stolen away, zuko

By tatesbaee

71.8K 1.2K 151

| zuko {a:tla} 1 water & fire don't usually mix but maybe this time it does - in which the daughter of a wa... More

fire and water never mixes
but this time it does
book two
outfits <3


1.3K 20 3
By tatesbaee


let's sum up the past few days. the group failed to find aang a real fire bending master and they were nearly blown up during an invasion at the northern air temple. but finally, they made it to the north pole.

sennas home.

"im not one to complain, but can't appa fly any higher?" sokka asked from the back of the saddle.

appa was just as exhausted as the rest of them and was flying right above the water.

aangs head snapped toward sokkas direction, "i have an idea, why don't we all get on your back and you fly us to the north pole!" he yelled, angrily.

"i'd love to." sokka snapped back, "climb on everyone, sokkas ready for take off!"

lil momo immediately jumped onto his back.

"look, we're all just a little tired and cranky cause we've been flying for two days straight." katara said, trying to calm the two boys down.

"kataras right. we're almost there, i can feel it." senna grinned as she laid her head on sokkas lap. she was filled with so many emotions.

she was finally going home.
she was going to see her family and tribe once again.

sokka smiled softly at the girl. he was excited for her, knowing how long it's been since she's been here.

a loud cracking noise was heard and it startled the group. they were suddenly sent flying around, as appa tried to dodge shards of ice that were coming their way. the group screamed as appa fell into the water, now completely trapped by ice. "HOLY FUCK!"

many water tribe boats came their way and lead team avatar to the tribe.

senna stood on the edge of the saddle in awe. she watched as members of her tribe used their water bending to open a piece in the wall, letting her and her friends through.

it was just how she remembered it.

"this place is beautiful!" katara gasped in awe as they floated through the water.

"yeah...she is." sokka sighed in admiration, but not at the tribe. he was starstuck by the white haired girl on the boat across from them.

sennas eyes widened, immediately knowing who the girl was. but rolling her eyes at sokka who was now mesmerized by her cousin.

what's so special about her? she thought to herself.

"look! look! it's the princess!" a group of small children shouted, all pointing at senna.

her smile grew as she hopped off of appa and was embraced with many hugs from her old students.

"you're back! you're back!" they cheered.

"i told you, i'd come home." senna said, her friends now joining her side.

"team avatar meet my old students who are now water bending experts, i hope..." she raised an eyebrow earning many laughs and giggles from the group of kids.

sokka smirked, she's good with kids. 

"senna!?" a soft voice shouted.

"yue...." the two cousins ran to each other, soft sobs escaping each of their lips. team avatar watched as the two princesses reunited after so long.

"i waited for you, senna. everyday, every night." yue wrapped a coat around senna, noticing the girl was shivering.

"im here now, yue and i came with my friends." senna turned and saw her friends awkwardly standing there.

aang smiled and waved, katara doing the same and sokka was too inlove to even do anything.

"nice to meet you all but may i steal my cousin for a moment?" the original gaang all nodded and sighed, watching their friend be taken away.

"she's home now guys. a lot of people missed her." katara said, hopping back on appa.

"yeah, i guess you're right.." both sokka and aang frowned.


yue lead the girl back to the castle. it spread around fast, that the lost princess finally made it home.

it felt like she never left. everything looked the same. everyone was the same but something was missing.

"where's uncle?" senna asked her cousin, her eyes scanning around for him.

"you'll see him at the feast later tonight." yue responded, opening the door to her bedroom.

senna nodded and sat down on her cousins very comfortable bed. she laid down with a sigh and stared up at the ceiling. why do i still feel him?

"you need to look pretty tonight, senna. try this on." yue threw her cousin a dress, it was a gorgeous dress.

the princess groaned and strolled into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. she looked at herself in the mirror and didn't like what she saw.

the girl looking back at her wasn't the princess her tribe lost all those years ago, she was someone different.

senna let her old clothes fall to the ground and put on her new clothes. the dress was a mixture of all shades of blues and it was long.

"im done!" senna shouted to her cousin. yue walked in and gasped, "you look so beautiful."

senna smiled at the compliment from her gorgeous cousin.

"now there's someone who wants to see you." yue grabbed sennas hand and lead her outside. sennas mouth dropped and her eyes filled with tears.

the man staring back at her doing the same.


the man smiled, "senna."


senna met up with her friends again, learning that the chief of her tribe had invited them to the feast they were having.

only high ranked people of the tribe were there.

her father stands next to her uncle, "tonight we celebrate the arrival of our brother and sister from the southern water tribe with the return of our beloved princess senna; and they have brought with them someone very special, someone whom many of us believed disappeared from the world
until now...the avatar!" everyone clapped as the chief introduced the group.

senna waved at her fellow tribe members but to her it felt like they were more happy that the avatar had returned then her return.

"we also celebrate my daughter's sixteenth birthday. princess yue is now of marrying age."

senna turned to see her cousin and rolled her eyes. look, she was happy her and yue finally reunited but she was pissed at the fact sokka was suddenly so interested in her.

what about me?! im a princess too! she raged to herself.

"thank you, father." the princess spoke, her voice as soft as silk, "may the great ocean and moon spirits watch over us during these troubled times!"

the chief pointed to the other end of the room, "now, master pakku and his students will perform!"


what's this feeling? why am i feeling this?

you're jealous, spoke the voice in her head.

she was jealous. over the past weeks, she's developed feelings for the water tribe boy and she likes him, like a lot. the two haven't spoke about the kiss they had back at the fire festival.

maybe he didn't enjoy it?

but whenever her cousin yue was around, sokka was all about her and it drove the lost princess crazy. she hated the feeling of being jealous. especially of yue. she was always jealous of her.

but a tiny part of her mind lingers back to the fire prince. the one she spent two years with on sea, tracking down aang. she never admitted, well, she never wanted to admit it but she was in love with that boy.

head over heels for him.

the princess decided to train. it always made her feel relaxed. senna found a spot down by the edge of the water. many of her fellow tribe members were around, just doing their own thing.

with a sigh, she bended the water and watched as it flowed in her hands. then she froze the water and it turned into a blob of ice.

try the mind thing.

oh right, that.

she's developed this trick. it's when she closes her eyes and can control the water with her mind. just her mind. not her hands.

so, she closes her eyes and redirects the blob of ice then allows it to melt.


the princess opened her eyes and gasped, covering her mouth with her hand, realizing who the water landed on.

she smiled innocently while katara glared at her angrily.

"sorry!" she cringed, removing the water that soaked into her clothes.

"there was a healing session i was going to invite you too but since you did that, im not to sure i am." katara grinned, seeing her new friend frown.

over their travels, the two waterbenders grew closer. katara finally forgave her for all those things senna had done and senna couldn't be happier. they also discovered that katara is a healer just like senna.

back when aang had accidentally burned katara, senna had taught katara how to heal herself with water and now they both can be in each other's presence without wanting to kill each other.

"no! i said im sorry! i wanna come, im pretty sure i need it..." senna sighed. katara notices the sadness in her voice and grows concerned.

"what's wrong?" she asked and grabbed the girls arm, leading her up toward the palace where they found a seat.

"everything. i mean, i come back after 2 years and people pretend that i was never gone. that i never left and i hate it. i expected people to be protecting me at all costs so i wouldn't vanish again. i thought my father would want that. oh and get this, he is alive after zuko and iroh told me he died!" she let out a laugh, shaking her head, "and now she's taking him away from me and i don't know how to stop her from doing that."

"why are you angry?" katara asked.

"it's fucking dumb." senna sighed. the truth was, she was scared to actually admitted it to katara.

"well, i doubt it since you're this worked up about it."

senna hated to say it but katara was right.

"it's my stupid cousin, yue." senna snapped.

kataras eyes widened wide as she realizes what senna is trying to say.

"you're jealous!" she gasped with a laugh, "you like sokka!"

sennas cheeks turned red and she groaned, her head falling into her friends shoulder. katara was laughing, "i have no idea what to do. i mean, i've never felt like this before! that night at the fire festival i sure felt something but he acts like it never happened. he acts like we never kissed."

"well, my brother is a real idiot when it comes to relationships, senna. but i know for a fact that he fells something for you. i just know he does. he's never ever felt this way toward any girl before." katara laughed.

"you think? i mean he seems so in love with my cousin. i haven't talked to him since..." she pauses, trying to think, "since forever!"

katara wrapped an arm around her friend, reassuringly, "if i were you, i'd tell him how you really feel. give it a shot. you'll be much happier once you tell him the truth."

senna nodded and stood up, "you're right, kat! let's go find his cute little ass!" she grinned, beginning to walk inside.

"wait wait wait! slow down! i didn't mean right now!" katara said frantically.

"why not?" the girl questioned.

"wait until later tonight. i'll distract aang and then you can talk to him, alone." katara smiled. senna smiled with a nod and wrapped her arms around the girl.

"thanks, katara." she said and katara hugged her back,  "you're a real lifesaver."

"no problem, senna."


katara and aang sat in the home sennas father had given them while they visited.

senna had met up with her father just to talk about some things and stuff like that.

she was glad he was alive but he was now back to his old annoying over protective self which she hated.

senna then walked back to the hut. she collapsed onto her sleeping bag the moment she stepped inside.

"daddy issues?" katara asked, her and aang laughing.

senna rolled her eyes, "stay out of it."

"how's warrior training going?" katara asked sokka the moment he stepped into the hut. he kicked his sleeping bag and groaned, falling on it.

"that bad?" aang asked.

"no, it's princess yue. i don't get it, one minute she wants to go out with me and the next she's telling me to get lost." sokka sighed.

she should get lost. she was always the center of attention anyway. senna thought to herself.

"so how's waterbending training?" sokka asked his sister, changing the subject completely.

"master poop head won't teach her because she's a girl!" aang growled.

a thought then came to sennas mind, "aang, why don't we teach her? im an incredible waterbender, one of the best, and you're the avatar. she'll have two amazing teachers."

katara jumped up with a smile, "that's a great idea, sanny! why didn't i think of that?" she asked herself, "at night, you teach me whatever moves you've learned from master pakku and then during the day, senna teaches us her moves. that way everyone will be happy! and amazing water benders!"

sokka looked at his sister with a frown, "im not happy."

"but you're never happy." katara frowned but then it turns into a grin, "come on aang, senna can join us in the morning."

oh she did not.

senna sent daggers to the back of kataras head as her and aang left the hut. there was no way in hell that she was going to tell sokka tonight.

it was way obvious that sokka liked yue more then her.

both teens haven't talked to each other since that night at the fire festival. i mean, they have talked but it wasn't the same anymore. it was different. sokka made it seem like he was ashamed of kissing senna.

she wanted to tell him that she wanted him but she already knew who he wanted and it was her cousin not her.

"you okay?" sokka asked from the other side of the room. senna sat up and saw sokka looking up at her with furrowed eyebrows and a frown.

senna sighed and brings her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them as she lays her back against the wall, "im okay, just a lot on my mind, you know."

sokka knew she was lying because of the way she spoke. she was more down then usual. her voice had no emotion, there was nothing.

"wanna talk about it?" he asked.

yeah i do.
"no i don't."

senna fought against what her mind wanted her to do, just tell him already. she couldn't look at him so she stared down at the ground. the silence around them was making it very awkward. senna didn't like it.

she wanted to change the topic and ask him something else, but she couldn't get the fact that sokka liked yue out of her mind.

"you like her, don't you?" she spilled out, breaking the awkward silence.

sokkas face softens, "senna-"

"no, i get it. she's gorgeous, beautiful. i was always so jealous of her. not to mention she's way more kind then me and she's also a princess. i understand why you like her."

yea, sokka did like yue but the way he felt for senna was stronger. he was stuck between the lost princess he saved and the northern princess.

sokka sighed. he stood up and walked over to the girl, now sitting in front of her, "i do like yue but i like you a lot more."

sennas eyes widened and she struggled to hide the smile that was slowly taking over, she couldn't believe it, "you do?"

sokka nodded, "the night at the festival was one of the best nights of my life. being with you, dancing with you, kissing you. i never felt like this for anyone."

sennas smile grew and she moved closer to sokka. she held his hand in hers but her smile dropped when she saw sokkas expression, knowing it wasn't the end, "there's a but..."

he sighed, "but when i saw yue, something pulled me to her that i can't explain. i don't know what it is but i can't ignore the fact that i feel something for you and what we have...."

"what do we have?" she asked him.

"i don't know..." he sighed, looking away from the girl. god, it bugged her when people did that. she pushed his face back toward her with her hand on his cheek and left it there.

"then look me in the eyes and tell me that you want to be with yue and not me." she spoke, softly.

sokka stared into her blue diamond eyes. those eyes were the eyes that stared back at him for the first time all those years ago. the eyes that made him question why she was with the fire nation.

he searched her eyes for a few seconds, looking for any doubt, he knew what answer she wanted and he also knew his.

"i want to be with you." he told her. a faint smile spreads across her lips and sokka looked down at them.

make the first move this time. he told himself and begins to lean in. senna began to lean in too. their noses were touching just like they were at the festival.

"let's try not to get interrupted like last time." senna smirked. sokka playfully rolled his eyes and closed the gap between them and placed his lips on hers.

it was a soft kiss.

sennas stomach exploded into butterflies again, just like it did at the festival. for the first time in forever, she felt like this was right. that he was right for her. that he was the one.

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