Happy Merry Everything (Charl...

By vividlittlevox

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You're home for the holidays when a wrong number texts you on Christmas Eve. With a joyful heart and your bet... More

Twas the Night Before Christmas
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out
If You're Feeling Brave
Auld Lang Syne
If You're Willing, I Am Too.
How Do We Do This?
Heart Shaped Box
It's Nice to Meet You
I'm Scared.
Pillow Talk
Good Morning
I Don't Think That's Crazy At All.
Come What May
Opening Night pt. 1
Opening Night pt. 2 - Showtime
Opening Night pt. 3 - Encore
Mrs. Charlie Barber
Now What?
2 Weeks.
In a New York Minute
Ghosts and Other Things
Digging Up The Past
Baubles, Bangles, and Beads
New York Bear Bear
LA Bear Bear
The Winner Takes It All
Love and Mercy
Mom and Dad
Once More With Feeling
Stormy Weather pt. 1 - Grow As We Go
Stormy Weather pt. 2 - Wedding Bell Blues
Daddy Phase
Wild Horses
Just a Little Something
Saturday Night pt. 1
Saturday Night pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets pt. 2
Happy Birthday Charlie


2.2K 72 52
By vividlittlevox

You stirred before your alarm was due to go off the next morning. The sky outside your window was still painted with shades of night; it was just dark enough to make you question the time. You were comfortably cocooned in blankets, the weight of which a soothing siren's song for slumber. Your hand patted the bed beside you and you whimpered. Your fingers roamed the mattress in search of Charlie, but he was nowhere to be found. Though he himself was missing, the temperature of the sheets clued you in. Though they were growing cold, you could still feel a hint of his warmth. You gently lifted your head in your drowsiness; your body unhurriedly as you heard the bathroom door creak open. "Charlie?" you asked, propping yourself up.

"Go back to sleep, baby. It's early."

You could tell he was just as weary; the rich timbre of his voice was deeper now as it was every morning from a night of heavy rest. He shucked off his pajama pants, taking his underwear with it before he crawled into bed again. You yawned, lifting the sheets as you snuggled in close.

"Mmm...You're naked," you chirped, half asleep, lying your head against his chest. Even though your eyelids were heavy, you could still appreciate the feeling of his bare skin. Charlie let out a low gravel-like moan and moved to tug the shirt of his you were wearing over your head. You shifted, obliging despite your groggy state, and came to rest against him once more, skin on skin. His fingers toyed with the elastic of your panties, slowly but surely coaxing the material down until your backside was fully exposed. Gingerly, he held the cheek in his hand, kneading your ass until you both fell back to sleep.

When you roused for the second time, you whined, alone again. Only this time, the telltale aroma of Charlie's favorite coffee swirled in the air above you. Your love was much closer than you realized. As you sat up, you rearranging the pillows for your comfort and searched the sheets for your shirt. You had just lifted the comforter over your head to peer underneath when you heard his voice.

"Well, good morning," said Charlie, amused. "Building a tent without me?"

You returned the duvet to its rightful place and looked over to find him lurking in the doorway; he was wearing only boxers and holding two cups of coffee. You reached out for him with both arms. Charlie came closer, exhibiting caution as the mugs were quite full and set them down on the nightstand before getting back in with you.

"I bumped the heat up a few degrees. It was cold in the living room. I didn't want you to be when you got up," he yawned. "And since I was up, you know me..." He smiled softly.

"You made coffee?"
"I made coffee."

You stretched as a yawn escaped your own lips. Although you were snuggled against him, he wasn't close enough for your liking. You slung a leg around his waist and threw your arm across his chest. Using every bit of energy you could muster, with all your might shifted him closer. Charlie giggled, happily providing the cuddles you were after and let his lips rest against your forehead.

"You need me this close?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, pecking the apple of his throat. You kissed along the sides of his neck and jaw before your lips like gentle ocean waves crashed languidly into his.


He sat up fully despite your pouts and carefully passed you a coffee cup; he picked up his own soon after. The beverage itself was the perfect temperature. You could feel the mellowness of the liquid as it traveled down your body, warming you from the inside out.

"I was thinking at some point we should talk to Henry about Halloween," you said, settling back against the pillows. Charlie took a sip from his mug and cleared his throat.

"I wanted to talk to you about that."

You knitted your brow. "Is everything okay?" You studied his face. It was safe to say there was a lot on his mind. He huffed out a breath, the stream of air steadily flowing out of his puffed cheeks.

"It looks like no Halloween this year. Not for us anyway." You sat up, turning your body towards him properly. You were aware of the liquid in your cup and the way it sloshed, making sure you didn't spill a drop.

You scoffed; you were at a loss as you stared back incredulously. "She won't let him come out?" "No," he said, somewhat reserved. "That's not it at all." "Then what's going on with Halloween?" you posed, failing to hide the irritation in your voice. 

Charlie took another sip of coffee. "He was invited to an overnight birthday party."

"Oh." You softened instantly. "I would have told you sooner, but I only found out a little while ago. I saw her email about it when I got up. She sent it last night. Attached the invitation and everything. All of the details are there." He gestured to his iPad on your nightstand and you handed it to him. Charlie entered his password and swiped on the screen until the email in question was on display.

"It's the whole weekend, which is a big deal for him. He's only ever done that with the cousins." You read on and opened the invitation. Although it was digital, you could tell the graphic was custom. "The whole weekend? For a birthday party?" Charlie tapped the screen and zoomed in, making light of a few specific details.

"I was surprised too. Nicole's chaperoning part of it. The first night: the kids and their parents are invited to a haunted hayride, which I didn't even know they had in LA. Then the second night said something about a scary movie pizza party sleepover thing. And the final night: the kid's birthday, which is Halloween, go figure...that's cake, ice cream, the whole nine and trick-or-treating. It said parents were invited too. If I had to guess it's so they can watch their own kids and once that's done, party's over."

He gulped down a bit of coffee. "How old's this kid?" "I think it said it's his 11th." You huffed out a laugh and had another sip of your own. "Henry's 10. Wow. Baby's first rager. I never thought we'd see the day."

Charlie snickered. "Do you want to go for support? I mean, you could be the parental chaperone on one of those nights." He scrunched up his face. "You would think that, but if you keep reading through there you'll see why that's probably not a good idea."

You stared down at the wall of text, skimming most of it as you scrolled. He gingerly took the iPad from your hands and tapped around. "I'll save you some time." He highlighted a segment of text and enlarged it. In a matter of words, Nicole mentioned the person throwing the party was the one who recommended her divorce attorney and how due to confiding in her at times, Charlie wasn't exactly her favorite person.

You stared up back at him, one eyebrow locked in an upright position. "Well, that was a polite way to say, 'Sorry, I bitched about you so you can't go to this party.'" you posed sarcastically.

"I know. It's not ideal. I wasn't too happy about it either and I know we had talked about costumes, but you know what? We'll Facetime him and it'll be great."

You could tell there was something else he wasn't saying. "What is it?"

He shrugged, his eyes never leaving your face. "Tell me." His mouth grew into a sly smile.
"Before I say this, I want to be crystal clear that I'm not encouraging you to dislike her. Okay? I mean that. I'd be over the moon if she could look past whatever it is about you she doesn't like and if you could see beyond whatever it is you don't like about her. We may not always get along, but she's always going to be Henry's mom."

You nodded and gestured for him to continue, only making his smile grow wider. "It was...kinda sexy, seeing you get worked up like that."

"I'm protective of you."

You set your mug on the nightstand and he followed suit. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he laid back against the headboard; he was mesmerized by you. Minding the sensitive parts, you draped your legs on either side of him so you were straddling his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. You could feel his interest stirring beneath you.The way his cock was growing hard in his boxers made you mewl. He planted his large paws firmly on your ass and drew you, a silent invitation to grind against him. He sharply inhaled, a groan falling from his lips as you moved in his lap. He placed hot wet kisses against your shoulder until his mouth traveled lower, peppering kisses along the length of your clavicle.

"You know how protective I am of you. Don't you, honey?" You had always known that to be true, but hearing Charlie say it made you desperately need to be filled. His thumb grazed over one of your nipples and you let out a whine, earning a chuckle from the man you loved most. He began leaving a trail of lazy kisses against your throat and you sighed, aching for him to be closer. You moved with fervor in his lap. The feeling of your own wetness soaking your panties made you all the more enthusiastic. Charlie's fingers dug into your waist and he let out a growl, resting his forehead against yours. He was fully hard now and needed you just as much. You knew it wouldn't be long before he slipped inside. He eased you back in his lap just enough to give himself room to breathe. You peered down at his lap, your mouth beginning to water as you took in the full sight of his cock and placed a hand on the center of his chest. Charlie's gaze had long turned dark; breathless with desire, he guided your hand down his body until your hand was wrapped firmly around his shaft. He moaned softly and kissed you hard.


The sound of your ringtone startled you both, but Charlie wasn't about to let it ruin the moment. "Don't stop," he whispered. You reached for the device in an attempt to silence it, still working your hand over his length. "Fuck, it's Nina."

He let out a frustrated groan into your shoulder. "Tell her to fuck off so I can fuck you." You couldn't help but titter at his muffled request. He wanted you so much and so rarely begged. You shrieked in surprise as he nipped at your skin. You supposed a love bite was adequate payback for laughing at his expense. Charlie started moving his hips, thrusting into your fist. You knew it would take an award worthy performance to ensure Nina wouldn't learn of your compromised position. You swiped the call to answer and pressed the button enabling speakerphone.

"Nina! Hey!"

The sounds of the city were loud and clear: She was in the back of a cab. "Hey Little Bit! I'm running behind, but I should be there in 20 minutes."

"20 minutes?" You squeaked, peering down at Charlie. He stared at the phone in your hand, narrowing his eyes as you loosened your grip. You knew there would be a discussion about Nina's ruining your morning play, but you didn't mind. You were more than willing to make it up to him.

"Yeah," Nina tittered jovially. "I thought we could grab breakfast and then head out to get our nails done."

"I thought you wanted to shop?" you asked, trying not to make a sound as Charlie teased your nipples, sucking them one at a time into his mouth. "Oh, I do," she replied. "But I'd rather do it on a full stomach after a little self care. Nothing pisses me off more than trying on clothes when I'm hungry and if I have a food pooch, the things I buy will only fit me better later."

"O-oh, okay. I'll just finish getting ready and come down when you get here." You hurriedly hung up and tossed your phone on the bed. This man was fucking smirking. "I was on the phone, you know," you beamed, your cheeks flushed from Charlie's efforts. "Oh, I know," he said, matter of fact. He painstakingly pushed your panties aside, ran his middle finger up between your folds and grazed over your clit. "You weren't paying attention to me."

You were tugging on your booties when Nina knocked on your door. "I got it!" Charlie called out, pulling on a sweater. You ran into the bathroom, nearly tripping over your own feet, and gave yourself one last look before heading out into the living room.

"Can I get you a cup of coffee?"

Nina politely declined as you were walking in. "Thanks, Charlie. I'm alright. Oh my god, Little Bit! Hi!" She smiled, giving your outfit a once over. "Look at you! I love that top." Charlie's eyes didn't leave you for a second; to him, now and always, you were something to behold.

"You do look gorgeous, sweetheart," he said softly, leaning to kiss your cheek. "Thanks, honey."

Your sister clasped her hands together. "Well," she said, reaching over to ease you in the direction of the door. "As much as I hate to break up the little lovefest, the meter's running downstairs so we should probably go." Charlie brought your purse from on the sofa and handed it to you. "Have a good time...and be safe." Nina stood by the door while you pecked him goodbye.

"We will. I love you."
"Love you too."

"Don't worry, Charlie," Nina teased. "I'll bring her back in one piece...Probably with a few shopping bags."

The moment Charlie closed the door behind you, Nina took off. She had an air of frenzy about her when she was on the move and walked with such purpose even native New Yorkers might find her aggressive. When you were able to catch up with her, she was standing with the door open by the car. She grinned as you grumbled and giggled as she went inside.

"What was that?" you asked, excitedly. Not only were you perplexed, you were also on the verge of being out of breath. "I–you took off like a fucking speed demon." You climbed into the backseat beside her and situated yourself. She rolled her eyes, laughing while she rattled off directions to the driver. "I just wanna get going. It's not like I was going at full sprint."

She sat like a royal being chauffeured, leaving room between her back and the seat and reached into her clutch for a compact. "So where are we going anyway?" you asked, watching as she clicked the hand mirror open and reapplied the dark berry shade of oil on her lips.

"I told you we'd get breakfast things. I wanted to take you to brunch as a thank you for doing this with me," Nina reminded, putting everything away. "And before you say it– I'm paying for nails too." You opened your mouth in protest, but she wasn't having it. "I want to. You didn't have to come today. I know that. I know how valuable the weekends are so it means a lot that you're doing this."

You let out a defeated sigh and gave her a small smile. "Thank you. I appreciate you wanting to do that for me, I do, but if we end up getting coffee or drinks later, please at least try not to act surprised if I still throw down my card."

Nina squinted and rolled her eyes, dismissing the thought entirely. "Yeah, well, we'll see." The rest of the ride to your mystery destination consisted of you staring out opposing windows. You couldn't put your finger on what it was exactly, but something just felt off. Maybe you were two just out of practice when he came to communicating with one another. With the exception of the family holidays including Charlie, you and Nina hadn't spent any real time together one on one since last Christmas. Even then, you only exchanged a few words here and there. There was no real bonding, only memories of your past. Nina did, however, do her best to include you in her social circles– hence how you met Alan, but things were still a shadow of what they once were. You sighed, pondering if the sisterly bond you once had could ever be revived. You were hopeful of the possibility, but until something happened to set it in action, brunch would have to do.

The taxi rolled to a stop and Nina elbowed you out. She passed the driver cash as you opened the door and scooted out behind you. The restaurant itself was adorable.

"Le Gamin," you said, reading over the signage. Nina smiled politely. "Yeah. Ever been here?" You shook your head and followed her inside. You waited patiently behind Nina while she informed the maitre'd of your reservation. He found it in record time. "Right this way please," said the gentleman, urging you both to accompany him outside. You took a short walk to a quaint outdoor patio where you were seated and passed your respective menus.

"It's cute, right?" Nina asked, peering over at you as she browsed the brunchtime selections. "It really is," you said with a smile before turning back to the menu in your hands. You perused the sweet and savory offerings, reading what sides came with this and that, and finally settled on eggs florentine with smoked salmon. Soon thereafter, a server came with an assortment of complimentary breads and water glasses. He distributed small plates and silverware as he took your beverage order and returned no sooner than he left. The coffee in the small mug in front of you smelled divine and the taste did not disappoint as it passed over your lips. A small breeze came through the patio. You never understood why Nina preferred sitting outside in weather like this, but there you were. You smiled graciously as a staff member ignited one of the patio heaters nearby and set your cup back on its saucer. Your hands lingered on the mug, relishing its warmth.

Nina wiped away the foam mustache she'd acquired from her beverage. It was the small price she paid for taking a dunk in her cappuccino. "So..." She said, looking at you somewhat expectantly.


It was unclear as to whether or not she wanted you to lead the conversation. You sat in the quiet, dreaming up a topic; "Uh, how's Dan?" This caused Nina to snort. "Dan's fine. Dan's Dan."

"Are you excited to meet his parents? That's kind of a big deal, isn't it? You've been together for how long again?"

Nina stirred a sugar packet into her coffee. "3 months. 3 fast months, but 3 months." You could feel the wrinkles forming on your brow as you raised your own cup to your lips again.

"I see those eyes. I get it. Meeting his parents feels a little rushed, but it's not like I moved in with a guy a few months after meeting by text." You coughed, nearly spewing coffee across the table. You glared at her, baffled. The shit eating grin on her face was just too much.

"I'm just getting your goat. I love Charlie for you." You sat up straight, composing yourself, and wiped your mouth. "Yeah?" She nodded. "He's a good, decent man...and Henry's a little saint. Seriously, the kid's fucking adorable. His cheeks are like little peaches." Nina grabbed at the air, miming the act of holding his cheeks between her fingers and giving them a good pinch.

"Mom and Dad love him too." You smiled, going for a sip and hesitating. "Charlie or Henry?" Nina grinned, reaching for a piece of bread and slathering it with an ungodly amount of butter. "Both of them." She unceremoniously stuffed the large bite of baguette into her mouth and coated the remaining piece in the same amount. "I saw Dad the other day and he kept going on and on about how Henry's doing in school and how proud he is," she said, smirking. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "You're kidding?" Nina shook her head. "I wouldn't be surprised if he had a picture of him in his wallet."

You weren't sure why her confession took you aback. You thought back to the night your parents met Charlie for the first time, the way Charlie nearly messed up his hair on the sidewalk outside Minetta Tavern and his urge to smoke his nerves away. On the outside you were calm and collected, but underneath the surface you were the perfect storm. With a constant rush of emotion coursing through your veins, you did your best not to let your anxiety get the best of you. You wanted Charlie to like your parents as much as you hoped he would be accepted by them. Your mind ran away with you, hand in hand, taking you further back to the night Henry was introduced to the whole family. It was never a question as to whether or not Henry would be loved. Truth be told, not loving him would have been a task far more difficult to do.

Without so much as trying, Charlie and Henry became a part of your family. Your parents knew the day would come for all of you, the day you brought home a significant other offering whispers of forever and Charlie's time was no different. The affection and acceptance gained by both was never due to obligation or accommodations of the heart. Rather the places they earned were part of a much larger mold of your life, surprisingly one you failed to be cognizant of creating.

Everything you had ever known about love, everything you thought to be true about relationships and partnership, passion and support... all of it changed the moment Charlie entered your life. Loving him was as easy as breathing.

"You okay over there?" Nina inquired as a plate was set down in front of you. You must've spaced out. "Great." You smiled politely and thanked the server once again for placing your florentine in front of you. With your napkin settled in your lap, you picked up your fork and knife. Nina did the same, wasting no time cutting into her croque madame.

"So, today is going to be a lot of shopping," Nina said, cutting a larger bite into two.. "There's no rush. I do want to get at least three things to wear so I have options, but other than that we can just go with the flow today. At least until 2:30. I made nail appointments for us." She took a bite and continued as you tucked into your own food. "It's a cute little place. Chillhouse. They do designs and things mostly, but it'll be fun. We can get funky little patterns or something. Ooh. We could match!"

"Sounds great," you said, wiping your mouth with the napkin and sipping your morning brew. Nina finally wiped her own. "Aww, remember when we used to do that? Matching mani/pedis?" A hush fell over you as you were shoving another bite into your mouth and Nina frowned. Her rapid fire enthusiasm had overwhelmed you. "We don't have to talk about all of that right now. Maybe we could just catch up a bit. Talk about what's new. Work or...or our relationships."

You chuckled. "I'm sure that last bit would make Alison Bechdel proud," you teased. "Don't give me that," Nina pouted. "I never get to see you. I wanna know what's going on with you...and Charlie." You nodded, reaching for your coffee. She did the same, her fingers wrapping the handle of her around her own cup. "I know you've been living together for a while now, but what's it like? I mean the last person you really lived with was Alan, wasn't it?" You could feel your whole body begin to tense up. Hearing his name never failed to make your stomach churn. You hadn't thought about him since you ran into him at Gotham West Market with Charlie and if you were being honest, that felt like a lifetime ago. Though you wanted to beg her to stop, Nina just kept going.

"You didn't have a roommate after him that I'm forgetting about, did you? Jules? No, you never lived with Jules." The way she attempted to sort out her thoughts so casually aloud made you want to run, but as you looked around you knew there was nowhere to go. "It was just Alan, right?"

You gently returned your cup to its saucer with a sigh. You could see it in Nina's eyes, the way she knew the conversation had gone sour. "I'd really rather not talk about him. Now or–or ever." You watched as her brow wrinkled. She didn't understand and how could she, largely since you hadn't ever taken the time to unravel everything that happened in that relationship. If you could call that level of abuse a relationship in the first place.

"I thought you were on good terms when you broke up," Nina mused. "That's what Derek told me."

"That checks out," you muttered.

The confusion on her countenance was increasing at a steady pace. "Derek said Alan told him he walked in on you with some random guy from Tinder and you got into a screaming match after he punched him and then you walked out."

You stared down at your plate, shifting pieces of smoked salmon around with your fork.

"Is that not what happened?"

You took a deep breath and lifted your head, taking your gaze with it until your eyes were locked on her face. "No."

"No. That's not anywhere close to what happened."

Nina frowned. "What happened?"

"I really don't want to have this conversation here," you said, matter of fact. You adjusted your posture and fussed with the napkin in your lap. "It's just us," Nina offered gently.

"Us and everyone else on this patio," you replied. "We're finally getting to spend some quality time together. Now's not the time to dive into that and frankly, if it's okay with you, I'd really rather not cry at brunch."

Nina was stunned. "C-cry? Why the fu–" She lowered her voice. "Why would you cry? What happened?"

You said nothing, instead wishing upon wish to fade into nothingness. You didn't want to relive it. There was a reason you never brought it up in the first place. The past was gone. Alan was gone and there was nothing you or Nina or anyone could do about it. She said your name, beseeching you to continue.

"What happened between you and Alan?"

"Please stop saying his name," you spat, leaving Nina in awe. The demand came out louder than you expected. It was like everything, the memories and emotions old and new, was scrambling to get out.

You balled up your first under the table, doing your best to maintain composure, and squeezed your eyes shut just as tight. As the tears began to sting, you heard the rustling of clothing as she shifted, reaching out to offer comfort. You could feel the chill of her fingers through the material. The way she said your name was the softest request for an audience.

"What happened?"

You opened your eyes, brushing away the drops of water threatening to take up residence at the corners; you brought the back of your hand up to your nose in an effort to wipe away any unbecoming traces of emotions. You glanced over to see kind eyes looking back at you; they were filled with concern and a longing to understand. You took a deep breath and then, like droves of patrons rushing the exit of a burning theatre, so were the words out of your mouth.

Everything you held inside, the enumeration of betrayals locked away in your mind, the pains of the heart and darkened bits of soul, all of it came bubbling up to the surface. You told her everything. The way he made you feel and how he crushed you. The moments of questioned sanity and contemplations of hasty exits. Carrying the weight of it all until you didn't. The roles played, unbeknownst and not and, most importantly, how she herself fit into everything. You sat as the tears gathered in your sister's eyes. All this time, she was blissfully unaware of the pain she caused by trying to be supportive. You were in the beginnings of your independence when Alan gaslit his way into your life and once he grew tired of a lack of manipulation, he left unaffected, leaving you to pick up the pieces. Nina's hands clutched yours firmly as her lip began to quiver. She let out a deep shaky breath as the tears began to fall and took you into her arms. There was no use in holding it together. You clung to her as she did to you, letting out a gentle sob against her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," she said, her voice muffled by your hair. "I'm so, so sorry." She pulled away, her cheeks tearstained now, and stared into your eyes. "If I would've known...I...I'm so sorry." She pulled you to her once more and you let her hold you. Though the moment was solemn, you could feel yourself growing lighter. All at once, you felt the weight of it all begin to lift; you unburdened yourself of the grief you had been keeping inside for all that time. And though the past couldn't be undone, you took comfort in the long awaited apology you never thought you'd see.

She gave you one last squeeze before pulling away, her fingers assessing the streaks her tears had left on her face while she gained composure. You peered down at your plate, the contents of which had grown cold. Nina rifled through her purse for her wallet and took out more than enough cash to cover the meal. "Let's stop by the ladies' and get out of here?" You used your napkin to dab away the damp of your own cheeks and nodded before returning the dirtied cloth to your plate.

In the restroom, you stayed mum, standing beside one another as you reapplied your makeup and put on brave faces. Polite expressions were exchanged in the mirror as you powdered your noses. Nina offered you a tissue while you inspected your lipstick. It would take time for both your hearts to be fully mended, but deep down, you knew you would be okay.

"What about this one?" Nina asked, giving a little twirl as she checked her angles. She smoothed out the skirt of the dress she was wearing and fixed her hair. "Is it too prudish?" You sat on the green overstuffed couch in the little boutique and looked her over. The dress itself was smart yet casual. The printed silk charmeuse fabric of the garment was a compliment to the rest of her features. You touched your chest, drawing the neckline on your own body with your middle finger.

"I don't see how it would be."

You stood up as Nina continued to fuss over her figure. "I just want everything to be perfect, you know?" she said, turning to peer over her shoulder in the mirror. "Dan's a sweetheart, like Charlie. He's good to me. Treats me well..." her voice trailed off, prompting you to turn around. She was grinning. "Good in bed, too."

You shuddered, frisson running through your entire body like you were crawling with bugs. "Jesus, Nina. Gross." Nina giggled and grabbed another dress from a nearby rack. "What? You're telling me Charlie isn't good in bed?"

"Nina!" you protested sheepishly as your eyes threatened to rival saucers. "Don't 'Nina' me. He towers over you. And I've seen his hands...and his feet." She erupted into a fit of giggles the second she clocked your rosy tinted cheeks. "Besides," she said, poking you in the side. "What kind of sister would I be to my Little Bit if I didn't make sure she was happy?"

You crossed your arms, willing yourself not to be so defensive. "A good one."

She picked up a little red number and crossed over. Much to your amazement, she held it up to your body. "What are you doing?" you asked, disarmed.

A soft smile appeared on her face. "Just seeing something." Nina took you by the arm and tugged you over to the mirror where she could get a better look at you. She stood behind you and draped the material over your front. She folded the material on the hanger at the shoulder so it wouldn't be in your face. "What do you think?"

"For you?" you posed, still unsure. She laughed and shook her head. "No, silly. For you." You furrowed your brow in bewilderment as she shrugged. "No one said you couldn't look for yourself while you help me find something else." She pushed the dress into your chest before turning to walk back into the dressing room. You sighed, raising the hanger and bringing the garment up to hang against your form once more. You scrutinized your reflection, always your worst critic, but couldn't find anything you didn't like. The cacophony of sounds coming from the nearby changing room let you know Nina would soon be needing your opinion. "Try it on!"

You chortled. "What?"

The sound of a hanger coming to rest on a hook. The shimmy of a garment. A huff of struggled irritation. Then, finally, the hiss of a zipper.

The curtain ripped open in a dramatic fashion and Nina adjusted her bangs. "Try it on." In true sisterly fashion, the moment you started for a viable excuse, she batted your protests away. "You'll never know if you really like it or not unless you try it on." She stepped out and gently nudged you out of the way of the full length mirror. "Go on. I'll wait."

You knew there would be no changing her mind. Rather than grumble, you passed Nina your purse and walked into the dressing room. You closed the curtain and hurriedly got undressed, giving more care to guiding the garment off its hanger. You stepped into the dress and ushered the sleeves onto your shoulders. Truth be told, the neckline was higher than anything you would have selected for yourself, but it was flattering nonetheless. You managed to get it zipped halfway before needing Nina's help. You were astonished to find her waiting right outside the curtain, as if her assistance was anticipated.

She motioned for you to turn around and tugged the zipper up the rest of the way. You smiled, trying to lighten up, and stepped in front of the mirror. There was no denying it: It was lovely. Romantic, even. You swished the skirt and admired the way your necklace from Charlie fell at a perfect length as not to be hidden from sight. Your fingers lightly grazed over the diamond and you heard the familiar shutterclick of a phone camera. Your eyes left your silhouette and found Nina in the mirror; she was holding her phone.

She gave you a smile and started tapping away. "Annnnnd sent." Your hands smoothed over the skirt as you shifted your weight on your bare feet. "What are you doing?" Nina tittered as her phone chimed with a notification.


She showed you her screen, revealing message after message from Charlie.

Charlie: Wow.

Charlie: She looks incredible.

Charlie: What's she doing with a schlub like me?

Charlie: Please tell her she took my breath away.

Charlie: I'll stop with the sappy texts about your sister. Happy shopping.

Nina tittered. "Does he always do this?" You grinned. "You mean the rapid fire messages?" "Yeah," she replied, turning the phone back around and tapping on the screen again. "Only all the time." You began searching over your person for one very important detail on the garment: the price tag. You knew you made good money and felt comfortable spending it, but you also knew it was better to see what the dress would set you back before you got too attached.

"If you're looking for the tag, it was attached to the hanger." You started for the dressing room when Nina chimed in. "You won't find it in there." You turned on a dime to see Nina peeking up from her phone. "I had a feeling you would love it so I already took it to the counter."

"Little Bit, please. I want to."

She slowly approached before embracing you in a firm hug. "Thank you, Neen."

"Consider it an apology for one of the many times I told you my closet was off limits."

The two of you changed back into your clothes and browsed a bit more. Nina made her purchase, but insisted there was more to be done. You walked from store to store, trying on garment after garment and offering support. After a while though, all of the shopping began taking a toll on your feet. You supposed it was worth it for the closeness the excursion brought you today.

"Do you wanna maybe give it up for the day?" you suggested, wincing slightly as you flexed your toes in your shoes. Oh, how your soles ached. You should have known better than to wear flats. You scanned around the intimate shop, noting how this one was different from the others. "I just want a pair of earrings or something to liven up the dress I'm wearing to meet his parents", Nina replied, already enamored by the case of sparkling items in front of her. You offered a tight smile and readjusted your grip on numerous bag handles.

"Necklace or earrings?" Nina asked, picking up a lengthy gold paperclip chain from a display stand. "This is pretty, but it's too much, isn't it?"

"Which outfit were you wanting to wear?" You tried not to move too much. Each step left the soles of your feet feeling more tender than the last.

"Any of them really. Shit. Should I get something more universal?" Nina fretted, returning to the necklace to its spot on the wooden stand. "What about earrings? Or a bracelet." There was no time to even get a word in. She spotted a hammered cuff and instantly slid it onto her wrist. She frowned as she pivoted her wrist from side to side. "Too loud." She continued down the counter until she happened upon a tray of rings. "Little Bit! Come here!"

You tried not to sigh too heavily as you made your way over to her. Nina was already trying on rings as you sat your bags down beside her. "Ugh, god I have such fat fingers." She picked up one with ruby colored stones. "I can't even get this one on," she muttered, turning to you. "Are your fingers sausages like mine or do you have dainty little hands like Mom?" Before you could completely register what was happening, Nina was yanking your hand in her direction and slipping a ring on your finger. "Ugh. You do." She held your hand out at an angle so she could get a better look. "Look. Tiny little fingers. You make me sick." You giggled and admired the ring on your finger. Though it wasn't exactly your taste, seeing the gemstones twinkle in the light did something to you.

"Uh oh," Nina teased softly. "I know that look." You tore your eyes away from the piece of jewelry and glanced over at her. "What do you mean? 'Uh oh'." You slowly removed the band from your finger and placed it back in its setting within the display.

"Just the way you're looking at your hand like that. Like you wish Charlie would do something about it being so naked." She scrunched up her nose as she reached over to tap you on the end of yours.

Though you were standing right next to her, your mind began to drift; you allowed yourself to fall back in time through collective memories of your life with him. There was no question; the moment he sent that message changed your life. You wondered what would have happened if you hadn't been so brave yet so foolish the day he sent you those flowers, if he hadn't pushed to meet, where you'd both be now. The notion of never getting the chance to know Charlie made your heart ache.

"There was a time when I thought he was going to, but I'm...I'm pretty sure I fucked it up," you admitted sheepishly. Nina's eyebrows piqued with curiosity. "Charlie almost proposed?" You shrugged. "I'm not sure. It felt like the perfect time at the time. Like that's what he was going for."

Nina put the bracelets she was holding down on the counter in an effort to give you her full attention. "I'm listening."

"He recreated our first date."

"The day you first met?"

You laughed. "Not exactly. Um, our first phone date. So technically our first ever date, but–anyway, we–we watched Pride and Prejudice over the phone together and he ordered me apology pizza for not texting me on New Year's Eve."

Nina appeared puzzled. "I'm not sure I follow. Were you in different rooms when this happened or...?"

You made a face and giggled even more. "Oh god no, we were in the same room. I just meant he put the movie on and had pizza for us, the same kind he ordered himself that night. Or picked up. Picked up I think. It was just all so romantic and at one point after dessert, it really felt like he was going to propose. Something about the way he was looking at me."

"You're without a ring so what happened?" Nina asked.

"My phone rang."

"Alex buttdialed me."
"That little fucker. I always tell him to lock his phone before he shoves it in his pocket."

"So, no proposal for me."

Nina worried her lip, her forehead wrinkled in compassion. "Are you sure that was the big moment?" You thought about it and shook your head. "No. I mean, well... there was one time after his dad died when he said he planned to ask me, but I think that was only out of grief."

You watched as your sister's countenance changed from understanding to utter disbelief. "No one proposes because they're grieving, Little Bit. Weddings don't fix anything. Funerals might, but never weddings."

"I guess you're right," you muttered softly. Nina reached over and touched your shoulder, prompting you to turn and face her again. "You know I'm right."


"Do you think Charlie wants to get married again?"

"What do you mean?"

You took a deep breath, searching for the right words. "He was married for so long. Sometimes I just wonder if that's even something he wants. I trust what he says, but the intrusive thoughts get the best of me sometimes. That's all."

Nina slid another ring onto her finger and then another, stacking one on top of the other in a familiar fashion. "I think that's a question better suited for Charlie."

After all was said and done, as much as the grand act of shopping worked to feed your soul–eh, mostly Nina's–at the end of the day, there was arguably only one thing left to do: feed your faces. You leaned back against the headrest in the back of the cab, the dull grumble of your stomach filling the air as you closed your eyes. Truth be told, you didn't have the energy nor the want to go to dinner. Your body ached and your social battery ran out hours ago. You were ready for hugs and kisses and a hot bath, but couldn't find the will or the words to tell Nina you just wanted to go home.

You were confident Charlie himself had eaten or would at least be making dinner at this point. You were grateful he was self-sufficient in that way. You wondered what he had gotten himself into while you were away. Did he watch a movie? Take a nap? Talk to Henry? You could picture him relaxing on the couch. The thought alone was enough to send your heart aflutter; the feeling that came with it fleeted just as quickly in a pang of envy. As you envisioned Charlie's arms wrapped around you and the warmth of his lips against your cheek, you could hear Nina on the phone. She was inevitably saying what she could to whoever would listen about scoring a last minute reservation. It was an impressive feat that worked 80% of the time. Despite a bump or two here and a pothole there, the motions of the car managed to rock you to sleep. It wasn't until Nina's shaking your arm that you realized you dozed off. You really were that tired. While you were struggling to get out, Nina was busying herself with the driver making sure every last bag was accounted for including her own. She patted her shoulder for the strap and reached out for you once you were in view.

"Pier 17?" you asked, inspecting your surroundings. Nina nodded enthusiastically. "Dan recommended this place. Well, he took me here once. The food is super yummy and the drinks are good too."

She passed you what felt like more than your share of bags and took off even faster, shouting for you to keep up. Why Nina insisted on dashing about everywhere she went was beyond you, but you followed just the same taking your time. When you made it to the door, which took no time at all keeping your normal pace, she was waiting in a queue three deep. As luck would have it, the trio were a party waiting to be seated and no sooner than they were whisked away came the spiel.

You shift the bags distributed equally in your hands to one side so you can shimmy enough to reach into your bag and take out your phone.

No missed calls. Four messages.

From Charlie – a few hours ago

Charlie: I hope you and Nina are having a good time.

Charlie: She sent me a picture of you in that red dress. Show me when you get home?

Charlie: The apartment is too quiet without you. I'm not used to this.

Charlie: I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much.

You wanted to reply, giant phone screen be damned. You were determined to send him a message one handed and you would have been successful if your wrist hadn't cramped up. Your hand flexed in pain from the awkward position, causing your phone to fall to the floor. While you were trying to move your body in an unnatural way in an attempt to reach, Nina bent over to pick up your fallen phone.

"They can seat us now," Nina said, effectively grabbing your hand and taking you with her. Not having much of a choice, you followed her and the maitre'd to a booth opposite the bar. You were barely settled when a server came over with menus. She gave the list of cocktails a quick glance and passed it your way. Despite there being no rush, you assumed she was intent on getting things over with you could get back to spending time together.

Nina thanked the server as he filled your water glasses. You let out a comfortable sigh as you allowed your body to become one with the cushy leather of the booth seat. You patted yourself down and peered into your bag before scanning over the table. Your phone.

"Can I have my phone back please?" You asked, reaching for your glass to take a sip of water. "I wanna text Charlie. Check in."

She looked you over and took the phone from her own bag, holding it in her hand contemplatively. "I'll give this back if you answer one question."

You could feel the wrinkles forming as you stared back at her. "Okay," you said, untensing your shoulders.

"When did you know?"
"When did I know what?"

Nina was almost timid now, but passed the phone your way. "When did you know you were in love with Charlie?"

The seriousness of her question took you aback. Of all the things that could have slipped past her lips, that was the last thing you were expecting. You straightened in the booth.

"Well..." You were thoughtful.

"I think in a way I had always had some sort of feelings for him the night we met. I kept wanting to flirt with him, make him laugh. I had all of these feelings that didn't add up since I didn't even know him, but the more we kept talking, the more I felt myself opening up to him."

You could feel a loving warmth gradually come over you as blood rushed to your cheeks. Your memory flooded with the echoes of past vibrant conversations, all those nights you and Charlie spent on the phone the first couple of months. Getting to know him felt like rediscovering someone you knew long before.

One night.

"Least favorite body part?"
"Because I'm an axe murderer?"
"Of course."
"Oh, right. Hmm...of others or my own?"

Another night.

"You still awake?"

"You don't sound awake."
"Do you want me to let you go?"

And another.

"You have to choose!"
"I can't!"

"You can."

"Fine...I–I don't have one."
"Everyone has one.
"Well...I don't."
"Okay then. New question."
"What's it like to be god's favorite?" he teased.
"Oh–Shut up."
You could hear him laughing; he was pleased with himself.

"So angry. And over such a tiny little thing."
You sighed, giving in.
"Okay. Fine. It's the thimble."

"Mine's the dog."
"I thought you didn't like dogs?"
"I don't."

And another.

You could still hear the way he tenderly spoke your name.

"Somebody's sleepy."
"I'm not."
"I wouldn't be so sure."
You yawned. "I'm not, promise."
"I think I'm gonna hang up so you can–"
"No, stay? Please?"


You remembered all of the times you laughed until you cried. Both of you no doubt doubled over, doing your best impressions of tea kettles as you giggled over the phone. You thought back to a particular time when Charlie was laughing so hard he started coughing and the genuine fear that passed through you—how helpless you felt at the thought of him he needing something or someone and you weren't there-–though the feeling subsided once he caught his breath and slowly began to chuckle again.

The number of times you were both so genuinely excited to share about your days that you talked over each other. The times you had dinner over the phone together. The movies you watched, the quiet moments you shared. All of it. Loving Charlie really did come easily, like you had been meant to love him your whole life and there was no question you would keep on loving him for the rest of your days.

"I think it was when–"

You were distracted. You wanted to focus on your conversation, to continue down this road with Nina, but the scene playing out behind her head snatched any amount of attention span you had left to spare.

"Is everything okay?" Nina asked, concerned.

You situated yourself in the booth so you could get a better view.

"Is that Mom?"

Nina whipped around in time to see your mother standing on a landing with your father. They were making their way down the staircase leading from the upstairs dining area.

"Did you know they–"

"--I–I had no idea they were here, no," she interjected, seemingly just as puzzled as you were.

You waved to them, your father noticing first and your mom lighting up as soon as she saw your faces.

They made their way over to you, taking care not to bump into anyone, both of them dressed up for an evening out.

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Abby. "Of all the places in New York!" She rushed over to hug your sister. While you shifted out of the booth to stand, your dad walked around her to come greet you with a warm embrace.

"Hey, Sweet Pea," Tom said softly, hugging you tight. "Hi Dad."

Your mother and Nina were still twinning in the shock of being in the same place at the same time.

Abby playfully scooted past your father. "My turn. Let me hug my baby," she said, pulling you against her chest. She squeezed you, swaying lightly.

"What are you guys doing here?" Nina asked, greeting your dad as they both sat down. Your mom shooed you back into the booth and sat beside you.

"We're in town for the weekend," Tom started. "Saw a couple of shows, met up with some old friends."

You turned to face your mother. "You remember Mike and Marci, don't you?" She glanced over at Nina. "We all went on vacation together a few times when you were little."

You nodded as Abby rubbed between your shoulder blades. "I do."

"Me too," Nina confirmed.

The server came back around with your drinks.

"I wasn't aware there were more in your party," said the server. "Sorry about that. Could I get you two anything to drink?"

Tom waved his hand. "No, no. We're not staying, but thanks." The server bobbed his head. "I'll give you a few more minutes then."

Once the server walked away, Abby leaned over, resting her head on yours while she gave you another squeeze from the side.

"I'm so happy we're all together. We're just missing your brother." As she leaned away, a whisper of fragrance filled your nostrils.

"Did you change perfumes?" You were perplexed. The scent itself was familiar yet strange.

"No, sweetie," Abby assured. "This is the same perfume you got me for Christmas."

You shrugged and watched as Nina's body language followed suit. Tom gave your mom a look you had seen before. It was their universal signal for, "It's time to go."

Nina pouted. "You're leaving already? You don't even want to stay for a drink?"

Your father leaned over and kissed Nina's temple. "We should probably get going, Beena."

Abby smiled apologetically, rising from her seat to join him. "Your father's having a little indigestion, but I'll call you both."

Tom pulled out his wallet. "Dad, no," you said, attempting to bat away his money. "Nonsense," he said. "If we're not staying to eat with our girls, we can at least pay for their dinner." He passed Nina what appeared to be a couple hundred dollars and put his arm around your mother.

"Stay out of trouble you two," he said with a smirk. Abby laughed, lightheartedly swatting his side. "Love you both. Don't listen to your father."

"Love you too."

"Love you."

The taxi you caught a ride in slowly came to a stop in front of the apartment. You couldn't remember the last time you felt so happy to be home. You graciously tipped the driver as your aching feet held you firm on the sidewalk. Though the fracture in your foot had healed nicely, your swollen soles were a reminder of past pain. The elevator bell chimed, the doors gliding open as it approached your floor and you reached into your bag to ready your keys. The lock turned easily as the front door seemed to welcome you home. Despite having shared appetizers with Nina for a sort of amuse bouche makeshift dinner, the smell of Chinese food was a comfort. You lightly toed off your shoes, wincing as you did, and made your way into the living room.


The sight before you made you smile. There were a few papers neatly organized on the coffee table along with his open laptop, a pen, and his notebook. You sat the shopping bags down beside the couch and made your way to the bedroom.

"Baby? I'm home."

Charlie stepped out of the hallway, toweling his hair dry. His eyes lit up the moment you came into view.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, beaming. Going by the state of his hair, he was showering when food arrived. He came to you instantly, wrapping his arms around your waist. "My sweetheart's home," he whispered against your lips before closing the gap between you. You closed your eyes as you nuzzled into his chest. You stayed there until he kissed your crown, prompting you to peer up at him so he could kiss you again. You would never tire of the love he held in his eyes every time he looked at you.

"I missed you," he muttered. Charlie wandered over to the couch and patted the spot beside him, beckoning you to join him. You didn't leave him waiting, promptly taking a seat and nestling into his side. "I missed you too."

You snuggled in closer despite there being no room and he laughed. "I can tell." You breathed him in and let out a happy little sigh, relishing his scent and the feeling of the soft maroon sweater against your cheek.

"You're comfy." He allowed you to situate yourself exactly how you wanted and one he was sure you were content, he put his arm around you. "Am I?" he inquired, his voice was softer now. You yawned, gently bobbing your head in confirmation and that was all Charlie needed before he reached for the knitted blanket, lovingly folded and lying across the arm of the couch.

You had managed to tuck your feet underneath yourself; it was as if you were a little ball cradled against his body. He shook the blanket to open it further and did his best to cover you up.

"Stretch out, sweetheart."
"Mmm-mmm," you protested.
You mumbled into his shoulder. "Don't wanna move."

Charlie chuckled lightly. "Okay, honey, you don't have to. No one's gonna make you move, my love."

You could feel yourself fighting sleep. His lips began planting featherlight kisses against your hair as his hand caressed your side.

"Do I make a good pillow?" He whispered. You gave your head a tiny bob as your eyelids fluttered in exhaustion. And as your eyes finally drifted shut, you fell, enveloped by his arms and the smell of his cologne, blissfully into a state of sleep.

Thank you so much for sticking around for this! I hope this 40+ page update was worth the wait! I am overwhelmed by the countless number of comments, likes, sweet messages, and additions to many reading lists I've seen over the past couple of months. I try to reply when I can. Please know I see every single one. It means the world to me that you want to see how this story plays out and that you love Charlie and Reader as much as I do. From the top, bottom, and every other inch of my heart–thank you!

55k on Wattpad and nearly 11k on AO3?! When I tell you I cried–oh my goodness!

Thank you for reading!

If you want to keep up with me on other platforms, I'm on Instagram/Twitter/Tiktok as vividlittlevox. Charlie's on Twitter too as ExitGhost.

I also have a Discord (which truthfully is a bit of a ghost town (no EG puns intended) so if you want to join, comment or message me for a link. A few of you have asked in the past so it's officially open again.

If you haven't already –check out the following:

*Recipes, REAL locations you can visit, and more from the fic: Happy MUSICAL Everything (here on Wattpad)

*More Charlie, Reader, and Henry: The Chronicles of Dad (Taking Requests! :)) (Wattpad/AO3)

*Spotify (Songs that inspired the chapters) - Happy Merry Everything 

It's not letting me post links here, but you can find them in my bio. ❤️❤️❤️

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