Blue - A JDronica fanfic

By emmygoldbloom

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This fic is what would have happened if Veronica didn't get away during the events of "Blue" in Heathers the... More

Chapter 1: Blue
Chapter 2: Please Don't Leave Me Alone
Chapter 4: Damaged, Really Damaged
Chapter 5: I Worship You
Chapter 6: Come Join Heather in Hell
Chapter 7: Yo, Girl, Keep It Together
Chapter 8: Dead Girl Walking
Chapter 9: They Made You Blind, Messed Up Your Mind
Chapter 10: You Changed My Heart
Chapter 11: Veronica?
Author Note
Author Note Pt 2
Chapter 12: Freak, Slut, Loser, Shortbus

Chapter 3: Our Love Is God

852 23 2
By emmygoldbloom

JD parked up as close to the entrance as possible "I'll be right back" He looked around at Veronica on the back seats before rushing inside quickly to find some help for her.

He walked in, going to the first person in scrubs he saw "please, my girlfriend, she needs help, she's been attacked, I found her unconscious, I tried to wake her up but I couldn't, she won't wake up" he told her anxiously.

The doctor gestured for another doctor to come over before looking back at him "okay, calm down, we'll help her, where is she?"

"She's in my car, I'll show you" he walked out hurriedly with the two doctors in tow, showing them to Veronica.

They took one look at her before one of the doctors went back inside to get some back up and a gurney and the other started assessing her.

JD watched them, taking a couple steps back and pushing his fingers back through his hair, feeling helpless, not knowing what to do as he watched the doctor attend to his girlfriend and 1 more doctor and 2 nurses come back with the doctor that just left.

They transferred her onto the gurney as the doctor handed over Veronica's current condition to her 4 colleagues

"GCS 7, pupils sluggish but reactive" blah blah blah "laceration to back of head" blah blah blah "signs of hypothermia" blah blah blah "and once she's stable let's get her a head CT"

JD wasn't even gonna bother to begin to try and understand, all he cared about was her, why weren't they doing anything?? Why were they just talking?!

"What are you doing?! Help her!" He yelled at them

A nurse gestured for them to go on ahead and stayed back, looking at JD as the other doctors and nurse rushed Veronica inside "sir I promise you we are helping her but you need to stay calm" she looked at him

"Stay calm?? How do you expect me to stay calm? Look at her!"

"We're doing everything we can for her but we can't help her with you yelling at us, look, stay out here and get some fresh air for a bit and I'll come find you when she's stable, okay"

Veronica awoke to hear machines beeping around her and people talking, confused and disoriented, not sure where she was or where she was going as she blacked out again, and next minute she knew she was being wheeled down a hallway. Hallway after hallway.

Until finally she stopped.

Where was she?

She had no idea where she was or what was happening, all she knew was that she was in pain, alone and afraid. Where had JD gone? She let a whimper escape her lips as she cried out, not knowing it was aloud until she heard a kind voice tell her it was okay.

JD waited on the bench outside the hospital for what felt like forever, the nurse came back out to tell him what he thought was an update on his girlfriend but was just an offer to come inside and sit in the relatives room as it was cold out.

He declined.

Since then it had been a while since he had heard anything, looking to the doors every time they opened to see if it was the nurse with some news, every time someone else, relatives, patients, doctors, everyone but who he wanted until finally she came out and told him that he could see her.

He followed the nurse to Veronica's room, walking in, seeing her laid in bed, her eyes closed and her face pallor, the bruising on her face standing out all the more against the pale white. She'd been put in a hospital gown and had a blanket over her, keeping her warm as the previous purple hue in her lips he had seen earlier had almost gone. She had lines going into both arms and multiple wires led to her from machines telling him she was alive.

"Try get some sleep, the police will want to talk to you both soon"

"Me?" He asked, surprised

"You said she was attacked"

"She was, I don't know anything that happened though, I wasn't there, I just found her there"

"Okay, well, just tell the police what you do know, okay" she gave him a sympathetic smile, putting her hand on his shoulder before walking away

He nodded and sat down in the chair next to her bed, moving it closer, a screech heard from the chair legs as they scraped across the floor. He picked up her hand gently and cupped it in his, watching her and vowing never to let her go again "Our love is God" he said softly, pulling her hand up to his lips and kissing it

Author Note: Let me know what you think by commenting and voting ☺️

Last update for a little while as I'm working all week and then have Friday off for my birthday, so I'll try get the next chapter out Saturday night or Sunday, we'll see. Stay safe everyone ❤️❤️

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