The White Dream Walker

By bluebird411

22.1K 646 83

A story in which a woman must protect her brother when he arrives on Pandora. She must keep him from endanger... More

Hope is for children
Running for our lives
A Trippy Experience
New Day, New Life
Track & Kill
Gathering & Weaving
Ngäzìk (difficult)

Familiar People

1.1K 38 13
By bluebird411

Published: February, 2023
Edited: March, 2023 (Grammar/Spelling)

Spoken Na'vi will be in Italics
(AN: Also, if you see any spelling mistakes, kindly point them out by leaving a comment of where the mistake is. Please, and thank you!)

It had beens a few hours since Jake and Lizzie had set to try and make their way back to the compound. The sky had darkened, and the forrest had come alive. The gas giant Polyphemus was brighter from the sun's reflection, which provided some light, if any. Sounds of nocturnal animals bounced around the forrest, raising the anxienty of the siblings.

"We need to find a way to create some fire." Jake grumbled.

"No shit. There should be some trees with sap leaking out. We should be able to use the sap as an accelerant."

Lizzie's mood was beginning to decline the longer they spent time in the forrest. It didn't help that they barely had any weapons with them. She had managed to recover her bow further along the stream, but the other arrows were lost to the powerful river current. When they found the sap Lizzie had mentioned, Jake took his outer layer off, and tied it the other end of his spear. While he tried to light the sap, Lizzie notched her only arrow. Prepared to sacrifice herself to save her brother.

"If we live through this, you owe me big time." LIzzie mumbled.

Once Jake lit the sap, he swung it in an outward ark. Lighting up the shadows and creatures that surrounded him and his sister. Several canine-like animals where surrounding them. The siblings weaved through, and under many of the branch-like tree roots.

"We don't have all damn night!" Jake hissed at the animals.

"Jake, they're viper wolves! Be careful!" Lizzie warned.

When the animals leaped at the siblings, shit hit the fan. Lizzie fired her arrow, startling a few of the creatures, but not scarring them away. She used her bow as a makeshift staff, and charged at the creatures. Internally wincing as she hit them. She managed to scare a few away when she saw her brother get knocked to the ground. She kicked the creatures away, even managed to stun a few with a knock to the head. She turned to help her brother, before she too was knocked to the ground.


She struggled with the viper wolf, receiving nicks and scratches on her arms and face in the process. Within the blink of an eye, the creature had an arrow in its' side. Tossing it aside, Lizzie looked up to see a Na'vi woman chasing off the creatures. Lizzie watched the woman stand guard of her and Jake. When the creatures were finally ran off, the Na'vi woman turned back, shielding her eyes from the light of the fire.

An ear piercing whine broke Lizzie's attention. The viper wolf whined, struggling to breathe.

"I am sorry, little one," Lizzie murmured, as she kneeled next to the animal. "This is not what I wanted. Please forgive me."

The animal looked her, as if it understood her, before breathing its' last breath. Tears gathered in her eyes, as Lizzie looked for the Na'vi woman. Said person was walking towards her, so Lizzie backed away. She looked for her brother, finding him stepping into a nearby stream to retrieve his spear.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Jake grumbled.

Lizzie was starting to wish she hadn't come on this trip. She turned back to the Na'vi woman, prepared to get yelled at, but stopped when she saw the forrest 'come alive'. Various plants glowed like they had been shoved under an ultraviolet light.

"Tommy would've loved this." She whispered.

She turned back to brother, only to see him going after the native woman. Grabbing her bow, Lizzie followed.

"If I'm like a child, maybe you should teach me." Jake said.

"Sky People cannot learn. You do not See."

"Then uh, teach me to See."

"No one can teach you to See." The woman stated.

Lizzie shook her head. She could tell that her brother would keep pushing until he either got hurt, or he got what he wanted.

"Can't we just talk," Jake asked as he followed the native woman. "Where'd you learn to speak English? Dr. Augustine's school? Whoa!"

Lizzie reached out to stop her brother from falling, only for the other woman to grab him.

"You're like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do." The woman grumbled.

"See Jake?"

"Shut it, Lizzie!" Jake hissed, clenching his jaw.

Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"We need your help." Jake pleaded to the Native woman.

"You should not be here." The woman said, using a hand sign.

"Then take us with you."

"No! Go back."

"No." Jake responded stubbornly.

'He's gonna get us killed, I know it.' Lizzie thought.

"Kehe. Go back." (No)

"Jake maybe we, should...."

Lizzie's words faded away as white, jellyfish-like sprites floated down from above. She had only heard about these from many of the kids. When she couldn't asked quite understand, Mo'at told her what the spirits where, and the meaning behind them. Lizzie watched in amazment as the floated over her and Jake. Amazment quickly turned to irritation as her brother tried to knock them away from him.

"Ftang nga," Neytiri hissed, grabbing Jake's arm. "Rutxe....No!" (Stop that!/Please (whispered))

"Atokirina'! Atokirina..." (Seeds of the great tree!)

"Jake, don't move." Lizzie warned.

She watched as the seeds floated from above, down to the three, and landing on Jake. Cautiously, Lizzie held out her hands. A few seeds landed on her arms, some in her hands.

"What...what are they?" Jake asked, confused.

"Seeds of the sacred tree. Very pure spirits." The woman said, looking on in awe.

Lizzie was in amazment. She had only ever read about these. The fact they were seeing more than one? It had to mean that Eywa was watching them. Right?

A minute or two after the sprites landed, they floated away. Jake looked at the woman, a little sacred that he done something wrong. Lizzie on the other hand, had not taken her eyes off of the sprites. Watching them as they floated away.

"What was that about?" Jake asked.

"Lolu aungia." The woman whispered, to herself. (That has been a sign.)

She looked at the siblings for a moment, before grabbing their hands, and telling them to follower her.

"Hey, where are we going?" Jake asked, as he and his sister followed.

Lizzie's amazment dwindled, and was replaced with anxiousness and worry as she finally realized who the woman was, and where she was taking them. She could only hope that the Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan would, in time, forgive her.

As the the three of them got closer, Jake was knocked down to the forrest floor with a bolas-like weapon wrapped around his ankles. Lizzie yelled in horror as she watched him fall. She jumped after him, landing near his feet. She frantically pulled on the binding, trying to get him free.

As she pulled offending material away, three Na'vi riding direhorses broke through the foliage. Lizzie gripped her bow, tugging her brother into a standing position. As they turned to escape, three more Na'vi brandishing their weapons broke through brush. With their beings surrounded, Lizzie and Jake reluctantly dropped their only means on defense.

Neytiri dropped from above, ready to defend the two avatars.

"Mawey, Na'viya! Mawey!" She said, firmly. (Calm people, calm.)

One of the riders slid off his steed, walking forward to meet Neytiri.

"Ma Tsu'tey! Kempe si nga?" Neytiri inquired. (What are you doing, Tsu'tey?)

"Fayvrrtep fìtsenge lu kxanì!" Tsu'tey grunted. (These demons are forbidden here!)

"Aungia lolu! Tsahikur txele lu!" Neytiri exclaimed. (There has been a sign! This is a matter for the Tsahik!)

Tsu'tey looked Neytiri, before eyeing the two he viewed as demons. He barked out the order bring them, before returning to his direhorse. The Na'vi behind Lizzie and her brother gripped their queues, pushing them in the direction the other Na'vi left. The trek to where they were being taken was a long one. While she wasn't winded, Lizzie was uncomfortable. Didn't help that her queue was in a tight grip either.

When they reached Hometree, several Na'vi crowded around them trying to a closer look. Some going so far as to touch them. One even tried pulling on Lizzie's tail, but backed off when she bared her teeth and let out a warning hiss. When they came to a stop, they were presented to the Olo'eyktan.

"Ma sempul, oel ngati kameie." Neytiri expressed respectfully. (Father, I see you.)

The Olo'eyktan stepped forward, observing the new arrivals before turning to his daughter.

"Fìswiräti, ngal pelun molunge fìtseng?" He inquired. (This creature, why did you bring him here?)

"Oel pot tspìmìyang, tsakrr za'u aungia ta Eywa!" Neytiri explained. (I was going to kill him(them), but there was a sign from Eywa!)

With each passing minute, Lizzie's anxienty rose. She wanted nothing more than to leave.

"Poltxe oe, san zene kea uniltìranyu, ke ziva'u fìtseng." (I have said: "No dreamwalker will come here.")

"Ketepeu fahew akewong." (His alien smell fills my nose.)

Even though Jake knew some of the language from the little bits and pieces his brother and sister taught him, he still struggled.

"What's he saying?" He asked, nervously.

"My father is deciding whether to kill you." Neytiri said.

"Your father? It's nice to meet you, sir." Jake said, trying to be respectful as stepped forward.

Lizzie was jostled was the people surrounding her, stepped forward to stop Jake.

"Tsaswiräti lonu! Aynga neto rivikx!" The Tsahík shouted, as she descended the spiral-like staircase. (Release this creature! Step back!)

"Fìketuwongti oel stìyeftxaw." (I will look at this alien.)

"That is Mother. She is Tsahík. The one who interprets the will of Eywa." Neytiri explained.

"Who's Eywa?"

"Jake, shut up!" Lizzie hissed.

The Tsahìk walked around the siblings. Examining them. She could tell they were different from the other dreamwalkers.

"What are you called?"

"Jake Sully."

"What about you?"

Lizzie looked at the Tsahík, answering her truthfully. Though she wore she saw a flicker of recognition in the woman's eyes.

"I go by many names. Elizabeth, Lizzie, or Beth. You may call me whatever you prefer."

The Tsahík pulled out a knife from her headdress, swiftly dragging it across Jake's skin. Before doing the same to Lizzie. She closed her mouth around the knife, seemingly analyzing their blood.

"Why did you come to us?" The Tsahík asked.

"We came to learn. " Jake said.

"We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup which already full."

"My brother could stand to learn new things. It would help broaden his views on people. If you would let him, that is." Lizzie said.

"She's not wrong. Ask Dr. Augustine. I'm no scientist." Jake snorted.

"What are you?"

"I'm a Marine. A uh, warrior. For the Jarhead clan." Jake explained, not quite believing what spilled out of his mouth.

"Tsamsiyu pak? Pot tsun oe tspivang nìftue!" Tsu'tey exclaimed, charging forward. (A warrior? I could kill him easily!)

Lizzie intercepted him, hissing and baring her teeth in warning.

"Kehe," The Olo'eyktan said, stopping Tsu'tey. "Fìpo lu 'awvea, uniltìranyu-tsamsiyu, a tsole'a ayoengìl." (No. This is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen.)

'Jake, you lucky son of bitch. I can't believe this is working....'

"Pori awngaru lu tìkin, a nume nì'ul." (We need to learn more about him.)

Once Lizzie was sure Tsu'tey wasn't going to hurt her brother, she moved to Jake's side. She locked eyes with the Tsahík, sensing that the woman had a question for her.

"Are you a warrior, as well?" She inquired, tilting her head slightly.

"No. Though I can be, if it is needed of me. Mainly, I am what you would call a record keeper. Although, if I am needed to be something else, I can be."

As Lizzie spoke, Neytiri glanced at her. She felt as if she recognized this dream walker. The way she carried herself, and the way she spoke remind her of someone she used know. Someone, smaller. Much smaller.

"Ma 'ite, Tsu'tey,awngeyä fya'ori zene nga sänume sivi poru..." The Tsahík spoke. Her tone firm, yet soft. "...fte tsivun pivlltxe sì tivìran na ayoeng." (My daughter, Tsu'tey, you will teach them our speak and walk as we do.)

"Pelun? Ke lu muiä!" The two aforementioned Na'vi protested. (Why me? That's not fair!)

"Fkol pole'un fì'ut." (It is decided.)

The Tsahík looked at Lizzie and her brother, eyes lit with purpose.

"It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways. Tsu'tey will teach your companion. Learn well. Then we will see if your insanity, can be cured."

Lizzie bowed her head. Grateful that she was getting a second chance. More than she could've hoped for. She and Jake were then taken by Neytiri to a place where they changed from the RDA provided clothes, to that of similar style that the tribe wore. They were then lead to a communal eatting area, where they ate various fruits and meats.

Once meal time was over, Neytiri took them to a section of Hometree where various were made out for sleeping. There hammocks for families of various sizes, or there were singular hammocks for those who chose to sleep alone. Lizzie watched Neytiri to see how she lowered herself into the hammock, before attempting to do the same.

"See ya' on the other side, Jake." Lizzie said, before closing the hammock.

She took a deep breath before closing her eyes. She hoped that they would be able to wake up in their human bodies mostly unharmed.

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