The Legend of Vox Naruto

By Mars_Fallen

5.8K 80 17

Naruto having been brought to the world Of Exandria by kakashi's last ditch effort to save his student became... More

CH 1: These guys are mercenaries?
Ch 3: The banquet
CH 4: Consequences and revelations
chapter 5: on the road again

CH 2: We're Vox F**king Machina

1.3K 16 4
By Mars_Fallen

Naruto groaned tiredly as the group had finally made it back to Emon. He slowly climbed off of Trinket's back and patted the bear's armored head. "Thanks boy. Once I'm fully healed, you're getting a nice treat of fresh fish and a whole hive of courser bee honey." the bear growled in delight nuzzling against the kitsune. Vex smiled and stood beside him to make sure Naruto was going to be okay walking into the palace. "You sure you're up to this right now? You should be resting. Even with Pike healing the rest of your injuries you're still not at one hundred percent." Naruto smiled and nodded as he took her hand to help stabilize himself. "I'm okay Vex. Let's go talk to Uriel then we can finish this quest. Let me do a bit of bullshitting." The group walked in to hear arguing, sir Fince was saying that Vox Machina had died. "Doom? We don't know the meaning of the word." Scanlan said as Grog added. "I certainly don't." Naruto stepped forward Vex holding his arm. Uriel, Allura, Fince, and Kima gasped at the state he was in. They'd never seen kitsune with even a scratch on him. "I'm sure you're aware but the enemy is a blue dragon. I've fought many beasts and slain a dragon or two before but this one was powerful. Even all eight of us along with Trinket we had trouble. If it weren't for the rip on its side I'd made with one of my blades and Keyleth saving us from a rockslide I'm sure it would've stayed and killed us." He scanned the room and all but one seemed worried about him and the situation. That's when Naruto noticed it. On General Krieg's neck right in the same spot where Samehada had ripped into the dragon was a burn mark the exact same length. It was a chakra burn to be exact. No creature, weapon or spell in all of Exandria could replicate it. "So you didn't kill it?" Fince said as Allura was beside the group using a spell to fix anything that Pike and Naruto's healing factor hadn't. "Not yet, Sire don't worry. We have a lead and we know where the dragon is. We wanted to alert you and gather supplies." Uriel nodded as a ringing was heard in Vex's ear. She held her head and Naruto began growling. "These blubbering fools are useless sire, perhaps if we made an offering for the dragon, gold in exchange for peace" Vax scoffed and said. "Why don't we shake it's hand and offer it a fucking pint while we're at it." Vex sighed and said. "A dragon cannot be bartered with, if it desires Emon's destruction it will not relent." Krieg turned to the Sovereign and said. "You heard her sire. You know what must be done." Lady Kima stepped forward and said. "But what if it attacks the city? We'd be sitting ducks." Naruto agreed with the halfling on that. It'd be stupid of Uriel to allow his entire army to leave the....... His eyes widened as he looked at Krieg before a sly grin appeared on his face. "What would you have me do?! Let it burn more farmland? Slaughter more innocents? No, we will bring the fight to it. On our terms. General, you may move our soldiers at dawn." Uriel said as Kima spoke up. "But sire, you know I.." Uriel stopped her speech. "I have made my decision lady Kima." He turned and began walking away. "Naruto do what you must. If you do achieve your goal before dawn send me a message your usual way. This Council is Adjourned." Vox Machina was led out by the guards as Naruto waved goodbye to Allura and Kima blowing them both a kiss. The Blond sorcerer blushed a bit a smile on her face as Kima's face softened as well. She mouthed. 'Glad you're okay.' The group was outside the gates and trying to come up with a plan. "I felt it again, Naruto did you as well?" Naruto nodded and said. "Yeah. I couldn't pinpoint it but I've got my suspicions. I hope you don't mind but I think I'll go off and try and find our dragon on my own. I'll send clones to grab you if I find anything." Vex nodded her head as she relayed the plan she came up with to the rest of the group. Pike stepped to the kitsune and said. "You need to eat something before you go skulking off looking for the dragon. We're fine but i know you need to eat more due to your... umm situation." Naruto had caught a few boar on their way back and ended up eating two of the three himself. Because he'd used so much energy fighting the dragon, using Mokuton which he hadn't mastered and had nearly drained his chakra, then healed almost every bit of his body after being crushed by a boulder he needed to consume a lot of calories. Naruto smiled at the gnome and said softly. "I will, don't worry Pike. I'll see you later. I think I figured out who our dragon is." Naruto left his new friends behind as he followed the energy he knew to be General Krieg's back to his home. Sliding one of his Hiraishin markers under the door adeptly the kitsune slipped into the manor. He changed his features his ten tails flowing behind him as he sniffed the air. He grinned and looked around finding little of interest. He heard a noise from below and using a henge turned into a mouse and found a trap door he squeezed through. He then heard the noise of the front door opening. He saw sir Fince come down the ladder into the secret basement and begin to gather scrolls and books Naruto knew was Krieg trying to skim money from the kingdom. He felt Krieg's energy and hid making sure his magical signature couldn't be felt. Vox machina show'd up and Scanlan stepped forth is hand forward as he said. "We caught you blue handed chicken humper. Drop your blade." Fince said. "No, you've got it all wrong I'm not stealing anything. I'm gathering evidence. General Krieg is planning a-" he was cut off as he had been run through by General Krieg's great sword. Naruto growled and unhenged tapping his arm as two short blades appeared in his hand. They had thorn like barbs two on each blade and radiated power. They were the kiba blades, a gift given to him by the reanimated corpse of their wielder Ameyuri Ringo of the seven swordsmen of the mist. "What?" Vex said as the entire group stated. "Krieg!" Vax stated. "Nice bloody technique. How do you stay so quiet in that armor?" Naruto sighed as he slashed at the general. "He's the one you guys." Krieg dodged the attack with the grace of someone half his size. He disappeared around the corner and Naruto roared. "Get back here you cocksucker! I'm only gonna slit your throat!" Grog laughed as he bolted after his blond buddy. "Wait up Naruto!" The rest of the group grimaced as they ran after the duo. Naruto stalked into a room sniffing the air. "I can smell you Krieg you dirty asslicker!" Grog came in with Pike behind him. "Shit." they searched the room as Percy said. "There must be some kind of secret entrance or trap door. Fan out. Look for some kind of fulcrum." Grog looked confused and said. "Wait a fuck room?" Pike looked a bit disturbed by what her old friend said as Naruto and Vax both laughed. "I mean that's what I heard." Vax said while Naruto nodded. "Yep, I heard that too." Percy rolled his eyes and said. "No, a lever or button. Just stand over there grog, and don't touch anything." Pike held her signet in one hand and scanned the room. Her eyes glowing she said. "Whoa. Everything in this room is magical." Naruto looked to Vex and winked as he pulled a scroll from his coat and began to seal every magical object inside. "Naruto are you stealing from Krieg?" Keyleth said as she saw her friend put the last of the magical artifacts into a scroll. "Uh yeah, the dude is gonna die soon. Might as well profit off of it. It's not like he can take it with him to hell." Keyleth sighed as Vax tossed Naruto a few books which he sealed into a scroll. Keyleth was looking and said. "Krieg is really into dragons." on the wall is a painting of a beautiful dragon woman completely naked a towel the only thing covering her modesty. Grog was standing in front of it mesmerized by the sexy portrait. "Ooooh how bootyful." he said completely perving out making grabbing motions. Keyleth noticed and said. "Grog, it's rude to stare. Grog stop, you're being gross." She threw one of the few books Naruto hadn't stolen at Grog which hit him in the head before going into the painting. Pike shouted. "Keyleth you found it. It's a portal!" Vax looked stunned as he said. "Nice work. Brilliant really." Keyleth blushed and said. "Oh, it was nothing." Vex looked annoyed as she said. "She threw a book at a head. It was nothing." Grog pressed his hands against the dragon ass before they disappeared into the portal. "My arms! Scanlan, Naruto look it! They're in the booty! That is so cool." The gnome and kitsune both chuckled at how happy grog was. Vex stepped up and said. "If we're gonna fight Krieg, we have to this as a team. Organized as one." Scanlan scoffed and said. "Please we we don't do organized. Look at us, we're Vox Machina. We fuck shit up!" Vex sighed as Naruto wrapped an arm around her and said. "Can we at least try?" Vax groaned and pushing his sister and the blond he said. "Can we at least go?" Naruto stepped forward and went through the portal first. "Let the regenerating meat shield go first. Then Grog." he said before disappearing. "But I'm the meat shield." Grog pouted as Vax pushed him. "Lead the way big man." Everybody went through except Scanlan who said. "Ya know what I'll stay here and keep watch." three fox tails came through the portal and lifted the gnome pulling him through. They walked through and Keyleth and Vex shivered. "Where are we?" Vex responded. "High in the mountains I'd say." Naruto slipped his cloak and jacket off and put them each on the two half elf women who smiled at him. "Wherever we are, we're far from Emon." Vax said. Naruto cracked his knuckles and made sure his swords were on his belt. They made it to a small ledge and they all gaped. Mountains of treasure as far as the eye can see. Naruto drooled at the sight. Dragons weren't the only creatures to hoard wealth. He smiled pulled several empty scrolls from his seals on his belt and made scores of shadow clones. "You guys know what to do. I don't wanna see a single silver left." Scanlan's eyes were wide. "No way...." everybody looked happy at the sight of the treasure and rushed down to steal some. Naruto said as they ran. "Hey be careful. Don't touch anything that looks weird. Let me check it first." but he felt like his words were ignored. Vax and Percy stood beside him as he watched his clones get to work gathering the treasure hoard. "Seems excessive for a council member." Percy said to which Vax responded. "Seems excessive for anyone." Pike and Grog were filling Gold into the bag of holding as vax found a bunch of vases and filled them with treasure before slipping them into the bag. Naruto unsealed a grey bag of holding and tossed it to Vex who smiled before gathering what she could. Naruto liked the bags but he preferred his seals. Only he could get the things within. Scanlan ran his hands through the treasure as he said. "Potions, jewels, is this a troll dick?" Grog used his axe to drag a pile into his bag as vax slid more vases in. "Think of all the ale we could buy." Grog said happily. Pike replied. "We could be drunk for weeks!" Grog nodded and said. "Days even!!" The treasure hoard was looking like small piles now with Naruto's clones handing the original their scrolls and taking empty ones. Naruto sealed them into his main storage scroll and sealed it into his belt. Scanlan swam through a hill of gold and treasure and said. "Ya know what? Uriel can keep his paltry payment. We're rich!" Vex stopped everyone and shouted. "Wait! Wait wait wait. This gold didn't fall out of the fucking sky. This is a hoard! We're in the dragon's lair!" Naruto snorted and had his clones finish up before storing the scrolls away. "Duh. Remember I've been in one before, I know what a hoard looks like. Question do you think it'd hurt to fuck on a pile of treasure?" Vax chuckled at the joke while Keyleth saw a strange black rock like object. "Those are pretty. But also.... ominous." the little black jewels on the rock opened to reveal green draconic eyes. "INTRUDERS" the creepy ominous voice spoke out. The stone began to crack the jewels breaking with red cracks. Everybody was on guard as Vex held her head in pain and Naruto let out a roar. "I must say I'm impressed. To tell ya the truth I was certain you would die the moment you met the mighty Brimscythe though it seems some vermin are harder to kill than others Eh Kitsune?" Naruto held his blades aloft as Vex said gasping in surprise. "You, you wanted Uriel to send the entire army out of Emon. So your dragon friend could wipe them all out." Krieg still had the creepy grin on his face as he said. "The age of man is coming to an end. There was a time when dragons ruled all of Taldorei. When we ruled the entire world." Percy groaned and said. "Did he just say we?" Naruto laughed and said. "Yeah I figured out it was you once we came back. Kima sent me a note telling me you were the only survivor of the entire army and all you got was that scar on your neck. Impressive. You guys notice it's a burn? In the exact spot I shredded into the dragon's neck. That's a chakra burn and nothing in Exandria can replicate it." This surprised the others and Krieg growled deeply at the slight against him. Lightning surged from his eyes as he began to transform." Scanlan looked like he was about to piss himself. "Didn't see this one coming did you Vex?" Brimscythe flew up and curling his wings and tail on stalactites and stalagmites using his talons to grip them he aimed a bolt of lightning at the group. Naruto lunged forward with both swords in hand. "Naruto what the fuck are you doing!?" Vex shouted. "You're going to die you dumbass!" Percy added. Naruto grinned holding the swords and spinning them as the lightning his and was absorbed by the blades. "These are the Kiba blades. Given to me as a gift by their original wielder back home. They absorb lightning and summon it whenever I please. Figured they'd come in handy against this prick." The group smiled in determination. With Naruto around their chances of not dying were going up. Brimscythe hit them again causing the group to jump back. Grog slid through a trail of gold his hand touching a small pile as lightning coursed through it shocking the Goliath. "Grog are you okay?" Percy asked. Grog smoke coming off him stated. "Umm no." the dragon was shooting lightning to split them up and keep Naruto from absorbing his attacks. Naruto roared and launched up into the air redirecting a bolt back at the monster hitting him in the eye. "I'm gonna make you into boots you scaly shithead!" Vex shot a magic arrow and Brimscythe said. "A tickle, let me return the favor." he jumped and started bounding around causing havoc. His tail slammed into Pike sending the small cleric flying. She almost slammed against an outcropping of rocks but Naruto flashed there the clang of a tri-pronged kunai knife hitting the rock. He held her for a second letting green chakra flow into her. "There no cracked ribs. Now would you like a nice dragonhide jacket Pike?" She grinned as he stood blocking a lightning strike. Scanlan was in trouble and he shouted. "Pike! Naruto! Somebody help!" Pike jumped in front of Scanlan using her magic to block the lightning strike. They grouped up Percy and Keyleth coming out from a mass of vines. "Vax! Did Gilmore give you any insight on how to kill this thing or did you flirt the entire time?" The twin said they were vain and egotistical which Vex said she knew that. "We can't do shit if it's in the air." Vax saw the markings on the dragon's neck near where Naruto had gotten it in their first battle. "Come on I've got a plan." Vex shouted. "Another one!?" Vex smacked Scanlan as they ran to regroup. "Okay for once you were right, maybe we don't fight as one. Maybe we do what we do best." Keyleth responded freaking out. "WHAT!? We have no best!" Brimscythe laughed loudly as he believed he was going to win. Scanlan scowled rolling his eyes. "So what do you want us to do run out there and yell, 'Hey dragon man we don't know what the fuck we're doin'" Vex smiled and nodded and Scanlan got a big grin on his face. Smoke cleared the show the group Sans Naruto standing as Grog shout. "Hey taint smear." Percy said. "Grog you're in my way again!" this devolved into a fight on who'd kill the dragon. "Kill me? I am the iron storm. You are nothing but INSECTS!" he shot a bolt of lightning that hit the group. The smoke cleared and they were unharmed before pink smoke made them disappear. "WHAT IMPOSSIBLE!" "Ahem" Scanlan said and brimscythe turned to see Scanlan and vex. The gnome snapped his fingers his pink magic flaring. "Now!" Vex shouted. Keyleth was scared as she ran and let loose large vines that grabbed at Brimscythe's left wing pulling it down. Meanwhile Percy dodged attacks and fired off rounds from his weapon smashing a large Stalactite that pierced into the dragon's right wing. Vax ran forward dodging falling rocks. He was almost crushed by a boulder but a pink hand smashed it. Scanlan grinned as he picked Vax up with his magic hand and threw him with a shout of. "SCANLAN'S HAND!" Vax flew onto the dragon's neck and using Naruto's cut as a marker sliced into the magic vein of the dragon where the two rivers meet. "Light him up Vex!" Pike shouted using her magic to set her arrow on fire. She fired it and it hit true as Brimscythe began to charge at them. "Look who's nice and low boys." Naruto switched out his kiba blades for a large executioner style blade that looked like it belonged on a guillotine. "I would like to RAGE!" Grog shouted as he went into a barbarian rage. Naruto growled as he said. "LET'S GO WILD." he rushed forward ten tails charging magical energy as he caught up with Grog. The two swung their giant weapons and SMASH! Grog's axe cut into the dragon's jaw as Naruto had completely decapitated the beast. Grog covered in blood and sparking with electricity said woozily. "Is he dead?" Naruto groaned as he slid to the ground. "Well fuck. Hmm maybe I could make a house with this thing." he said mostly to himself as he started sealing the body up to sell the parts off. He knew they'd make great ingredients for potions and such. Grog ripped a tooth out of the beast as Scanlan said. "Souvenir?" Grog said. "Proof we killed the scaley turd." Scanlan smiled and said. "Ya know you're a lot smarter than we give you credit for Grog." Grog smiled and said. "Yup I'm a genius." Then the cave started to crumble. "Oh fuck this day." Vax shouted. Naruto sighed and grabbed everybody pulling them close. "Grab a piece of my clothing and hold on tight. I've never done this with more than two people. Welcome to Naruto teleportation keep your hands, arms legs and tails inside the ride at all times. Everybody ready!? Too late let's go!" With that his tails wrapped around the group and they disappeared in a yellow flash and reappeared in Krieg's study under the manor. Naruto sighed in relief as he fell onto the desk. "Fuck am I glad I left a hiraishin marker here." Vax holding his vomit in stood and walked to the painting. He looked down at the bloody coin in his hand and said. "We got him, kid." Naruto placed his hand on his shoulder and said. "Go ahead the cave hasn't collapsed yet." He knew that as all but one clone had finished grabbing all the treasure and dispersed. The last clone used a hiraishin to go inform Uriel that they'd killed the dragon. Vax threw the coin into the portal before they left. Naruto made clones to go steal anything of value from the manor which made the twins smile mischievously at his cunning. Percy saw this and said. "With you stealing everything that's not nailed down, do you think we have enough treasure for a keep?" At that statement everybody froze and looked at Naruto. He smiled and said. "Yeah I guess with your share of it you could." He then added. "I'll split it up later. Lets go talk to Uriel." Percy looked to Vex who whispered in Vax's ear. He whispered to Keyleth then Pike who nodded. Scanlan smiled and gave a thumb's up and Grog was all smiles. "Oi Naruto." Vex shouted to which Naruto stopped and turned from the street he was walking down to see they were still in front of Krieg's gate. "You know you're a member of vox machina right? It means you're stuck with us." Naruto bit his lip to keep from crying. For the first time in such a long time he was accepted by others just for being himself. "Th-thanks, I really mean it." He was then lifted into the air by grog who gave him a bear hug. "You're our buddy buddy! We wouldn't let you just leave us. We're murder buddies. We killed a dragon together!" they went off to the palace and stood before sovereign Uriel. "Vox machina, for your selfless heroism I proclaim you all protectors of the realm and honorary members of the council of Taldorei. I know i can hardly believe it myself. Naruto you will always be known as our protector and the seat is your as well." At this the group all smiled and Naruto nodded. Percy smiled adjusting his glasses. "Oh how I missed respectability." Vex stepped forward and said. "Yes, yes, yes, that's all fine and good, but where is the... Ah. There we are." Vex Vax and Scanlan all grinning ran to the chest and opened it. "Heh heh payday!" Inside were a key and a scroll. The trio looked perplexed at the items as Scanlan said. "Keys? Parchment? Where's our reward." Jovially Uriel said. "You're holding it. The deed to your new keep here in Emon. We need our protectors close at hand to, you know, protect." The group all smiled happy to finally have a home. Naruto stood in the back by Grog glad to have his mask on for once. Tears streamed down his face, finally he had a home he could call his own and he sort of had a family too. Pike from her spot on Grog's shoulder saw him and whispered. "Hey are you okay Naruto?" he nodded his head and replied. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just feels nice to actually have a place to call home. Feels even nicer to have a family like you guys." Pike smiled at this. It'd been a long time since any of them had had a place to call home. but she frowned at what he had said after. 'He never had a family? Did he grow up an orphan in his world?" she thought before smiling again as grog ruffled her hair a big grin on his face which she replicated. Scanlan though wasn't happy with the deed or keys. "Uh-huh. Uh, hypothetically, if we sold it, how much do you think that...." he stopped his train of thought as he saw the looks on the faces of Uriel Kima and Allura. "Okay." Vex took the scroll from Scanlan and unrolled it as Vax stood beside her and said. "Sister, we have a home." The two siblings smiled at one another sharing a moment before Keyleth slid in front of them exuberant as she said. "Wait till I tell my father. Oh the ashari are never going to believe this." she put her arms around the siblings and continued. "I bet... I'm ruining a moment right now, aren't I? Yep, I'm just gonna for over here now." Uriel commanded their attention again as he said. "As protectors, you must understand that the threat is far from over. We suspect Krieg may have been part of a larger plot. As such i have arranged for an important banquet to discuss the security of our realm. It'll be quite delightful really. We have a wonderful cook." Naruto scoffed and said after hed wiped the tears from his eyes and took his mask off. "Yeah,' I bet she still can't make a decent pot of ramen." this caused Allura and Kima to laugh and Uriel to sigh. Allura smiled at the kitsune before speaking. "We trust you will all attend. In fact, several dignitaries should be on their way as we speak." the group smiled and they all left except for Naruto. He and Uriel sat down at the counsil table with Allura and Kima. The rest of the council understood that it wasn't a council meeting but a discussion between friends. "So Naruto, are you sure you want to go through with this?" Uriel stated as naruto nodded his head. "Yes. I know that blue skinned asshole is there. i also know if I fuck up you have to renounce my name and titles and have me charged for treason. But Uri, you know what that monster did to me. He..." Naruto couldn't complete his sentence as he teared up. Uriel held his shoulder and said. "Yes my friend I understand what he did. If he is in Whitestone like you say then I can't help you. You'll be on your own. The council cannot interfere in personal matters. If you slight the Briarwoods than I can do nothing if they bring their complaints to me." Naruto nodded his head and said. "Yeah I know. But from what my clones could gather when I finally got them through, the Briarwoods have ruined Whitestone your majesty. The Suntree is dying and everybody is either dying or in hiding. Cassandra Derollo is being held captive by the Briarwoods and I think they're doing something with the Residuum." Kima and Allura both frowned at what he said. "Sire, he's right, the Briarwoods haven't been seen or heard from before. If it weren't for Naruto's abilities we wouldn't know anything about Whitestone." Allura nodded her head to what Kima was saying. Uriel sighed rubbing his head as he said. "Officially I can't condone this but I hereby order Naruto Uzumaki the Kitsune of Taldorei to investigate Whitestone when he can and find out what is amiss there." he patted his friend on the shoulder as he walked out to speak with his wife. Allura and Kima both stood and Allura hugged the hero kissing his cheek. "I know you want to find her but don't lose yourself to vengeance along the way." Naruto sighd and said. "I won't become like others ive known. They let vengeance take them over." Allura left the room and Kima tugged on his shirt and kissed him. "Don't die on us." she said before leaving. Naruto chuckled as he left the building and saw that vox machina had waited for him. "What took you so long? We're going to see our new keep. We need you to help fix any issues." Scanlan said as Naruto cracked his neck. "Just getting permission from Uriel to let me leave for a few days after the banquet. I have a personal mission I need to take care of. Shall we go see our home?" they left the palace and were shown by a few guards. They explored their new home and made plans. Naruto made a small group of shadow clones who began to repair all of the issues he found with the building. He asked Keyleth to add some plants to certain areas to make it seem homier. He rebuilt the shrine for Pike and created a symbol of the Everlight for her. He happily found the basement and took a small storage room as his own room. Using expansion seals he turned it into a suite. Using the massive hoard of treasure they had taken from Brimscythe's cave they bought new furniture and made the place look nice. And true to his word each member of vox machina received dragonhide. For Pike he made that jacket he promised her. He made dragonhide boots for Grog and Percy along with a few Picks for Scanlan to boost his magic on his lute. Dragonhide chainmail for Keyleth, Vex, and Vax. He remade all of armor on Trinket into dragonscale armor. He had sold the organs and such to Gilmore who was so happy to have the rare ingredients. He used the bones like he said he would and re-enforced the keep with dragon bones with seals etched into them to keep intruders out. Once they'd finished Naruto yawned and laid back on his bed. Vex walked through his open door and said. "Hey, I just wanted to talk to you. Thank you for everything you've done. we may not know eachother well and I have major trust issues but I know you're trying to help us be better." She sat on the edge of his bed as Naruto sat up. "Where is it you're going after the banquet? I heard you tell Grog that the brewery you two were going to make would have to wait until you got back. You're a part of vox machina now, whether you like it or not." Naruto smiled and gave her a one armed side hug. "I do like it, but what I have to do is something I had planned for a long time. I'm heading to Whitestone to help liberate the people from a pair of monsters called the Briarwoods. They have a man in their employ named Duke Venmire. He did something that requires me to rip his skin off feed it to him then impale him on my blade." The way Naruto spoke scared the half elf slightly. "What did he do that would make you this upset? You're shaking naruto... your hands!" she took his hands which he had noticed hed ripped into his skin with his nails. Naruto took a deep breath and with tears in his eyes he said. "Duke Venmire is a hunter of rare creatures. He wiped out an entire species of triceratops. What he did to me will still haunt me even after this. He killed my wife." Vex looked at him wide eyed as he revealed one of the most personal things he never told anyone but Uriel, Allura, and Kima. "You had a wife? How did she die if you don't mind me asking?" Naruto took a breath as he looked down at the floor before looking Vex in the eye. "As you know when I came to this world, I was turned into a kitsune. The species is rare now due to the prejudice and murders. I met Amara on a job about four years ago, I fell in love with her after and we became inseparable after. Kitsune and Vixen. The most powerful mercenaries in the world. We did end up busting an illegal trading and animal slaughter ring Venmire was a part of. Hell, it was his organization. He decided that if he couldn't get animals and creatures to kill he'd make us his hunt. He tricked us, had a patsy tell us where there were creatures trapped that a client hired us to save. Turns out we got trapped. He created a minotaur style maze and chased us through it. Amara didn't make it. Even though I am a kitsune in looks and magic I don't have their weaknesses." He took a breath and Vex patted his knee before he continued. "You know the only way to kill a kitsune is to rip out its heart or to decapitate it. He... he cut her head off right in front of me. She fell in my lap. You know what she told me before we went in? "Naruto my beloved, you're going to be a daddy" I was so happy I wanted to tell her to go home so I could finish the job. We would retire for a bit and raise our child. But he took them from me. He stabbed me in the heart and thought he'd killed me. I couldn't find her body or head to try and save her when i woke up. I assume he took her for a trophy. I just want her back so I can bury her and our baby. I will kill the monster that destroyed my family before it even began." Vex had tears in her eyes as she held the blond. "We will help you. We'll go with you and get her back. I promise." Naruto smiled at her and said. "So how much will it cost me?" she laughed and gently punched his arm. "Jerk, we don't charge family." he yawned and said softly. "I'm gonna sleep for a bit but I'll be upstairs in a bit to cook. You've never eaten til you've had my cooking." Vex left the room and Naruto closed his eyes. Dreams of a silver haired kitsune with a baby kitsune with silver and red hair plagued his dreams like they usually did.

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