Harry Potter The Prince Of Un...

By Anguis_vasaliass

55.8K 1.4K 56

What if Harry wasn't regular wizard? What if he was prince of underworld? How would gods react?how would it a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

chapter 5

5.2K 145 7
By Anguis_vasaliass

It has been four months since I started living in underworld. I have learned a lot since then. I am now proficient in hand to hand combat, sword fighting and spear fighting. I can even manipulate mist now.

As for my underworld powers, I can summon underworld obsedian,  create a fissure on the ground that leads straight to dungeons in  underworld and travel through shadows and I can call zombies if there are dead hurried near me. Though they require lot of energy to perform. I can feel if someone near has died or I focus on that person. It’s hard to explain its like I having sixth sense no one has.

Father taught me to control my aura. I can suppress and release it as per my wish. Though it is hard to control when I get angry. It scare wits out of mortal. As for demigods it depends upon them. Strong demigods just feel them without being affected. It can be useful when I am hiding my underworld identity.
Underworld has been my home I never had while living with Dursleys. Despite being surrounded by deads and zombies which creeps out others I feel belonged here it feels like home should. According to father I have to leave soon though. As a mortal I can’t live here indefinitely.  I can get trapped here just as others dead souls if I live here for extended period of time. My mortal body will slowly be absorbed till only my soul remains trapped forever in underworld. It’s not happening now though as a child of underworld at least I can spend some time here if not indefinitely without being absorbed. According to my father I can remain here for about few months if I stay remaining other months completely in mortal world.

I really don’t want to leave though. I don’t know if I will be accepted in camp. Child of Hades has never been accepted before. Why will be any different? But I can’t live here forever as well. In addition to be risk of being trapped, Zeus may wage war if he got notified. Me living here is violation of ancient law which  forbids gods to raise their mortal child. I really hate that law right now. I will have to hide my identity if I want my life at camp to be peaceful.

Well at least I can return here whenever I want. I even have my own house now to live if I don’t enjoy my stay at camp. It’s a haunted house in Augora hills, California few miles away from the city. It’s the only house for about few miles in middle of forest so that no one will question single child living by his own.  It is a late Victorian mansion with intricate cast iron and lattice work built by some wealthy landowner in 1890s. Damaged parts have been repaired and made liveable with intricate decorations as per my choices. Father has paid very skilled wardmaster to erect ward in it. He would have erected divine wards but it can notify Zeus so it will have wizard wards. Two ghosts live there whom were murdered by some family members. They were parents of two child while alive. So Hades has ordered them to act as my caretaker and I will also be assigned a skeleton to act as my butler if I live here. But I at least want to give a try to camp though.

“my prince.” Said a raspy voice  pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see a Skeleton warrior standing near the door.

“Yes” I replied.

“ My lord, your father is waiting for you in his office.” He said.

“Okay. I will be there in a moment. Dismissed.” I ordered.

He bowed and left quietly.

I got up brushed my teeth, changed out of my pyjamas and walked up to my father’s office. He was doing some paper work.

“Father.”  I addressed him.

He looked up and said, “ Son"

“It’s time for me to leave, isn’t it?” I asked quietly dreading the answer.


" Oh! No, not yet. You can stay for about two months more if you want though you will have to remain in mortal world only six months if you spend entirety of two months here. I called to because I have a quest for you.”

“Oh! What do I need to do then?”

“Nothing much, you just have to retrieve three of my artefacts from the mortal world. You can keep them afterwards. They are cloak of invisibility, it renders you invisible it also blocks smell and heat from escaping, mortals won’t be able detect you through any means but some powerful monsters may be able to detect you through it. Another is resurrection stone it can summon any dead spirit as long as it hasn’t reincarnated, in field of punishment, or in list you are banned from accessing. You didn’t inherit that power or you would have been able to do that without the stone. Last one is death stick, it appears as wand to the mortals though you can use it as sceptre as well. You  can use it to perform magic or as focus for you underworld powers. It will tire you less by using it. You can use your powers without it as well though it will tire you more.”

“ May I ask how they got into the hands of mortal?” I asked

“You may.” He replied amused.

I waited for answer but his face remained amused.

“How did they ?” I asked finally.

“ Well. It was gifted to my legacies after they did a service to me. They were Antioch, Cadmus and Ignotous Peverell. We can’t interfere directly with mortals so it has remained there till now. It’s time for them to be returned here.”

He then stood up and took out a laptop from one of his drawers in his office and handed it to me. It was black with white skull the middle of it.

“Take this. It has a website for underworld in it. It records the information of dead people here in underworld. There is no much information of living though, only some family information and location. Their detailed information will appear as soon as they died. It will help you in your research. Don’t  let others know of the website.”

“ Okay father I won’t disappoint you.” I replied.

I bowed and went back to my room. I have quest to prepare for.

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