[My World and my Sins] FateGr...

By Just_Beru

8.6K 217 185

pls read my story A/N: The title is temporary I can't think of any good one More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 2

1.3K 41 28
By Just_Beru

Chapter 2: The Start of the Grand order

(Was the title good?)

Btw vote. My mission is to pass my old story


Hitori's POV

2weeks has passed since we left our home. I was hiding in Gudako's shadow to keep a low profile but wow this ability is the best!

Enough with the Ability and so we're at Chaldea's entrance how did we got here? I have no idea apparently there was this cheesy truck that says fast travel but meh

So Gudako then starts walking as we see people in a line. Apparently it was a test when people has a problem with the admission thing

To bad for sis her Mana is Almost Average and apparently the testing thing requires a bit of Mana... Imma just pray to Ben to not make us w8

"Yo onii-chan"

Hitori then heard Gudako in his head as he replied "what's up"


A/N: I forgot to put that you can talk telepathically when Hitori goes into a person shadow

But meh imma just write the Shadow camouflage description

Shadow Camouflage - Can go into a person's shadow and can suppress every single thing emotions blood lust ECT and can go into a person head and aquire info and if he want he can talk


"What's up?"

"Nothing... I'm just feeling lonely that's all" Gudako then sweats abit

"*SIGH* don't I'll be here for you always" Hitori said reassuring her everything gonna be all right

Please place your hand into the scanner

"Oh I'm next" Gudako places her hand in the scanner as it does it's job

Name: Fujimaru Ritsuka
Candidate number: 48
Base sequence: Human Genome Confirmed

Alignment: Lawful-Neutral

"I think this machine is broken. Sis isn't Neutral" Hitori thought to himself

So if people wondered why her name is Change she Changed it except for me to keep a low profile. Every single mage in the world knows who are the Emiya's... Who doesn't

Welcome to the Data Center for the future of man kind

Welcome Fujimaru ritsuka
This. Is. Chaldea.

Fingerprint, voiceprint, Data Authentication Clear?
Magical circuit assessment cleared

You are now recognize as a member of the primates

"... Did it just call my sister a monkey!?"

"Hitori-Onii calm down... It's just our species. humans are primates" Gudako said making Hitori calm down

Im sorry
180seconds is needed to complete the admission process

"Guessed we'll wait sis"

"Aw c'mon the others didn't get an 180seconds thingy!"

"They did though we'll a f-"

But was suddenly cut off by the machine

But pls Enjoy a battle simulation while you wait

"Oooo a Fight!" Gudako had sparkles in her eyes as Hitori sighed

"Be careful sis I can't do anything or we'll be expose. Can't trust people this days" Hitori said


As Gudako goes inside the battle simulation as servants holograms consist of Saber, Lancer, Archer

"Yosh! This is gonna be fun" Gudako yelled I'm excitement as she then gets ready



While the servants were fighting Hitori in Gudako eyes sees her. A blonde girl with a dress that has a determined face

Hitori kept looking even though it was a hologram but why does it feel like I've seen her from somewhere

"Why does she look familiar?" Hitori examine her

But was interrupted by a certain man with blue spandex with a lance getting impaled by the enemy AI

"hm. Cool" Hitori thumbs up

"AHHHH!!! DONT U DARE LOSE!" Gudako screamed in anger

As her servants then gets killed one by one even the saber

"KIYAAAAKKK!!!" Gudako On her knees began crying

"WAAAAAHH! ONII CHAN!!!" Gudako cried

"*SIGH* there there I'm here c'mon stand up let's you to a place where u can rest..."

Gudako then stop crying but was still devastated even though it was just a simulation

(Le timeskip brought to you by chibi Gudako on a chair crying while Chibi Hitori headpats here saying "shh there there")


Hitori then haired a thing outside

"What was that?"


Hitori then saw a fluffy creature and a women. They then examined Gudako as Hitori sighed he then said

"Sis wake up you have people trying to wake you up"

As Gudako eyes slowly opens and

"Um... It's either Not either morning nor night. But please wake up senpai you're going to be late" The Random girl said while helping Gudako up

"Who... Are you... And where are we?" Gudako replied to the girl

"*Ahem* Glad you ask... This is the passageway from the front gate to the central command room. Which is in front of the main Chaldea Gate" The girl answered Gudako questioned with a Cutesie manner

"So... Can I ask a question, senpai? I see you were asleep. But why in the hall? Can you not sleep unless in a hardbed?" She said

"Did she just call my sister a Street sleeper!? I'll let her off the hook" Hitori gritting his teeth

Gudako then sweats dropped

"Its not that I was just... Tired, and maybe devastated... But I do sleep on a Japanese carpet"

"Aaaa... A Japanese carpet I see"

"Fou Kyu Kyao!!" The unknown creature jumped into the girls chest

The girl then hold the creature by her hand like a cat

"Oh! This is fou by the way he is a squirrel like creature he is Chaldea's mascot per say"

Gudako then has sparkles in her eyes as she grabbed fou from her hands and hugs it

"Aww it's Soo cute!! Onii chan look!" Gudako accidentally saying Onii chan sweat dropped

"Onii Chan?"

"Damn Idiot..."

"Ehh... So what's your name?" Gudako then suddenly changed the subject

"Oh! My name is mash. Mash Kryielight"

How tf do you spell her name again? Idfk

"Oh there you are mash! I've been looking for you this whole time. And I see you've also had the missing candidate with you" the unknown man laughted

"Oh professor Lev! Fancy seeing you here. Oh and was this girl a candidate? didn't know"

"Oh um my name is Fujimaru Ritsuka candidate 48. Sir!" Gudako salutes to Lev as Lev snickered

"I see you're disciplined"


Right at that moment the person named "Lev" appeared. My danger sense keeps telling me to run or kill this man

But I don't know... He's Aura feels like he's an innocent person but his soul... It feels like a demon posses him

Gotta stay vigilant... If he does something bad

Hitori then clench his fist with a smirk

I'll kill him...


Authors POV

After Hitori said all that Gudako, mash, And LEV still talk but suddenly

"Oh yea! I forgot Mash, Fujimaru I was supposed to find the Lost candidate and you and was ordered to bring you to the Command room there was a meeting..." Lev then walked away and goes directly to the room

"Oh crap! We're late!" Gudako panicked

Mash then grabbed Gudako by the arm "Senpai let's go!" As they run passed Lev and opens the doors to the Command room

As every single Candidate except for Gudako Looked at them with an annoyed face

"Well that wasn't in time at all but we can now get started" a Girl with white hair and amber eyes annoyed and mad said

As the Girl then corrects her posture as she cough she then introduced herself

"Hello everyone, my name is Olga animusphere. Iam also the director of this facility. Every single one of you are from a different country very ra-"

but suddenly she noticed Gudako tired and trying to go to sleep

"Oh this idiot... She's embarrassing herself... Let's just jolt her back up and~" Hitori gives a Shock to Gudako

Making her jolt back up with full of energy but too bad it made The director angrier

"S-senpai!?" Mash worried about Gudako

"Oh um. I'm sor-"

As Olga walks towards her as she was prepared to slap her as she was inches way but

*SHINK* *slap*

Gudako then falls to the ground but Olga also falls down clutching her hand in pain

"Director! Are you all right?" All the candidates helped her up

"Mash! Get her out!" She screamed in rage

As mash then carries Gudako as she opens the door and goes outside

"Ow..." Olga in pain as the candidate then help her out

Olga then opens the palm of her hand as she widens her eyes

A cut not deep but It still hurt with Purple veins on the wound as the said veins suddenly disappeared

"Damn...  That hurt"

(Le timeskip for a short time)

Hitoris POV

I'll kill her. I'll kill her I'll kill her. I'll kill her. I'll kill her. I'll kill her I'll kill her I'll kill her I'll kill her I'll kill her I'll kill her I'll kill her



Gudako slowly wakes up as she gets up and rubs her head

"What happened" Gudako said while rubbing her face

Mash then gives Gudako a Bottle of water "The director got mad at you for interrupting her so she slapped you..." As she took a sip of her own water

"What happened to you? You suddenly jolt back up" mash questioned her

Gudako then narrows her eyes in frustration "Oh... So that's why I felt getting zap..." While having a annoyed face
Somewhere inside her shadow

"Oh... Was that my fault?"


"So she's awake already?" A man that has Orange hair that is pretty tall said

"Oh Dr. Roman. Yes senpais already awake" as mash then gets up as she bows

"By the way senpai I should go to the meeting room. I hope we'll meet again!" She then opens the door as she runs off back to the room

"So um... Who are you?" Gudako said as the orang man puts down his coffee

"Oh yea! Names Romani Archaman and also the head of the medical department. And for some reason people call me Dr. Roman so yea call me that!" He then extends his hand out for a handshake

As Gudako then shake her hands as she smile "Fujimaru Ritsuka... Call me Gudako..."

"IDIOT!" Hitori yelled out

"Oh shit..." Gudako thought about it as she regretted it"

"Hmm... Gudako? When have I heard that name before?" Dr. Roman think

"Um... My friends called me that!" Gudako then quickly 'corrects' herself with a Aggressive handshake


"FOU!" As fou then jumps on Gudako's chest as she got startled a bit

"Oh fou!? I thought u were with Mash?" Gudako then headpats Fou

"Oooh... So that's the Fou thing mash was saying... Shake my hands if you want treats"

"Fou....." It then looks at him with pity

"Huh? Why did it just gave me a pitying look and ignored me just now" Roman sighed

"But... I think I just figured out on what happened... Did u get on the directors bad side yes or maybe yes?"

"Mostly yes I did got electrocuted"

"Oh so a Sabotage?"

"Oh no just an Idiot dude whom I know..."

Roman then thinks about it for a second but then dismissed it

"You know that the rayshift experiment rayshift is about to start? The entire staff is also helping out" he then sips on his coffee as he hands another one to Gudako

"But since my job is to look at everyone is dead or not I have nothing to do... But now since you're here we should become friends!!" Roman excitedly said

While Gudako and In her shadows Hitori is shock

"It's not than I'm loner or anything but sure!"

"Yahoo! Friends!"

(Le timeskip brought to you by Hitori's sticking out of Gudako's shadow and is ready to strike)

"And that's the whole structure of Chaldea. And underground workshop built within a snowy mountain 6000meters above sea level" he then proceed to closed the blueprint and put in on his suitcase

But suddenly Dr. Romans watch started to buzz as he clicks on it a voice appeared

Romani could you come to the Room? People are having anxiety it appears to be the coffins making them sick

It was leff voice inside Gudako Shadow it was Hitori he could hear it... He's just playing tricks

"Yea sure I'm gonna give them anesthesia will it work?" Roman said

Just get here will ya? If ur in the infirmary you'll get here in 2mins

Leff said making Roman sulk

"Weren't you just hiding and slacking off?" She then suddenly gets shh by roman

"Shh don't mention that... It's gonna take five minutes from here to there no matter what" he then gets up and Grabs his suitcase

"Oh wouldn't they mind you being late?"

"Meh I'm always late but if ur feeling okay again come by the infirmary I'll treat you with some delicious cake!" Roman said with a smile


But suddenly the room suddenly goes pitch black

"Huh? Did the power go out?" Gudako said as Roman replied with a "No... Somethings wrong"

Roman said




A loud explosion was then heard as Roman Gudako then panicked as Roman then takes a Flash light and turns it on

"Shit! An explosion!?" Roman said as he then opens the door

"Wait! Roma-" but suddenly Gudako was cut off by a Scythe as he looks at it. It has chains and is coming out of Gudako's shadow

"You said that it'll take 5minutes..."

As Roman then turns around as he sees Gudako Shadow getting bigger and bigger as a Hand then comes out as another chained scythe stabs the ground as a 5'6 dude came out

"Oh um! Dr roman this is my Brother!" Gudako tried to break the tension but Roman then cuts her off

"Yea! 5minutes!" Roman shouted

As Hitori then picks up Gudako as he then gets prepared to run


Hitori then sprints as he jumps over Dr Roman

"Hey! Dropped me off at the Comma-" but suddenly gets cut off by Hitoris chains surrounding his body

"Great..." Roman then gets yanked and was getting dragged by Hitori

As he slides through the ground as Hitori chain then let's go as he slides through the ground and stop at the Command room door

"Onii-chan! What's happening!!" Gudako yelled

"I don't know but that leff guy is behind this... His personality makes him feel nice!"

"Onii chan! That's the door!" Gudako then pointed out

As Hitori then stops and sprints again facing the door and kicks it down as leaps through the air he then closed his eyes

"Everyone's dead... 1lifeform... It's the Girl!" He then opened his eyes and looks down and sees mash trapped in a rubble

"Gudako! Below!"

Gudako then looks down and widens her eyes "mash!" Gudako then let's go and jumps down

But rubble then started falling down at the ceiling as Gudako Saw it "Onii Chan!"

Hitori then looks up and suddenly teleports above Gudako

"Tamashi no Hakaimono - 3rd form" Hitori then hold his blade like and X as he charges up


Hitori then cuts down every single collapse rubble above as he gets down as puts his chained scythes behind him

"Gudako Where's the Girl!"


Hitori then looks at Gudako trying to help mash as she slices the rubble off of her as Gudako then gets her out

"Mash! Where's leff!?" Hitori grabbed mash as she then coughs

"I don't know I saw him get out in... A... Hurry..." She said quietly as he puts her down

"Oi onii-chan! Can you be more gentle!" Gudako yelled at him as he closes his eyes

"..." He then opens it as he gets annoyed "he's not here..."

But suddenly a speaker then comes up as behind it was Dr. Roman voice

Gudako, New guy, and mash! Get out of there Get yourself out of there!

He yelled but suddenly the Sphere then gets lit up as it announced

System switching to the final fazed of RayShift. Coordinates, AD 2004, January 30th, location: Fuyuki Japan!

Gudako then widens her eyes as she yelled "Bro! That's the tim-" she then gets cut off by Hitori grabbing mash and Gudako

As he sprints to the door

"Crap... The rubble's are making escaping harder!" He thinks

But suddenly a rubble then lands right at his face letting mash and Gudako go

As Hitori then gets up but suddenly notices that his glowing as golden particles started appearing

Rayshifting is about to commence in 10, 9, 8,

"Sis! Go to mash she will probably be able to protect you!"


Gudako then looks at him and nods as she sees mash then sits beside her


"S-sen-pai?" She said weakly

"My brother said you'll be able to protect both of us?"

As mash then extended her hand "Pls hold my hand..."  Gudako looks at her as she nods and holds her


Rayshift starting, first order commencing

Welcome to the grand order

A/N: so um this is Fucking cool... Pls vote imma Reach My old story!

word count: 2844 words

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