House of Balloons || Percabet...

By King-Of-The-Fall

4.1K 212 307

Tension and animosity at Neo Daedalus was at an all time high as rival architects Percy Jackson and Annabeth... More

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By King-Of-The-Fall

"Wow, you're buying me food, too? I figured you forgot all about me by now."

Percy grimaced a bit, ashamed. "I'm sorry, Zo." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her closer to him as they walked. "Work and this project have really been eating my ass."

"And Annabeth?"

"She hasn't eaten my ass, no."

Zoë shoved him, bursting out a laugh. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't friends with you."

"Your loss."



She snorted. "You're literally twenty eight. Act like it."

"Nah, I'm good."

Crossing the street, the two arrived at their destination. Panda Express. Percy reached out and held the door open for her as they walked in. Shortly after, the two of them sat down with oodles of food between them.

"Is it bad to get Panda right after we just worked out?"

"No," Percy answered after he swallowed a hefty bite of General Tso's. "It's still protein and whatnot."

"Among other things," she said, but continued to scarf it down. She pointed her fork at him. "So, how's your project going?"

"Pretty good. I have two probable designs, but I think I'm gonna go with the second because it fits London architecture better, but there's also elements and influences from other places. A lot of it is internal though, and I'm basically tryna show off how we're an international company."

"All of this seems kinda over the top for an office building. But then again I know nothing."

"No, you're right. I'm thinking it'll appeal to Zeus more. He's always had a flair for dramatics."

"Big time."

"I still need my 3D model, but Leo can do that in like a day so I'll text him about that soon..." He went on for a bit longer about logistics when he noticed the look she was giving him. "Oh, my bad, I'm rambling."

"No, no, I kinda like it when you ramble about something intelligent for once." Zoë laid her chin atop her interlocked fingers. "But I'm glad to hear it's going well."

"Yeah. So how's the hubby?"

Percy smiled seeing her face light up.

"He's good," she gushed. "He got promoted the other day and we went out to celebrate at Rao's, can you believe that?"

He laughed. "It's crazy how we went to highschool across the street from that place without knowing how high class a restaurant it was."

"I know, right? That's exactly what I told him so I think he's been planning it for a while."

"He's so fuckin' smart," Percy said blankly, but his lips were twitching.

Zoë giggled and swatted his arm. "Shut up." Her smile dimmed a bit as she became more contemplative. "So there's something I actually wanted to talk to you about."

"Okay," he said slowly. "What's up? You alright?"

"Better than alright." He watched as she pushed backward on the chair and pressed a hand low on her abdomen. Wait, wait—"I'm... pregnant."

Percy's eyes flared wide as he shot to a stand, sending his chair toppling back with a slam. "Are you serious?! Don't play around right now! You're serious? Holy shit, you're actually serious."

He should probably never be allowed to say the word 'serious' ever again.

Everyone in the restaurant turned to look at him, but Percy paid them no mind. His palms slapped loudly on the table, wobbling his drink dangerously. Zoë hissed his name but the laughter in her voice was unmistakable. With a tug, he gathered her up in a fierce embrace.

"Fuck bro, I'm so happy for you, Zoë!" Percy lifted her off her feet and swung her around like a ragdoll. "What—how, when did you find out?"

Zoë's arms tightened around him once more before she smacked his shoulder. "Put me down first! You're making a scene—shit! You're gonna hurt somebody! Mainly me! Pregnant woman here, hello!"

When Percy finally did so, she profusely apologized to the customers and staff, embarrassed beyond belief. It was a good thing this place was run by easy going people. His fingers curled around her wrist and tugged her back into her seat before grasping both of her hands in his.

His questions shot off like a turret. "When did you find out? Are you okay? How long has it been? What did your hus—"

"One at a time." She smiled fondly at his excitement and squeezed his hands. "I found out this morning. I was feeling off so I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test. Yes, I'm perfectly fine. And no, I don't know how far along I am. I haven't been to the doctor's yet."

"Okay, okay, this is happening," he breathed, still wrapping his head around it. "This is actually happening."

"You're reacting like you're the dad."

"Am I not the godfather?"

"Speaking of, you haven't even watched that movie yet."

"Whatever man. Oh, yeah, what did the actual dad say? Forgot about him for a sec."

"I haven't told him yet," Zoë admitted quietly. "You're the first to know."

Percy leaned back into his chair with a smug smile. "Ah, I see," he drawled. "That's interesting. Very interesting."

"Don't go thinking you're special or anything," she joked. "I'd sell your organs for a new car."

"Expensive car," he mused, smiling as he took her hands again. "I'm so happy for you, Zo. You're gonna be a great mom. Damn, a mom. What is happening? We're like real adults now."

"Well, one of us is. You'll always be a child."

"That's what's gonna make Uncle Percy the best."

She laughed affectionately. "I'd rather not let you get too close. Who knows how they'll turn out under your influence?"

Percy wore a thoughtful expression. "I dunno, probably handsome as fuck, charismatic, national swimming champion, architectural mastermind, intelligent beyond compare—"

"Humble," Zoë remarked.

"That too."

"And here I was worried about keeping my child's ego in check."

"An egotistical fetus," Percy noted, nodding with a dramaticized thinking face. He dropped the joke and smiled. "Serious note. When are you planning on going to the doctor's?"

"I have an appointment on Wednesday morning. Why?"

"I'm coming with you, of course. I don't care if your husband complains."

Zoë seemed relieved as if he'd be anywhere else but by her side through this entire process.

This was absolutely mind boggling to hear. Here was a girl who was a sister to him in all but blood—no, as he told her before when she had a falling out with her dad, bonds were thicker than blood. That would always hold true.

His sister was pregnant.

And this was especially a big deal because he knew they'd been trying for a while now.

The owner of the store, a nice old Asian lady, seemed to have heard the news. Well, how could she not? But that was beside the point. Anyway, she decided to waive the bill as a little congratulations to Zoë. Beautiful soul. And thankfully she did. Every time he and Zoë ate here, they ended up spending over fifty bucks in one sitting. It was kind of a problem.

"Anyway, enough about me," Zoë said, shooting him a smirk and wiggling her brows. "How's it going with the whole woo-ing Annabeth thing?"

Percy chuckled and shrugged. "We've been hanging out as you know. And it's been... amazing. She means a lot to me, Zo."

"I know she does." She placed a hand over his. "I suppose I owe you an apology. I thought you were stupid for going after her, but it seems she cares a great deal for you too. I'm happy for you, Perce."

"Thanks..." Having her approval meant the world to him. "But it's not like we're together or anything so save that 'happy for you' speech for if that ever happens."

A couple of weeks ago, Zoë had diluted his feelings for Annabeth to a mere "crush." Yes, she'd been talking about all those years ago, but even still, that couldn't have been further from the truth. It had gotten to the point where he actually hated that word because it felt like an insult to how much this girl meant to him. How much he cared about her.

In these past few weeks, Annabeth became a part of his life in a completely new way.

She was like a shot of espresso; bathed in sunlight, incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, and she had this exciting sense of play and fun that he just couldn't get enough of. It felt like fireworks were sparking through his veins when he was with her. She was the only one he'd met who could take on his challenges and witticism, and actually one up him half the time.

He'd never felt as intimately about anyone as much as Annabeth.

It scared him sometimes.

"It's not gonna happen if all you do is imagine it. Take your hand outta your pants and just ask her out," Zoë said, crossing her arms and smiling knowingly. "The Christmas party is coming up."

Ah, yes.

The annual Christmas party Chiron threw every year on Christmas Eve for all of his employees, which was really just a ruse for getting all of his business partners in one place and showing them a grand time before the hassle of the New Year's trifles came to bite everyone in the ass. Contracts, projects, foreign and local legal issues; it was a big ol' mess.

Despite that, it made for a brilliant party where everyone got to dress up and feel pretty for a day. Last year, he had to skip out for a nearly overdue project. And realistically, he should probably skip this year too because of, you know, his current project that would decide his future at the company.

Percy voiced as much to Zoë.

"No, absolutely not." She was adamant and looked very disappointed for some reason. "Don't be an idiot."

"What? I'm just tryna be responsible and stuff."

Letting out an exaggerated groan, Zoë shoved his arm. "God, you are so fucking thick sometimes."

And then she spelled it out for him.


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