high school drama // soraxx

By sorajaxxlevi

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sora, a nerd who nobody ever talks to unless they need homework answers. and jaxx, the popular heartbreaker t... More

chapter one - homework
chapter two - project and partners
chapter three - his place
chapter four - fangirls
chapter five - injuries, trust, and love
chapter six - facetime
chapter seven - truth be told
chapter eight - shopping center
chapter nine part one - the christmas dance
chapter nine part two - jaxx's perspective
chapter ten - all falls down

chapter eleven - i'm sorry

1.8K 32 128
By sorajaxxlevi


Sora was lying on his back, feet dangling off the side of his bed. He was holding the locket that Jaxx gave him while it swayed right before his face. The locket was open, with the picture of Jaxx and Sora facing him. 

'He looks so happy,' Sora thought to himself. He rolls his eyes and throws the locket to the side, in between his nightstand and his bed. He grabs his glasses and laptop and starts working on his homework. Hanging out with Jaxx and that whole Winter Ball situation made him distracted from his studies. 

He went to sit on his desk to start his work. He made himself tea and grabbed himself a bowl of tofu, his favorite food. He spends his time doing his homework, studying for future tests, and taking notes for future classes. 

Just the thought of Jaxx was still floating around Sora's head. He tried shaking off that feeling and went back to finishing his assignment, but they always came back. Then he finally typed a few things then turned his assignment in. 

He got out of his seat and went to go put all of his dishes away. He stuffed them in his dishwasher and went back to his room. His room was pretty empty, his desk, dresser, closet, bed with nightstands next to it, every basic thing you find in a bedroom. Sora went to lie down on his bed and tried grabbing his charger, but instead of getting what he wanted, he grabbed the locket. 

He opened the locket and looked at the picture yet again. He sat up from his bed, thinking about if he should really go through with his plan. And you know what? Fuck it. He got off of his bed, grabbed his jacket, and rushed out of his house. 


Sora stood in front of the wooden door that faced him. He wanted to knock on the door, but his hands just wouldn't move. Eventually, after a while of just standing there, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Those meer seconds of waiting felt like hours. He felt his hands starting to sweat at the lack of response he was getting. But then, Sora heard the door handle shaking and slowly saw the door open.

"Hello?" Sora was faced with Jaxx. His hair was all messy and you could tell that he was sleeping before Sora came over.

"Hey Ja-" As soon as Sora said that, Jaxx slammed the door on his face. Sora's face showed a shocked expression but was quickly turned into an annoyed one.

"Jaxx! Open the door!" He kept knocking on his door trying to get Jaxx's attention.

"No! Go away Sora!" Jaxx's muffled voice was heard on the other side of the door.

"Jaxx! Just open the door. Let's talk!" As Sora continued to knock on Jaxx's door for a solid five minutes, Jaxx opened the door.

"What do you want? Do you know what time it is?" Jaxx whisper-yelled to the boy. Sora pushed past Jaxx and stormed into his house.

"Nice fireplace."

"Yeah, what do you want? You have some nerve coming here."

"I am here to apologize."

"You are too fucking late to apologize."


"People know I'm gay, Sora. Do you know how homophobic this school is? The number of times I've been called names and slurs?"

"Yeah, I know what that's like," Sora said under his breath but it was loud enough for Jaxx to hear.

"You have no idea what I am going through!"

"But I do! Do you know the girls who are in love with your comment about how they're yours and how they say being gay is wrong?"

"Yeah, but you are a fucking nobody. The whole school could care less about you. But for me? I was probably the most popular person in our whole grade, maybe the whole school. And everyone heard that message. Do you know how much people fucking hate me now?"

"Is that all you care about? Your popularity? Your reputation?"

"Of course not! I could care less about that bullshit! I just don't want people to know I'm gay! I don't want to go through the same shit I went through with my parents! And none of this would have happened if you showed up at the dance!"

"Oh, so you're putting the blame on me now?" Sora was furious but you could tell Jaxx was fuming. "You shouldn't have invited me to the dance!"

"I invited you because I liked you! I wanted to go to the dance with you!"

"Well that wasn't my fault is it?" Jaxx dug his hands into his eyes and Sora was just furious. He was so mad, I mean, why would Jaxx blame him for his mistake?

"No wonder why your parents hate you. You really are a mistake."

Jaxx slowly removed his hands from his face and turned his attention to face Sora. Sora just stood there, barely even affected by what he just said.

"Get out."


"Get out! Leave!" Jaxx stormed up to the shorter boy. "You want to apologize? Fine, I accept it. Now leave." Jaxx raised his fist and swung it at Sora's face, but luckily the boy dodged it.

"What the heck Jaxx!" Sora ran to where Jaxx was standing before, next to the fireplace.

"Leave! You have no reason to be here right now!" Jaxx pointed to his door, signaling for Sora to leave.

"Fine!" But instead of Sora leaving, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a familiar-looking necklace.

"You wanted me to burn it? I'll do it."

"Do it, you don't have the fucking balls too."

As Jaxx said that, he dropped the locket in the fire. It felt like it was moving in slow motion. Sora kept a stern face while Jaxx still kept his serious face. But you could tell the action hurt him.


"I'm done now. I'm leaving." You could hear the carelessness in his voice and he walked towards the door, purposely bumping into Jaxx.

"Never talk to me again!" 

"Will do!" Sora yelled before he slammed the door behind him. 

And this time, Sora kept his word. 

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