Manipulation (Kylo x Reader)

بواسطة KenobiReads

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This is a sequel to Infiltration (Thrawn x Reader). In this, you are Lilya and Thrawn's daughter. It might f... المزيد

Chapter 1 - Wandering Years
Chapter 2 - The Ball
Chapter 3 - Is That a Lightsaber?
Chapter 4 - Yes, Commander
Chapter 5 - Darro
Chapter 6 - Infuriating
Chapter 7 - Mustafar
Chapter 8 - Are You Ready?
Chapter 9 - The Supremacy
Chapter 10 - Black & White
Chapter 11 - Mama Organa
Chapter 13 - Time Away
Chapter 14 - The Day of the Sith is Coming
Chapter 15 - That's Why They Call it the Chaos
Chapter 16 - Home

Chapter 12 - Ren-skywalker-solo-organa-amidala

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بواسطة KenobiReads

Kylo did amazing in front of the senate. I stood tall to his right and one step back, and his mother did the same on the left. Unknown to us at the time, the New Republic broadcasted it live. Not just the speech, but the following debates. By the time we were leaving the senate building, people were swarming.

Angry people, sad people, excited people, curious people. I gripped Kylo's arm under our cloaks to guide me as I closed my eyes. Reassurance, confidence and hope shot out from me and smothered every single person in the plaza. I waited and did it again, and again, until finally, the people had calmed. They had light conversation as our entire party walked through, three Knights ahead of Kylo and I, three Knights behind Leia and Holdo.

I knew my influence wouldn't last if the person truly despised what we'd done today, and it would be gone the moment I was out of view, regardless. But that's okay. It gets us off planet. However, the crowd really hadn't been an angry one. The further we walked, the more I realized this. Some people, sure. But the general emotion from the crowd was mostly one of surprise, even some cautious hope.

To my own surprise, when we got to the private space port, I looked over at the crowd, and they cheered. With a hesitant smile, I waved, taken aback. The roar from the crowd was shocking, I had to resist the urge to drop my jaw. Kylo walked over to me and peered over as well. The crowd went absolutely insane, things were thrown into the air, hats and confetti, people were calling our names, hugging their neighbors. Kylo was just as shocked as me. He had worn his mask leaving the senate, but now he took it off. The crowd really couldn't get any more excited, but they were pleased by his action. Some of them saw it as their Emperor trusting them, I felt. Some saw it as him being human, not a god, like force users are sometimes seen. Others were just thrilled to see his face—mostly women, I noticed, tickled. I knew the feeling.

I pulled back, overwhelmed, and more than a little confused. I was hoping to earn the public's trust, but I wasn't expecting it to be given to me. Perhaps Hosnian Prime was just a friendly place.

I boarded the shuttle; Leia rode with us as we took her back to Alderaan. A golden protocol droid came up to me in the cockpit.

"Mistress Ren," I jerked my head at him. Who told this protocol droid to even call me that? Kylo chuckled, feeling humor toward his mother. She told her droid to call me Mistress Ren? Gods. The woman has a sense of humor. I hadn't seen that coming.

"The Queen wants you to see this." He turned something on and the large holo screen activated.

It was a newscast of one of the main holo news stations.

"Kylo Ren, son of Queen Leia of Alderaan, and Rjea, the daughter of the Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn, have been chosen," chosen? "To take the throne as Galactic Emperor and Empress. They defeated the Supreme Leader and have already protected our galaxy from unknown alien invaders." What is this nonsense? It flashed to a recording of Kylo, with his mother and me by his side. Kylo in black, and two, white clad women by his side. The image was fascinating to me, and I leaned in, absorbed in the way we looked. Though Kylo looked stern and confident, his mother and I looked supportive and strong, as if we all balanced each other out. To my pleasure, they even made me look pretty good.

"I understand the difficult times our galaxy has undergone in the last 50 years. And I know how the First Order—and myself—are perceived, and for good reason. But today we enter a new era. The galaxy is our empire. Yours, and mine.

"Therefore Rjea and I are prepared to accept the title of Emperor and Empress. And it is our hope that we will earn the loyalty of you, unlike our last Emperor. The senate will undergo changes, but will not be eliminated. We have spent too much time fighting. It is time we rebuild. It is time to end the constant galactic wars. It is time for what Palpatine began 45 years ago to come to an end. Talk to your senators. Elect your leaders. And trust us, until we prove you cannot." I knew exactly how the galaxy would see this. The two dueling powers, laying down their weapons for the good of the people. I hoped it would prove true.

"We ask you," the woman's voice continued. The clip was replaced of a still image of Kylo and I exciting the senate chambers. My arm was linked with his, my white cloak seemingly connected to Kylo's stark black one. The image gave me goosebumps. "What do you think of being the Empire again? Will Emperor Kylo and Empress Rjea bring peace to the galaxy?"

"Why did your mother want me to see this?" I asked, shooing C3P0 away. He tried to argue, as there was still more, but I'd seen enough. I really didn't want to obsess over our appearances.

"Probably to see how the news can get. And to encourage you to worry about what you're actually doing, and not what people are saying."

I sighed. "Okay. Did your mother tell C3P0 to call me Mistress Ren?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Do you wish for her to tell him something else?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"We'll have to ask Ushar." He made a face like I was unbelievable, but then grinned, shaking his head.


When we met back up in the castle, this time it was a lot of people. All of the Knights, all of mom's knights, and Mama, Papa, Eli, Leia, Han, and Bail.

It was joyous; truly, everyone was happy. My Knights and Mama's were talking, comparing missions; Mama and Papa were swaying lightly to the music playing, listening to the discussions around them. Han and Leia were just sitting together, enjoying each other's company on the couch next to Bail, who was deeply engaged with Eli, apparently finding some common interest. Music played lightly in the background, and I was standing just inside the small balcony, subconsciously swaying to the music, in awe of the view.

Kylo walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, swaying with me. I felt attention on us, and I ignored it, pressing my head against his. I was getting good at ignoring the attention already.

I turned around to kiss him, but he slipped to his knee. I raised an eyebrow at him. Seriously? Kylo Ren is going to propose, traditionally? I glanced at Papa, expecting to see some form of outrage—but he was not surprised. Had he asked permission?

"Marry me Rjea. Be a Ren, a Skywalker, a Solo, an Organa, an Amidala." My mouth slipped open. This man had the fucking bloodline of the gods. Vaguely, my sassy brain tried to tell me I had a pretty decent one too. My mother's blood had peacefully ruled a world for a millennia until she gave up the throne, and my father was, well, Thrawn. Just because he didn't have a 'bloodline' worth noting, didn't make him any less impressive.

I looked down at his hands when I caught movement. He reached for mine and slipped a ring on my finger. It was black metal, with a sylvian wrap around a tiny kyber crystal. I laughed lightly when I felt it sing to me. Then I pulled my hand closer and looked at it. It was beautiful.

"Where did you find this?" I asked.

"In the cavern, while you meditated to find yours. It was the only crystal I saw, until the two went to your hand." I raised my eyebrows. What did he mean he couldn't see the crystals? They were all around us.

"Well?" Kandria yelled out. I laughed again, joy bubbling inside me.

"Yes Kylo," I said breathily. "I would love to be bound to you by legal chains." To my pleasure, he laughed, his mouth open, lines lining his face.

He stood up. "You're already bound to me," he whispered, then kissed me. He bent me backward, and I smiled into his lips. The room cheered.

When I pulled back, I dug in my hidden pocket. Kylo watched curiously, until I pulled out the ring my mother bought my father when he was promoted to Grand Admiral. I held it up. It was dark metal, not quite black, but a deep grey, with the chimaera like snake wrapping around it in a lighter grey.

"Will it fit?" I asked.

He took it, and spun it around, looking at the etchings. Curiosity was burning through him. "What is on it? What is this?"

I glanced at my parents. Papa's eyes were wide with realization that I was giving Kylo my most prized possession, my only link to my parents when we were in wildly different parts of space. Mama literally had tears streaming down her face like rivers, though that was probably left over from the proposal. I shook my head and looked back at Kylo.

"I don't know what it was intended to be; probably just a snake, to be honest. But did you ever see the bottom of my father's Imperial Star Destroyer?"

"The Chimaera," he whispered. "What did Darro mean, by your mother understanding the chimaera?" His eyes flicked to Darro.

"Mama bought that for Papa when he was promoted to Grand Admiral, because it looks like a part of the mythical chimaera." I made a show of thinking about it. "Which of course led to her being kidnapped, which led to Mama going on a killing spree..." I put my hand to my chin as if I were thinking. From the tale, Grand Moff Tarkin had not liked that act of compassion to her commander. Though it wasn't the reason for her attempted murder, they believed it had been the final straw. My family was...interesting.


Eli lost it, his laughter loud in the ancient room. Eli loves that story; he's told me it probably fifty times. The older I got, the more violent the story became. I have no doubt that I still have not heard the whole story. Kylo was highly amused.

"Which led to Tarkin's demise, also by your mother's hand, of course," Father added. I didn't need to be able to read emotions to hear the pride in his voice.

"Gods, no wonder I am the way that I am," I mumbled only loud enough for Kylo to hear. We snickered.

"Which led to my false stomach," Mother chimed in, also sounding proud. I couldn't help but laugh—my parents had taken my joke and ran with it.

Kylo cocked his head at my mother. "How are you even alive?"

"It's truly a wonder any of us are alive at this point," Han said. This, was very true. Leia chuckled next him.

"Anyway," I said before anyone could add anything else. "When Mama found out Papa had authorization to destroy the Empire, but that he hadn't, she lost it. I'm sorry Mother, what exactly did you tell him?"

She rolled her eyes. "I told him to shove it up his ass, okay? His allies and his power. But you know, in my defense, I hadn't even been out of the bacta tank for a full day yet, okay? It's called trauma," she said with quite the dramatic flare.

"I do wonder what else you had to say," Papa said, his hand on his chin. "If Darro hadn't made you leave."

I cocked my head at Darro. "You made Mother do something? That doesn't seem right."

"I literally shoved her out the door. Then she ran like a banshee. You should have seen that little droid run after her. He was pissed she'd left him there."

"Oh, I loved that little droid!" Mama said, gazing into the distance. If I didn't get the subject back on track, we'd be doing this for hours—not that I'd really mind.

"Anyway. Papa used the chimaera as a metaphor for why he hadn't destroyed the Empire." I glanced at my parents.

"Would you cut off the head of the beast, if you knew it would grow back? Or would you wait, until you could destroy the entire beast?" Mama said, quoting Father from so many years ago.

I looked at the ring still in Kylo's hands, and dropped my voice. "It doesn't really match our story, of course. But we can get a different ring, I just-," he cut me off.

"I don't want a different ring," he said. Then he put it on the traditional Alderaanian ring finger, the same one he'd slipped mine onto. It fit fine, actually. I choked my deep emotions back down.

I looked at everyone.

"We have to have a huge ceremony, don't we?" I said dryly.

"Hey wait," I thought of something before anyone could answer. "I want Father to give me away."

"I will be returning tomorrow evening, Rjea." I looked to Leia, desperate. She smiled, amused by the fact that I instantly turned to her for help.

"Where would you like to be married?"

"Not Mustafar," I mumbled, again only loud enough for Kylo to hear. He choked on a laugh, trying to cover it up, and I melted.

"Where did you get married?" I asked Leia and Han.

They looked at each other, sly smiles on their lips. "Well, we got married on a mission, practically in secret."

"Oh." I looked at Bail. "Where did you get married?"

"Right here in the castle," he said.

"Okay." I nodded to myself. Then I looked up at Kylo. He nodded with a small smile. "We need to speak to the Order tomorrow morning, but we shall return."


The next morning Hux led us in front of a massive assembly on Starkiller base. Hux gave a speech—quite a good one, actually. I was impressed. He'd instilled pride in the almost two million soldiers lining our entire vision. Kylo took the podium.

Then he looked at me. "My wife is better with words. You all probably heard me on the senate floor. But I believe it's time you hear her."

I approached the podium, swallowing down my anxiety. I had no speech prepared. I felt the millions of troopers listening without moving, all of them eager to hear me speak for the first time. This was probably in no small part to Hux hyping them up. The feeling was overwhelming, but also empowering. These people would literally do anything I told them to. I had no intentions of abusing the power, but that didn't make it any less exciting.

"Each one of you has served the First Order well. I must thank you for your dedication, for your service. But now, you are Imperial. With or without your uniform, you are the Empire. But when you do put on your uniform, or your armor, you become more than just the Empire. You become a protector, a guardian, a peacekeeper. You defend the people, and you defend the borders.

"I am proud to have you all as the guardians of our galaxy. Your duties as of right now have not changed, but we will begin the transformation immediately. Your leaders will keep you updated as they receive news." I paused for a moment, scanning the crowd.

"Just because the Supreme Leader is dead, does not mean your military service will be any easier. I still expect you to uphold yourselves to the highest standards, whether that be on duty, or in a cantina.

"So thank you for your continued service. Be proud of your allegiance. Be proud of your brothers and sisters. And be proud of your Empire." Cheers erupted: loud, completely deafening. I had to resist the urge to cover my ears.

I took a deep breath, grounding myself. Could I really do this? Could we really do this? I could not even see all the people in front of me, and yet, it's literally a tiny fraction of the amount of people in the galaxy. Not to mention, all of the soldiers in front of me were human. Could I really speak for the galaxy and all the different species?

And then, it hit me like a freighter, sucking the breath out of me in revelation.

I'm not a fucking human.

I had fit in so well since joining the First Order—in no small part to who I was associated with—that I'd felt more human than Chiss. I never forgot who I was, but I somehow forgot how people see me. I look nothing like a human. The galaxy did not see me as half human, as I saw myself. They're literally cheering for an alien. I sucked in a breath, completely dumbfounded by my ignorance. My heart was racing at the realization, but it was also a major confidence booster in both myself, and the galaxy.

I bowed my head at the crowd and they lost it further, the sound literally vibrating the ground beneath me. I smiled, and turned to Kylo, goosebumps running down my arms. He nodded, and we walked out, Hux trailing behind. My heart was still pounding, but I had composed myself by the time we were inside and away from the noise.

"That was an inspiring speech, General."

"As was yours, Empress."

"General?" I stopped walked.

"Yes my lady?"

"What would you like, sir? Supreme General, perhaps?" I glanced at Kylo, who shrugged his indifference. The military would be his arena, but clearly, he was leaving this one up to me.

"That would be fine, my Lady, though General is fine."

"Well, we can discuss the hierarchy later then. But please know General, I expect you to come to me when you are not pleased. I do not wish to have any unrest or conspiring. I will do what I can to assist you in your role, even if it is listening to you bitch about my husband, respectfully, of course."

Kylo rolled his eyes, trying to act irritated by my words. But I felt his amusement. He was happy to let me deal with Hux; he still didn't like the man.

"Thank you, Empress. But the same goes to you, my lady. I am completely at your service."

"Thank you. One more thing. Are you free this evening?"

"No." I felt his unease. I probed his feelings a bit and saw it was work related; he had a lot to do, and felt like he had little time to do it.

I could definitely relate.

"I'd like you to come to our wedding, sir."

The surprise was palatable on both of the men's faces. Kylo's turned to mild indifference with a small side of irritation, but Hux remained slightly perplexed.

"I will free my schedule, my lady."

I smiled at him. "You don't have to, I understand how much we have left to do before things settle down."

"I would be honored to be a guest at your wedding, Empress." He meant it, and I grinned, pleased. It was good to have friends and allies.


The Knights took the Buzzard, on Kylo's instruction. It felt good to just be in his presence, to simply exist.

"You are the sexiest being to ever live," he growled. I snorted unattractively and laughed, taken off guard by his words after so much silence.

"Why, thank you, Emperor Ren," I said coyly, fanning myself.

"Are you sure you want to get married?" He looked like he knew the answer.

"I'm sure I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I'm sure I want Papa to be give me away to you. So yes, I'm sure."

He nodded, a little smile dancing on the corners of his lips. "Is it how you envisioned getting married?"

"I never envisioned it before. I've always assumed I'd end up on some grand adventure instead." I grinned at him. "I didn't realize I'd get to do both. Though, if I had thought about it, I probably would have pictured it on one of Papa's warships," I said with a laugh.

He shook his head, smiling, and sunk further into the copilots seat.


I sat in front of the mirror, staring at my purple eyes.

The dress was beautiful. It was fairly traditional, with short dainty sleeves that hung lightly on my shoulders, tight around my breasts and middle, then opening up to a flared bottom that danced on the ground. The main dress was white, but the sleeves were a fine red lace, and the lace wrapped around the top of the dress in a light, see through way, laying almost like a sash around my core, from the right to the left, and then fell to the bottom of the dress in a single thick red line. Flowers were sewn into the lace. The back of the dress was held together with thick red ribbons, the air kissing my skin underneath. The vail was almost completely see through, the edges the same red lace, and it went down a few inches past the dress. Kylo and I decided to wear our sabers, and since I couldn't get under my dress with speed, I simply clipped it onto the waist of my dress, where some of the lace was clipped in. Handmaidens helped make sure it was secured.

Leia walked in, and all the handmaidens scurried away. I chuckled. They were sweet girls.

"Are you nervous?"

"My wedding is being broadcasted, fuck yeah I'm nervous." She ignored my language, probably used to it from Solo.

"But are you nervous to marry my son?"

"Oh gods, no. It's the best part about it," I said with a smile. She smiled back, amused and overwhelmingly happy. Personally, I was happy to bring the woman some peace.

"Rjea. I am so happy to have you as a part of this family. Thank you for bringing him back to me."

"Your welcome, Leia," I said, pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back, a tight, wholesome hug.

She walked me out of the room and we hugged again before she gave me to my father. Then her and Mama linked arms and prepared to walk. Mama winked at me.

"Darling. I'm so proud of you."

"You are?"

"Yes. You will be a great leader."

"I wish Auntie Ar'alani was here."

"I will bring her the recording."

"Oh, thank you Papa."

A man popped out of nowhere and rushed us to the door, acting like we were going to mess everything up if we didn't hustle faster. Papa and I were both amused by the man, and it helped my nerves quite a bit.

When the door opened, the entire assembly turned to look up at the top of the stairs. To my immense satisfaction, there wasn't nearly as many people here as I'd imagined. Maybe fifty. I'd half expected the entire planet to attend. Technically, he was once again their prince, the next in line to be their monarch.

I let Papa guide me down the stairs as I stared at Kylo. He looked like a god. He had a black suit on, with a black undershirt, black shoes, everything black. Except the tie. It was red, with the same flowery laced pattern. I couldn't help but grin at him in excitement. He was dressed like that for me.

"Papa," I whispered.


"I love you so much. Thank you for always supporting me."

"I love you too Rjea. And Kylo is alright." I chuckled. Honestly, I thought Kylo would have to work harder for his approval.

I could feel the emotions of the crowd as I tried to shove them down. Kylo watched me every step of the way, and I watched him. I looked around at my friends and family and smiled, then returned my gaze to him. I focused on his force signature, letting it draw me in.

I'm okay with being the Empress, but this fanfare is a lot.

You look beautiful

You look handsome. I'd fuck you in front of these people

Oh, that could be arranged

I stopped in front of him. Papa looked at him hard before gripping his hand and shaking it firmly. He pulled him close and whispered something into his ear. Kylo nodded seriously before Papa kissed my head and walked away.

When we kissed, he held both sides of my face as the noise of cheers and clapping drowned everything out. He lifted me up bridal style and walked me down the aisle.

"Okay, we say hi to everyone, and then we disappear for a day." I laughed, joking.

"Where to?" he asked.

"As if we can actually just, disappear," I said, still giggling.

"They can't deny us some time to ourselves."

"No, but they can certainly voice their complaints. We're not exactly normal," I said. We entered the large empty ballroom where the reception was being held, and I went straight to the bar, Kylo following behind me.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," he said, a sly look on his face.

"You're head of a galactic military, while I'm running a galactic senate. We have shit to do," I tried to argue.

"I don't see why that should take away our right to be newlyweds." I laughed. He was right, but I like hearing him fight for us.

"I think it very much so does."

"If it means that much to you, we could go under the cover of a mission."

"Crime fighting on Naboo? Spy work on Canto Bight?" I laughed at the image. 

"Oh yeah, we can dress up and go undercover. Nobody watches the news these days anyway." Laughter bubbled out of me. I loved when he joked.

Thirty minutes later, I was shooting the breeze, literally, on the balcony with General Hux when Kylo led his mother to us. "Oh, here comes the Queen. Quick, look like we're cooler then we are," I said, then leaned up against the railing. He shook his head at me and straightened.

I rolled my eyes with a smile just as they reached us.

"Why so stiff General?" Kylo asked, and I busted up laughing, finally pushing myself from the rail.

"I told him to look cool," I said. Hux was embarrassed but ever so slightly amused, too.

Pulling Leia into a hug, I reveled at her strong arms, the way she seemed to hug with her entire body. When I pulled back, I introduced the two.

"It is nice to meet you, your highness. I am glad it is on these terms," Hux said, kissing her hand lightly. She smiled.

"It seems my son and his wife have been bringing lots of people together like this."

"Which," Kylo said with a hand waving. "Is why I think we deserve a honeymoon."

"Oh, not this again," I said with a smile.

"That is a great idea," Leia said, looking serious. "It would be good for the people to see you, and see how good you are together."

"Everybody loves a good love story," Hux said, though I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. It appeared he was.

"Is it really a good idea for us to go out and have a good time two days after we signed a peace treaty?" I asked, looking at Leia for an answer.

"You just said it, dear. We are in a time of peace now. In fact, seeing you two enjoying your honeymoon might just boost the image of peace."

"But-," I started.

Kylo stopped me. "Delegate it, Rjea."

This made sense to me. I glanced at Hux, who bowed his head as if to say he would do as we commanded while we were gone. I looked at Leia, who had a smile dancing on her lips, as if to say she understood my hesitations all too well.

"I suppose we probably won't get another chance anytime soon," I conceded. Kylo looked as if he won an argument, standing proud with a smile on his face.


I walked up to my mother, who was sitting with Bail, holding both of his hands in hers as they caught up on the last few decades of their life. I sat down next to Mama and listened quietly. It was a wholesome conversation, though it was clear they were keeping the topics positive. Then I remembered something and I stood up, walking faster than a bride probably should to the library. The book was on the large study table in the center of the room. I picked it up carefully and rushed back to them.

A few minutes later, Mother glanced over and saw the book in my lap.

"What is that?" she asked, staring at it with wide eyes. I handed it to her, her mouth dropping open. She placed it on the table, as uncomfortable touching it as I was.

"Rjea, where did you find this?"

I looked at Bail.

"It's been in the royal library. I'm not sure I could tell you when or where it was found. Rjea tells me it could be of some use to you."

She looked at the book like it would vanish in front of her. "I can take this back to the Ascendancy?" she asked quietly, finally looking up at Bail.

"Of course. It's not much use here." He was happy to have made Mama happy. Somehow, I'd forgotten that he had once helped my mama, a teenager who'd just seen everything she knew and loved destroyed. It explained his emotions—a sense of peace and satisfaction I hadn't quite understood until then.

Her eyes filled with tears, and I knew she was trying to force them down. She wanted to read it now. I waved at a servant, and asked for cloth to wrap it in for her journey. When she brought it back I thanked her, and she gave me a little smile. She liked me; she had faith in me as her Empress. My stomach flipped. I didn't want to disappoint her.

Papa's voice came from behind us. "Rjea, we'll be leaving soon. I was hoping to see what you've learned with your saber."

My eyes widened, and I hesitated, not turning around. I felt myself shrink a bit, almost humiliated. I've only used my sabers twice, both times on pure instinct.

Kylo's voice wrapped around me. "Instinct is all you need, Rjea. Let's spar."

Before I had time to wonder how his words had reflected my thoughts, Mama was pulling me out of the chair.

"Let's get you in some pants." She led me out of the banquet hall, and linked her arms with mine. She looked over at me.

"Why are you so nervous?" she asked, sounding concerned.

"I've only used my sabers twice, Mother. I am no expert."

She made a face like I was being ridiculous. "I'm absolutely positive you're underestimating yourself." Shrugging, I decided not to respond.

I led her toward Kylo's childhood room and undressed. Leia had put clothes in the closet for me, and as I dressed, I thought on Mama's words. I recalled telling Kylo never to underestimate himself again. Then I remembered how the force had felt when he shot bolts at me on Onderan. Like home.

I turned to look at Mama, who was laying on the bed with her legs dangling off, looking up at Kylo's stars. I sat down next to her, now in black pants and a white short sleeved shirt. I was pleased Leia had left me practical clothing.

With a sigh, I laid down next to her and looked up at the stars. Her hand wrapped into mine, and I squeezed.

"I'm so happy for you, Rjea."

"I was scared you'd despise me."

She turned her head and I turned mine, our eyes locked. She looked sad by my confession, but I felt some humility from her. She had clearly been worried for me at one point, regardless of how she felt now, and she was ashamed.

"I could never hate you, my love. I was scared when I was told you'd fallen for a...dark lord. But Darro told me what he felt the day you, well, did whatever you did, when he felt you." She smiled. "He adores you. Thank you for bringing him back to me, Rjea."

"Is he really coming back with you?" I asked, wondering if what Vicrul said to me earlier was true.

"Yes. Our house is plenty big enough."

I smiled, pleased. "I'm so glad." Darro hadn't even told the team he was alive until after he met me that first crazy day. It seems he was as lost without his best friend as Mama was. The thought of him going back to my home, of learning about my culture, was wonderful.

She chuckled, lost in a memory.


She chuckled again, and I couldn't help but giggle too. "When they told me you had, and I quote, 'gotten close with Leia's son,'" she chuckled again. "I said, 'oh, that's lovely,'" she said in a sing-song voice, then broke into laughter. I grinned. When she continued laughing, I started too. We fell into hysterical giggles, something we do often, but hadn't for years. I realize that news had not been funny for her at the time, but looking back at her reaction was pretty funny.

Finally, she sat up, and pulled me up into a sitting position next to her before gripping my face.

"You are truly, one of a kind my love. Do not forget that." She let go, and stood up.

"And if you're wondering, I do like Kylo, quite a bit. He looks at you like Thrawn looks at me."

I smiled, feeling shy. "I'm not so sure we'll have as perfect as a relationship as you two. But I'm glad I have you and Papa as an example."

As we walked, I spoke again. "Him and Papa seem to like each other." Actually, I was trying to prove. I wanted to know what they talked about.

"I'm pretty sure your father was prepared to bury him alive, until he actually met him." I laughed a quick, stunned chuckle, shaking my head.

We walked to the enclosed courtyard, talking the entire way. As we entered, I watched Kylo and Papa deep in conversation as we approached them. Leia and Han stood in the distance, and I smirked when I realized Han had his arm around the Queen. As far as I was aware, they were as good as separated before Kylo came home.

A few of our friends were also here—Eli, the Knights, and Mama's crew—but only Papa, and now Mama, stood near. This was for me to show them what I could do, and anyone who knew them, seemed to understand this. They were elite warriors, and they would be proud of me no matter what. But they would love this. Some of my earliest memories were of my parents at various dojos, clanking sticks together while I sat cross legged nearby, immersed in a kind of childlike meditation.

Kylo, I noticed, was feeling anticipation as well, though I wasn't sure why. Perhaps he understood my anxieties more than I realized.

Kylo and I bowed our heads and he moved his feet as he ignited his saber. I glanced at his feet. He didn't plan on attacking first. I kept my sabers attached and lit them. I spun the hilt gracefully, always thrilled to see their burning glow. I slowed my breathing, forgetting the people in the room. When I felt centered, and could feel the force flowing through me, I looked up at Kylo.

He winked. I narrowed my eyes at him. He wasn't taking this seriously. He must have forgotten how Darro and I had fought. The force was dancing around us. He would get serious soon enough.

I knew Kylo preferred a version of Form V. Another words, he would use my attacks against me. Rather than simply attack, I jumped high with the force, flipping over him, and launching at him from behind. He spun and pushed my blade back, hard. I used the momentum to spin completely, my blade spinning fast until it came to a halt in a furious crash against his. Our eyes met, our faces close, the white and black blades crackling close as they pushed against each other. He smiled slyly, and I feigned a spin to my left, but instead ducked underneath his arm shoved his blade away harshly. He stumbled a step before swinging again.

The sounds of our sabers clashing and Kylo's crackling saber was music to my ears. I wasn't quiteconscious of what my feet were doing, and my hands were moving faster than ever before. A double bladed weapon required different skills than a single blade, and it was difficult. I knew where both blades were at once, but I also had to know how to use them at the same time.

After a few moments, I spun and kicked him in the chest, hard. He flew back, and shock, then understanding fled through him. I did not light spar.

He flipped back up and charged at me, letting fury fuel him. I calmed further, blocking each of his blows without thinking. We danced, our breathing growing heavier. He looked beautiful behind the glow, and I vaguely wondered what I looked like. Sweaty, probably.

I spun, but his saber launched for me before I was done. I over-corrected—and his saber stopped right before my face. I felt my father tense, which seemed to shake me out of a trance, remembering where I was.

Impressing my parents, that's where.

I snarled at Kylo and split my sabers. I formed an X under his blade and shoved it away forcefully. As he stumbled back, I attacked, each blow harder than the last. He was forced to defend, his feet retreating.

I felt him build up darkness inside—so I called to the light. Our moves became quicker, fluid-like. We jumped and twirled—he was surprisingly agile for his large size. I felt the wind around me as I moved, causing my hair to loosen from my braided buns, the light moisture of sweat on my skin feeling cold. I used the sensations to remember who I was, and felt the light sear through my body.

We must have looked ethereal, so immersed in the force. But it felt natural, normal even. Time moved on as we went around and around, a vicious, yet elegant dance.

He swung, but I stopped his arm in midair. I retracted my left saber and clipped it to my belt in one swift motion. Angry at being subdued, he roared, breaking my hold and jumping around me. I rolled away and blocked him as I jumped up, feeling free with my left hand empty. I swung it toward him, filling his mind with pure ecstasy.

He stumbled, backing away. I sent an equally powerful sense of confusion, and retracted my saber. When he slammed his eyes shut, I spun around him, pushed my chest up to his back, and ignited my saber in front of his neck.

Kylo stilled. His chin tilted down slightly as he looked at the burning blade. Sweat was beading on his face from the heat.

"That was smart," he murmured. I retracted my blade, but for just a moment, all I did was hold there, our faces close. I wanted to kiss him, to lose myself in his hands.

Then I took a step back.

The force seemed to almost pour out of me as I refocused my attention. He clipped his saber to his belt and his big brown eyes met mine, then shifted to my parents. I felt nerves flow through me; what would they say? They hadn't seen me fight in years. Did they expect better? Or was it just me, who seemed to expect better? Kylo turned to look at me, his brows furrowed, an emotion I didn't understand.

He reached out his hand and twisted his fingers into mine, pulling me next to him as my parents approached.

"Rjea, you are incredible," Papa said.

"I've never seen anyone move as fast as you two," Mama added.

"You don't have constructive criticism?" I asked with a grin. It was so unlike them.

Papa tilted his head. "Actually I do." Mama elbowed him. He looked down at her. "Don't worry, my love."

His eyes met Kylo's, his voice serious. "You started out with form, but lost it as your emotions fueled you." My jaw dropped open. Was he taunting my husband? Fuck, he was serious. I glanced at Kylo, who's eyes had widened slightly. "It would benefit you to practice your forms until they become second nature, instinctual. Then, even in fury, you will find stability."

My mouth was still open, and when I looked at Mama, saw she was horrified. Her mouth was open, mirroring mine. Kylo spoke, and I slammed my mouth shut.

"So you suggest I practice form?" He looked down, his brows slightly furrowed. "I've never been able to stick to one. None of them feel right," he said, and ran his fingers through his hair. I would like to do that...

"Then make your own. But the movements should come without thinking."

Kylo nodded, still thinking, and I glanced at Mama again. She looked surprised by Kylo, again, mirroring my own emotions.

"I see. Thank you, Admiral," he said bowing his head. Who was this guy?

"What?" he asked me when he saw my face.

"You're just gunna take that?" I asked, joking. Mostly.

"One does not fight with their father-in-law the night of the wedding, dear," he said with a sly grin. I cracked up laughing, enjoying his light joke.

I glanced at Han. "I bet I could rile him up."

Mama scolded me, but Han glanced up and gave me a 'what?' hand gesture. I burst into laughter, Kylo chuckling next to me.

I turned to Mama. It was time to say goodbye.

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