Isle Love.Ben x Oc-Descendant...

By nekomas_meow15

316 11 0

When the pressure to become Auradon's royally perfect Lady of the court becomes too much for Veronica, She go... More

I Don't Belong
Home, Evil Home
Where's Veronica?
It's Goin' Down
The fight and Preparations
Final Chapter


20 1 0
By nekomas_meow15

-No One's POV-

Ben sadly walked away from Veronica, thinking about what she had said to him.

When Ben go to the bottom of the stairs, all the Vks rushed over to him. Looking for Veronica.

"Where's Veronica?" Mal asked, looking around for her twin sister." Ben, where is my sister?"
"She's not coming," Ben said, sadly. Tear-coated Mal's eyes, making the glossy.

"I'll talk to her." Evie said, walking over to the communication device." Vee? Veronica, it's Evie, just let me-"

"Go away!" Veronica yelled.

"Let's give her a couple of hours to cool down," Jay suggested.

"Guys, where's Ben?" Carlos asked, noticing Ben's absences. The Vks quickly realized that the figure wasn't Ben." But that's my specialty."

"Harry," Mal muttered under her breath.

"What did you do with Ben?!" Evie asked.

"We nicked him." Harry replied like it was nothing." And if you ever want to see him again, tell Veronica to meet Uma at the shop, just her."


"Aw, Jay. You seemed to have lost your touch." Harry teased. Jay tried lunging at Harry, but Mal and Evie held him back.

"Jay," Mal warned him.

"Hey!" Harry barked at Carlos, causing him to flinch. He walked away whistling the tune of 'Chillin' Like A Villain'.

"We have to tell (Y/n)," Evie announced, earning a nod from her friends. The Vks ran up the stairs to tell (Y/n) the news.


-Veronica's POV-

I stood, frozen in place, taking in the news I was hearing. I looked at my friends, and sister, beyond mad.

"Why would you bring him here?!" I asked, trying to sound calm but failing miserably.

"He was going to come with or without us, we were just trying to protect him." Evie defended.

"So, what do we do now?" Mal asked.

"We." I began, motioning between Mal and me," Aren't doing anything. I am."

"What, I'm not letting you go Uma's alone, we're going with you!" Mal exclaimed.

"She said to come alone." I pointed out.

"You're crazy," Jay said.

"She said to go alone, and I know one thing, I'm staying right here," Carlos said, plopping down on the couch behind him.

"Please be careful." Mal pleaded, walking over and pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arm around her, smiling.

"I'll be okay, Mal," I reassured, seeing the smile spread across Mal's face.

"We'll be here when you get back," Carlos told me as I walked away from my friends.


I walked in 'Ursala's Fish N Chips', looking around at a broken-down restaurant.

I finally spotted Uma, she was handing an old woman with a pirate hat a tray of food. The old lady didn't look so happy, and she turned to Uma.

"Hey! I wanted the fried clams!" The women complained. I stood there, amused at the scene in front of me.

"And I wanted a sea pony, life ain't fair!" Uma barked.

"I'm back," Veronica called out sarcastically as everyone turned to look at her.

"Loser, a party of one," Uma said with a smirk as she gestured to the empty table right next to her." Right this way, please." Uma kicked a chair to Veronica who stopped it with her hand causing Uma to laugh. Veronica turned the chair back and sat down on it.

"This place still stinks," Veronica told Uma as she looked up at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we're down a butler today, princess," Uma said mockingly.

"Where is he?" Veronica asked Uma seriously.

"You know, I've dreamed of this," Uma told Veronica with a laugh." You wanting something from me and watching you squirm like a worm on a hook."

"I'm so flattered that you dream of me," Veronica told Uma with a smirk." I haven't given you thought since I left."

Uman slammed her hands down onto the table and leaned closer to Veronica."Obviously. You have your perfect life, don't you?" Uma said before turning to everyone else in the shop." Doesn't she have the perfect little life?"

"Yeah!" everyone else shouted in agreement.

"But we're twenty years into a garbage strike," Uman told Veronica.

"Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on," Veronica told Uma," I see no need to bring Ben into this." She continued causing Uma to laugh.

"It may be a little unnecessary, but, oh, it is too much fun," Umatold Veronica.

"Here's the deal," Uma said

"Just like you're mother," Veronica told Uma." Always a catch."

Uma just gave Veronica a look before sitting down across from Veronica. Uma held her arm in position for an arm wrestle."If you win, Ben is free to go. Hm?" Veronica rolled her eyes and put her arm into position." Don't you want to know what I get if I win?"

"Still dreaming," Veronica said as Uma grabbed her hand.

"Hm, last time I checked, your mother thought she had all things all solved out, too," Uma told Veronica with a smirk as the others crowded around their table to watch.

"On three," Veronica told Uma.

"One," Uma said with a smirk.

"Two," Veronica counted.

"Three." Veronica and Uma said in unison before pushing at each other's hands.

"You know, that whole princess act, ugh," Uma said as she rolled her eyes." Never bought that for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain but you're still a villain."

"And you can slap a pirate hat on but you're still shrimpy," Veronica told Uma with a fake gasp as she pushed Uma's arm down. Veronica's eyes glowed blue as she pushed Uma's arm towards the table.

"If I win, you bring me the wand," Uma told Veronica, distracting her enough for Uma to win. Everyone cheered as Uma stood up. "Now, if you want Beasty boy back, bring me Fairy Godmother's wand to my ship tomorrow at noon. Sharp." Uma told Veronica before she started to walk away. "Oh, and if you blab, you can kiss your Ben goodbye."

"There's no way we're going to give Uma the wand," Evie exclaimed after Veronica told the others what Uma said. "We can't just let her destroy Auradon."

"But if we don't give Uma the wand, then Ben is toast, guys," Carlos told the group.

"Right, so we're going to give Uma, of all people, the wand?" Mal asked Carlos.

"Wait, you guys." Veronica cut off the group's argument. "Your 3D printer."

"A phony wand," Carlos said in realization, seeing where Veronica was going with it.

"Yes," Veronica exclaimed.

"The second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake." Evie reminded Veronica.

"Okay, so then we get Ben out of there really fast," Veronica told the others. "We need some kind of diversion."

"Smoke bombs." Jay offered and Veronica pointed to him.

"That's perfect," Evie exclaimed. "I'll get the chemicals in Lady Tremaine's place. That could work." Evie continued before walking over to Veronica. "Oh, and sick hair by the way. Evil stepmom seriously stepped up her game." she continued causing Veronica to run her hand through her hair.

"Okay, do you want to know something?" Veronica asked Evie. "Dizzy did this."

"Little Dizzy!" Evie exclaimed. "Shut up."

"I know. I'm loving it," Veronica told Evie. "It's like a lot lighter."

"Really proud of her," Evie said with a smile before Jay and Mal cleared their throats.

"Hello," Carlos exclaimed causing Veronica and Evie to turn back to the rest of the group.

"Right," Evie whispered.

"Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirate's Bay no later than noon," Veronica told the boys and they nodded their heads. "Mal, can you go with them to make sure everything goes okay?" Veronica asked her sister.

"Yeah, sure, of course," Mal told her sister.

"And you guys. Losing, not an option." Veronica told the others seriously. "Cause we're rotten."

"To the core." the others finished.

"Let's do this," Evie said with a smirk as all of them left the apartment and split up.

Word Count-1,247 :0

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