Peter Parker Oneshots

De genocidemf

63 2 1

The title says it all Mais

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Idk but its angst
The aftermath (NWH SPOILERS)

Fucked up

19 1 0
De genocidemf

Summary: peter is kind of really fucked up
WARNING: self harm, underage drinking, underage drugs, underage sex and all that stuff, mentions of anorexia
set after endgame but nat and tony survived and Peter is 15
(Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes I'm German)

It was simple, Peter just wanted the others to be proud of him, he wanted to be the best ever so Bucky Sam and Steve would finally stop making fun of him, he wanted to be the best ever so he would get atleast one little "I'm proud of you" but he never got that he simply was ignored, sure he was glad tony had a real kid now but tony never payed attention to him anymore, Natasha was busy with her sister because they wanted to make their sibling relationship stronger and the others, well, he wasn't really sure but he knew that they were ignoring him as well. So he finally decided to stop, stop trying to be the perfect kid heck Ned and MJ already left him because he was too focused on his grades. So he decided, "since no one cares, I can do whatever I want"

He stopped going out as Spider-Man and of course none of them noticed

Right now he was getting ready to go out with his friends that he found at the club, he put on black baggy low waisted jeans and a tight white crop top and over that a big leather jacket, he looked at his phone and realized he was gonna be late so he quickly grabbed his pack of cigarettes and his lighter and out the door he was

-5 minutes later-

"There you are dipshit!" His now bestfriends said they quickly hugged eachother and the rest of the group hugged Peter too " so what are we doing" he asked "this new club just opened up we totally gotta go there" "alright"

Time skip cause I'm lazy

It had been about 4 hours and everyone was as drunk as they could be and they were sitting at a table with a bunch of other people, Peter was sitting on some guys lap he didn't know who the guy was but he knew that the guy was muscular and strong

Well they were not only drunk but also high as a kite, when Peter wanted to take another drag,the guy snatched out of his hand took a drag himself and now they were shotgunning it was an amazing feeling, it felt euphoric even. The shotgunning between the two soon turned into a full on make out session "why don't we take this somewhere else?" The still unknown guy said "of course but where?" "My apartment" "well then lead me to it" "if I can lead you to somewhere else afterwards then sure" "you are so naughty" Peter said while chuckling

The guy picked Peter up and carried him out of the club "GO GET THAT D PETER!" One of his friends yelled after him, but he just gave them the middle finger, when they got in the car Peter finally asked the question "so what's your name?" "It's Matt how about you?" "I'm Peter" "well Peter then let's get to my apartment" "alright Matt"

-Time skip again cause I'm too lazy to write smut-

Peter woke up the next morning with sore legs and a sore back, he looked to his side only to see a hot ass dude laying there shirtless and then he remembered last night all though it was a blur

They were on his bed

"You're doing so good for me, tight little ass sucking up my fingers so good"

"Ah f-fuck~"

"f-faster please m-matt"

"That's not my name baby"

Then came a hard thrust

"OH~ FUCK daddy"

"Such a good boy"

"Beautiful Boy"

"Please g-go harder"

"Anything for you baby"

He didnt remember anything else so he just took his phone to look at the time

10:00 AM

43 missed calls from 'king julien🦝'

30 missed calls from 'daddy shrek😫🙌"

17 missed calls from' fatherless mf<3'

132 messages from the group 'we love LS...


He quickly opened the group chat

We love LSD💗

Pussy eater:
Peter what the fuck where are you
None of us remember shit from
Last night

Fatherless mf<3:
I remember Peter being carried
out by a hot guy with red sunglasses

Daddy Shrek 😫🙌:

Chill he probably just got railed
That's how he is
I mean heck that guy was hot
i wouldn't have minded getting
carried out by him either

Daddy Shrek😫🙌:
But he could be dead

Man whore✨:
Daddy chill...
I'm fine I don't even remember anything
Now I just gotta get home

Daddy Shrek😫🙌:

Man whore✨:
Awww was someone worried😍😍
ily too Zoe😘

(Context: one of my friends names is Zoe and she dyed her hair green so me and my other friends just call her daddy shrek)

Daddy shrek😫🙌:
Fuck off I just didn't wanna be 
in a Netflix documentary

Man whore✨:
You hurt my feewings uwu😔😔
Anyways I'm going home now
See y'all at school

He got off the phone and put all of his clothes back on and 5 minutes later he was out the door, he realized the walk back to the tower wasn't long it was about ten minutes and when he arrived he was greeted by FRIDAY "good morning mr.Parker, shall I inform boss of your arrival?" Of course it was sad that FRIDAY was the only thing in the tower that even said hello to him but hey, he got used to it "good morning fri, thanks but no need to tell mr.stark I'm here" "alright mr.Parker

He took the elevator to the 93rd floor where his room and all that stuff was, he saw the avengers having breakfast at the table laughing,smiling and talking not even noticing Peter was here

See they don't need you, you're worthless just like everyone says

He went to his room and closed the door as quickly as possible before pulling out the razor blade from under his desk,he started cutting himself when he first wanted to be the best and until now never stopped, there were countless red lines on his hips, arms,legs and the side of his upper back, yes he had super healing but considering how he doesn't really eat anymore the healing doesn't exactly work, afterwards he put on a different outfit (I'm using one I found on Pinterest don't judge me)

He quickly looked at himself in the mirror before putting on his sunglasses and leaving the tower, as he walked out of course no one spared him a glance. The walk to his school took another 10 minutes wich meant it was still 2nd period

He walked into the classroom and all eyes were on him "mr Parker you are late" "you're acting like I don't know that" with that he walked to his seat, some students chuckled at his answer, the others just looked at him with that look 'what the fuck happened to puny Parker' even flash was shocked at what happened to Peter

Peter just pulled out his phone to text the others about skipping after lunch "put the phone awa-"

-time skip lmao-

"Hello my favorite people in the world" Peter said as he arrived at the back of the school where he and his friends always were "hey Pete" he sat down on the grass and pulled out a cigarette, when he reached for the lighter in his jacket, he couldn't find it "fuck probably left it at matts" and then they were quiet again "ayo?" "What?" "Who's Matt?" Well fuck again "the guy from last night" "I thought you didn't remember anything" julien said "I lie-" "how was he?" "What?" "How was he? You know how big was he? How was he in bed?" "Well first of all about 8 inches, second of all he was really- and when I say really I MEAN really- really fucking amazing and hot"

"Good to know"

-time skip cause god I'm getting lazy-

After a month of continuing what he was doing the team actually started acknowledging him and they realized what has happened and what is happening to they're precious Peter. It was 2:00 AM and they had a movie night when the elevator door opened and out came a very drunk Peter and a guy with black hair and chains and rings. They were heatedly making out completely ignoring the fact that there were people on the couch "be quiet my family's probably asleep" Peter said while giggling "you're the one who's whimpering mess all because I'm playing with your perfect little butt" and soon enough the two of them were in peters room

The team tried to ignore the noises coming from peters room but to no success

"Oh fuck a-alex you're so b-b-big"

"And you're so small sucking my cock up perfectly in your tight little boy hole"

After that the only sounds where

1. Moaning
2. Groaning
and 3. A lot of skin slapping

"What even made him turn out like this" tony asked into the room, worried for his sweet little boy "Boss I may know why mr. Parker is the way he is at the moment" FRIDAY said in her Irish accent "well then tell us" Sam said, all though he despises admitting it, hes genuinely worried about Peter

"Well a few months before all of this started he was the best and smartest kid in his classes and in school he always showed you guys when he got good grades, the only grades he ever got were A+'s and when he got an A- he completely beat himself up about it. He overworked himself to be perfect to the point he wouldn't sleep for 2 whole weeks but none of you even spared him a glance. So he decided and I quote "if they don't care when I do my absolute best, then they shouldn't care when I'm at my worst" he told me because he simply didn't have anyone to talk to, he has been doing drugs and drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and his grades have all gone all the way down to F's he told me that it was fine because "tony finally has a real child now" and 'everyone was better off without me anyway'."

"Jesus fucking Christ what have I done" "tony don't blame yourself we all fucked up, royally" "we need to fix this"

-the next morning-

Peter got out of bed groggily, he once again couldn't Remember shit, he grabbed some low waisted sweat pants, a long sleeve shirt and a jacket and walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of ice water "good morning pete" that shocked peter "uh hey Steve" "you want breakfast?" "Nah I'm good I'll eat at Megan's" then tony came in "actually Pete" he paused "why don't you stay home today?" "Why?" "Well you've been out a lot and we need to talk to you" Natasha said and Peter jumped slightly "where the fuck did you come from" "language" "shut up steve" Peter said clearly annoyed that all of the sudden they gave a shit "Peter that was really disrespectful of you" "oh suck a dick" "Peter where did you learn to talk like that?!" Sam said utterly shocked at the foul language coming out of the usually sweet child's mouth "oh my god can you just leave me alone and let me go, leo already texted me he's waiting outside"

"Kid, who the hell is leo" "none of your business tony" Peter said as he put his now empty glass away and walked out. What he said obviously shocked everyone since Peter had usually been calling tony dad.

-with Peter-

"Fucking assholes" he mutters under his breath when he walked out the door, he saw Leo's car with Josi, lotta, julien and leonie already in it "hey guys sorry it took so long" "no problem Pete" leo said as peter got into the back "why were you late tho?" "The others all of the sudden started giving a shit after all this godamn time" he said and Josi just handed him a cigarette in pity, of course he took it cause who wouldn't? "Let's just drive off and keep ruining our life's" leo said as he drove off "you're saying that like it's a bad thing" lotta answered still struggling with lighting her cig because of the wind "lotta are you fucking dumb just put your hand i front of the lighter" julien said most likely contemplating if all the drugs caused actual brain damage "why didn't I think of that" "maybe cause you're a bimbo" peter said lighting his own cigarette "fuck off" lotta replied shoving him a little bit

"Stop fighting back there kids" "shut up leo you're only half a year older than most of us" "I just remembered" leonie said in utter shock "peter you're turning 16 in like 2 days" "oh fuck" peter said "I have an idea!" "What is it jul" "we could like fuck it up real good, get all the good stuff and make it the best fucking night of our lives" "I love the way you think" "is that a yes?" "Hell yeah" "WOO HOO"

-2 days later because I'm still lazy-

Needless to say

They did it

They got the best and hardest drugs and alcohol they could find and had the night of their lives, after the party ended they decided to all go to the avengers tower and as they got in the others were of course in the common room "oh he-*hiccup*-y guys" "friends these are my family and uh family these *hiccup* are my friends Zoe,leonie,Josi,leo,julien,Anna,Sarah, sam,Megan, *hiccup* lotta,Marlyn,lily and Ely" "helloo aren't you guys like avengers n'shit" Josi asked completely high out of her mind "oh my god shuri my *hiccup* lesbian wife" peter said also completely drunk and high "uh hi peter" "hi Shu-*hiccup*-ri anyways we're just gonna g-go to my bedroom" "so her names is *hiccup* shoe-ree?" "YES" Peter suddenly yelled "Peter you fucking idiot don't *hiccup* yell" leo said sluggishly "fuck you"
And then the door to peters room slammed shut up probably cause someone passed out while closing it

"Okay what happened to my favorite white boy while I was gone" tony sighed "FRIDAY explain what happened to Peter once again would you?" "Of course boss"

"Well a few months before all of this started he was the best and smartest kid in his classes and in school he always showed you guys when he got good grades, the only grades he ever got were A+'s and when he got an A- he completely beat himself up about it. He overworked himself to be perfect to the point he wouldn't sleep for 2 whole weeks but none of you even spared him a glance. So he decided and I quote "if they don't care when I do my absolute best, then they shouldn't care when I'm at my worst" he told me because he simply didn't have anyone to talk to, he has been doing drugs and drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and his grades have all gone all the way down to F's he told me that it was fine because "tony finally has a real child now" and 'everyone was better off without me anyway'. And in addition to that he and his friend have seemed to have taken a lot of Molly,LSD,marijuana,cocaine and other drugs and types of alcohol since yesterday was his sixteenth birthday and he wanted to- I quote again -"fuck it up for real this night"."

"WHAT" Shuri said completely disappointed in the people in front of her "he's only sixteen how the fuck could you fucking morons let this shit happen" "may I interrupt" FRIDAY said "what is it fri" "it also appears that Peter has a few piercings" "HUH?" "A belly button piercing, a septum piercing, a nose piercing and a tongue piercing he seemed to have gotten all of these today" "you mortals are so stupid" loki said "you attacked this whole city so if I were you I wouldn't talk" "well but you're not me, im me so I say what I want you bitch"

-with the others-

They were all sprawled across peters room still smoking weed and having some deep talk "I just don't understand why they have to be so homophobic like just let me love who I love" leo said, he recently came out to his parents as bi and they didn't react well at all "i just want to be skinny, people always tell me 'Peter you're so skinny you need to eat more' but I know they're lying I'm fat and overweight and I know" "I can relate to that, I really just fake all my confidence because I don't want people to actually see that there's just a full on war in my head wether I'm good enough or not" " we should all definitely get therapy" "drugs and alcohol are our therapy" "agree" "if you really think about it, That's kinda sad like we're so young none of us are over 16 yet we already have addictions and hate ourselves so much we get high and drunk to ignore all the insecurities we have" "agree, we're ruining our lives at such young ages just cause we can't handle the real world" "y'all in for a cuddle session with some shitty TV show in the background?" "I would never say no to something like that"

And that's how they woke up in the morning, still a bit high, TV still running and all cuddled up next to eachother, they all looked at one another

"We're so fucked up"

words: 3069 (nice) Godamnn I never wrote a Oneshot this long

Random thing: this whole Oneshot was me just venting a little too much some parts I thought of myself but most of it is just me venting my fucked up 13 year old self into this story

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