Manipulation (Kylo x Reader)

By KenobiReads

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This is a sequel to Infiltration (Thrawn x Reader). In this, you are Lilya and Thrawn's daughter. It might f... More

Chapter 1 - Wandering Years
Chapter 2 - The Ball
Chapter 3 - Is That a Lightsaber?
Chapter 4 - Yes, Commander
Chapter 5 - Darro
Chapter 6 - Infuriating
Chapter 7 - Mustafar
Chapter 9 - The Supremacy
Chapter 10 - Black & White
Chapter 11 - Mama Organa
Chapter 12 - Ren-skywalker-solo-organa-amidala
Chapter 13 - Time Away
Chapter 14 - The Day of the Sith is Coming
Chapter 15 - That's Why They Call it the Chaos
Chapter 16 - Home

Chapter 8 - Are You Ready?

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By KenobiReads

We returned to Starkiller base, and I began observing the command hanger. While it was in pretty good standing, it wasn't perfect. I knew I needed sleep. But I also knew that sleep would not come.

Lieutenant Jack approached me.

"Oh, hello Lieutenant. What are you doing on Starkiller?"

"I believe I'm here to help you, ma'am." I hadn't realized I had an assistant. Someone above us must have decided we get shit done together, I guess.

"Oh, wonderful." I shifted so we were both looking at the command hanger, side by side. I sighed.

"I believe we have a similar issue with the two squads of TIEs over there as we did on the Finalizer. They've been started more recently but they haven't been flown. Apparently they're not used in scheduled patrols like the rest of the fleet. I'd like to have them fully looked over and then flown today. It seems inventory is taken better care of here. What do you think?"

"I think I agree that we'll have less work here. But I noticed yesterday the TIE pilots for this unit haven't been in here in four weeks."

"What?" I asked, surprised. "What have they been doing?" Pilots were expected to run regular flights in their ships.

"I don't know, Captain."

I took a breath. Absolutely ridiculous. It was as if there was so much happening on this base that no one kept track of the minute details. Time to take something from Kylo's book.

"Go to Hux. Tell him I want a fire drill. I want to see how fast those pilots will get these two squads in the air. If he has objections, tell him I promise there will be results. Feel free to direct his irritation toward me," I added with a rueful grin.

"Yes, Captain." He left.

I looked up at the Command Center when I felt Hux's rage. But a minute later, the alarm rang.

I turned and waited. Eight fucking minutes after the alarm sounded, the pilots poured in. I swallowed my displeasure. They should be off the ground by now, and they're just arriving.

It took them 15 more minutes to all get in the air. I lifted my hand, and the TIEs began to land again. I stood in front of them, my hands behind my back. They shuffled out and stood in front of me.

"I am Captain Rjea. Now, what the fuck was that?"

"Ma'am?" one asked, confused.

"No, I don't want to hear any of you speak." They shuffled, but remained quiet. I wasn't going to belittle them, but they would learn that they are no longer allowed to fuck around.

"Do you know how long it took you to get here? Eight fucking minutes. Starkiller could have been destroyed completely in that eight minutes, and you with it."


"I said silence," I said, the threat barely hidden. They stiffened.

"You will have another drill every day, twice a day, until you guys are up to standard. This is for your own safety as much as the rest of the base. And for the love of the gods, who was it in CT2?" One of them stepped forward.

"Do you know how to land, pilot?" He had dropped his ship so fast, I'm surprised nothing cracked.

"Don't answer that. I'm going to assume you do. You'll help the mechanics clean and work on the engines today.

"And I suggest all of you get more familiar with the engineers working on your ships. They're your ships. You're responsible for them, and at the end of the day, you're the only one who really needs your ship to perform properly. Dismissed."

They shuffled away and I turned. I saw Hux staring out a window. He was pleased. I nodded at him, then turned back to my work. If he would either use these ships or put them into rotation, I wouldn't even have to be doing this. If he can't handle running a base this large, he should be finding people who can.

I grit my teeth in realization. That's exactly why he was pleased—he had found someone. What a shame he'd one day be taking commands from me.


Eight hours later I sat at a workstation, trying to get a better understanding of the working of Starkiller base. It really wasn't bad, but I was going to make it better.

"Captain," I stood up at the voice.

"Hello, General," I said, bowing my head. He looked me over, and I waited patiently.

"You've impressed me, Rjea."

"Thank you, sir. But I'm just doing my job."

"Walk with me." I picked up my datapad and fell into step next to him.

"You spend time with Ren." Are you jealous, sir? I wanted to reply. Reigning myself in, I nodded.

"I do, sir."

"And his Knights."

"Yes, sir."

"He's been much more tolerable since your arrival."

"Are you sure, sir? He's still pretty brooding." I felt his humor, but he remained neutral.

"Yes well, that's a dark lord for you."

I chuckled. "I suppose so." Does the man know many dark lords?

He stopped and looked hard at me. "You're force sensitive, aren't you?"

I smiled ever so slightly. There was no point in lying. If he told the Supreme Leader, he would lose my services—and Kylo would kill him. "Yes, sir." He nodded, thinking about something.

"Well. I'm impressed with your work. I have no intention of losing you to become his apprentice. I believe you're a good asset for the First Order as you are."

"I agree wholeheartedly, sir. I have no interest in becoming a dark lord. But if you ever need my services in battle, do not hesitate to reach out. I assure you, I'm as good with a weapon as with a TIE."

He nodded, pleased at the thought of having someone with special talents on reserve that wasn't Kylo Ren. It seemed he hates Kylo as much as Kylo hates him.

"I will keep that in mind. You're dismissed, Captain."

"Have a good evening, General." I said, and left the hanger.

I was thoroughly exhausted, but I went to the Knights training room regardless.

"Hey boys," I said, tossing my cloak to the ground. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get warm on this damn base.

"Hey, looking good Captain," Cardo said when I took off my overshirt.  I chuckled.

"I know, I look better in white. Okay, what's first?"

"I thought we could just work on basic fighting styles." I smirked. You mean the ones my mother and father have already taught me? I picked up the staff he pointed at and spun it, memories flying through my brain. I hadn't actually sparred with the men yet, other than my one time with Vicrul. They had no idea what I was capable of.

Ushar stood in front of me with his own staff. "Okay, show me your ready stance."

I dropped lightly, getting into position. He nodded, looking a little impressed. I knew my positions were perfect, down to the millimeter.  "Good. Stance one."

"For what style?"

"Your style, Captain." I nodded and shifted my right leg back, and held my spear with one hand, straight out, to my right. It allowed my first move to be propelled from my dominant side.

"Second." I shifted swiftly. Then to third, then to fourth, then back to ready stance.

"It's alright. Do it again." I smirked. Oh, he wanted better?

I followed the same pattern, this time my movements were swift and rough, but still precise. He stepped in front of me and said again. This time, he returned my hits.

"Ushar, I don't need this," I said when he ordered a fourth go. I've done it my whole life. I want to learn new things."

"You wish to duel me already?" I nodded. "Okay, fine, but you better be sure, because I'm not going to stop until you've beaten me." I nodded again, but I understood the intensity of his tone. If I wasn't willing to start at the beginning, then he would treat our duel as if I were at the end of my training. I had been confident, but a sliver of doubt tried to push its way into my mind. I would either beat him, or be destroyed.

We backed up into our own ready stances. I struck first, and he parried easily, as I'd expected. He struck out, and I ducked quickly, trying for a blow to his torso. He spun to the side swiftly, moving with much more agility than one may assume. I went for another attack, this time spinning and using the momentum to strike at his head. He pushed me back, again, easily.

We went around and around, and I was growing frustrated. He really was excellent. And he was enjoying playing with me, building up my frustration on purpose. It was fueling him, literally increasing his connection with the force. That is Ushar's thing: he revels in torment, in the slow, gradual breaking of the strong, and the total destruction of the weak.

He hadn't landed any damaging blows, but neither had I, and I was beginning to tire. It had been two days since I slept, and I had done a lot today.

I thought about what my mama would do. At this point, she would fool him.

My mind picked up; what have I not tried?

I hid my smile and increased my speed, using a lot of energy to deal repeat blows, fast and hard. He thought I was giving it my all, letting my frustrations take over. He took a step back and I feigned one of my basic moves. Switching directions suddenly, I dropped to the ground still in movement, sliding and knocking both of his ankles with as much force as I could muster. He fell beside me, and I felt a tinge of pride and relief.

"It seems you've lost your feet, sir," I said on the ground, panting. I dropped my head to the floor. We'd been going at it for well over an hour. He looked down at me.

"I could still kill you with no feet," he said, his voice menacing.

I nodded. True. Especially with how tired I was. Now that I was laying down, my body felt like mush. I didn't have the energy to respond. I saw him grin out of the corner of my eye and he got up, reaching down. I groaned, not wanting to get up.

"Miss Ren, stand up." I focused on him, curious, and taken aback by his suddenly hard voice.

I raised an eyebrow, but reached up and gripped his gloved hand. He pulled me to my feet, and his expression softened ever so slightly, though he was still gazing at me hard.

"The Rens are not weak, Rjea." I felt his energy shift a moment before he began moving. I built up everything I had left, and as his fist came tearing toward me, I sent a wave of force energy, shoving him back. He sensed it coming, and braced himself.

The result was him sliding back a couple meters, still on his feet. I'd really thought it would do more; I'd extended a lot of my already depleted energy. I began to pull a staff to me, but he was charging fast, roaring.

I braced myself, and jumped hard, slamming both of my feet into his chest and flipping backward. I couldn't take him in a punching match, I was a third his size and strength. I flipped backwards twice more, then charged around him. I was moving as quick as I could, and called on the force desperately, then jumped, running a few steps along the wall, then pushed off hard behind him. I wrapped my legs around his neck and slammed us both to the ground. I tried to yank him around, cutting off his air supply, but he gripped my legs with what felt like bone breaking strength, yanking me off him and tossing me away like a rag.

I was out of breath, out of steam, and unmoving. I remembered what he said, and felt myself harden.

"I'm not a Ren," I yelled, my voice cracking.

I heard him get up, but I couldn't fight anymore. I curled up and tried to wrap myself in the force, reducing his blows. When none came, I peeked up.

He was staring directly down at me, his face still hard. "I can see that."

The words wounded me, and I slowly unraveled my body. I wanted to argue, but I began to feel embarrassed, shamed.

My parents were strict and sometimes quite brutal in their lessons, but had never forced me to continue once I reached my limit. They'd never attacked my mind, tried to twist it or manipulate it. Nor had they ever said anything that cut so deep, even by accident. I watched him walk away, and pushed myself to my feet. I pictured both of my parents standing beside me, encouraging me. It felt silly at first, but when I felt a surge of strength, I knew I was drawing power from the thought, from my love. And suddenly, I knew exactly how this would unfold. I knew what I was about to do, and I knew how he'd react.

I took a breath, feeling the anger and pain, allowing it to flood my senses. I breathed into the invisible cut he'd just sliced into my heart, jabbing at the wound, drawing at the pain. I'm not a Ren. I've been shunned by Kylo from the beginning.

My body began to tingle as time finally seemed to slow down. I touched all of the life within the room, vaguely noticing the extra person I hadn't known was there.

Kylo was there. Kylo had been there—Kylo could have interjected. Kylo could have told me I am a Ren. But he didn't, because I'm not.

Dark energy flowed through me freely at that, building up as I let it consume me.

Ushar was still walking away from me, and that made me furious. Like I was so weak, having his back to me was no threat.

I reached my hand out and pulled my lightsaber to me from across the room, igniting the blades. Ushar froze for a moment before grabbing his war club. My heart was pounding, loud in my ears. He turned to me with a nasty, smug expression.

When he charged me, I remained in still, preserving my energy and focusing on his approach. My double blades parallel to the ground in front of me, preparing to shift into my strike with precision. I absorbed every microscopic movement, calculating without much effort.

Splitting my saber apart, the blades crossed as I pulled them toward my chest. I shut them off just as my hands reached my shoulders, looking as if I was hugging myself. Sort of.

Heart pounding, I connected the hilts and returned it to my waist. His club was sliced perfectly across to the top, through the concussion vector vanes and near the bottom, right under one of his hands, destroying the weapon completely. An eye for an eye—a invisible wound, for an invisible wound.

I stared back at his shocked expression, my own neutral and cold. At the moment, I felt no remorse for destroying his complex club.

My eyes flashed to Kylo, briefly wondering how long he'd been there. Before I could begin to hear their thoughts about what I'd done—or understand my own—I pulled my clothing to me, and left.


I showered, too exhausted to let myself think, and ate the same way. I was in soft, non-regulation shorts and a sports bra, laying on my couch, staring at the ceiling, spinning a stylus in one of my hands in an attempt to keep me awake for a few more minutes.

My intense reaction to Ushar's words suggested that I did indeed see myself as a Ren—or at least wish to be one. I knew it had less to do with being an actual part of the little group, and more with my longing to be with Kylo. But maybe I had seen myself as their "mistress." I didn't really see it that way, but apparently, my subconscious had, or Ushar wouldn't have broken me like that...right?

I grunted in frustration with myself. It shouldn't even be that big of a deal. He hadn't even hurt me, not physically. And yet, I felt beaten.

I hadn't spoken with Kylo since he stormed off the command shuttle upon our return to Starkiller base that morning. It had been early morning hours, two or three o'cklock, and I just skipped sleep and went straight to work this morning. Now, it was around the same time the next day, I was exhausted, and a part of me just wished I could curl up with Kylo and go to sleep. Okay, all of me wished for it.

I glanced over at the door. It seems like I might get my wish. I could feel him coming closer. He hesitated at the door, remembering my first day aboard his flagship when I'd told him not to enter my room unannounced. I smiled a little despite myself, and pushed the door open. He entered, his mask gazing at me from across the room.

"Hello, Kylo." I motioned toward the other couch. He took off his helmet and put it on the table between the couches. I thought he looked exhausted too.

Then, to my surprise, he took off his cloak, throwing it over the table before finally sitting down. I remained laying down, just shifted to my side to watch him. His eyes met mine for a while, before drifting down my body. I smirked.

"Is Ushar mad at me?" I asked, my voice light and a bit sleepy despite the hurricane I felt inside myself.

His eyes returned to mine. "No," he said.

He's impressed

I was grateful for his thoughts for once. I sighed, blinking slowly.

"You're troubled," he said after a moment. I just blinked at him. Cocking his head ever, he added softly, "and exhausted." I nodded and made a little affirmative sound.

"Would you like me to stay over?" I focused on him, becoming more alert. He was serious. I listened to his thoughts for a moment. He hadn't liked seeing me beaten down, both mentally and physically. It made him feel ill.

And yet, another part of him swelled with pride for two reasons: I did eventually pull myself back up, and the only reason I snapped, was because I was told I wasn't a Ren. He knew it was selfish, but the emotions were there nonetheless. I smiled at him, his thoughts making me feel much better.

"Yes, my lord," I said quietly, the smile still dancing on my lips. He grinned and stood up, removing his clothing. I sat up, raising an eyebrow. The man wore a lot of clothes.

I chuckled and got to my feet. Picking up my datapad, I checked my messages real quick. I replied to one, half aware of the man getting ready for bed in my refresher. Kylo Ren brushing his teeth? The image was almost ridiculous.

He walked out in his pants, but with no shirt on. I dropped my hands slightly, my gaze lifting to him as I watched him walk to the bed and pull the covers down. His muscles were toned, moving with him elegantly. It was the first time I've gotten to see him. When he sat down, his eyes met mine, and he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at my datapad, finishing up tomorrow's orders for Lieutenant Jack, since I hoped to sleep more than five hours tonight.

"It can wait, Rjea," he said.

I looked up, grinning, then looked back down and sent the orders. I quickly scanned through the rest of my missed notifications from the past few hours, and jumped when the datapad left my hand. He pulled it from me with a flick of his fingers, setting it down on a table.

I sighed, giving in. As I climbed into bed, I felt my exhaustion heavily before I'd even hit my pillow. I hummed appreciatively when he pulled me roughly to him, resting my head on his bare chest.


Thilya's POV

I was in the little garden outside my home when I received word that Thrawn would be sending a transport to pick me up in one hour. I tried to think about what it could possibly mean, but had no idea. I had only been home a couple days, and hadn't spoken with him in over a month, though he was due home in a week. Perhaps he just wished to see me sooner—something I could understand and relate to. However, I couldn't remember a time when Thrawn could not wait a week.

Unless, of course, it had to do with our daughter.

I washed up and picked up my go bag, then sat on the porch as I waited.

The moment the transport shuttle came into view, I knew something was wrong. A pit formed in my stomach as possibilities ran through my mind, each more ridiculous and illogical than the next. Part of me knew without a doubt that whatever it was, it had to do with my daughter—which I told myself was crazy; she was in lesser space. The other part of me had an odd feeling of anticipation, as if a long standing question was about to be answered.

The shuttle landed as I walked off the porch, approaching it, my bag over my shoulder. The ramp hit the grass and...

No, I must be imagining things. It can't be.

"Thilya," the voice said. A voice I only heard in my dreams, a voice that I've yearned to hear for 25 years.

"Darro," I choked, unable to say anything else. The rest of my old team was behind him, all walking off the ramp. It must be dream.

He was supposed to be dead. He'd sacrificed himself so that Ahsoka and Obi-Wan could evacuate the Executor

He wrapped me into a hug and I felt tears slip down my cheeks. My emotions were everywhere, but seeing him, feeling him, knowing he is alive, was the greatest gift I'd ever received next to Thrawn and our daughter.

"I don't understand how this is possible," I said when I pulled away from him to the rest of my team. I couldn't believe they were here, so far away from lesser space, at my home. Seeing them was like a dream come true, the people I'd missed more than anything.

"You can thank your daughter," Darro said. I saw his familiar smile, aged, yet still so Darro.

I looked at them, confused.

"My daughter?" I should have known. I guess I did know. There isn't anything in the galaxy that would stop her from making waves in the universe. But how did she find Darro? And send them all here? This can't be a social call.

"Perhaps we should talk on the flight," Kellchri said. I followed them inside, until we were sitting around a table. Kellchri looked so grown, he must be in his 40s. His face still looked young, but there was a seriousness to his expression that was new.

"Okay, I want to know how you survived, but first, I need to know what my daughter has gotten herself into."

Kandria cocked her head at me. "How do you know she's gotten herself into anything?"

I gave her a dry expression. There was a hint of excitement underneath her composed expression. Whatever it was, she wanted desperately to spit it out. The others did not appear nearly as eager.

"You guys are here. On my husband's personal ship. Taking me from my home. And she's my daughter, not to mention Thrawn's. What has she done?"

The people exchanged glances, and I knew immediately that it was bad. Really bad.

Darro finally answered. "Her name is Rjea now, actually." I tried to hide my surprise. "And she's, er... She's gotten quite close with Leia's son."

"Oh, that's lovely," I said, wondering when the bad news would come. It figures she would find her way into royalty.

He glanced at Kandria. My eyes narrowed.

"It isn't lovely?" Actually, Leia's son could be a force user...

"He turned to the dark side," Kandria said. I felt my heart skip a beat, fear washing over me like ice. "But," she sighed, frustratingly trying to find the proper way to describe whatever she wanted to say. "It seems he's..." she trailed off. Her loss for words was not encouraging. Kandria, speechless?

Darro shuffled, and my eyes flicked to him. "She's influenced him; they have a force connection. It isn't black and white. She is not consumed by the dark, Thilya, though she is terrifyingly powerful." I tried to swallow, but my throat was too dry.

"A force connection?" This was a lot of information, and I was still trying to comprehend the fact that Darro was alive. And Leia had a son. A Sith son? That my...Rjea, has fallen in love with? And somehow, my old squad found themselves mixed in.

I really hoped it didn't get any worse. Darro shook his head, and I leveled my breathing as he spoke.

"I need to backtrack a moment. So, I have a son, his name is Vicrul." I smiled. Finally, good news. "He became one of Kylo Ren's Knights. They're called the Knights of Ren."

"That sounds very dark," I commented, deciding to lower my expectations for his story. Something told me 'Kylo Ren' was about to piss me off.

"It is. But bear with me. Rjea joined the First Order-"

"The military government fighting the New Republic?" I interrupted, shocked. My daughter in a military doesn't surprise me too much—though I think she's far too free-spirited. It was as if she had joined the Empire. My stomach was beginning to churn.

"Yes. She became his personal pilot, and then a Captain. But, it seems they have a sort of force connection."

"Force connection?" I asked again, still waiting for the explanation. He gave me a look that said I should stop interrupting. I put my hands up in defeat and settled in to listen.

"She found out I was alive, and Vicrul brought her to meet me. She's beautiful, Thilya. So full of joy and confidence. You raised a wonderful daughter, my old friend." I wanted to interject, to say she was on the dark side, and I'd failed. But I was confused. How had he gone from dark knights, to joy?

"We sparred before she left. It is obvious she learned from you and Thrawn, by the way. Then, Kylo and her got into a disagreement.

"Thilya, it was like nothing I'd ever seen. First, he fired blaster bolts at her-," I interrupted—enough was enough.


"So she could learn to use her lightsaber," he continued, ignoring me completely this time.

Oh. Her lightsaber? Pride filled my chest, despite the panic that I felt. I've tried to imagine what color she would have, how she would fight...and even if she would fight. At this point, I was sure there wasn't a less predictable person in the galaxy than...Rjea. I always came up short, knowing she'd come show her father and I one day—whatever she'd become. A Jedi. A scholar. A soldier. A trader. We didn't care. But now, I wasn't so sure.

"She was excellent. But somehow, it turned into a power struggle. She asked him to teach her how to do something, and he said he couldn't, that she wasn't his apprentice. Her transformation was instantaneous, I felt the force wrap around her as she laughed at him. She told him he was wrong. The next thing I knew they were shooting force lightning at each other."

I was going to throw up. An image of Palpatine entered my mind—only it was my daughter instead, her head falling to the ground on the dark throne.

"It was..." he sighed, starting over. "The moment their lightning touched, it exploded. Before I could even stand up, she...she did something. She projected herself at us." He leaned closer to me. "I felt her very soul. Thilya, she is not evil. Not even close. I've never felt anything so pure, so full of love."

A tear slipped down my face. That's the daughter I remembered. Everything brought her joy. Though I had wanted her to learn about the force, I never feared the dark side—not for her. Until today. I still didn't know why they were here, and my mind began reeling.

"It was too much for her, she collapsed. Before I even knew what was happening, they were gone. She called me the next day to apologize. But a few days later, she said she needed to meet with all of us. Of course, we met her that very day, ready to serve."

Of course my team would be loyal to my daughter. First, she's my daughter. Second, she is confident, kind and unique; it doesn't surprise me that she would inspire loyalty.

He hesitated, and my eyes narrowed. I knew he was about to get to the reason they were here. "She was sure she had gotten the Supreme Leader's attention."

"What?" I finally interrupted, my voice much weaker. I'd heard of the mysterious dark lord ruling the First Order. I'd hoped my daughter would stay out of it.

A foolish thought.

"She wished for us to come here, to find you and Thrawn."

I knew he had skipped something important, and I wanted to comment on it. But something else was craving my attention.

"What does she wish for us to do?"

"She didn't know. It was a feeling." I narrowed my eyes at him. Something else was on their mind, something heavy.

"He asked her to rule with him," Kandria blurted out.

"Excuse me?" I asked, sure I'd misheard. But Kandria had that look again. 

"They plan to overthrow the Supreme Leader," she said simply.

I stood up and started pacing.

"My daughter wishes to rule?" This didn't sound like her. Though I know she'd be a good leader, I didn't think she'd actually want to. She's too...lively for politics.

"Well, he had to convince her." Darro said. Yes, I imagine so.

"It was crazy, Lilya," Kellchri said. "He was so calm, which is totally not what the rumors say he's like, and she was throwing out objections as to why they couldn't rule together. She made valid points, by the way. But he wouldn't take no for an answer. He said if she wasn't going to rule by his side, then he would send her back to the Ascendancy."

I closed my eyes. They let me soak it all in. Sending her back here would mean she's safe. But she wouldn't want that, not if she's fallen for this man.

My daughter, the girl who could heal people, who cried when a character died in a holodrama, who was so wise, so headstrong. Why should it surprise me that she would follow a path even crazier than mine had been? She was Thrawn's daughter, after all. But to fall in love with an enemy?

Oh. Right. My eyes popped open.

I sighed. "Have you spoken with my husband?"

"Only momentarily. It seems he's spoken with Rjea," Darro answered.

"Why did she get Rjea? And what do you mean, spoken with him? Is she here?" My stomach fluttered at the thought of seeing her, of wrapping my arms around her strong shoulders.

"I don't know where she got the name, but she described it as the goddess of peace and war." My mouth dropped open. "And she invented a long range transmitter to tell you I was alive, but you were out of contact. She spoke with him instead."

Fucking gods.

My mind flashed to when she told me she believed the dark had to exist. That it wasn't inherently evil. I'd been sure she needed more knowledge, the kind I could not offer her. I assumed she would not hang onto the middle ground once she met a Jedi.

Assumptions. Pointless.

They continued to answer my questions, until we finally arrived on the Vigilant. I wrapped my arms around Thrawn, momentarily forgetting the issues in front of us. His arms were as warm as always, his voice in my ear telling me how happy he was to see me.

By the time we were all in a conference room and Supreme General Ar'alani on the line, I was glad for Thrawn's involvement. He seemed to be having a much easier time at absorbing the information and reacting appropriately—which was actually rather surprising. She had always been Thrawn's weakness. He could be as calm and composed as ever, but if she walked into the room crying, he was ready to man the battle stations.

"Then you will go, you will find her. If she is in the hands of this, Supreme Leader, then you have authorization to attack."

"What?" I asked, surprised. That can't be, the Ascendancy doesn't attack. My entire career had been influenced by this one law, running around cleaning up after my husband.

"If they have captured her, then you have my approval. Their military took a Chiss—one with high connections and a member of the nine ruling families. I take that as an attack on the Ascendancy."

"The Syndicure may not agree," Thrawn said, taking the words out of my mouth.

"It is not up to them. This is an act of war, in my eyes. The First Order is threatening one of our people. You may take the fleet, enough to intimidate them, but not so much to leave the Ascendancy unguarded."

"Understood, Supreme General," Thrawn said. I could not believe what I was hearing. I've spent more than 20 years in the Ascendancy, and not once has a military vessel left the Chaos to go to Lesser Space.

My eyes met Thrawn's. His expression was neutral, official. But he was determined to save our daughter. Fuck, I loved this man more than anything. I didn't know what my daughter had gotten herself into, and I didn't know what we would do about it. But I knew Thrawn would figure it out, and he would not hesitate to blow the entire First Order out of the galaxy if it meant saving... er, Rjea.

Besides. It might be fun.


I continued to work twelve hour days in the hanger, spend a few hours training—less intense as the first night, thankfully—then spend the night with Kylo, though, we stayed at his place after that first night. The sex was great, but I thoroughly enjoyed sleeping next to him. I felt his own peace at my presence, and though he didn't speak about his feelings or show much affection other than holding me, I heard his thoughts. He was content for the first time in his life.

I was in the middle of fighting Kuruk when I felt it. Like a massive hand trying to grip onto my soul, but repeatedly missing. I shut myself off completely, dropping my weapon. When I opened my eyes, the Knights were closer, asking what was wrong.

"He knows," I whispered. They all tensed, and began putting on their armor. I remained where I was, somehow both relieved to end the waiting, and terrified we wouldn't be strong enough.

Kylo entered the room a minute later, his chest rising and falling. We stared at each other.

"He wishes to meet you."

"I know."

"Are you ready?"


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