Love Triangle (A Malereader S...

By MythicalWing243

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What if...Y/N never got isekaid but fate and destiny still follows More



420 24 4
By MythicalWing243

Y/N Pov

School had just ended and i was walking alongside with the new girl and giving her a quick tour on the town. So far, she was a bit shy but slowly opens herself up to me as a person which im quite happy to see her doing

Walking around town to show her shops, the markets, a nearby cafe and the bay to which she gave the bay a good view for a minute where she stares in awe from the beauty

Both me and Erika walk side by side at the park for a quick break from all the walking

Sitting down at a bench to relax for a moment while under the shade of a tree to protect us from the afternoon sun, on our hands was crepes as a snack together with sweet iced tea for drinks. Erika was delighted to have a tasty looking food on her hands while her eyes sparkles in delight from the tasty looking food infront of her

I munch down at the crepe, savoring the sweet fillings along with the sweet and sour fruits inside it. The taste of chocolate syrup, whipped cream and strawberries felt like heaven to my tastebuds with all those mixed flavors

Glancing at Erika who tooks a bite from hers, i blush from how cute she was from her small size and demeanor

Erika: W-What are you looking at...?

Y/N: Blush I-Its nothing. I just think you seem to be having fun

Erika was silent for a second before giving a reluctant nod to me

Erika: Yes, i did have some fun today. Im very glad to have someone as you show me around the town

Y/N: Its no problem. Wouldnt it be better if you were familiar with the town, right?

At it again with the shy attitude Erika put up with, she broke eye contact with me to focus on her crepe while i didnt mind it as i continue to enjoy my time with the new girl

Erika...she is truly something else, im unable to put my finger on it but something about her that made me feel strange

After finishing our snack, we decide that we should home. Both of us walk side by side in the street of the peaceful town with the afternoon sun shining down on us. Briefly stopping at the railroad where we stop as a train passes by our route

Glancing at Erika which to my surprise she was looking at me as well, our eyes lock at each other for a moment, a silence between us as our gazes at each other's soul before the sound of the train passing ahead fades away signalling that our path ahead was clear and henceforth continue our way home

While walking, i couldnt help reminisence our moment together just now. Why would we lock gazes together but due to this, my cheeks starts to heat up and look at my left to avoid Erika seeing me in this state

Soon, a path that diverges from left and right was ahead of us. We stopped at this section and had a short conversation

Erika: My place goes here, i can walk by myself

Y/N: Mm. Then, i guess i'll head home as well. Take care, Erika

Erika nods before going right while i went left, parting ways with each other as we head home on seperate directions

Timeskip, School

I sat by on my chair whilst waiting for the class to start while the others were doing what they want, i just stare at the window, bored out of my mind

Suddenly, i felt 2 hands grabbing my shoulder, surprising me from behind. Turning my head, i saw Matilda with a cheery expression on her face with a bright smile

Matilda: Heya~!

Y/N: Oh, Matilda, its you

Matilda: Whats with the message yesterday? Did you went gambling with Arthur again?

Erika: G-Gambling...? Again...?

Erika whispers those words in disbelief while i pretend i didnt heard her speak about me in shock

Matilda: For someone so smart, you're doing things the wrong way. Anyways, be sure not to skip after class duties

Y/N: Yeah yeah, i understand. As President of the Student Council, i swear a vow that i shall...not gamble...

Arthur: Awww, you're gonna back out? I thought we were going to the event next week where that one rich prick that owed us an equivalent of 200 USD

Y/N: Crap, i almost forgot about that bastard. But, you know, rich people are so prideful that i doubt they'd back away from the deal and give us the money. I might check my bank account later

Matilda: Someone owes you money?

Y/N: Yeah, a rich fellow that i beat at Chess Blitz. He owes me an equivalent 200 USD in cash but i plan to split it with Arthur

Matilda: T-Thats so extreme...

Johan: And awesome!

Arthur: You better believe it is! Y/N has brains and balls

Me and the others continue to chat about Arthur and my gambling experience about some matches on chess, poker, blackjack and all those sort of jazz. Though, from the corner of my eye, i saw Erika had a serious expression on her face with a hint of some disbelief from hearing all of this from me

Soon, the class simmers down when the teacher arrives to start class and everyone went to their seats as our teacher

Teacher: Alright class, for today's lesson is about Ionizing Radiation. A flow of energy in the form of atomic and subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that is capable of freeing electrons from an atom, causing the atom to become charged or Ionized

I wrote down what our Chemistry Teacher was writing in the board where as the rest of the class was paying attention. Looking besides me, Erika was paying close attention and writing down the details in precise noting

There was something about Erika that i cant help but glance over at her from time to time. Its like she's a magnet to my eyes

Am i attracted to her...? I shake this feeling off and continue to pay attention at class as the teacher was writing about Alpha Particles and its fission. Sitting back with my pen and notebook ready to write down notes


It was club activities and i was heading the student council to do my club duties and as i walk, i felt my jacket tugged by someone from behind, turning around to see who would be gaining my attention only to see know one was behind me but looking slightly down, i saw Erika's whose short height had me unable to see her at first

Right now...she looks sorta lost

Erika: I need help with directions...again

Y/N: Hmmm?

Looking at Erika who held the club recruitment poster with an adorable expression on her face which i cant help notice and smile mentally at

We may be in the same age and all but i cant help but express my thoughts on how adorably short she is

Y/N: I see. So, what club are you joining?

Erika: The Gourmet Society Club

Y/N: You cook?

Erika nods in reply to my question and it made sense as to why she wanted to join such clubs

Y/N: I see. Follow me

I signal my hand to have Erika follow me and we walk together by the halls in search for the Gourmet Society Club Erika was eager to join at. We walk in silence together and as we treck up a flight of stairs, Erika initiated a chat with me

Erika: Y-You do gambling?

Y/N: Yes, i pressume you overheard. Some rich fellow owes me a total equivalent of 200 USD which is enough to suffice me for weeks. Though, i plan to split it with a friend who accompanied me there

Erika grabs my wrist forcing the both of us to stop on the stairs. She holds me with a firm grip while i silently look at her as she looks back at me with a concerned yet dissapointed face

I was surprised by her actions towards me despite only being mere acquaintance

Erika: You need to stop with such awful habits...i know you can do better

I raise a brow from Erika's words, despite not knowing much about each other, she spoke about her concerns to me like she was my mother

Y/N: Umm...

Erika: So-Sorry...

Erika's grip loosened on my wrist and we proceed back to walking this time with a bit of an akward silence. Arriving in front of the door where the school kitchen is, i look at Erika before leaving her to her own

Y/N: This is the Gourmet Society Club, AKA, the school kitchen. 3rd floor just left from the stairs

Erika: Right, i'll remember that

As i turn around, Erika spoke up and gained my attention yet again

Erika: Umm...sorry about earlier...

Y/N: Its fine. Im a rascal after all

Student Council Building

The student council building is a small building that houses the members. Upon opening the door, i was greeted with furnitures such as a sofa, a coffee table, a water dispenser with tea and coffee in a jar container and the president's table

Currently, i am the Student Council President so im the head of responsibilities and institute administrative authorities and the task to raise funds for events or campus use

The members were 3 women, all are either Grade 12 or Grade 11. These girls are Vice President Hana

Secretary Emma

And Treasurer Klara

And i, Y/N am the President of the Council Body

Hana: You're late, we proceeded the work without you

Y/N: Ah, thats good. Then we're not off-schedule with our work. Anyways, whats the news?

Hana: Not much anyways. Its just a few checklist of some new students and confirming stuff

Y/N: Mind if i take a look

Emma passes me a paper of a student and it was a paper of Kurodate Erika, my classmate. I examine the paper about basic info. Home adress, former school, fullname, height, age, birthday and all of those jazz

Y/N: Erika Kurodate...4'10...

I stare at her height for a bit with an expression until Klara karate chops me in the head

Klara: You know its rude to make fun of a girl's height

Y/N: I-Im not!

I rub the head where i was hit while i walk to my desk to sit down while holding Erika's paper at hand. On the chair, i lean back as i review more about Erika. Once knowing some basic information about her, i set the paper down and began the duties on my own

Though, as i work, Erika keeps popping mid-thoughts

She's a student that came all the way from a small town. She probably has yet to see the city. I smile at this little detail and i felt a little excited for the weekends to come

At Matilda, Disciplinary Committee

Matilda is currently in a meeting in the disciplinary committee where she sits in a table and looking at reports of supposed school troublemakers. Many of the list are delingquents who were fighting and smokers, both of whom are caught red-handed

As she was done with her work, she slouches on her chair while the rest of the club was relaxed after doing their work

Diving her hands to her pocket, she pulls out the letter she failed to give Y/N. She looks down with low morale before giving a sigh then looking back up on the clear blue sky

Matilda: Y/N...

She held her love letter with hope flowing through her body that she will confess to her crush though, her mind is shrouded in doubt when Matilda saw Y/N with Erika and despite the hope within her, doubt sets in her mind like a corruption making her reluctant

Matilda: ...Do you perhaps like the new girl...

3rd Person

It was 4:30 PM and the bell has rang to dismiss the students and ought to send them back home as class for the day is over. Students pour out of the school in great quantities

Meanwhile, Y/N was in the lobby, waving goodbye to his Council Members, while he was changing his shoes, 3 figures approach him from behind. Grabbing a hold of him from a friendly tackle, Y/N was caught surprise with the sudden shift of weight pressed against was something soft like 2 huge marshmellows pressed against his back which sent electric impulses coarsing throughout Y/N's body with a blush to top it all off

Turning around to see Matilda who clings to Y/N's while Arthur and Johan were laughing from the ordeal Matilda is causing

Y/N: Blush G-Gah! M-Matilda?! D-Dont scare me like that...!

Matilda: Snickering You've faced some harsh fights but you got scared by me, isnt that hilarious

Arthur: Heya, you up for today? Student Council business is done, right?

Y/N: Yeah, i just need to check my bank account first before we proceed

Johan: Alrighty! The brilliant gambler is gonna treat us!

Matilda: Free food!

Arthur: Free beer!

Y/N: Sh-Shut it before someone hears...! Ugh, what a bunch of foodies

The group of friends takes their leave out of the school building and out the campus but behind them was a girl who saw from behind the joyous moment made from friends

Erika: He sure has some friends...thats nice

The girl, Erika, looks down and sigh before kicking a rock away, slightly jealous from the sight of friends walking together while she had none. Leaving the campus all by herself inside the crowd of students, Erika strays away from the hoard to walk her own path to her home

To Y/N

The group of friends were stopping by on an ATM as their friend, Y/N, was in-putting his password pin to access his bank account. Going towards [Balance] his face grew in delight that the rich gambler he fought with finally gave the money he owed

Y/N: Hell yeah! Rich guys really are prideful, heh, maybe i should play against rich people more. Yo, Arthur, im gonna give you half, just as promised

Arthur: Cool

Y/N: Alright, we're good for barbecues

Depositing the money to Arthur's bank account. Leaving the ATM to go in on the BBQ House which was across the street, Y/N and his friends entered with smell of freshly cooked beef hitting their nostrils

Taking a seat and putting down their bags before finally relaxing and waiting for our order. The BBQ house was filled with customers who were ordering a variety of food from beef, chicken, prawns, scallops

Y/N: We're ordering the usual, right?

Matilda: Yep!

We gave our order and wait for our food to arrive, to my left was Matilda suddenly leaning to my arm out of boredom. I continue to scroll down my phone and checking for anything that looks interesting while Matilda rests her head at my arm

Johan: You know, you two would make a cute couple

From those words spat by Johan and Arthur who was nodding his head in agreement. I blush madly from Johan's word and my head reluctantly rotates towards Matilda and i caught a glimpse of her, she was red as a strawberry and completely flustered in the situation both of us were put on the spot. Matilda slowly looks at me with a shy expression and she uses her hair to hide her embarassed and blushing face

I sat in silence and so did Matilda, exchanging eye contacts for a moment before looking away while our other 2 friends just laughs

Arthur: Dont you think we're third-wheeling this, Johan?

Johan: Yeah, next time, we should have these love birds their time to themselves

Matilda: Blushing Shut up you two!



After eating at the BBQ House which was very akward due to Johan and Arthur's teasing me and Matilda to no end

As Arthur and Johan went to their separate ways, me and Matilda walk together alone, just the two of us as for our house were a few blocs from each other. And upon arriving at my house front gate, Matilda grabs my hand with a noticeable grip

Matilda: Blush Y-Y/N...!

Matilda was red once again and my body responds with a blush from Matilda's sudden action. I look at her straight in the eyes wondering what she was up to

Matilda: Blush Pl-Please read this when you think its right!

Y/N: Blush H-Huh...?

She passes me a letter before running off away from me as if she was totally embarassed from her actions. I look at my hand and see the letter she gave to me which it says "To Y/N" with cute girly decorations plastered around it

Y/N: Wh-What did she mean by "When the time is right"

Wild thoughts run in my mind which i shake it off and letting my rational thinking do its work instead of out of control hunches. I look at to where Matilda has run off to in hopes to get some form of answers but alas, she is already gone so it was me alone with my thoughts and predictions

Because deep down, it feels like a love letter

End of Chapter

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