Short Stories

By Percabeth5

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Short Stories
Charlie and Adam
Wow! That Was Random!
The Creature
The Creature: Part Two (redo)
Love at First Sight?
My Hatred for Nyquil only grows stronger
One Day in Language Arts This is What We Came Up With.....
"Santa Claus" and a cute boy
Books I Read In 2013
Our Song
Love Inside a Coffeehouse
Lets be rebels that go to the park after it closes
Where I'm From.....
Books I Read in 2014
"I Figured You'd Be Here"
A Different sort of Person, in a Normal sort of Place
Someone New in the House
Jelly Beans in Aisle Three

The Dragon

11 0 1
By Percabeth5

The Dragon

The girl walked up to the black dragon that was crouching in the corner of the cave. The dragon moves his eyes over the girls ragged body. He takes in the girls torn clothes, dirty face, and skinny frame. She was tired and hungry. Slowly, A shaky hand reaches toward the dragon and lands on his nose. The black nose is slightly wet and cold. The dragon doesn't move. He doesn't move until the fragile girl collapses in a heap of skin and bones.

A black mass of rough skin and wings rise from the floor of the cave. He nudges the girl gently with his nose. Her body lays on the floor in a small heap, unmoving. Again the dragon's eyes move over the girl's body. Sweat glistens on her forehead, her hair is in a tangled knot on the top of her head, her skin is nearly as pale as the snow that flies in through the entrance of the cave. The Dragon can almost see the life draining out of the girl.

Coughs erupt out of the girl. The dragon jumps back onto its hind legs. The dragon stands still until the blood appears on the floor of the cave. It drips from the girls mouth and from her hand.

Gently, the dragon picks the girl up and carries her deeper into the cave. The further the dragon walks the warmer and lighter it gets. The longer they walk the weaker the girl gets. Her coughs turn to gasping breaths, her arms fall past her body, her body gets limp but her eyes stay open.

The light grey eyes of the limp girl stick out. They make the girl look closer to death. The dragons bright green eyes make him look alive. The girl and the dragon could not have been more different.

Soon the dragon arrives in the middle of the cave. Light engulfs the girl and the dragon. The dragon's wings unfold themselves until they are their full length. In the dragons front paws,the girl rests. He holds onto her tightly and jumps off the side of the cliff.

The dragon soars through the open cave smoothly. He flies over the other dragons, streams full of clear blue water, tall trees, and breathtaking flowers. The girls knotted black hair flies around her face in clumps. The dragons eyes look for an empty patch of grass where he can lay the girl down . He flies in circle until he spots the perfect spot.

The patch of grass is tucked away at the edge of the cave. It sits in the idle of a bundle of willow tree. A small stream flows through the middle of the patch of lush green grass. There are no flowers, or big rocks. It is just grass, trees, and a stream. It is peaceful.

The dragon gently dives down. He lands on the patch of grass with a dull thud. The black dragon sets the sleeping girl on the ground, careful to make sure her head doesn't hit the ground to hard.

The dragon curls up next to the girl. He watches her as she rests. Every once in a while the girl twitches or lets out a small whimper. The dragon gently runs his claws through the girls hair, pulling at the knots, as he waits for her to awaken. Soon her hair is untangled and is laid out around her head.

The dragon lays with the girl as the cave grows dark and cold. The long, black wing of the dragon unfolds from his body and covers the weary girl. The dragon can feel shivers running up the girls spine. Her skin is cold and pale. The girl continues to sleep. The dragon watches over her, growling at every dragon that comes close.

As light creeps into the cave, the girl's shivering stops, her breathing grows quieter, and her heartbeat slows. The dragon watches as the girls life slowly fades away. She never wakes before her breathing stops, and her heartbeat no longer exists. The girls life blinks out of existence without anyone knowing except for the dragon.


Hey! So the dragon is supposed to be like Toothless. I really love Toothless. But anywhoozies this story kind of sucks and I know that. so yeah.

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