Twisted Wonderland x (Todorok...

By Memesuga01

706K 28.4K 14.8K

Follow Todoroki (Y/n) in her journey of being in Twisted Wonderland, and on the way somehow having a harem of... More

~Todoroki (Y/n)~
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
Tea with Riddle
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
Studying with Leona...or not?
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
Beach Day with Octavinelle
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Scarabia time!
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
Pomefiore Shopping Spree!
~Birthday Special~
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
Getting to know Idia!
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
Stitch's Tropical Turbulence
Stitch's Tropical Turbulence
Small A/N

Welcome to the Villains' World

22.3K 734 506
By Memesuga01

-3rd POV-

The two looked back when they heard footsteps. Only for it to be Crowley, with a bag in his hand.

"Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner." He said, smiling, before noticing Grim, "Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!"

"I let Grim stay since it was raining and I felt bad for him...Then we saw ghosts and I talked to them, and they went away." (Y/n) said, holding the tanuki in her arms.

"I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem. Ah, yes...That's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students. And you're saying you talked to the ghosts to leave?"

Grim nodded, "That's what it sounds like!"

"But if they did attack? Would you two be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?"

"No, 'cause I want tuna. And plus, they're gone!"

"I will play the part of the ghosts. As for the tuna, you'll receive it when you defeat me. Oh, what generosity, Crowley..." He smiled to himself, before grabbing a bottle from his pocket and drank it, "Now to chug this transmutation potion!" He said, before a bright light took over, and in his place was a ghost.

The other two eyes widen, "He turned into a ghost?"

The dual haired girl looked at the cat in her arms, "This could be your chance to enroll here, Grim."

"Hmph." Grim huffed, before nodding, "All right, but after this I better get my tuna!" He said, jumping down from the girl's arms.

The Crowley ghost disappeared, before appearing behind the two.

(Y/n) looked behind her, "Behind us...!" She said, and sent fire towards him along with Grim, making him disappear, before appearing to the left.

"You two seem to be good at this!" He said, before fire was thrown at him, making him disappear again.

It went on till the potion wore off.


Grim looked at him, "...Well?" He said, panting.

(Y/n) was standing beside him, slightly panting from using her fire, and using her ice to calm her rising temperature.

"Incredible...I've never seen anyone bend a monster to their will quite the way you have. I must confess, my educator's intuition did sense something about you after that brouhaha at orientation, (Y/n). I could tell you had a certain animal trainer-y, beast master-ish quality to you. Oh, yes. That said, I..." Crowley said, before he trailed of into a mumble.

'...Midoriya?' The girl thought, since her green haired friend would mumble a lot. She looked at the cat, then at the male, "I want Grim to attend here." She said, which made the said creature look at her in shock.

"What? A monster, stay here?" Crowley said.

She smiled softly, "Please?"

"Hmm...I suppose I cannot deny your plea. Very well."

Grim cheered, "Myah?! Really? Ya hear that (Y/n)?" He said, looking at the girl, who looked at him with a small smile.

The male then looked at them, "Let me be clear! Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror-especially not a monster! Nor do I intend to allow you, (Y/n), to freeload until you're able to return home."

"Hmph. Never shoulda got my hopes up..."

"Now, allow me to explain. It was the Dark Mirror that transported you here. Therefore this school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So, I will allow you to remain in this dorm, free of charge. However, you will need to pay for your own food, clothing, and incidentals. As to how you will do so, penniless as you are...Ah. Ah ha. Yes, a fine plan."

The dual haired girl went to her suit case and moved things around, before going back to the others, "I have my father card." She said, showing the black card, "I don't know it will work, since your currency is probably different. So, I don't know if there is a way to change the currency..."

Crowley's eyes widen, before shaking his head, "Unfortunately, no."

"And I'm guessing you don't have materials that are resistant to fire..." She said, looking at the robes that were still burnt off, that she was still wearing.

"Also no. You will have to wear that uniform you came with for now till we have a uniform for you." He said, "But since, there is no way for to change the currency, I'm simply going to ask you to do a few odd jobs around campus. From what you've done here, (Y/n), I can tell you know your way around a broom and fixing up things." He looked around, seeing that somethings were fixed, "So, what do you say you two working together as a janitorial and handyman team? If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow you to remain on campus. I'll allow you use of the library, so that you may study, and research ways to return home. How boundless charitable I am. Ah, but only when your work is over, of course!"

Grim deadpanned at him, "Whaaat? What kind of deal is that?! I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms and be a student, not sweep up people's junk!" He said.

"If you're not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again."

"Myah?! ...All right, fine! Let's do it."

(Y/n) sighed softly, "I guess I can't say no." She said.

"Wonderful. Then I beseech you both...To work hard as the newest members of Night Raven College's janitorial staff!"

Soon, the male left and the two looked at each other.

"Let's head to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." The girl said, heading towards one of the rooms, and opening the door, 'It's good enough.' She thought, before cleaning it, and Grim went towards the bed to lay on it.

It was quiet. The only sound of things being cleaned around the room, before the cat decided to break it.

"(Y/n)...How did you get that scar?"

The said girl paused in her movements, before looking at him, "My scar...? Why?" She said, bringing a had to her scar.

"There has to be a reason for it."

The girl went over to the bed and sat beside him, " mother gave me this scar, along to my twin brother...She hated our left side to the point that she poured boiling water on our face. Soon, she was sent to a hospital by our father." She said.

His eyes widen, before going up to her and hugged her, "I'm sorry I asked..."

"It's fine. It's in the past now." She said, rubbing his head, which made him lean into her hand, "I do sometimes worry about my appearance, but I don't really care, since I'm going to be a hero. And a hero has to be proud of their scars."

Grim looked at her, "Hero? You're a hero?"

"Not yet. I'm training to be one. I'm in a school that's training me to be one." (Y/n) said, smiling softly at him, "Let's go to bed. We can talk more about my world another time." She laid down on the bed, and the tanuki laid next to her, snuggling up to her left side since it was warm.

"Goodnight, (Y/n)."

"Night, Grim."


"Hee hee hee..." Bones laughed, appearing, "Aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?" He said.

(Y/n) woke up, "Hello, Bones." She said, waving at the ghost, who returned the wave, then grabbed her case, taking it to the bathroom to change into her hero costume.

(A/n: Don't worry, she wears shorts under the skirt.)

"Mmmm...Nnhg...Five more minutes, Ma..." Grim said, talking in his sleep.

The girl soon came out, and saw the other two ghosts looking at the sleeping animal, "Oh, hello, Cloud, Sora."

"Hello, miss!" Cloud said, waving at her, before pointing at the sleeping Grim, "Can we scare him awake?"

"No, no. It's fine. I got it." She said, smiling at them, before going towards the bed, "Grim, wake up." She gently shook him.

Grim woke up, and looked around with a daze, before being startled away when he saw the ghosts, "Myah?! The ghosts are back!" He exclaimed.

The dual haired girl nodded, "Yeah, but come on, wake up."

The door soon opened, revealing Crowley.

"Good morning, (Y/n). Did you sleep well?" He asked.

Grim looked at him and spoke before the girl could, "Not at all! When I sprawled out on the bed, the mattress fell right through the frame! Exactly how ramshackle is this dorm? And worse yet, I got woken up by ghosts!"

(Y/n) sighed softly at his complaining, before looking at the male, "I slept fine. Still getting used to things." She said.

The headmage smiled, "I am delighted to hear that you've adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world! Now, speaking of moving on, let us discuss your assignment for today." He said, walking out the door, and the two followed, as they went downstairs, "Your job today is to clean the campus. That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it'd be quite a Herculean task to clean it all. Therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gates to the library." He then looked at the girl, "Now, (Y/n)..."

The said girl looked at him.

"I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday."

"I understand, Mr. Crowley." She said, nodding.

"Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria." He said, and smiled, "I eagerly await the fruits of your labor." Then he left the dorm.

"Hmph. I ain't cleanin' nothing'!" Grim pouted, "I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right! Like Bam! Pow! Fwoom!" He said, speaking in onomatopoeia.

(Y/n) picked him up and brought him up into her arms, "Come on. We don't want him scolding us or anything."

The animal just crossed their arms, "Hmph."


"Wow, so this is the Main Street, huh? This is incredible! I didn't get to see much of it yesterday. What's the deal with these seven statues? All their faces look pretty scary." Grim said, looking at the statues, before pointing at one of them, "Like, this lady here looks like she's got some reeeal anger management issues."

(Y/n) just stared at them.

"You don't know the Queen of Hearts?" A male's voice said, making them turn and seeing a male with messy, dark orange hair and red eyes. Over his left eye, he had a red patch shaped like a heart. He wore a white shirt, with a red vest covering it. Over the vest, he wore a black blazer.

"Queen of Hearts? Is she some kinda big deal?" Grim asked him.

"She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago. She was strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her. You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"

"Wah! This is seriously messed up!"

'Sounds like a villain...' The dual haired girl thought.

"Pretty cool, right? I'm a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time?"

"Yeah, true. A leader need to be strong. But puttin' that aside...Who're you, now?" The tanuki said.

The orange haired male smiled at them, "Name's Ace. I'm a first-year student here, as! Pleased to meetcha!"

"I'm Grim! I'm a prodigy who's plannin' to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived." He then pointed at the girl, who just blinked, "That there's my far less interesting henchman."

(Y/n) shook her head, before bowing slightly, "Todoroki (Y/n)." She said.

Ace blushed slightly at the girl, before shaking his head, "(Y/n)? Huh. Sounds kind of weird."

"Does it? To me it sounds fine...Must be because I come from a different dimension." She said, mumbling the last sentence.

"So, tell me, Ace. Is that lion with a scar in the eye a famous ruler too?" Grim said, cutting in.

"Of course! That's the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna. But he wasn't born into the throne-he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes. When he became a king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live along his subjects as equals." The male explained.

"Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that." He then pointed at another statue, "Who's the lady with the octopus legs?"

"The Sea Witch who lived in an underwater grotto. She basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk. If they were willing to pay the price, she'd help them change their appearance, find love, whatever! They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn't grant. They also say the price was a tad steep, though. But she was granting wishes! Of course it was!"

"Myaha! So, you're sayin' that once I'm a great mage, gettin' rich off folks will be a total cinch?! Oh, oh! Do the dude with the big hat next!"

"That's the Sorcerer of the Sands. He was an advisor to a total dolt of a sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort. He exposed this swindler once-some guy pretending to be prince in order to trick the princess! After that, he got this magic lamp and became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Then, they say...he used that power to become a sultan himself!"

"Wow! Guess it's true that a mage needs to be an excellent judge of character, huh? And what about this beauty over here?"

"She's a queen who was said to be the fairest in all the land. In fact, she used her magic mirror to check how she ranked on a daily basis! When it looked like her position was threatened, they say she'd do whatever it took to keep it. Can you even imagine the level of dedication it would require to keep a record like that? Also, they say she was a master of making poisons!"

"Geez. She's pretty, but that sounds kinda scary."

"You think so? I gotta respect the hustle!"

"F-For sure...Sounds like she fought hard for what she believed in, and never gave up!"

"And the one there, with the flaming head? Now that guy looks scary!" Grim said, pointing at the statue.

"That's the king of the underworld! Single-handedly ruling a kingdom packed with rambunctious spirits-that takes competence! He may look scary, but he was a straight shooter who worked tirelessly at a tough job he never even asked for. I mean, this is a guy who was ordering Cerberus, the Hydra, and the Titans into battle for him."

"Hmm. That is something. T'think he could have that much power and not let it go to is head! And that last one there, with the horns?"

"That's the Thorn Fairy who lived on a mystical mountain. She was noble and elegant, and a master of magic and curses-even by the standards of these seven! She commanded storms, covered the kingdom with thorns...She could use magic on a massive scale! She could even turn herself into a giant dragon."

"Ooh, a dragon! What all monsters yearn to be!"

"Pretty cool, huh?" Ace said, before his aura changed, "Not like some piddling weasel."


"Pfft..." He laughed, "I couldn't hold it back anymore! Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco, right? The one summoned by the Dark Mirror who can't even use magic, and the monster no one summoned at all. It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!"

"H-Hey! You don't gotta be a jerk about it!"

"So, in the end, neither of you gotta admitted, and now you're janitors? So lame!" He said, laughing.

Grim grew angry, and glared at the male, "What did you just call me!?"

(Y/n) shrugged, "I don't really care about anything. I just want to go home to my siblings and friends."

Ace let out a small sigh, "And you're both clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not a single one! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?" He said, and laughed.

The tanuki just growled.

The dual haired girl noticed, "Grim, calm down. You heard what Mr. Crowley said." She said.

"Anyway, just thought I'd tease you a bit. And man am I glad I did. It's been a blast! Unlike you, I have class to get to, so I'll let you get back to picking up trash. Bye!" The orange haired male said, waving at the two as he walked away.

"Myuh-uh! You ain't walkin' away from me! It's too late for that!" Grim said, before throwing fire at the male.


"Grim!" The girl said in a scolding tone.

"No one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire! Or (Y/n)! I'm gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode all over again!"

"Explodey-head?! You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts. You wanna talk hair, huh? I'm gonna shave you like a toy poodle!"

Grim spit out more fire at him, but the male stayed put.

"Oh-ho! How do you like that?" He said, using wind to redirect it.

"H-Hey! His magic winds are blowin' my fireballs off course! No fair!"

(Y/n) grumbled softly, "Do I really have to stop this chaos?" She mumbled.

"What's going on over there? A fight?!"

"Oh, sweet! Get 'em!"

Two students said, as more students started to come and watch.

The dual haired girl looked at them, "Go, before you want to get caught in the ice." She said, putting her right foot forward, sending ice towards the two that were fighting.

"Aww...Can't hit me with yo-Woah! Hey!" Ace said, as ice crept up his leg and surrounded his body.

Grim grumbled softly, feeling the coldness, "Not again!"

The girl let out a cold breath, and used her left side to regulate her temperature, before walking towards the two, "Be glad that I stopped you or else you would've burned one of the statues. Plus, who knows how Mr. Crowley would've reacted."

"What is going on here?" Crowley said, appearing.

"Oh, no..."

"Oh no! The headmage!" The orange haired male exclaimed.

"No more lashings of love!" Grim said, bracing for the pain, but never came.

"As if the likes of you could ever flee from me! Plus, you're both frozen! Haah..." The headmage said, looking at all three, "Did I not just warn you, "no more incidents"? And you almost charred one of my statues?! It's almost as though you want to be expelled!"

"No! Forgive me!" Ace said.

He then turned to (Y/n), "And you, (Y/n). You were specifically told to keep Grim under control!"

"I'm sorry...I did try to talk to him, but he just ignored me..." She said, looking down at the ground.

"This will not do." Crowley said, then turned to the frozen male, "And you! State your name and grade!"

"Ace Trappola...Freshman."

"Then listen well, Trappola. You too, Grim, (Y/n). As punishment for today's infractions, you are hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!"

"Myah?!" Grim said, then looked at the male, "That's what you get for makin' fun of me! This is all your fault!"

"Whaaat? I have to do it too?!"

"Of course you do. You will meet in the cafeteria after class. Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir." (Y/n) and Ace said.

"Ugh, I just can't catch a break!" Grim said.

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