Arrangements (Yandere Team Bu...

By soupy-sadness

19.9K 611 929

A broke college student is roped into a mission with the Italian mafia after her mafioso sugar daddy is murde... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

4.5K 109 181
By soupy-sadness

Note 1: Hi :) I've never been a wattpad gowrl, but I'd like to break that cycle by cross posting my quotev jjba fic here! But to make it special for here, I created meme's for the chapters :)) So please enjoy the fruits of my crippling jjba hyper fixation <3

Note 2: All of the characters who are underage (Giorno, Trish, and Fugo) will be aged up to 18. Narancia will be aged up to 19 since he's a few years older than Giorno in the anime - but still under age. And just because it makes more sense to me in my tiny brain. I will be aging up Bruno, Abbacchio, and Mista by one year so the ages are kinda evened out.

Stand Overview: (Y/N)'s stand is called Mind Games. It has the ability to manipulate brain chemistry. During physical contact it enters the enemy's body - the stand needs a vessel with a nervous system to manifest. Mind Games  then projects what it's able to see to one of its users' eyes - leaving the user blind in said eye while the stand is in use. The user is then able to instruct the stand what neurological changes to make. (But be warned that I'm not very educated on brain chemistry, so most of the chemistry mentioned is strung together with bull shit that I read on the first page of google.)

The occasion was sad, it was a funeral after all. But the (hair color) girl dressed in black mourning garb at the back of the elegant gazebo didn't feel so. Of course she felt bad in a way, the dead mafioso in the mammoth sized casket had given her so much and had treated her well. He had become a part of her daily routine. The mafioso would call her sweet names, buy her whatever earthly positions she deserved, pay for her college tuition (which is pricey when studying abroad), and set her up in a lavish apartment by the seaside.

Of course with an arrangement like the one the eighteen year old and Polpo had did have give and take. With the luxuries she was given, she paid with her dignity. The teen grimaced to herself as she silently reflected, happy that she had a black lace veil covering her face. Was it embarrassing, yes. But the pay out was well worth it.

Spending hours outside the glass of his prison cell listening to the man ramble on about whatever had piqued his interest that day, sneaking in baked goods (which was easy with the influential capos bribery of the prison guards), and referring to the man only as "daddy". He loved to watch the girl strip down nude and eat in front of him or feed him though the small slot of his cell. He really got off to watching the girl smear deserts on her body. (Name) winced once again at the intrusive thought.

What an odd man he was.

From the looks of it the ceremony was coming to an end with the last of the mourners paying their respects to the mafioso decedent. With that realization, the former sugar baby decided to take her leave before attracting the attention of those around her. She didn't share anything about her arrangement with those around her. So, she had assumed that Polpo had done the same. Best to leave before any of the attendants- the potentially dangerous attendance that is- catch on to her presence. With her respects now paid and a few clicks of her red bottomed heels the college student exited the ceremony, and was on her way home.

After making some distance between herself and the funeral patrons, the teen removed the black veil that concealed her identity - tossing the sheer fabric into the nearest trash can.  Allowing the warm Italian sun to kiss her beautiful features. Her designer heels - that her now ex sugar daddy had bought her - clicked with each step she took closer to her lavish apartment. The slit in the black turtleneck dress that the girl wore allowed the brisk warm breeze to kiss the soft exposed skin of the girl's long legs. The breeze tickled her face as it cascaded though her silky (hair color) locks. The girl allowed herself to indulge in the warm sun and enjoy her peaceful walk home.  The capo passing really did seem to symbolize the beginning of a new chapter for the college girl.

Out of the background sounds of chatter from those around her dining on the outdoor patios of the businesses of the strip and the sounds of cars the girl heard a small yip jut out from the flurry of happenings. The clicking of the girl's heels stopped, as she attempted to pinpoint the origin of the pitiful cry for help. The girl's investigation led her down an alleyway. The yelping was definitely getting louder, indicating that she was getting closer to the suffering creature's location.

The girl was next to a dumpster, as she continued to survey the area for movement. She heard the animal yip once again, and turned her head towards the sound.

"It has to be somewhere over here." The girl spoke to herself as she continued to scout around the dumpster. The girl frowned slightly as she realized what she had to do. With a small pout the girl positioned herself at the back corner of the dumpster, using all her might to push it forward to continue her search. And to her shook her intuition was correct. She glanced down to see a small orange tabby cat. The poor thing looked completely malnourished with it's little ribs clearly visible. A six pack plastic ring stuck on around the cat's neck, slowly suffocating it.  When making eye contact with the small creature, it let out another yip for help. ( Name) gasped at the sight, quickly hoping into action.

She placed herself on her knees next to the cat, not concerned about how the dirty cement would ruin her expensive dress. She reached her hand out to give it a comforting touch. The girls well manicured hand gently stroked the orange fur on the cat's head, "Don't worry little guy. Everything's okay now." After a couple more strokes (Name)'s power was able to go to work. A humanoid spirit manifested next to her, and reached out to touch the suffering animal. With the touch, (Name) was able to manipulate the kitten's brain chemistry- she could do this on any living thing with active neurotransmitters. The humanoid spirit traveled onto the nervous system of the cat, and used her right eye to project the brain's electrical workings and  manipulate them how the ( hair color) girl saw fit.

If she lowered the activity of the mechanical nociceptors so she could stop the production of potassium that triggers the pain response of the glutamate. Leaving the kitten in a state of comfort. The spirit - that she referred to as mind games - got to work messing with the neurons and synapses. After a brief moment mind games exited the body of the cat from the point that it had made contact. Then it disappeared. With the cat being calmed (Name) hastily slipped her keys out of her high end black purse, and proceeded to gently cut the thin plastic that restricted the cat's respiration. After putting the keys back away the girl took the orange cat into her lap, continuing to give the pitiful thing reassuring strokes down the back.

"You poor thing. How long have you been alone for" the girl asked - not seeking a response from the cat of course. "Being alone is so hard. Let me take you home and help you. I've got plenty of room." The cat melted into the girl's touch causing the teen to smile. She could use companionship, and so could this little baby she had saved. All was well until the cat grew tense and began to struggle in the girl's arms. She was puzzled, and cocked a brow at the small feline. What's up with the sudden mood change?

Not wanting to hold the cat captive (name) loosed her grip and the cat in seemingly a panic jumped from her lap and made a mad dash down the alleyway. "Shit" the girl cursed to herself as she quickly stood to her feet. She had to find it before it got lost again! But before turning around to start the chase, (Name) felt a strong calloused hand clamp down around her bicep and with great force pushed the front of  her body against the red brick wall of the alleyway wall. The man used his other arm to push her body firmly against the hard wall. The grip on her arm and the nearly paralyzing shock kept her in place. As her heart rate began to thump out of her chest.  

Quite literally stuck between a rock and hard place.

"I had a suspicion that you were some sort of stand user. But what I saw just confirms it". A familiar voice hissed. The iron grip of the lengthy fingers tightening around her dainty arm, causing the girl to whine. The girl stayed silent for another moment. What the hell is a stand?

"I don't know what you're talking about" (Name) puttered out. Attempting to appear cool and collected, but failing to do so.

"Don't be coy, (Name)", the masculine voice insisted.

" Is a stand some sort of drug? I've never used it before! I swear." the girl pleaded, her voice laced with genuine confusion and desperation as she began to struggle in the man's vice grip , "Who are you? How do you know my name?" The man sighed as the teen continued to anxiously squirm in his hold. He contemplated for a moment as the (hair color) haired girl continued to frantically ask questions with her back still forcibly turned to her captor. 

"I'm going to let go of you. If you summon your stand, I won't hesitate to summon mine in retaliation." the man threatened as his grip loosened and he slowly removed his hand from the girl's upper arm and back.

"You know, that'd be more intimidating if I knew what you were talking about." (Y/n) grunted as she put her full weight into making an opportunistic blow to her attacker's face. Only to have her wrist snared in the man's iron grip.  A glare came to her face as she took the chance to drink in the man's appearance. The glare in her (eye color) eyes faded as she realized why she had recognized his voice.

The taller man sported a raven colored bob haircut. The hair style wouldn't be flattering on most, but the ravenette made it work well with his chiseled features. He wore an ivory suit with small black details. The material looked high quality and luxurious, it matched the man's aura - well put and dependable.  If she remembered correctly his name was Bruno Bucciarati. She had bumped into him multiple times during her rendezvous with Polpo. Bucciarati was one of his closest confidants - who he always spoke highly of -, and (Name) could see why just by the manner in which the raven haired mafioso carried himself. He was always so put together, and executed confidence. His demeanor oozed regalness, even when he had a scolding glare on his face.

"Bucciarati?" (Name) asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion, her (eye color) eyes laced with perplexity meeting his stern blue ones, "Why're you sneaking up on me like this? What's going on?" Her eyes drifted to her wrist in the man's grasp and the realization hit her.

Oh, I just tried to knock his lights out.

"Sorry I didn't realize it was you. You really spooked me." a nervous laugh escaped her lips, "If you needed me for something, you could've just asked. You don't have to sneak up behind me in a creepy ass alley." she sheepishly apologized with a hesitant smile. The mobster tsked as he released the girl's hand, realizing she wasn't going to cause him harm.

"I apologize for scaring you ." the man stated not yet letting his guard down, "But I would advise that you avoid areas like this. After having the capo wrapped around your finger, I'm sure you have a target on your back." Bucciarati parleyed as he adjusted his opulent suit from the earlier physical encounter. After doing so the handsome mafioso crossed his toned arms over his chest and turned his ocean blue gaze down at the college student, "I'm not sure if I should call you clever or dense for using a mind manipulating stand to bewitch the capo. One of the most powerful men in Passione." chuckled the ravenette as he reflected on the situation and the near obscurity. (Name) gulped as she attempted to form some sort of response.

I knew Polpo was in the mafia, but I didn't know he was that powerful.

"Although you seemed to have manipulated him, he genuinely spoke highly of you. A beautiful bilingual young woman as sly as a fox and with a heart of gold. Determined to succeed and graduate college with a masters in psychology after her mother had seemingly abandoned her. Tsk, he must be rolling in his grave." Bruno persisted. Guilt washed over the girl for a moment as Bruno's statement sunk in.

I didn't think Polpo actually paid attention when I spoke to him.

The gears began to turn in her head as she retorted.

"Um, you say 'manipulation' " the girl said, placing air quotes around the word manipulation as she attempted to justify herself, "I say...taking advantage of the corrupt wealthy" Another sheepish smile came to her face as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

Yeah, that didn't sound convincing.

"You're a modern day Robin Hood." Bucciarati sarcastically chimed with a click of the tongue, "What does that stand of yours do?" (Name) gave the man a blank look. He's talking about stands? Standing? Something along those lines again.

"Well, college is expensive!" (Name) defended as she crossed her arms over her chest "And you didn't tell me what this 'stand' thing is." (Name) retorted with a pout as she awaited an explanation. The mafioso glanced down at her past this dark lashes with an inquisitive glint in his eye.

"It's a manifestation of one's spirit. It's what you used to manipulate that stray cat." he answered, "Only yourself and other stand users are able to see it." (Name) continued to blankly stare at the fellow stand user.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in." (Name) hesitantly spoke, still contemplating the information given to her.

I thought it was some sort of guardian angel I was able to control, but in hindsight that's a very childish way to look at it.

"What ability does your stand have?" Bucciarati continued.

"I call it Mind Games. It can manipulate brain chemistry. I can use it on people, animals, and bugs. Anything with a working nervous system. Mind games can enter someone's nervous system upon physical contact. It projects the electron pathways into one of my eyes, so I can determine what it changes. I can't control someone's mind like in the movies, but I can  manipulate electrical imposes, neurotransmitters, and the release of hormones. When done correctly I can manipulate most bodily functions, emotions, and senses. I can stop or intensify the feeling of pain, cause hallucinations, stimulate dopamine production to make people feel happy, stimulate the body into healing faster, and make people piss themselves. You know stuff like that." the teen sighed as she continued to explain, "Our brain stores memory in electrical impulses, so I can read memories and turn off those impulses making the person I'm using on forget whatever was stored there." she hesitated before continuing once more, "Memory is a fragile part of the brain though, so I don't feel comfortable messing with it."

(Name) stood silent as she reflected on that. Her mother was overbearing and unloving. All (Name) wanted was to hear her say three simple words, no matter what (Name) had accomplished in hopes of invoking a positive response from the women she was always met with coldness. After she had graduated high school with high honors is when her stand had first manifested itself. The newly graduated teen beamed with delight and pride as she relayed to her mother her accomplishment she had worked so hard for.

"Momma, guess what?" the teen smiled from ear to ear. Hopping in place with giddy delight. The older (hair color) woman hummed in response, her attention still being directed at the book in her hands. "I'm the salutatorian of my class!" excitement filled the teens voice as she showed her mother her diploma. Her mother didn't come to the ceremony to watch the teen receive it.

"Oh" the woman stated seemingly unimpressed. Her (eye color) eyes glazed up to meet her daughters matching ones, an indifferent expression plastered on her face.

"Well?" (Name) insisted hoping that her mother would say something of her achievement. Her smile quickly morphed into a frown.

"Well what?" the woman stated bluntly ,"Congratulations, you got second best."  The woman then returned her attention to her book, using her perfectly manicured hand to shoo away the newly disappointed graduate. (Name) paused allowing the response to fully process in her mind. Her fists clenched in frustration as her anger and resentment began to boil over. She bit down on her lip in an attempt to control her impending outburst. After her lip began to bleed and the nails broke the skin of her palms, the teen could no longer contain her bottled up emotions, years of resentment finally being released. A snarl escaped her lips as she reached down, clasping her mothers wrist in her hand, causing the book to fall to the floor and a gasp to escape the older women's lips.

"Ugh, why're you like this?" the teen snarled, "You're such a bitch!" (Name) yelled. The intense flurry of emotions lead to the manifestation of mind games, and eventually the erasing of her mothers memories.

"(Name)" the mafioso stated pulling the (hair color) girl out of her day dream. (Name) shook her head to bring herself back to reality, "How did you use your stand on Polpo?"

"Oh, um" the girl continued with slight embarrassment at the situation. A rosy flush came to her cheeks, "Nothing too invasive. I played around with his pituitary gland. The Benzyl Salicylate in my perfume would trigger an increase in Oxytocin production. It's the hormone responsible for attraction and in turn persuasion." Bruno tapped his finger on his chin as he listened. Oh, so she really is as sly as the deceased capo had bragged about.

"Clever girl." Bucciarati smirked simply.

" Now, I have a question for you, Bucciarati. Why were you seeking me out?" (Name) inquired, cocking an eyebrow at the man, "For a busy mafioso such as yourself to have been following me around, I assume that there must be a reason."

"I do have a favor to ask of you." the reavenette responded making almost uncomfortable eye contact with the girl. His crystal blue eyes were stern as he began to ask the favor, "My team has been asked to perform a mission for the boss of our organization. We need supplies to successfully carry out this mission."  Bucciarati paused for a moment glazing down at the girls expression her head was cocked to the side like a puppy dog, intently taking in the mans words, "After the death of ...Polpo...," He paused once more at the mention of the dead capo the teen had had an arrangement with. "My crew and I have been attracting unwanted attention from other members of Passione. I believe that you, being uninvolved in the Passione, would be the best person to help us retrieve said supplies without catching the attention of enemy stand users. Now that I know that you possess a stand that could hold its own, I'm more than confident that you would be able to perform this successfully. I will be willing to reward you for accepting this task." the twenty year old said, gazing down at the smaller young woman awaiting her response. He drank in her features, the capo was correct she was good looking. (Name) contemplated for a second more before forming a response.

"Of course! No reward or payment needed." The girl smiled her face taking on a warm expression as she continued to speak, "By helping Polpo, you helped me - unintentionally of course- but still the principle stands.  So I definitely owe you a  favor or two."  The teen placed her dainty hand out to the man. Her small well manicured hand was awaiting a handshake to seal the deal. That's not the response that the mafioso was expecting, but a small smile came to his face at the sudden pep in her step.

"You can shake it, Bucciarati. I can promise you that you're the last person I'd use my stand on." she joked her hand still guested out for the man to shake. She wiggled her small fingers with perfectly painted (favorite color) nails in order to entice the man to return the professional gesture. Bruno chuckled as he grabbed the smaller hand in his, giving it a firm shake.

"You're quite the unique little thing, huh? I appreciate this, cara.'' The man expressed holding the dainty appendage in his hand for a few seconds more than normal for a professional handshake. Taking in how her soft hands contrast his calloused ones, "Now, tomorrow at 11am sharp. I need you to arrive at this address for further instruction." He replaced his hand in (Names) grasp with a small piece of paper. She cocked a brow as she glanced down and looked it over. Written on the paper was indeed an address. The penmanship was masculine, slightly sloppy but legible - much like a doctor's. "I highly advise that you refrain from using your own vehicle to arrive at the destination. I'll reimburse you for a cab when you arrive. Understood?" the man instructed.

"Yes" (Name) retorted with a small smile, "This address" she waved around the small slip of paper as she continued, "At 11 am sharp, and don't use my car. I got it." she returned with a thumbs up.

"Yes." Bruno confirmed, "Do you have any further questions."

"Not at the moment."

"Well, till tomorrow Arrivederci, cara.",  before she knew it the man had manifested a zipper into what looked like space. (Name)'s jaw dropped.

"Is that your stan-" before the girl could finish her sentence the man had stepped into the portal and was seemingly gone. (Name) took a moment to compose herself before slipping the piece of paper into her purse.

"I wonder where that cat went."

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