Love Upon Rivalry (Chris Stu...

By vinnieswifelol

106K 319 111

After making a deal with her ex boyfriend, Adelia decides to watch his lacrosse teams biggest competition pra... More

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3.8K 38 3
By vinnieswifelol

Adelia Díaz

We didn't have much customers so we were mainly just messing around until the bell chimed meaning someone walked in. As i turned i quickly realized it was Nick, Luna and Elsie.

"Hey you guys made it!" Liz yelled. "How was the game?"

"It was good Somerville won!" Luna yelled back with the same energy as Lizbeth

"Why are we yelling!" Nick yelled too making us all laugh.

"Do you guys want anything? You don't need to pay or anything, we're almost closing and this all goes to waste anyways." Kayla asked while she served herself some oreo cookie flavored ice cream.

They all walked towards the counter and observed the flavors.

"You make new ones everyday?" Elsie asked and i nodded.

"Well we don't but the early shift people do."

"Can i get coffee?" I grabbed a cup and served Elsie then gave it to her.

"Uhh mint chocolate chip- wait what do you like?" Nick asked and i chuckled.

"I love oreo, butter pecan and coffee." I replied while grabbing two cups.

"Uh i'll just get what you're having i can't choose." I served us both oreo.

"When we close we always take a little pint of different flavors to try them all." Kayla admit while licking her spoon. "I even mix them sometimes."

"Wait where do you guys go to school?" Luna asked. I was debating on telling her but i don't know if she'd hate us.

"We go to a school in Andover." Kayla spoke not thinking twice.

"Really?" Nick asked and i hummed, "High school or Academy?"

"Bro this coffee ice cream is so good, i fucking love coming here." Elsie spoke again, distracting herself and Nick from the question. "We should bring Matt and Chris to eat something next time."

"Chris would go crazy."

"He would." They laughed. "One of us should work here so we can eat this all the time without having to pay."

"Just come near closing when one of us is working" I shrugged, "I'd literally let you get anything and still take some home if you want."

"I love you Adelia" Luna spoke with a big smile on her face.

"You guys should apply so we can work together." Liz offered. "Our friends mom owns this so we can ask him or her."

"That'd be so much fun."

"I remember not that long ago i worked with my triplet brothers at a grocery store and people would be so confused when they'd see us, it was hilarious" He spoke while laughing. "I liked working there"

"Whyd you guys stop?"

"It was a summer job."

For the time we had left in our shift, we helped two last customers and then started putting everything away. We packed up three pints of ice cream, M&M for Elsie to take home, vanilla for Nick, and it was Kayla's turn to choose for us so she got birthday cake oreo. Luna didn't wanna take any ice cream home because she said it would probably melt by the time she gets home.

After that we gave them some toppings and dumped the rest along with the open ice creams. The only thing we don't throw is the cakes and the unopened stuff to make the ice cream.

They even helped us clean which i appreciated greatly. While i washed the dishes in one of the back rooms, Nick was the one dumping everything but also just keeping me company. Liz was counting the money and locking it up, Kayla was sweeping, Luna helped mop, and Elsie was cleaning counters.

"I heard you bumped into my brother." I looked at Nick who was smiling at me.

"Twice." I admit with a nervous laugh, "He told you?"

"Uh no i saw the one at the restaurant and since Matt, my other brother, saw too he told me that it happened at the school after practice." I nodded, "He calls you bumpy."

I laughed, "That's so embarrassing. I call him the phone dropper." I guess to him i'm bumpy. Nick laughed at the name i call his brother.

Me and him spent minutes talking, just us two about random stuff. We went from talking about the bumping incident to him telling me how he came out and how the girls were there for him through it all. He even asked me about my first kiss, which was Lucas.

This is the first guy who i clicked with right away, i feel like i can tell him anything and not be judged.

"You know how you asked about the school we go to?" He nodded, "We go to the academy and we went to your school just to watch the practice. Your brothers and the rest of those guys are so much better than our team by the way."

"So Kayla doesn't have a boyfriend at my school?"

"No, i'm sorry for lying we just didn't know if everyone there was like the Andover people." He gave me a comforting smile.

"I'd never dislike anyone cause of their school or city, Ad. To be honest i could care less about what people at my school think"

"Me either"

"So how does your school work? You live there or do you live with your parents?" Nicolas sounded so curious which made me smile.

"So parents have a choice, their kid or kids can live there or live at home, I chose there so i would be more independent but my brothers live at home."

"Wait you have brothers? How does dorming work? I've always wanted to know" I chuckled.

"I have one older sister, an older step brother and a younger step brother. But they've been in my life since i was four so i see them the same as my sister. There's two dorm buildings one is female one is male, no person of the opposite gender can be in the other building before 6 am or after 9 pm. So in my building it's all girls and no men can be there from 9-6."

"Are the girls your roommates?"

"Yes, my parents are friends with some of the important academy people so they pulled some strings to get us together in the dorm."

"Bruh that's actually so cool."

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Guys are you done?!" Liz yelled so we walked out from the back to where the three girls were.

"Yeah we were just talking."

"Nick i have to het you home before your mom kicks my ass." Luna joked.

"Okay." We hugged and then he hugged Kayla and Liz while the girls hugged us goodbye too.

"Text us when you guys get home!" I yelled at them, "And thank you for helping us clean."

They walked out with the pints in their hands and made their way to the car parked next to the one we brought. We stayed five minutes after they left just to make sure we turned the system off properly, locked up the money in a safe and locked the shop doors.

When everything looked good we made our way to the car and i got to drive this time.

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