Suicidal Child ||tpn x bsd x...

By itz-stuts

44.7K 1.1K 581

ON PAUSE!! "The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wound... More

Y/n profile + A/n
Love interest
Dark Era Y/n + A/n
Happy 180 reads people๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ
Happy 400 reads๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ
Thank youu sooo much for 1k
Happy new year people!!!
Updated Love interest + one shoutout


378 13 11
By itz-stuts

3rd pov:

Y/n ran out of the house in such a hurry after realizing something is wrong 

'What a shame...Am i late again to save one of the people i love Oda...' Y/n thought while running

As she arrived at the fight scene as she saw smoke around it as the smoke covering it as Y/n ran towards it.

"W-what is going on here?" Y/n asked panting

"Y-Y/n!!" Emma said weakly in shock

"WHERE WERE YOU THIS WHOLE TIME?!" Ray asked as her was surprised seeing her at this moment

"It doesn't matters right now... take Emma to a bit far kay?" Y/n said as Ray nodded in response not knowing what the girl will do.

As the smoke cleared it showed Chuuya who was just drained after using corruption at the verge of dying and Lewis on the ground with broken legs and arms slowly regenerating due to Chuuya's ability.

The moment Chuuya was about to to fall on the ground as well Y/n caught him and laid him on the ground swiftly so he won't hurt his head from the fall as she walked near Lewis with dead and dull eyes.

(like soo~)

(Or Soo~)

"Ray please cover Emma's innocent eyes" Y/n said as she took out her gun from her pocket.

"Do you want me to end your suffering with this gun?" Y/n asked Lewis as she held up her gun

"Yes. That would be lovely...indeed" Lewis said weakly as he was trying to regenerate faster

Y/n cocked back her gun and started shot him straight in the eye as she continued shooting him like a maniac.

"This is more than you deserve"

Ray gasped at the site as he ran towards Y/n and tackled her from behind making her drop her gun and miss a shot.

"Stop shooting a person that are already dead. Chuuya-kun still needs help!" Ray said as he backed away.

"Right..." Y/n said

"Can you check if he is breathing ?" Ray asked Nigel quietly as Nigel nodded and checked he felt Chuuya pulse.

"He is not breathing..." Nigel said






































































This caught Y/n's attention quickly as she ran towards him.

"Cradle his head, Raise his legs" Y/n said to Nigel and Ray as they just did so

"You hat rack... you are not to die on me" Y/n pumped his chest performing a CPR as she checked his pulse again.

"I'm not going to make this easy on you" Y/n as she punched his chest for making his heart pump.

"Come on!.....

Come on!

Come on!"

"I know you can hear me you selfish bastard!! I know you can hear me you bastard!" Y/n said with tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Come on!!!"

"I know you can.... hear me! You bastard.... You dumb chibi... I know it!!" Y/n yelled as she started to punching and pumping very harshly just in hope that Chuuya's pulse would start making Ray pulled her back as he hugged her making tears threaten pour out of her eyes as Nigel put his hand on her shoulder to make her calm down as Y/n just drowned in sorrow and guilt as she did not wanted to believe that she lost another one of her closes friends.

'You miscalculated again...Oh god what would you do if you miscalculated again last time Odasaku died this time Chuuya and maybe next time Emma or Ray and you are not even sure whether Norman is alive or not....

So pathetic....' A voice in the the back of Y/n's head spoke









































'Wait...a minute...'

In a hurry she rummaged through her pockets and found a injection making her smirk as she injected with fluid from the adrenal glands of sheep making him regain conscious in a second as he groaned and sat up.

"AHHHH.....What the hell happened? Who's been dancing on my chest!" Chuuya groaned as she just hugged him making him shock by this as he hugged back after a few moments she pulled away making him a bit disappointed cause he liked her warmth.

"Me." Y/n said as she pulled away from the hug

"What the heck is that?" Ray asked in curiosity as he help up Emma who was slowly going in to unconsciousness as Y/n walked towards them.

"This is the fluid from the adrenal glands of sheep made by yours's truly, really didn't thought it would work, it does not repairs the wounds of the person just helps them to keep them alive and i happen to have another veil of this" Y/n explain as she injects in Emma right in the chest as she woke up with a loud gasp.

"I just had the weirdest dream Y/n and Ray and Chuuya-kun and I were at the shelter having dinner. There was a satanic demon pony. A massive fork in his hoof and he turned on me! What a weird dream..." Emma said with a soft whisper as Y/n chuckled at her and patted her head while Ray just sighed at Emma.

Y/n them walked to Chuuya as she carried her sleeping partner on her back and secured him with a cloth so that he won't fall and carried Emma bridal style.

"Well then Ray i will be taking them with me to the shelter and for the others take them to the shelter here so that others can treat them." Y/n said with a small smile of relief that both of her friends were alive.

"Okay and you better be okay when i get there." Ray answered

"Hai~" Y/n said as she left the area

'I don't know what i would do without you guys around.' Y/n thought as she was running out side of the village.


Y/n sprinted in the forest, avoiding or killing the demons who chased her.

"Stay with me. Hang in there, Chuuya...Emma. Don't you want to go to the human world with me? Don't you have a family you need to go back to?" Y/n said.

'The fluid will not last for a very long time on them due to their injuries. I have to hurry.' Y/n thought.



"It's already been six days since Emma's group left." Thoma and Lannion said.

"Have they already arrived at Goldy Pond?"

"Are they okay?" Mark wondered.

"I'm sure they are fine." Akutagawa reassured the boy.

"I miss Y/n...!" Thoma, and Lannion whined as the other kids sweat dropped at their behavior.

Gilda was quiet before someone tapped the side of her head.

"Don...?" She questioned.

"It's written all over your face, Gilda. I know you're worried, but if we're nervous, won't we make them all nervous too?" Don told her.

"Yeah! Sorry, thanks!" The girl said, slapping herself.

"Nat, let's get started on dinner." Don said.

"Uh...yeah." Nat said.

'Dinner...I wish we had a bird. I'm getting tired of grubs and lizards.' He thought.

The shelter's door opened, causing them to stop and look over.


"Emma's group is back?!"

"Emma! Y/n! Ray! Chuuya-kun!"

"Y/n!" A certain duo of idiots yelled.

"Y/n-san" Akutagawa said

All the kids ran to greet them but were only greeted by panting Y/n who had Chuuya strapped to her back and held Emma bridal style.

"Y/n...?" The children stared in shock.

"Move...!" Y/n said.

"Y/n? What's going on...?"

"Where's Emma and Ray?"

"Follow me!" Y/n said. She laid Chuuya and Emma down on a table, heavily breathing.

'Damn it...I don't have any time to explain.'

"Emma! Are you alive?! What about Ray?! Answer me!" Gilda yelled

"Wait! That's not it! Ray is in a different place right now but he is completely fine. Emma is alive but won't be for long so I need your help now!" Y/n said

"O-Oh wait-" Gilda was about to say something but immediately got cut of by Y/n

"There is no time to explain! Emma and Chuuya are alive but their pulses a bit off the charts i have just kept both of them alive if we don't hurry they will die of blood loss. Anna you are good with medical stuff help Emma while i will help Chuuya."

"Get the medicines....Some hot water!! Sterilize all the equipment!!"

"Right!!!" Anna said


It's been few hours as Emma and Chuuya had been treated and were now in a coma.

Everyone was worried about their situation. Y/n on the other hand was blaming herself for everything like always. She went to the room and sat in the corner with an adroit little smile on her face intertwined her hands as she started squeezing them so hard that her knuckles were white but still she wore that terrifying wizened monkey's grin of hers.


It's been a few days but both of them still not have woken up. The other kids from Goldy pond had already arrived to the shelter with Shirase. Y/n was the same still in the room sitting in the middle of both beds.

She was not usually affected by death like this but here she thought that her history was repeating it self and she wanted her best to prevent that from happening ever again. She did came out of the room now and then but she was always in the room either with Ray or other who were visiting now and then. Many times it happened that she fell asleep in the room.

(like soo for reference just imagine Y/n is sitting between the two beds of Emma and Chuuya)


Y/n was there again for the whole day as there were no signs of Emma or Chuuya waking up as she was getting tired just waiting for them to wake up. Others did came for a few visits from time to time. After a while fell asleep on Chuuya's bed side.

Series Flashback~

Chuuya headed down the hallway to the last door. A tendril of smoke wafted out from under it. Urgent.

Nonetheless, Chuuya stopped, took a deep breath, gathered himself. Something like this has happened before, in fact, Y/n's usual brand of chaos the difference being now, that Chuuya was sick to death of dealing with it. Which doesn't mean he won't.

Chuuya opened the door, poked his head in, cautiously. He sees Y/n was sitting on a chair in a dark room that she called her office while being back at the HQ, blocking the door aiming a gun with an odd contraption fastened on its barrel at the wall.

Unadulterated chaos.

A series of FLAMING BULLET HOLES blasted into the wall in the ragged initials "Your initials"

"May I join you in the armory?" Chuuya asked

"Please... Chuuya, I've been working on this device which will suppress the sound of a gunshot." Y/n replied

Chuuya walked towards the conservatory.

"Please... Don't, don't, don't..."

Chuuya pulled open the curtains allowing the light to pour in, making Y/n cringe at this.

"Well, It needs work. Can I see?..." Chuuya asked as Y/n gave him her gun as he looked at it for a moment or two and placed it on the table.

He passes her heading to the other side of the room picking up a pile of open letters from a table.

"Gently, gently Chuuya...."

Chuuya whipped open more curtains and opened a window. Y/n crawled on her hands and knees over to a table where she finds a bit of shade to hide in it.

"Come on mackerel come out!" Chuuya said as he pulled Y/n's collar as she came out and sat on the chair near the window.

Chuuya sat on a chair and begin to leaf though the letters.

"It's been three months since the last dangerous mission. About time the boss assigned us a new one." Chuuya said

"I can't but agree. My mind rebels at this stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me a mission to think on or a lovely way of committing a peaceful suicide. The sooner the better." Y/n said  as Chuuya sighed at her suicidal antics


"Hmm.. Let's see, We have a letter from the HQ about a group of demons stealing the HQ weaponry...I already gave that mission to my subordinates honestly it is too boring for me"

"Right...Then we don't have anything to do other than stupid paperwork"

"Right and i also hate paperwork...I gave it all to Akutagawa" Y/n said as Chuuya sighed at this

As a Ms. Gabrielle staff member or sister came in Y/n's room who always gave Y/n her tea and other requirements

"I have been studying her comings and goings and they appear most sinister."

"Tea, Ms. Y/n."

Ms. Gabrielle came to Y/n and puts the tray before her.

"Is it poisoned sister?"

"No, it is not Ms. Y/n" Ms. Gabrielle said

"" Y/n whined

"There's enough of that in you already." She said as she goes to remove an old tray from behind her.

"Don't touch that. Everything is in its proper place, as per usual."

Chuuya sighed

"Shut up mackerel she is only trying to clean up you stupid mess. Sorry Ms. Gabrielle you can leave now she will eventually clean it........someday.....hopefully" Chuuya said as she nodded and left as he closed to door.

"Now what to do with you waste of bandages"

"There's nothing of interest to me out there, on earth, at all. Thus, it would be a lovely way of painless suicide will do the trick from me."

"No not the suicide you idiot. So, you have nothing to do?"


"Then you're free this evening."


"For lunch."


"The boss's dinning room"

"My favorite"

"Okay Let's go then"

"Alright. Let's goo!"

Y/n grabbed her coat and left with Chuuya.


Both of them heading towards the room for lunch. As they were talking well mostly Y/n talking about Suicide and Chuuya either hitting her or staying silent half of the time.

"You have the grand gift of silence, Chibi. It makes you quite invaluable as a companion."

Chuuya punches her square in the face.

"Owww" Y/n said as she afterwards pulled out a waist coat

"That's my waistcoat." Chuuya said

"I thought we agreed it was too small for you."

"I'd like it back."

"I thought we agreed"

"I want it back." Chuuya said as he snatched his waist coat back and threw it outside.

Y/n blinked at this for a moment as a small smile appeared on Chuuya's face


It was a peaceful day in grace field, Y/n and Emma sat under a tree together enjoying the breeze. they had no intent of doing anything that particular day.

Emma was making flower crowns which Y/n found interesting, Thus, Y/n sat next to Emma and started reading her Complete Guide to Suicide book.

"Hey Y/n"

"Yes Sunshine~" Y/n said as she turned her head towards Emma as she placed a Flower crown on Y/n's head surprising Y/n.

"There you go Y/n!! I made a flower crown for you!!"

Emma made a flower crown full of roses.

"Oh Thank you sunshine~!" Y/n said

(This is how you looked like)

"Now tell me am i looking pretty~?" Y/n asked as she cupped Emma's cheeks squishing them making her burn red.

(Like soo~ just ignore the tears)

"H-hai! You look beautiful!" Emma squeaked making Y/n chuckle as she patted her head.

"Well I'm flattered Sunshine~"

End of Flashbacks~


A certain Oenophile slightly opened his eyes and looked around.

'Huh? Where am I...? I'm too tired, jeez. Hm... Oh. I'm in the infirmary of the shelter...? ' He thought.

Chuuya slowly sat up as he saw a sleeping figure near him on the chair a the reality struck him as his cheeks begin to heat up. Y/n was sleeping peacefully for the first time.

Y/n heard some rustling as slowly looked up to a sitting figure as her pupils started to adjust to the light. She recognized to figure to be Chuuya.


"Yes mackerel?"


"AHHH!! Chu-Chu you are awake!!" Y/n Yelled as she tackled him down making them fall oh the bed.

"You dumb chibi...You idiot i thought you were dead for weeks" Y/n said softly as she shed few tears. They stayed like that for a while as Y/n pulled away and sat on the bed.

"Sorry. And Did you called me a selfish bastard and a dumb chibi back then?"

"Probably" Y/n said as Chuuya hit her head and winced in pain

"You idiot you not properly recovered don't do that!" Y/n yelled at Chuuya

"Sorry ma'am" Chuuya replied sarcastically 


After few days Emma also started waking up. 

'A house?  Is this a dream? Could i really be dead? Huh? ' Emma thought as she felt some people surrounding her as she opened her eyes fully to see Y/n holding her hands and Ray stood behind her as the other kids surrounded her as she turned her head and saw Chuuya awake sitting on his bed with a relieved smile on his face.

"What...Gilda...Everyone?" Emma spoke up weakly

"EMMA~!HAD US ALL WORRIED SICK~!" Almost everyone yelled as they hugged Emma.

"Is Everyone...okay? How is Chuuya-kun?" Emma asked 

"Yeah" Shirase said 

"Chuuya has healed and there are few people who can't move rest everyone made it out alive. Right Chu-Chu~" Y/n answered 

"Yes, you waste of good bandages" 

"Welcome Home Emma" Everyone said in Chorus

"I'm glad to be back" Emma said with a huge smile

"Y/n thank you for saving me" Emma said sincerely

"No problem Sunshine~" Y/n said as she patted her head

"Now first let's drink some soup both of you must be starving after being unconscious for four weeks straight~" Y/n said referring Chuuya and Emma as Ray brought two bowls of soup as he started feeding Emma and Y/n started feeding Chuuya.   


Y/n, despite knowing that Chuuya and Emma were not being fully healed, she messed around with them as she avoided Gilda who yelled at her to give them a beak.

"Wait, Gilda! Emma and I have something to say! Please gather everyone!" She said, still running from her. Now, all the kids gathered around Y/n and Emma, staring in determination.

"Seize the future with your hands."

"That's what Mr. Minerva said when he left this for us." Emma said as Y/n idiotically presented the pen.

"We've got a plan to rescue Phil and everyone else." Emma said.

Y/n opened the pen and all the children stared in shock at all the information that was revealed.

"He really did exist." Nat muttered.

"There's a path..." Lannion said.

"An elevator in a pond...?" Thoma said.

"So, there was a way out of Grace field, right where we grew up...!" Anna said.

"This is amazing...The king, supporters, plantation blueprints, lambda project, the 7 walls, and-" Don said.

"Here. There's even a way to contact our allies. Do you think we'll be able to cross over to the human world if we contact them?" Gilda wondered.

"So, we contact our allies, and then...after we execute our plan to rescue Phil and everyone else at Grace Field, we'll be able to go from Grace Field to the human world...?" Don mumbled. 

"If we wanted to, could we enter the human world right now?"

"Eh..." Y/n sweat dropped.

"We can. But it would be dangerous. Mr. Ratri from Mr.Minerva's clan... In return for peace in the human world, for generations, they've been feeding cattle children to demons. And of course, the traitor who killed Minerva. That entire clan will never tolerate our freedom. It would be like we are digging our own grave." Y/n said.

"That means..."

"Ratri was the traitor who killed Mr. Minerva. That means, we're somehow interfering with their influence." Gilda said.

"We can't guarantee our safety. If we leave the situation as it is and flee to the human world, a plantation and its overseer fall under the jurisdiction of the Ratri clan. We don't even know if the human world is aware of us in the first place. Even if we run away, them accepting us would be questionable. Breaking the promise and crossing over, it's likely that demons would follow us and in the worst-case scenario, we would start a war between two worlds" Y/n said

'And I sure don't wanna do that...I'm sure that Rat would love this won't he...and I i don't want him to give him that satisfaction.' Y/n thought 


"We can't secretly flee with such a large number of people. Taking away such a valuable source of food is enough to start a war. I hate war. What we're aiming for is the liberation of Grace Field. Running away without anyone noticing would be impossible. I consider everyone we met in Goldy Pond as family. I want to escape without losing a single person. But escaping is not enough. I want everyone to live with a smile. Also, I've been thinking since I got to Goldy Pond." Emma spoke.

"In this world, there are so many children with the same circumstances as us. And loads more that we don't know about. I just can't allow myself to leave them alone. The future I want...It's not just Grace Field. Chuuya-kun and everyone from Glory Bell, Oliver and everyone from Grand Valley, everyone from Goodwill Ridge too. The mass production farms Sonju told us about, and the new Lambda plantation that Adam came from, everything! I want to get rid of it all, to create a world where children aren't eaten. After we create a world where we can't be chased, I want to escape from the demon world."

"A world where we can't be chased?" Alicia questioned.

"Yeah...And to that end, I want to search for and discover the "seven walls", then from a new promise with it." Emma told them.

"Seven walls..."

"Mujika mentioned something like that..."

"Who is this Mujika?" Y/n asked

"Oh she is a good demon, who does not eats humans" Emma answered

"Oh..." Y/n nodded in acknowledgement

"Sister Krone also said something that on that night."

"It stands at the top of all demons. At the seven walls." Lannion read from the hologram the pen presented. 

"If we make a new promise with it, we can make a safe world to escape to...?"

"But Mr. Minerva never reached the seven walls. And he's never met it before either. And what promise are we going to make? By what means? What I'm trying to say is...will it be possible...? Don't demons want to eat us humans?" Nat said.

"He left us a hint. Look here." Emma pointed.

"There was another promise like that..." Ray said before his eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" Alicia questioned.

"This goes far back. It's not going to be easy or simple in any way. But it's still the opinion I want to choose. What does everyone think? Now you know the risks, will you all come along?" Emma asked. The children stared at her before smiling.

"What are you talking about?"

"Of course, we're coming!"

"Let's find the seven walls!"


"Hai~" Y/n said 


(3758 Words)

And Done!! I think i make Y/n a bit ooc in this chapter but....

Hope you enjoyed it....

Till we meet next time....

Have a great time...


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