stolen away, zuko

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| zuko {a:tla} 1 water & fire don't usually mix but maybe this time it does - in which the daughter of a wa... Daha Fazla

fire and water never mixes
but this time it does
book two
outfits <3


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— river people.

the source of light that grants the princess happiness each morning, shines down on the girl, warming up her half naked body as she laid on the shore. she missed the sun and the heat. being in the earth kingdom was way better than the icy poles back at her homeland.

katara and aang practiced waterbending in the river while sokka just lounged around, being his good old lazy self.

"you guys are gonna be done soon, right? we've got a lot of ground to cover if we want to make it to omashu." sokka says from his giant leaf float.

senna sits up, "take that back, like you're ready to go anyway, naked guy." she smirked at her boyfriend.

sokka lifts his hair from his eyes, "i can be ready in 30 seconds. im really fast. seriously, whenever."

senna rolled her eyes and turned her head. she watched as katara taught aang the octopus move. she would've done it herself but she had trained him for the last few days and decided to rest.

she smiled as she saw aang blush when katara was close to him. she found it so adorable that the avatar had a crush on the water bender.

i ship, they're literally endgame

the sound of music was heard and senna looked into the direction of the sounds. a band of adults stopped their music when they saw the teens in the river, "hey! river people!"

"we're not river people." katara says.

"you're not? then what kind of people are you?" the man standing in the front asked.

"just....people." aang shrugged, senna nodding in agreement, "just some regular people." she added on.

sokka walked up to the strangers, joining his sister, aang and his girlfriend.

"aren't we all brother!" the front man laughed.

sokka points a finger at them, "who are you?"

"im chong, and this is my wife lily. we're nomads. happy to go wherever the wind takes us."

"you guys are nomads? that's great! im a nomad!" aang happily exclaimed.

"hey! me too!"

aang gives the man a look, "i just said that."

"oh..." the man scratches his head and looks at sokka, "nice underwear!"

sokka covers himself with momo and walks away making senna laugh at the silly water tribe boy. she walks over to where he was and leans up against a rock, waiting for him to change.

"they seem cool, don't ya think?" she laughs as she looks over and sees that appa and katara have braids and aang has a flower crown on his head.

sokka narrows his eyes, "they-"

"i want one!" she quickly ran over and one of the nomads handed her a crown. she thanked him and ran back over to sokka, smiling at him.

"you like?"

he smiles, seeing how pretty she looked with the crown on, "they seem fishy. i would rather drown in this lake then travel with them."

senna slaps sokkas arm, "hey! be nice, don't be rude! they're cool people, sokka. just wanting to have a little fun and stuff. we haven't had a day where we just had fun and weren't running from zuko, have we?"

zuko....a part of her heart broke at the last memory she had of him. they fought. that was the first time she's ever fought him.

"ow! kidding!" sokka groaned as he rubbed the arm senna had just slapped making her roll her eyes, "you're a baby."

sokka then got a good look at senna and noticed she was wearing a blue bathing suit top and a short skirt, nothing else. and her hair was also down. he blushed as he looked away.

but his eyes fell on her scar that was showing on full display. he pulled her into him, blocking it, "woah." she laughed, confused, "don't want the nomads seeing me?"

"you're showing your scar.....thought you didn't want them seeing it."

senna shrugged and looked back at her friends, "i told them it was a training accident which is true."

sokka frowned. he knew that was the real reason but he wishes she would just tell them the truth. why does she lie? is she scared about what they would think of her? sokka was pulled out of his thoughts when senna kissed him. he rested his hands on her bare waist, deepening the kiss.

but frowned again when she pulled away.

"i'll tell them everything, eventually. but for now i want us to be happy and to go have some fun with the nomads." she said then dragged sokka over to the rest of the group.

"hey, sokka, hey, senna. you should really hear these stories. these guys have been everywhere!"

"not everywhere! but where we haven't been ever heard about through stories as songs." said chong. senna had to say, she really liked this chong guys energy.

"they said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler!"

"on the way, there's a waterfall that creates a never ending rainbow!"

sokka raises an eyebrow, "look fellas, i hate to be the wet blanket here, but since kataras busy and sanny isn't good with the whole leader thing-"

"woah, woah, woah!" senna interrupted the boy, "since when was i a bad leader?"

sokka looks at his girlfriend with a 'please just follow along' look. senna sighed and lets the boy continue.

"i guess it's up to me. we need to get to omashu. no side tracks, no worms, and definitely no rainbows!" he then crosses his arms to appear more serious which doesn't help.

"woah! sounds like someone's got a case of destination fever! ha, you worry too much about where you're going." chong said and leaned back on appa.

"you gotta focus less on the where, and more on the going." lily says, agreeing with her husband.


senna sighed at the boys anger, "sokkas right. we need to get a move on to find ba sing se so aang can master earth bending somewhere safe."

"well it sounds like you're headed to omashu!" both sokka and senna smack their foreheads, "there's an old story about a pass, right though the mountains." he explained.

"is this real or a legend?" katara asked, not buying it.

"oh, it's a real legend. and it's as old as earthbending itself....."

the nomads then get back into song and begin singing about the real legend. aang, katara and senna all sway to the music. senna then glances over at sokka who was already looking over at her with a 'drown me in the river now' look.

they finished finally, so sokka speaks up, "i think we'll stick with flying. we've dealt with the fire nation before."

"yeah, thanks for the help but appa hates going underground, and we need to do whatever makes appa feel most comfortable." aang smiles.

fun fact, senna hates going underground too.
her and the bison share that same dislike.


as the gaang took off on appa, blasts of fireballs were thrown towards them by fire nation. "really! we can't go one day without you assholes hunting us down!" senna tried her best to hold them off, each day getting better at her new ability, but even for the dual bender, she wasn't strong enough by herself.

so the group settled with going through the crave the nomads talked about.

senna holds on tightly to sokka as they walk, "soooo, how uh far away is this tunnel exactly?" senna asks chong, her anxiety was growing through the roof.

"actually it's not just one tunnel........the lovers didn't want anyone to find out about their love, so they built a whole labrinth."

"labrinth?" katara nearly screamed.

chong shrugged, "im sure we'll figure it out."

"all you need to do is trust in love, well according to the curse." lily adds on.

senna then spoke up again, "curse? there's a curse? what exactly is the curse?"

"the curse says that only ones who trust in love can make it through the caves. otherwise you'll be trapped in them forever."

senna rolls her eyes, "great! that's wonderful!" she mutters to herself sarcastically.

"hey! someone's making a campfire!" all eyes land at the smoke in the distance.

"that's no campfire moku." katara glared.

"it's fire nation, they're tracking us down." sokka adds on, holding tightly on senna.

senna takes a deep breath. she had an idea come to mind but she sure knew her friends wouldn't like it but she had to do it. she was tired of the fire nation being after them.

"you all go ahead, i'll hold them off." she says to the group.

sokka immediately shakes his head, "no way!" he shouted, "absolutely not! you're stay with us and that's final!"

she knew he'd be the stubborn one. he's always stubborn when it comes to her safety. with the rolling of her eyes, she continued, "im sick of them following after us, sokka. i'll meet you all in omashu. i promise, just let me stall them so they won't go after you."

"sokkas right, sanny. stay with us. it's too dangerous to go and fight them on your own."

senna sighed with a huff, "fine."

"so, all you need is to trust in love to get through these caves?" aang asked chong.

"that is correct, master arrowhead." he grinned at aang before his attention went to his guitar.

senna watched as he glanced at katara, making her smile. good god lord, he's so in love with her, it's so damn cute!

"we can make it."

"everyone into the hole!" sokka shouted, ushering the group into the cave. senna grabbed a hold of sokkas hand and the two walked together, happily.

poor appa was not having it but there was no other choice.

"let's close them in!"

"guys!" senna shouted, hearing what the firebenders just said. their only source of light now vanished and they were surrounded by darkness.

oh fuck.

senna held out her hand, a flame appearing. appa clung onto the wall, wanting to be free, "it's ok, appa. we'll be fine." katara tried to reassure the bison, "i hope."

"okay can we please find a way out?" senna asked the band people.

"all we need to do is make up a plan. chong," sokka turned toward the man, "how long do those torches last?"

"um, about two hours each." he answered.

"and we have 5 torches, so, that's 10 hours." lily said, lighting up four more torches.

"it doesn't work like that if they're all lit at the same time!" sokka yelled, stomping on them.

"senna, how long can you keep that flame?" sokka asked his girlfriend who was staring intently at the flame in her hand, "as long as we need."

senna rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's stupidity, still trying to put the fire out and bended some water out, putting the fire out easily.

"thank you sanny." he smiled, "im gonna make a map to keep track of exactly where we've been. then we should be able to solve it like a maze." sokka said, gathering whatever supplies he needed.

"....and get through." the group all continued walking, following sokka into the darkness.


so chong realized that the tunnels were changing which was a problem and began freaking out, saying it was the curse. sokka grew annoyed and as he was, a freaking wolf-bat flew out of nowhere, scaring the group.

"oh shit!"

"it's a giant flying thing with teeth!" chong panicked.

"no it's a wolf-bat!" senna yelled at him, just as the bat landed then flew again.

sokka was waving around his fire at it which was a really bad idea but he's an idiot.

some of the fire hit appa which caused him to freak out. the wolf-bat ran off. appa was in a panic and began hitting the sides of the cave, causing it to crumble.

"oh shit." senna jumped out of the way, just as aang used his airbending, sending everyone flying.

once the rocks finished falling, sokka got up and began digging.

"this boy i swear." senna shook her head.

"yeah, it's no use." he sighed.

"now you realize that."

"yeah, we're separated but at least you have us." chong and his family grinned at the the couple.

oh kill us now.


they wont stop singing.

sennas head felt like it was going to explode any minute. holy shit.


the look on sokka face was making the girl chuckle.

"oh, great!" moku exclaimed, "your plans have led us to another dead end."

senna rolled her eyes, "at least he's thinking of ideas! you five won't stop singing!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the entire cave.

"whoa, whoa, wait a minute." chong said, "we're thinking of ideas? cause i've had an idea for, like, an hour now."

the couple glanced at each other, angrily. senna really should of just held off those fire nation guards.

"yes! we're all thinking of ideas!" sokka screamed.

"well, then listen to this. if love is the key out of here, then all we need to do this play a love song."

both senna and sokka slap their foreheads.

"even if you're lost you can't lose the love because it's in your heart oh, oh, oh!" the five all sang as they walked.

growling was heard. the group all looked back and saw about 50 wolf-bats running their way. oh come on!

sokka let out a scream as they flew over him, waving his arms around like an idiot.

"hey! you saved us, sokka!" chong cheered.

"no. they were trying to get away from something."

"from what?"

suddenly, the walls of the cave broke and two badger moles appeared.

"AWWWWW!" senna beamed, hearts appear in her eyes.

holy shit, they're earth bending!

oh wait.

a badger-mole was inches away from eating sokka but stopped when it heard, music.

it's cute lil head turned to the side as sokka picked up the guitar and began playing.

"hey, those things are music lovers!" chong yelled.

"badger-moles coming toward me. come on, guys, help me out!" sokka tried singing.

"the big bad badger-moles who opened the tunnels hate the wolf-bats.....but love the sound of music."


"THE SKY! OH MY GOD!" senna jumped off the badger-mole and joined appas side who was laying down on the ground, "i feel you buddy."

the group all waved bye to the badger-moles.

"sneak attack!" senna jumped onto sokkas back and he yelled, falling onto the ground, "you're the reason you got us out, thanks sokka." she gave him a kiss on the cheek and he blushed.

the two stood back up, smiling.

the two watertribe siblings hugged which was cute.

"why is your forehead all red?" katara asked her brother.

"nobody react to what i'm about to tell you. i think that kid might be the avatar." chong told the three which made sokka slap his forehead again.

"oh, that's why." senna laughed.

the next thing senna knew was chong and sokka were....HUGGING?!

"just play your songs."

"hey! good plan!" chong walked away, singing with his chumps.

what nice people.

"the journey was long and annoying," sokka stated the obvious, as the four walked up a giant hill, "but now you get to see what it's really about— the destination. i present to you the earth kingdom city of o-"

but he stopped.

"oh no."

senna furrowed her eyebrows and soon realized.

the city was now taken over by the fire nation.


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