The Robin's Weapon

By NaluXGaleforever

14K 392 160

Branda Lily Ditka, a meta human who can transform into any weapons she wanted. she hadn't been in her human f... More

Seth and Kendra
the lost parts


1.1K 37 9
By NaluXGaleforever

(for those who missed it

Adrian is living with cat woman.

And Marinette is living with Chloe and her Mom.)

Bruce looked up at his family manor. He wasn't sure what he was going to see. How much had this...woman changed his manor.

He had been gone for five years. Now that he was back, he found that a woman had taken over his family.

Best case scenario: their being mind controlled. Worst case scenario: they all had gotten killed and replaced with fakes.

He didn't like either option.

He knocked on the door. He would normally just let himself in, but he didn't have his key.

Alfred opened the door. Bruce, for a moment forgot about the woman who might be trying to destroy his family. "Hey Alfred." He gave a small smile.

The old Butler returned the smile, and stepped forward pulling Bruce into an embrace. After a minute Alfred let go, quickly wiping his eyes. "It is good to see you well master Bruce."

Bruce nodded, "It's good to see you too."

The old butler lead Bruce inside. "I assume you have seen the news of the new additions to the family?"

"Yes I have heard of the new, wait there's more then just Miss... Ditka was it?"

Asked nodded. "Miss Lily came first, thought I think it best you ask her about that. Then came Master Seth and miss Kendra. Then miss Kori, or the heroine Starfire. Miss Luna came next. Finally the one was Mar'i."

Bruce blinked. Ditka was talking over his family!

When Bruce sat down in the main family living room Alfred left the room. Bruce looked around the room. It felt wormer, happier, more lived in. There was baby toys all around. And he saw a diaper bin in one corner near a changing station.

Did his family even need him, if this is was the atmosphere with him gone?

"Bruce!" He looked at the door way to see Dick and Jason. Dick was obviously exhausted, dark bugs under his eyes and he seemed to be sleep walking. Jason was tired looking, but in a more of a ' I've had a long couple of days ' way.

"B! Its good to see you." Jason slapped Bruce on the back.

Dick gave Bruce a hug, which seemed to almost put him to sleep. The young man staggered back, giving Bruce a grin." Lucky you came when you did. Mar'i just went to bed."

Bruce raised an eye brow. "Mar'i?" Alfred had mentioned the name, but he hadn't asked, which he regretted at that moment.

"His little girl." Jason said, leading Dick to a couch. "I'm so glad I skipped this stage." Jason stretched back, while Dick passed out.

Bruce blinked at the sight. "How much did I miss?" He asked the room in general.

Jason shrugged. "A lot. It was five years B."

Bruce nodded. "Just what happened?" Bruce asked looking at his second eldest.

Jason hummed in thought. Siting in a recliner. "Well...if I know you you'll have looked at all the relevant news of the past few years."

Bruce shifted. "I did. A miss Ditka was found to be Alfred's long lost granddaughter, and two new vigilantes have appeared under red hoods guidance."

Jason huffed. "And three of your boys now have girlfriends, and two have children. Come on B, I expected better than that."

Bruce blinked, "girlfriends? Children?" His voice was a little higher then normal. Any passer bye wouldn't have noticed it, Jason did. He just decided to let it go. After all, a lot had changed in Bruce's time gone.

Jason nodded. "Yup, Dick is with Kor'i and they have my angel of a niece: Mar'i. Replacement got this gal named Luna, she's great for the kid. Damian got this chick, Marinette, the angel to his demon, we all ship it. And I have my two kids, Kendra and Seth. Adopted then both."

"You adopted?" Bruce's expression mimicked that of a gaping fish.


Kor'i watched as Lily put her phone back in pocket. Lily had a worried expression.

"What is the matter Lily?"

Lily smiled at her future daughter-in-law. "Bruce is back. Alfred has just informed me."

Kor'i cocked her head to the side confused. "That is a good thing, is it not?"

Lily shrugged non-committedly. "I'm just worried he'll assume I brain washed his kids."

"Surely you jest, I am sure he will not think this."

Lily gave Kor'i a 'are you Serious?' look. "Bruce will think at best I'm replacing him at worse he'll think, I've brain washed them."

Kor'i smiled uncertainly.

Lily and Kor'i are out having some girl time, when Alfred calls. Telling them Bruce is back

They pick o the four trouble makers from school.


Lily, kor'i, Damian, Marinette, Kendra, Seth, chloe, and Adrian all busled into the entrance hall. They're voices bouncing off the walls and ceiling.

Dick came down the stairs, Mar'i in his arms, Jason and Bruce following behind.

Kor'i held out her arms for her baby, at which Dick handed her over. Mar'i letting out and happy burble. 

Lily laughed at the slight relief in dicks face at seeing his love back. (I've baby sat kids at that age you about cry in relief when you see the you have help after a long morning.) She gave another look around the room, turning to Jason she asked, "Where Dragon and Luna?"

He shrugged. He couldn't lie to Lily, but replacement had asked NICELY to not tell til he told her. "He'll tell you tonight." He settled on. Not a lie, but he didn't rat out replacement.

Lily nodded. Not really satisfied, but wasn't going to ask. She knew with Bruce back there was going to be enough suspicion that she didn't need to add to.

Bruce watched everyone talking and laughing at the bottom of the stairs. He was slightly overwhelmed. Alfred came up just behind him and spoke softly. "Just because you stare at them down does not mean they will go away sir." Bruce nodded and walked forward after taking a deep breath.

Lily caught his eye first, but turned away fast to go and 'talk' with Marinette and Adrien. A light blush on her checks. 'online pictures and comics did not properly prepare me for how HOT he is! Why!! Why are all hot guys assholes!!!'

Kor'i was the next to see him, and promptly squealed. Hovering in her excitement, "Mr Wayne! It is glorious to meet you. When, you know, we are not trying to stop the world from being distroyed or taken over!" Bruce blinked.

"It's good to meet you as well Starfire."

She gave him a brilliant smile. "Call me Kor'i! We shall be, as you call it, father and daughter of in the law."

Bruce blanched. "What?" He asked rather smartly.

Dick sighed. "Bruce, Kor'i and I'm getting married. We were waiting for you to get back."

Bruce nodded dumbly. Jason patted him on the shoulder. Wondering idly if he should've warned Bruce about the engagement. He mentality shrugged.  He was sure it will be fine, if not, it will be fun to watch him crash and burn.

Lily sighed, rubbing her forehead. She walked to them. And smacked Jason up side the head.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, even though there was no pain. "What was that for?"

She glared at him. "Jay, Alfred told me you was catching him up on everything he missed. And you missed a really important bit of information."

He shrugged, "sorry ma."

This sent Bruce sent him more into confusion. Jason just apologized, not authenticity sense his tone didn't match, but he backed down! Imposter!

Lily gave him a look that made him feel she could read his mind. "No, and no. Jay's not an imposter and I'm not reading your mind. Your just predictable in some ways. Your superstitious level of caution being one." She sniffed.

Bruce glare at her, snapped out of his shock by her gab. Everyone else stared at her. Lily had never been that rude to anyone who'd she'd just met. Not on purpose anyway.

Bruce growled. "Caution is always a good thing. Miss Ditka, I presume." He stuck out his hand.

Lily weighed her options. Take hand: polite, but he might crush her hand as revenge. Don't take hand: rude, but he did kinda deserve it for what happened with Dick...nope too petty. She was a grown up...ish...she needed to deal with things in a grown up-ish way.

She gave him a smile, which looked like a grimace to everyone else. "I am, Mr Wayne, but call me Lily, I insist."

Bruce surprisingly, to her, did not crush her hand. Sure there was a bit to much strength behind it, but only enough to make it slightly uncomfortable. No broken bones.

"No, I would rather stick with miss Ditka." He narrowed his eyes at her, she copied him. The others could practically feel the fight for dominance between them.

Seth, bess his heart, was the only one who didn't noice the mounting tension. He ploughed straight in to Bruce in a bear hug. Thus the first battle was a draw, dew to out side interference. Everyone other then the three sighed in relief.

Seth looked up at Bruce, and gave him a lop-sided grin. "You must be the old man, that dad told us about it's good to meet you! I'm Seth Michael Todd!"

Kendra sighed, she was glad even after everything her brother was still her brother.

Bruce just blinked. "Uhh, it's good to meet you...Seth."
Marinette, Chloe, and Adrian all when to there respective home. Marinette with a kiss to Damian's check. Chloe nodded to Jason, who returned it with a small smile.
Tim and Luna arrived at the table just as dinner was set down..Bruce raised an eye brow to this, but the others payed it no mind.

Bruce studied his four sons and their families. He couldn't describe it as anything else. They all were blending together into a chaotic cacophony of voices, and laughter. He found himself unable to join, only able to watch their faces.

"Hello Mr Wayne." Bruce looked to the blonde who had spoken. Tim had introduced her as Luna, he remembered.

He nodded to her, unsure of what else he should do. "Miss Lovegood."

She smiled. "Don't think so hard. You should just go ahead and try. Although there an awful lot of waxburts in you head."

Bruce was, understandably, confused. Damian shock his head. "Don't pay any attention to it father. It will ether make sense or it won't. Do not over think it."

Lily giggled, she was sat at his right while Damian was on his left on either side of table of the table. "Advice you should remember when she and Tim tells us of their next adventure."

"Tsk, I refuse to believe in octopi with human body's that are used as servants."

Lily rolled her eye good naturedly. She then turn to Tim. "Where did you to go this time?"

Tim shifted. Looking from Lily to Bruce then back. He took Luna's hand, and took a deep breath. "House hunting." He said evenly.

Lily blinked. "Oh, you were looking for a house?"

Tim nodded. "Looked and found one. It a bit closer to Wayne industries. We signed off on it today."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked lowly. Bruce hoped, in a juvenile way, it was because they didn't trust her. Tim's next words dashed that hope.

"Well, we know you don't do well on your own, and we were going to wait to tell you when Bruce came back. But well...he's back." Tim shrugged.

"But I wouldn't be alone. I'd have Jaybird, demon and Robin. Unless...?" She shifted her eyes from one to next of the boys.

Damian shrugged. "I'm staying. I'm not old enough for it not to look suspicious."

Dick scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Kor'i and I agree that we should raise Mar'i in our own home, at least for a bit. I still have my apartment in bludhaven, and like time said it closer to work."

Jason shrugged. "I miss my Warehouse."

Lily nodded, trying not to jump up and tie them down so they wouldn't leave her. That thought was quickly, but a little sadly, discarded. She could NOT control them.

She gave them each a smile. "I'm happy for all of you." She turned to Bruce with a pointed stare. "Isn't that right, Bruce?"

He responded with a glare at her, but a "I am glad for you boys as well." Lily = 1, Bruce = 0.

The next few weeks was wild with the three boys moving. But soon it quiet. Bruce got back into Batman, and the company. They told the world that Bruce had been on a journey of self discovery, the public eat it up.

Everyone settled into a routine. The boys would come visit them on their respective days off. Lily would take care of Mar'i during long missions or if Dick and Kor'i needed a break.

Everything was great. Everything was grand....till it wasn't.

"What is this crap?"

Bruce had gone to the library in search of a book to read. Instead of science-fiction, or the mystery novels he found fiction and romance. He did not care for it.

Lily look up from her window seat, and saw what he was pointing at. "Those are my books, you can read them if you want. But I suppose it could hurt your sensitive sensitivities." Translation: if you don't read what I do, then your a pansy.

"I could read them if I wanted, but I'm afraid that I'm on a tight schedule, I'll just find what I'm looking for and be on my way. Translation: what you read, is a waste of time.

"I'm so sorry, would you like my help. I'm sure we could find what your looking for faster. Two heads are better after all." Translation: I'm smarter then you, and I know you're own library so much better then you do that you'll need me.

"You are quite right, thank you. But I don't want you to feel forced, after all I'm a little more read then most." Translation: your so stupid, it would be a hassle for you to help me.

Damion watched this over a cup of tea, and continuing reading how to kill a mockingbird. Although he couldn't help but smile watching them. It was rather humorous to watch, and it reminded him of a trope in romantic fiction. Maybe he could have a live study of that trope.

At the end of the day the score was Lily = 1,  Bruce = 1.

The next weekend was mother's day, but Bruce didn't take notice because, his son's were missing.

Damion hadn't been at breakfast. When he called Damian's girlfriend, she said he whent off for an important mission.

Tim didn't come to the manner to ask about some project for the company as he usually did. And Luna was not helpful, just saying "he's gone with his flock, for bonding."

Kendra and Seth walked in, and said they would be staying the night. When asked about if Jason knew where they were, they shrugged and said he told them to keep it a surprise.

After that he'd called kor'i, who said Dick when off with dead paints, and a wrapped box. He was stressing the hole day, till Alfred took pity on him and told him what the others wouldn't.

"It's been a tradition sense you were gone, that Lily and three boys go on a camping trip on mother's day weekend."

Bruce banged his head on the wall. He hadn't thought of Lily all day, didn't even notice she was gone. He felt stupid.

Lily = 2, Bruce = 1


When the boys and Lily came back on Monday everyone was waiting on them. Chloe had made plans with Kendra to stay with her that night, and Marinette was going to stay the night at the manner. They were playing a bird game with Kendra and Seth. Kor'i and Mar'i and sitting on the floor, well Mar'i was trying to. Luna was quietly drinking tea with Alfred.  Bruce was pacing back and forth in the main living room, where they all were.

The five of them stumbled in big grins on their faces, well Damian's was more of a smirk, but in damian-ese it was.

They all whent to the respective loved ones. Time to Luna and Alfred, who had coffee ready made and steaming for him. Damian whent to sit next to his girlfriend and watch her annihilate her competition in the game of shoots and ladders. Dick, started squealing at the sight of Mar'i, and trailering pictures. Jason flopped onto the couch, catching the eye Chloe and seemed to start communicating with their eyes alone.

Lily was about to go chear on Seth and Kendra, when she was stopped by Bruce.

"Why did you not tell me that you were taking my sons of camping?"

Lily flicked a bit of her hair over her shoulder, glaring at him. "I was not aware I needed to tell you anything. Your not my keeper."

"But that are my sons."

"And your not Their keeper either!"

"You should've told me!"

"You know what Bruce? I am sick, I am sick of you shit! And I'm tired. I am sick and tired! What the hell did I do to you, too make your knickers go to in a twist?"

"Your going to hurt my family!" Bruce yelled. The room quiets watching the pair.

Lily narrowed her eyes at Bruce. "Our family, Bruce. I'm their mother, whether you like it or not."

"I adopted them! Legally I'm their father!"

Lily snorted. "Oh yes. And let's ignore the fact that the boys want me as their mother! They practically adopted me! They want to me around!"

"They want me around too!"

"Because your 'the batman' the leader to their not so mary band of vigilantes. They ether cooperate with you or else they can't help in Gotham!"

"Of course! I can't have random people start fighting crime! It would be chaos!"

"Like you did? Like Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damion did?"

"I trained them, and let them into the field!"

Lily laughed. "There was no way you could've stopped them!"

Jason snickered along with Seth. Damian held on to Marinette's hand standing slightly infront of her. Dick watched the two like it was a tennis game. Tim, similarly to dick, watched the argument over his cup of coffee.

Bruce growled. "Of course I could have."

Lily snorted. "Oh yes, how could I forget? Your 'batman'! The man with a plan! The man who has back up plans for going to the bathroom!"

"At least I plan! You don't, you just do things and expect it to be alright!"

"Well I can't complain! I got my boys though that mind set! You push them away!"

"You know nothing about me!"

"I'm from a universe where I grew up on batman' movies! I love the comic lore! Don't you tell me I know nothing!"

"The wacksperts are very active today," Luna said in a soft dreamy voice to Alfred, who nodded in agreement. Lily and Bruce had seemed to have forgotten that the others were in the room with them.

"You have no proof that your from another world!" Bruce yelled.

Lily exploded. "Are you calling me a fucking liar?"

"Yes, I am ms Ditka. Or is that your real name?"

"Fuck you! You know when I was a kid I wanted to be you! When I saw you next to superman and the rest of the league, all I could think was: ' their okay, but batman's better!"

Everyone watched the short woman breath in to continue her tirade. Her boys were quietly praying for Bruce's soul.

"I was like the ultimate batman fangirl from five to Damian's age!"

"Oh yeah then why stop being a fangirl?" Bruce asked sarcastically.

"Because I found out you were an asshole! I read a bunch of storylines online! Different versions of you, all jerks! So at the time of my death, I was a Redhood fan! But mostly Deadpool." The last sentence was said in a more normal volume.

Jason laughed, "so.... I'm your favorite son?"

Dick elbowed him one side. "Now's not the time, jay bird."

"I'm not an asshole!" Bruce focused on the insult rather anything else. Wow he must be really flustered.

"Oh yes you are! You just have to be right! And there could never be a chance your wrong!"

"Of course there's a chance I'm wrong! I am human!"

"Oh your human now! I thought you became a fucking symbol! You know "I'll dress up as a bat and beat up the mentality sick till they cower at the mention of you."

"Oh so I shouldn't stop the joker?"

"No, by all means stop him. But don't pretend to be some kind of saint!"

"I'm batman! I don't pretend to be a saint!"

Lily snorted. "Please Brucie, I've seen you turn into a vampire, a joker, and an actual playboy. Not that play acting you do. Batman is a dark persona! That has so much blood on his hands, your hands!"

"We don't kill!"

"Oh? Well then what happened at the end of the killing joke?"

Bruce furrowed his brows. "The killing joke?"

"Yes. Where the joker sets out to prove to batman and Gotham that all it takes is one bad day."

Bruce pales. "That was different."

Lily smirked. "So you DID kill him! That's why the laughter stopped! I knew it!

"You.. Didn't know?" Bruce said slowly.

Lily shrugged. "It was one of those 'leave it to you too interpret.' by the way you freaked out the readers by laughing at his joke."

"I can't believe you." Bruce said tiredly.

"Your just mad because I out smarted you!"

"You did not!"

"Sure, Brucie, sure."

"Do not call me that."

"What do you you want me to call you? Cause I vote for Brucie!"

"You will call me Mr Wayne."

Lily snickered. "Kinky. Sorry I'm not a sub." She flicked her hair, trying not to laugh. Her boys laughed, even the girls and Alfred cracked a smile. Bruce just looked confused for a moment, then grew red from anger and embarrassment. He just didn't understand her logic sometimes!

"Shut up, you are the last I would do anything of that sort with." He said in a huff.

Lily raised an eye brow. "Yeah? Well seems to me you have really low standards. What? Am I too good for you?"

"Your infuriating woman! My standards are just fine!"

" Talia al ghul."

Bruce blinked. "Well, I-"

"Selena Kyle. I mean I get it, but still apart of your rogues gallery."

"She-, I-"

"Barbara Gordon." At that every one blanched(except Alfred who gave Bruce a long awaited disappointed stare). Dick went pale.

"I mean- how did you-" Bruce was going blank. And watched as Lily started in on a rant, which seemed to have been held in for a long time. (Sense before the third chapter, and even before that actually.)

"I mean seriously, I'm sure Alfred taught you better than that. You're old enough to be her father. I guess you were a kid when you're her dad was in the force, so I guess not old enough to be her dad but still. And as I was saying it was not Alfred's fault, I'm sure."

Alfred nodded in acknowledgment.

"I mean really! I'm sure he taught you not to sleep with a girl that much younger then you! Especially when you know she has a boyfriend. ESPECIALLY when you know the boyfriend is your adopted son!"

Dick let out a strangled squeaking sound. The sound drew Bruce's attention, and he remembered that he and Lily was not by themselves. Lily fallowed Bruce's line of sight, and saw Dick's face. She realized what Bruce did, and instantly felt remorse for her words. What had she done?


Lily masked her emotions as well as she could. It would not help her son for her to break down in tears at the sight of his heart brake. The heart break that was her fault. She nodded.

"how could you never tell me?" Dick was crying.

"You already had a strained relationship with Bruce. I didn't want to be the one to make you lose your father." Lily said, looking dick in his eyes.

Dick picked up Mar'i off the floor, and turned to the door. "I'm going to take Mar'i home."

Lily nodded breathing deeply to keep her emotions in check. "Do whatever you need." With that he was gone. Kor'i left after him, a pitying look sent to Lily.

Jason gave Bruce a look full of disgust. He could understand Dicks feeling of Betrayal, but he understood Lily as well. In this he could not take sides, but he could side against Bruce which seemed to be the majority. Jason gave Lily a hug.

"I'll take the kids home their probably tired from all this excitement."

Chloe stood, "I'm still having that sleep over. I don't want to stay here for tonight. This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."

Jason studied her for a moment then nodded. The four left after that. Luna came to Lily next. "The nargles think it would be for the best that Tim stay with me for the week end." Lily nodded. Smiling the best she could, which just showed her despair worse.

"Take care of him?"Luna nodded.

"I will. Just don't push him away when he comes to you, alright?" Lily nodded, slightly confused.

Damian mean while told Marinette to make sure he didn't kill his father in the next few minutes, and walked to his father.

Bruce looked at his son with a tired, raised eye brow. "Yes?"

"You say Lily will injure this family, when you have done such a revocable thing. As it happens I remember when I called her a certain name, which I will not repeat, she  told me she never have had intercourse." Damian said angrily. "You are what I had accused Lily of."

Lily had heard what was said, and waved Luna good bye. She sighed, rubbing her face. She looked embarrassed. "Kids say the darndest things."

Damian crossed his arms, which made him look like a petulant child. Marinette giggled at the sight. "I am not a child, I am fifteen."

"Damian would you just...go..go to bed?" Lily said. Starting to break down, but holding on as well as she could.

Damian could see that his honorary mother was about to cry. He didn't want to deal with crying, he wasn't any good with these type of situation. He hugged her tightly, and kissed her on the cheek.

He walked out of the room hands in hand with Marinette. He lead them to the batcave, he needed his bike. "Where are we going?"

"We're going to stay with Grayson. I can't deal with father right now. I can't look at him." Marinette saw Damian was on the verge of his version of a break down. She stopped him, and drew him into a hug.

"Alright, let's go." She stepped back, rubbing his arm comfortingly.

Lily, Bruce and Alfred were the only ones left in the living room left. Bruce want sure what had gone wrong. He just wanted his family back. He just wanted to stop Ditka from taking his family from him.

Lily had collapsed on to a chair. Letting her face fall into her hands. She started shaking, as loud, hard sobs rocked her. She started rocking herself back and forth, drawing up her knees to her chest.

Bruce watched this slightly, alright more then slightly, uncomfortable. He couldn't help be feel partly responsible for this.

"Miss Ditka-"

"No." Her voice scratchy from crying. "Just no. I can' with you right now." She looked up at her m his m him, with already red eyes.

"Tea?" Alfred, who had slipped out and back in with a cup of said beverage, set it down on the coffee table in front of her. Iroh following him with almost silent steps. Jumping into Lily's lap in a unmistakable demand for attention. Which Lily gave gladly.

"Thank you Alfred."

The old butler have Bruce a pointed stare. "I do believe, it's past your bed time master Bruce." Bruce nodded dumbly. Going to his room. Falling onto his thinking over what had happened over and over. Trying to think of a way that Dick hadn't found out about one of his worst regrets, one he never hoped he would. He sighed. He needed to talk to Lily.

Due to how both lost in such a way they will be given a penalty.

Lily = 0, Bruce = -1
Dick was curled into Kor'i. His crying had died off, now he was playing with a piece of his fiances hair.

"Are you feeling the better?"

Dick shook his head. "No-o-o." Kor'i shushed him, gently.

"Get some sleep. And we shall talk about this in the morning."

Tim shot straight up in bed next to Luna. "Oh my God! Bruce diddled Dick's ex!" His sleep deprived brain finally catching up with what had happened.

"Yes, he did. It wasn't very nice, was it?" Luna asked calmly. "Now let's get some sleep tim."

Chloe lay awake in her sleeping bag. Staring at the darkness above her. She counted her breaths. In, out. In, out. 1, 2, 3, 4....


"Yes Kendra?"

"Do you think grampa Bruce really did that?"

Cloe closed her eyes. "From his expression, I would say yes."

She heard a sharp inhale from the girl beside her. "I don't understand. Everyone says that Bruce is a good person. I hear from everyone how he is as Batman. I even seen him as Batman. How could such a great man do such a thing?"

Chloe sighed. "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. The answer is in the question. Bruce is a man, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Just because we and the league put him up on a pedestal doesn't change a thing."

Kendra was quiet for a long time, then when Chloe was finally about to sleep, she spoke. "Would you do such a thing?" Chloe hummed.

"Kendra, I'll tell you something that's not well known. Everyone has a soulmate, but it's people like me and you with magic who can find them. So would I cheat on my soulmate? No I wouldn't."

Chloe thought of Jason. She'll be honest. When she first met the man, she was unsure what the universe was thinking! He was loud, brash, and completely with out manners. Then as she got to know him she found several things she liked.

Yes he was rude, but only if he was being defensive or teasing you.

Yes he was loud, but if you saw him cleaning one of his weapons, sneaking up on an enemy, or reading a book you'd find he could be very quiet.

And he only seemed brash Because his thought process is naturally fast. Not that they were always perfectly thought out, but he would plan.

Then there was the others facts about him. Loyal. Caring. As responsible as one could be. He was kind in his own way. Plus he rocked his hair style and his jacket.

"Have you meet your soulmate?"


" you like him?"

Chloe smiled, thinking. "Yes, I do."

Bruce walked down to the dining room. He saw Ditka sitting half way down the table, and after a moment he sat down next to her.

If she noticed him, she didn't acknowledge him. She just kept eating on a slow, robotic manner. He hesitated, he wasn't sure what to say. He started to eat as well, taking time to actually LOOK at the woman next to him.

She was no beauty or a supermodel, but she definitely want the worst to look at. She was her own kind of pretty. She was wearing a white button down blouse, with a high waisted brown skirt which went down, by the look of it, to her ankles. Her hair in a braid that hung down her back.

Bruce thought more, trying to think of something but always going back to her eyes or her hair.

Lily sighed. "If you going to stare, say something. Your being creepy."

Bruce winced. "Well... I'm sorry for last night. "

"We both said things we didn't mean, I think."

Bruce shook his head. "But I started it. I've been trying to get you to leave or show that your not as great as the boys seem to think. But I just ended up hurting Dick."

Lily sighed. "I'm not exactly inoccent in this. It takes two to tango."

Bruce looked down to his hands, "yes, but I was taking my insecurities out on you. And I'm sorry for that"

Lily's eye brow lifted in surprise. "And what insecurities where you talking out on me?"

Bruce sighed. "I felt replaced, I was worried... They wouldn't need me any more of they had you."

Lily stared at his then thumped her head on the table. "Ugh." She rubbed her head. "This is like Dick with Barbra all over again."

Bruce furrowed his brows. "What?"

She turned her body to face him, and pointed at him in his face. "Just because me and more are here doesn't mean your family is shrinking. No one's replacing you, your family is not going smaller. With us it only grows. got it?"

Bruce nodded, looking at her with unhidden wonder. He nodded.

Lily smiled. "Let's try this again." She stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Branda Lily Ditka. But, I hate my first name, so most people call me Lily."

Bruce slowly shook her hand. "I'm Bruce."

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