Dare-Devil (Harry Hook)

By AlphaRedJensen

66.2K 1.8K 406

Wapun (Dawn) Smith was different from most kids, having been raised to be herself no matter what others thoug... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Bonus Chapter 1

Chapter 5

3.7K 113 9
By AlphaRedJensen

Wapun (Dawn) POV:

"We should help her." I remarked as Ben and I watched Mal get asked a million questions by the press.

"We should." Ben agreed before taking a bite of an apple, neither of us moving to help her. At the question that involved Maleficent, we looked at each other before moving our way through the group. "Okay, okay, excuse me." Ben said while I just elbowed my way through.

"We will let you know if and when that particular situation changes." Ben informed them. The reporters went to ask another question but I stepped up.

"This is a school, so if you are here, you are either skipping or trespassing." I stated, glaring at all of them. "Now, leave." I ordered, making a herding motion for them to leave. Mal let out a sigh of relief, nodding thanks to me while Ben chuckled.

"Don't pay any attention to them." Ben said.

"Well, that's a lot easier said than done." Mal chuckled.

"You know, maybe we should do something." Ben suggested, smiling as I cocked my head and raised my brows as the press tried to get back to the couple, grabbing them by the coat and pulling them in front of her. I was used to dealing with the press, and they knew not to push my limits. "We should go somewhere, get away."

"I can handle everything." I spoke up, scaring both of them. "But right now, you are late for a Council meeting." I told Ben.

"We will be going somewhere though." Ben promised, going to kiss Mal goodbye when Evie came up from behind her.

"If we don't do a fitting for your gown right this minute, you will be dancing in your bathrobe." Evie told Mal before turning to face me. "Same with you. Let's go, both of you." And with that, Evie dragged Mal and me off to their dorm.

"Okay, Evie, I cannot breathe." Mal protested as Evie tightened her dress.

"Well, you can breathe after the cotillion." Evie smiled.

"I sincerely doubt that." Mal remarked. "I have at least 20 more events directly behind it and I can't even remember what a single one of them is. How can you handle this?"

"You get used to it." I shrugged, twirling in my dress. "But, I do have an amazing memory, so..."

Mal sighed. "E, do you ever think what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?"

"That's funny." Evie laughed, but by Mal's face, she wasn't joking. "Ahh, look who's on TV!" Mal chuckled and sat down on her bed as Evie checked my dress. "Do you like it?"

"Evie, I don't like it," I started and her face fell. "I love it!"

"Oh, you little!" Evie exclaimed, laughing with me. The sound of Mal's magic grabbed our attention and I shrugged while Evie sighed. "I know Mal's secret to fitting in and Ben wouldn't like it one bit."

"Evie." I hissed. For getting thrown into this so suddenly, I thought Mal was doing really well.

"Haven't you guys had enough secrets between the two of you?" Evie asked, slightly relenting at my warning.

"Evie, you remember what I was like before I started using my spellbook." Mal sighed. "I mean I was a complete disaster."

"Well, personally, as your best friend I strongly believe that this spellbook-" Evie grabbed the book. "-belongs in the museum beside my mirror. Don't give me the face." Evie scolded Mal as she pulled out the puppy-dog eyes.

"Don't look at me." I raised my hands as both their gazes turned to me. "I've been Ben's friend for years, I'm immune to the puppy-faces."

"Don't you ever miss running wild and breaking all the rules?" Mal asked Evie, referring to the Isle.

"You mean stealing and lying and fighting?" Evie confirmed.

"Yeah!" Mal smiled.

"No." Evie shut down. "Why would we?" Evie clearly was not getting the message that Mal missed the Isle and the life she had there. "M, come here and look at where we are! We're in Auradon, and we're Auradon girls now." The TV continued to talk about Mal and Ben as I slipped out of my dress and back into my regular clothes.

"Sorry to interrupt this little pep-talk, but I have to help Jane with some plans for the Cotillion." I smiled hesitantly, grabbing my buckskin bag that contained all of my papers. "Thanks for the dress, Evie." Both girls nodded and I left, grabbing my phone.

"Hey Dad." I answered.

"Hey Dawn." Dad responded. "How's the preparation for Cotillion going?"

"It's a headache."

"Well, I'm sure that you can handle it all. I was just wanting to know how you're doing, and also remind you that we're going over to drop off supplies at the Isle Friday if you want to come."

"Oh shit, I forgot about that." I cursed, groaning. "Uh, yeah, I'll be at the docks around 6?"

"In the morning, right?"

"Of course." I grinned.

*****(Next Day)*****

Walking between Jay and Carlos, I rolled my eyes at the subtle flirting between the boy on my right and the surrounding girls. Since Jay had come from the Isle, he became famous for being a huge jock and extremely popular with girls. "Why do you torture them?" Carlos asked. "Just pick someone to go to Cotillion with already."

"I'm going solo." Jay smirked, his brown eyes coated with a layer of mischievousness. "That way, I can dance with all of them."

"Ahh." Carlos hummed in realization.

"I see now why you consider yourself the expert." I thought out loud, my mind still building arguments for the next Council meeting.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Jay asked me.

"Just thinking about how I'm going to go about presenting the next step of bringing more kids from the Isle over here." I answered, moving my braid to the other side.

"Always thinking." Evie chuckled.

"When's the next supply trip again?" Carlos asked.

"Tomorrow...I think." I trailed off. "What's today again?"

"Thursday." Jay answered.

"Okay, then Friday, tomorrow." I stated. "Why? Do you guys want to come with us?"

"No, but can you check in on someone for me?" Evie brought the negative responses to a close as Jay and Carlos went into the discussion of Carlos asking someone out, that someone being Jane.

"Of course, who?" I asked.

"Her name is Dizzie, and she works at her step-mother's hair salon." Evie started.

"The Evil Stepmother?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Evie confirmed, looking worried.

"Evie, I said I'll go check on her. I will." I assured. "Is she any good?"

"What?" Evie asked.

"Dizzie, is she any good? Like with hair and stuff?" I clarified.

"She used to do my hair all the time." Evie smiled. "So yeah, she's pretty good."

"Then maybe I'll just get my hair done." I smirked. "I've been thinking about changing it up some anyway."

"Well, just ask her, and she'll get you fixed right up." Evie smiled. I opened my mouth to continue asking her questions about some makeup tips when my phone started going off. Seeing the reminder for the Council meeting, I growled in annoyance. "What are you arguing with them now?"

"Building supplies." I answered. "They don't seem to think that they need them. Anyway, I have to go before I'm late. Talk to you guys later."

*****(Next Day)*****

"Dawn!" I looked up to see Dad's first mate, Thomas. "I was fixing to think that you wouldn't be joining us today."

"And miss the chance to have some fun without getting in trouble?" I smirked. "Thomas, you underestimate me."

"I think everyone that meets you does." Dad chuckled. I smiled and hugged him before going to my position, helping with the sailing. Once we got to the Isle, I helped dock before jumping off the boat and onto the shore.

"I'll be back in about 30 minutes to an hour." I informed Dad before starting to walk through the maze of alleyways and streets. Ducking into the shadows once I reached the hair salon, I heard the sound of yelling and things getting thrown/breaking. Waiting, I cocked my head as a teenage boy came outside, waving a hook around with some money. It was easy to tell that he had the fear of the surrounding people, leading me to believe that he was in some sort of position in power.

Waiting until he was out of sight, I entered the building. "Are you Dizzie?" I asked, scaring a poor girl.

"Uh, yeah, tha-that's me." The girl stuttered out.

"Dawn Smith." I introduced myself, holding out a hand.

"I know who you are." Dizzie smiled slightly. "The people here have a love/hate thinning of you."

"Delightful." I said sarcastically, observing my surroundings. "Evie told me to give this to you." I told her, handing her a letter. Dizzie's face instantly lit up, taking the letter eagerly. As she read it, I looked through an open notebook full of drawings. "Is everyone here really good drawers?" I mumbled.

"Do you mind waiting while I get some stuff for you to give her?" Dizzie asked.

"Of course not." I smiled as she gathered some stuff together. "And while you're at it, why don't you think of doing something with my hair and nails?"

"You want me to do your hair and nails?!" Dizzie asked, her eyes wide.

"Yeah." I nodded, smiling encouragingly.

"Let me get my stuff!" Dizzie squealed. I chuckled in amusement and took the stuff she handed me and stuffed it in my bag. "Anything in mind? Any restrictions?"

"Evie said you had a very creative mind and that she trusts you." I relayed. "Have at it." Dizzie squealed again and began working. 25 minutes later, she spun me around in the chair.

"Oh my god." I gasped, my jaw dropping.

"What?! Did I do something wrong?!" Dizzie exclaimed, worried.

"Oh no, not at all." I reassured, playing with my new hair. "You do better than the hairstylist I go to in Auradon." I complimented, smiling as the girl blushed. "And the nails, these are perfect!"

"Really?" Dizzie beamed.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Here." I said, getting out of the chair and handing her a bag of money.

"Oh no, I couldn't." Dizzie shook her head, trying to give me some of it back.

"Yes, you can and you will." I stated. "This is about how much I pay in Auradon, and you do such a better job then them."

"Thank you!" Dizzie exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Anyway, I better get going." I smiled, leaving the shop as I played with my hair. Once I reached the dock, Dad raised his eyebrows at me. "Like it?"

"It's definitely different." Dad chuckled. "What made you want to change it?"

"I just wanted to." I shrugged, boarding.

"Well either way, it looks nice." Dad smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled.

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