Top Louis/Bottom Harry erotic...

By theskyshinesthrice

3.3K 61 107

Delicious smut where Louis is top and Harry is bottom. Only the best ever top Louis and bottom Harry smut. More

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a cage for every ugly spirit

2K 41 82
By theskyshinesthrice

Author: sarcasticfluentry

Summary: First-year uni student Harry gives up orgasms for Lent, featuring a cock cage and weekly prostate milkings on Sundays. Warning for religion kink. Written for the 1D Novena Ficathon.

Note: can only be read by ao3 users (on ao3)

Tags: Religion Kink, Cock Cages, Prostate Massage, Prostate Milking, Sex Toys, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Chastity, Orgasm Delay/Denial,

Work text: 

Harry is on the way to the church when his phone rings. He looks at the screen and sees that it's his mum, who he hasn't really talked to since he got back to uni from winter hols three weeks ago.

"Hi, Mum," he answers it.

"Hello, sweetheart," his mum chirps through the phone. "I just wanted to call and see how you were doing. I'm not getting you at a bad time, are I?"

"No, not really - well, I'm on my way somewhere, but it's like a 15 minute walk, so."

"Oh, alright," says his mum. "So how have you been, love? The cold isn't getting you down too much, is it?"

They talk for the next ten minutes about small stuff, catching up - Harry tells her how classes have been going and how his friends have been, and she tells him about new goings-on at their tiny church back in Holmes Chapel, where she works as the secretary. Then, the conversation turns to Harry's plans for the weekend; it is a Friday, after all, and he's just gotten out of classes at four in the afternoon.

"Oh, uh, m'probably going to get some work done tonight," he says, pulling his scarf tighter around his neck with his free hand. "And then Niall wanted to check out this new Ethiopian place that just opened up a couple blocks from our dorm, so we'll probably do that tomorrow and maybe see a film after that or something. And then church on Sunday, obviously."

"Obviously," his mum echoes, chuckling. They're a very religious family. "That sounds like a good weekend, love. How's Father Williams been doing?"

"Oh, geez, I forgot to tell you, uh - not so good," says Harry. "He fell down the steps outside his house last weekend 'cause it was so icy."

His mother gasps. "Oh, no! Is he alright?"

"Well, he broke his right leg and his collarbone, but - I mean, he's alive, and he should be able to leave the hospital soon, but they said it could take a couple months before he's ready to preach again."

"Oh, and he's past seventy years old, the poor thing," coos his mum, sounding worried. "What a terrible accident. I'll have to see if we can get some hot meals sent to him from St. John's."

"I'm sure Mrs. Williams would appreciate that," says Harry, feeling like it's the right thing to say. He can see the spire of the church only a couple blocks out now, and he ducks his head against the cold wind blowing at his face.

His mum makes a few more regretful noises and then asks, "So... does that mean they've brought in an interim replacement for him? Lent is coming up in a month, you know."

"Yeah, they, uh - you remember the fourth-year seminary student I told you about? Who's been helping out at services and giving sermons once a month?"

"I think you mentioned him once," says his mum. "What was his name again?"


"Right, Louis, yes. What about him?"

"Well," says Harry, "he's going to be taking over services completely in the meantime."

"What?" his mum asks sharply. "Is he even ordained yet?"

"Uh, I think this is his last year before he gets ordained."

"Harry, darling, are you - are you sure you don't want to go to another one of the campus churches in the meantime? We're coming up on the most important season of the whole Christian year-"

"Mum, it's fine," Harry cuts her off, laughing a bit as he kicks at some pebbles on the ground. "The senior higher-ups or whatever at the seminary school think he's ready, so the rest of us aren't, like, worried or anything."

His mum makes a worried noise into the phone. "As... as long as you're sure." She sighs. "I think I just miss you, honey. It's the first year you've spent away from me, is all, and I want you to have a good experience, but - if the ministers say Louis is ready, I guess he's ready."

She still sounds reluctant.

"I miss you too, Mum," Harry tells her. "And, uh - I'll keep you posted, alright? I'll look at other churches if I don't, um, if I don't think he's doing a good job."

"Thank you so much, sweetheart," says his mum. "You make me so proud, Harry, you really do."

Harry swallows, his throat suddenly thick. He's just about reached the church, now. "Thanks, Mum. But I, uh - I have to go now, but I'll call you in a week or so, alright? I love you. And I miss you a lot."

"I love you too," his mum says. "I hope you have a good weekend, darling, and be sure to tell Niall I said hello."

"I will. Bye, Mum."

"Bye, love."


"Oh fuck - oh fuck-"

"Watch your mouth, Harry, this is a house of God," Louis tuts, snapping his hips forward even harder.

Harry moans loudly into his folded arms, trying not to swear again as he scrabbles at the dark polished wood of Louis's desk for something to hold on to. He bites his lip and shuts his eyes tightly as Louis fucks him harder, driving his cock into Harry so roughly that Harry's hips are jolted forward and the wet tip of his cock starts to tap against the smooth, lacquered edge of the desk.

When Harry tries to push his hips back to get some relief for the head of his dick, it only serves to bring Louis deeper - so fucking deep inside that Harry nearly screams, and Louis hisses and digs his fingers into the tight grip he's got on Harry's hips.

"You feel so good," he tells Harry, angling his hips so his cock strokes over Harry's prostate with every thrust inside. "You always - feel so - perfect, Harry."

Harry might be drooling, he can't quite tell, and his thighs are weak and shaking and his whole body feels like it's seconds away from giving out. His silver cross necklace is scratching against the top of the desk, bouncing rhythmically back and forth as he gets fucked. He tries to focus on something else but all he can feel is Louis's cock inside him and Louis's fingers on his hips - Harry knows they're going to leave little bruises on his skin, and he knows the marks will fade just in time for Louis to give him new ones in a week's time, and again, and again, and again-

"I'm gonna come," Harry gasps out, his back arching involuntarily as Louis hits his prostate spot-on. "I'm - please, oh my god, I'm gonna come-"

He unsticks one of his hands from the table and shakily reaches for his cock, gasping when his fingers slip through the mess of precome at the tip, and the heat in his belly coils even tighter, sending him barreling toward his orgasm as his mouth drops open in pleasure.

Louis reaches down and bats Harry's hand away only to grip Harry's dick in his own hand, his clever fingers teasing around the head before stroking him up and down. His hand is quick, in time with the rhythmic pounding of his cock into Harry's arse, and Harry moans loudly as Louis's other hand lets go of his hip and scratches down his back.

"C'mon, baby, c'mon," Louis grits out, squeezing Harry tighter and slamming his hips forward. "Know you wanna come for me, c'mon-"

Harry cuts him off with a sharp, devastating cry as his knees buckle and he comes hard, fingers clamping around Louis's wrist and clinging as Louis jerks him through it. Harry bites down on his own forearm to try and stop himself from screaming, feeling himself pulse and spasm around Louis's cock as he spurts over their hands.

"Fuck, look at you," gasps Louis, moving his hand till Harry is keening from the sensitivity, "fuck, gonna - fuck-"

And then he stops, stops running his mouth and moving his hips, just pushes forward till he's filling Harry up completely and stays there. Harry moans quietly, feeling Louis shake above him, because he knows Louis is coming inside him and he feels boneless, full and exhausted. He shivers through a little aftershock while Louis is still coming and Louis groans, leans down to press himself against Harry's back and kiss him right below his ear, and Harry feels gooseflesh erupt all over his body from the light brush of Louis's lips.

When Louis pulls out a minute later, Harry almost falls over because he's not quite sure his legs are working yet. Louis pats him on the bum lightly to steady him and Harry shivers again, subconsciously pushing back into Louis's touch.

"What happened to watching our mouths?" Harry asks hoarsely. He turns his head and watches Louis tie off the condom and chuck it in the bin.

"Sort of abandoned that, yeah," Louis admits, wiping his hands on his thighs and then fixing his hair. He grins at Harry. "S'it good for you?"

"Mhmm," Harry says, trying to stand up and turn around so he doesn't have to continue talking to Louis while bent over with his arse out. He stumbles forward a little as his legs wobble and Louis catches him, presses him back up against the desk and dips his head down to mouth at Harry's neck. Harry sighs happily. "Yeah, it was - it was really good."

Louis kisses his way up Harry's throat, making Harry squirm a bit because he's not entirely sure he wouldn't be up for a second round, and then Louis joins their lips together in a deep, filthy kiss. Harry tries to kiss back as best as he can but he's fucking exhausted, so he just sucks on Louis's tongue and lets the older man cup the back of his head, his fingers playing with the sweaty curls at the base of Harry's neck.

When they break apart it takes Harry's brain several seconds to catch up - he's dazed, and his heart is racing once more, but then Louis turns away from him and bends down to pick up his clothes. So there's not going to be another round, then. Flustered, Harry looks around for his clothes and finds his jeans flung over the guest chair opposite the desk, his sweater balled up on the floor near the bookcase, and - Lord knows where his pants have gotten off to.

After spending several seconds searching fruitlessly for them, Harry begins to dress mechanically anyway, forgoing pants just so he won't have to be naked while Louis is already fully clothed. He pulls his jeans up over his bum, shimmying into them and tucking his softening cock inside before zipping up. It's still a bit messy, but he was planning on doing laundry tonight anyway.

Once his sweater's on and Harry's slipped back into his shoes, he looks over at Louis, who's busy buttoning up his shirt - at least, the buttons that Harry didn't rip off.

"You want a ride home?" Louis asks him, doing up the last button.

"Yeah, sure, if you - yeah, thanks."

Louis fixes his hair one last time, picks up his briefcase off the ground, and smiles over at Harry. "Are you ready to go, then?"

"Mhmm," Harry nods, crossing over to the door, where their coats are hanging on hooks. It's cold out, and they need to be all bundled up before they can go outside.

As Harry walks outside while Louis lingers back in his office for several minutes just in case anyone gets suspicious, he wonders if they're ever going to get to do this somewhere besides the church. Well, not counting their first time - the first time Harry hooked up with Louis, it was in some bar's dirty bathroom stall the very first weekend after new students arrived on campus. He'd been flirting with a hot older guy at the bar for quite some time before they'd ended up in the loo, Harry bent over and gripping onto the safety bar in the largest toilet stall as he got fucked so well he could barely remember his own name afterward.

It was - fuck, it was the best sex Harry had ever had, but he'd been too shy to ask for the stranger's number and the other man, though extremely willing to praise Harry and say how much he enjoyed it, hadn't seemed inclined to give out his number either. And so it was that Harry had gone home, tipsy and well-fucked, and bemoaned the fact that he'd just had the best sex of his life with someone he was never going to see again.

That is, of course, until he'd ventured to his very first church service on campus the next day and discovered that the stranger from last night was, in fact, the minister-in-training there.

Louis had looked as surprised to see Harry as Harry was to see him, and Harry had studiously avoided talking to him for several weeks, too embarrassed and ashamed to even look him in the eye. It wasn't until October that Louis broke, asking Harry politely if he could please see him in his office after services; ten minutes later, Harry was on his knees with Louis's cock halfway down his throat, pressing the older man up against the locked door to his office as he sucked him off hungrily.

They'd never been huge fans of taking it slow, clearly.

It actually - it had actually boggled Harry's mind how good the sex was, and consistently, too, since after that first hookup they'd found themselves back in Louis's office like that at least twice a month, and after winter break - when they hadn't seen each other for weeks - they'd both been gagging for it so much that they'd started to meet every week, always in Louis's office and always on Fridays, and Harry doesn't know how they're ever going to stop because it's so good it drives him out of his mind, and he knows Louis feels the same way too.

"Oh, hello, Harry!" he hears Louis call, exiting the church looking for all the world like he didn't just fuck Harry silly. "D'you need a ride home?"

Harry snorts. The picture of casual, trying to keep up appearances in case anyone's around. "Yeah, sure, thanks."

In the car, Harry keeps sneaking glances at Louis's profile, but one time he looks over to find Louis already staring back at him, bemused.

"Hey, keep your eyes on the road," Harry tells him.

Louis smiles and shakes his head, doing as he's told while he bites his lip. Harry tries to fight off the sudden urge to give him road head. God, what is wrong with him?

"We should probably stop doing this," Louis says when they're about a block away from Harry's dorm.

Harry laughs. "Yeah, yeah. I know."

Louis says that every time. It's not like Louis initiated it knowing that he was seducing a nineteen-year-old, and it's not like Harry knowingly invited a twenty-six-year-old to fuck him that first time, and it's especially not the case that they started whatever this is knowing that they would effectively be pastor and parishioner for the rest of the coming year. None of this is illegal, it just - feels wrong, sometimes. Just a little bit.

And yet, here they are. Just like they were last week, and the week before, and the week before that. Just like they will be next week.

"You left your pants in my office, by the way," Louis tells him.

"Yeah, I, uh - couldn't find them when I was getting dressed," says Harry. "D'you still have them?"

"Put them in my desk drawer," says Louis casually, clicking the indicator on to pull into the parking lot for Harry's dorm. "You can pick them up on Sunday, if you want."

Harry swallows loudly.

"So that means that these jeans are all you've got on?" asks Louis. He takes one hand off the steering wheel and reaches over to the passenger side to rest it lightly on Harry's thigh.

"Y-yeah," Harry whispers, "I - I, um-"

"Shh, m'only asking," Louis murmurs. He reaches up to ghost the back of a single finger over the crotch of his jeans, and his trousers are so skin-tight that Harry almost jumps out of his skin at the maddeningly light touch over his soft cock. Louis strokes him gently for several moments, enough to make Harry's breath stutter as he squeezes his eyes shut and tries not to think about how his cock is already perking up again, and then Harry feels the sedan roll to a stop and the pressure from Louis's finger disappears. "We're here, babe."

Harry blinks his eyes open, drawing in a deep breath to calm himself and glaring over at Louis. Louis only smiles innocently.

"Thanks for the ride," Harry mumbles, still glaring at him.

"Anytime," says Louis loftily. "Have a good weekend, Harry. See you at church."

Harry grumbles a bit more and then gets out of the car, adjusting himself in his jeans as Louis drives away. He swipes his key to get into his dorm, then climbs up the three flights of stairs it takes to get to his floor. When he lets himself into his room, his roommate is already there, lounging on his bed and typing something on his laptop.

"Hey," says Harry.

"Hey, mate," Niall replies without looking up. Then his face scrunches up a few seconds later and he asks, "Harry, where have you been? You smell like-"

"Church," Harry says shortly.

Niall raises a knowing eyebrow and laughs. He's the only one Harry's told about who he hooks up with every week. "Like clockwork, then."

Harry snorts and crosses over to his side of the room, ready to start stripping down so he can get in the shower.

"You wanna go out tonight?" Niall asks.

"I was thinking of staying in, actually," says Harry. "We're going out tomorrow after the film, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but two nights in a row never hurt anyone," says Niall. "Was thinking of trying to pull tonight, like maybe we could be each other's wingmans, but you already got some today so I dunno what I was expecting."

"Shut up," Harry hisses, throwing a balled-up sock at Niall even though his roommate is right.


Every Sunday night, Father Williams used to hold what he called "coffee hour" for the university students; he would pay for whoever was interested to go out to Starbucks (or another coffee shop if Starbucks was too full of people studying) with him and chat about life. It wasn't always about religion, but it frequently turned that way, focusing on how to lead a religious life while still having fun like a university student.

Now that Father Williams is out of commission for the next several months, Louis has taken over doing coffee hour, although now all the students have to pay for their own drinks because Louis "doesn't have an extra fifty years that he'd used to build up savings." They don't really mind, though.

This Sunday, about fifteen people show up, which is about on par for the usual number. Harry tries to go every week if he doesn't have too much coursework to catch up on, and there are a few other students who are "regulars" like him. After getting their drinks, he and George manage to snag a large table in the corner, pulling up more chairs until everyone can comfortably fit around it. Louis is the last one to sit down with them because he always insists on being the last in line, and as the students scoot a bit to make room for him, Harry notices that Louis's typical caramel macchiato says "decaf" on the side. He's about to point this out but George beats him to it.

"Is that decaf, Louis?"

Louis sighs, looking at his drink unhappily. "Yes, yes it is. I'm trying to phase out caffeine gradually because that's what I'm planning on giving up for Lent."

"Oh my gosh, I couldn't even imagine giving up caffeine for Lent," says Sarah. "I rely on it too much."

"Well that's kind of the point, isn't it?" asks Jaymi from Harry's left. "You're, like, supposed to give up something that you need, or that you think you need. Otherwise it doesn't mean that much."

Harry sees Louis look at Jaymi with a fond sort of expression, like he took the words right out of Louis's mouth, and feels his stomach twist in jealousy. It's... okay, it's very possible that in addition to hooking up with him in secret Harry might have a tiny, tiny crush on the minister-in-training. And who could blame him, really? It doesn't matter, though, because nothing could ever come of it, so Harry will just have to accept the fact that Louis can give attention to people who aren't him.

"That's exactly right, Jaymi," says Louis. Harry's stomach does that ugly twist again. "You all know that Lent is meant to commemorate the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert. We aren't supposed to replicate all the occasions that he was tempted by Satan, of course, just the fasting, but if Jesus could give up food and water for forty days, I figure I can give up caffeine."

There are murmurings of agreement around the table.

"But it's also not meant to be a diet," Louis continues. "I've had friends who have given up carbs, for example, not because they care about being pious but because they needed motivation to lose weight. It's not about that."

"What about Facebook?" asks another student.

"That would be a good one, too," says Louis. "Assuming you use Facebook a lot, of course."

Harry bites his lip and tries to think of something good he can give up. All that's coming to mind is chocolate, though, and he gave that up last year. He isn't super into Facebook anymore so that seems like it would be kind of a cop-out. Hmm, he's going to have to give this some more thought.

"I can see the wheels turning in your brains," Louis says with a small laugh. His eyes linger on Harry for a few seconds as he looks around the table, making Harry blush and look down at his drink. "You still have a little over a week to decide, though, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just something to be thinking about, is all. Now, how was everyone's week?"

You bent me over your desk and fucked me until I could barely walk, Harry thinks. But he doesn't say that, obviously, just listens as they go around in a circle and talk about what happened to them during the week and what, if anything, they could have done differently.


"Yeah, just like that, baby," Louis murmurs, his hands a steadying presence on Harry's hips as Harry bounces up and down on his cock.

Harry throws his head back and whines, trying to slam himself down harder. He sits down hard and cries out when Louis leans forward to bite at one of his nipples, flicking his tongue over the tender bud until Harry starts to shake.

"Louis - Louis-"

"M'right here," says Louis around Harry's nipples. "Keep going, yeah?"

Harry wraps his hands around Louis's neck and then does as he's told, his thighs bracketing Louis's hips and squeezed into the confines of Louis's large, plush desk chair. Louis rubs at his hips for a few more moments before his hands start to wander, snaking down Harry's lower back until they're each palming a cheek of Harry's arse, gripping onto him as he fucks himself down on Louis's cock.

"God," Harry groans once he's found an angle that has Louis hitting his prostate every time Harry sits down. For once, Louis doesn't reprimand him, clearly too caught up in watching Harry bounce on top of him.

When Louis digs his fingers in and then scrapes his nails across Harry's skin, pulling Harry's arse cheeks apart, Harry keens and grips Louis tighter, tugging at Louis's hair.

"You like it when I'm - rough with you, don't you?" Louis gasps out, scratching at Harry's skin and starting to rock his hips up.

"Yes," moans Harry. He throws his head back and makes a strangled noise when the motion makes Louis's teeth tug even harder on his nipple. "Oh my god, yes-"

"Bet you do," mutters Louis, dragging his nails up Harry's sweaty back as Harry shudders and tries to keep riding him at an even pace. "Bet you'd let me do anything to you."

God, Harry's - Harry's never told Louis about how much he fantasizes about being submissive like this, but Louis has clearly had no problem figuring it out on his own. His cock twitches, spilling out precome onto Louis's stomach that gets smeared around as Harry continues to bounce up and down.

Louis's hands reach his shoulders then, and for a second it's almost like they're hugging - it's so intimate and filthy at the same time because Harry is still taking Louis's cock deep every time he sits down, and Harry's mouth drops open at how good it feels. No sooner has he done that then Louis is shoving two fingers into his mouth, pressing down on his tongue and making Harry almost gag in surprised pleasure.

"You like this too?"

Harry nods frantically, suckling on Louis's fingers as Louis's thrusts start to get harder, bouncing Harry in his lap. It makes him feel deliciously slutty to have something in his mouth while he's getting his arse fucked, helping him climb closer and closer to orgasm as Louis presses a third finger inside, forcing Harry's lips to stretch a bit.

"Gonna come," he tries to mumble around Louis's fingers, sobbing a little at how pathetic he sounds.

"So soon?" Louis asks, sounding slightly disappointed.

Harry whimpers and sucks on Louis's fingers some more, shame crawling over his entire body and only heightening his arousal. Before he can come, though, Louis brings his other hand in between their bodies and grips Harry's cock tightly around the base.

"Don't want you to come yet," hisses Louis, rocking his hips up over and over, "but you'll do that for me too, darling, won't you? You'll hold off for me?"

Still sucking, Harry nods frantically in agreement, clings tightly to Louis's shoulders because Louis isn't really supporting him anymore.

"I thought you might," Louis continues, his raspy voice tangling up Harry's insides and making him feel hot all over. "Won't come until I tell you to, yeah? Bet I could make you hold out for days until you couldn't fucking take it-"

"Oh my god," Harry groans around Louis's fingers, so turned on he can't think straight. It comes out all jumbled and it makes him feel even more pathetic, his cock jerking in Louis's hand as his balls tighten even closer to his body. "Please, please, wanna come-"

"What's that? Can't quite hear you," breathes Louis, his blue eyes wicked as he keeps fucking up into Harry's body.

Harry sobs loudly, his legs losing their strength as Louis hits his prostate over and over. "Please - please-"

Louis bites his lip, looking Harry up and down like a piece of meat, and then starts to stroke his cock quickly, abandoning his tight grip and sending Harry barrelling toward his orgasm. Harry squeezes his eyes shut, another sob getting stuck in his throat as he bites down on Louis's fingers and comes, collapsing forward as he keeps Louis deep inside him and spurts between their bodies.

Louis makes a low noise in his throat and pulls his fingers out of Harry's mouth, gripping Harry's hip with his wet hand and leaning forward to kiss him. He pushes his tongue between Harry's lips and then pulls Harry down hard on top of him, keeping him there as Harry feels him start to come.

Harry lays limply like that for a while, slumped on top of Louis with their lips locked together. After a while, the sweat on his back starts to cool and he shivers.

"Have you ever done that before?" he asks Louis eventually, breaking the kiss.

"Done what?"

"Um... dommed someone, I guess?"

Louis shrugs and then smiles. "Once or twice. I had a feeling about you, though."
Harry blushes. "I've never. In real life, at least."

"What, you've done it with someone on the internet?"

Harry snorts. "No, no, just - in my head."

"Mmm," Louis nods.

"Are you... allowed to do that?"

Louis laughs. "What, because I'm going to be a priest?"

Harry nods, squirming a bit as he feels Louis start to go soft inside him.

"Harry, I'm not required to inform the church of all my sexual activities," says Louis, still laughing. "And as for God, I think He'd be more upset at the gay sex than the fact that it's kinky. But we're Protestants, so I like to think God is very reasonable about that sort of thing."

That's actually quite comforting.

"Maybe not the fact that we're doing it in a church, though," says Louis. "C'mon, up you go."

He pats Harry on the thigh and Harry goes, climbing off of Louis gingerly and frowning at how empty his arse feels. His head's still spinning a bit, like it does after he wanks to the thought of something really kinky, but this time he's actually done something mildly kinky and it felt great. He wonders if they're going to do this again - do it this way again, that is - as he starts to get dressed.


That night, Harry goes out with Niall, then immediately regrets it when Niall takes a girl back to their room and Harry has to sit outside in the hallway for two hours while he sobers up. Saturday night, Harry stays in to do some work; Niall leaves around ten o'clock to go to a friend's birthday party, saying he won't be back until very late.

Harry decides to call it an early night at around midnight, closing all of his books and his laptops and turning out the light before he shucks off his clothes and crawls into bed. He's kind of in the mood for a nice, slow wank, the kind that takes an hour - the kind he usually doesn't have time for.

Forty minutes later, he's hard and dripping, trying to tease himself as he moves his hand painfully slowly over his shaft. Harry throws his head back and moans, free to be as loud as he wants, and however much he tries not to he thinks about Louis, he's thinking about him, oh, thinking about Louis braced over him and fucking him on a plush mattress with silk sheets, worshipping every inch of Harry's body with his tongue but avoiding his cock, teasing him with little licks now and again but not letting him come.

Harry grips himself a bit tighter and thinks back to what Louis said yesterday, "Bet I could make you hold out for days until you couldn't fucking take it," and he shudders and whines as more precome blurts out of the tip of his cock. He feels dirty like this and he almost hates himself for it, hates that he can't go a wank without thinking about the fucking minister-in-training at his church, and he hates that the resulting shame just makes the whole thing hotter for him.

He wishes he wasn't such a slave to his mind when it came to these things, that he wasn't so helpless against his body's desires, and that's when it hits him -

Maybe he should give up orgasms.

But it seems so impossible and so torturous that he'd need Louis to help him, to whisper in his ear with that deliciously raspy voice, "Forty more days, darling, you said you'd be good-"

"Oh fuck," Harry shouts, his back arching as his cock shoots all over his stomach. He barely has a hand on himself, but that and the very idea of not coming was enough to push him over the edge.

As he lays there in the dark coming down from his orgasm, come cooling on his stomach, Harry thinks that he might be kind of fucked.


He tells Louis after church the next day.

Louis, well - Louis really likes the idea.

"Holy shit," Harry breathes out, his muscles finally relaxing after tensing up during his orgasm.

On the floor, Louis sits back on his heels, licking his lips and bracing his hands on his thighs. He's still wearing his robes from the service. "Is that seriously something you'd want to do?"

Harry nods, his head still fuzzy from getting sucked off.

"Would you, um - did you tell me because you wanted me to be involved?"

"Well, I can't see how I'd make it forty days without someone to motivate me," Harry tells him cheekily.

Louis laughs. "That's very true."

"The only problem is that, um - it really gets me off."

"What does?"

Harry gulps. "Just, like - just the thought of not being allowed to come. M'not sure how I'm going to last forty days."

Louis climbs gracefully to his feet, dusting off his robes. "I might be able to get something to help you with that. No guarantees, though, especially because you've got to start Wednesday, but we'll see."

He leans forward and gives Harry a kiss, pressing him against the door as Harry parts his lips and swipes his tongue against Louis's, tasting himself.

"You're going to want to get off a lot between now and then," Louis murmurs against his lips. "Come til you can't anymore, hmm?"

"Yeah," Harry agrees, throwing his head back and moaning as Louis kisses down his neck. He gasps when Louis bites down and starts to suck a bruise into his skin. It's so intense that it almost hurts, making Harry squirms until Louis finally lets up, undoubtedly leaving a red mark in his wake. "I'll - yeah."


Harry doesn't hear anything more from Louis until Tuesday night, the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. When Louis texts him, Harry's actually in the middle of a very intense wanking session, complete with fingers up his arse and everything, to try to get it out of his system before the long weeks ahead start.

With his cleaner (well, less filthy) hand, Harry unlocks his phone to check Louis's message.

'look what I got for you xx'

There's a picture attached, and at first Harry can't quite figure out what it is. It's small and made of metal, just barely fitting in Louis's hand as he holds it out for the camera. It's curved and has a series of rings that taper into a rounded end, like some sort of-


Harry realizes with a start that his cock's meant to go in there, isn't it? It would certainly help with the temptation, all the times Harry might get hard and have to resist touching himself - even sex dreams at night. He shudders, clenching involuntarily around his fingers as his cock twitches. He doesn't know how he feels about that - at least, how his mind feels about that, because his body's certainly on board with the idea if the way he's hurtling toward orgasm is any indication.

'does my dick go in there the whole time?' he texts Louis, his fingers shaking as he types.

While Harry waits for Louis to respond he continues to finger himself, not touching his cock in order to stave off his orgasm a little longer. His fingers are long enough that he can hit his own prostate, tapping at the little bundle of nerves until his back is arched and he's gasping out loudly, extremely glad Niall had to work late at the library today.

When his phone vibrates with another text, Harry is quick to open it.

'24/7 til holy saturday. think about it and let me know at church tomorrow?'

Harry groans and drops his phone, the phrase "twenty-four seven" ringing around in his brain until it's all he can think about, being soft and locked up like that for forty straight days. He can't figure out why his body likes the idea so much, why his cock is starting to dribble precome onto his stomach in tiny spurts as he begins rolling his hips down to fuck himself on his fingers. All he knows is that he's getting himself in way over his head and it's turning him on, making him noisier and noisier until finally he's sinking down onto his fingers and coming untouched with a whimper, his legs convulsing and kicking at the bed sheets as he shivers through it.


"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Harry closes his eyes obediently and bows his head, trying not to startle when he feels Louis's thumb press gently into his skin drawing the shape of a cross on his forehead. He hears rather than sees Louis move on to the next student, and when Harry opens his eyes he crosses himself and stands up to let another student take his place kneeling in front of the altar. There's a small line that's formed and Harry brushes past all of them quickly, in a hurry to get to Louis's office so no one will see that he's getting hard just thinking about what he's agreed to.


About half an hour later, Louis finally comes into his office, shutting the door with a relieved sigh and clicking the lock as he takes a long drink from a cup of ice water.

"I thought you had class today," he tells Harry as he strolls over to his desk.

"Skipped it," Harry replies shortly, sprawling out lazily and smirking as Louis eyes him.

"Very naughty of you," says Louis. "Exactly the type of behavior we men of God like to discourage."

Harry snorts derisively, watching as Louis begins to rifle through his desk. Finally, Louis stands back up, clutching the metal device triumphantly in his hand - the same one he'd texted Harry a picture of last night. Harry's breath catches. This is actually happening. He's really doing this.

He starts to get hard again, bulging out the front of his jeans, and Louis notices, glancing at Harry's crotch with a frown. "Stand up."

Harry does as he's told, his hands clenched in nervous fists by his side.

"Trousers off. Pants, too."

God, fuck, this is all happening so fast - but Harry obeys, shucking his jeans and briefs and almost tripping over his own feet as he tries to tug them off. He feels dizzy and self-conscious, which is only serving to make him harden further.

"This won't work if you're hard," Louis says with a frown.

Harry looks up hopefully, wondering if maybe that means Louis might get him off one last time, but instead Louis just dips his hand into the glass of ice water and walks quickly around the desk, wasting no time before grabbing Harry's cock with his cold hand.

"Fuck," Harry hisses, wincing in pain as the blood leaves his dick. He tries to pull away from Louis's cold hand but Louis holds him firmly, squeezing until Harry's soft once more.

"There you go," says Louis kindly. He kisses Harry's cheek, making Harry blush furiously; then, before Harry can react, he slips a metal ring over Harry's cock and balls, pulling them through until the ring's sitting snugly against Harry's pelvis. Then, Louis tucks Harry's soft cock into the metal cage, gently pulling it closer to Harry's body until Harry's all caged in and the two metal pieces are fitting together. They interlock in several places, securing Harry inside the cage, and Harry's head is still spinning when Louis loops a small golden lock through one of the interlocking sections and fastens it, keeping the whole thing locked up tight.

"Beautiful," Louis murmurs, stepping back to admire his handiwork. "That looks even prettier on you than I'd imagined. Such a good boy for doing this." He steps closer and whispers into Harry's ear, "Can't believe your big, lovely cock fits in that tiny cage. I'm actually kind of sad we're locking it away, Harry. Maybe once Lent is over you can fuck me with it, hmm?"

Harry whines, biting his lip as he looks down at himself and almost whimpers at how confined he is, and the burning of arousal in his pelvis tells him that his body likes this idea very much. When his cock tries to get hard, though, it can't, can only strain against the metal bars as it fills up to its pitiful capacity and no further. It hurts, it aches deep in his balls, and Harry - Harry loves it. He feels dirty and pure at the same time, because he's really committing to his fasting for Lent but he feels like he's doing it for all the wrong reasons. Christ, he feels dizzy.

"And - if you ever stop being alright with this, like, at any time, you should tell me," says Louis after he pulls away, penetrating the fog that's clouded Harry's brain. "Because I'll be keeping the key with me, just so you don't get tempted to unlock yourself and ruin your fast."

Harry nods dumbly, still too turned on to speak. Louis cocks his head and stares at him; he looks like he knows what Harry's going through.

"If you want to stay here for a bit while you calm down, that's fine with me. I've got some work I have to get done anyway, so. If you want."

Harry nods again, leaning forward for a kiss before he even registers what he's doing. Louis indulges him, kissing him sweetly for a few moments before pulling back after one last peck.

"I guess I had some - uh, a paper I had to write, if it's alright that i work on it here," Harry forces out eventually, glad Louis is giving him the option of staying here for a couple of hours.

"More than alright with me," says Louis with a smile.

Fifteen minutes later and Harry is having trouble focusing. His laptop is out and he's staring at a blinking cursor, but all he can think about is the weight of the metal between his legs, the cool press of it against his cock and balls. His cock is straining against the cage because of how turned on he is, and Harry can only hope that he manages to calm down soon and get some work done.


While the fuzzy-headed feeling he'd gotten from Louis manhandling him disappears after a few hours, Harry's obsession with what's between his legs does not. He spends the rest of the week struggling to focus in class or with his friends, some part of his brain constantly focused on his cock, and he also finds that he has to actively stop himself from palming his cock almost all the time. He's just so - fascinated by it, and he isn't sure if it's supposed to be making him feel more sexual and naughty but that's what it's doing. Even in class, he has to fight the urge to cup himself and just hold himself like that, feeling the firmness of the metal through his jeans. The cage doesn't show through his trousers, thank God, but somehow Harry feels like everyone still knows - which just turns him on even more.

He doesn't see Louis on Friday because Louis says he wants to give Harry a week or so to get adjusted. Even at services on Sunday, they don't speak privately, instead just exchanging words of peace - all Harry gets is a tiny smirk from Louis to acknowledge what he's going through. Still, they do text fairly regularly, sometimes about what Harry's going through but sometimes just about silly, mundane stuff that they think the other might find amusing.

As Harry passes the one-week mark, though, his balls start to ache with the number of times he's tried to get hard and failed. Harry realizes it's probably all of the come that's starting to build up in there, something he stupidly hadn't anticipated. It's all he can think about for the rest of the school week, squirming through classes and meetings with his professors, even freaking Niall out a bit when Harry writhes in the sheets at night trying to find a position that won't further stimulate him.

It gets so bad that on Saturday night Harry can barely stand without thinking about his cock, and he declines Niall's offer to go out simply because he can't imagine getting drunk and not blurting out his secret to everyone - it's all he thinks about. He texts Louis about how much it hurts, how sensitive and distracted he's getting, and within a couple of minutes Harry gets a reply.

'i might be able to help you if you come to my office after church tomorrow. honestly i'm surprised you held out this long xx'

What's that supposed to mean? Harry's offended that Louis doesn't believe he's capable of giving up orgasms for forty days. Harry's more than capable of that - if his balls don't explode in the meantime, that is.


When Harry wakes up on Sunday it's with a loud groan at how full and tender his balls feel. It almost hurts just getting dressed, making Harry wish he could go to services naked. But then everyone - everyone would see, if they don't already think something's up from how weird Harry's been acting lately. It's not his fault that he's constantly horny all the fucking time, is it?

The service feels like it takes forever, only because Harry can barely wait to receive whatever help Louis is going to give him. When Louis gives him communion up at the altar Harry blushes and his dick twitches pathetically in the cage, happy at any attention or acknowledgement from Louis, even if it is just pressing a communion wafer onto his tongue. He starts to sweat as he resists the urge to unzip his jeans once he takes his seat back in the pew, the pressure on his balls both too much to take and ratcheting up his arousal with every move he makes.

As soon as the service is over, Harry stands up shakily, feeling self-conscious and off-kilter. He feels like he's sweating through all of his clothes, and even though no one around him is looking at him strangely he feels like they all are, feels like they must know what he's got on underneath his clothes and what it's doing to him.

He lingers in the back, watching Louis talk leisurely with several students near the altar, and makes small talk with a few close acquaintances for several minutes while resisting the urge to palm himself through the warm metal. He knows it doesn't show through his jeans but he's so aware of it at all times, like even when he's focusing on holding a conversation with others there's some part of his brain constantly focused on his cock. And the more he thinks about it the more excited he gets, and the more it hurts because he can't get hard no matter how much he strains against the confining metal, which only makes him focus on it more, and-

"Everything alright, Harry?" Louis asks, startling Harry out of his head. He hadn't noticed Louis slip himself into the conversation Harry'd been having with a few other people. "You look a bit out of it."

Harry gulps. "I - uh, yeah, just have a bit of a headache."

Louis tuts sympathetically, and the others do the same. "I have some Advil in my office, if you think that would help."

God, how does everyone else not know that Harry's so turned on he can barely see straight? "Um - yeah, yeah, I think that might help."

"That settles that, then," says Louis, pushing the sanctuary doors open. "I'll see the rest of you at coffee hour tonight, won't I?"

The other students nod and make affirmative noises, then start to disperse, bundling themselves up before preparing to leave the church. Louis walks away from them down the hallway to his office and Harry follows after him stupidly, feeling like Louis might as well have him on a leash.

When they get inside and Louis has locked the door, he turns to Harry with a smirk on his face. "Do you have any idea how hot you looked suffering through the service like that? You were obscene, Harry, my goodness."

Harry exhales out a huge breath. "Louis, please, it - hurts."

Louis bites his lip and raises his eyebrow. "Oh, it hurts a lot, does it?"

"Mhmm," Harry murmurs, leaning back against the door and finally, finally reaching down a hand to cup himself through his jeans. He lets out a frustrated noise at the curved metal bars that prevent him from stroking himself to hardness, but he can't stop touching himself even though he's only making the pain worse. He feels possessed. "You said you could make it better."

Louis laughs. "Yeah, think I can, babe. C'mon, let's take a little seat at my desk."

Harry watches Louis first, watches him cross over to his desk and then look thoughtfully at everything placed on it. The alms basins are still sitting on there from when the ushers collected everyone's donations during the services - measly as usual, considering the parishioners are all uni students, but it doesn't quite matter since the church receives most of its funding from the university.

"I'm trying to figure out something to put under you," Louis says contemplatively. "Here, I think this will do."

He picks up one of the silver, shallow alms basins and empties the money it holds into the other one, leaving him with an empty ornate dish.

"How is that-" Harry starts.

"You'll see," says Louis. "But you've got to take your trousers off first, then come over here."

Harry does as he's told, frantic and desperate for anything that'll get rid of the constant ache in his full balls, the needy thrum of arousal in his cock. After his shoes, socks, and jeans are all discarded, he makes his way over to Louis's desk, feeling self-conscious and shy as he looks down at himself and sees his cock confined in the metal bars of the cage.

"Oh, that does look like it hurts," Louis says sympathetically once he sees. "Got a week's worth of come in there, haven't you?"

Harry just barely stops a whimper from slipping out at the powerful jolt of arousal that shoots up his spine at Louis's words, because it's true - he hasn't come for a full week and he feels like he's about to burst. "Please. Louis - please."

"I've got you, babe," Louis murmurs, reaching out to stroke the back of Harry's neck once he's close enough. He leans in to press a kiss to Harry's throat, then one tiny peck on his lips, but he backs up when Harry tries to kiss him back and Harry ends up chasing Louis's lips fruitlessly. "Can you kneel down on the floor for me? And put your elbows on that pillow, there."

Harry sees that the pillow usually sitting on Louis's desk chair has made its way onto the ground. He isn't sure when he missed that, but it was probably when he was getting undressed and trying not to combust. Once he's in position on all fours, Harry feels terribly exposed even though he's still wearing a sweater - his bare arse is out and his cock is hanging heavy between his legs, the weight of the metal adding to the strain and tugging on his swollen balls.

He hears Louis kneeling down next to him, and a second later Harry realizes that Louis is sliding the silver dish underneath him, positioning it under Harry's cock. Then Harry hears the snick of a bottle cap and everything goes fuzzy for a second, the rush of his heartbeat in his ears too overwhelming for Harry to focus on anything else.

"Now, you still won't be able to come," Louis tells him. He touches a single slick fingertip to Harry's hole and Harry almost yells. "But this should make it hurt less so you can keep being good. You've been good this week, haven't you?"

"Mhmm," Harry agrees, nodding stupidly and shivering as Louis starts to massage the tight ring of muscle around his hole. He grunts when Louis pushes the first finger inside, bearing down on it greedily and arching his back out of instinct.

Louis avoids his prostate at first, fucks his finger in and out until Harry is whimpering and shaking and then he adds another, stretching Harry out a bit. Harry's cock would be rock hard by now except he can't get hard so it just hurts, in a different way than Harry's ever felt before, like he never wants it to stop as long as it keeps making him feel like he's burning up from the inside out.

Then, Louis's fingers find his prostate, and Harry whines loudly and buries his face in the pillow.

"Shh, shhhh," Louis shushes him, placing his other hand on Harry's back and stroking him soothingly through the sweater. "Settle down, Harry."

Harry tries - he bites down on his lip to stop any more noises from slipping out, and he links his hands together to stop from clawing at the carpet. Louis is relentless on Harry's prostate now that he's decided to finally give it attention - the pads of his two fingers are rubbing in slow, deliberate circles over it that make Harry's toes curl and his cock leak precome into the dish, little humiliating drip drip sounds that seem loud in the quiet office.

When Louis slides a third finger inside, Harry keens and rocks his hips back like he's about to get fucked, greedy for something, anything that will push him over the edge. Louis holds his fingers still, though, and Harry's cheeks flame as he realizes how he must look, riding Louis's fingers in a desperate, futile attempt to make himself come. His cross necklace bumps against his chin every time he humps back and forth.

"You have to stay still," Louis murmurs after a moment, like he would have been perfectly comfortable watching Harry tease himself into a frenzy for a few more minutes. "I promise it'll be worth it, though, c'mon."

Without waiting for an answer, Louis presses down on his back with a firm hand, forcing Harry to arch and robbing him of the leverage to move his hips back. Harry whimpers as Louis starts to massage his prostate more firmly, now with three fingers, almost like he's trying to force fluid out, and Harry gasps and shuts his eyes tightly as he feels even more pressure start to build up in his sensitive balls.

"Let go, Harry," Louis murmurs, his wicked fingers teasing quiet moans from Harry's mouth with every circle they draw over the sensitive little gland. "You've been holding out a whole week, baby, you've been so good."

God, more than a week, and Harry's never felt more out of control. Fire starts to lick up his spine and it makes him panic - "L-Louis, I feel like m'gonna - oh god-"

"It's alright, darling, let it happen."

Harry doesn't want to come, though, because he gave it up for Lent and Louis is counting on him, God is counting on him, and he makes a helpless little noise into the pillow when he realizes he's about to come regardless of what he himself wants.

Then Harry feels - he feels come start to leak out of his caged cock, but he's not hard and it sort of feels like he's peeing, almost, except more slowly, and it's warm and thick and he moans loudly as it starts to drip down onto the collection dish. He isn't having an orgasm, not really - he's still just on the edge of coming, not catapulted over yet, but the come is still being forced out of him by Louis's fingers pressing into his prostate and Harry wants to scream because he's still confined in the cage and he just wants to come-

"There you go," Louis says kindly, scissoring his fingers for a few brief moments before going back to stroking Harry's spot. "Look at that, look how much come was inside you, Harry. You're doing so well."

"Oh my g-god-"

"Shhh," Louis murmurs, patting Harry's bum with the hand that's not buried in his arse. "We don't take the Lord's name in vain, do we?"

Harry shakes his head frantically, exhaling on a long moan as more come dribbles out of his soft cock.

"Especially not in church."

Harry sobs as his thighs start to quiver, feeling tears start to leak from his eyes.

"Especially on a Sunday," Louis finishes, pressing his fingers even deeper and curling them until stars burst behind Harry's eyelids.

The steady drip of come into the alms basin is obscenely loud, and the only other sound in the room is Louis's occasional contented humming as he moves his fingers differently and finds new ways to milk more come from Harry's prostate. Harry's whole body is tense, just like it always gets right before he comes, but there's no release - he's wound up tight as a spring, and though the pressure is gradually disappearing from his balls it's not making Harry any less aroused.

"More," Harry whimpers, clawing at the carpet as he tries to stay in position. "Louis, I - please, touch me-"

Louis chuckles, drawing back so he can get a different angle. "Wouldn't do much for you, would it, babe?"

Harry sobs again, still feeling the slow, steady flow of come out of his caged dick. It almost tickles, like an itch he needs to scratch, but Harry knows the only thing that would really satisfy him now would be getting hard and he knows that's not happening for five more weeks.

Louis's other hand pats his bum a few more times before dropping down to cup Harry's sensitive balls, tugging on them a bit just to feel how full they are. Harry lets out a quiet scream into the pillow as his knees threaten to give out.

"Do they feel any better?" Louis asks him, rolling Harry's balls in his palm.

"Um," Harry stammers, "um, I - I g-guess."

"Still have more for me, hmm?"

"Y-yeah," Harry moans, arching his back and shivering. Now that he thinks about it, he does feel a bit less full and miserable, but it doesn't change the fact that every muscle in his body is taut as a bowstring and he's starting to feel lightheaded from how badly he wants to come. "Louis - Louis-"

"You're doing so well, baby," says Louis, tugging on his balls until Harry keens into the pillow. "Gonna feel so good when we're all done, aren't you?"

"Nnngh," Harry groans, his shoulders shaking as more tears soak into the pillow.

Louis keeps massaging his balls and it's starting to make Harry feel really, really dirty, like a fucking animal or an instrument to be played, but it feels so agonizingly good that he never wants it to stop, even as shame continues to heat his face.

"I wish you could see how much you're coming," Louis tells him, a note of awe in his voice.

"M'not - oh - m'not coming," Harry mumbles into the pillow even as his eyes roll back into his head.

Louis laughs quietly as he applies a little more pressure with his fingers. "I know that, darling. You gave it up for Lent."

"Mhmm," Harry agrees, sighing and shuddering as the flow of come from his cock, which had started to slow, picks back up again.

"Such a good boy to be doing this," continues Louis, and Harry's cheeks feel like they're on fire, Christ, "wearing your cage to make sure you don't cheat."

Harry makes a noise he's sure he's never made before, some sort of cross between a slutty cry and defeated groan. Louis gives his balls one last squeeze and then lets go, and seconds later Harry can hear rustling fabric and he realizes that Louis is shrugging off his robes one-handed as he continues to milk Harry's prostate. Even though Harry's heart is pounding loudly in his ears as his body continues to betray itself, he still catches the sound that comes next - Louis unzipping his trousers. Harry's mouth waters.

He's not sure if Louis is jerking off yet or if the pressure in his trousers had just gotten too much for his hard cock, but either way it means Louis is hard from seeing Harry like this, and - and Harry's so jealous of him in a way he's never been before.

"So gorgeous like this," Louis mutters lowly, and - oh, yeah, he's definitely touching himself, and Harry groans into the pillow and spreads his legs a bit wider, hoping Louis will take pity on him and fuck him after he's done getting all the come out of him.

He can feel it slowing down, feel the drips getting less and less frequent, and the urgency and desperate need to come is slowly fading from Harry's system, leaving him a hopeless, sweaty mess with five more weeks to wait until he can have a real orgasm again. Harry moans sadly into the pillow and rocks his hips back, shaking them around a bit just to feel the weight of the metal tug on his sore cock.

"Y'almost done, darling?" asks Louis. Now that the fuzz has cleared from Harry's ears a bit and his balls feel empty, almost drained, he can hear the slick sounds of Louis stroking himself, and fire would shoot up Harry's spine at the noise if he had any come left inside him but he doesn't; all that happens is that his cock gives a single small twitch.

Oh, fuck, what has he gotten himself into? "Think so."

Louis shifts until he's completely behind Harry, not slightly off to the side like he was before, and Harry sucks in a breath when he realizes that Louis might be preparing to fuck him. Louis rubs at his prostate for a few more moments before finally, finally pulling his fingers out, the filthy-slick sound deafening in the silence inside Harry's head. A second later Harry feels Louis's cool lips press to his sensitive, overexcited hole, just a sweet little kiss that has him crying out and trying to push back to get more.

It's useless, though - Louis draws back almost immediately, leaving Harry with only the phantom touch of lips against his hole, and reaches around to slide the dish out from underneath Harry's overworked body.

"Seriously, look how much you had in you," says Louis. "That must've been a difficult week."

With great difficulty, Harry props himself up on his elbows and twists around, blinking his eyes to get used to the light once more. He finds Louis's face first and sees that Louis is kneeling, smiling gently at him, and it makes Harry's whole body feel warm and syrupy. Then, he sees the alms basin that Louis is holding out, and he almost gasps at the amount of white fluid pooled at the bottom. No wonder he was going crazy, fuck.

"Still wanna come," he mumbles.

Louis's eyes crinkle at the corners. "I don't think you could come right now even if we took that off of you, to be honest."

Harry groans and closes his eyes again, resting his head back on the pillow. Then, he remembers that Louis still hasn't gotten off when he hears the slick sounds of Louis's hand on his cock start up again as he wanks himself to the no doubt obscene vision that Harry presents like this, his bare arse up in the air like he's waiting for someone to have their way with him.

His legs are starting to get sore from holding this position, though, so Harry rolls onto his side to finally give his knees a rest. He's still breathing hard as he opens his eyes and watches Louis lazily jerking himself off, and Harry's breath catches in his throat when he sees the wet pink head of Louis's cock disappearing into his fist over and over. He's still a tiny bit jealous of Louis's hard dick, but mostly he just wants it in his mouth, so he reaches a hand out to grab Louis's arm and slow him down.

"Hey, I didn't give it up like you did," Louis says, trying to shake Harry's hand off. He must think Harry's trying to stop him from coming.

"No, I just - can I suck you off?" Harry asks him slowly, finding that the words take a little bit of time traveling from his brain to his mouth.

Louis's eyes widen and his hand finally slows down.

Harry licks his lips and tries again. "Please?"

"Yeah - yeah, sure," says Louis, sounding overwhelmed.

He stands up, his dick bobbing in front of him, and backs up so he's leaning against the desk. Harry pushes himself up onto his knees, resigned to the fact that they're going to become even more sore than they already are, and scoots so he's kneeling in front of Louis, being sure to avoid the dish of come. Harry looks up and licks his lips when he sees that Louis is already staring down at him, his pupils blown.

Harry's about to say something, maybe about how hard Louis is, when one of Louis's hands threads through his curls, gently yet firmly pulling his head forward. Harry moans and opens his mouth, wetting it just in time for the slick head of Louis's cock to slide between his lips. It's warm and salty and Harry just barely has time to dart his tongue out and lap at Louis's slit before his head is being pulled down, down, further down until Louis is bumping at the back of Harry's throat, making Harry gasp as he braces his hands on Louis's thighs to try to get his bearings.

"Just like that," Louis murmurs quietly, his fingers tightening in Harry's hair.

Harry moans around his cock and starts to bob his head up and down, letting Louis guide the pace but also using his hands on Louis's thighs for leverage. His head is spinning, that same strange jealous feeling from before now joined by the desire to make Louis come, to do what Harry himself can't-

"M'already close," Louis tells him, stroking Harry's cheek with his other hand. "Christ, you're so good at this, darling-"

Harry's about to playfully rebuke him for taking the Lord's name in vain, but the next second Louis's hips jerk forward and Harry ends up almost gagging on the thick cock sliding down his throat. Louis swears, holds him there like that and Harry moans again, except it's even more muffled this time and tears are starting to leak out the corners of his eyes as he fights the urge to choke. Harry pulls back and then goes down again, feeling another spurt of precome coat his tongue as his jaw is stretched wide, and - fuck, normally giving head like this is more than enough to get him hard and dripping, but Louis milked his prostate so thoroughly that Harry doesn't feel any stirrings of arousal at all in his pelvis. His mind is the only part of him that's turned on, not the rest of his body, and it's weird and unfamiliar and makes his head feel even fuzzier.

He redoubles his efforts to get Louis to fall apart, shoving his head down so fast that Louis lets go of his hair in surprise and hisses out a moan as Harry swallows him down. Harry whines and pulls back, nudging at Louis's hand with his head until Louis takes the hint and grips his hair tightly again, tugging a bit, and Harry's in heaven, fuck. Out of instinct, he drops one hand from Louis's thigh and goes to palm himself instead, but when his hand ends up cupping warm metal Harry groans and tries to touch himself anyway, rutting his hips forward and rubbing himself through the bars with his fingertips while he works up a fast rhythm with his mouth on Louis's dick.

"Fuck," Louis hisses, his legs starting to shake, "fuck, are you - Harry, oh my - Harry-"

He pushes Harry's head down and Harry goes more than willingly, whimpering as Louis starts to come in hot spurts down his throat. There are tear tracks on Harry's face and his jaw is aching from his enthusiasm but he doesn't want it to stop, and he sucks greedily on Louis's cock until Louis finally tugs him back by his hair.

Harry slumps back onto the floor, breathing hard, while Louis leans back against the desk and exhales loudly.

"Not sure I expected this," Louis says eventually, tugging his pants back up.

Harry wants to say "expected what?" but his mouth doesn't quite obey him, and he bites his lip unhappily as he watches Louis tuck his softening cock into his pants. Finally, he manages to get out, "Expected what?"

"It to... it to be this hot, I guess," says Louis. "Like, I certainly didn't expect a blowie afterward."

Harry grins. "I don't even know what I expected, but it wasn't that."

He points at the dish of come to make his point, which makes Louis laugh. "You do feel better now, though, don't you?"

"Yeah, definitely," says Harry. He climbs unsteadily to his feet, using Louis's desk chair for support. His legs still don't feel one-hundred percent like his own and he kind of feels like growing eight more arms and wrapping them all around the seminary student standing across from him, but Louis is already dressed again so Harry figures he'd better get a move on too.

Louis surprises him, then, when he asks, "D'you want to go out and get something to eat?"

That's new.

"Yeah, I - yeah, sure," Harry says, going for casual and hoping he doesn't sound like his heart's just leapt into his throat.

Louis smiles. "You just, uh, you look like you might not want to rejoin the outside world just yet."

Harry blushes. It's true, though - interacting with anyone else besides Louis at the present moment sounds like a daunting, difficult task. "Not particularly."

"I'll go get this cleaned off while you get dressed, then," Louis says, bending down to pick up the alms basin from the carpet. He steps forward and presses a quick kiss to Harry's cheek before turning around and striding toward the office door.

Once he's gone, Harry continues to stare after him, touching the place on his cheek where Louis kissed him.


Once they're all ready to go, Louis drives them both to a breakfast place in the neighboring town, farther than anyone on campus could reach by foot. Harry figures this is intentional, and he agrees - it would be odd for them to be seen together having breakfast, just the two of them.

Harry still feels out of it, kind of like he does after an intense scene, but - that didn't really feel like a scene, at least not to him. It wasn't like anything he'd ever experienced before. Even so, he sticks close to Louis when they're seated, going so far as to sit on the same side of the booth as him and wiggle under his arm; by the time they've finished their meal, Harry is feeling more like himself again, and he's happy to let Louis drive him home with a smile. After all, he has a lot of work to catch up on now that he can finally focus again.


The first few days of the following week are a little easier for Harry, his head clearer and his mind sharper. He tries to prolong this relief by throwing himself into his schoolwork, trying to keep himself as busy as possible so he doesn't fall victim to the burning, all-consuming arousal he experienced the previous week, the debilitating kind that trapped him inside his own head with no relief - and it works, until Harry wakes up Thursday morning after a particularly naughty dream expecting to see his boner tenting the sheets and instead just seeing flat sheets laid smoothly over his soft, caged cock.

"Fuck," he groans, throwing a hand over his eyes as he reaches down to touch himself, fingers rubbing at the little patches of skin that show through the bars. It's not much, but it's temporary relief that he knows will make his balls feel worse later - he can't help it, is the thing.

Harry throws the sheets off, hoping Niall is still asleep in the bunk below him, and spreads his legs, reaching further down to cup his balls, which are starting to feel full again. He moans, a tortured, desperate sound, because the busy work was good for a few days' relief but it can't keep him away from his reality - that he isn't going to get to come for four more weeks, and nothing he can do to distract himself from that fact is going to change it.

Harry moans as all this information does is turn him on even more, arousal slow-burning in his caged cock and balls until he's flipping over and trying to hump the mattress, gripping his pillow tightly as he rubs himself against the sheets. It does nothing, of course, just builds him up even more, but Harry has gone out of his fucking skull with need and he realizes that he's going to need Louis to milk his prostate again this Sunday, to humiliate his own body like that just so he can get a few days of peace.

Fuck. Fuck.

Then Harry hears Niall rustling the sheets on his bunk, like he's starting to wake up, so Harry quickly flips over and pulls the sheet back up over him, not wanting Niall to discover his dirty little secret. Then Niall's getting out of bed and muttering "morning" to him, and Harry realizes that it's time to start the day.

He's never going to feel ready, not after what just happened, but Harry can only hope he's able to limp along until Sunday, until he can get his balls drained again by Louis's clever fingers.


When Louis comes into his office after services on Sunday, Harry is already in position, jeans off - he hadn't bothered to wear pants - bent over on all fours in front of his desk, his elbows on a pillow and an empty alms basin beneath his soft cock.

"Oh, baby," Louis coos, shutting the door. "You just couldn't wait, could you?"

Harry shakes his head no, feeling miserable and weak at the overwhelming joy he feels when he hears the snick of the lube bottle clicking open. Seconds later Louis doesn't waste any time, slides two fingers straightaway into Harry's hole as Harry yelps and tries not to twitch away from the slightly burning stretch. He settles down immediately, though, when Louis's fingers immediately start teasing at his prostate - Harry falls completely silent and drops his head down to hang in between his arms, panting like an animal as he finally gets what he'd wanted, listening to Louis's low murmurs of praise as he prepares for sweet relief.


A strange thing happens during the third week of Harry's fast - he starts to feel very, very sad.

He's not sure what he's sad about - it's just like a fog has settled over his brain, and not the good kind of spacey fog that he gets after he has sex with Louis. God, he misses sex. He misses seeing Louis in general - they text almost constantly, now, but Louis still seems to think that their weekly Friday "meetings" would be too much for Harry and too much for even Louis, tempting as it would be to let Harry out of his cage and play with his cock, get him hard and dripping and just leave him like that until he softens up again.

It's not the constant haze of arousal from the first week, nor is it the helpless drive to try to keep himself busy of the second week - Harry just feels a little down, and he isn't even particularly focused on his cock anymore, probably because his body has finally gotten the message that Harry isn't getting out of his cage anytime soon.

He texts Louis about it on Thursday night after he'd had a little cry by himself for no reason in the library. He'd gotten a few pats on the back from strangers, other students who probably thought that Harry was just stressed about schoolwork. Harry wishes he knew what he was upset about, honestly, so he figures talking to Louis might make him feel a little better.

He tells Louis he's been feeling generally down all week, and Louis replies within a minute.

'i'm sorry love :( i did some research and some sites did say that was common with people in long-term chastity.'

Chastity. The word hits Harry like a brick, that - that's what his reality is right now, isn't it? Fuck, he'd never thought of it that way, and it makes him feel more pious and more unclean all at once. Before Harry can think more on this, though, his phone buzzes with another text.

'do you want to stop? forty days is a long time, and i wouldn't blame you if you couldn't make it that long.'

Harry shakes his head immediately, then texts back 'no, i'll be alright' very quickly. He doesn't want to stop now - that would probably make him feel even worse, like he's weak. Louis is counting on him. God is counting on him.

'is there anything i can do to make you feel better? xx'

Harry wants to see Louis. With a start, he realizes that he hasn't wanted to see anyone but Louis for the past week. He tells Louis as much, nervous that Louis isn't going to take it well but desperate not to feel sad anymore.

Louis doesn't reply for several minutes, during which time Harry gets steadily sadder and sadder, afraid that he's scared Louis off with how needy he's being but he can't help it. Finally, Louis replies, and Harry's fingers shake as they open the text.

'i still have some work to finish tonight'

Harry's heart drops. Before he can stutter out a half-baked reply, though, Louis texts him again.

'but if you wanted to come over we could watch a film together? as long as you don't mind me working through it. x'

Oh God - Louis just - Louis just invited him over. Harry's nervous and excited all at once, feeling like a schoolboy with a crush, and he tries to play it cool as he texts back, 'i'd really like that, as long as it wont bother you. where do you live?'

'kind of far from campus,' Louis texts back. 'i can come pick you up if you want, just give me fifteen minutes?? xxx'

'yeah of course! thank you so much x'

Harry debates throwing in an emoji heart but decides against it, not wanting to spook Louis when he's already doing so much by indulging Harry.


As soon as Harry snuggles into Louis on Louis's couch, he feels markedly better.

The car ride hadn't been as awkward as Harry had anticipated - after Louis had made sure that Harry was okay and didn't need to be taken to hospital, he drove with one comforting hand on Harry's thigh as they told each other how their weeks had been going. And now, even though Louis is still working on his laptop as Iron Man is playing, Harry feels much better than he has all week, almost drunk on all of the new sights and sounds of Louis's apartment, feeling comfortable and comforted next to him on the couch.

About an hour into the movie, Louis finishes his work and closes his laptop, throwing an arm around Harry's shoulders. Harry sighs happily and presses his face into Louis's neck, breathing in the clean scent of his skin.

"You alright?" Louis asks him.

"Mhmm," Harry mumbles, nodding his head. "I think I - this is going to sound weird, but I think I was sad that I wasn't getting to see you as often."

Louis stiffens a little against him but then relaxes almost instantaneously. Harry wonders what that means, then quickly forgets about it as they watch the rest of the movie play out. Louis's arm is warm and secure around Harry's shoulders, like an anchor or like a blanket. Harry's not sure what those two things have in common, exactly, but he's so happy he can barely think straight.

He starts to get sad again when it's over, though, because it's getting late but Harry doesn't feel ready to leave yet and he doesn't know what to do. Louis shuts the telly off and gets up, stretching a bit after sitting still for so long. He's only wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, and some of his hair is falling into his eyes, but Harry thinks he looks gorgeous.

"It's getting near my bedtime," he tells Harry. "Fuck, I feel old."

Harry giggles but shifts nervously on the couch, still not wanting to go home.

"Do you want me to drive you back?"

Harry keeps his eyes downcast, wondering if Louis is purposefully giving him an out. Slowly, he lets his eyes drift back up to Louis as he shakes his head back and forth no.

Louis bites his lip as he looks back at Harry, seeming to consider something. Eventually, he says, "I never wanted it to get this far, you know."

Horrified, Harry panics and starts to backtrack. "I'm - I didn't mean - I'm sorry, I'll just-"

"No no no, shh, shh," Louis is quick to shush him. "What I mean is - I tell you every fucking week we shouldn't keep doing this, don't I?"

Harry nods mutely.

Louis sighs. "But you know I never meant it, because we always kept coming back for more. And sometimes - sometimes I liked to imagine us doing more than just fucking in my office. Like, spending time together with our clothes on, that sort of thing. Very romantic."

Harry laughs when he sees Louis's mouth twist, but inside his heart is beating so fast he thinks it might burst out of his ribcage.

"But I always felt like I couldn't let that happen, because - well, you're in your first year of uni, and I figured you'd want to meet as many people as possible, not shack up with some old grad student. Plus, if the church ever found out I was involved with one of the student parishioners, I don't imagine it would go over well."

"Right," Harry says quietly.

"And yet here we are," says Louis, putting his hands on his hips and looking at Harry with a fond expression.

"I, um - I think I should be good if I just get to spend, like, one night here," Harry says, still feeling nervous. "Then I can-"

"Oh, no, you can spend as many nights here as you want," says Louis, sitting back down on the couch next to Harry. "Or just text me whenever you want to see me. I'm just saying, I - um, I don't want to have any serious dating talks until you're back to your senses after Lent is over. I need to figure some things out myself, anyway. Is that okay?"

He takes Harry's hands in his own and Harry feels butterflies flutter in his stomach.

"Yeah, I - yeah," he mumbles, beaming at Louis. "I just - I really wanted to spend more time with you. It's not even about the, uh - about the chastity."

"I think it might be a little," Louis says with a grin. "But hopefully that's not the only reason you wanted to see me."

Harry shakes his head very enthusiastically, making Louis laugh. He always wants to see Louis, especially since Lent started - his tiny crush seems to have grown into something massive and inescapable.

He leans forward, unable to help himself, and closes his eyes, pressing his mouth against Louis's in a sweet kiss. Harry feels Louis's lips curve into a smile against his before Louis deepens the kiss, squeezing Harry's hands tightly as he licks into his mouth.

They snog on the couch like that for several more minutes, and even though Harry can't get hard he finds that he's too happy to care.

And when they resurface for air minutes later, when Louis murmurs, "Let's go to bed, darling," Harry follows him to the bedroom happily. He brushes his teeth with a spare toothbrush, strips off all of his clothes save his pants, and climbs into bed as Louis does the same. The sheets are soft against his skin, and Harry falls asleep folded in Louis's arms, the sad weight that had been plaguing him the whole week finally lifted.


Harry spends a couple hours with Louis on Saturday as well, but even if his mind is happier, his body - specifically, his cock and balls - is still achy and frustrated, so that when Sunday rolls around Harry practically runs to church with how excited he is to get milked dry.

After services, Harry assumes his now-customary position in Louis's office, his heart hammering against his ribs with his excitement. When Louis comes in this time, though, he has a smirk on his face, like he knows something Harry doesn't.

"I've gotten you something I think you might like," he tells Harry as he starts to rifle through his desk, still wearing his robes.

Something else? Harry isn't sure whether or not he should be nervous.

"It's going to feel even better than my fingers," Louis continues, removing a curved white piece of silicon from its packaging. Harry's mouth goes dry as he wonders how that's going to fit inside him.

Louis lubes up the toy and then a few of his fingers, fingering Harry open as what feels like a perfunctory gesture. Harry's so excited that his soft cock has already started to drip precome on the dish, causing Louis to chuckle and making Harry feel exposed and gently humiliated.

When Louis slips the toy inside, it's curved so much that the end outside Harry's body ends up pressed snugly against his taint, while the bulbous head inside him is positioned firmly against his prostate. Harry moans and arches his back, pouting when the toy doesn't move and he's unable to fuck himself on it.

"Shh," Louis shushes him, stroking over his lower back. "You'll be alright, angel, it vibrates."

Then he switches it on and Harry screams in surprise, humping forward helplessly as his prostate is stimulated from both sides, internally and externally. It's so intense so fast and he can't get away from it, no matter how much he swivels his hips or tries to shake it off it stays right where it is, vibrating right where he's most sensitive.

"Thought you might like that," he hears Louis say, but it's all background noise compared to the buzzing that's taking over every inch of his body, filling his brain with static as his legs start to shake.

"Oh my God," Harry moans, digging his nails into his own palms, "L-Louis - Louis, oh fuck, please-"

"Shh, you're being too loud," Louis says sternly, but Harry doesn't hear him because he can feel the heat peaking in his balls, he can feel his orgasm approaching, but then come starts to leak out of his cock before Harry's body can release and he's left tense and wanting, sobbing into the pillow as the toy starts to milk him forcefully into the collection dish. It feels so good and Harry never wants it to stop, even though he's perpetually on the edge of orgasm - he'd gladly subject himself to this sweet torture every day if he could.

It's almost too intense, though, much more rough against him than Louis's fingers have been in the past, but Harry can't dislodge the toy even a mere centimeter and he has to take it, bucking his hips wildly as more come spills from his caged cock. Tears start to leak from his eyes and he keens, spreading his legs in a desperate attempt to alleviate some of the pressure and sobbing when it only makes it worse.

"Darling, darling, you have to be quiet," Louis is saying, and Harry abruptly registers that Louis has moved to kneel in front of his face - that he's pushing his robes aside to get his cock out. Harry's mouth waters and he tries to lean forward, poking his tongue out to lick at the wet head of Louis's dick. Louis chuckles. "Here you go, love."

He shifts forward and slips his cock between Harry's parted lips, and Harry moans again, freely now that he knows his noises will be muffled. The toy is still buzzing along inside him and he groans as Louis slides deeper, deeper til he's bumping the back of Harry's throat. All of his senses feel like they're in overdrive, the buzzing in his head overlaid by the filthy drip sounds of his thick come dribbling into the alms basin and the wet suckling sounds as Louis starts to fuck his hips forward over and over, thrusting into Harry's mouth as Harry moans and tries to stay still for him.

Harry's still crying and he can feel tears leaking down his face, his whole body getting weaker and weaker as his balls are drained. Louis pushes forward an extra inch and Harry gags, his eyes rolling back in his head as he tries to take Louis even deeper regardless of what his body can handle. The part of the toy vibrating against his taint is also pressed up against the back of his balls, and they're so tender and sensitive and - fuck, Harry can't think, Harry can't breathe but he doesn't even care, so focused on keeping himself quiet and making Louis feel good as Louis helps him to feel better again.

"Baby, you're so good at this," says Louis, making Harry preen even as his knees start to give out and he collapses forward. "You - fuck, yeah, like that - you like your new toy?"

Harry nods, whimpering as he gags on Louis's cock again. He does love his new toy, loves it so much - he'd use it all the time if he could, til he's milked dry and then more until he passes out and Jesus what is wrong with him-

"Love, I think you're all done," says Louis. Harry realizes that the dripping noises have stopped, that he's so trapped inside his own head that he didn't even notice. Louis strokes over his cheek and says, "That was fast, wasn't it?"

Harry moans and pulls off, coughing a little and licking up the string of saliva still connecting his mouth to Louis's spit-wet cock. "Don't wanna stop."

Louis hisses in a breath. "Harry-"

"Please, I don't - I w-wanna make you come first," Harry stammers out, feeling like someone else has taken control of his mind, all his baser instincts flooding to the surface. "Please, Louis, please-"

He cuts off with a hiccup as he really starts to feel the effects of being milked dry, the occasional drip of come out of his soft cock far less frequent than the painful tingling he's starting to feel.

"Shouldn't take too long," Louis mutters, guiding his cock back into Harry's mouth and steadying him with a hand in his hair. "There you are, darling, you feel so good."

Harry sucks Louis down for all he's worth, gagging a few times as he tries to take Louis as deep as he can. Every time he draws back he flicks his tongue over Louis's slit, tasting the salty precome as Louis gets closer and closer to coming. Barely a minute later, Louis warns Harry that he's about to come and Harry just hums happily, moaning again and choking himself on Louis's cock with how bad he wants it, like he's on autopilot and programmed to want one thing and one thing only.

"Fuck," Louis moans, shoving his hips forward as he starts to come. Harry swallows it down happily, trying not to let any spill out of his mouth but feeling a few drops slide down his chin. He licks Louis clean, trying to live vicariously through him - he's lost the weird jealousy he felt the last couple of times he made Louis orgasm while he himself was locked up in the cock cage, and now all Harry wants is to make Louis feel good.

Then he whimpers, because the vibrating toy is really starting to hurt.

"Hurts," he slurs, collapsing forward onto the pillow and clinging onto threads of consciousness.

"I've got you, I've got you," Louis says quickly, reaching over him and shutting off the toy. He slides the dish of come out from underneath Harry just before Harry slumps fully onto the ground, boneless and as sated as he can be considering his body is still on the edge of an orgasm that's not going to come for another couple of weeks. Fuck.

After he slips the toy free from Harry's tired body, Louis pets through his hair, murmuring words of praise that Harry can't quite discern but he knows he loves Louis's tone of voice. Eventually Harry rolls onto his side and makes grabby hands for Louis, confident in doing so now that they've had somewhat of a talk about what they mean to each other - what they are to each other.

"You're so good for doing this," Louis whispers to him, kissing the shell of his ear as he cuddles in close. "You're incredible, Harry, you know that?"

Harry mumbles out a happy "Thank you," closing his eyes and knowing Louis will hold him. There are still several more weeks to go before Lent is finally over, but with Louis to take care of him and God to please, Harry feels like he's going to make it - like he can do anything.

Words: 15751

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