The Only Exception

By ummiitme

247 0 0

Kodie is 16 and lives with her parents Kanye and Kim. She really wants to follow in her dads footsteps but th... More

The End?
Facing the Music
New Friends
Stepping Up

Regular Day

112 0 0
By ummiitme

Kodie POV

I walked inside the house after saying bye to my friends. Today was the day I was gonna come out to my parents. I took a breath taking my shoes off. I walked into the spacious living room seeing my mom. "Hey mommy's baby" she smiled. "Hey mom" I smiled as she held her arms out. I gave her a hug. "Is dad home" I asked looking around. "Yeah he's in his office" she said before calling him. He came out. "Hey kid" he smiled fist bumping me. "Hey dad" I said as he settled on the couch. "So I have something to tell you guys" I said shakily. They both looked at each other before looking at me. "You can tell us Ko" dad nodded. "Umm well last summer when you guys sent me to that stem camp I had so much fun and I met someone" I started off. "That great honey who is he" Mom smiled. "Babe that was a girls in stem camp" he realized. "And at the end of camp we shared a special moment that made me realize I like girls" I said. "And dad I know your a Christian and everything. But please don't be mad at me. I just can't love a guy" I cried. "Woah" he said. "I'm not upset nobody's upset kodie we both love you just the same" he said pulling me into a hug. "Plus we kinda already knew" Mom smirked. "You did" I asked as Dad rubbed my back. "Yeah those tracks that you had that you told Matty not to put out. I listened to them" he chuckled. I blushed. "Do you need anything" My mom asked. "Boxers" I said. "We can get you those" she nodded. "Anything else" dad asked. I shook my head. He kissed my forehead. "Are you still talking to that girl" mom asked. "No she lives in Iowa" I chuckled shaking my head. "It didn't work" I said. "Well sometimes it doesn't work" mom said rubbing my back. "Yeah you know how many times I had to try before finding the right girl"Dad smiled at mom. She giggled touching his arm. "And don't rush it Ko. Take your time feel it out" mom said. "Your only 14" she said ruffling my hair. I nodded as she kissed my forehead.

Present day
"Where are North and Saint" I asked setting down my bag as I
saw my dad in the kitchen . "North is doing homework and Saints sleep as well as Chicago" he said. "Hey are you going to your moms this weekend" he asked. "Yeah she said she wanted to take me to Atlanta" I said. "Kodie can you fix some of that delicious pasta tonight" mom asked. "Sure" I smiled. "Well while your in Atlanta I'm gonna be in Wyoming looking for a place" he said. "We're moving or your getting new property" I asked. "New property I need a place away from major cities" he said as we walked in the kitchen. I washed my hands. "Can I play you something" he asked. "Of course" I smiled taking out the pasta noodles and other ingredients. He played a song. I nodded to it as he nodded rapping. I chuckled at his clever punch lines. "Your always so clever with your lines" I shook my head. "It's amazing" I smiled. He chuckled. "You really like it" he asked. I nodded. "This the next one I got Ty dolls on" he smiled playing it. I nodded. I nodded as he performed it. "Dad that's so dope" I smiled putting the noodles on. "Okay my favorite song" I smiled. He smiled playing Stronger. I bobbed my head putting the sausages on. He nodded as he helped me put the garlic bread in. Saint came in. "Ko ko" he squealed hugging my legs. "Hey sainty" I smiled. "What are you making it smells so good" he asked. "I'm making Alfredo" I said. "My favorite" he rubbed his belly causing me to laugh. "Dad can I have some water" he asked. He nodded getting it.

3 hours later

I finished my homework and went downstairs. "Where are you going" Dad asked sitting in his office. "Skating" I said. He nodded. "Be safe" he said. I nodded grabbing my skate board and my air pod pros. I put my headphones on and left out. I skated down the street. I mad right to the skate park. "Hey Kodie" my friend Kevin said. "Hi Kev" I smiled. "I finished editing that video of you" he showed me. "That's dope" I smiled dapping him. "I'll send it to you later" he said. "Bet" I said as he grabbed his skateboard we skated around while talking. "Yo who's that" I asked looking over at a girl. "Oh that's the new girl Dani" He said as I watched her dance. "Shes Kaash friend from Atlanta" he said. "Shes fine" I smiled. "Go talk to her then" he said going through his camera. I nodded walking over to her Kaash and a bunch of other people. "Kodie" Kaash smiled dapping me. "Haven't seen you down here in a while" she smiled. "Yeah been in the house a lot" I shrugged. Truth is I've been going through depression. My parent seemed cool right. Wrong they argue all night and it's just draining to know that our family might be separated any day. It's really tough to deal with. I only went out today because I felt a little better. "Oh Ko this my friend Dani form Atlanta Dani this is my best mate Kodie" she introduced us. "Kodie I love your name" she smiled. "Thank your really beautiful" I flirted. She bit her lip giggling. "You should come to Kehlanis party on Saturday" Kaash said. "Umm Imma be in Atlanta on Saturday with my mom" I said. "Oh shit" she said. "So Dani what you do" I asked. "I dance and sing" she smiled. "I saw you dancing over their tour pretty good" i said. "Aww your so sweet thank you" she said rubbing my shoulder. "But your Kanye's daughter what do you do" she asked. "Make beats and rap from time to time" I said. "Maybe you can play me something one day" she said. "I would love to" I smiled. She blushed. "You know how to dance" she asked. "I'm not much of a dancer" I chuckled. "Come on I'll teach you" she said grabbing my hands. "Okay so just put your feet like this" she showed me kicking my for lightly. I chuckled doing as she said. "Then" she went on. After a few minutes I got it. "Yeahhh" she laughed. She high fives me as the song finishes. I chuckled. "Hey y'all I gotta get back home" I said looking at the time. "Okay bye Ko" they said. "Wait Kodie" Dani said as I was walking away. "Take my number" she said. I nodded giving her my phone. "See you when you get back enjoy Atlanta" she smiled. "Thanks" I smiled warmly. I waved goodbye and started walking again. I got in the house and all I could hear was screaming. I sighed putting my headphones on. I went to check on Saint Chicago and North. Chicago was just sleep like she usually is. North was making tik toks. Saint was playing with his legos and Psalm was just sleeping like baby's usually do. I sighed going downstairs where they were fighting. I peeked into the room and saw them yelling at each other. "Kanye this is crazy I'm not moving to the middle of nowhere for you" she exclaimed. "Baby you haven't even thought about it. You think you can't be productive going to the middle of nowhere but you can" he yelled back. "What about the kids all the friendships they have what about my family. What about Kodie" she asked. "What about Kodie. She's a great kid she ain't running around with these Hollywood kids like that anyways" he said. "She barley has friends" he said. "Yeah because everyone thinks she's fucking crazy like you" she yelled. "And she's always stepping up to be a grown up and take care of her sibling when you can't take care of your own damn kids" she said. "Wow we're going their" he chuckled. "You know I have issues woman" he said. "I know and their starting to tear us apart" she said before walking out the room. She saw me and smiled a little with tears in her eyes. I felt my heart clench. Dad came out and saw me standing their. "Kodie" he said. I walked away. "Come back kodie" he said. I closed the studio door locking it. I picked up the guitar playing random chords. I nodded making a strumming pattern. This is gonna take a while.

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