By anqelhs

35.4K 721 2.4K


27. THE RED.
32 ♡ LOUDER.
48. SHH...
50. DO IT.
!!!sIxTy FiVe???
66. JUST A nOrMaL DAY.


277 7 19
By anqelhs


I think this song suits him...


   Dear mother, it's been over a year since the last time I've written a real letter to you that will remain as a letter I've never sent to you but you're not here. You're not here to give me comfort, a bit of love, or here to just talk to me like you always would. I lot of things changed too quickly for me and it made me think that everything I've been worrying about is only a waste of time. I stopped writing when I lost her and now I'm close to a girl is so similar as her. I love her but I feel the things I've said to her isn't enough. I'm lost in my head since last summer... I wanna be a good person like I used to be but it's impossible to unleash the things that are meant to be kept away.

   I'm nothing but a disappointment to all of you and soon Maxine. Maybe all of this wasn't right since the start, I'm ruining her when I don't want to. One day if I lose her or of she lose me, both of us will know that we were meant to be in a world alone and not in a place so packed of human beings, staring at both of us and ready take away our possibilities. There's so much I want to put into this letter so it all could make sense because everything in the past was much more beautiful and meaningful to me more than what's happening this year.

I shut my journal, shutting my eyes to not continue writing before tears could come. It's been so long. It's been so long since I've written a letter to my mother in my journal, said their names or even admit a true tale leaving my lips that I wanted to keep in.

A while ago made a good plan for all of us to agree on and feel satisfied without any exceptions. We decided to be in two groups. Maxine, Narcissa, Niall, and I are together and the rest of the guys are in a separate group together, keeping a lookout on the Greeners. But at this point, we don't know where they are now since they're not around us or around the city anymore. I also told them about that phone call about Skulls.

Except Maxine and Narcissa.

I'm just too afraid to tell them especially Maxine.

Liam told all of us that we needed to be prepared for the fight in Forks and we didn't tell Narcissa or Maxine about that either.

They might find that out soon.

It's been almost weeks since that night at the ball.

Liam and Louis have been training Maxine but not the hard ones to where you'd always get punched in the face if you didn't answer the trainers questions correctly and shit like that. I gave her the dagger I wanted to give her but she still prefers the bat with the nails and the switchblade Narcissa gave her so I gave her a gun she would probably use at some point but she's more used to the switchblade because she thinks it's cooler than a heavy gun eveb though she's pretty good with her aim.

Louis helped her with some tricks on using a knife more and Zayn helped her and Narcissa with the gun techniques and the proper way to use it since both of them never used one before. I mean, Maxine does but she just needed to know how to do things the proper way. Zayn had them at the back of the shop where he lives at and made them shoot a couple of empty paint buckets and spray cans down the alley to learn how to use good aim like he does.

Maxine's pink color in her hair is fading into a pastel pink color, her dark roots began to show up even more and I believe she's not even worried about that yet. She only focused on what's going on and how to deal with it positively as possible.

She told me she have always tried to tell herself to remain positive.

She was only worrying about if it's gonna be difficult for her to make Mr. Anderson talk about her mother since he knows her so well, but then she said he doesn't know much after her mother met Damon. He's been too busy with work and Maxine still didn't get a chance to go up to him at his office or gave him a call.

He might know something else and she'll wait.

She then told me about Tony that she's done with him and said no to the label they were supposed to be signed to and Narcissa is so happy that she and the girls are back in business with Ashton. The girls were happy and thankful that Devlin wasn't selfish about the whole popstar thing Tony wanted her to become and they knew she was going to do something for the people who she loves.

I took great care of Tony as well and she knew I would do something about him.

I broke in his apartment, waiting in his living room with tge lights off like a crazy person until he came home, getting off the phone from his crazy ex-wife he cheated on. Yeah, I slightly scared him that he was most likely to piss himself in the pants, but he wasn't when he saw me because he knows what I was going to do to him.

I didn't hurt him. I gave him a deal instead.

I told him to leave Maxine and the girls out of his label or I will be the one to end his career by tweeting a disturbing rumor about him and my fans were most likely gonna turn heads to him.

But then I corrected myself saying that I wouldn't use my fans for the shit I do, so I said to him that I have people who can end the label themselves. He said fine but I will be checking up on him if he'd ever so anything else before he had to go to Los Angeles.

All of us recently had a meeting a few days ago about our plan right after Narcissa and Maxine were done with their easy training and think they're ready for now until they have to do more in the future.

We're all going to split up for tomorrow.

Me and the boys released our first album yesterday and we got over thousands of streams right now even though there were only six songs and not twelve.

Maxine was recently over at my place, listening to the music with me and danced to Kiwi which was her new favorite out of everything else. I remembered watching her dance around the house and I kept smiling while I smoked my sweet cigarette between my lips.

After all the dancing, we decided to watch Twilight together and all five films. By the near ending of Breaking Dawn part 2 on the meadow scene, Devlin fell asleep while laying across my lap on the couch and I decided to carry her upstairs to my bedroom before I went back downstairs to my office.

I only went there just to look at the ending of Breaking Dawn again but in the book. I just wanted to know if they really had their happy ending or not. Matter of fact they did and I had a talk with Devlin about it the morning after while she decided to make breakfast for the both of us. She made strawberry pancakes with bacon on the side, more fresh strawberries, and a whole lot of whipped cream.

That was the last time I felt safe and normal with her.

We were peacefully alone together...

And as the days go by, my happiness continues to fade from the heart.

But I'm only happy with Devlin like I'm the type of guy who chooses one person over everyone else in the world of 8 billion or more people on this rotting planet.

I'm pretty much on my own right now and going to find the leader who sent me a private email to meet him at a bar. I told myself that I didn't need to go to him but a part of me forced me to do so.

I needed to see him, I can't turn back and I can't ignore an important request.

"I'm glad you came here today, Styles." The Greener's leader sat down as I took out my lighter and a pack of cigarettes for the third time today. I took one out of the pack before sliding the pack across the table to the leader.

No one knows his name for a reason. Not even his Marcus and Emmet knows his name.

He just doesn't want people to track his ass down and find out secretive shit about him. He killed his wife because she was trying to escape him throughout their marriage in secret. Pretty much every piece of information including his sons but still unknown to others. I know both Marcus and Emmet pretty well since I went to Forks.

"I'm not here to have a fuckin' friendly interview with you." I rasp while I lit the cigarette that's in between my teeth. "I've been in a dark place all day, so let's just get this over with," I said before I inhaled.

"I know that and watch your language. I'm going to exactly tell you everything that will happen to all of you." He leaned back in his seat, watching me blow a cloud of smoke.


"One night in Forks, there's you, your bandmates, Narcissa and Maxine Devlin on a special little mission. Then the fun with fireworks begins, masked creatures, you have a choice for Skulls, Harry... you gotta leave everything behind and join them for the rest of your life or you'll die if you continue being in the world of Noceur and all your friends will be dead too." He said. "That's what I believe in what will happen. According to my plans."

I'm beginning to regret it...

Maxine, there's so much I have to say...

A part of me wanted to do this. It's like a ghost or a strong shadow forcing me to not say the things I wanna say to you and do the right know.

I shake my head a bit, "I can't make that choice right now... I can't..." I nearly couldn't speak up.

He clicked his pen as he took out a paper or permission slip. "I'm sorry Harry, but that's the only choice you have. Life or death to where you'll never be alive around the ones who know you well. We're going to need an answer right now... he can't wait any longer."

"How much time... do I have left?"

"Well, it depends on what you do, but I wouldn't say a couple of days or less." He slid the paper closer to me. I signed the paper with an "H.S." and gave it to him without looking and I couldn't take this cigarette.

I can't turn him down. Or I'll get killed.

"We're very exited." He smiled. I nodded, inhaling with the cigarette between my lips again and I exhaled seconds later before leaving it in the ashtray in the middle of the small table.

It's the right thing.

I have to continue doing this for the rest of my life...or I'll lose Maxine.

I'm so sorry.

It's a choice.

It's my choice.

"I'll let Skulls know that you will be ready with no excuse." He adds. "His father died last year and he will do anything in his power to get what he deserves in his father's words."

I ran my fingers through my curls and stood up. "Right..." I mutter as I walked out of the bar, not staying for a drink and continue to have a conversation with the guy who helped my father betray the ones he used for money.

There were so many thoughts forming in my mind already as I felt the cold air hit my face. I'm not sure if I should tell Maxine anything about this... yet. I just don't want her to freak out and ask me so much questions whether things will be alright for the both of us or not.

But if I don't tell her... Who knows what she could do to herself or what will happen to her?

Narcissa told me while her and her bandmates are busy with things with Ashton, I can go meet up with the boys for those plans Liam made up to make sure everything is set up perfectly so all of this can be over. I'm going to have to tell them about what's going on because they're my foster brothers and we all need to talk to each other in bad times.

Should I just drink these thoughts away at home so it won't stress me out instead? Yeah. All the boys were at Louis' place so I'll stay at my place for a while in peace.

An hour or two has passed.

I was laying on the couch, drinking, looking at my childhood photos, a few new photos of Maxine I added, and listening to music at the same time from this binder full of discs in playlists.

Tracing my fingers over words of songs on old pieces of paper from when I started making music with the boys. There were dead flowers, broken pieces of discs with names on them, et cetera.

We took a group picture by the welcoming sign to Forks while starting the tour. Being on tour was the best moment of my life with the boys so I decided to buy a large photobook to tape these photos in since I was such the photographer of the group.

I loved traveling and seeing the fans who listened to our music I don't expect to see how it was from hundreds to thousands and possibly to millions that might be hard to manage in bad times. These photos were from the tour and when I met Maxine and the other girls she met.

Including Daisy. Don't forget that ugly fur ball...

Zayn helped me out with the photos in the book to look like collages or something since he's more artistic than I am, but I have taste in photography and he just... paint and draw stuff with his hands.

I also took this picture of Maxine when she went over to Zayn's place a few days ago to check up on him on his artwork after teaching her and Narc on their aiming. She wanted help with painting his door and he kept scaring her with the chainsaw when he was trying to cut a couple of boards. Both of them were dying of laughter that caused her to trip and fall with the drink of strawberry Fanta in her hand.

My vision just keeps flashing red every time I think of something dark, but sometimes it just comes back to me without even thinking about anything while I'm having quiet time to myself. Whatever will happen to me soon... I don't know how I'd say goodbye or tell the truth to Maxine about all of this and my feelings.

It's November 30th.

All of this has opened in over a month and a few days. It went by so fast for me.

I had the butterfly in the jar for a couple of weeks now and I know monarch butterflies live about six weeks. When it dies, I'll look for another one for Devlin... if I can, but it involves my past and I'm not sure what Skulls will do about it.

I get my lighter and cigarettes with the drink I have before I walked out of the apartment to go to the elevator. "Good morning, Sandy." I waved at the old lady while she get her keys to her apartment with her cat on a fucking leash. "It's almost midnight." She waved back and walked into her apartment.

Can't keep track of time.

I guess it's a Noceur thing.

I chuckled to myself silently.

I drank more of my... whatever it is, "Have a nice night then..." I mumble drunkenly as I went to the empty open elevator and pressed the button to the rooftop to where the large pool is.

I stepped out, almost not walking correctly as I stepped over to the pool. I left the bottle, the pack of cigarettes, and the lighter beside the pool before I let myself fall in since there's a no diving sign.

I imagine her also underwater with me. Swimming to me and cupped my face with a smile full the hope she has. She then had to go up for air, but I didn't move up with her. I close my eyes, letting the feeling of her hope fade away when she disappears. I was surrounded by the deep dark blue lights around me and heard nothing but the water in my ears and muffled music from the speakers outside in case anyone else would come up here.

I only floated, not really caring if my lungs are soon gonna give up on me.

This is how lost and forgiveless I feel about myself.

All I want to do is reverse... like a record player.

And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I was careless.

I'm sorry that I broke your heart.

I'm sorry about my poor choices.

I'm sorry that you had to blame yourself on all of this and had to be involved in the mess I created.

I'm sorry that I lied.

I'm sorry that I kept things away from you.

I'm sorry that I've never let you in.

I'm sorry that I was stupid.

I'm sorry that I was hurting myself.

I'm sorry that I disrespected my mother and sister.

I'm sorry for leading the boys to the darkness they don't belong to.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry that I have to leave you...

I love you until the last heartbeat too, Dev.

That was the one thing I didn't expect Maxine to ever say to me last week, also when she's been saying that she cares about me.

The real reason why I didn't want her to help me is that I didn't want her to get hurt since things in me are already taking effect of my actions and know about my past. Other people wanting to take her away or even kill her is another reason and it all was because of me.

There's so much more to that.

I hid so much from her... meaning I still am.

There were signs overtime on what she says around me, trying to bring me back to the past I told myself to not remind myself of, also her being similar to the first person I adored in the past. I kept her in my memory... in secret, not telling anyone her name or else I'll shatter.

A snap of a camera was the first thing to catch her eyes in the beginning...

Now I have Maxine... spotting her in a crowd of hundreds of other people who also adored me and others in a part of a new beginning after loss.

I just want to see the color pink everytime I'm around her or when I'm happy... Now things are turning red and glitching hardcore in my head.

Before I met Maxine, I was really honest about my choice with my father about Skulls because of my suffering and how I see myself, but I would never leave Niall, Zayn, Louis, or Liam. When I met Maxine and got close to her for the past month, I felt like I could change that decision but it's too late because all of those eyes were on me.

I didn't know what to do now.

Is it too take, Dev?

She made half of that part in me fade away, keeping that half in her and she would do anything to make me happy even if it was a bad idea or not. She didn't care if she'd get hurt to love me or even take care of me when it's hard for me to refuse.

She wanted me to feel loved... No longer feeling the remaining pain that just won't go away.

It's no one's fault.

It's mines. All mines.

It was my choice, I felt like I deserved to be there with Skulls and feel miserable for the rest of my life. I wanted to lose myself and not know who I really am.

But at the same time, again, I'm happy with Devlin.

I love her.

So much.

It's my choice, it's my choice- the butterfly in the jar is Maxine. That's the proper way to say goodbye... I'll make sure she's the one setting it free so she can be free away from me. That's how things were supposed to be in the beginning.

I want her to move on from me.

I want her to not know who I am and not just a murderer.

I want her to be normal like her parents wanted her to be or... she can be the Devlin she was born as on her father's side if she wants to continue with everything without me.

But, I'm keeping my promise.

It might won't be that way.

I climbed out of the pool and sat down on the edge of the pool and I wiped the hair off my face as I take a breath of the cold air surrounding me.

There are just secrets I kept to myself... that's why I'm acting like this. I'm tired. I don't know what's best for me and I don't know what's good for me as much.

I'm scared.

I made myself scared, so I should be.

With my tired eyes, I look up to the cloudy dark sky with lightning and thunder appearing within seconds. I felt the heat in my eyes and a waterfall of tears poured down my wet cheeks.

"I'm so sorry..." I apologized for the millionth time.

But no one's around to hear me out.

I miss my Devlin.

I miss Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam.

I miss my mother and sister.

But I made a choice...

I lost all of them now and I'm lost too.


Move on...

I walked back in the building to my apartment, I heard so much negativity whispering in my brain and it's scribbled. I spent an hour, trashing the apartment with music on, not caring about my neighbors who would be very concerned. I thought trashing everything could take away my frustration, but turns out it didn't really work much

I toss the cigarette that was in between my lips to the sink and stared at my reflection at the mirror in front of me.

I bend down on the countertop to sniff up another thin line of coke and then another. I wipe my nose, placing my hands on both sides of the sink before I stare at myself again.

"C'mon, Harry. Lose yourself." my own voice echoed in my head. It sounded like a loud old radio in my ears as I felt lightheaded.

"I can't," I muttered, shutting my eyes.

"Let it go, Harry." my angry words got louder.

"Think about that choice you made. Forget about the ones you love most, they're ruining you." My words continued on over and over, causing my vision to turn red and got darker every second as soon as I open them, not sure I'm most likely to pass out. I stared back at my reflection again with the dark light above me.

I let out a shaky breath as I looked at myself, and then at my own dark figure behind me. He's like a twin and he was as he one... whispering in my ear like being a sudden thought in my head.

In my head, I look down at the sink. I spotted a few drops of blood from my bleeding nose.

Then I look at my hands.


This isn't real. It's all in your fucked up head.

I gotta get better...

Let it sink in.

Let the virus control you.

A deadly, deadly virus will cure you.

"Whatever you say," I mutter, flicking off the light, "it'll be done..."

Hours later

I get out of bed after that ongoing alarm I had on my phone set to seven-thirty in the morning.

The audio is Daisy barking at me with Jailhouse Rock by Elvis playing in the background. She was barking at me because I was dancing around the house and she was always trying to dance with me by spinning around and rolling over on the floor.

She would've been a great dog actress in some cartoons for kids actually.

I smiled slightly to myself as I thought about her fluffy white soft fur and how she waddles to me at the field of sunflowers that bright summer.

I miss her so much.

I heard muffled talking from the living room as I rub my tired dry eyes and sat up. The window was closed with the curtains shut of course because of Narcissa. She hates sunlight in the mornings. Both her and I are not morning people anyways so that makes perfect sense we both are in the same bedroom.

As soon as I stood up with my hand on my head and fingers tangling in my hair that needs a new color, I heard muffled words coming from the living room again. It sounded a bit off to me this time.

"What are you talking about?" Zoe's words sounded worried as I opened the bedroom door. I scratched my head as I went over to the living room, wondering what was going on and it was only seven in the morning.

Also Narcissa isn't in the room and I'm guessing she's out to get breakfast. "Uh- do you know where he exactly is?" Zoe asked whoever she was on the phone with.

She paused.

She then sighed, "Okay... we'll try to look for him as soon as possible. I'll call back if we have anything new." She hung up after that and she snaps her head to me like she didn't see me coming. "Morning!" She shouts and sat down on the couch behind her in her white pajamas and let out a deep sigh.

"Morning... what's going on?" I asked as I wiped the saliva off the corner of my lips from having a good long sleep.

I should go wash my face.

"It was Niall, he said Liam is missing since last night. He um... left a note at his place saying that he'll be out somewhere but don't look for him and don't worry about it? I am worried as hell here." She explains while she taps her foot rapidly on the carpet floor.

"That's weird..." Polly was in the kitchen as she looked at the tv that's over to where I am. Liam really hasn't been happy for a while since I told him about what Tony said. He didn't know what to believe in and so did I.

I hurried back in the bedroom and picked up my phone off the nightstand to call him. I called him two times until he finally picked up.

"Liam... is this about your family!? Is that why you decided to disappear like that?" I asked in realization trying to take a breath so I opened my window and sat down on the windowsill for fresh morning air and sunlight.

"Yes it is. I found out something else... that night when they disappeared I was in the car with my wife and son. My son said he saw a cat and he opened the door and ran off so my wife went out after him. While I waited for about a minute or two I heard a knock on the window and it was the Greeners leader and he pointed to another direction to where my wife and son was. I saw one other greener with a big beard and a smile and I recognized a tattoo he have on his arm. I tried going after him but the leader was stabbing me and I looked if they were still there but they we're already gone. By the time the leader and that greener left, I went over to see where my wife and son is but... there was blood on the ground and the water was red. I didn't know if they were taken away or killed. They're pretty dead." He explained.

"W-What the hell are you doing!? Where are you?"

"I found the Greener who killed them. He's in Forks and I'm going to catch him... I hope you find your answers, Maxine." He hanged up after that and I shot up.

"L-Liam!" I shout and went to my closet to get my converse and jacket before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth in a hurry.

"Liam answered?" Zoe asked.

I spit out the toothpaste in the sink, "Yes! He's in Forks! He's going to do something terrible and he can't be alone right now-" I wash off my toothbrush, continuing to rush.

"What's really going on?" Zoe asked.

I spit out the water I had in my mouth and wiped my lips. I met eyes with her and I can tell that she cares about him a lot.

"I-I can't tell you... I'm so sorry. I just-" I frown and I try opening my mouth to speak again. "Some people just can't say certain... things cause something might come up and ruin what we have right now." That is all I really could say.

"It's okay Maxine, but as long as Liam is a- okay." Zoe walked down the hall and I furrowed my brows for a second trying to think of what she was about to say.


After I did what I needed to do in a rush, I told Zoe and Polly I'll be back and left. I called Louis, Zayn and Niall and told them about Liam and they said they'll do something about it and then they told me to get Harry.

He also wasn't calling back which was strange.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I called again and again and again and he still hasn't answered his phone and went straight to voicemail.

I also texted Niall, asking if he or anyone else had seen Harry. Zayn said he did saw him last night going to his apartment and he was the last person who talked to him, saying he had a long day and he's tired.

I rushed through the front of the building and to the elevator to get to his room. I nervously pressed the button to the seventh floor and while I wait, the unknown caller starts calling me all of a sudden.

Calling instead of texting like usual?

I stared at my phone for a second, not knowing if I should answer or not. I don't wanna know if Harry is in danger by Unknown because I'm scared. Unknown probably knows what's going on.

He's always watching. I know he is.

"No." I spoke to myself. I repeated those words in my head millions of times in the back of my head as I walked down the hallway after stepping out of the empty elevator.

As soon as I went to his apartment door, I immediately knocked on the door for two minutes straight. I heard no footsteps and it was dead silent.

I would ask his neighbors if they saw him or heard anything but that might be too suspicious to make them call the police and I of course don't want to disturb anyone.

Then something came to my senses.

I suddenly turned the doorknob and it was unlocked. My heart sank, seeing that his apartment was trashed completely in such a large dark luxury apartment that's always clean and kind of well organized to see. My eyes flickered around the entire area as I stood still by the open door. I felt more fear growing in me and it's in my blood now.

I went upstairs to where the bedroom and bathroom is without stepping on glass on the floor. I saw the bathroom lights flickering, so I went in and saw if he was there.

The glass mirror was shattered with a little bit of blood and glass on the floor and sink everywhere. A cigarette was in the sink as and a broken bottle of whiskey was on the floor too. The shower curtains were ruined and water was all over the floor and he wasn't in there either.

I'm scared, Harry.

I can tell this is really bad and this isn't normal to see at all. I took out my phone from my back pocket and went to his contact to call him again as my hands were shaking.

He still never answered.

"Please tell me where you are..." I sniffed as the tears rolled down my cheeks making my eyes puffy, "I'm scared. Please tell me that you're okay, please?" I left a voicemail for him.

Suddenly my phone rings with an unknown message.

UNKNOWN: The Future Awaits. Time is ticking.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and then pressed the call button with no hesitation since Unknown called once and I didn't answer. The call was filled with silence but a bit of noise in the background like a old tv.

"Say something! How are you doing this?" I spoke up with a serious tone as my voice was shaken up.

Dead silence with someone's breathing on speaker.

"Stop texting me your bullshit. Just stop." I hung up right after and I walked out of the bathroom to check his bedroom with the door shut.

He's also not there either.

I then turn my head, hearing little soft tapping to where his shelf is. I stepped over to it and looked to where the books are with a journal of his songs, Rolling Stones magazines, and a collection of vintage-like lighters. I eventually found something I was darting for.

The butterfly in the jar.

I picked up the jar and there was a small note on the lid. "Take it with you when you find me. It doesn't have much time to live but, I'll let you know what to do with it... love H." I read it out loud.

How are you supposed to let me know when you're not even here?

Are you in Forks too?

With Liam?

What if Harry is out there on his own looking for Liam? Who trashed this place?

I went out of the apartment and made sure I locked it from the inside so no one would go in there. I went out of the building and Victoria is also with me, sitting in the car because she was too lazy to get out and wanted to enjoy her breakfast smoothie she made herself.

She was asleep in Polly and Zoe's room this morning and she heard how worried I sounded when I was on the phone with Liam.

"Did you get any clues? Was he in there?" She asked.

"Well this butterfly is a clue and no... I didn't find him." I hopped in the vehicle and started driving to go to Louis' place. I've gotten used to driving more which I'm kinda surprised about. Last week I also made sure I have license and stuff because I still didn't have one or anything else since I got the car from Harry.

I kept my eyes on the road and handed Victoria the jar so she can look at it with the note. "He wants you to set it free. That's my guess." She had her long acrylic nails against the glass and tapped on it.

Is it even the perfect time to set it free, Harry?

"Harry and Liam are both gone." I muttered as I still kept my eyes on the road with lips pressed together and my hair was flowing everywhere. "This isn't good at all," I add. "He was perfectly fine with me the day before when the album came out. I'm at his place... we were perfect fine."

I don't know if Harry got kidnapped, left to find Liam with danger behind his back he won't watch out for or it must be something I don't know.

I don't think giving someone a butterfly in a jar would be a cute gift and just leave without a call to let me know what's up. There's possibly a meaning behind it of course and I'm also dying to know a good answer I'd understand to.

The tattoo, but it means transformation.

That's all I know. Probably not helpful to this situation.

"I couldn't find the Greeners anywhere and even Emmet." Zayn said as he leaned against the kitchen counter at Lou's apartment.

"If the Greeners plan isn't a success, they obviously make a plan B." Victoria sat down on the couch next to Zayn. "For bunny."

"See! A trusty Greener who knows it all!" Louis raised his voice with a smile. She rolled her eyes. "I'm not a Greener. I'm a Hot Rabbit."

"I'm guessing they're both in Forks right now. Not just Liam on his own." I sighed. "Liam is in Forks just to eliminate a Greener who's responsible for the loss of his family. Did Harry tell any of you about why he's gone or how he's been feeling and didn't tell me?" I asked.

Zayn was silent and so was Louis, so I think they have no clue or just unsure like I am. Niall cleared his throat and leaned back on the couch and let out a deep sigh and tangled his fingers in his blonde hair.

"Oh no..." Niall turned away. "Oh shit."


He looks up at me. "He still didn't tell you..." his eyes were wide in realization. I furrowed my eyebrows with a frown, "Tell me what!?" I shouted and the room gone silent again.

Niall looked bad and couldn't find his words. "It's about Skulls..." He whispered.

"Hoooly shit!" Louis slaps his palm over his mouth with crossed arms, turning away. "No one talks about him!" Victoria tried to shut him up. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YO-"

I furrow my brows and gulped, "What's Skulls?" I cut her off.

She scoffs, "Do you mean... who's Skulls?" She corrected me. "Oh she really doesn't know-" Louis turned to Zayn with his eyes wide.

"It's another mafia." Niall blurted out.

I gasped slightly and gulped the lump in my tightening throat.

"NIALL!" Louis yells out.

"Sounds like none of you wanted me to know as much Harry didn't." I murmur and I looked at all of them, feeling confused. "How does that involve Harry? Did he do something to him?" I began feeling worried.

"In the beginning before we joined Noceur, after that accident about Addison, we all had to choose a side or if we don't... we'll have nowhere to go or get killed since we were slightly involved with knowing about the mafias. We all joined Noceur but Harry wanted to join Skulls for some reason and that's one of the worst choices." Niall explained.

"H-How bad is it?"

"Well, they force you to do bad things and you won't be yourself there- you'll completely lose it. They'll haunt you like a ghost until you lose your mind like a horror movie." Niall spoke again.


"That's what The Red was for!?" my eyes went wide and he was just about to stand up, "Just to prepare him to not be himself as a bad person!? We have to do something..." My hands started shaking. "W-Why did he kill his dad?!" my own voice broke and I turned away from everyone before I'd cry in my hands but I forced myself not to.

"Because he's been working with the Greeners' leader, ever since we joined Noceur or when Harry made that choice." Louis answered for Niall.

"It was before we joined." Zayn murmurs.

"No shit Sherlock!" Louis barked. He probably doesn't like it when someone else says something else over his honest answer.

"Loui- shh." Niall warns.

"Alright, this will be our official plan. We all will go to Forks right now, Zayn you know where the weapons are at just in case... Louis I need you to look for Liam when we get there and Maxine and Narcissa can look for Harry with me." Niall said and I turned around facing them.

"Um- what do I do!?" Victoria spoke with attitude and stood up with crossed arms looking like she'd be left out.

"I need you to let us know whatever happens with the Greeners." Niall helped Louis set up his case with his laptop. "Fine." She rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say, captain." She continued with her annoyed tone.

"Maxine, I need you and Narcissa to pack up something small quickly and we'll be on our way to the airport today." Niall quickly said. "I'm getting a jet."

"Okay." I nodded and let Victoria follow me out to leave.

Now I have to go to the small town I was born at. Also where Harry used to live with his mom and sister and then the boys including their foster mother.

It's like taking a long trip to the past.

Mines stays unknown.

hours later

I looked at my reflection of the bathroom mirror before walking out to where everyone else is in small hotel room.

I grabbed the gun Niall gave me and put it in my bag with the switchblade also in it and I'll keep my bat with me. I also have the butterfly jar to sit in my mini backpack so I wouldn't lose it for maybe later on.

I'm nervous about what will happen. I have to leave the innocence behind right now and focus on fighting back to save Harry and Liam. But we all don't know if it involves saving anyone or not yet.

The whole town of Forks is cleared out... Looking dark and abandoned or should I say I ghost town.

Victoria told all of us that it's cleared out because the Greeners told them that they're filming an important film... that's a big dumb lie. There's not many people in this town as well.

We spent a few hours in New York getting prepared and I told Ashton to put things in pause for a bit until we come back... depending if we survive or not. He was starting to wonder why me and the girls had to go out of the city to a small town across the US and I told him I had to get something important.

I told Zoe and Polly I'll be in Forks to find Liam and they were totally confused and curious so I had Niall explain everything while we were in the private jet. They said wanted to help and they said they've been through the worst things before, so they'll try.

Victoria told us that the Greeners is planning to do something around 2am as well which is now... 2:47am. Liam never called back... Harry also hasn't responded either.

I hope they're okay.

"We need to split up now. Maxine, Narcissa, Zoe, and Polly go to the hospital close here and look for those mini bombs and weapons that are in a janitors closet like Victoria said and give it to Zayn so he can hide them so that the Greeners wouldn't use them in this town. We wouldn't want them to cause problems in our home town." Niall directs us. "It has already been through its worst."

"Me, Zayn and Louis will go look for Liam and Victoria you'll go find Emmet and bring him to his good side and see if we can trust him to tell us what else is going on. Let's go." He said before we all walked out of the hotel room, leading the way.

"What do we do when we're done?" I asked Niall from behind.

"You can go find Harry after that. Call me if anything happens, Louis is also in charge of the getaway plan if things take a dark turn having all of us in danger they are meant to put us in." He answered and I nodded, agreeing with the plan. "There's a lot of Greeners, more then just all of us right now. We aren't going to be able to fight back most of them." He adds while we walked out in the humid and foggy air.

I just know that the whole town of Forks won't be the same in the future... I hope it sees the light again.

It was really dark outside of course and most of the streetlights was off leaving us in the dark. We're at the same hotel where we once were back in October. Niall and the others went to the right and me and the girls went to the left.

"So... are you ready girls?" Narcissa asked all of us before we walked into the hospital moments later after a long walk. "Yeah..." I muttered while I pushed open the front door that wasn't locked.

"I don't know how to use a gun." Zoe blurts out, "You know I'm not a weapon type girl and I hold whisks, spatulas, knives an-" She turns to Polly who's standing next to her. "I'll show you." Polly took it from her, cutting her off in the list of baking and kitchen goods Zoe was gonna explain. She looked if there was any ammo in it as we all walked in the dark hospital.

"Now where is that janitors closet?" Narcissa asked to herself. I turned on the flashlight from my phone to look for any signs that'll lead the way to the closet or it's just randomly there. "Down the hall somewhere." Polly said behind me and Narc.

Polly turned back to Zoe and started explaining to her how to use a gun in the background behind me. I kneeled down, taking off the clear mini backpack and hid it under the chair in the waiting room and also took out the gun to leave it in my hoodie.

"This will be fun." Narcissa said with her shoulder bumping onto mines. "Maybe... but- what if Harry isn't okay?" I asked with a worried tone.

She lowers her eyes and held my hand with a little rub on the back of my cold palm, "I know he'll be fine. When we find him, hopefully he'll tell you why he really ran off." She smiled and I smiled back a bit.

We both immediately turned our heads hearing a gun shot. I yelped.

"Shoot!" Polly raised her voice and Zoe made one shot the the cup of pens. "Oh... that was easy." She raised her eyebrows in disbelief and smiled at all of us.

"Good aim and Jesus Christ-" I blurted out with a small smirk, resting my hand on my chest as I stood up and have the bat hanging off my shoulder with my right hand.

We walked down the dark hallway and found the closet in the matter of seconds after we passed the double doors. "Back up." Polly said as she pointed her gun to the lock so she can shoot it and unlock it without a key.

We all covered our ears before she pulled the trigger. Polly flinched after that and removed the lock to turn the doorknob. Zoe went in and found a large heavy duffle bag. "Yep these are the boomers." She smiled and I got down on one knee to see them and check if they're what Zayn was talking about.

Narcissa lets out a scoff, "Boomers." She chuckled. "Alright girls, we need to get out of here before so-" she paused after hearing a loud squeak. "...something... happens..." She turned around facing to where the end of the hallway is.

I looked at the same direction and so did Polly and Zoe. "What?" I whispered. "You heard something?" My lips part.

"What the hell was that?" Polly whispered and then a red flickering lights showed up then about a couple of people with masks showed up at the end of the hallway.

I immediately stood up, turning my head to Narcissa with creasing brows. "I swear if that's the boys- I'll shove my foot up their asses-" Polly murmurs, gritting her teeth.

"Uh..." Zoe looked confused of course, wide eyes stayed at the end of the hall. "What the fuck! This isn't Halloween!" Narcissa yelled at them and none of them reacted. One was wearing a rabbit mask, Michel Myers, that guy from Friday the 13th, a monkey, a horse and a skull mask. "G-Guys... I don't think they're here for a sweet ass conversation with four fucking gay girls who's in a girl band." Polly backed up, "Definitely not like Little Mix..." she whispers.

"You didn't have to bring that up." Narcissa replies with a shout whisper. My eyes were still on the figures and I can see that they have weapons too. The Michel Myers mask is possibly Marcus because he always have that same knife with him.

It always says "You're Mine" on the side in cursive.

How is he fucking alive still!? That's what I'm scared about. Always getting back on his feet and pretending like he hasn't even been injured for the millionth time.

The group slowly started walking towards us even though they're like- what... thirty feet away from us?

Maybe less than that.

"We gotta get out here before they attack our asses!" Narcissa shouted and Polly went to the double doors to open it, but it's now locked. "Shit!" She hissed. "I'm mentally not prepared for thiiiis!" Zoe joined in on the panicking as she sang out like being in opera.

"There should be another door at the other side of the hospital around the cafeteria and there should be back door to get out of here." I quickly told them.

But this hallway is the only way to probably get there. We should just attack them so they won't block our way maybe that's the only choice we have.


"I know what you're thinking, Max." Narcissa sighed and took out the knife she had hidden in her boot. I clenched my hand around the neck of the bat, bringing it down off my shoulder as I watched the group coming closer towards us slowly if we're gonna approach them as well.

"Remember what Niall said... they won't stop until we're dead so... we'll have to take them down ourselves." Narcissa reminded all of us. I nodded and took a deep breath, "We'll do this for Noceur." I mumbled and they all nodded, quickly getting themselves prepared.

We all went down the hallway as they went closer to us as well, I dragged my bat behind me with a straight face and turned my head to Narcissa seeing her half smirk on her face and Zoe was next to her as she looked straight ahead. Polly gave me a wink dramatically (she doesn't know what she's doing) and I turned my head back to where the masked people are, seeing them getting more closer and closer.

I'll start with Marcus first.

He's my target.




- A

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