to the World back in teim of

St. Peter 1st Dragon Church of Christ as in Ninevah long ago.  This is what

was picked up from a Future Computer of a Pergatory World in the far away

Future years 2020 AD Year of Our Lord.  Read as follows anse Exams:

      Dear Peters of Subdivisions:  (Peters Advent are Police Byzumtine)

           I went into the mind of little Mary Ruth Shoe as her soul t'was taken

by mistake to the Future.  She was to line in the DNA of where the DNA

Computer is to find yourself in a Future anse to line you there.  She 

ended up in a form of a DNA of herself.  As in we repeat ourselves in

a way in our passed on Generations.  Every 1400 generations our DNA

repeats itself anse we have a grandchild of our exact DNA.  So we did

not know this anse whence we needed a Future Advanced Society

to move a soul to in a small Pergatory we ended up with a large

Planet sized Pergatory anse the girl was moved to an exact FROG

Copy of her DNA anse she was moved to be somebody else in the

far away Future.  

      One day this same young girl Mary Ruth Shoe whil'st in the far

away Future Pergatory of a slightly Advanced Society began to breath

in the fumes of Capernium Oil a very obnoxious Oil that harms the lungs.

"They are using Capernium Oil in this far away world!" she crieth out.

It took a few days of this anse she put it all together or Ark Angel Peter

put it all together.  "No!  This Planet would never burn the wrong oil

to fly thier giant Airplanes!  We are breathing in our ole' World!  So

where is King David?  Enemy Iraq is sending up his Military Planes full

of Capernium Oil (a very Explosive Oil) and up and off of the Planet Earth!"

This means a future total advanced Pi Piety though illegal Destruction

of Ninevah!  This means to EVA out the men women and children not and

hopefully all of old men.  Our first reaction?  "Offer Mannah from Heaven

if Enemy Iraq closes it's borders!"  No way!  Wrong idea.  Iraq confessed

in all War Modules - "THey give us Mannah from Heaven to let us take

even the little children of the Hen House of Israel (all children of all Nations)

past our Borders - we answer Israel with this - Adkov!  Adkov - Israel!  This

means that we will bomb ALL of Athens.  (thens means remember - Airports

only.  And this will happen as fast as the Mannah from Heaven falls into

the wrong hands!  So now Mannah from Heaven as in uncut dough as in

it is to be cut as soon as we hand it over.  NEVER do this as in to hand

over Mannah from Heaven or any gold silver!  No never!  Now.  EVA out

of Ninevah now.  Forget the prophecy that we have 11,000 years of peace

before a giant Earth Wave is to come.  Not going to happen.  No not ever!

We ONLY follow War Pages of Space Dragon!  Only this.  Now do this.  Leave

NInevah at once as it will be destroyed very soon as the War Pages are

heated up anse they have wanted this War forever.  EVA means Evacuate

this minute.  For Notes anse Ole' Saurs, I command thee by the Ravin

of dear Ravin Lock Woods that ye' read this Letti by Oh God!  I also need

the seal of Ravin Lock Woods to Open ye' Gates to let Isril through to

EVA to the next World over of a hid World comest to my Dragon a real

dragon that I do fly Mary Poppins over Ole' Worlds anse lazy Dragon

Glens.  The flags t'will be flying at ole' Popeye Gates of Oldish Dragon

Spoons.  Let Isril as in Ninevah anse it's Billions of people move to

these Dragon Glens of Walled of Cities people Pope eaters of the Next

World Goldilocks!  This is King Ferdinand.  I am most likely sending

this via my Raul!  '''''''''''''''''

                                                                                           Zigned Abeta't,

                                                                                         King Bishop Peter Alexander V 

                                                                                  Butterfly Year Alexander Year V

Next Year Diary Entry:  This Entry written in a Spool as in written by

Nurse Emiline.  Nurse Emiline had read the diaries written by little

Mary Ruth Shoe of whom had written the diaries whilst she was in

Pergatory.  Now Nurse Emiline sat by the "grave" of little Mary Ruth

Shoe as in her cot in the Jewish Abbey Cart in downtown Troy Athens

up above Succi anse all Abbey Carts Troy anse all Athens Airports.  Nurse

Emiline now re-wrote this same diary anse this is what she wrote as I

lie there between life anse death.  

Dear Diary anse my Helmet of Salvation:

    Since this Aw Gawd (Oh God), means Holy God hast to listen in here

at this very time.  I am frightened.    Last night I filtered back into the Abbey

for a bettah word.  I filtered back into my body anse the softs lights filtering

into the soft sheer curtains.  My mind anse head felt fevered!  In the fever

though I once again returned to My Real World of where I play Hop Scotch

for Israel Hop the Scotch King David of Israel.  Long story.  My "real mind"

began at once to live in my memories though clouded they were.  Clouded

whence these real memories once took place Dear Abbey Cart for the Jewish

Israel Leader as in myself.  In these memories I groaned.  We lived in the

Abbey no not this Hospital for the Jews.  This t'was with my Aunt Marmalade.

We lived in Wool as in Henrietta free Wool Speech!  Though adults looked

more panicked thence Free Wool Speech.  This t'was of King Joad as King Joad

had left pamphlets reminded our aunts anse mothers of free speech for

the Jews.  Still I am a girl.  Girls are children anse to be seen anse not heard.

Still behind our home calleth Israel's Fodder House for re-claimed children

on War Fronts of the Jew Israel anse Chaldeans, as in behind our home

as in almost a street back sat a very sinister Mansion.  This was filled with

party goers anse Nazi's.  I say that with an explanation point.  The world

had now come down upon me in a tomb.  Not too many days lattah 

an Enemy JAP plane crashed near our home.  Now I am floating between

life and death as I move in and out of my body at the Abbey a One Horse

Messiah Jewish Hospital in the Abbey Cart Dragon.  We are also calleth

Ninevah for it's many Ships that cometh to Sea Port.  The Abbey Cart

Dragon for the War Torn Hospital 'tis in the downtown section of Troy.

This 'tis one of the smaller Cities of Troy.  Troys bring in great catches

of fish in over high abundance for it's War Torn Capita.  So in retrospect

as in looking back on it all - - no one can really starve in Troy due to

the giant fish catches of the afternoon.   

      I am sorry to start a Newish paragraph here as it may not seem right.

Still..... I fell into a Membrane of my mind or my head.  This is how an

Arch Angel gave it to me.  I saw not the Hospital of the Abbey of Dr. Merlin

the Majican.  No.  I saw my sistah?  I can not remember.  She walked towards

me.  "Shh!  She's sleeping!"  I heard Marmee from "downstairs" in our

Rome Fodder House saith to dear ole' Poppywitch.  Oh, I only pretended to

be asleep now.  My mind had moved my spirit back to the Fodder House!  Oh!

My head hurt.  "Quiet child!"  I heard Nurse Abigail saith as she lay her hand

on my very fevered arm.  I could still "feel" my sistah as she stood there, now

I knew in only a mind apparation of the very ill.  Still my mind had drifted

to be back in the Fodder House the Isril home of some of my upbringing as

I am always a War Orphan stationed to live with my Aunt anse Uncle in a PIG

Messiah anse Rome Abbey Cart for the very Wealthy Spoon of the PIG.  This

means the Dredyl as in the Pharmicist BC anse Dr. Able Cornwitch.  "I am

floating between worlds!"  I wanted to moan.  

     A dim light... no a candle seemed to be appearing in the room from the

shadows of the room.  My mind itself seemed to see it.  T'was that Dr. Abbey

comest to call up me in my bedthirst full of wanton fever to big for even me.

I had the making of Scarlettinna from an ole' War WARTs still upon my breast

as it seemed to take my vow of Earth from me.  A Gypsy Camp near our home

had come down with a Black Plague of a Black Plague that came from a nearby

by Camp full of death anse the smells of rats that harnessed there in it's feverished

Estate of Beast anse Affairs of Big Beasts as in the Rats that ran wild there in the

falling rain a la' PIG anse Big Bears Beasts.  The men all Huegenauts as in very ole' 

Ancients Astronauts all died of this same fever that came over from a nearby Camp all

full of filth anse rats.  So all of the men as in the FROG of another King George as

in the Gypsies (Astronauts) died of this very dark black plague.  Thense in just two weeks lattah

a rare breakout that also came from these rats a break out of Scarlet Fever ran the

camps anse all of Camp David.  Our own home the Fodder House ran under Quarintine

anse we t'were to leave our home anse we t'were to live outside of the Villages anse

to live in total Quarintine.  Long story.  I t'will go into it lattah at a lattah date.  We

did leave the Quarintine anse I did come down with Scarletinna Poste Haste the PIG.

      This was the World that I had left behind to now lie in the Abbey after a War JAP

Military Plane had crashed near our home of Abbey Post.  It had been a dangerous world

around me as it heated up to a World War III intended to take out our World in dangerous

proportions.  "Be quiet child!" I heard my great Auntie Tante' as she herself Poste Hastes

the PIG the PIG being the men out on our Torte's as in our Sea Basins of our French Petticoats.

     "Auntie!"  I wanted my Great Aunt Heidelburgh to hear me.  Though how can I speak

as I lie between life anse death.  I cans'e feel the Death Camps around me as I start to move

towards my Coffin that must surely be out on the Fields of the Chaldeans out past Rachael's

Land.  I watched as a large balloon seemed to float on the other side of the dark room.

Maybe another hallucination.  I did not care as I like balloons.  That brought closer to the

old memories of an early childhood long ago though I myself am still a young girl of a fourteen

year old at this time anse our Rome of the Chaldeans.

     I smiled as I lay there in Ravinlock for the Courts Chaldean Horse to see.  We are of very

ole' Space Teams anse our very Ancient Chaldean Star Ships above us.  Our Wars are never

anything but impossible to survive as they come from above anse below anse all at the same

time.  This 'tis the Chaldeans of our King Nebuchenezzar.  This makes it Sadat's Country

of a very evil King Sadat.  We too are of a King Sadat anse our good country land of farms.

We are also at constant war with the PIG of an Evil King Saul anse his Army of Men - Good

King anse his Henchmen.  Though we do not think of him as a good King Coward nor 'tis he

our King as our King 'tis Ole' King Sawlomon, a visiting King from Twin Earth.  

     My brain too weak to fight off fatigue of an endeavoring spirit hid inside me, began to

go back to only a few months back.  I lived part of the time at the Abbey another Abbey

of a Catholic girls sckool Confession for the PIG a la' Port a' Spain anse it's nearby Spanish

Inquisition.  The Nanny Goat had drawn in colorful chalk a drawing of a fish.  This fish FACE

wore glasses.  "These are the fish people of Ninevah of FRAWG King Constant Fish FACE News

of Ole' WARTS Constantine!"  the Nanny Goat explained.  This was whence my own father

Ark Angel Michael Van Givens had promised to come for me.  He t'would come in his own

great Ship above as in Upstairs Goldilocks anse the Great Maid as in Iran the Upstairs Sea

Lion One Horse Messiah for the PIG Maid.  The underbelly of my own Father's Great Ships

a giant Star Ship Jeremiah t'would bring a lot rain to this Planet by the time this giant Global

Star Ship landed on this same PIG as in our Star Globe Utopia.  Our Earth 'tis also calleth 

Earth's Fruitopia for it's giant Farming Goldilocks for the PIG.  So much rain t'would fall in

the next few months that the people t'would be calleth Fish people.  

       "Jeremiah Puddle Duck 'tis the giant Ship of great Ark Angel Michael!"  the Nanny

Goat smiled as she instructed her pupils.  This t'would mean rain anse rainy days on

this great Earth Messiah.  

      I felt the nasea returneth to me Poste Haste the PIG.  Oh my gawd!  I could "feel"

as a Nurse moved over to pull up a shade on a nearby window.  "A Raul!  A Raul t'would

surely be there with a Not of a What Not Bible Pound full of Gertrude Oil Note for the PIG

Atlas out of Iranian Headquarters Govt! inse a Cinderella inse a Mule Not in a FROG for

a Federal Key Isril for Hedgewhig!"  I t'would now most likely float out of my body again

as I kept moving out of my body anse into a Netherworld of a far away Future.  

     "A Raul 'tis there!" a Mistress as in a Nurse sitting nearest my bedchambers saith

to the Head Mistress.  

      "I just tied up the sash!"  the Head Mistress turned in the direction of the Window

almost facing North though it faced West in the Teim Flying Dragons out of East of Edon

Edonburgh Edinox for the PIG.  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

     So the Raul PIG (PIG for Pi in Government Mule) made it's Parchment in the Window

facing West along very ole' Government Trails.  Trails of the Wheels above as in Star Ships

anse One Horse Government of the PIGs Atlas anse all of their Wheels Queen Cleopatra anse

our Star Ships.  Queen Cleopatra is our heavy in a Western Horizon Mule financer of all

Star Ships anse a part of our Star Fleets.  

     The Raul had a giant note or parchment held in his beak.  The impatient Raul stood at

the outside window sill holding the large note delivered from Future Worlds of years 2021

Year of Our Lord Twin Earth.  A Lion's Eye or really a Tiger's Eye is how we Raul as even

Tigers take to Teim Line Witch Abernathy Roads King Joad anse it's Tiger's Eye.  All Rauls

fly only on Teim Travel Roads to be able to take Time Travel Logged Messages back anse

forth between Kings Sadat anse Presidents of Countries.  "Give it to me!" the Head Nurse

of Hedgegrove took the Note from the Raul.  

      The Head Nurses sat down in a rocking chair.  "It saith for thus saith the Lord God

again!"  she held the note in very shaking hands of ole' idle Witch.  "It saith that Ninevah

t'will be burned as surely thus saith the Military's Witch above.  A Talent, yeah a Talent

given to Mistresses of very young maidens is a way to escape to a terrible Ireland though

it 'tis a way out!"  

      "The Roads out of Ninevah are blocked at this time?"  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


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