Arrangements (Yandere Team Bu...

By soupy-sadness

19.9K 611 929

A broke college student is roped into a mission with the Italian mafia after her mafioso sugar daddy is murde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

2K 80 95
By soupy-sadness

Awkward would be the best way to describe the car ride to Pompeii. The van was filled with an uncomfortable silence.

Fugo was in the driver seat, Giorno in the passenger  seat with a map in hand, Abbacchio sat behind the driver's seat, attention fixated on the passing scenery of the window, and (Name) seat behind the passenger seat.  She sat criss-cross applesauce, her elbows rested on her thighs and her head in her hands. Her eyes were fixated at the back of Giorno's head - taking note of his striking blonde locks and gorgeously thick eyelashes - as she zoned out in her thoughts.  The silence was soon interrupted by Giorno.

"Fugo, it seems we needed to turn right back there." With that slipping out of the blonde's mouth the vehicle came to an abrupt stop, tires squealing as it did so. The quick braking caused (Name)'s body to be flung forward, the seat belt prevented her from colliding with the back of the passenger seat. After her body was jerked to the back of her own seat, she looked down to notice that the muscular arm of the tall mysterious Abbacchio was extended in front of her as another cautionary measure. Upon noticing this she sent a grateful smile to the man in all black in appreciation of the gesture.

"Isn't it a little late to be telling me that?" Fugo asked with irritation soaking his tone, finger tapping on the steering wheel as he kept his darken gaze forward, "What good does it do to inform me of a turn after the fact?" he continued to scold.

"You're exactly right." Giorno conceded, "Next time I will-"

"Did I say anything about next time?" he continued to reprimand voice raising, "I'm talking about now!"

"Mr. Cranky pants" (Name) interjected as she leaned forward placing her hand on the shoulder of the passenger seat as she did so, "It's a simple mistake with an easy fix, just make a U turn. There's no need to get so pissy."

"Stop calling me that!" Fugo started snapping his head in the girl's direction sending a violet eyed glare her way.

"Not vibing with Mr. Crankypants?" (Name) asked as she tapped her chin with her well manicured finger, "How about negative Nancy? Or pessimistic Polly? Debbie downer? Cynical Cindy?" The short tempered mafioso's fingers dug into the steering wheel as the college student listed off the potential nicknames" Oh, no I've got it!" (Name) beamed with a smile on her features," Fuming Fugo."

"(Name) be quiet!" the blonde hissed, his glare growing more intense, "How did we get stuck with you here?"

"Because-" before  the girl could explain Fugo began to rant.

"Because you already have Bucciarati wrapped around your finger." the blonde scoffed with a roll of his eyes as he began to mock the girl's higher pitched voice "Oh, Bucciarati. I've never been to Pompeii before. Can I please tag along? I promise I'll stay out of trouble." As he mocked the girl's voice he brought his hands together and brought them to his cheek, batting his eyelashes. (Name) cocked an eyebrow at his actions.

"I don't talk like that." (Name) responded as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat staring daggers at the antagonizing male.

"Yes, you do!" he retorted pointing a finger at the girl, "You're a spoiled brat."

"I am not a brat!" (Name) shot back with a glare, "Generally, if you ask nicely for something people will give it to you." a smirk came to her face as she continued, "You wouldn't know about that though, huh? Niceness doesn't seem to be your thing."

"Using a mind manipulating stand gets you what you want too! Obviously you know all about that." he retorted. The teens' eyes narrowed at that comment.

"What're you implying? What makes you think you can be such an assho-" before (Name) could finish Abbacchio interrupted her with a swift kick to Fugo's chair.

"Check your temper. We're in a time crunch. We don't have time for you two to bicker like an old married couple." the older man scolded.

"You think I don't know that?" Fugo grumbled, still irritated. With that he began driving again, swifty making a u turn. When Fugo was in check, the long haired man turned his attention to the college student sitting next to him.

"And you need to stop antagonizing him," he stated firmly. His demeanor was stern, with eyes that meant business. The (hair colored) girl paused for a moment before nodding in response, and turning her gaze away from the intembating stand user. Abbacchio, satisfied with her reaction, settled back into this seat with a smirk. The blonde in the driver's seat sent a mild glare back at his team member from the rearview mirror, envious of how easily he made the girl quiet down.

"Which way did I need to turn?"Fugo grumbled once more as the vehicle came to a stop at the stop sign Giorno had made the mistake at.

"That way." (Name) piped up pointing right. Fugo's face dropped at that response.

"(Name), I can't see what direction you're... pointing... in" he responded in a frustrated mutter, one hand coming to his forehead to rub his temple.

"She's pointing right." Abbacchio sighed with a slight snicker. 

The rest of the drive to Pompeii was spent in silence After Fugo parked the vehicle, the three men stepped out. (Name) was digging around in her purse for a moment before finding the item she was wanting to take along with her, pepper spray. Military grade pepper spray in a compact hot pink container to be exact. As she made her way out the vehicle she lifted the skirt of her dress and put the defense item in the pocket of the athletic shorts she sported underneath the dress for the sake of modesty. After doing so she closed the vans door and caught up with the three mobsters.

"I haven't been to Pompeii since I was a kid." Abbacchio spoke as the girl caught up to the three. Her head turned from side to side in amusement, there was so much to take in and look at! If only she had the time to fully appreciate the historical site.

"Ohh, Giorno, have you been here before?" (Name) asked as she walked next to the maginata suit wearing blonde. A sweet smile adorned itself on her face, as she gazed up at the male awaiting a response. 

"This is my first time here as well." he said with a soft smile in return. (Name) nodded before continuing.

"It's amazing how everything is so well persevered, don't you think?" the girl inquired.

"Most definitely." he returned.

(Name) looked over to Fugo and Abbacchio; they were a few feet ahead, so she took the opportunity to lean in closer to the blonde as they walked, putting her hand to her face as she whispered, "I think you were doing a good job navigating. Don't let Fuming Fugo get to you." she slightly pointed her free hand to the blonde up ahead. The blonde let out an airy chuckle as he playfully shook his head.

"Don't worry, I didn't take it to heart." Giorno assured. Her concern was enduring.

"I said don't call me that." Fugo huffed, glancing back at the pair. "Our destination is a hundred meters ahead. If we get what we need without interference, we should be out of here in thirty minutes."

A hundred meters? I still don't have the metric system down. I have no clue how far that is.

"Speaking of interference." Abbacchio began as he turned his gaze backwards as well, "Bucciarati wants (Name)'s safety to be a priority."

"Such a liability." Fugo rolled his eyes. (Name) sent a glare his way rather than gracing him with a verbal response.  This response earned a glare from the long haired male.

"Don't listen to him. Just do as you promised, and stay out of trouble." Abbacchio insisted as he raised an eyebrow, "You can do that, correct." (Name) nodded in agreement. "Good. Now let's get going." Before the gang could move further Fugo piped up with his eyes glued to the mirror on the wall in front of the group.

"Eye's up." he started catching the attention of the group, "There's an enemy watching us from behind that pillar." Giorno and Abbacchio glaced backwards to the pillar, only to see nothing.

"Which pillar are you talking about exactly?" Giorno inquired, still gazing backwards.

"Open your damn eyes, Giorno. The one behind us." Fugo hissed, eyes still fixed on the mirror, "He's coming this way!" (Name)'s eyes widened as she looked around in a panic.

"Fugo, where are you seeing him?" (Name) asked not seeing anyone besides the three men she had arrived at Pompeii with.

"Behind the pillar!" Fugo returned with haste he turned on his heels, his jaw dropped when he saw what the rest of the gang was seeing, nothing. "What? I saw his every move with this mirror!" he exclaimed and turned to point at the mirror once again "He's manifesting his stand, one of you attack!".

"You're not making sense!" Abbacchio said in confusion. (Name) thought for a second before piping up.

"We should get away from the mirror." the (hair color) girl cautiously advised as she began to move forward to grab Fugo's hand to pull him out of the way. He was the closest to the mirror out of the four, surely he'd be the first to be endangered , "If Fugo is only seeing this guy in the mirror, surely he has some sort of mirror stand ability." Before (Name) could grab ahold of the blonde he confirmed her theory.

"She's right!" the hot-tempered male cried out, "Get away from the mirror!" He had attempted to lounge backwards to push his comrades out of the way only to disappear into seemingly thin air.

"Fugo?" (Name) questioned as she gawked at the spot the male had once stood mouth a gape and (eye color) eyes resembling a deer in headlights. While she was trying to wrap her head round the situation Abbacchio began yelling out for the missing male, and Giorno began to investigate the mirror that Fugo had confirmed the college students' suspicions of. Touching the reflective surface and looking behind the suspicious item. (Name) snapped to action at the sight.

"Giorno, you gotta get away from the mirror." (Name) anxiously advised as she approached the blonde male, "Fugo was warning us about a stand user. He has to be manipulating the mirror in some way." The blonde continued to investigate the mirror, much to the girl's dismay.

"That means Fugo's gotta be in there." the blonde stated.

"Yes, exactly. But we don't know how this guy's ability works."  (Name) began once she was able to reach the blonde she grabbed his forearm, and gently pulled him out of the mirror's reflection. Rather than resisting her pull he stepped to the side as the girl wished,"I have a feeling we shouldn't be looking in the mirror till we have a plan. We can't help Fugo if we're all inside the mirror - or taken to wherever that guy took Fugo.." The taller male glanced down at the girl. Her theory made sense.

"Good thinking." he nodded as she removed her dainty appendage from his forearm and tapped her finger on her chin as she thought.

"We gotta find out how this guys ability work-" before (Name) could speak further Abbucchio jutted into the conversation with a thundering warning.

"(Name)! Giorno! Back up slowly!"

(Name) paused and did as instructed, but the mafia newbie was hesitant to do so.

"Why? Are we being attacked?" the blonde asked as he materized his stand once he saw the purple and white patterned humanoid stand crouched on the ground a few feet away from him.

"No, that's Fugo's stand!" the long haired man yelled,

"Your stand is part of your soul." (Name) began to speak, mostly to herself, "So that means he's still alive...wherever he is."

"Exactly. He  has to be fighting for his life wherever he is. He rarely summons his stand."

Abbachio confirmed at this point she had backed up far enough to be within the older man's arm span, he immediately grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back further from the wrething stand, "Get your ass over here newbie!" he proceeded to bark at the blonde with a mix of concern and anger plastered on his face.

"You're not making any sense!" the newcomer barked back.

Abbacchio is a scary guy, so for him to have this kind of reaction... Fugo's stand has to be dangerous.

"Abbacchio, what does his stand do?" (Name) inquired from behind the man worry laced in her voice.

"It's a lethal virus." he retorted, upon hearing that Giorno began to back up, "You see those capsules on its hands? When they break the gas containing the virus is released. When airborn it spreads quickly via contact. When infected it'll stop your metabolic functions, rotting your body from the inside out." (Name) nervously gulped upon hearing that, the guy that hated her had a stand that would easily murder her. She could easily end up like one of the crows on the ground if she pushed his buttons enough.

"Shit" (Name) cursed under her breath before letting out a concerned yip, "Giorno, back up!" He was standing a few feet in front of the pair. He didn't protest the girl's desire, and took a few long strides backwards to be next to the taller male.

"Abbacchio, do you know purple haze's range?" the magenta clade man asked.

"5 meters. So, he must be close by."

Shit, I wish I would've taken more time to learn the metric system!

"What would you say the infection radius is?"

"We're safe at this distance" the tall man retorted, "After prolonged exposure to the elements the virus will die. But stay alert." The stand remained in the same spot with a furious grimace showing through clenched teeth, panting, trembling with rage,drooling, letting out the occasional howl, and jab at the air.

"Why's it lashing out?" (Name) inquired watching the stand thrash around.

"He's unable to control it at the moment.Since purple haze is out of his sight." Abbacchio responded to the three watching as the stand began to have a neurotic fit over drool landing on its thigh, and a vain attempt to clean it up.

"Not to be rude, but it doesn't seem very bright" Giorno commented with a raised eyebrow.

"We're seeing the manifestation of the most savage side of his being." Abbacchio stated, "We gotta go."

"Go? Are you insinuating that we ditch Fugo to get the key?" Giorno asked.

"If we don't get the key Purple Haze will liquify all three of us." Abbacchio barked in rebuttal towering over the shorter blonde male.

"Getting Fugo back, and then seeking out the key would be our best bet at success." the blonde retorted in a claim manner.

"We need to get the key. I want to help Fugo as much as you do. Hell even more, believe me. But the key is our number one objective. If it were me in there, I'd want you to carry out the mission rather than saving me. (Name), let's go." the silver haired man directed. (Name) cocked an eyebrow before for repsodonding.

"Frankly, that's bullshit." Giorno returned, causing Abbacchio to scoff.

"I'm not fuming Fugo's biggest fan." the girl interjected between the two men bickering, "But I've gotta agree with Giorno." (Name) piped, "It's wrong to leave Fugo behind. I know that I wouldn't want to be the person getting ditched, so I'm not gonna do that to him." (Name) resonsoned, "Besides, getting him back is the best way to find out how this guy's mirror ability works."

"Exactly." the shorter male agreed, "Finding out how we're being attacked is imperative."

"Plus, this mirror jackass also doesn't know what we're looking for, so we're not in a race to find what we need. We have plenty of time to save Fugo's cranky ass." (Name) added.

"The directive is to get the key. And that's what I plan to do." the long haired male stated, "The second priority is keeping the girl safe" he gestured to (Name) as he spoke, "Don't let your arrogance get her killed, asshat." with that the male dashed in the direction of the mosaic.

"(Name), are you able to influence the body's immune response?" Giorno inquired, gazing downward at the female stand user.

"I can't make your body create antibodies if that's what you're asking." (Name) responded. She bit her lip and anxiously tapped her finger on her chin  as she thought for a moment of what her stands ability would allow her to do, "I think I may have an idea of what kind of plan you're cooking up, Giorno. I think the only way I could improve your immune system response is by stimulating it into overdrive. That wouldn't stop the virus from infecting you, but it could, in theory, delay its effects."

"How long of a delay?" the maginata suited man asked.

"Are you seriously considering this? I can't make you immune to the virus. If you're infected you'll die or lose a limb at the very least." (Name) asked concern adoring her features. The mafioso sighed, placing his hands on the girl's shoulders, and met her eyes.

"(Name), respectfully, now is not the time to argue about this. I need you to answer my question. All four of our lives are at stake." The man's turquoise eyes held a dazzling intensity as he spoke assertively yet rationally despite the situation, "How long will the delay be?" 

"With the corrosive nature of the virus, I'd say about two to three minutes." (Name) spoke trying to mimic the level headed energy of the blonde holding her.

"That's perfect!" the mafioso said with a small curve of the lip, "From what I've observed from the crows, Purple Hazes virus takes thirty seconds to take effect. That's just enough time for me to carry out my plan, please use your stand on me, (Name)." The (hair color) girl gave the man a hesitant sigh before responding.

"Umm, are you confident that this will work?" (Name) mumbled.

"Yes." the man responded with utter confidence.

"Giorno, you're insane... But I trust your judgment." With that said (Name)'s dainty hand reached for the blonde gangsters' comparably larger one resting on her shoulder,  once she made physical contact with the males skin her stand was able to enter his body and project his neuro pathways to her eye. The stand bounded from synapse to synapse until it reached the hypothalamic-pituitary-axis, the stand increased the electrical impulses to stimulate the gland to rapidly increase Erythropoietin production, which would stimulate the lymphatic system into creating an abundance of white blood cells to combat purple haze's virus.

With that being done (Name) removed her hand from the males, causing her stand to eject itself from his body and despawn. Her vision then returned to her eye. Upon regaining her full sense of vision she was able to catch a glimpse of Fugo's stand in her perferreral vision. She felt her heart hit her ass at the sight.  It's full attention was directed at the female stand user, rather than the tantrum it was previously throwing.It was huffing and puffing more intensely then before, eyes locked on the female like a predator stalking a prey. A wolf stalking a frightened woodland creature. A bull being taunted by a red cloth - ready to pounce at any moment. The feral stand seemed to be drooling more profusely at the sight of the girl - as if it hungered for her attention. Upon meeting gazes the stand let out a growl as it  opened its purple and white patterned arms and began to stalk in the direction of (Name) -and subsequently Giorno- drool still oozing from its grinning mouth.

"Giorno" (Name) whispered and pointed in the direction of the ravenous stand slowly creeping towards the pair. Upon taking note of the stand's sudden change in demeanor an    intrigued expression eclipsed over the blonde's elegant features. 

"Summoning your stand may have attracted it." The male theorized  "You should catch up with Abbacchio. You getting infected is the last obstacle we need. I can handle it from here." Giorno said with haste.(Name) didn't argue, she did as the mafioso had instructed, she put her full trust in him. The heels of her shoes clicked with each of the swift strides she made in the direction the silver haired mafioso ran.

"I'll ask you once more. What's your team doing in Pompeii?" The long haired brunette antagonized standing over the blonde doubled over in pain within the mirror world.

"Like hell I'd tell you!" Fugo spat, from his position on the ground.

"Oh, what a shame." the male sighed with a shrug, "There's three more people in your little posse, I'm sure I could get one of them to squeal." the hitman contemplated for a moment before a grinch-like smirk adorned his features, "I'm sure that girl who's with you would be easily persuaded." Fugo's violet eyes widened at the prospect of (Name) being brought into the mirror world. Her being here is such a liability. What was Bucciarati thinking?!

"You leave her alone!" the blonde shot back  with a glare in his eyes.

"Ohh, did I stick a nerve." the stand user chuckled as he playfully wagged around his finger downward, "Surely Bucciarati wouldn't be as imcompatent as to let the boss's daughter accompany you on a mission. So, who is this girl? I don't even have a file on her." the hitman tapped his foot as he waited for an answer.

"She's not a part of this." Fugo snapped back, voice beginning to raise. Illuso rolled his eyes at the injured stand user's response.

"Quite the clever little thing as well. She seemed to have figured out my mirror ability before you and the others did. Would've been wise to listen to her and get away from the mirror." Illuso continued to patronize, "And I thought you were supposed to be the intelligent one. Why don't you tell me her name?"

"I SAID-" before Fugo would finish his exclamation clicking of heels could be heard quickly approaching.

"Oh that must be her! How about I ask her myself." the man smirked, "I'm sure she'd love to watch me terminate you. Surely that would get her to spill her guts on your little plan."

"Don't you dare!" Fugo hissed, he attempted to get up to intercept the man, only to fall back to the ground with his injuries.

"Thanks to your stand breaking the mirror on the outside, I have tons of shards of glass to transport her here with!" the male snickered as he used one of the multiple shards to bring the girl into his realm.

One second she was running after Abbacchio and the next second she was plopped down hard flat on her ass on the cement ground. The change was utterly jarring. She sat with a deer in headlights look, mind struggling to wrap her mind around what had occurred. Utter confusion on her features. She took in her surroundings in disarray.

Had she been abducted by aliens or something? She continued to look around, mouth dropping when a familiar green suit caught her attention. His expression contained a disappointed and defeated  look at the sight of the girl in the mirror world. His bloodied form drew her into action.

"Fugo!" (Name) piped as she sprung to her feet, "Holy shit, we were so worried about you! What happened? Where were you? Where's that jackass that took you into the mirror?" questions began to spew out of the girl's mouth as he approached the male.

"Behind you!" Fugo warned as he pointed behind the girl. Before (Name) could react a hand forcefully clasped itself around her bicep and yanked her backwards. She stumbled back in the direction she was pulled into and glanced upward to see who her attacker was. She was met with the slight of a brunette haired mafioso towering over her.

"The jackass is right here." the hitman smirked, grip on the girl's arm tightening as he recalled the insult.

"Don't you hurt her!" Fugo piped, still attempting to get up, but his weakened state wouldn't allow him to do so.

"What did you do to him?" (Name) asked glaring up at the man. He rolled his eyes at the girl's question.

"Enough about Fugo. You're an interesting girl." Illuso purred as he continued, "Why don't you tell me your name?"

"Don't say anything!" Fugo yelled.

"You wanna know my name?" (Name) asked, still looking up at the man in the quilted suit who simply nodded. A small smirk came to her face, "My name is Deez."

"Deez what?" Illuso insisted.

"Deez Nuts." as the girl spoke she activated her stand, with it entering the male's body though the skin to skin contact with his hand and her upper arm. 

"WHAT?" Illuso hissed as he saw the stand dive into his palm and vanish "How did you get your stand into my realm?!? I only brought your physical self in here!"  Mind Games traveled through the electrical impulses and reached the mafiosos brian, upon arrival to the cerebellum attempted to stop communication to the motor cortex, in turn paralyzing the males legs. Before successfully doing so (Name) was solved to the ground by the mafioso. A small whimper escaped her as she collided with the ground, landing on her bottom. The lack of physical connection led to her stand being forcefully ejected from the brunette before it's task could be finished. Without a vessel to enter the stand despawned.

"You little bitch!" The man hissed as he grabbed his left leg, "I can't feel my damn leg" a fiery glare was sent down at the girl.

"My stand is part of my eye, dumbass. If you left my optic nerves out of here, mind games wouldn't have been able to enter." (Name) sassed up from her position on the ground.

"Mind Games? What a fitting name." the man mocked,"Lets see if you still have a stand after I rip out your damn optic nerves." the mafioso with newly wounded pride snarled as he attempted to limp towards the girl. (Name) smirked as the newly disabled man inched closer. Her hand began to slip under the skirt of her dress as she took a hold of the self defense item she had brought along just in case.

"Oh you get off to getting called a little bitch." he began to tease with a smirk, "I'm sure you'll still be pretty after I rip your eyes out of their sockets!"

"I've got another trick up my sleeve." (Name) bragged.

"What would that be?" the brunette antagonized. When the man inched closer into range, (Name) whipped out the hot pink container. She aimed it at the man's eyes, and pressed the button to spray him. Making sure to turn her own eyes away from the line of spray.

"Shit!" the man cursed as he covered his now burning eyes. He continued to curse and rub his now redded and watery eyes as (Name) lounged forward to grab the exposed skin of his ankle, this would allow her to stand to enter his body once again. Before she could make skin to skin contact the man gave the girl a swift kick to the face. Causing her to whine and recoil backward. Her hand moved to nurse her now bleeding nose. "I'm not making the same mistake twice. I'm not letting you touch me." he hissed. Heavy footsteps could be heard from outside the mirror realm, making the newly wounded mafioso grin, "You two aren't even worth the effort of killing you. You can both rot here while your friend leads me to exactly where your little mystery item is."With that said the man dashed away as fast as he could with the new hindrance of the  dead weight of his left leg.

"(Name) what're you doing?! You gotta stop him before he gets to the mosaic." Fugo said distraught as he frantically tried to get up once more. (Name) got up from where she was shoved and dusted her dress off.

"Giorno has a plan." she simply explained as she approached the bleeding mafioso and kneeled down in front of him and reached out for his hand, "Let me see your hand, I can get your body to start healing itself."

"A plan?" Fugo scoffed, taking a quick glance at her hand, "You should be stopping that Illuso bastard instead of helping me. How do we know that the newbie's hair brained scheme is gonna work?" (Name) paused for a moment before answering.

"Giorno is hell bent on getting that key and getting all four of us out of here. He's gonna get the job done.And deep down you know that too." (Name) spoke firmly as she shook her hand around to draw the blondes attention to it, "I don't have a crush on you, silly. I just wanna help you." Fugo gave the college student an up and down glance again before sighing and taking her hand as she had asked. His hand was bigger than the girls, and surprisingly soft to the touch, "I'm gonna alleviate the pain, and then make your brain stimulate platelet production. It'll take a few minutes, but that should stop the bleeding." After explaining what her plan was (Name) brought her stand into action. First objective being stopping the nociceptors from detecting the injured tissue, then next objective would be to influence the hypothalamus into producing an abundance of thrombopoietin, this hormone would cause plates to produce. She kept the cranky males hand in her hand as she directed her stand on what to do.

"Ah." Fugo finched.

"What? This shouldn't be hurting." (Name) asked with concern the gaze of her unoccupied eye.

"Your eye rolls into the back of your head when you do that. It's gross." Fugo commented. The concern in her (eye color) eye disappeared upon hearing the last part of his statement.

"I know," she said half heartedly with a downcast tone. Multitasking between navigating her stand across the electrical synapses and conversating. Fugo took note of this sudden change in demeanor, his expression softened at the sight. He took note of the trail of red liquid leaking down her nose.

That bastard is gonna get what he deserves for making (Name) bleed.

A halfhearted sigh left the mafioso as he pulled down the sleeve of his jacket, and used the fabric to wipe the blood off her face, "You look like a dumbass with blood on you." he puffed as he wiped away the substance. (Name) sweetly smiled at the gesture.

"You know, Fugo, you're not as much of a dick that I had first assumed you to be." The (hair color) girl conceded with a grin, "Sorry we got off on the wrong foot. You're just fun to rag on." Fugo playfully rolled his eyes at the girl's apology.

"It's fine, (Name)." As the blonde responded (Name) removed her hand from his - to his disappointment.

"Okay, I got your platelet count up. They should coagulate, and start creating scars on your wounds soon." (Name) assured with an accomplished smile. "Now that you're doing better, I'm going to try and find Abbacchio. I'm assuming that that bastard has dragged him in here by now." With that said the girl stood up from her crouching position, "You should hang out here and give your body a little more time to heal up." Fugo simply nodded as the girl began to jog away. Upon turning the corner her jaw dropped.  Blood. Blood everywhere. And the mysterious mafioso leaning on the wall, nursing his now missing hand. A wave of nausea rushed over the girl as she took in the situation, how can so much blood come out of a person.

"Abbacchio" she piped as she quickly came to his aide, bending down to help the missing handed mafioso. Her breathing began to increase as she began to panic. "Everythings going to be okay. We're gonna get you fixed up, I promise." with each word she spoke she began to speak more frantically, "Don't panic."

"(Name)" the man interjected flatley.

"Don't panic!" she repeated mostly to assure herself.

"(Name)" the man said again, increasing his tone as he did so.

"It'll be fine I promise. Just stay calm."

"(Name)" the man was growing more irritated.

"It'll be fine, I promise."

"(Name)!" Abbacchio firmly snapped, "You're the only one panicing." (Name) shut up at that statement.

"You're right. But there's so much blood." she whimpered. And then closed her eyes and exhaled to gain confidence, "I've taken so many first aid courses." she took another deep breath, "I got this." another deep breath, "I've got this. I gotta make a tourniquet." The girl glanced around for anything she could use, only to be left with nothing.

"Shit this was expensive." she muttered to herself as she began to tug at the bottom of her dress, after ripping off a substantial amount of fabric she wrapped it tightly around the man's forearm to prevent him from bleeding out. She looked into the man's eyes as she began to speak, "I can stop the pain, but I'm not sure if I can reattach your hand. I can try to use stem cells to put it back on, but I'm not sure how effective it would be."

"Do what you can." the man assured.

"Let me see your hand." (Name) said extending her hand out to grab the males. When he returned the sentiment, (Name) jumped at the sight of the detached appendage, "NO" she squealed eyes wide, "Give me the one attached to your body!" The older man let out an "oh" before doing so. Mind Games entered the one handed mafioso's body upon the physical contact, (Name) first directed it to alleviate the pain as she had done with Fugo. And then went to work on creating an overproduction of stem cells to attach the man's hand to his nub wrist. One of her hands held the mafiosos intact for her stand, and the other held the detached one to the wound in order for the stem cells to attach to it,  As she was doing so Abbacchio sighed to himself.

"I can't believe the newbie's plan got us out of the mirror. I was gonna kick his ass-" before Abbacchio could finish his statement Fugo and Girono approached.

"(Name), what're you doing?" Fugo inquired.

"Trying to reattach Abbacchio's hand, duh." (Name) commented with a sigh, her attention still on the detached hand, "It'll take me a few minutes. Stem cells take a while to produce and differentiate."

"I can help with that." Giorno said as he came closer he elaborated , "Golden Experience can recreate the cells. It's not exactly healing, so it'll be painful." (Name) turned her now one eyed gaze up to the male.

"I can stop the pain." she beamed upward. With that said (Name) turned her attention to stopping the pain receptors as Girono reattached the older mafiosos hand by converting stones into cells. His stand's way of helping Abbacchio was much quicker than (Name)'s stand could ever be by stimulating the regrowth of cells naturally.

"Our stands  make a good pair, goldie locks!"  The girl beamed as the deed was complete. The blonde male gave a soft smile to the girl upon her sweet sentiment.

"Now, let's high tail it back to base." Fugo insisted. (Name) glanced down at her newly desevled designer dress.

"Could we stop for a change of clothes first? I'll be quick." she inquired with a small pout.

"No, (Name)! We're in a-" Fugo began to speak only to be interrupted by the older mafioso.

"Make it quick."

Note: I couldn't resist the deez nuts joke 😭😭

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