Unrequited? The Series

By StoriDen

76.9K 4.8K 1.6K

This a Ohm and Nanon fanfic but an original story. 17-year old Art has a secret; he's in love with his best... More

Message to the Reader/Characters:
1. -Art-
2. -Fiat-
3. -Art-
4. -Fiat-
5. -Art-
6. -Fiat & Art-
7. -Fiat & Art-
8. -Clover-
9. -Fiat & Jay-
10. -Fiat & Art-
11. -Clover & Art-
12. -Steel-
13. -Fiat & Clover-
14. -Jay & Gear-
15. -Clover & Art-
16. -Gear-Clover-Art-Steel-
17. -Clover-
18. -Gem-
19. -Art-
20. -Fiat & Art-
21. -Jay & Fiat-
22.-Jay & Fiat-
23. -Art
24. -Gear & Fiat-
25. -Clover & Art-
26. - Fiat, Jay & Art-
28. -Fiat & Art-
29. -Art-
30. -Art-
31. -Art-
32. -Art-
33. -Art & Fiat-
34. -Art, Clover, Jay-
35. -Clover, Art, & Steel-
36. -Art & Fiat-
37. -Fiat & Art-
38. -Art-
39. -Fiat & Art-
40. -Fiat-
41. -Steel & Fiat-
42. -Art, Fiat, & Clover-
43. -Clover-
45. -Art-
46. -Art&Fiat-
47. Art
48. -Fiat-
49. -Fiat-
50. - Art -
51. -Fiat & Clover-
52. -Art & Fiat-
53. -Art & Clover-
54. -Art & Fiat-
55. -Art & Fiat-
56. -Fiat-
57. -Steel-
58. -Art-
59. -Fiat-
60. -Art-
61. -Fiat & Clover-
62. -Steel-
63. -Art & Fiat-
64. -Jay & Art-
65. -Clover-
66. - Fiat & Art-
67. -Steel-
68. -Jay & Gear-
69. -Clover & Steel-
70. -Art-
71. -Clover & Art-
72. -Gem & Art-
73. - Art-
74. -Gear & Art-
75. -Art & Fiat-
76. - Fiat-
77. The Inspo
78. -Fiat & Art-
79. -Fiat-
80. -Art & Fiat-
81. -Art-
82. -Fiat & Art-
83. -Art-
84. -Fiat & Art-
85. -Art-
86. -Art & Fiat-
87. -Art & Fiat-
88. -Steel-
89. -Art & Fiat-
90. -Art & Gear-
91. -Fiat & Art-
92. - Art & Fiat-
93. - Gear, Fiat, Steel & Art-
94. -Gear, Jay, Art, & Fiat-
95. -Art-
96. -Art, & Fiat-
97. -Art & Fiat-
98. -Art, Fiat, & Steel-
99. -Art-
100. -Art & Fiat-
101. -Art & Fiat-
102. -Fiat & Art-
103. -Art & Fiat-
104. -Art & Fiat-
105. -Art & Fiat- The Final Chapter.

27. -Fiat & Art-

749 48 8
By StoriDen

A/N: Play Song 🌹🌹🌹
{Mirage}{by: Elina Stridh}


"Are you ok?" Clover asks.

I look at her dazed. I didn't even see her walk up.

For the past week after my classes, I have been going to Arts faculty and sitting on the floor outside the photography club waiting for him to finish. Then I walk him home, more accurately I walk behind him.

I nod as she sits down next to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm meeting Gear, he should be done soon. What are you doing?"

I look down at my hands, "Waiting for Art."

She sighs, "Why do you keep doing this?"

"I miss him."

"Can I ask you something?"


"You must have known this would happen, why did you do it?"

I look at her for a few moments collecting my thoughts.
"It hurt too much to keep it inside."

"Do you realize how selfish that was?"

I nod.
"I'm realizing I'm really selfish, especially with Art. But I don't know how to stop. If I was a better person I would leave him alone, let him be happy. But when I don't see him it feels like I can't breathe, it feels like I'll never be able to breathe again. And before I know it my feet are moving to find him."

"He just wants to be happy."

"It may sound terrible but if him being happy ..means I don't exist to him...I can't stay still because I don't exist without him."

"Of course you do. You did before him and you will after."

"No Clover, there is no after Art. Not to me, never to me. I don't exist if there is no Art."

Can I be honest with you?"

I nod.

"This isn't going to work. Art doesn't trust you because of how selfish you are. The more selfish you are the more you drive him away."

"But I don't know what else to do."

"I think you need to let him go."

I snap my head and glare at her. "What are you talking about?"

She looks at me for a few moments,
"I wasn't totally honest before I'm not just here to see Gear...Art text me..he wants you to leave before Blue comes up to see him."

"Blue? Who the hell is Blue? Where the hell did he come from?"

Clover shakes her head.
"Listen to me Fiat..really listen if you ever want Art to speak to you again. Do not act up, do not get in his business, and respect his choice to move on."

I take a deep breath and shake my head.

Clover clears her throat,
"Fiat, do you remember when we were like nine or ten and you gave Art your old toy car and he fixed it up?"

I scowl at her in confusion, "Faintly, why?"

She absentmindedly chews on her bottom lip, considering her words.
"You should think about that."

"What are you talking about? Why are you bringing that up all of a sudden?"

She stands up suddenly and looks down at me. "Come on, you have to go now. Just think about what I said."

"You didn't say anything. What about the toy car?"

"That's all I can tell you, try to figure it out. How everything that's happening now relates to the toy car. I got to go and so do you. Do not be out here when Art comes out."

She quickly turns and walks into the clubroom.


-A few weeks ago-

The phone rings.

"Hello this is photography, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I wanted to ask when would be the best time to drop by to take my faculty photo for the yearbook?"

"Give me a moment as I look at my schedule."

"Yes of course."

"Hmmm, what days are you available?"

"I can do it any day this week after 4:30"

"Ok perfect. How about this evening?"

"That would be great. Is there anything I should bring?

"Just a clean and wrinkle-free shirt that meets uniform guidelines, your student i.d, and a smile."

"I can do that."

"Can I have your name and faculty please?"

"My name is Blue, and I'm a medical student."

"Ok, I got it. Don't forget to bring your i.d."

"I won't, thank you again."

"That's what we are here for, see you this afternoon."



I sigh in relief when I look out into the hallway and Fiat is gone. Thank the spirits. I really don't want to have to explain Fiat's weird behavior to Blue.

Blue turns the corner and smiles at me.

"Are you ready for dinner?"

I nod.

"I'm really hungry."

I smile at him, Jeez why is he soo handsome?

We walk a bit in silence.

"Would you like me to carry that for you?" He asks looking at my bag.

I shake my head. "It's not heavy. What are you in the mood for?"


"Perfect, I literally never don't want pasta."

He laughs, his smile is too much.
"Does anything else exist but pasta?"

"Nope, I have never eaten anything but pasta."

We both burst into laughter. I have no idea why that's funny.

We are giggling when something catches my eye, more accurately someone. Fiat is leaning on the wall of the faculty building across the courtyard, watching us.

Reading my changed expression Blue starts to follow my gaze. I wrap my arm around his and pull him along.

"Don't forget about dessert. I eat dessert too."

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