KaiTheOtaku tarafından

445 0 2

Welcome, welcome. I'm your host Kai and I'm here to tell you that I DO NOT own any of the Haikyuu/characters... Daha Fazla

*insert Angel Beats op* AUTHOR NOTE
*insert Tanaka-kun is always listless op* AUTHOR NOTE
*le cries*
31 - Haikyuu as Camp Camp (ep. 1)
*insert Lacie's Melody* AUTHOR NOTE
32 - Haikyuu as Camp Camp (ep. 2)
a quick rant
*insert Spy x Family op* AUTHORS NOTE
*insert TANK!* Author's Note
72- Haikyuu as Shakespearean Mean Girls

33 - Haikyuu as Gintama (ep. Sleep Helps a Child Grow)

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KaiTheOtaku tarafından

I boredly decided to do another skit!! YAY!  Anyway this is just for fun, and if you've seen Gintama who's your fav character and or fav episode (and or) arc and why??? Answer down below, that's also where my answer will be! Also this gets like freakishly long because I got a lot to say, so ENJOY! 

Should also add that the video adove is not the full episode, if you'd like to watch it, it's on Crunchyroll, Funimation and illegal websites we all "secretly" use.


Sakata Gintoki - Miya Osamu

Kagura - Suna Rintaro

Shimura Shinpachi - Kita Shinsuke

Radio Dude (DJ Junnijiro) - DJ Junnijiro


Middle of the night, around 1 am

At the Miya household→

Suna, cracks open eyes: I can't sleep. *kicks off blanket* I can't sleep at all. Can't sleep a wink. The harder I try to fall asleep, the more awake I feel. I don't feel like sleeping at all.

["Sleep Helps a Child Grow"]

Osamu: *sleeping*

*Suna, knocking on door*

*Suna opens Osamu's room door, looking scary*

Osamu, awake: *looks up at Suna* What?

Suna: I can't sleep.

Osamu: Oh, really... *lays head back on pillow and closes eyes* Don't stay up too late. We have work tomorrow.

*Suna starts banging on door*

Osamu: What is it?

Suna: I can't sleep.

Osamu: You already said that. *looks up at him, again* If you can't fall asleep, stay up until you're sleepy. *closes eyes* You're so annoying.

*Suna, continues knocking*

Osamu, burying head in blanket: Let me sleep, okay? I said we have work...

Suna: *rolling on top on Osamu* I can't sleep.

Osamu, at the same time: *sits up, looking down at him* Hey! What are you doing?!

Suna: I can't sleep a wink at all.

Osamu: Like I care! Stop bugging me!

Suna: I can't sleep... *rolls into wall* *turns around slowly, faces 'Samu (lookin scary)* Put me to sleep.

Osamu: huh? *looks kinda scared/confused*

Suna: Use everything in your power to put me to sleep.

Osamu: *now lookin' angry* Just go to sleep by yourself! Is that how you ask somebody for a favor?! Man... I can't put up with this. *lays back down to go to sleep*

Suna: *walks up to 'Samu, standing in front him* That futon looks more comfortable to sleep on. Switch with me.

Osamu: *opens eyes* huh?

Suna: I'm gonna sleep there. You sleep in the closet.

Osamu, still lookin' upset: Don't be so picky. All futons are the same! How am I supposed to sleep in that small space?! *tries to lay back down*

Suna: *grabs futon right from under Osamu, pulls it from under him, sending him rolling* Just move outta the way.

*Osamu shouts in surprise*

Suna: *lays down in futon, closes eyes* Ah, I think I can fall asleep like this. This futon might put me to sleep.

Osamu, pissed: Never wake up again, stupid brat. *Grabs a new futon and pillow* Man... What is this... I'd managed to fall asleep. I don't wanna sleep on a cold futon. *lays down in futon, eyes closed*


























Suna, cracks open eyes: I can't sleep.

Osamu: *shouts* So nothing changed?!

Suna (lookin' sleep deprivied): This is no use. I don't feel sleepy at all. I can't fall asleep 'cause the pillow smells like an old man.

Osamu: You're the one who told me to switch with you!

Suna: *looks at Osamu* That futon looks more comfortable to sleep on. Switch with me.

Osamu: This will never end!

Suna: I can't fall asleep, so I've been thinking of ways to fall asleep. And now, I'm no longer sure how I used to fall asleep. I've forgotten how to fall asleep. How do I fall asleep? How do I make my way into slumberland?

Osamu: Start by shutting up! Then close your eyes and stay still! You'll eventually fall asleep.

Suna: But 'Samu, when you stop and think about it, what is sleep? When we close our eyes, we're just shutting our eyelids. Our eyeballs are still darting around. It's completely dark, but that's because we're looking at the inside of our eyelids. It doesn't mean we're asleep. To prove it, if you close your eyes during the day, it's completely red. What do I do with my eyeballs if I want to fall asleep? Should I just stare at the inside of my eyelids? Or should I look up? What do I do to-

Osamu: *yelling* CUT IT OUT! *now also lookin' sleep deprivied* Now I can't fall asleep! What are you going to do about this?! Now that you got me thinking about it, I can't fall asleep either! Did I look up? Did I look down? I don't know what to do with my eyeballs! *basically having a panic attack at this point*

Suna: And do we breathe with our mouths when we sleep? Or with our noses? Or do we breathe in through our mouths and out through our noses? Or do we breathe in through our noses and out through our mouths?

Osamu: Cut it out!

Suna, continues: Should I cross my arms? Should I leave them at my sides? Outside the covers? Inside the covers? How should the pillow be placed? Face-up? Face-down?

Osamu: *same time* Cut it out!

Suna: Where do we come from? Where are we going? What's beyond the edge of the universe? Why doesn't anime make lots of money?

Osamu, freaking out: CUT IT OUT! *yells* I can't sleep! I don't feel like sleeping at all! Was it this hard to fall asleep?! Did we go through such an ordeal every night?!

Suna: What is sleep again?

Osamu: *turns to look at him* Shut up! You'll never fall asleep if you make everything so complicated! How much of a failure are you?! Even Ken Takakura could do a better job!

[Note: Actor Ken Takakura is known for the phrase, "I'm a failure."]

Suna: I feel more and more awake. What do I do? At this rate, I'll never fall asleep for the rest of my life.

Osamu: Give me a break. Didn't I tell you that we have work tomorrow? *looks up at clock* It's 2:30 in the morning. We have to wake up at 7:00 tomorrow. We only have four and a half hours to sleep. That'd even make Napoleon bitch when he woke up. "My dictionary says I only sleep for three hours but read between the lines!"

[Note: Napoleon is known for only sleeping three hours a day. He is also known for the quote "The word impossible is not in my dictionary."]

Suna: What should I do? Don't fall asleep before me, 'Samu.

Osamu: For now, stop thinking about that stuff. Don't use your head. Okay? Sleep isn't supposed to be something you can consciously force. Humans who live regular lives will naturally fall asleep at night. If you work your sweaty ass off for a whole day, you'll be so tired you can comfortably fall asleep. That's how sleep is supposed to work.

Suna: I see... I can't fall asleep because I was lying around the whole day.

Osamu: Right? The problem is with your lifestyle, not with your sleeping style.

[Picture of flashback. "Don't just lay there! Help me clean up the house!" - Kita]

Suna: You're one to talk. 

[both were asleep on the couches]

Osamu: If you understand, go run a lap around town. What you lack is fatigue.

Suna: *quickly stands up* I got it. *walks to door* I'm going off for a run. 

*Suna opens the door, but turns around facing Osamu before heading out*

Suna: 'Samu, you can't fall asleep before me. You'd better stay up. *runs out of room/house*

Osamu: *already falling asleep*



















About 30 Minutes Later (Osamu has fallen asleep)

Suna: 'Samu... **Osamu moves** Hey, Osamu... *breathing heavy, cheeks flushed* I can't fall asleep. **Osamu now looking at him** I did the running... But now... I'm so hot... I can't fall asleep. *coughing*

Osamu, annoyed: Who told you to run as hard as you can?! Of course you can't fall asleep when you're all sweaty like that!

Suna, sweating like crazy: I figured I'd fall asleep faster if I was more tired, so I ran fifty laps around town. Sleep is out of the question now. It feels like all my cells have activated.

Osamu: Feels like it? Your brain cells are dying! You can't fall asleep right after exercising so hard! Go take a bath and cool yourself off! You've gotten my futon all sweaty now!

Suna: No. I don't have time for that. I have to fall asleep as soon as possible. *goes fully under blankets* *stomach growls, loudly*

Osamu: You're a busy person, huh? First you want to sleep. Now you're hungry. I envy you! It must be fun to have so many things to do!

Suna: That isn't my stomach. I'm farting *stomach continues growling*

Osamu: *sits up* I don't care what it is! Can you be quiet?! How long is that going to continue?! *groans* It's so noisy I can't fall asleep. Fine. I'll go make you something to eat. You go take a bath during that time.

Suna: *sits up excitedly* Food?!

Osamu: Everybody feels like sleeping after a meal, right? It's not very healthy, but that's a sacrifice you'll have to make. *walks to door* At this rate, I won't be getting any sleep either.

Suna, smiling: 'Samu! *runs to hug him*

Osamu, pushing him away: Man, you stink! Stay away! Go take a bath!

Suna, super happy: Thanks, 'Samu!

A good hour or so later (Osamu has again fallen asleep)

Suna: 'Samu... *breathing heavily* Hey, Osamu...

[Note: Suna is using the Lamaze method of breathing for expectant mothers.]

Osamu: *turns around, looks at Suna* *eyes widen, then goes back to it's usually size* What are you doing?

Suna, (stomach HUGE): I don't feel like sleeping at all. I took a bath, *pauses to breath* but I'm having trouble breathing so I can't fall asleep!

Osamu, back to being awake and annoyed: Who told you to eat so much that you'd start breathing with your diaphragm?! Of course you can't fall asleep when your stomach's that full!

Suna: But... You made all that food...

Osamu: *yelling* The rest of that was for breakfast! Why did you eat my share, stupid brat?!

Suna: *crawling to door* It's no use... I'm in so much pain I can't even turn over... I'll go run myself into shape *slowly stands up*... By taking a run.

[Note: "Shape Up Ran" was a JUMP manga from the 80s]

Osamu: Who told you to be witty?! Cut it out! That'll just put us back where we started! Ah... Fine. *facepalms* You don't have to work tomorrow. Kita and I can handle it. So don't force yourself to sleep. *turns around, facing the door. Still laying down* Just let me sleep, okay?

Suna: No! Staying up late is bad for my skin!

Osamu, upset: SOMEONE WHOSE STOMACH IS STICKING ALL THE WAY OUT SHOULDN'T BE TALKING ABOUT SKIN CARE! Come on. It's already 4:00. I have to wake up at 7:00 tomorrow. That's in three hours. *standing up at this point* That'd even make Napoleon bitch at his mom in the morning! He'd probably whine about that quality of the miso soup! "The word eggplant is not in my dictionary."

Suna, gives in and lays back down: Fine. I'll stop making a fuss. I won't bother you anymore. You already fed me.

*Osamu hums in response, now also laying back down, eyes closed*

Suna: But if it's too quiet, I start thinking about stuff. Can I turn on the radio?

Osamu: If you keep the volume down.

*Suna plays the radio and lays back down*

Radio Dude (named DJ Junnijiro): Young Night Train! So let's get started! This is DJ Junnijiro, who just had a kidney stone removed, with stories that make you cry within three minutes! So let's get started! Allow me to introduce the first letter. This letter is from Radio Name Tom. "Sorry, Jerry."

[Note: From Tom and Jerry.]

The Letter: I will never forget about the first friend I ever had. It happened during summer ten years ago.

I was a shy and quiet child who always played by myself. So my father brought me a friend. That was Jerry [a small white puppy]. Jerry and I were always together. We went everywhere together. We did everything together. Just like real friends. I taught him many tricks. ("Wait!"). Jerry's best trick was to wait. He would wait as long as I told him, even when a feast was placed before him. I didn't need any friends besides Jerry... That's how I felt at the time.

But on the other hand, an increasing number of children showed up who were interested in Jerry. The next thing I knew, I'd made lots of friends besides Jerry. ("Wait.") It didn't take very long for my interest to shift from Jerry to other things. Jerry longed to play with me the way we used to. Jerry would bark at me. That was when his best trick would come in handy. I would say one word to Jerry, "Wait." Jerry would always wait there for my return. Without moving an inch. He just waited for me to return.

By chance, my father's store went out of business, and my affluent family fell to ruin. Chased by debtors, we were forced to escape with only the clothes on our backs. Though I was only a child, I was still able to understand what must be abandoned in that situation.

Perhaps he realized his own fate. Jerry chased after me without pause. "Wait!" I delivered the usual word in a cold voice. Wait. I left Jerry behind without ever looking back.

A few months later, I returned to that spot. I had already moved to a faraway city, but I couldn't stop thinking about Jerry. Jerry had to be fine. Somebody must have taken him in. In retrospect, I probably wanted peace of mind. I wanted to see Jerry alive as soon as I could, so I wouldn't have to feel guilty.

Jerry hadn't become someone else's pet or a rotting corpse [even though he was close to becoming one]. Jerry was waiting as always. Without moving a step. Waiting for my return.

"Sad, isn't it?" An old man spoke, walking up to me. "He was abandoned there a while back. Kind people would try to take him with them, or feed him or the like. But this boy refused to budge at all. In time, people stopped paying attention to him." The old man paused for a second, before continuing. "He couldn't have expected his owner to return. Either way, it's a sad story."

I reached out to softly pat his (Jerry's) head, and his eyelids slowly parted to look up at me. Jerry's tail wagged ever so slightly. And then, he never moved again. I started crying, knowing it was all my fault.

"Little lady..." The old man started. "I see, you were his owner."

"Jerry was waiting for me to come back! Waiting the whole time... The whole time... Jerry!" I cried. "How can I apologize to you?! How many times do I need to apologize to you?! You gave me so much! You taught me how to shed my loneliness when I was alone! You opened up the world to me! You were my first friend! And yet..." I tried calming myself down. "I... I did... I did such a terrible thing to my precious friend!"

"There's no need to apologize." The old man said with a kind, but sad, smile. "He was always waiting for you and you came. What else did he need? He must have been happy to meet his owner in the end-"

"That's not true!" I cut him off. "He must hate me! Because I was the one who caused Jerry's death!"

"Jerry isn't dead. He's still alive." states the old man.

"Where?!" I yell, still crying. "Where is he?!"

"Of course..." the old man's smile turned sinister. "RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" He then turned into this horribly scary looking monster. I scream trying to get away, but it was no use. I then knew that I too was a goner.











Osamu, who was listening to the story the whole time: *screams and kicks radio* *heavy breathing* What is this? What kind of story is this? Why did a touching story turn into a scary story at the end?! How would this make people cry?! More like cry out in terror! I can't sleep after hearing such a crazy story! 

*Osamu then throws a pillow are the radio*

Osamu: The station must be getting barraged by complaints right now! That really caught me off guard. *calms down breathing* Not that I was scared or anything. [definitely scared] Hey, Suna! No more radio! I can't listen to this... *turns to look at Suna* *sees that he's asleep* H-Huh? He fell asleep. R-Really... He finally fell asleep? *walks over to the pillow, he tossed, and grabs it* Way to cause so much trouble. That's a relief... Now I can sleep in peace. Then I'll go to sleep, too. *goes back to futon and lays down (back facing Suna)*

???: RIGHT BEHIND YOU! **Suna's eyes glow red**

Osamu: *stands up and gets in fighting postion* Y-Yeah, right... *laughs a little* Y'know... That crazy story isn't enough to scare me. Though it surprised me a bit. That was just a comedy. There isn't much of a difference between horror and comedy. This was totally...

???: *glowing red eyes* RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

Osamu, eyes widened: *gets into fighting position* C-Crap... I'm starting to hear things 'cause I didn't get enough sleep. Hey, now I can't fall asleep... ? 

*Osamu moves his futon closer to Suna's and lays down*

Osamu:*Starts fake coughing loudly, turns to Suna (getting a little closer to him)* Ah. Sorry if I woke you up, Suna. Looks like I'm sick. *Coughs while getting closer to him, whistle making weird faces* S-Suna. You're actually awake, right? You were wide awake just a second ago. This isn't funny, seriously. *nervously starts laughing* *sees that Sunas not getting up* Suna? Hey, are you listening? You're awake, right? Awake, right? *tick mark appears* *yells* WAKE UP! Don't mess with me! How much effort do you think I spent to put you to sleep?! You just abandon me the second you're done?! You could at least talk with me a bit! You could at least come with me when I go to take a piss! Are you going to keep pretending to sleep? I'll beat you awake...

Suna: *punches Osamu, sending him flying to the other side of the room*

Osamu: *stands up and spits up blood* Okay, that's good. Bring it on! Like you're ready to die! [note: it's already morning now] If you're gonna hit me, you had better knock me out! No, really... Please knock me out! *yells* SOMEBODY PUT ME TO SLEEP!


Author Note:

So that's the end of that. I do plan on doing another Haikyuu as Gintama, but idk when and which episode.. I actually might do the "...." one

Also, for those who've seen Gintama.. what is you're favorite Gintama episode and or arc, plus favorite character(s).

Answers here-

For my fav episode, I have to say the one I just did, "Sleep Helps a Child Grow (ep. 153)" the reason why is because me and my dad were up at 12AM and we decided to watch some anime since we couldn't sleep. SO I decided to play Gintama, I hadn't started ep. 153 yet so we decided to watch it together (I was a bit hesitant because I didn't know how bad the ep. would be..) But anyway, we start watching it and my dad thinks its funny how we also can't sleep and the episode is bout Kagura not being able to sleep. As we keep watching it, it gets to the letter part. It freaked my dad out like he was not expecting the story to take a dark turn like that. So every since then, he stopped trusting anything i watched. He even made a note to himself about how I wasn't his favorite child anymore after that, which makes me laugh.

Next.. My fav character(s)

I honestly can't choose one. I love so many characters

Sakata Gintoki- hes an actually mood, like I relate to him so much. I have a really big sweet tooth, I'd lazy and tired all the time. Even if I seem like I don't care, deep down I really do and I try to help even if I can't do much for the situation. I've been called sadistic many times.. like at this point thats how people see me, the person with a sweet tooth and sadistic tendencies.

Kagura/Shimura Otae/Tsukuyo/- these main three girls, I love them soooo much. Like they are amazing and honestly deserve the best. Otae hopefully will became a better cook.. because her eggs be giving people amnesia. Tsuki, the fact that shes been through so much crap as a child tryna survive in the Red Light Distract is the reason I look up to this girl. She has helped so many people to the point where they're all loyal to her. Kagura, we love Kagura. She is so chaotic, but also really caring. She will always be one of my favorites, like Gin she may not seem like she cares but she does (can relate). She is always ready to fight for her family/friends and I really look up to her for that.

Hijikata Toshirou- I LOVE HIM! Mayo Prince. Anyway, Hijikata is like that dude who if he was real, I'd leave my significant other for. Anyway, he is so precious its ridiculous. I hope that one day he'll finally get someone who gives him as much love as he deserves (also like if Sougo's sister was still there, i'd love her and Toshi to get together, like actually be official). Also an actually tsundere. 

Okita Sougo: I love this sadistic freak. He is also so precious. Like he may seem like an ass, but he also be caring and crap. 

Kamui- this man, I love how he be actin like he don't give a crap bout his sister, but he actually does and it made me love him more. Also.. look at the man and tell me you wouldn't fall for him.

Hasegawa- I don't have any reasons other than he's like a fat mood and he deserves better.

Kondou- he just makes me laugh

Imai Nobume- She is one of the coolest characters, like I really like her. She also deserved better.

Gonna stop here, because like I have so many favorite characters from this anime. 

anywayz thats all.. for now


Okumaya devam et

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