Esmeray // Bucky Barnes X OC

By Davina_Moore_P0V

604 14 3

I had just turned 17-years-old when the universe decided that it was going to pull a wicked prank on me. Hell... More

The Beginning...
II [Not Edited]
III [Not Edited]
IV [Not Edited]
V [Not Edited]
You Don't Remember Me...? [Not Edited]
VII [Not Edited]
VIII [Not Edited]
IX [Not Edited]
You Can't Fix Her!...Watch Me.
Everyone Knows.
You'll teach her control, I believe in you.


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By Davina_Moore_P0V

Katherine Morgan.

January 6th, 2013.


Last day. Well, morning. I took the last pill I was given. Since finding out I've refused to let Bucky touch me in any way that's not kissing.

I sleep in thick sweat pants, underwear, a sports bra, and a long sleeve shirt. I don't let him touch my butt while we lay down anymore either. You can say that he hasn't liked it that much.

I've helped him still, just with lube and not my spit. He whines about it being unfair to me but can't say no.

Well he couldn't say no once, on New Years I helped him. But he's made it so I couldn't touch him either.

I was not happy about it. He took me on a really nice date for our four months and I felt so bad not being able to make him feel good after it.

The minute I set my water down and turned Bucky was already pulling me into him. His hands slapped down on my butt as he kissed me.

I pulled his hands away and up to my sides. "But you finished the medicine?" He asked pulling his face away but keeping his hands on my sides.

"I did but I need to be re-tested now." He groaned and dropped his head to mine. "Pepper and I have an appointment for Tuesday."

"When will you know?"

"Around Friday."

He sighed, "guess what?"


"Ten days." He smiled and kissed me again.

"Ten days left."

January 8th, 2013.


"Inserting now." Dr. Andersons informed me. I was holding Pepper's hand again as he did what he needed to do.

"It's Bucky," Pepper told me when she held my vibrating phone out.

"You can answer it," he encouraged as he continued. "Opening now."

"Hello?" I asked as I put the phone on speaker.

"Guess what? Eight days." I could imagine the smile on his face right now.

"You're on speaker."

"Oh. With whom?" He asked as he shuffled on the other side.

"Dr. Andersons and Pepper."

"That's right you have the doctors today. Are you okay? Is she being nice?"

"It's a he and yes I'm okay."


Bucky grunted. "What?"

"Nothing." I rolled my eyes. This little tantrum is definitely because the doctor is a man.

"I gotta go, I'll see you at home. I love you." I said into the phone when I felt the scrapping. I knew I'd be done in a second.

"See you. I love you too." He said before hanging up.

I rolled my eyes. "You're done. You did great. I already took everything out. The wet wipes are in the bathroom for you." I smiled and nodded. I wrapped the blanket around my waist as I went to the bathroom.

Il Mio amore <3

Il Mio amore <3
I'm pulling that boyfriend card. I don't like how your doctor is a dude.

I laughed softly as I read that while cleaning up. I answered back when I finished.

He's also a married dude whose wife works at Stark industries and knows me

Il Mio amore <3
Nope. Still don't like it.

Remember eight days. I'll be back soon.

I pocketed my phone. This time we were smart and stored my clothes in the bathroom, so I didn't have to ask for them.

"She wasn't inflamed, this visit or last. Nothing about her vagina said she had an infection. If it's been one and a half years and it hasn't been treated she should be in immense pain." I heard him say as I walked out.

"Okay thank you so much." Pepper smiled as she motioned me over to her. I walked and stood by her as he spoke.

"I'll call you in the next couple of days. Have a great day ladies."

We smiled and walked out of the building and to the car. "What's in eight days?" Pepper asked as Happy started driving, by the time we would get back it would be dinner time.

My cheeks reddened. "My birthday."

"Is that when you two are planning..." She drew out.

"Yes," I nodded slightly.

"Are you ready for that?"

I thought about it. "Yeah, I think I am. He cares and wouldn't do anything to hurt me or make me uncomfortable."

"Good. Are you planning on using a condom?" She asked, a concerned look taking over her face. Is this what sex talk is like?

"I'm not sure. We don't need one." I shrugged.

"Can I give you a suggestion?" She asked softly.


"Ask him to get tested. Just to be sure." I nodded and sighed. I hadn't thought that he may have something.

"I will."

Pepper suddenly grabbed my hands. "Please remember that if you are uncomfortable or want to stop, to say something. Don't just endure something because you don't want to be rude. I promise you aren't."

I nodded again, her face one-hundred percent serious. "I will Pepper, I promise."

She nodded and continued her questioning. "Do you have a safe word?"


"What is it?" She demanded.

I smiled slightly. "Cinnamon."

"Okay, good choice."

"Why?" I asked after seeing her visibly relax.

"I just want to make sure it's not similar to any sex-related word so he can't claim that he thought you were saying something else."

I nodded at her concern, I didn't bother saying he wouldn't do something like that for her peace of mind. She didn't care if he did or not, she wanted me to know what could happen.

"If it hurts tell him to slow down, if you feel like you're going to get sick, stop it. If you start having doubts you can stop it. I don't care if it's him taking his boxers off and you get scared. I don't care if his dick is already in you.  You don't want it. You stop it. You are in charge here."

I nodded and hugged her. "Thank you for caring."

She hugged me back and squeezed. "Of course. If he does anything tell me. Don't hide away during it either. If you like what he's doing make it known to him."

I expected this whole talk to be awkward, but it really wasn't. "Don't let him stick it in dry. If he doesn't work you up to it with some foreplay then use lube. Always have some near you in case the guy doesn't care. No shame in using it." She continued as she thought about it.

"Never let him take pictures or videos. Just no." I hadn't thought about that either. Bucky wouldn't do that though.

"Make sure the door is locked and the room is on do not disturb."

"Also make sure you shower the day of since you know it's happening. Stay away from scented soaps down there. If you notice him getting handsy and you think it's about to happen excuse yourself, use the bathroom, fluff your hair if you want. Wet a rag and just wipe down there quickly. I promise he won't be able to tell."

"Always use the bathroom before and after sex if you can."

"I know I've said it, but I'll say it again, don't do something if you don't want to. If you're scared don't do it. If you are hesitant don't do it." She drilled into my head.

"Lastly, this is for you too. Don't let all the pleasure focus around him. A lot of girls ignore this. You are supposed to feel good too. Not just him. If what he's doing isn't working for you tell him so you two can switch positions or do something else."

"I will. Thank you." I hugged her again quickly as we pulled up to the tower.

"Please stay safe during it. Also don't think that you need to give him head before sex. If you have a fear of it because of Philip tell him. You can work towards it or just not do it. Bucky's understanding." I nodded and got out of the car.

"Thank you, Pepper, really. Thank you for being everything that my mother should be, for taking me and doing things that she should be. I really do appreciate it."

"You're going to make me cry," she mumbled as she grabbed my hand and walked into the lobby.

"Ms. Potts?" The receptionist, Sandra, asked quickly.

"Yes?" Pepper pulled me up to the desk.

"There are two men that demanded to go to Miss Morgan's office. I didn't know she wasn't there, so I sent them up and I've been getting complaints from others that they're causing a ruckus looking for her."

"Do you know his name?" I asked quietly from beside Pepper.

She quickly looked at her computer. "Jerry Wanek and Robert Singer."

"Okay thank you," I said as Pepper, and I walked to the elevator. I pulled my phone out and called Bucky with the phone on speaker.


"Hey, can you get Tony and meet me and Pepper at my office? A couple of guys wanted to see me apparently and I don't want just us to be there. I can handle them, but I'd feel better if you and Tony were there."

"Of course." I heard him say as footsteps echoed through the phone. "Do you want to wait for us?"

"No, we're alright," Pepper answered.

"Alright, we'll be there soon."

We quickly walked to my office, if someone was pulling crap I needed to get them to calm down. I don't even know who they are.

The door to my office was shut and the lights were off. "Let me go first." Pepper announced as she pushed me behind her.

"No Pep. I can-"

"Kathie I am the adult here, it is my job to protect you." I nodded and let her go first, me close behind though.

We both walked in and quickly the door slammed shut and something muffled Pepper's scream when she was pulled with a hand over her mouth.

Someone tried to grab me, but I sent my heel to their knee. I heard a man groan from behind me. I grabbed onto his neck from behind me-it was a lot higher than I thought it would be.

I yanked forward so he dropped to his knees. I quickly rounded him before he could stand and hovered my hand to the side of his neck, a bright blue light shining from my hand and onto his neck.

"TURN THE FUCKING LIGHTS ON FRIDAY!" I called out absolutely pissed.

The lights turned on and I saw a man with the same length hair as Bucky on his knees in front of me. In front of me was a man with a mean look, I recognized him. He also had an arm around Pepper's neck and a gun to her head. She was holding his arm, trying to pull it away.

"Sammy!" He yelled when he saw our position.

"Fake names? Smart." I mumbled as I stared at the man. "You let her go."

"Let go of him." The man demanded. I nodded and pressed my hand to his neck. I watched as blue spread through the man's neck. My powers seem to be upgrading and I have no idea what this is.

I'm getting stronger.

"Dean!" The man exclaimed as he tried pulling away from my hand.

"Dean" pointed the gun at me now. "Let go of him bitch!" He yelled as he took the safety off.

"I don't like that talk," I said as I pressed a hand to his shoulder, causing pain there too. "Let her go or I'll snap his neck right now," I warned.

"Last warning." He warned.

We stared at each other, my eyes glanced at Pepper and saw how she had tears in her eyes. Not only were two men who were much larger than both of us combined, had us at gunpoint, weren't scared of my powers—they sought me out.

I moved my hand from his shoulder to his jaw, his face glowed blue as he yelled out. I heard it before I felt it. A muffled shot made my ears ring out of surprise. A sharp pain spread through my shoulder, at the same time "Sammy" leaned up and smacked his head into my nose-I didn't hear a crack or anything, so I don't think it broke-I fell backward, and Sammy quickly grabbed me and pinned me on my stomach, my hands held behind me, and my face pressed into the ground.

"Kathie!" Pepper yelled I could hear her struggle a bit, "stop! Let her go!"

I couldn't even struggle if I wanted, my body was in shock from so much pain at once in so many different places.


"It was never our intention to hurt you. We need your help." Sammy said from behind me, his hands still holding me down.

"I'm not going to fucking help you!" I spat out. My head was facing Pepper, I looked up at her and saw Dean had his gun back at her head.

"I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't drop that from her head now!" I yelled back as I struggled against Sammy. My shoulder really hurt.

"We need your help." Dean deadpanned as he held the gun to her temple.

"Let me go!" I yelled as I continued thrashing and trying to get up.

"Sam!" Dean warned. Suddenly I heard Pepper start to say something before Dean's hand covered her mouth. I felt something press against my head. A gun no doubt.

"Pepper, it'll be okay." I tried to reassure her. She was scared, she was scared for me more than her.

She held Dean's arm as he covered her mouth and held the gun to her head. One wrong move and if he wanted to kill her he could. "Stop! Don't hurt her!" She yelled through his hand.

"Pepper, I'll be okay. Don't move, don't move a muscle."

"We don't want to do this. We just want to know what happened. Katherine this can stop you just need to help us." Sammy or Sam whatever his name is said from behind me. Both their voices were deep, and I didn't like the threats that they could make.

"What the fuck!" I heard as the door opened, I could laugh at how happy I was for calling Tony and Bucky. I watched as Tony ran at Dean, I could hear Bucky behind me, but I couldn't see anything.

I felt Sam's gun leave my head as he fell to the floor beside me, his eyes closed. Bucky rushed over and punched Dean in his face with his metal hand, instantly knocking him out.

Tony hugged Pepper but she pushed him off and ran to me. She lightly flipped me over and I pressed my palm against my shoulder. My black shirt not letting any blood show.

Bucky knelt down and moved my hand, it was bright red. He pressed down on my shoulder causing me to groan. "Blanket!" He yelled to Tony. He grabbed it and pressed it down on my shoulder, hard.

My once pastel pink blanket was now partly red. "They shot you?" Tony asked as he flipped the men over. He disarmed them and checked their pockets. He threw their guns, wallets, and a pair of car keys on my desk.

"Yeah," I answered the pain starting to get more intense as the adrenalin wore off. "Named Sam and Dean."

"She's bleeding a lot. You need to make them evacuate the floor so we can get her up and them in a cell." Bucky instructed as he lifted my body up.

He pulled the front of my shirt and looked down it. I was about to scold him for checking me out in front of them when he apologized. "Forgive me, baby," he mumbled as he yanked my black shirt off.

Thank the lord, I wore my least revealing bra today. It reminded me of a child's bikini bathing suit top. The ones that look like a big rectangle across the chest.

"Bucky!" I yelled as I tried to cover myself up. Pain shot through me from the movement, so I gave up. He pushed me forward and looked at my shoulder.

Tony was on the phone with someone when Bucky spoke again. "I'm sorry."

"For?" I asked, my body stopped moving when I felt him use my shirt to rub the back of my shoulder. The back hurt just as much as the front.

"It went clean through. I'll be able to fix her up with no issues." Tony nodded as he continued talking on the phone.

Bucky pressed the blanket to the back of my shoulder and the front. I started to feel a little woozy. Bucky held me to his chest as he applied pressure to my wounds.

"Katherine keep your eyes open." I nodded as I relaxed into him, trying to do anything to help with the pain.

"I need you to go get all of the guys in the common room and tell them we need help moving people. Tell them Kathie is hurt and they need to be moved before waking up again." Tony said to Pepper. Once she nodded they both left the room.

"While we're alone I need to ask you to do something for me. Before I forget." I mumbled as I rubbed his knee.

"Love just focused on staying awake."

"This is me staying awake. I want you to get tested for STDs tomorrow. Just in case."

"Katherine, are you really thinking about STDs right now?"

"Yeah. I'm excited and I want to know that we are both fully clean."

He kissed the top of my head. "For you, I will. I will go tomorrow while you're at school."

I smiled and patted his knee. "Open those eyes wide. You'll be stitched up soon, then we can lay down and take it easy."

I nodded as I blinked. "How do you feel?"

"Tired and like I've been shot."

"The bleeding has slowed down a bun—open your eyes." He demanded when my eyes closed momentarily.

"What's your name?" He asked softly.

I moved my hand up and rested it on his thigh, it was a more comfortable position to touch him. "Katherine."

"Full name baby."

"Katherine Celestia Morgan."

"What's my name?"

I smiled. "Bucky."

"Full name?"

"James Buchanan Barnes."

"What day is your birthday?"

"January sixteenth."

"Do you know my birthday? I don't think I've told you before."

I smiled. "March tenth."

"Correct." He smiled. "When did we start dating?"

"September fourth."

"Ummm," he mumbled as he searched for more questions. "What's the ring on your finger for?"

"So I could remember our promises to each other."


"And to show I'm yours."

"And mine?" He asked as he moved the blanket and put it back.

"To show your mine." I smiled. "I feel like I'm going to get sick." My breathing sped up as the urge to throw up overtook me.

"It's just the blood loss, your body doesn't know what to do." Bucky kissed my head. "Take some deep breaths with me." I inhaled and exhaled with him.

"Tony is almost done getting everyone out then I can take care of you."

"Why?" I asked, I don't know why I asked that. I know why.

"Because I take care of my baby, huh? Don't I?"

I smiled and hummed. I heard the door open and looked over Bucky's shoulder as much as I could.

It looked like a football team walked in the room, all of them in a single file line through the door. Steve and Clint picked up Sam, holding him up with his arms over their shoulders. Peter and Sam—our Sam not the shooters' friend Sam—grabbed Dean.

"Woo," I cheered quietly when the men took them.

"She's good to go. We have the floor cleared out." Tony said as he walked into the room as well.

"C'mon," Bucky mumbled as he stood up enough so he had balance. He picked me up bridal style, a pain going through my shoulder as he did. I grunted my displeasement as he started to walk.

I kicked my feet as he carried me, the blanket still pressed to my shoulder and fanned out over my chest so I was decently covered. "Stop kicking, I'm going to drop you."

I gasped. "You would never."

A door opened causing me to dramatically gasp and look at it. "Doctor!" I smiled and laid my head on Bucky's chest.

"Is everything okay?"

"She'll be fine. Ask Tony later." Bucky told him without even stopping. Rude.

"That was a lil rude," I told him, holding my thumb and index finger close together.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm only thinking about you." He mumbled as we waited in the elevator.

"Stop I'm blushing," I mumbled as I hid my face in his neck. "You are so cute." I smiled as I pinched his cheek.

"No, I'm not."

I nodded, he scowled lightly. "No."

"Aww look at the little pout. Adorable. Absolutely adorable."

I squished his face between my hands, watching as his lips puckered. I lightly kissed them before laying against his chest again when the doors opened.

I bounced lightly as he took long strides through the common room. He paused again in the elevator.

"Katherine, keep em' open for me. Don't leave them closed." Bucky warned, smacking my butt—as it was the only thing he could reach—a couple times.

I didn't even know my eyes were closed. I opened them but they stayed half-closed.

"All the way, you can do it."

"I'm so tired," I whined as I closed my eyes again.

"Katherine no, open."

I frowned, "I'm tired, Buck. It's been a long day." I mumbled keeping my eyes closed.

Bucky adjusted us so my legs were wrapped around his waist. He pushed me against the wall to hold me up as he lightly slapped my face. "Open those pretty eyes for me."

I shook my head.

"Katherine, I need you to open your eyes. Once I get you stitched up then you can nap. I'll hold you the entire time alright?" I sighed and continued frowning.

"Please Buck."

"No." He stated, "Katherine wake your fucking ass up right this fucking minute."

I opened my eyes and looked at him. I frowned harder as he bounced me and carried me to his room. "Don't cuss at me," I whispered.

He didn't say anything and continued walking. He took me to his bathroom and set me on the counter, leaning me against the mirror.

I continued to look down as he dug around under the sink next to me. He pulled something out and bent down, he made eye contact with me before standing back up. He was probably checking and making sure I was still awake.

His hand softly touched my chin as he lifted it up. "What's wrong?"

"You're mad at me." I very quietly whispered, I could barely hear it.

"Why do you think that?" He asked as he opened up a modified first-aid kit.

"You cursed at me. And not in a joke way. In a mean and mad way."

"I'm sorry baby, I needed you awake, and if that meant hurting your feelings, so be it."

He laid a towel over my lap then he pulled out a rounded needle, thread-looking thing, wrap, and a bottle with little white square packets. "This is going to hurt. Grab my arm and squeeze if you need. If you need to cry, cry, if you want to scream and yell at me, do it." He said as he lifted both of my hands to his right arm, the flesh one.

I nodded and held his arm. He grabbed the bottle and started pouring it on my shoulder. I gasped as a stinging pain shot through my shoulder.

"Stop!" I yelled trying to get away, he pushed me against the mirror with a hand on my chest, making it so I couldn't get away. "Please! Stop! Bucky, please! It hurts!" I squeezed my eyes shut after realizing he wasn't going to stop.

I squeezed my nails into his arm, he didn't flinch whatsoever. He moved his hand from my chest and to the back of my neck. He pulled me forward and into his chest. He poured the liquid down the back of my shoulder, it traveled down my back and into the back of my pants.

I moved one of my hands to his back. I gripped, pinched, and scratched at his back and sides. He rubbed my back and shushed me. "It's okay, you're doing great." He whispered before pushing me off him slightly. He grabbed another mini rag that I didn't see him get and rolled it up. He set it beside me as he threaded the needle.

He placed that on the towel and opened a white packet. He took out a white square and wiped the needle down. He then held it slightly. "I'm sorry." He said before wiping around the wound.

It didn't hurt whatsoever until he wiped over the wound. His hand flew to my mouth as I screamed. Way too much pain spreading through my body. I tried to grab his hand, but he held my hand down after removing it from my mouth.

He pulled me forward and I could hear him opening a new packet. I felt the coldness of the wipe on my back before it touched my wound. I held my mouth against his side as I tried to muffle my sounds of pain.

"Bite. Do it. Bite me." I bit his side as he continued wiping the wound.

I bit his side and pinched his arm for what felt like forever as he worked.

He pulled me away and set the wipe now red down. He grabbed the towel. "Open." He demanded. I opened my mouth, and he placed the towel in my mouth. "Close. Bite down on that."

I bit down on it with a confused look, he moved so his elbow was pressed against my not hurt shoulder, his hand pushing down above the wound. His arm pressed against my throat, keeping me in place as the needle pierced my skin.

I continued to bite the life out of this rag as he stitched up my shoulder. He pulled me forward and started stitching the back. The towel dropped from my mouth as he held me. My nails continued to dig into his arm, my grip and placement changing as he worked.

"Bite if you need."

I kept my mouth to his side for a second, he did something that caused my entire body to tense. My mouth connected to his side. I bit down hard as he continued closing me up.

My mouth stayed there, even when he taped a gaze pad over the wound. I only let go when he pushed me back to the mirror. He undid my bra strap, unhooking the strap from the band. He taped another gaze pad before grabbing the wrap which I saw was an ACE bandage.

He wrapped under my shoulder a bit, then around my back and under my boobs, then down my arm a bit, before going back to my shoulder and securing it.

I finally let go of his arm, there was blood on it now. My nails dug too deep. I lifted his shirt and saw a couple of very defined bite marks, they would definitely bruise.

"I'm sorry."

He shook his head, "it's alright." He left me sitting on the counter as he left. I continued to look down until he returned. He set down a shirt and something else down and took my bra off. He pulled his shirt on and helped me stand.

He pulled my pants off and felt my lower back and butt. He pulled my underwear down and pulled a pair of his boxers up. He grabbed a loose hair tie from his counter that I left in here and tied the side, tucking it inside, against my skin.

He picked me up bridal again and walked us to the bed. He set me down and walked back to the bathroom without a word. I hugged my knees to my chest as I waited. Five minutes later he walked out of the bathroom with two pills. He gave them to me before grabbing his old water from last night.

I quickly swallowed them without question. I didn't want to anger him more than he looks like he is. He sat down next to me and turned the TV on. "C'mere," Bucky said as he held his arms open.

Hesitantly I scooted over to Bucky. I leaned against his side, I didn't want him to push me off. He sighed and shifted so he could yank me over and between his legs. He held my back to his chest.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly as he kissed my head.

I nodded but didn't say anything.

"Katherine, what's wrong?"

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry for not keeping my eyes open. And making you bleed. And biting you." I got quieter as I continued to talk.

"I'm not mad. I was never mad. I'm just worried about you." I nodded against him.

"Lay down. I told you that you could nap when you were done, and I'd hold you." I smiled slightly and turned in his arms. He pulled the blanket up and over us. I relaxed in his chest and quickly went to sleep.

I had to lay on my right side because I could barely move my left shoulder from the pain and bandage.

Bucky Barnes.

I glanced up at Tony as he walked in. On a normal day, I'd get pissed that he didn't knock, but this isn't a normal day. I shushed him as I continued to stroke Katherine's hair.

"Is she okay?" He asked quietly.

"Physically sure, she's stitched up. Mentally I'm not sure." I mumbled as I continued touching her in some way, my hand on her hair another one on her back.


"I had to yell at her."

"So that's why you look like you kicked a puppy. Was it necessary?"

"Yeah. She stopped keeping her eyes open. I knew that yelling and cussing at her would wake her up a bit, even if it was in the wrong way. It worked but hurt her."

"She's strong, she'll be okay." 

"I know." I nodded. "I want to see the people who did this."

"You two can go see them when she wakes up."

"No, I want some one-on-one with them. I want the cameras disabled too."

"You can't do that. Just focus on her. She needs it right now."

I nodded as I continued to hold her to my chest. "What's going to happen with them?"

"We don't know yet."

I slowly turned my head from Katherine to him. "They attacked and held our girls hostage in her own damn office, and you don't know what to do with them?"

"Barnes. I get it. Mine was in there too. She wasn't shot but she watched Kathie get shot and couldn't do anything about it. We need to know how they know and what they know."

I sighed. I get it but I was pissed. "Stay with her, please. I don't think she wants to be alone any time soon."

"Wasn't planning on leaving." He nodded and left. I continued watching her sleep. I should've taken a different approach to waking her up. Remembering what she asked me I booked a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. It would be at the same time her school starts.

I'll drive her to school and pick her up. For my own comfort really. I muted the TV when I heard her mumbling something.

"Bucky?" I don't think she's awake.

"I'm here."

"Volevo solo farti sapere che ti sto pensando in questo momento."

[Just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you right now]

Okay, so I may or may not have started learning Italian after she yelled, and we figured out she's fluent in it. She's awake but not enough to actually do anything but mumble. I smiled as I thought about my answer.

"Anch'io ti penso, dormi un po', amore." I said softly.

[I'm thinking of you too, get some sleep, love.]

She nodded but didn't react. I don't think she realized that I responded to her, but she understood.

She snuggled into me more and fell back into a deep sleep. I need to wake her up soon, she needs to eat something. The more I think the more I want to keep her home tomorrow. She was shot. She doesn't need to be walking around campus.

I'll bring it up to Tony and see how she's feeling tomorrow.


It was currently 7:28 pm. It's been about an hour since she went to sleep. She needs to eat then she can go back to sleep.

"Katherine," I whispered as I moved the hair from her face.

She groaned and started shaking lightly. "Come on, you need to eat something. You can go right back to bed after."

She pushed herself up, I helped, and she sat up, her body shaking. She laid back against me and placed an ice hand on my face.

"Honey you're shaking."

"I'm freezing." She mumbled as she pulled the blanket higher. It wasn't cold in my room. "Can you get me a jacket?" She asked softly as I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, being extra careful on her left arm.

I slid out from behind her and grabbed her a pair of sweat pants from my drawer, a hoodie, and some socks that she put in my hamper by accident.

I unwrapped the blanket from her and saw she was literally freezing and was violently shivering. I helped her dress and walk to the kitchen.

She was practically drowning in my clothes as she ate, her eyes half-closed and her chews slow. She did not want to be awake. The door that leads to the elevator opened and Tony walked through with Pepper.

"How is she feeling?" Pepper asked quietly as she laid a hand on Katherine's back, she didn't respond to the touch.

"Tired and cold," I answered from beside Katherine, if she was going to fall I'd be able to catch her.

"Take it easy tonight. Check her shoulder tomorrow and see if it's healing quick or not. I have no idea how her quicker healing works. If she wants to go to school tomorrow she can she just needs to take it easy."

I nodded and watched Katherine eat. She was getting slower and slower, if it wasn't for me watching her blink very slow I'd think she was sleeping. "Keep eating, you're so close." I encouraged her, she slowly looked over at me and back at her food. She picked her fork back up and started eating again.

"You're good for her," Pepper mumbled. I smiled and continued talking with them. Pepper told us how she was able to hurt one of the men with her hand, she described it as Katherine "transferring her power into him and causing pain." I don't know what to think of that.

Tony said he'd talk to Bruce about it. They soon left and I took Katherine back to bed. She snuggled back into me. She had my clothes, two blankets, and me keeping her warm and she was still shivering.

She continued to mumble things, but I couldn't hear what she was saying.

She clung to me as she slept, I set our alarms considering we both needed to get up at that time. Unless she chose to stay here.

I lay with her watching TV until I fell asleep too, the TV still on and everything.

Katherine Morgan.

January 9th, 2013.


I woke up to an alarm, I opened my eyes and saw Bucky already turning it off. He sat up slowly as he pushed me up too.

He slipped out from behind me and started walking to the bathroom, he stopped mid-step halfway across the room and turned, walking back to me.

"Come on," his voice was raspy and heavy with sleep. His face matched mine with our tired and half-open eyes. He dragged me to the bathroom and pulled my hoodie off. Then my shirt. He pushed me against the counter and lifted me by my waist as he set me on it. He then took the ACE bandage off.

He grabbed a white packet and pulled a wipe from it. He threw the packet away as he put my hand on his arm. He started wiping down the area around the wound before lightly wiping over it. He blew on it to dry it before repeating on the back.

"Do you want to go to school today?" He asked, his forehead resting on my good shoulder.

"Yeah, I have a project I need to get done."

He nodded against me and stood fully, he held a finger in my face and walked away. A couple minutes later he returned with a bra, one of his shirts, a pair of underwear, and leggings.

He pulled me from the counter and helped me get dressed seeing as I was unable to move my left shoulder very much. After I had my bra, undies, and leggings on he re-wrapped my shoulder. He helped me put his shirt on and put my arm in a sling.

"It was on my desk when we woke up. Pepper probably." He mumbled as he fixed the top. "Try not to move it okay?" I nodded.

He moved to the side of me and rested his hands on the counter as he dropped his head. His eyes were closed as he tried to convince himself to wake up. I ducked slightly and went under his arm, I wrapped my right arm around him and hugged him.

"Thank you." I kissed his chest. I ducked back under his arm, rubbing his back as I rounded him and went to my make-up.

I held the mascara in my mouth as I twisted the cap with my right hand. I felt him pull my hand and him take it and open it. He grabbed my chin and lifted it. He started putting the mascara on me.

"Buck I can do it," I mumbled, I didn't want him doing everything for me.

"I got it," he said as he continued applying it.

I let him put it on me before closing it and putting it away. He turned me so I was facing the mirror and took my hair out of the bun that was hanging on for dear life.

He wet my brush in here and brushed my hair down. He grabbed it at the base of my head and started braiding it. "Where'd you learn this?"

"I had a sister. She loved messing with her hair, I loved spending time with her." I smiled.

"What's her name?"

"Rebecca," he smiled slightly as he secured the tie at the bottom of my braid.

"That's a beautiful name," I said as I made eye contact with him through the mirror. "What's your plans for the day," I asked as I left the bathroom. He followed me as I walked to my room and pulled my bag open.

I tried to put my folders in it when Bucky's hip bumped me out of the way. I sighed and let him pack my bag. "Going to the doctor, my appointment is a little after school starts for you, I got the notification of a later time last night. Can I drive and pick you up today?" He asked as he picked up and bag and a pair of my boots with him and walked back to his room.

"Of course, you don't need to do everything. I can still do it, it may take longer but I can." I mumbled as I followed him. He set my stuff down and turned to face me.

"I take care of my baby," he smiled as he pulled me to him by my waist. "Don't I?"

"Yes," I answered, leaning up and giving him a soft kiss. "Thank you."

He hummed. "Can I pick out your outfit?" He nodded and let go of me.

"Where's your favorite shirt?" I asked as I looked through his shirts hanging up. He rested his chin on my good shoulder as his arms held my waist.

"Covering that pretty chest of yours." He said from behind me.

"I'm wearing it?" He nodded, "Buck I shouldn't. I'm going to ruin it."

"Who cares." He mumbled, "pick a shirt." I grabbed a black short-sleeved button-up shirt, the buttons were white or silver. I handed it to him and walked out to his dresser. I grabbed him a pair of boxers and light blue jeans.

He took them with a smirk, "why are you trying to dress me up nice?"

I blushed and turned around so he could get dressed. "Are you trying to use me as arm candy?" He teased. "Make me look good in front of your friends when I drop you off?"

"Why do you think I put you in my shirt?" He asked quietly in my ear, his hands suddenly grabbing my waist.

When I didn't answer he did, "so everyone saw you with me, in my clothing."

I took a slow breath as he kissed my neck softly. I forced myself to step away. "Not yet," I mumbled as I walked and sat on his bed.

He walked up and knelt in front of me. He picked my leg up and pulled my boot on and zipped on the side. He smiled softly at me as he rested his hands on my knees.

I grabbed his face with my right hand. "Thank you." He nodded, we continued to admire one another before he kissed me. It was soft and sweet and interrupted by a loud alarm going off.

I laughed softly as he stood up and pulled me up by my right hand. He held it as he lifted my bag, throwing it over his shoulder, and grabbed our phones, tucking them in his pockets.

We had forty-five minutes until we had to leave. I had FRIDAY tell Peter that he could take my new and improved 4-runner. He got his own beautiful car for Christmas but he's obsessed with mine for some reason. It was a newer model but looked the same. It was beautiful, updated, upgraded, and had FRIDAY in it. I may have cried and squeezed the life out of Tony.

Bucky and I had some breakfast and talked about everything going on in our lives. He leaned over the table, his face very close to mine. "Guess what?" He asked with a big smile.

"What?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Seven days." He fully leaned over and gave me a short kiss before sitting back down.

"Seven days," I repeated, my heart beating faster.

Bucky stood up and grabbed my bag again. He took my hand in his, "time to leave." He smiled and pulled me to the elevator.

"We're leaving!" I announced as we walked through the common room.

"Where you off to Barnes? Are you taking her to school?" Tony asked, Pepper was standing next to him at the counter.

"Yes, I'm taking her, and I have a doctor's appointment." I saw Pepper smile and turn away. She's pleased with his decision and with him listening to me.

"Alright. Stay safe, don't get shot."

"Tony!" Pepper gasped and smacked his chest.

Bucky shook his head and started pulling me. "Too soon?"

"About six seconds too soon!" I called out.

Bucky and I made it down to a car and he opened the door for me. He held my hand and helped me in the car—even though I didn't need it—he then buckled me before shutting the door. He opened the back door and set my bag down before rounding the car and getting in himself. He's adding so much more work to him by trying to take care of me.

He reached over and grabbed my thigh as he drove out of the garage. I had music playing and I sang along to it as I wiggled in the seat. Due to the expensive-looking car people watched as he pulled into the parking lot.

He ignored all the looks that people gave the car as they passed. A group of girls paused getting out of a car and leaned against it, trying to see in the tinted windows.

"Don't move," he told me as he got out. I unbuckled myself and watched as the group of girls gasped and had googly eyes at him. They practically dropped their panties as he walked around the front of the car, near them.

He continued and grabbed my backpack out. He set it on the ground and opened my door. He held my hand and helped me out. I ignored the stares from the girls as he shut my door.

"Stay safe—" he started, a sly smirk on his face.

"Don't get shot?" I finished.

He nodded as his smirk grew. "I love you." He said pretty damn loud.

"I love you too." He pulled me with an arm wrapped around my back and kissed me roughly. I held his face with my right hand and pushed him away. "I'm at school we shouldn't do this."

"Shoulda coulda woulda," he smiled as he kissed me harshly again. He pulled away though and grabbed my hand.

"I'll be here when you get out." He said as he kissed the ring on my finger.

I nodded, he helped me put my bag on my shoulder before turning me around and slapping me on the butt. He got back in the car as I walked away. I had just crossed the street and was about to step into the school yard when I heard someone whistle.

I turned around and saw Bucky leaning out of the window slightly, his arm resting on the door while the window was rolled down. He tapped his lips causing me to sigh. I walked back to the car quickly and leaned down. I kissed him through the open window. He winked at me before driving off.

I looked to the side as he drove and stared directly at a phone camera. I rolled my eyes and huffed out a breath as I walked into the school.


"Would you stop bumping me?" I laughed as Sofia continued to bump her hip into me, smacking me into the lockers for the hundredth time. Ashlyn was walking beside her, MJ and Peter weren't here, Ben and Brad were walking behind us.

"Nope," she chirped with a wide smile. School was out and Sofia was out early too. We were all walking to the front of the building, Bucky already texted me saying he was here and in the parking lot.

I was pretty confident I'd be able to find his car.

Ashlyn started to say something when loud yelling and laughing was heard. We watched as football players in full uniform ran through the halls. Before we could move out of the way Ryder and Jax ran and smacked into Ashlyn.

After that it was like a set of dominoes fell down.

Ashlyn smacked back into Brad and into Sofia. Ashlyn and Brad caught themselves using each other, Sofia fell backward and was caught by Ben. I was smacked by Sofia and fell down, just barely missing the locker as I fell.

Pain shot through my shoulder as it hit the floor. I sat up and my heart fucking stopped beating when a loud ripping sound was heard.

I glanced down at my left shoulder and saw that the corner of the locker was sharp, and the shirt and the ACE bandage were ripped.

He's going to be so mad. He trusts me with his clothes one time out of the tower and I fucking ruined them.

"You alright?" Ben asked as he pulled me up by my hand.

"No." I breathed out.

"You ripped your shirt." Brad pointed out.

"It's not my shirt," I mumbled as I walked a lot slower to the door.

"What?" Sofia asked.

"It was Bucky's favorite shirt." Brad opened the door and held it for us as we all walked out, but for Ben, he tried to slam it on Ben. Ben pushed the door back open as Brad ran and hid behind Ashlyn.

"Help me, babe." I would've laughed if I didn't see Bucky leaning against the front of his car, sunglasses on while he swiped on his phone. Ignoring the people around him.

I'm fucked. I'm royally fucked. I'm so fucked that I'm using fuck in every sentence even though I rarely use that word...fucked.

Sofia skipped away, going to her car that he just happened to park near. "Hi, Sargent Barnes!" She exclaimed as she passed him.

"Hi Sofia," I heard him quietly. He looked at the doors, directly at me.

I was frozen at the door. He smiled slightly and put his phone in his back pocket, shoving his hands into his front pocket as he waited.

"Promise you won't be mad at me."

He tilted his head. "Why would I be mad."

"Promise you won't be mad first. I'll walk to the tower if you say you will be."

"I'm not going to be mad Katherine. Let's go home. Come on."

Slowly, I made my way over to him. He hadn't seen my shoulder yet as he wrapped an arm around my back and kissed me. I kissed but I couldn't for long, the guilt of ruining his shirt eating at me.

I pulled away, my hand still by my side. "What?" He asked searching my face. I frowned as his eyes traveled to my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident I swear." I said quickly.

His hand lifted and pulled the shirt forward slightly, his hand feeling over the bandage. "What happened?"

"I bunch of guys were running through the hall, I was knocked over and when I sat up my shoulder scrapped against the bottom corner of the lockers and ripped."

"Is your shoulder okay?"

I nodded, "great."

"I'm sorry. This is why I didn't want to wear it." I whispered.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. "Like I said this morning, who cares it's a shirt."

"Your favorite shirt," I added on.

"Because you were in it."

"I'm serious Buck, I'm about to cry. That doesn't make me feel any better." I said as I rested my forehead against his chest.

"I'm not trying to make you feel better but I'm also not going to let you beat yourself up over a shirt." He mumbled as he squeezed my waist.

"Don't lie to me."

He roughly moved and gripped my chin with one hand and my good shoulder with the other. He forced me to look him in the eyes as he spoke. "I'm not lying." He said with a stern look. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes." His eyes searched mine before kissing me. I held his arm as he pulled away.

"We should get away from the prying eyes." He mumbled as he took my bag from me. My cheeks flushed when I realized we were still standing against the car. I glanced around and saw some curious eyes. And as expected, phones.

Our relationship has been a hot topic for blogs recently. Whenever we go out there's always some new picture. So far none of them show anything but two people hanging out but I'm scared for the way these will go out.

Tell me this doesn't sound bad. Sad girlfriend goes to tell boyfriend she did something. Boyfriend is understanding it seems then he roughly grabs her and says something with his natural face which also ends up being a very mean-looking face.

They won't care about anything other than those facts. He took my hand and kissed the ring, something he started doing on New Years. He helped me in the car before putting my bag in and rounding the car.

Now in the safety of the car and tinted windows he yanked my face to his. "Seven days." He smiled against my lips.

"Seven days," I kissed him again. I'm very excited but very scared to do it. Not from him or what he'll do but how it'll change our relationship and having sex in general, like most teens.

He bit the middle of his bottom lip and scrunched his nose. He bonked his forehead against mine before starting the car and leaving. He held my thigh as he drove causing me to have a continuous smile.

Bucky sat with me in my office-per my request-while I did my work. We continued to laugh and talk and carried a light-hearted conversation. We ate dinner and laughed with everyone. I helped Pepper with dishes before Bucky insisted on changing my bandage since it was ripped, and we were going to be talking to Sam and Dean tonight.

"You just want to see me shirtless." I shook my head as we took the elevator up to our floor.

"Caught me." He smiled and backed me against the wall.

"No," I warned but he didn't stop. "Bucky," I dragged the word out. I held my right arm out to stop him, but he didn't.

His hands went up my shirt and around my waist as he pushed himself on me. "Tonight? Me and you?" He asked softly as he bit my earlobe.

"Tonight, you, sure." I breathed as my hand rested on his side.

"Baby," he groaned in my ear, the sound going down south. "You're killing me here."

"I want to help you-" I paused as he started kissing my neck. My breathing became uneven. "-but you won't let me."

"Because you won't help yourself." He continued kissing down my neck, reaching my good shoulder.

"I don't want to risk it." I gasped as he licked up my neck. I clenched my thighs together, I don't know why my body reactions to him have gotten ten times more intense. Maybe knowing the exact date I will lose my virginity? Knowing that he does want to have sex with me.

"Risk what? If something was going to happen it would have the three months we messed around before you knew." He said as he pushed his leg between mine, his thigh applying pressure against my clit.

"Bucky, the cameras. We can't." I gasped as he managed to press himself closer.

He reached behind him and flipped the camera off. Thankfully the doors open before this could go any further.

I rushed out of the elevator, I glanced back and saw him resting his head against the wall. I quickly grabbed a shirt from my closet and walked into his room. I went into his bathroom and removed the brace and the shirt.

I started taking the bandage off as Bucky walked in. He helped me take the rest off and clean around it. "After we talk to them, I'm going to help you bathe. It will be a bath and you can have bathing suit bottoms or not, your choice." I nodded.

"Do you think you can go without the bandage tonight? Let the wound breathe?"

"Sure." I nodded as he continued cleaning. He re-wrapped my shoulder with a new ACE bandage and turned me towards the mirror.

He threw the wipe away before trapping me between his arms. "God you're horny," I mumbled.

"For you." He mumbled as he started kissing my neck.

"We can't risk-" I mumbled as my body began to ache.

"You say we can't, but you continue to push your ass into my dick." He licked up my neck before sucking below and behind my ear.

I moaned. That encouraged him to reach around and palm me through my bra. After not feeling anything like this for a while my body was reacting very well.

I crossed my legs as I held my thighs together. "I know your body feels tense. It got used to orgasming at least once a week." Bucky stated as he pulled my bra down, letting my boobs fall out and into his hands.

My heartrate sky rocketed as he felt around my body. "Bucky," I moaned.

"Shhh, baby, let me take care of you." He whispered in my ear.

"Cinnamon." Bucky instantly backed off and fixed my bra. He grabbed the shirt I brought and helped me put it on. He assisted me with the brace-which wasn't ripped in the process of falling.

"I'm sorry." He kissed me softly.

"It's okay." I smiled, he slowly walked us-well me-out of the bathroom. "What're you doing?"

"If you're wanting to watch me shower just say so." He smiled as he started pulling me back into the room.

I shook my head as I tried backing away. "Exactly, wait for me and then we'll talk to the douches." I nodded and sat on the bed.

After about ten minutes of torture. I wanted to leave but I was very comfortable. I continued playing on my phone as I listened to Bucky's soft moans.

I felt like such a bad girlfriend for not being able to take care of him, and him having to do it in the shower. He was trying to be quiet, but he was failing. Like hardcore failing.

What if he's not trying to be quiet? "Oh fuck," I heard softly. I smacked my head into his pillow.

"Katherine, fuck, just like that." I heard one last moan and then silence. The shower turned off and a minute later the door opened.

Bucky smiled at me as I took in his body. He had water dripping down his chest from his hair, his towel wrapped loosely around his waist. I groaned and put my head into his pillow.

"What's wrong?" He asked as if I didn't just hear him jerking himself off.

"I heard you. The. Entire. Time." I mumbled.

He laughed. The jerkoff laughed. Not embarrassed in the slightest.

He didn't say anything more but lightly slapped my butt. "Let's do this shit." He said as he walked to the door.

I followed him all the way to the cells. He let me walk first into the area, there I saw Sam and Dean in cells. They sat there talking through the glass wall. Tony had changed the cells from the last time I had been in them.

Both men sat up after seeing me walk in. I stopped between the two cells with Bucky behind me. I placed my hand on my hip as I spoke.

"You shot me." I stared at Dean.

"You tried to kill my brother."

"Correction. I was inflicting pain on your brother until you let Pepper go. I would've let go when you did." I fixed.

"We didn't mean to hurt or scare you." Sam tried to fix, his hands held in front of him as he gave a warning to Dean from his face.

"So how exactly did you expect us to react when you waited for us in the dark, held a gun to Pepper's head, shot me, and held a gun to my head?" I asked with a tilted head.

"We needed you to listen and if you were in a stressful situation you were more likely to obey," Dean answered.

"Obey? She's not a fucking dog." Bucky snapped.

"Why do you need help, Sam?" I asked turning to the taller man.

"We ne-" Dean started.

"Not you fuckface." I said to Dean.

"We were in our bunker when suddenly our world started to fall apart. The news took over every channel and it showed a giant orange line. People were getting sucked through it. Some would make it through, while others would die and fall to the ground after touching it. More portals showed up, one in our bunker as well. It sucked us through, and we woke up here." Sam explained.

"We don't know how we got here and if you haven't noticed there have been much more accidents in the papers. We think that the monsters from our world followed us to this world."

"Okay, so how did you find me?" I asked confused as to why they wanted me.

"Back in our world, Katherine Morgan was a well-known witch. Dean saw you at a bar and assumed that she made it through. It was you though, not her. We watched you, followed you, and knew the perfect moment to confront you. Pepper wasn't meant to come up too. Just you."

"So why attack? Why not just try and talk to me?" I asked as I switched my weight from foot to foot.

"Weren't sure if you'd listen."

I nodded. "What kind of accidents are you talking about?"

"Ghosts. Vampires. Werewolves." I laughed loudly.

"Alright, that was funny." His face didn't change. "You're serious?"

"Deadly," Dean answered.

I walked over to the cell door and opened Sam's cell. "Katherine!" Bucky yelled as he tried to close the cell.

"Stop." I pointed at him. I took the brace off so I could use both hands.

"Katherine!" Bucky hissed but took the brace, nonetheless.

I walked into the cell with my hands held up slightly. Sam was a lot taller than Bucky. Dean was only an inch or so taller. My head only reached his shoulder.

"Can I have your hand?" He held his hand out. I grabbed it, reaching up I placed two fingers on his temple.

After I scolded Kareem for invading my mind I asked how he did it. He helped me do it, even bringing Glendon through a portal for me to try on someone.

I searched his mind and saw graphic images of individuals with fangs, many sharp teeth in their mouths, and claw-like hands. They were chopping their heads off, shooting them in the chest and heads.

The images stopped when Bucky pulled me away by my waist. I opened my eyes and finally heard Dean yelling and banging on the glass.

I walked out with Bucky and relocked the cell. "They're telling the truth," I told Bucky as he helped me put the brace back on.

I looked over at the men, "I'll talk to Tony." I told them before walking out with Bucky.

"What did you see?" He asked pulling my wrist so I would stop moving.

I took the brace off again, I rested my hand against his face as I pressed a hand to his chest.

I shared the little bit of memories that I got from Sam. "I feel like I just walked in on some weird-ass foreplay."

I opened my eyes and saw Tony standing there with Clint. "Agreed," Tony mumbled.

My hand on Bucky's face and chest faded from the grey color. He opened his eyes too and helped me back into the brace. "You need to let them go," I told Tony.

I repeated what I did with Bucky only I held two fingers to their head and grabbed their hand instead of touching their chest.

Even though he saw what happened he told me no.

Bucky and I went upstairs to my room. He started a bath as I undressed.

I stood fully naked in front of Bucky, only a small towel covering my lower waist as he took the wrap off me.

"Do you have bottoms on?" He asked returning to the water, turning it off.

I blushed, "no."

He smiled slightly, "alright, come get in."

I walked over slowly. Feeling very embarrassed that he's literally giving me a bath.

"Do you want me to look away?" I shook my head, he kept his eyes on mine as I dropped the towel and stepped into the warm water. "Keep your shoulder above the water." He said as he reached under the water and pulled me up.

I nodded and watched as he grabbed a loofah and poured vanilla soap on it. He started dragging it along my body as I sat up fully. I continued to watch him as he focused on my body.

I know this is killing him. Seeing but not touching. I could see the bulge through his jeans.

"Katherine," Bucky said suddenly causing me to jump.


"You're leg, lift it please." I lifted my left leg so he could wash it down. He repeated with my right leg before lifting my left again. "Can I?" He asked nodding down to my vagina.

I nodded, my eyes fell down to his crotch, watching as it got even bigger as he rubbed the soap around. His hands were under the water as he squeezed the soap out of the loofah.

I quickly pulled my right hand from the water and grabbed his crotch. He jerked a bit causing him to drop the loofah, his hand fell against my pussy, I don't think he did it on purpose.

I gasped and jerked my hips up as I palmed him through his jeans. "Don't tease me." He rasped as he pushed himself further in my hand.

I squeezed his cock through his jeans as he groaned. "Fuck," his hand pushed more into my pussy as he started rubbing slightly.

"Buck, no," I mumbled as I rubbed him, he instantly pulled his hand away. "You can touch, don't rub." His hand slid back down my body, resting over it.

"Take your pants off," I instructed.

"Yes ma'am." He stood up and quickly pulled his pants off, leaving him in his boxers.

Before he sat down I grabbed his thigh and pulled him so the front of his legs was touching the bathtub. I leaned up and placed a couple kisses over his cock, taking my time as I expanded what I was willing to do. As he pulled away about a minute or two later I could see as the light grey turned dark grey from cum.

His cheeks flushed as he stood there. He stared at me with wide eyes before he left the room. Was he embarrassed?

While he was gone I scooted forward so I could dip my head in the water without getting my shoulder wet again. I waited five minutes, but Bucky never returned.

I frowned as I started washing my hair with one hand. Did I do something wrong? Was the kissing too much? I thought he'd like that.

I thought that would be the cherry on top of the teasing he received while washing me.

I am struggling to wash my hair. Who knew a left hand was so useful. Two more hands joined mine in my hair as Bucky helped me wash my hair.

After he finished he drained the tub and helped me stand up and wrap a towel around me.

He brushed my hair in front of the mirror as I stayed in the towel. He was being very, very, very sweet and gentle. It's kind of weird, even when he's half asleep and cuddly he's never this soft.

He was looking at me like I was a million bucks. "Is everything okay?" I asked when he kissed my wounded shoulder softly.

"I love you so fucking much." He mumbled as we walked out of my bathroom.

"I love you too but what did I do?"

"You're just amazing." I squinted at him as he handed me one of his shirts. I put some underwear on under my towel and let him help me put the shirt on.

We moved to his room and laid down. "Was the kiss too much? You've been acting weird since then."

He held me around my stomach, his chest pressed against my back as the big spoon. "The kiss gave me some not family-friendly images in my mind." I blushed. That's why he came so quickly and left the room.

I nodded. "Goodnight, I love you," I mumbled.

"Goodnight, I love you too baby."

January 10th, 2013.


I woke up at 3:15 am. I made sure to set a vibrating alarm on my phone. I shimmied out of Bucky's arms and started my mission through the silent tower.

After a long thirty minutes, I found what I needed. I opened the cell doors and rushed in. I shook Dean, he jumped up and smacked me against the wall. His elbow pressed against my wound. I hissed out in pain.

"What are you doing!" He whisper yelled at me. His voice deep and raspy.

"I was breaking you two out but now I'm gonna lock your asses back up!" I spat as I pushed him off me and pulled my shirt down. I held my shoulder as I moved to Sam's cell.

"Wake up," I mumbled as I shook Sam. He woke up and tiredly sat up.

"Sammy! Get your ass up." Dean said loudly.

"Would you shut the fuck up?" I whispered. "My birthday is in less than a week and I'm not looking to get caught."

"What about the cameras?"

"Think I don't know how to hack or something?"

Dean backed off, I walked out of Sam's cell and waited for him to walk out too.

"Here," I mumbled as I handed them their guns, their wallets, and the set of car keys.

"Take stairs to first floor, go out the back entrance, the staff tends to forget to lock that door. You have five minutes before the cameras turn back on."

"Thank you." Sam nodded.

I handed him a paper with my number on it. "You need help, call. Don't try to attack me again. You won't survive next time." I warned.

"Threat understood," Dean mumbled as we walked out of the room.

We both went different ways. I laid back in Bucky's arms at 4:03 am. He tightened his arms back around me as he kissed my neck, his head snuggling into the crook.

I let my eyes close and wait till I fell asleep just for my alarm to go off at 6:15 am. I slowly got up, I went to the bathroom and got the white packets Bucky had used. They were alcohol wipes.

After I wiped down my shoulder the best I could I examined it. I don't know what gunshot wounds look like when healing, but I think it looks good.

I should've paid more attention to how Bucky wrapped my shoulder. Not only can I not reach behind my shoulder very well I also can't see.

Sighing I slowly walked out to the bedroom. Bucky looked so peaceful, and I hate that I need to wake him up. I got dressed quickly-minus my shirt because I can't get my arm the high yet-and crouched by his head.

"Bucky," I whispered as I ran my hand up and down his bare side.

He shifted a bit and scooted closer to me-closer to the edge of the bed. Seeing as one wrong move would result in him on the floor I pushed him as hard as I could with my right hand.

"Am I crushing you?" He mumbled as he moved over.

"No, you're about to fall off. I need your help."

"With?" He asked as he sat up on his knees.

"My shoulder, I can't wrap it. I don't know how."

He stretched his arms out to the side before letting them roughly drop. He tapped his cheek. I smiled and crawled onto the bed, kissing his cheek.

He turned his head and tapped his other cheek. I did as he was wanting. I continued as he tapped his forehead, nose, lips, and ring. "Okay," he breathed as he sat up and walked to the bathroom with me following behind.

He grabbed the wrap and started working, I moved my arm as needed. "Six days."

He smiled, "six days."

I think this is the only time I've ever counted down to my birthday and I know Tony's going to figure out what I did-he is a genius after all-and he's going to be mad.

Thankfully Tony can only take physical objects from me, he can't take Bucky's and I's plans away.


Three. Two. One, "Katherine." Tony deadpanned as I walked into the common room. Steve and Pepper were with him.


He looked confused for a second before remembering he was going to yell at me. "Do anything fun last night?"

I thought about it, "yeah, I took a bath."

"How about way early this morning?"

"Nothing too eventful." I wasn't going to lie to him but I'm not going to just admit it.

"Mhmm." He crossed his arms as I stopped in front of him. "Any idea how Sam and Dean got out and escaped?"

"Well, I mean there has to be a third party, ya know? They clearly needed out and despite proving and explaining themselves they were still stuck."

"Don't get smart with me." He said sternly. I'm not backing down from this. I did what I did because I thought it was right.

"Do you know who that third party is?"

"Definitely someone who believed they should be set free to do what they do best."

"Katherine Morgan do not give me that shit!" He exclaimed. He was mad, mad. "I said no, and you completely ignored it!"

"And I gave you legit proof of what they did in their world, they think that's now here, and you completely ignored me!" I argued back.

"How can you assure that's correct? How do you know your powers showed the right thing? Not just what you wanted to see!"

"Are you doubting my abilities?"

"Yes. Yes, I am because suddenly you can hurt people with your powers by simply touching them. Suddenly you can share memories. Suddenly you can see other people's memories by touching them. You've grown so distant when it comes to your powers that you don't tell us anything anymore!" He exclaimed, his voice close but not yelling yet. "I don't know enough about your powers anymore to trust them."

I laughed. "My powers are plenty accurate thank you."

"And how do you know that? Find the first person that is unexpectant and use them?" He snapped. That was crossing the line. I've never once used my powers on someone without them knowing and he knows this.

"Phobos taught me! He taught me and brought someone that I could practice on. The other person was plenty aware of what was going on and was fine with it!" I yelled at him, anger invading my body. "I didn't know I could cause pain to others until I saw Pepper being held at gunpoint and I saw red. I was about to snap that man's neck because of what they were doing."

"How long have you been talking to Phobos without us knowing?" He asked oddly calm. He's the scary mad calm.

"That doesn't matter! Don't change the subject Stark. I'm learning these stupid powers as I go. I didn't ask for them!" I yelled, Pepper was looking down somewhere around me, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"What else is Phobos teaching you? Are you sneaking out to meet him? Does Barnes know?!"

"I don't need to explain who I do and don't talk too to you!" Steve was now also looking down.

"Does Barnes know that you're talking to Phobos! Having him teach you things that you don't know how to control?!" He finally yelled as Pepper patted his arm slightly.

"Don't fucking bring Bucky into this!" I yelled as I shot my hand out to the side of me before slamming it on the counter. A mini-explosion was heard along with a cracking noise.

I glanced to the side of me and saw that there was now a hole in the wall. Looking at the counter that my hand was still touching I saw a crack spread through the middle. I lifted my hand and jumped slightly when a huge part of the counter fell off too, almost landing on my feet.

My hand was alternating colors as I closed my palm. I quickly looked back up at Tony and saw he was staring at me with wide eyes. He looked at me like I betrayed him.

Pepper and Steve looked the same way. I quickly left the kitchen and went to my car. I texted Peter to drive himself and I left for school an hour early. I sat in the front seat and did some leftover homework until it was time to go inside.

I left my phone in the truck and went into school.

Kareem Phobos.

I was sitting in my office when I saw the crystal on my desk-the same one I gave Katherine to contact me-start lighting up. I grabbed my mask and put it on before tapping the crystal twice and standing up.

I created a portal and walked through to where the crystal is. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was not Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes.

"Is this a pathetic attempt to lock me up?" I asked as the portal closed behind me.

"No this is us asking you what you've been doing to Kathie," Stark demanded, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I haven't done anything to her yet," I said, slightly offended.

"Whatever you've been teaching her has been fucking with her." Barnes continued.

"How so?"

"She got mad while talking with Tony, she threw her arm out and shot a hole in the wall, she then slammed her hand down on the counter and literally snapped a corner off and cracked it through the middle. Her hands were glowing many different colors too." Pepper answered.

"Already?" I asked as I tilted my head. "Has she gone through any emotional shocks recently?"

"She and Pepper were attacked, they were held at gunpoint, and she was shot," Rogers answered.

"She's unstable. Her body. Her powers are divided into seven different colors." I explained as I slowly walked around. "Each color holds a certain amount of power, orange is much more powerful than blue."

"Her body can only hold so many mini fragments of her full power. Her body is trying to combine her powers even though she hasn't discovered them all yet." I continued.

"Her mind knows she doesn't have everything, but her body knows that she was in danger and couldn't do anything. Unintentionally she is trying to gain that power by force."

"How do we stop it?" Barnes asked me.

"Don't piss her off until she discovers a new color." I shrugged.

"She has five now, how do we find the other two?" Pepper asked.

"You can't find them. You need to let her discover them when her body feels that emotion one-hundred percent." I further explained.

"So we just need to keep her happy and out the line of actions?" Rogers asked.


"Is it like hormones? Will it fix it on its own?" Stark asked.

Is he serious? "No. Her body will continue to try and force them together until she learns a new color."

Katherine Morgan.

January 11th, 2013.


We all sat huddled around my desk as I did my work. Pepper got a voicemail saying that Dr. Andersons will call us soon. Since then Pepper and Tony have been sitting in here.

I apologized for yesterday, telling them that I have no idea what came over me or why I acted the way I did. They forgave me really easy. I'm still trying to make it up to them though.

Bucky says that I only need to be in the arm brace one or two more days.

It had just hit two o'clock when Pepper's phone rang. "Hello?" She asked as she put it on speaker.

"Is this Ms. Potts?"

"This is she, Tony and Kathie are here also." I clasped my hands on the desk as I waited.

"Perfect. I ran the tests, and everything came back clear. You are in no way infected with any sexually transmitted disease."

I laughed and dropped my head into my arms. I let out a breath of relief and sat back up. "Thank you so much," Pepper said into the phone. He said goodbye and hung up.

Pepper and I both stood and embraced each other. We laughed some more and smiled a bunch more before they left.


"Okay, what happened?" I asked as I faced Glendon. He randomly showed up and asked if we could meet.

"There was a fight at the bar."

"Alright, any injuries?"

"Still waiting, both went to hospital."

"What happened to cause that?"

"A couple bears smacked over heads, a chair, and a head slammed onto the bar."

"Any workers involved, fought too, helped get them apart from each other, etcetera."

"Just Kareem and I."

I nodded and finished writing it all down in the incidents portion of their profile. 

"You look good sitting there." Glendon announced as I typed.

"Thank you, I really enjoy it." I mumbled not paying a whole lot of attention.

"Through you would look hundreds times better on my coc-"

"Glendon!" I gasped. "You can't say that."

"Why?" He asked as I turned back to him.

"You know why. I have a boyfriend."

"I'm just saying that-"

"I will tell Reem what you're saying. You know he doesn't like you talking to me like that. Nor do I want you to."

He held his hands up and smirked. I looked up when I though I heard a noise. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Nothing." I shook my head.

I heard the noise again and looked up. I huffed and continued the profile.

I heard the noise again and before I could say anything or look up I felt as freezing water fell on top of me.

I gasped as my body tensed. "Woah!" I heard Glendon exclaim and his chair scooted back.

I wiped my wet hair back with my good hand as I looked up. Clint stared at me, his body shaking from silent laughter.

"CLINT!" I screamed as I stared at him in the vent. Not only was I soaked, my brace and bandage was wet too.

He dropped down and landed next to me, his eyes going from me to Glendon. "Oh shit." He laughed harder, "I didn't know you were in a meeting."

"Why?" I asked, my hands raised in confusion.

"Tony said it would be funny."

I do not want to do this. "Please leave my office so I can clean myself and the floor up."

They both nodded and left. I walked out after and locked my door. I instantly walked to Tony's office. I knocked on the door, after he told me to come in and flung the door open.

He and Pepper looked up at me. "You started this. Remember that." I pointed at him before shutting the door and walking to the elevator, getting a lot of weird looks.

I stomped through the common room and to Bucky's room. I stomped in and crossed my arms as I shut the door.

"What happened?" He asked slowly as he sat up from the bed.

"Tony told Clint to pour water on my head."

He covered his mouth slightly as he held in his laugh. "I hate you all," I mumbled and walked to his bathroom.

I heard his laugh get closer to me as I took the brace off and yanked my shirt off.

He grabbed my waist and turned me around. "Guess what?"

"What," I mumbled as I continued crossing my arms.

"I got a call."


"I'm clean." I smiled as he looked down at me with a happy look.

"Me too," I bit the middle of my lip as he picked me up and dropped me on the counter.

His lips crashed on mine as one hand pushed into my hair, the other gripping my waist.

He humped his hips against me as my hand held onto his arm, my left hand resting on the counter.

"Bucky," I patted his arm, he pulled away and stared at me.

"You're about to say no, why?" He asked, rubbing his hands up and down my legs.

"I want to wait."

"For what love? You're clean. I'm clean, what's to wait for?"

"My birthday. I want to wait to do anything more until then."

He sighed. "Alright, we'll wait." He said as he rested his head on my chest.

"Five days." I whispered in his ear, and I rubbed up his back.

"Yeah, five days of blue balls."

"You'll be fine," I laughed, looking over as my wet phone dinged with a message.

Bucky grabbed it before I could, he used his finger to unlock the phone. "Who is it?"


"And?" I asked, urging him to read it.

He laughed. "Remember, you may bleed. It's normal." I laughed and let my chin drop to his head.

"What's she saying?"

"I talked to her about sex and now she's been sending me tips after tips for my birthday night."

He nodded as he set my phone down. He kissed up my chest and neck, he placed a kiss on my cheek and lips before standing fully.

"You are the literal reason you have blue balls." I laughed, he was always trying to touch me in some inappropriate way.

"But it's so hard not to touch." I smiled and hugged his waist.

January 16th, 2013.


I woke up freezing, certain small parts of my body warmed by something. I whimpered as something warm wrapped around my nipple.

It moved down my body and kissed around my stomach. I forced myself up and rested on my elbows. My eyes barely open as I looked at Bucky, watching as he kissed my body.

I squeezed my legs together as he moved up, kissing my chest, neck, jaw, cheeks, and finally my lips.

"Happy Birthday baby," he whispered against my lips.

I smiled, "thank you."

"Guess what?" He asked softly as he pulled me up and into his lap, my chin resting on his shoulder as I fought against sleep.

His hands rubbed my back as I yawned quietly. "What?"

"Tonight." He whispered.

I blushed, I'm excited for tonight. Nervous but more excited. "Tonight." I whispered back.

"Are you still okay with going all the way tonight?" He asked, his lips kissing my shoulder.

"Mhmm. I'm excited."

I jumped in his arms as my alarm went off. Bucky laughed and reached over, bending and squashing me in the process. He turned the alarm off and looked me in the eyes.

"Go hop in the shower, wake up some. I'm taking you out tonight. I already asked Pepper if you could skip. I'm going to pick you up from school, we're going to come back here, and you'll get in the new dress I got you. We'll go have dinner, dessert and come back here. We'll lock the door and relax." He explained.

Does he not want to have sex anymore?

"Then, when you're nice and relaxed we'll move on to more active activities." I nodded and climbed off him. I walked slowly to his bathroom, leaving the door cracked open as I took a long shower.

I was still tired when I walked back into the bedroom wrapped in a towel. Bucky stood from the bed and walked over with something behind his back.

"Happy Birthday," he said again as he handed me a bouquet of sweet peas.

I smiled and hugged him. My left arm was sore still but mostly healed. There was a scar sadly but it's not a big deal. At least I was out of that brace.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.

"Than if you'll follow me, m'lady." He smiled as he pulled me to the bed. He had an outfit picked out for me. "I got you clothes. Your bag is packed. Breakfast is made and waiting for you in our kitchen."

I smiled and hugged him again. I got dressed and ate. I went to the common room to tell Tony that I was leaving.

The minute I walked in I could see him and Pepper already arguing with my parents. They hadn't noticed me yet, so I tried to slowly creep backward and out of the room.

I was doing well until I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry," Steve apologized as his hands went to my waist and literally moved me out of his way. He continued forward before stopping and turning to me. "Happy Birthday." He said loud enough to gain all the attention in the kitchen.

They all looked at me, so I walked in. "Happy Birthday sweetie," Pepper smiled as she hugged me.

"Happy Birthday," Tony smiled at me momentarily before going back to glaring at Dad.

"Thank you. I'll text you guys updates on what's going on after I get out of school." I smiled, waved, and rushed out of the room before Mom could stop me.


I had just walked in with Peter when Sofia slammed into me. "Happy Birthday!" She squealed as she squeezed the life out of me.

"Thank you," I smiled as she pulled away, a huge smile on her face.

She shoved Peter away and linked her arm with mine. "So? Is it happening tonight?"

I bit the middle of my bottom lip, smiling and nodding at the same time. She shook me as we walked. "Yay!!"

I wanted to talk to someone about it and I knew Sofia wouldn't tell anyone, so I told her my plans for tonight. "I know I'm excited!"

We stopped in the corner out of the way of people as someone spoke over the speaker. Peter caught up to us as we listened. "Attention students, due to a very generous donation today from an anonymous source we have decided to cancel classes and have a free day. You must stay on campus but there will be music playing along with movies in classrooms. Have a wonderful day."

"He didn't?" I asked looking at Peter.

"He so did."

"Did Tony just bribe the school to have a free day for you?" Sofia asked laughing and silently cheering.

"Yeah...well...whatcha wanna do?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows as the warning bell rang.

They both shrugged. "How about you go find MJ and whoever from the gang and meet us at Joshua's class?"

Peter nodded and went off one way. Sofia and I walked to her Dad's class. "Hey, I don't mean this in a rude way or anything, but I noticed your shirt, don't you think it's a little boobylishes?"

I laughed, "I said the same thing. Bucky chose it. He said "it's your birthday you deserve to feel sexy. I know how to fight if it's needed." And I said okay and got changed." I explained.

"Nice." She said as we reached the class.

Joshua and Dylan were both in there. "There's my favorite set of Dad's. What're you doing here?" I asked as Sofia, and I walked in and sat on a desk.

"Well since someone decided they wanted a free day we needed to be here in case something happens." Dylan teased.

"For your information, I didn't even know about this until the speaker said so. Sofia's a witness." I defended.



The entire time the gang-minus Ben, we couldn't find him-and I sat in the cafeteria and danced to the music. Most of the people were in here and dancing too. It was very cheesy and reminded me of a sleepover dance party with everyone messing around without a care. People were recording their friends to put on social media as they cheered them on.

Sofia and I were messing around and dancing together-the only ones without a guy to dance with-we were twirling each other around and shaking to the beats.

We did that for a while before sitting down. Pizza and sodas lined some tables in the back of the room. I had texted Tony a thank you earlier but when he called me asking why he claimed he had no idea why that was happening.

Sofia left to go get pizza, she's grabbing me a sprite too. I looked up from my phone, I was texting Bucky about dinner tonight when Ben walked up to me with three men I'd never seen before behind him.

"Happy Birthday," he smiled as he leaned against the table beside me. I put my phone between my legs.

"Thank you. Who are your friends?"

"Oh, they're coworkers. They wanted to meet you. Guys this is Katherine, the one dating the Soldier." Why does it matter that I'm dating Bucky? Why did he feel the need to add that?

The largest one looked down at me. "What's going on between him and the newest chick?"

I blinked a couple times. "I'm not answering that."

They walked closer to me. I glanced over at Ben, but he was gone. "Why? Jealous? Tell me is the killer that comfortable with everyone or just her?"

"I'm not comfortable answering that. I'm going to go." I said as I started to stand up. Two guys sat on both sides of me while the third stayed in front of me.

"I don't think so."

Like the stalker that he is, Kareem showed up. He walked up behind the guy. Towering over him. I still have yet to ask him how tall he is. "Can I help you?" He asked harshly.

"We're just talking with a friend. Back off dude. She's fine."

Kareem looked at me, I shook my head slightly. "Walk away," Kareem warned.

"Bro, she's fine. What's it to you?" The one to my right said.

"Well, that's my sister you're fucking crowding and making uncomfortable," Kareem said as he got in the one's standing face.

"Reem!" I hissed, "don't start anything." I jumped from the table and walked away from them. "It's fine, let's go."

I pulled Kareem away. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to say Happy Birthday."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Who were those dicks?"

"I don't know. Ben brought them over but then Ben disappeared." I explained as Sofia walked over.

"Everything okay?" She asked as she handed me my drink.

"Yeah, this is my brother Kareem." I pointed. I felt a sharp pain in my side as he pinched it.

"That's Phobos?!" She whisper yelled as she stared at him.



The rest of the day was fun, Kareem lurked around, stalking me as usual. School had ended and Sofia walked with me to the parking lot.

We both saw Bucky at the same time. He was dressed very nicely in a button-up shirt tucked into slacks. NOTHING like he normally does. He also had a big bouquet of purple orchids.

"Go get your man before I do." She laughed as she walked to her car. I walked up to him smiling. He gave me the flowers, "Happy Birthday, I love you."

"I love you too." I reached up to hug him, but he had other plans. His arm wrapped around my waist as he spun us, pushing me backward and into the car. His other hand rested beside my head as he kissed me.

I heard a loud whistle, the same one I hear every day. I turned my head slightly at the same time as Bucky and saw Peter and MJ walking, Peters two fingers in his mouth.

Bucky and I turned back to each other as we raised our middle fingers at him. His hands grabbed my butt and lifted me to the point I was standing on my toes. I laughed and pushed his hands away.

He kissed me again before pulling away and opening my door. I thanked him and got in the car.


I was fixing my hair, just putting in the last clip when I heard Pepper call me as she walked in. "What's up?" I asked walking out and to my dresser, grabbing and securing my necklace.

"You look beautiful." She smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

"Are you ready for tonight?" She asked with a serious face, her hands still holding my shoulders.

"Yes," I nodded, not wanting her to think I was hesitant when I wasn't.

"Are you sure, you don't need to do it. Don't feel pressured because you agreed already." I smiled as she said it again. This was a normal thing, her checking in on whether or not I am ready for tonight, me telling her yes, and her asking again.

"Yes, Pepper."

"Okay, I just don't want you getting hurt or doing something you don't want to."

"I know." I hugged her again as Bucky walked in.

"Oh sorry," he said and turned around walking out when he saw Pepper and I hugging.

She pulled away, "go have fun, be safe. No doubt blogs and people like that know you're eighteen now.  Watch for cameras, don't let them close enough to take sneaky pictures under your dress." I nodded and thanked her. She left and Bucky walked in.

I just sat at the bed to put my heels on when Bucky knelt in front of me. He took my leg and rested my foot on his knee as he grabbed the heel. I smiled as he put my heels on for me.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked as he helped me stand up.

"Yes." I smiled, we walked to the elevator, I had a small purse with my phone and wallet just in case.

Once the doors closed he backed me against the wall, his hands holding onto my sides. He kissed me softly then my cheek. "Are you still wanting tonight?" He asked quietly.

"Yes." I smiled. He lightly kissed me again. He held my hand as we waited.


"Go get into something comfortable." He mumbled, kissing the side of my head as we reached our rooms. I swallowed hard and went to my room while he went to his.

I grabbed out the purple lingerie I bought on Christmas Eve and put that on after using the bathroom and cleaning down there. I grabbed one of his long shirts and put that on before taking my make-up off.

I swallowed my nerves and walked back to Bucky's room. I walked in and locked the door. He was sitting on his bed watching TV, the bed perfectly made in his comforter.

I sat down next to him but kept some distance. He glanced over at me with a kind smile, "comfy?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I took my make-up off. I hop—" I started before he leaned over and kissed me. I inhaled sharply when he crawled over to me, his lips still connected with mine.

"Bucky," I mumbled against his lips.

He pulled away instantly. "Yes?"

"Do not disturb, someone can walk in." I pulled him back to me.

"FRIDAY turn do not disturb on." He mumbled as he hovered over me, his hands holding my sides.

"Do not disturb is now on."

Bucky continued kissing me, his tongue rubbing along the slit in my lips. I opened them for him, a warm feeling appearing in my stomach. His hands pushed up his shirt, pausing when he felt the martial of the lingerie.

"What are you wearing?" He asked pulling away from me. I blushed, feeling nervous under his intense stare.

His hands started to push the shirt up, "Bucky?"

"Yes?" He asked, still pushing the shirt slowly.

"I'm paranoid someone is going to walk in."

He kissed my nose softly. "FRIDAY put our floor on lockdown."

I watched as metal covered the widow on the wall. "Better?" He asked looking over me.

"Better," I smiled. Bucky pulled the shirt off me.

"Wow," he breathed, his hands rubbing up and down my sides as he picked up the mesh flaps. "You look beautiful." He whispered before undoing the bra snap in the front. He pulled it off me and left me laying in just my panties.

He kissed down my body, dragging his tongue around my stomach. He licked up my chest and nipples.

I gasped when he bit down on my nipple, his tongue soothing the pain. My body was hot, and I felt like I was about to explode. With him still fully clothed he moved and sat behind me.

His hands played with my nipples as he kissed behind my ear. "Can I?" He asked softly as one of his hands ghosted over my stomach and cupped my crotch.

"Yes," I answered, gasping when his hand reached into the underwear. He rubbed soft lazy circles on my clit. I held onto his arm as pleasure filled me.

He sped up and rubbed with more pressure, more urgency. "Does that feel good?"

I nodded, I opened my mouth but all that came out was a low moan. "I take care of my baby, I make my baby feel good huh?" He whispered in my ear.

The feelings became a lot and I freaked. I pulled his hand out as I scooted away from it.

"What's wrong? Talk to me about what I did wrong." He kissed over my ear.

"I didn't mean to, it's just new," I mumbled as I repositioned myself, so I was laying down more.

"It's okay, do you trust me?" He asked softly, his hand pushing back down.

"You know I do," I said as I leaned sideways and touched his face softly.

"Good, trust me, baby." He started his quick pace again causing my hips to jerk up into his hand. He stared at me with a hand on my face as he continued to pleasure me.

My orgasm started to build very quickly, he leaned down and kissed me, his hand moving from my face to my nipple. He pulled and twisted it causing me to moan into his mouth.

My breathing turned into a mini gasp every time. The feeling became too much at once and my mind took over. I pushed his hand away and scooted closer to his body until I was sitting straight up against him.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked turning my head to face him the best it could.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was doing it until it was already done."

"Are you scared?" He asked softly.

"A little."

"Okay, do you want to stop or do something else?"

"Something else."

He slid out from behind me. I watched as he slowly lifted his shirt off him, then his pants.

My eyes widened when he took his boxers off, his dick looked painfully hard and a lot different than Philips. Not only was it bigger, but it looked thicker.

"Like what you see?" He laughed, my eyes snapped back to his once I realized I'd been staring. He crawled on the bed and grabbed my ankles. He yanked them towards him, so I was laying down.

"Can I take these off?" He asked kissing my hips, my legs spread and bent for him to see.

I took a deep breath. "Yes."

He nodded, he kissed over my covered clit as his fingers wrapped around the sides of my panties. I lifted my hips for him to pull the fabric off me.

He left the underwear beside me as he stared at my lower half. "Beautiful," he mumbled before leaning over me and kissing me. His lips trailed down my stomach before he stopped and leaned so his face was directly over mine.

"Can I do something so you can't pull away?" He asked leaning down and kissing my neck.

"Yes," I nodded.

"What are your safe words?"  He asked leaning back over my face with a serious look.

"Cinn and Cinnamon."

"And what do they mean?"

"Cinn is a warning and Cinnamon is stop."

"Good girl," he kissed me before crawling down my body. He laid with his face in front of my pussy as he wrapped his arms under my legs and over my stomach.

I gasped and jerked my hips when I felt him lick from my opening to my clit. He started licking and sucking on my clit. My hands yanked and squeezed his hair when I felt more pleasure than I've ever experienced with him.

His hands left my legs and spread my lips down there apart. Now with nothing in his way he started licking and sucking harder. My moans were uncontrollable as he went to town on me.

The lowest and loudest moan ripped out of me when I felt his tongue push into me. I felt my orgasm forming hard and with a vengeance as his tongue continued to practically fuck me.

Bucky can fuck me. He can fuck me all he wants.

He wrapped his arms around me again as he continued eating me out. My heart was pounding, and a pang kept shooting through my chest. My body was hot, and my head was fuzzy.

The feeling got overwhelming, and I tried to pull away. He held me down and licked and sucked harder. My thighs clamped shut over his head, they just kinda did, I didn't mean to.

My hands didn't know what to do. They went from slamming against the bed beside me, to completely freezing and lightly shaking in front of me when I tried to grab Bucky.

He unwrapped his arms from me and grabbed my knees. He forced them apart and held my legs open, the feelings intensifying now that he has perfect access to my clit.

It suddenly felt like I was going to pee. My hips had a mind of their own as they ground against his face. I tried to push his head away, fearing that I was about to pee on him.

Instead of pulling away he grabbed my hands in his and held them down. My moaning turned more into whining as my body started to shake.

I felt as something wet dripped out from me, he continued to lick and suck causing the dripping feeling to get more intense.

My entire body shook as I cried out. He continued to suck until my body untensed and went limp. He licked once more from my opening to my clit before crawling back up my body.

He kissed me, shoving his tongue in my mouth. I could taste myself in his mouth. He pulled away and brushed my hair behind my ears. "Was that okay?" He asked kissing my cheek.

"Amazing," I mumbled as my heart rate went back to normal.

"Can I put it in now?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

"Yes," I nodded.

"I'm going to warm you up, okay?"

"Okay." I watched as he sat back down between my spread legs. He licked his finger and pressed it against my opening.

He slowly pushed in causing me to moan. He pumped the finger in and out. "You're so wet baby."

He slowly added another finger, pumping again. I could feel a knot forming in my stomach when he pulled his fingers out.

I watched him get off the bed and stick his fingers in his mouth. He grabbed two different things and sat back between my legs.

He had a small square wrapper. He ripped it open with his teeth and took out a condom. He was about to put it on when I stopped him. "Maybe we could go without? It's not like I can get pregnant." I joked.

He thought about it, "that's why you wanted me to get tested."

I blushed and nod softly. "Okay," he smiled as he threw it on the nightstand. He grabbed the lube-which I saw was flavored, he must've gotten that one-and poured some on his dick. I watched him with mesmerized eyes as he stroked himself to spread the lube.

He then put some on his fingers and rubbed it on my pussy, mostly the opening. He then licked his fingers again. "Not bad," he smirked.

He positioned himself between my legs, one hand holding his cock at my opening and the other next to my head. My heart pounded as he looked down at his cock.

"Can I?" He asked looking up at me.

I nodded.

"Let me hear you, please. I don't want you to do this if you don't want to."

"I want to. Yes, you can." I smiled, that smile quickly dropped when a stinging pain ripped through my lower half.

My hands flew to his forearms as my eyes squeezed shut. He groaned in my ear as he held himself in place. "You feel so fucking good, oh my God. You are so fucking beautiful." He rasped in my ear.

I stayed silent, waiting for the pain to lessen. After a second it did. "You can move," I whispered. He pushed in more causing my body to tense.

"You take me so well baby, you can do this," he encouraged when he saw my pained expression.

"You're so pretty taking my cock, you look so pretty." He continued.

The pain faded a bit, "more." I mumbled, my eyes still closed. He pushed in more causing me to grunt.

"You're doing so well for me." He mumbled, his voice pained as he struggles not to move. I swallow hard and try to focus on the pleasure aspect and not the pain.

We repeated this twice more. "Look at me baby," he rasped, his hand now holding my face.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He wiped away a single tear. "That's all, I'm all the way in. I'm so proud of you," he cooed as he rubbed his thumb over my cheek.

I nodded and moved my hands from his arms to his face. "You can go," he nodded and slowly started to pull out, then thrust in the same pace.

He continued to go slow, his hands on either side of my face. "You're so tight," he was breathing heavily. "Oh you feel so good," he mumbled as he kissed me. His hands moved from my face and interlocked with mine, he held his hands in mine and by my head.

He sped up and thrusted a little faster, a moan bubbled from the back of my throat. The minute my mouth opened he shoved his tongue inside.

"Oh my God," I whimpered as the pleasure took over, smacking me in the face.

I could feel my orgasm building quickly, is it normal for it to go this quick? I remember reading about how most girls don't even cum during—


I like this...

I yelled out suddenly, the feeling overtaking my actions as I clenched down on his cock, my entire body vibrating as I squeezed his hands, my lips just resting against his at this point.

"I'm gonna cum." He breathed, his thrusts sloppy. "Can I cum in you, please. Please let me cum in you." His breathing sped up, I could feel him pulsating inside me.

"Cum in me Bucky."

He pushed himself fully into me as he came. His body stilled with his chest pressed against mine. I could feel a warm feeling spread through my lower half.

I smiled and closed my eyes. That was amazing. I unwrapped my legs from around his back, I don't even remember wrapping them around him.

I kissed his head that was on my chest. He pulled his hands from mine as he lifted off me. I thought that was the end until he grabbed my calfs and pushed against them.

He lifted them until I was folded with my butt in the air and my legs by my head. He shoved his face into my pussy, licking and sucking, not caring that his cum covered me.

"Stick your tongue out." He demanded. I quickly stuck my tongue out-choosing to ignore how stupid I thought I looked right now-he collected some cum that dripped out and leaned over me, our body's covered in a thin layer of sweat, his more than mine.

He let the cum fall from his mouth to my tongue. "Hold it." He demanded and used his finger to shut my mouth after I pulled my tongue in.

He lifted off me and flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees. He pulled me up by my throat and kissed me, using his tongue to take the cum back.

He pushed me back down until my chest was pressed against the bed. I felt him lick my pussy again, he only did it once before lining himself back up and pushing in me slowly.

He started thrusting into me again, I could hear him muttering off praises as he fucked me, but I was blindsided by the immense pleasure spreading through me.

He used his hands to push my legs together, before pulling out and yanking my ankles so I was flat on my stomach.

He used his hands to pull my butt cheeks apart as he pushed in me. His hands kneaded and massaged my butt as he rocked his hips into me. His cock was hitting my g-spot causing me to be a moaning and whimpering mess under him.

Just as I was about to cum again he pulled out and flipped me over, he moved me like I was the lightest ragdoll ever. He pushed in me again as he grabbed my hands and held them.

"Cum on my cock, show me how good I make you feel." Those words sent me over the edge. I came all over him as he continued thrusting. "That's my pretty girl. Look at you, such a good girl." I swear I stopped breathing when he said that.

Once I could breathe again he spoke, "can I move faster?"

"Yes, please go faster." Without question he let go of my hands and grabs my hips, he lifts them as he starts thrusting into me—I can tell that he's holding back a bunch—this verses the other thrusting is so much better. He's hitting all the right spots at high speed causing me to still.

My body doesn't know what to do. Feeling overwhelmed I grab the top of the headboard and squeeze as he goes to town on me, the room echoing with our moans and grunts.

I squeezed harder when I felt another orgasm approaching. It can't be normal to cum this much during sex.

I screamed when I heard the sound of wood splintering. Wood pieces fell all over me. Bucky falters for a second but not long as he starts going harder. He brushed the wood off me as I lift my hands a bit.

They quickly slam to the comforter as I climax. I can hear the tearing sound as I pull on it as hard as I can. I watch as Bucky pulls my glowing pink hands to his sides. I quickly wrap them around his back, letting my nails dig into his skin.

Everything went blurry for a second as I held onto him. He pulled away and stared into my bright pink eyes. Bucky pulled away more but something in me caused me to yank him back down onto my sweaty body.

"One more, please," I mumbled against his lips. He leaned back and lifted one of my legs and leaned over me with it. I was technically in the splits with him pushing my leg towards my head.

He smacked into me that way as I grabbed the blanket again, it was ripping as I yanked on it. My eyes were stuck on his as sweat dripped from his neck to my chest. His room was very hot now.

He sat up and hugged my leg to his chest as he pounded into me with one of my legs between his and the other against his chest. I cried out and grabbed the headboard again.

I literally snapped the wood as he pounded into me. I think I blacked out because the next thing I know I'm screaming with both my legs over his shoulders as he hugs my legs to his chest.

He leans over with my legs against his chest and kisses me as he moves. His hands held my face, "I'm gonna cum," he mumbled as he slammed into me. My legs shook on his shoulders as he slowly moved, he would pull out slowly but slam into me hard. He continued to do this until he moaned in my ear and came inside me, his forehead dropping against mine.

He stayed in me and over me as we regained our breath. I grabbed his face as my hands slowly faded back to their normal color from pink.

After about a minute he lifted his head. "Hi," I weakly smiled, my body felt numb and tired. We were both breathing heavily.

I wrapped my hands in his sweaty hair as he answered. "Hi." He had a goofy smile as he stared at me.

He pulled off me and out of me, I hissed at the small sting of him leaving.

He stood up and pulled some boxers on. Without a word, he walked to the bathroom.

I wasn't expecting much but I was expecting at least a little relaxing with each other before he walked away like nothing happened.

Bucky Barnes.

I started the shower for Katherine. She's going to be tired. After I had it going nice and warm I walked back out.

Katherine was propped on her elbows as she stared down at her pussy. She had a finger touching the cum that dripped out of her.

Her eyes snapped up to me, knowing I just caught her she blushed and slapped her thighs together.

I walked over to the bed and lightly held her face. "Go get in the shower babe."

She nodded and moved so she could stand. I watched her in all her nakedness as she walked on wobbly legs. Yeah. I did that shit.

"I'll join you in a second," I told her as I stood and yanked the ripped comforter and sheets off the bed.

"I uh—I don't think I can go again." She mumbled as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Just a shower, nothing more." I smiled at her. She nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

I quickly dressed the bed in the new comforter set she got me for Christmas. The sheets and blanket were very soft and thick.

I quickly rush out to our kitchen and grab a small cake I bought her earlier. I grabbed two forks and returned to my room. I hid it in the bedside table big drawer. I turned lockdown off but left the do not disturb on. I opened the balcony doors and let some cool air in.

I quietly walked into the bathroom and grabbed three towels, I took my boxers off and stepped in. Katherine was sitting crisscross on the floor with her head in her hands.

I knelt beside her, she looked up at me with a happy face and half-closed eyes. "Thank you for that baby," I mumbled as I kissed her forehead. I pulled her up and helped her shower.

I continued thanking her as she washed me—she insisted, she was really excited—I held her and whispered praises in her ear as she relaxed under the water with me.

I pull her out after turning the water off and wrapped her in a towel. I clean her shoulder and brush her hair as she stares at me with a smile through the mirror.

She follows me with her hand in mine to my bed. The headboard was trashed, I need to put the new metal one she got me on tomorrow.

I help her sit under the new covers in her towel. I sit next to her and pull the cake out, quickly lighting the candles. "Happy Birthday," I smile as I hold the cake out.

She frowns and takes a fork from me. "Thank you, I love you."

I put it down between us, "I love you too."

We ate the whole cake, I fed her some, she fed me some. I'm sure we looked pretty fucking stupid, but we didn't think so.

It was very intimate and very sweet. "How was that for you? Did you enjoy it?" I asked as I took her fork and closed the now empty container the cake came in.

She laughed. I quickly looked over to find out why. She leaned over and hugged me, letting her chin drop to my shoulder. "It was amazing, better than anything I could have imagined. It was definitely worth the wait." She gushed into my ear. I couldn't help the pride that filled me.

"Can we do skin to skin tonight? Fully?" I asked hopeful, she pulled away with a kind smile and loving eyes.

She nods instantly. I thought she would've hesitated more than she did.

We take our towels off and I pull her onto my chest. I hold her to my chest under the blanket and whisper sweet things into her ear until she falls asleep. I kiss the side of her head, "I love you."

She's already asleep so she doesn't say it back. I quickly fall asleep with her.

Katherine Morgan.

January 17th, 2013.


I woke up to someone banging on the door. It suddenly flung open, and Nat strutted in. "You are going to be late for school if you don—" She started before pausing mid-sentence when she saw the headboard. Her eyes then traveled to the new comforter and me on Bucky—who is still sleeping.

She gasps and rushes over to me, she yanked the blanket up a bit—only seeing my naked body. She would be ripped a new one if she saw his—and throws it back down.

"Natasha!" I hissed from the intrusion.

"Did you two fuck?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. We fucked, now please leave. I'm skipping the first two classes. I already talked to Tony about it." For some reason, the word "fucked" doesn't have the same meaning in my head anymore.

"How was it? Is it big?" She asked rather loudly.

"Get out!" I whisper yelled at her when Bucky started to shift around.

"Just answer! Is it big?"

"No, it's small." He mumbled as he grabbed a pillow and chucked it at her, hitting her directly in the face.

She threw it back and hit me as she left. I sighed and relaxed into Bucky more. He rubbed my back as I fell back asleep.

I woke up again to Bucky playing with my hair. I felt a sting spread through my lower half when I moved. I groaned.

"I know, I'm sorry baby." He mumbled in my ear. I ignored the pain and sat up.

I smiled down at him, my body suddenly full of energy. I rested my palms flat against his chest while I bit the middle of my bottom lip. "You're glowing." He smiled, his hands rubbing up and down my sides.

"I feel great."


"Yeah, how do you feel?" I asked as his hands trailed up my sides and over my chest.

"You should take a picture of my hands like this." He smirked, "I feel amazing."

Ignoring his first comment I asked, "amazing?"

"Oh yeah, and full of pride. My ego is also ten times bigger." He added.

"Why is that?"

He grabbed my sides and flipped me over, I could feel his cock on my inner thigh. "Because you came on my cock. These beautiful legs shook because of me. You came and even squirted because of me and my tongue and my cock." He explained as he stared at me. I probably looked like a mess.

I blushed and pursed my lips. "Are we about to have morning sex?" I whispered like it was illegal.

"We shouldn't, you're already sore, and adding to the soreness won't help." He kissed me before lifting off me and standing. I stared at his naked body as he walked to his dresser.

"You know it's rude to stare." He looked back over his shoulder as he pulled his boxers on.

"Well, I'm rude as hell," I mumbled as I continued to drink in his body. He laughed as he got dressed.

"Come on, get up." He walked over to me, I wrapped myself around in his blanket.

"No, comfy," I mumbled as I stared at him.

"Let's go," he started trying to unwrap me.

I turned against him, so I was just wrapping myself back up. "I will pick your ass up."

I paused, "then we can have morning sex?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

He paused his pulling and left his hands on the blanket, over my sides as he chuckled. "No. We are not having morning sex."

I groaned and unwrapped myself. I stood up and looked around the floor. "Where did you put my outfit yesterday?"

He just smiled at me. "You're not keeping that," I mumbled as I grabbed a shirt from the floor, at least he left this there.

He hugged me from behind when I stood up fully. "Careful walking around, you shouldn't be sore long with quick healing." I nodded.

"I'm sorry about the headboard." I scrunched my face when I looked back at it.

"It's okay, I needed to take it off anyways." He kissed me before leaving me to get ready for school.

Emi Morgan.

I quickly looked around the spare room I was in. "Hey FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Mrs. Morgan?"

"Block Katherine's number from everyone's phones." I smiled.

"Reason to do so?"

Fuck. Lie. "Surprise party."

"Done, blocked until further notice."

"Also block everyone's number from her phone so they doesn't ruin the surprise."


Done. "FRIDAY send out a message saying that Katherine is staying late after school to work on a project, and she has to reschedule to tomorrow."

"Sorry for the interruption but Katherine has to stay late at school and work on a project and needs to reschedule to tomorrow."

Now to redecorate her room. I grabbed Miles and grabbed all her new stuff.

She's going to hate it.

We reached her room, her door was open. Perfect. I started taking down all her pictures, throwing them to the side. A couple cracked but it's fine.

I then took off her horrendous grey and purple comforter and put on the bright pink cheetah print on it. I took all her pillows off her bed and replaced them with harder ones that were zebra print.

I took all her books and threw them in a box. Some pages were bent, and books were inside other books, but I kept stacking regardless.

Once I finished the bed and walls-her walls covered in a bunch of posters, most of them saying stuff like "keep calm..." stuff like that-I moved to her closet and pulled all her shirts and jackets down.

I replaced it with piss-yellow clothes. Everything in that closet was yellow.

Then I replaced all her pants with snake print jeans. Her boots were also all changed to snakeskin and bright yellow rain boots.

I also took the liberty of finding and throwing all the hidden lingerie away. I replaced those with training bras and child-looking underwear.

I took all the stuff on her dresser and replaced it with a dirt and rock collection. We moved to her bathroom. I poured all her perfumes out. She didn't need them, throwing all her makeup away at the same time, once again she doesn't need it. It's not like it would make her look any better.

I replaced all her towels with shorter ones that wouldn't wrap all the way around her and were prickly. We also took the picture of her and Bucky she had on the counter.

Once I was proud of the bathroom we walked out to her room. We smiled, proud of my work...until my eyes landed on a teddy bear. I walked over and picked it up.

"What a child." I rolled my eyes and threw it at Miles. "Fucking do something. Or do I have to do this myself too?" I asked harshly as I grabbed a trash bag. We needed to throw these away when trash came so she couldn't get it back so we would hide them until then.

Katherine Morgan.

"How can I help you, ma'am?" A man asked me. I stood from the seat and walked over.

"Hello, I have a reservation under Morgan." I smiled at him. I was finally able to get everything done with my culinary class, get changed in the school bathroom, and pin my hair up before arriving.

"Birthday dinner with twenty-four people?" He asked looking up at me.

"Yes sir." I smiled bigger.

"Perfect, give us five minutes and we'll be with you." I nodded and sat back down. I checked my phone and saw I had no new messages.


"Ms. Morgan?" I looked up and quickly walked over.


"Are you the birthday girl by chance?"

"Yes, I am. Well, it was yesterday but this is a dinner to celebrate my birthday." I explained.

The guy just smiled at me. "This is Mike and he'll be one of the two servers to help your group. The tables are ready for you if you'll follow Mike."

"Thank you!" I chirped and followed Mike.

"You work at Stark Industries huh? Starks assistant?" He asked as he guided me to the table.

"And Ms. Potts, but yes. That won't change how I'm treated right? I just want to have a nice birthday dinner."

"Not one bit, just curious. Here you are, can I get you anything started off?"

"Yes, can I have a sprite and two sweet teas?" I asked, Bucky should be here soon, so I'll get him his tea now, so he already has it.

"Of course."

Ten minutes later...

"Hey babe, where are you guys? Call me back." I mumbled into the phone. I put my phone down on the table. Mike already gave me my drinks and told me to wave him over when I needed him.

Twenty minutes later...

"Okay this isn't funny. Please call me. I get the water prank. I do. But flaking on dinner? Please Tony, have someone call me and tell me what's going on." I hung up the phone and put it back in the same spot.

"Everything okay?" I heard in the chair beside me. I slowly looked at Kareem.


"Whatcha doin' here?" He asked looking around at the empty table.

"Was supposed to be a celebration dinner but everyone decided to skip."

"Ouch." He mumbled before disappearing.

"Bye." I shook my head.

Thirty minutes later...

"I've texted everyone. No one has answered and I'm about to start crying. Call me back."

I angrily wiped a couple tears that fell when the door opened. I looked up with hopeful eyes to see the team and Bucky walk in. But it wasn't them.

Ashlyn and Dr. Palmer quickly walked over. "I'm so sorry we're late, I got stuck doing a test." Ashlyn apologized as she hugged me.

"It's fine."

"Where is everyone?" Dr. Palmer asked sitting down.

I sat down too, my hands were glowing. Each finger was a different color. My thumb was orange, then blue, then yellow, grey, green, and my palm was pink. I quickly tucked them under the table.

"Browns told me today they couldn't make it. Everyone else chose not to show up." I smiled slightly as I swallowed hard. Tears pricking my eyes as I looked away.

"Kathie I'm so-" Dr. Palmer started.

"No. I don't want to hear that please." He nodded and stopped talking.

"Katherine?" I looked over and saw Kareem and Glendon standing there, they were dressed nice. Glendon was wearing glasses too.

"Kareem, Glendon what are you guys doing here?"

"We came to get dinner but saw you sitting and was wondering if we could join."

I looked around at the empty table. "Sure. Doctor, Ashlyn this is Glendon and Kareem, I help them with a bar they own." Dr. Palmer doesn't know about Kareem or Glendon, they are the one thing I haven't told him about.

"Kashton Palmer and this is my daughter Ashlyn." He shook both their hands as they sat down, Kareem sitting at the end of the table and Glendon across from me.

I waved Mike over.

"Can I get a smaller table please, just for five?" I asked, trying to blink my tears away.

"Of course, follow me." We all stood and walked to the new table. We all ordered something to drink. I can't believe I was actually excited about this dinner.

After another thirty minutes-I've been here an hour now-we all ordered, and I excused myself.

I tried calling Bucky again. It rang but went straight to voicemail as if he ignored my call.

"Umm, don't worry about coming. I already got a smaller table...I'm not mad. If you didn't want to come...all of you clearly didn't want to come. You should've said something to me." I said as I looked up so tears wouldn't fall. "I looked like a fool in there Buck. Umm well. I'm gonna hang up now. Bye." I hung up the phone and texted the team's group chat.

Adults...and Kathie

I made this when I was announced an Avenger. It once said Adults...and 2 kids. But I changed it when Peter turned eighteen. I haven't changed it yet. I saw my previous fifteen or so messages to them and gave a humorless laugh.

Kathie :)

I'm here

I got the table

I got you a tea Buck

Are you guys on your way?


Okay you guys are funny



I look crazy sitting here with so many empty chairs. I look like I'm having a ghost tea party.

This was today, right?

I just was

Y'all come on

I'm going to cry


I've called you all and texted you all individually


Can someone tell me what's going on?

Did you go to the wrong place?

I guess I'll see you at the tower.

Ashlyn and Dr. Palmer are here.

Don't bother coming.

I got a smaller table.

Don't know when I'll be back.

Hope whatever you are all doing is fun.

I silenced my phone and put it back in my purse. I wiped my tears as I walked around the front of the restaurant. The cold biting at my arms. My heels clinked through the air, I took a couple deep breaths and shook my hands.

I walked back in with a fake smile, the guy who first talked to me gave me a sad look. "Umm, do you want my card now or do I give it to you after? I'm not sure how this works."

"It'll be after."


I walked back over to the table and sat down. I was on the end, Ashlyn and Dr. Palmer sitting next to each other on my right, Kareem and Glendon on my left.

We got our food and ate, everyone had their own conversation but for me. I stayed quiet as I ate.

"Do you want to spend the night tonight? We can skip tomorrow and watch a movie." Ashlyn asked me softly.

"Sure." I nodded softly.


"Do you want dessert?" Mike asked the table. I shook my head. The rest of the table said no.

"Alright, here is the bill." He handed me a paper. I picked it up and gave him my card without even looking at it. "I'll be right back."

Five minutes after he returned, he gave me my card and a rose. "For your birthday." I smiled and held it as I stood up. I thanked everyone for coming and told Ashlyn I would follow their car. I threw my stuff on the passenger seat as tears fell down my face.

I smacked the steering wheel, I can't believe I thought this wouldn't happen.

Bucky hasn't texted me at all today. Maybe last night was just another night to him. This feels like a bad movie. The girl sleeps with the guy then the guy ignores her and never talks to her again.

I started my truck and followed Ashlyn as they drove. My car was dead quiet. I was livid.


"Do you have any clothes?" Ashlyn asked as I set my bag down in her room.

"I have my clothes from today. They'll be fine." She nodded and sat on the bed. She patted beside her and I sat.

"I know something else is bothering you. What is it?"

"Bucky and I had sex for the first time last night." I started.

"Okay." She motioned for me to continue.

"And now we haven't spoken since this morning, and he skipped out on my dinner. I just can't help thinking it's something I did wrong yesterday. Maybe he didn't like it. Maybe he's trying to tell me something, without saying something, ya know?"

She scoffed. "He's being a big bag of dicks right now. Him not showing up to something important to you, isn't on you. That's on him." I nodded along.

"But what if I was bad? I mean I just kinda laid there. I didn't even try to do anything. He could be losing feelings because I suck in bed. That's probably why he rejected me this morning too."

She just hugged me. "I don't know what to say. I don't know him like you. But I do know that you overthink everything. Maybe something happened and they couldn't stop it. I'm sure they didn't just not show up for any reason."

I gave her a sad smile and pulled away. "At least you guys showed up."

January 18th, 2013.


Ashlyn and I left earlier than Dr. Palmer. I just wanted to lay down in my bed. She asked to join me and not wanting to be alone, I said yes.

I opened my door successfully after not talking with anyone or seeing anyone. I stopped mid-sentence as I walked in. everything is gone or different. I frown as I looked around the room and see all my pictures and books gone. My comforter is different. My shoes are different. I walked over to my dresser and looked in it. My underwear's gone, my lingerie, my pants. All replaced with children's clothes.

My closet was changed. My bathroom. Everything was changed. "I can't do this shit," I mumbled, both my hands on my hips.

"Where did Emi and Miles put my shit FRIDAY?"

"Spare room eleven."

I walked to the elevator, Ashlyn following. "I'll help you."


My room was finally back together. But most of my books were bent and ripped, the pictures were cracked. "Something's missing," I announced as I looked around. "Tobias is gone. Did you put a teddy bear anywhere?"

"No, I didn't even see one."

I clenched my teeth. I walked back to the elevator and went back to the room. I searched it, all the drawers, the cabinets, under the bed. It was nowhere. I looked in the bathroom trash and saw him in there.

He was cut up, his stuffing and fur-covered in what looked like six different food colorings.

That was the last straw. I knelt down next to it as anger coursed through my body. My hands were on the floor as they started glowing six different colors.

Tears fell from my face and onto the floor as the color spread. The tower started to shake as I cried. I stood up and shot my arm out. The shower shattered and sent glass flying all over me.

I slammed the door shut and locked it when Ashlyn tried to get in. The tower continued to shake as I trashed the bathroom. The floor under me suddenly gave out and the next thing I knew I was in a cell.

Kashton Palmer.

The girls left thirty minutes before me. "Hey Tony, we're friends right?" I asked as I walked into his office. Pepper was in there too. She gave me a kind smile that I didn't send back.

After fake Kathie stood up and protected my daughter we became friends. Then whenever he asks for updates on Kathie from our sessions I tell him whether he should be worried or not. We've gotten quite close I would say, bonding over being worried because of a teen.


"I've always been respectful and done everything you've asked with no questions, yeah?" I crossed my arms over my chest as I stared at him from the door frame.

"Yeah, you're great. What's this about?" He asked crossing his hands and looking up at me from his desk.

"I mean this with the upmost disrespect. You and everyone in this building has just become number one on my shit list and from parent to semi-parent, I am severely disappointed in you." I stated, my face showing my displeasement with them.

"Okay let's calm down here. What happened?" He asked with an offended face.

"Don't play dumb Tony. Tell me why my daughter and I walk in to see a broken-hearted Kathie sitting in the restaurant all dolled up just for none of you to show. She came back to my house on the verge of tears." I stated tilting my head.

"What? When? Why?" He asked, Pepper had a confused look as well.

"Yesterday at her birthday dinner that none of you showed for." I spat. I needed to calm down. Lashing out at him could cost me my job.

"No, FRIDAY said she needed to reschedule," Pepper added.

"Well FRIDAY lied to you."

"FRIDAY has Kathie tried calling or texting within the last thirty hours?" Tony asked standing up and pulling his phone. He put it flat on his desk.

"Yes sir."

"Why wasn't I told and why did they not go to my phone?"

"Mrs. Morgan blocked her number from all phones and yours from hers."

"Well unblock them!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly his phone started digging for a solid thirty seconds. Peppers too.

"Mr. Stark you have fifteen missed messages, seven missed calls, and one voicemail from Kid 2. You also have twenty-four messages from Adults...and Kathie."

"Ms. Potts you have ten missed messages and ten missed calls from Kathie, along with twenty-four messages from Adults...and Kathie."

Tony started to say something when the tower started shaking. Ashlyn. "Where are the girls!" I yelled out as I ran for the stairs.

"They are on floor eighty-four in spare room eleven."

Tony was suddenly at my side. We got to the floor and rushed into the room. The shaking stopped.

"What happened?" I asked rushing to Ashlyn, my hands grabbed her face for a second before looking over her for any injuries.

"Kathie shut herself in the bathroom. She broke the shower."

Tony jogged to the door and opened it. The minute he did a man that towered over him grabbed him by the throat. He slammed him against the wall and lifted.

"I said NOT to piss her off!" The man exclaimed. I pushed Ashlyn behind me when I realized it was Phobos.

"We didn't do it on purpose!" Tony tried to say. "Emi fucked us over. Where is she?"

"She's in a cell right now." He stated as he dropped Tony to his feet. "She's unstable. Get that in your head. She can't go through any more emotional shocks, or her body won't survive it. And if it does she'll be a completely different person."

The man got super close to Tony. "Fuck my sister over one more time and you'll never see her again." He threatened before walking through a portal he created on the wall.

We all rushed to the elevators and headed for the cells. I tried to tell Ashlyn to stay behind but she refused.

The minute the doors opened we were met with uncomfortable silence. We walked in and in the first cell was Kathie screaming and crying, but we couldn't hear from out here.

All different kinds of energy shot from her hands, her eyes alternating colors as she slammed her hands against the glass and shot at the glass.

Tony was the first one she saw, she stopped shooting at the glass and instead stood in front of it with her palms on it.

"I waited for you! For a long time. Where were you!" She yelled when he turned the volume on, her fists slamming with every word. She looked terrible. Her face was stained with tears, her hands looked cracked and dry. Her face was red with anger as her eyes changed colors. Clearly Tony didn't answer quick enough.

"Half an hour Tony! I was waiting there for half an hour just for none of you fucks to show up! I looked pathetic! You told me you would never do that! You told me you would never treat me like he does. You never showed! You're just fucking like him. Getting my hopes up just so you can crush them!" She screamed the last word as she started slamming her hands against the glass.

Tony looked like he was going to cry. We watched as she turned around and slid with her back against the glass. Her knees pulled to her chest as she cried.

Ashlyn left the room. Us not far behind. "Tell Barnes he needs to get down here now," Tony said when we turned the speakers to her cell off and walked so she couldn't see us.

"Unstable?" I asked.

"She was attacked not too long ago and now her body is trying to force her to full power. It's going to destroy her if she does that."

After about five minutes Bucky walked into the room. "Why am I needed down here."

Tony pointed and he leaned over. "Is that Katherine?"

"Yes. Emi lied. She went through another emotional shock. That was her shaking the tower. Phobos threatened to take her away if we don't help her now. You're the only one who can do anything."

"Have you been on your phone recently?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I was reading."

"FRIDAY has Barnes gotten any messages from Kathie?"


"Read how many."

"Mr. Barnes has fifty-six messages, twenty-eight missed calls, and twenty-eight voicemails from Love, and twenty-four messages from Adults...and Kathie."

"What the fuck?"

Katherine Morgan.

Pain. That is all I felt over my body. My hands were in pain, my head, my heart. Everything hurt.

My hands won't stop glowing. The anger won't go away. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared.

"Katherine?" I heard through the speakers. I turned slightly and saw Bucky standing behind the glass. I turned back around and put my head in my knees.

I heard the door open and close. I then felt his hand on my leg. "Baby, what happened?"

"You didn't come," I whispered, he used his hands and wiped my cheeks.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry and I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Anger took over, "you didn't show!" I exclaimed as I pushed him back, my hands sending him flying back.

"I sat there! And I waited. I waited for you!" He regained his balance and walked back to me, kneeling down again. I smacked at his chest as he pulled me into him.

"Honey, you are overwhelmed, and your body is confused. I need you to relax for me." He pulled away and grabbed my hands, normally they would stop glowing, but nothing changed this time.

"I can't, I tried." I frowned.

"You can do it, calm down."

"Do you think I'm not trying?!" I snapped. Instantly regretting it and shrinking back. "I'm sorry." I put my head back in my knees.

I felt him kiss my head, I then heard the sound of the door opening and closing.

I hate that I'm crying. I hate that I can't control my powers anymore. I hate that everything is changing. The door opened again, I looked up and saw Bucky with a needle.

My eyes opened wide, and I pushed against the floor away from him. I only stopped when it hit the wall.


"No!" I exclaimed pointing at him. "Put it the fuck down!"

He continued walking towards me, "it's just to calm you down, trust me, baby."

"Don't baby me! Do not come near me with that." I pushed myself up, I didn't want to point my palm at him because I would blast him.

Knowing I wouldn't stop him he continued at me. He grabbed my arm and stuck the needle in it. I stared at him as he pushed whatever was in the needle in my arm.

He dropped the needle to the ground and held my hand. I watched as the colors faded.

The next thing I know Bucky's sitting somewhere with me on his lap and Bruce in front of us.

I felt a pinch in my arm. "Hands." I felt my arms get pulled behind me and someone pinch the back of my neck. My body went limp as I lost consciousness.


Pain. That's all I felt when I woke up. I forced myself to sit up. What I was not expecting was for my arm to be cuffed to Bucky's headboard.

I yanked on it. I then saw the gloves on my hands. They were black leather gloves with bracelet-looking locks, keeping them on my hands.

I moved on the bed so I could pull better. "Don't. You'll hurt yourself." I looked over and saw Kareem.

"What's happening to me?" I asked quietly, still tugging on the restraint.

"You're getting stronger, you are gaining the rest of your abilities. I need you to listen to me. I'm going to help you. I am going to unlock the last one for you. I can't tell you what it is or when it is."

"I'm scared, Reem."

"I know Ladybird. I know." He reached his hand out and held my face.

I closed my eyes and heard a nursery rhyme. He started humming along to it as I heard it. I instantly calmed down.

"I used to sing that to you when things got bad like this when we were younger. Mama used to sing it to us." I nodded and sat against the bed.

I let my hand hang there as I waited. I hummed the tune to myself as I waited. "How are you feeling?" Bucky asked walking into the room with some food.


"I know. We're all confused."

"Please take it off." I pulled my arm, the handcuff rattling against the metal.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"Why not?" I asked as I yanked my arm.

"Stop that. That is how you hurt yourself. Until we know that your powers have calmed down you can't move."

"You can't keep me here."

He tsked me, "but I can."

I closed my eyes and turned my head away. "Katherine."


"Baby-" he reached out for my face.

"Don't touch me." I slapped his hand away.

"Katherine, you're upset. I get that. But don't shut me out. We're trying to protect you, honey."

"I don't want your protection. I want to be out of these cuffs."

"I can't."

I looked him in the eyes. "Can't or won't?"

"I can't."

"See I don't believe that." I moved down so I could lay down.

"What are you doing?"

"I've cried a lot in the past two days, kinda tiring. Then I got shit sleep last night. So is it alright if I go to sleep? Or do I need permission?" I snapped as I pulled the blanket over me.

I felt the bed dip behind me, and Bucky lay down. His arm wrapped around me. He kissed the side of my head quickly and laid his head back on the pillow.

The only reason I didn't push him off was that I wanted the comfort, and he did help me sleep. If it wasn't for that I would've pushed his arm away.

January 20th, 2013.


Bucky kept me locked up the rest of that day and night, only letting me out to use the bathroom before bed. They took the gloves off me yesterday and haven't treated me like I was different.

Tony's been acting weird though. He seems scared. Jumpy. I don't know what it is but it's something big.

January 22nd, 2013.


I shared the rhyme that Kareem used to calm me down with Bucky. He was very interested in it, I was able to share the memory from Kareem and show him.

Now I'm currently humming it to him while we sit in the bath. He's between my legs with his back pressed to my chest. The smell of vanilla filled his bathroom as I held him.

I ran my fingers through his wet hair, I'm pretty sure he's sleeping. "Can you sing it to me?"

"Are you asking me to sing Barnes?" I smiled. I remember when he had a nightmare one night I was staying over-before I moved in-and I helped him. He asked me to sing Peace and Love to him because I was humming it to calm him.

"I am." He smiled, his eyes remaining closed.

"Ladybird, ladybird fly away home, your house is on fire, your children all gone. All except one, and that's little Ann, and she crept under the frying pan." I sang softly.

His arms were crossed over his chest as I sang. I noticed his breathing even out, telling me he was sleeping.

The water started to get cold so using my feet I was able to push the drain down so it popped up, draining the water.

Does FRIDAY work with the water? Tony did it in my shower once upon a time, but how would it work? I guess it's like the lights. The lights could be off but the switch is on. I'll reset it before I leave.

"FRIDAY turn the water on, more hot than cold." I watched as the water turned on and filled up. I grabbed some more bubbles solution-I managed to convince him to leave some in here for me-and poured some in.

After it was filled I had FRIDAY turn the water off and I held Bucky. Knocking at the door had me sinking in the tub more so I was only seen from my shoulders up.

"Who's at the door?"

"Mr. Stark."

"Tell him he can come in but we're naked."

The door slowly opened, he peered his head in and sighed once he saw we were completely covered.

"What's up?"

"Would it be possible for you to start planning a masquerade ball for valentine's day?"

"Of course, color theme?"

"Red, white, light grey, and black."

"Perfect, will it be here?"

"No, I'll send you a big ballroom location soon."

"Will do." I smiled at him.

"Is he not crushing you?" Tony laughed as he acknowledged Bucky for the first time.

"No, he's not crushing me. You guys act like he weighs a million pounds."

"He's got a metal arm. And a super-soldier. And six foot something. And huge and well built. So yeah. We think he weighs a million pounds."

I rolled my eyes. "Out." I lifted my hand from the water and pointed at the door. He laughed and left the room.

I rubbed Bucky's chest as I enjoyed the quiet.


"Wake up baby," I mumbled as I ghosted my nails over his chest and lower stomach.

His eyes fluttered open, he looked around confused for a second. He saw my hands and smiled slightly, remembering where and what he was doing.

He sat up off me and stood up. He stepped on the drain and wrapped a towel around his waist. He held a hand out to me, I stood up and wrapped a towel around myself, I didn't need one for my head since my hair was dry from sitting for so long.

I know I've been stressing him out. I know him taking care of me, fearing that I'm going to lose it, is exhausting.

Before I left the bathroom I grabbed some lotion. I put on a pair of underwear I brought in, along with one of his shirts as he put his boxers on.

He stood with his hands on his dresser, his head dropped. I put the lotion on the bed before walking over and wrapping my arms around him.

"Come on," I kissed his back as I walked him to the bed.

He flopped on the bed, his arms sprawled out. I grabbed the lotion and sat over his butt. I lightly rubbed his back, massaging it while he relaxed. I avoided his left shoulder like usual.

After a fifteen-minute massage, I put everything back, picked up our towels, and hung them up, then finally laying down with him.

I hugged his side as he fell asleep. I wasn't as lucky and just laid there. I had a crushing feeling that something bad was about to happen.

January 26th, 2013.


"FUCK! Es duck!" I heard Bucky yell. I turned around and ducked just in time, avoiding a trashcan that was thrown at me. Freaking HYDRA.

We were currently fighting HYDRA and I would take this over what happened at the tower any day.

Bucky was under the blanket, eating me out-he's refrained from touching me like that since my meltdown-I was literally about to cum when Tony ran into the room.

He practically screamed and turned around, he yelled out HYDRA was attacking and ran out of the room. With the mood ruined I pulled Bucky up.

I kissed him while he sighed, "another time."

Because of my meltdown, I had to be with someone at all times. Tony literally put the team on babysitting duty. Right now I was sticking with Bucky.

Well I mean I was staying with Bucky but when I looked over he was gone. Everyone was gone actually. I looked up as a news helicopter flew over me. I knew the camera was on me considering they were directly on top of me.

I saw Bucky running towards me with a sad look. "What?" I rushed.

"I'm so sorry." He rested his hands on his knees. I watched as a fan of red energy fanned out of the building. "Pietro. He was killed."

My heart sank, my mouth opened from under my mask as I stared at him. A man started running at Bucky from behind him, I shot my hand out and threw him to the ground with black energy.

Bucky stared at me. "Seven. That's seven." He mumbled. We watched as HYDRA fled, after a minute people came out of their hiding spots.

Tears fell down my face knowing that I would never see or talk to Pietro again. Poor Wanda. My heart broke more for Wanda than it did him. I loved him, I cared for him but I was always closer with Wanda and I can't imagine losing a sibling.

People started crowding us, Tony flew over to us but a strong wave of nausea smacked into me. My knees buckled as I felt the throw-up in my throat.

"Es?" I heard Bucky. I looked at my hands and saw that my fingers and palms were glowing. I pulled my sleeve up and saw my entire arm was glowing black.

I looked up at Bucky with a scared look. He stumbled back a bit before rushing forward.

"Is she okay?"

"What's happening?"

"Are you seeing this?"

"Is she with HYDRA?"

"Is she dying?"

I heard everyone around me, all I could focus on was the overwhelming feeling around me. It felt like I was being suffocated.

"Move!" I yelled out, "Go! Back away!"

Tony started pushing people back, yelling at them to give me space. I lifted my hands from the floor and saw a beam of energy shoot out, I screamed and slammed them back to the floor.

I look up quickly and hear gasps around me, my head snaps around as my entire body starts to hurt. My arms and back hurting the most. I looked in the sky and saw the helicopter wasn't above me anymore.

I shot the energy into the sky, the black burned through my sleeves. All seven colors shot into the sky from my arms, allowing the power to release, I couldn't hold back the blood-curdling scream any longer. I couldn't hear anything anymore, my hearing just went out. I could see Steve pulling Bucky away from me though.

I watched Bucky struggle against him as he tried to run back to me.

I could feel the burn in my throat from my screaming. My eyes burned from tears. I watched as the energy seemed to twist together, my hands and arms started to move on their own when they slammed into my chest.

My entire body burned as the pain in my back intensified. I screamed one last time before all pain stopped and my hearing returned.

My hands were still glued to my chest, over my collarbones. I heard screams and gasps around me. Yelling filled my ears. I removed my hands from my chest, I was panting, and this mask didn't help. Sweat dripped from my neck and hairline.

I gasped when a purple color fanned out around me. I push myself from the ground when I feel pressure build in my back. It suddenly released, like popping your ear.

Everyone around me froze, a couple more screams and more yelling. It sounded like they were yelling at someone to do something. I whipped my head around to look and saw something behind me.

But when I moved it moved with me. I turned and saw myself in a broken window. My body stilled when I saw a girl looking back at me. Just this girl had my body but with a set of wings attached. They are a dark pink near her back, then fades to a dark purple as the color nears the ends. The bottom feathers replaced with what looks like daggers. This girls eyes glow a dark purple.

This girl is me.

Full of fear I looked around, hearing gasps and watching as people stumbled back. My eyes faded to normal when I saw Bucky sprinting at me full speed.

I don't care if people find out who I am, I wrapped my arms around him, his around my lower back.

"Can you put them away?" He asked in my ear, I could feel his heart beating. I could hear everything. I could hear Tony talking from at least two dozen feet away.

"I-I-I don't know. I don't-I don't know." I stuttered as I looked around.

Overwhelmed tears pour down my face as everyone keeps yelling.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" Bucky yelled as he started pulling me away from the crowds. Everyone but Wanda and Vision followed behind us, yelling and telling people to stay back.

The wings smacked and scratched against the walls. I continued to cry as Bucky and I sped up.

Natasha Romanoff.

What. The. Fuck. We all followed behind Kathie and Bucky, watching out for the wings that sprouted out her back.

They sped up and before any of us had a chance to catch up they were both gone. "Where'd they go!" I asked as I started running forward.

"I don't know." Steve says running next to me.

"Go to the tower!" Tony yelled flying up. We all ran to the jet, Clint already flying before anyone was seated.

Tony Stark.

I flew to the tower as fast as I could. The minute I got in the common room I could hear Kathie's crying. I walked in and saw Lucifer-I think-and Amenadiel standing next to Kathie and Bucky.

Kathie had her head in her knees while sitting on a stool, her wings still out. Bucky was knelt in front of her trying to calm her down.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking up. She looked up and tried to say something, but nothing came out. She let out a noise of frustration and let her head fall back down.

"She can't get them to go in. We tried to walk her through it." Lucifer said, his British accent taking me by surprise.

"Walk her through it?" I asked, they looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders forward. Lucifer had snow white wings appear while Amenadiel had grey ones.

I'm gonna pass out.

"What are you guys."

"Well I'm the devil." Lucifer smiled.

"I'm Gods fiercest warrior." Amenadiel stated.

"Okay." I looked back at Kathie. She was still crying with Bucky talking to her.

"How do we help her?" They were about to answer when someone else did.

"I did." Phobos stated as he flew through the open window, a set of golden wings on him.

"What the fuck?" I laughed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "What are you!" I think I'm going crazy.

"Half angel, thanks to their dear old pop." He has a mask on but why do I know he's smirking.

"And the other half?"

"Where's the fun in telling you. You'll discover it with her." He pushed past me and shrugged his shoulders, his wings disappearing into his back. The back of his shirt wasn't even ripped. What. The. Fuck.

He knelt down next to Bucky, they glared at each other before Phobos spoke softly.

"Hey Ladybird, how you doin'?"

She looked up slightly at him and shook her head, her eyes red and puffy, her face flushed and tear stained.

"I told you I'd help you didn't I? Now you're almost whole. Now you'll start to remember me. You'll remember Mama, you'll remember everything after the fall. I need to help one more time, I can't tell you when or where though. And you'll hate me for it and I'll have to gain your trust back but it needs to happen." He held his hand to her face, his hand glowed grey as they both closed their eyes.

"Wish my siblings were like that." Amenadiel mumbled. Lucifer looked over with an offended face.

"Shh, having a moment." Amenadiel said when Lucifer was about to say something.

I could hear soft humming, it was from Phobos. I visibly saw Kathie's body relax with whatever he was doing.

He pulled his hand away and her eyes opened. "Okay, take a couple of breaths." He instructed.

She did as he said and took some breaths, he then stood up, Bucky following when he pulled Kathie up and forward.

"Back up." He demanded. I did as he asked and took some steps back.

"Okay now you're going to feel the pressure, you'll know they're there. It's just like opening your arms. Focus on pushing them back and sucking them in."

He shrugged his shoulders, and his wings flew out. "Look at me," she watched as he pushed his wings back and shrugged forward.

She tried to copy but failed, her eyes instantly watered as she covered her face. "I can't!"

"Stop that. You don't cry. Phobos' don't cry over baby challenges. You were able to merge worlds and bring me back my powers when you only had three colors. I had to learn how to do it again. Deep breath. Try again."

He took a couple steps back and crossed his arms. She tried and failed again.

"Again." He demanded.



"Aga-" he started to say before being cut off by Bucky.

"Maybe you should give her a break, she's clearly overwhelmed." Bucky said putting himself between the...siblings? I now believe his claims of being her brother.

"Don't interrupt me." Phobos stated before pushing him to the side.

"Again." She tried again but failed. I could tell she was getting tired.

"She needs a break." I stepped in. Before I knew it both Phobos and Kathie were gone.

"Oh dear." Lucifer mumbled before walking over to the window. "Oh no worries. I found them!" He yelled as he pointed at the grass field. I rushed over to the window and saw them on the field. Phobos's arms were crossed again, and I could see him saying something.

I watched as the jet flew and landed on the top of the tower. SHEILD would pick it up later. I then saw Thor landing beside them, someone letting go from his neck and dropping to the ground.

A certain redhead ran towards them. Phobos saw and walked up to Kathie, his arm wrapping around her waist as he shot up. "FRIDAY track Kathie."

"She is moving at high speeds, I apologize but I can't get a pinpoint location."

Fuck. "What the fuck was that!" Sam yelled as he jogged from the elevator.

"That was Phobos taking Katherine." Lucifer stated.

"Yes. We know. Thank you." He smiled and nodded.



"Still cannot be found."

I slammed my hand on the coffee towel as I watched the news. It has been hours now.

"Is Esmeray dangerous? Do we trust someone with wings? Do we really trust someone who hides behind a mask. Be aware, the following footage can be sensitive to younger views. Here we have Esmeray's transformation." The news anchor says before starting the video I've seen many times now. Each one is from a different person or recording device.

"Mr. Stark, Ms. Morgan is now on the roof."

We all stood up, "I apologize, she is currently falling along the side of the building."

We all ran to the window when we heard her scream. We all watched with wide eyes as she fell at high speeds towards the ground, knowing we couldn't do anything.

We then watched as a blur of gold flew down after, he caught her and landed pushing her to the ground.

She said something and stood up, brushing herself off. He pushed her again causing her to stumble. She walked up to him and stood her ground. He shoved her again causing her to shrug her shoulders, her wings popped out and he stepped back.

She then shrugged and put them away. He stepped forward and grabbed her as he shot up.

We waited in suspense for what was about to happen. We then watched as she fell again, Phobos caught her again and put her down. His hands were on his hips as he said anything. I glanced over at Bucky and saw he was pale.

His old man heart can't take this, he's going to have a heart attack.

"You okay?" I asked quickly, still watching Kathie.

"Just my girlfriend jumping off a building. Normal...what? Saturday? Just a normal Saturday." He mumbled.

Phobos picked her up again.

We watched as she fell again, this time her wings shot out and slowed her fall, but she fell and rolled across the grass, her wings disappearing again. Her body bouncing as it tried to stop.

"Oh my God!" Bucky quietly exclaimed, his hand covering his mouth. He must be seriously worried. He's acting like Pepper.

Phobos landed in front of her when she landed. He yanked her up by her suit. I didn't realized that she was still in it. When she touched her chest before her hands burned through the material, her collarbones were exposed as she stood. Her sleeves practically gone from the energy.

He grabbed her again and flew up. She fell again and shot her wings out, her arms flailed around. She started falling again, we watched as her wings wrapped around herself and covered her as she rolled.

Bucky's eyes were wide as he stared out the window. He said something and took her back up. After another six times, she was finally able to catch herself and lower to the ground.

They spoke for about five minutes before Phobos picked her up and flew her through the window.

Bucky instantly ran to her and took her face in his hands. "Don't ever do that shit again." He mumbled. He pulled her into him. "You had me worried." He whispered.

"She knows the basics. She needs to learn the rest herself." Phobos said before flying out the way he came.

I turned to Kathie, "how do you feel?"

She smiled, "good. I feel a lot better."

She tried to walk away but Bucky yanked her back. "Can we talk about this tomorrow?"

I nodded, "go rest."

She grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him with her so she could go up to their rooms.

Katherine Morgan.

"What was that?" Bucky asked as I shut his door.

"I don't know." I shook my head.

"Turn." He demanded, I didn't move so he twisted me and yanked my suit zipper down. He pulled my suit down until it was halfway down my butt. I felt his hands rub around my back.

"Does this hurt?" He asked pushing down on my back.

"No, I don't feel anything different."

"Can you put them out?"

"I can't in here, I don't want to risk breaking anything."

He walked to my room and grabbed my clothes, he then pulled my suit the rest of the way off. He watched and waited for me to get dressed.

Once I was dressed he pulled me to the roof. He stood in front of me, I shrugged my shoulders forwards and pushed them out. I don't know how to explain what I'm doing.

He stared at them before walking up to me. "Can I touch?" He asked, his hands reaching up.

"Yeah," I nodded, I watched as his right hand touched the...wing? God what am I? This is all confusing.

The minute his hand touched the wing something spread through me, something that I would describe as pleasing. I never wanted him to stop petting my wing.

His finger touched the blade and spit instantly, that was how sharp it was. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed and put them away, I grabbed his hand and looked at his finger.

"I'm fine," he mumbled, waving his hand, motioning for me to bring them back out.

I sighed and did as he wanted. He slowly walked around me, I felt his hand touch the part when the wings connect to my back.

For some reason, my mind was screaming at me to not let him. I don't really know why. Kinda like when he wanted to do more than grind and he started rubbing. That same kind of "stop him!" shot through my head.

"Don't," I warned as I walked forward and out of his reach.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt?" He asked walking up to me again.

"I just don't want to be touched there. Just like your shoulder, you don't want me touching. Something in me doesn't want you touching." I mumbled when he walked in front of me.

"Alright," he nodded. I shrugged my shoulders and put them away. He pulled me in for a hug before kissing me softly.

"This doesn't affect us right? What happened today? What's the news is saying?" I asked as I laid my head on his chest.

"Never." I nodded and pushed my hands up the back of his shirt. I softly rubbed my hands over his back.

"Let's go back down," he said in my ear, he lightly kissed the side of my head before pulling away and grabbing my hand.

We held hands as he led us to his room. The minute we walked in I could see my phone lit up. I walked over to it and saw many, many messages.

Brad was asking if I was okay and telling me to talk to Ashlyn, she was crying and scared for me.

Sofia was blowing my phone up, along with her Dad's.

I even got a text from Ned, he's been incredibly busy. He and the girl he's dating, I can't remember her name have been going well. Peter has him over here to stay the night a lot I just don't go to see them. I'll say hi if I pass by, but I don't make it a point to go down, usually I'm with Bucky.

MJ texted me but I had another message from her saying that Peter told her I was okay and back.

Dr. Kashton was texting me to text Ashlyn. He said he got the story from Tony but was still asking if I was okay and saying that he scheduled a session for Wednesday, and I didn't have a say.

Poor Ashlyn. I had more than a hundred messages from her. More missed calls and voicemails.

"Kath? Please call me! I just saw the news. Are you okay? Please call me, I'm scared for you." The first voicemail said. Her voice was already wobbly, and I could tell she was already about to start crying.

Bucky stood behind me and nodded, "call her."

I nodded and sat on the bed, he sat behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder, his arms wrapping around my stomach.

I called her and put it on speaker. It rang once before she answered. "If this is Tony calling me to tell me she's dead I'm going to hang up." She threatened.

"Hey, Ash," I said softly.

She gasped. "Kath!?"

"I'm okay. I'm sorry. I should've checked my phone when I got back." I frowned knowing that she's been worried out of her mind for hours.

"Oh my God," I could hear her cry again. I looked away from the phone as if that would stop the pain in my chest. Bucky kissed my neck, giving me some comfort. "Ashlyn?!" I heard someone knock on her door.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I heard Dr. Palmer ask, her phone being taken from her and put down on something, a muffled sound letting me know.

"Breathe...just like that. Good job. Now, what happened, calm words."

"She's okay! She's on the phone."

Bucky waited in silence as they spoke. "Kathie?"

"I'm here."

"It's nice to hear your voice, you had us all scared."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"She's going to call you later, we're going to go watch a movie. I need to help her calm down."

"Okay, I'll talk to you all later."

"Bye Kathie."

The phone hung up and I set it down. I turned my head slightly so I could see Bucky. He kissed my shoulder and continued to hug me from behind.

He watched as I texted everyone who texted, telling them I was okay.

Once I was finished I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Bucky kissed my neck again, I tilted my head, so he had better access. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sad. Poor Wanda. I feel like I should be sadder because of Pietro but I'm not. When you told me my heart dropped but now it feels like a normal night. I feel insensitive. I know I should care. But I don't." I mumbled the last part.

He sighed and held onto me tighter. "It's sad what happened. You've been through so much with your powers, we don't know what it's done to your emotions." I nodded, I still feel terrible though.

"What can I do to help you?" He asked softly in my ear, his lips kissing my ear before trailing down to my shoulder.

"I just want to feel normal." I shrugged. He nodded.

"How about we watch a movie, lay down, and just cuddle?" He rested his chin on my shoulder again.

I nodded, "skin to skin?"

"Sure." We both stood up and started to undress. Bucky started to take his boxers off, but I stopped him. "Leave them on, sleeping completely naked isn't normal yet." He nodded and pulled them back on. I left my underwear on as I turned the light off and laid down with him.

"I love you," he rested a hand on my butt, the other on my back, lightly rubbing.

"I love you." I had my hands on his chest as I laid practically on him. I can't stop thinking about how Kareem said he was going to help me and now Pietro is dead. He said he needs to help me again. What will he do this time?

Bucky Barnes.

January 27th, 2013.


I woke up to soft kisses on my neck and face. I opened my eyes and turned my head so I could see the alarm clock. 2:02 am.

"What're you doing?" I asked softly.

"Waking you up." She whispered as she kissed my jaw, her hips moving over my dick.

"Why?" Why? I fucking know why. Why is she awake right now.

"I'm horny and full of energy," the way she said that made me want to flip her over and take her, but I feel like she's just trying to deal with her emotions.

"Not right now." I tried to push her off, but she didn't move.

"Why?" She asked resting her hands on my chest.

"It's night. Go to sleep, we can visit this after you've had a chance to talk about your emotions." She huffed and climbed off me.

She laid next to me, facing away from me. "Katherine."

"It's fine." She stated. She's pissed. I've never rejected her when it came to messing around but she's going through some things, and I don't want her to just ignore her feelings. She seems to always just mess around when she's upset or confused.

I rolled over and pulled her back into my chest. I held her and kissed her shoulder as I went back to sleep.


I stretched awake, feeling around for Katherine but didn't find her. I pushed myself up and looked around.

7:12 am. "FRIDAY where is Katherine?"

"Sublevel two."

"When did she get there?"

"2:43 am."

She really never went back to sleep? I pushed myself from the bed and stood up. I pulled some clothes on and made my way down.

I walked in quietly to the observation room above and saw her wings. I walked across the floor until I could see her. She was sitting crisscross and had her eyes closed. Her wings flapping slightly.

She lost concentration and fell, her wings wrapping around her as she slammed into the floor. I rushed down the stairs and jogged to her.

"Look what you did." She pouted as she stood up. Her wings disappearing.

"What I did?" I asked brushing her off.

"I heard you walk in." She furrowed her brows as she made a cute little angry face.

"I walked in when you were already falling."

"The observation room. I heard you walk in there. Then across the floor." I raised my eyebrows at her.

"You have advanced hearing now too?" She nodded.

"Well. I think? I don't know."

"What else do you have?"

Katherine shrugged. "Well, what were you practicing?"

"Control of my wings. I feel so weird saying that." She mumbled, I laughed and took some steps back.

"Show me what you got."

She smiled and shrugged her wings out. "What should I try first?" She asked me.

"Move them?"

She nodded and without moving her body she started flapping the wings. It created a wind that could push me over if she did it faster.

"Float. Do what you were doing before I walked in."

"Okay be quiet. It took me hours just to stay for the ten seconds I did before you walked in."

I nodded and stayed silent. She closed her eyes and started flapping her wings. After a minute or so she jumped and started going up. She paused and brought her legs up, crossing them as she floated, her wings moving and keeping her up.

She opened her eyes and smiled down at me. Her eyes widened and her body flailed. She began falling, her wings wrapping around her again.

She rolled across the floor. I ran over to her as her wings retracted. "What happened?!"

"Holy shit!" She gasped, a laugh escaping her as she took my hand to stand. "Did you see how high I was?!" She grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"I did. Why'd you fall?"

"Because I wasn't expecting to be that high." She laughed.

"Are you okay?" I asked as she removed her hands.

"Oh my God, I feel great. I feel reborn. I have so much energy. I could kick Thor's ass!" She laughed, jumping from leg to leg as she pretended to punch. "Again!" She exclaimed, shooing me back.

I walked back with my hands up. I sat against the wall and watched her. I watched as she floated, then fell, then laughed, and did it all again.

After falling thirty or so times she was laying with her head in my lap. "It's like I can feel him."

"Feel who?" I asked as I brushed some hair from her face.


"Who's Kareem?" I asked softly, my hand resting just below her boobs.

"Phobos. Kareem Phobos. You can't tell Tony that though." She knows his name?

"Have you seen him without a mask?"

"Mhmm, he stopped wearing one after we started talking."

"Talking? When did you guys start talking?"

She looked away from my eyes. "When that threat appeared on my wall. You fell asleep with your head on my chest. I was rubbing your back when he showed up in your room. He told me to let him in. I discovered that I had done it the minute I saw the threat."

"That was like two months ago." I stated. She's been keeping this from me? I knew he taught her some things but I didn't know they were actually talking to each other.

"I know. I'm sorry."

I need to drop this. It'll just start a fight and we can't do that right now. God knows how powerful her powers are or what they could do.

Katherine Morgan.

"I am sorry for not telling you," I mumbled looking back at his eyes.

I could tell he was mad. I would be mad. I have no excuse why I didn't tell him.

"Why didn't you?" He asked when I picked his hand up and held it in front of me, my hands rubbing and playing with the ring on his finger.

"I don't know. I wanted to tell you, but at the same time, I didn't. I knew Tony would get mad if I told him. I knew Pepper would tell me to talk to him because he's my brother. I didn't know how you'd react, and I didn't want to go through you being disappointed in me for talking to him. It's not like I can just cut him out. He's made it clear he doesn't like to be ignored." He nodded as I spoke.

I sat up and twisted on my butt, so I was facing him. I tilted my head as I waited for him to say something. "Who else knows?"

"Tony, Pepper, and Steve. They were there when I was yelling at Tony, when I broke the counter. But Steve and I never talked about it and he never mentioned it." I explained. He nodded and brought his legs up. Resting his elbows on his now bent knees.

I stood on my knees and scooted over in between his legs. I sat down and crossed my legs as I hugged him.

I pushed my arms up his shirt and just rested my palms flat against his back. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "I wouldn't have been mad or disappointed." He stated.

I lifted my head and left my chin on his chest as I looked up at him. "No?"

"No, I would've wanted to talk to him. See why he did what he did."

"You can. I can schedule a meeting with him at my office. No one knows what he looks like here."

He smiled slightly and kissed my forehead. "What was that for?"

He shrugged, I moved my head back down as I laid on him. "You said you could feel him. What do you mean by that?" I heard him ask.

It was my turn to shrug now. "I don't know. Like twin telepathy, it's like I can feel his, in me. Like I was given another person's energy and it was added to mine." I explained the best I could.

He hummed. I stayed silent for a minute. "What's going to happen to me?"

He shifted a bit. "What do you mean?"

I pushed off him and sat so I could look him in the face. "I have wings, Buck. What does that even mean? Who freaking has wings? What if the government tries to take me away?"

"I would never let that happen." His hands grabbed my upper arms. "No one knows who you are. They can't take you anyways."

"I'm not a minor, they can. If they get a warrant...does the government even need one?"

"Honey you're not listening to me. I will not allow anyone to take you." I nodded.

"How's your finger?" I asked as I pulled his hand up to me.

"Healing slowly."

"Think I can get Tony to make a cover for them?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

"If anyone can do it he can."

I laughed loudly. "Come on team! Let's go!" I mocked Steve.

"Wait!" I exclaimed holding my hands up, "gotta put on my wing condom." I smiled. Bucky laughed and pushed me away.

He stood up, I laughed as I struggled to get up. "Buck! Help me put the condom on!"

I ran at him, "get away sicko." He continued to push me away from him while he walked away.

"But babe!" I yelled as I jumped on his back. "The condom!" I yelled out the word when he stopped and bounced me, so I was over his shoulder.

"If you two are fucking down here I will lose my shit." I heard Tony yell as he opened the door. Bucky turned around when footsteps were heard from him walking across the floor. His steps were loud in my ear.

"We're not having sex," Bucky grumbled.

"What about condoms then?"

"We don't use condoms so you don't have to worry," Bucky added, I cringed and pushed myself up, using his hips as a stabilizer so I could look at them.

"Really?" Tony's lips curled in disgust.

"I was making a joke about the daggers on my wings. Bucky cut himself." I explained.

"While we were having no condom sex," Bucky lied.

I gasped. "No! No! Nonono. No!" I scolded as I tried to limit the embarrassment and uncomfortable feeling in the room.

"You're gross."

"He's joking. We haven't done anything." I glared at Bucky.

"Yeah because he interrupted." Bucky stared back.

"Just walk away Tony. Please." I shook my head.


Tony left the room as I stared at Bucky. "You're unbearable." He hummed.

"Wrap your arms around my waist." I furrowed my brows before doing as he said. He quickly jerked forward causing my legs to fall.

They landed on the ground while I held onto him. My back arched, I was standing like I was in a backbend. He guided me up, so I was standing. "That was wild." I laughed as I turned to face him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Not bad. I feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Floating was kind of therapeutic." I smiled, my arms wrapping around his neck.

"I'm glad. Is there anything you want to talk about? I'm here to always listen." I smiled.

"I know, thank you. I feel great though. A little sad for Wanda, but I feel...normal again." I smiled, a true, whole, smile.

He smirked. "Do you have any plans for today?"

"I was just going to practice some more. Maybe do some leftover work. Why? What's up?"

Bucky's hands traveled from my back to my butt, his hands squeezing and lifting slightly. "How about we go have some hot no condom sex?" He asked in a voice I'd never heard. Seductive? Either way, it had me dripping.

"I thought you wanted to wait until I talked to someone about my emotions?" I asked, not wanting to keep it going if he didn't want to do it.

"Are you going to just use me for sex to avoid your feelings like you were trying this morning?"

I looked down, knowing that was exactly what I wanted to do. He lifted my head up and held the side of my face. "It's okay. Is that what you're still trying to do."

"No, I'm sorry. I just wanted to feel something. I just didn't want to deal with the different feelings. After I hovered and practiced with my new powers...I felt...I can't explain it." I shook my head.

"I'm glad..." he smiled at me. "So, hot raw sex?" He raised his eyebrows at me. I laughed.

"Oh yeah-"

"-I'm gonna puke."

I jumped slightly when I looked over Bucky's shoulder and saw Peter. I laughed when he was looking at me like a child who just walked in on their parents.

"Hi, Petey."

He rolled his eyes, "I hate that nickname."

"I know." I scrunched my nose at him. "What's up?"

"Well I'm bored so I was going to see if you wanted to watch a movie."

Bucky roughly squeezed my butt, silently telling me he was getting impatient.

I pushed off Bucky and grabbed his hand. I started pulling him to the exit. "Sorry Petey, bout to go have hot sex." I smiled, laughing when he pretended to gag. "Call MJ over!" I yelled before the door closed.

Bucky's free hand kept grabbing my butt until we got to the elevator.

Before I could even press the button he was already kissing and biting the right side of my neck. After a couple seconds I was able to find the button and press it. After three minutes of waiting and him attacking the elevator arrived.

The minute the doors opened and closed he had me pressed against the wall, his mouth sucking roughly on my neck. "" I breathed out.

My hands tangled in his hair as I squeezed my thighs together. He licked and sucked up my neck.

I felt as the elevator stopped I glanced up and saw it was the lobby. "Bucky, someone's about to walk in." I pushed him slightly, I don't think I even did it hard enough for him to notice.

Bucky licked my neck, I could feel the wetness from his tongue cover my skin as the doors opened.

He finally pushed away from me, in a quick motion he had me in front of him, both of us in the corner. He was holding my butt to his cock.

I looked at the door and saw a very confused Glendon. He was wearing light grey slacks and a white button-up shirt tucked in his pants with the sleeves rolled up, his tattoos showing.

"Hi Glendon," I said softly, trying to fight the blush on my face from him catching us because Bucky was too busy.

"You got a little..." he pointed at my neck as he stepped in and announced the floor for all our offices.

I quickly brought my hand up and wiped the spit off my neck. I smiled slightly, the blush finally appearing.

"This the boyfriend?" He asked looking at Bucky.

"Yes. This is the boyfriend."

I kept a light conversation with him during the ride.

Glendon had pulled out his phone and started typing on it, when Bucky saw this he started slowly rocking his hips.

My eyes widened as he grabbed onto me tighter. I grabbed his hands to try and pull his hands off, but he just squeezed harder. When Glendon put his phone down Bucky stopped.

After a very long ride, the elevator reached the floor. "Bye, Katherine." He smiled and winked at me, Bucky's grip tightened when Glendon looked at him.

"Bye," I smiled softly.

"I don't like him." He stated in my ear.

I turned around in his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You want to discuss him right now?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

He seemed to remember what we were doing before and smirked. I smacked my lips on his before pulling away. "Time to wait."

I smiled when he looked at me with an open mouth. I stood on the other side of the elevator, we both stared at each other. I would smirk every time I caught his eyes moving from mine to my lips.

The doors finally opened, and I walked out, Bucky quickly followed behind me. I waved to whoever was in the common room before getting in our elevator.

Bucky stared at the floor numbers as it climbed. The doors opened and before Bucky could say anything I sprinted from the elevator to his room.

I ran in and slammed the door behind me, I hid so that when the door opened it would cover me.

I held my breath when the door opened. His heavy footsteps rang in my ear. Suddenly they retreated and the door closed. I stood there baffled, not sure if I should get out and find him.

I slowly opened the door and looked around. I didn't see him, it's like he just disappeared. I walked into my room and looked around, maybe he was waiting for me in here? After I didn't find him I looked in our common room.

Did Kareem kidnap him? Did Glendon text him what he saw? I walked into Bucky's room to find my phone. I left it in here when I went to train earlier this morning.

I screamed when someone picked me up and slammed me on the bed. I bounced on my stomach once before a hand on the back of my neck held me down.

I felt a breath on my neck causing me to shiver. Suddenly the hand left my neck and my pants were tugged off. I gasped and was flipped over. Bucky stood over me with a smirk.

"Where were you?" I asked looking up at him.

His hand reached under my shirt, he grabbed the neck of it and yanked me to my feet, a small tearing noise was heard.

"I was behind the door this time." He ripped my shirt over my head and held my butt in his hands. "Jump," he whispered.

I smiled and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist. He walked us over to the door and locked it. "Turn on do not disturb," Bucky said out loud, keeping his lips away from mine.

He continued to walk us around, next thing I knew I was dropped on his desk, my back smacking on it.

My back arched away from the cold wood as one hand held onto his neck, the other gripped the edge of the desk. He unclasped my bra and pulled it off me, undoing the straps from the back so I didn't move my hands. He threw it over his shoulder before grabbing my waist again.

His hands held my sides as he laid me down on it. He pulled my hand down and put it over my underwear. He pulled his shirt off as he leaned down and kissed my neck.

His lips still avoiding mine. He licked up my neck before using the back of his tongue to go back down. His hands cupped and pushed my breasts together, his mouth sucking and kissing my nipples.

One hand left and opened one of his drawers, his hand smacked around it for a second before he closed it. "Safe words?"

"Cinn and Cinnamon." I breathed when he kissed my neck, my back arching again. I felt him rub something on my nipples causing me to look down.

He didn't acknowledge it and kissed down my stomach. He stood up and pulled his pants and boxers down. His cock was already erect and now resting over my pelvis, he picked it up and stroked it a bit before letting it drop back down.

My breathing sped up when a tingling feeling appeared in my nipples. Bucky grabbed me by the back of my neck, pulling me up and yanking the hair tie from my hair.

He put it on his wrist before grabbing my hands. He held them together and grabbed my bra again. He twisted it around my wrists and clasped the band together, he repeated it with the straps, moving up my arm before securing the straps together with a knot.

He pushed my arms back and over my head. "Don't move." He warned.

My body jerked and I cried out in pleasure when he started sucking on my nipple again. "Are they sensitive now?" He asked in the same voice he did before.

"Yes...yes, God yes." I moaned, my arms moving up and grabbing his hair.

His hand shot up and pushed my arms back. "Don't move."

He moved down to my underwear and pulled them off slowly. He knelt down and spread my legs apart. He kissed and licked up my thighs before moving to my pussy. I sighed when he licked up from the opening to my clit.

He pulled away and I could hear him scoot back a bit. After a couple seconds I felt him rub some kind of gel on my clit and lips, the gel-covered the surface of my pussy as he blew on it causing me to jerk my hips.

He stood back up and kissed my body, his cock resting on me again. I pulled my arms back and grabbed it. I started jerking him off as he stood up. He stared down at me, not sure if he should warn me again and move my hands back or let me continue.

He sighed and grabbed my hands again, he pushed them back up. "Don't move." He raised one eyebrow at me. I nodded and watched as he disappeared between my legs again.

I froze when the feeling was extreme, almost saying Cinn, extreme. He was roughly sucking on my clit, one of his fingers pushing into me. He pumped it a couple times before curling it and rocking it.

I moaned out as the feeling took over all my senses. He added another finger and sped up. "Oh, that feels amazing!" I praised as I rocked my hips against his movements.

He reached up the hand that wasn't inside me and pinched, twisted, and pulled my nipple. I silently screamed as I was thrown over the edge.

He continued even when my orgasm was done. All the sensations were becoming all too much.

"Cinn." I breathed out. He pulled away and licked his fingers.

"Too sensitive?" I nodded. "Can I continue?" I nodded again, not able to find any words now.

He lined himself up with my opening and slowly pushed in. I moaned and spread my legs wider for him. His hands grabbed under my knees and held them apart.

He pushed in me fully and stood still. "Tell me when," he said softly as his thumbs rubbed over my skin.

A couple seconds passed and the very small sting that was there was completely gone. "When." He laughed and started thrusting in and out slowly.

"Faster!" I exclaimed as I tried to move so I could meet him halfway.

He started going faster, his hands moved my knees as far as they would go so he could bend between them and over me.

His lips hovered over mine but never touched them. I tried lifting my head, but he moved away. I let my head slam to the wood, he kissed my jaw and moved faster and harder.

"Please baby," I begged trying to kiss him.

"Please what?" He asked...seductively? Yeah. We'll go with that.

"Please kiss me. Please Bucky. You haven't since the elevator, please I need it." I closed my eyes when he moved faster. I could scream with happiness when his lips connected with mine softly.

His arm wrapped under my back and picked me up, his dick still in me. My arms fell onto his shoulder, my hands still tied behind his neck. He lifted me off him and moved my legs, so they hung off his arms.

He slowly guided me back on and started lifting and dropping me on his cock. I started moaning a lot more as the new feeling shot pangs through my heart.

"You're so warm," he mumbled in my ear.

"Oh fuck me."

"I am." He joked. I tried to laugh but a gross noise that was mostly a moan and a little of a laugh escaped me.

My hands were itching to touch him in some way. "My hands, please." He walked and slammed me against a wall, his cock still thrusting into me as he leaned his back a bit so he could pull my arms in front of me.

He pulled the strap, and the knot came out instantly, he unraveled them before unclasping the bra band as well. He pulled it off my wrists and threw it to the ground. He kissed my wrists before letting them go.

I practically slapped him as I grabbed his face and yanked it towards me. I opened my mouth and waited for him to put his tongue in but he never did. "Bucky," I whined as I pulled away.

"Oh fuck." He mumbled as he peeled me from the wall and walked again, him still in me.

He laid me on the bed but the minute I was down I pushed against his chest. He pulled away and pulled out, his body covered with a layer of sweat hovered over me.

I moved from under him and pushed him on his back. I hovered over him and picked his dick up in my hand. I stroked it a couple times before slowly sinking down on it.

I had one hand on his thigh behind me, the other on his lower stomach/chest area as I slowly started bouncing on him. "Holy fucking shit." He exclaimed as his hand gripped my thigh.

I bounced faster and let myself fall harder, his eyes were stuck to my boobs as they bounced. He reached up and held them in his hands, squeezing as well.

I leaned down and hugged his neck as I continued to bounce my butt up and down.

I could feel my orgasm approaching but so much has happened since we started this that I don't think I could go again. I'll hold it back as much as I can. Not saying that it won't be hard as fuck.

I sat back up and leaned back, my hands resting on his knees. We made eye contact as I slowly rocked my hips. He broke our stare when he looked down at where we were connecting. Watching how his cock slid in and out of me with ease.

I sat straight again and started grinding faster, making it ten times harder to hold my orgasm back. My hands trailed all over my body as our moans and heavy breathing filled the room.

I closed my eyes, "I'm gonna cum." I cried, my heart pounding in my ears.

I opened my eyes when I felt his hand grab my throat, he squeezed slightly as he stared at me. "Cum."

I nodded and continued moving faster, adding a little bounce. His grip tightened and pulled me forward a bit, his cock hitting a new angle. "I said cum. Now." He demanded, as if I was a dog my body did as he demanded.

His hands gripped my hips and started pushing and pulling me faster when I stopped due to my earthshattering orgasm.

"I'm cumming," I faintly heard then felt from inside me. My body shook as I felt I was stuck in the sitting position I was in. My body collapsed and I fell directly on Bucky.

He rubbed my back as we caught our breath. "How was that for hot raw sex?" I asked softly as my heart rate slowed.

"Fuck Katherine. I don't know why we didn't do this sooner." I breathed out a laugh. Groaning as he sat up with me still in his arms.

"And to think we were so satisfied with grinding." I smiled.

"We were so satisfied." He mumbled holding me close to him but not to the point we couldn't see each other. "Remember when you had your first orgasm?" He asked with a smirk.

"And I was incredibly embarrassed?" I cringed. Younger me would have a heart attack if she saw what we were doing now. His dick still inside me as we sit here relaxing. "I was terrified. I felt like I was exploding."

"Yeah, you were so cute." My smile dropped.

"Am I not cute now?" I asked leaning back so I could see him better.

"Well, that's not the word I'd use right now. But yes, you are still very cute." I smiled softly and hugged him.

"Shower or shower than bath?" He asked as his hand ghosted over my skin.

"Just bath?" I asked hopeful. I didn't want to stand right now.


I sighed, "shower than bath then." He kissed my head and nodded. He stood up and walked with his dick still in me, it was limp and kinda just...hanging out.

After a very long shower on very tired legs, we were finally in the bath. Bucky's hand rested on my privates, his other resting on my stomach. "Was that good for you?" He asked softly as he kissed my cheek.

"It was amazing," I mumbled as my eyes started to close.

"Now you're tired?"

I smiled and hummed, letting my eyes close to fall asleep against him. "I love you." I mumbled, forcing my eyes to stay open.

"I love you too." He kissed my head and I finally allowed myself to sleep.

January 28th, 2013.


"Kathie? Are you listening?" I looked up from my desk I was zoned out and not paying attention in creative writing because the teacher decided to make this a debate class suddenly.

"No, I'm not."

"Well, then I would like your thoughts on what happened Saturday. What do you, Kathie, think about Esmeray?" He asked, giving me an evil teacher smile, the ones that they do when they want to embarrass you.

"I don't really talk about people behind their backs," I mumbled and crossed my arms.

"So you're saying you know her?"

"I'm not saying anything, sir." I glanced around the class, seeing that they were all staring at me.

"So what do you think about her?"

I sighed, "I think she's trying her best. I think that people need to give her a chance." I explained.

"You mean after she cut someone and caused that person to need to get stitches?" Someone mumbled causing me to look over. My heart froze mid-beat.

"What do you mean?" I asked softly.

"It was reported earlier today."

I looked down and sighed. Peter patted my knee softly, silently telling me he was there.


"You shouldn't do that," Brad said as he walked behind me, glancing at my computer screen.

"I know," I frowned as I read through all the posts and reviews about Esmeray.

"Then stop."

I glanced up at him. "I can't."

"They can't be that bad." Brad tried to comfort me as he threw an arm over me and scrolled through the posts. "There are good this! "Esmeray helped me and my son, she made sure we weren't in any danger and even shielded us when someone shot at us. We have her to thank for our lives."." Brad read off.

"There's one good for every ten bad," I laid my head down on the desk. "Apparently she cut someone too. I haven't been able to find anything yet though."

"She never cut anyone. I've seen all the videos. She never gets close enough to anyone." I looked up and over at him. "Who told you that?"

"Someone in writing, I almost started crying," I mumbled looking back down.

I heard my computer close, and Brad smack my back lightly. "Alright class, today we will be skipping a couple units and moving onto the K.P siblings." He started.

He looked at me and I furrowed my brows. Is this about Kareem?

He spoke as he walked around the room. "A couple of hundred years ago a new discovery was made," Joshua explained as he turned on the projector. It showed an old-looking paper. "Due to recent events, I figured this would be a perfect time to show this. As you can see we have a girl standing next to a guy. Clearly, the girl has a set of wings. As does the guy. These class, are the K.P siblings."

"Why is it K.P?" Rachelle asked, "what're their names?"

"That's the thing. Every discovery made with the two has only ever been marked with K.P. No one knows if the siblings' names both start with a K and last name with a P, or if one's name is K, and the other is P."

He switched it to another side, two more papers popping up. "Here are the two oldest notes that were found. The first one reads, "when the time comes, she'll grow. When the time comes, she'll glow. When the time comes, she'll overflow. When the time comes, she'll know. When the time comes, she'll regrow."." Joshua read off the first one.

"Then the next, "after the brawl was the fall. Because of the brawl, I felt so small. Though the fall made me bawl. The small forced me to crawl. After the bawl he stood tall. He scolded my crawl and helped me keep tall."." Joshua read out loud.

"Now," he clapped his hands together. "What do you notice?" He asked looking around.

Danielle raised her hand. "Yes?"

"They're rhyming." She stated.

"Correct." He nodded. "Anything else. There's five more."

Amiee raised her hand, "he's talking about her."  She stated before Joshua called on her.

"That he is." Joshua smiled.

Ryder raised his hand, "go ahead."

"The guy bases his rhymes off grow. His first rhyme is grow, and his last is regrow as well."

"Very nice."

"She talks about what happened to her-very vaguely-in hers," MJ spoke up.

"She repeats each rhyme twice as she tells her story," Flash added in.

"His is more of a warning, whereas hers is context," Ashlyn added.

"Beautiful answers, there's one more. Does anyone know it?" Joshua asked as he walked slowly around the front of the room. "Kathie, do you know?" He asked when no one answered.

"Umm-" I looked back at the board. "He helped her when she needed it. She was down and...crawling as she put it, and he was her rock I guess? She needed him to pull her up and make her whole?"

"Exactly." He nodded. "Over the next couple weeks we will be looking over the parents of these siblings, acquaintances, friends, and the lovers that they spoke about and how those lovers met their death."

He flipped back to the photos. "What do you guys notice about this drawing?"

"They have wings?" Brian asked.


"They don't have faces," I announced.

"Why do you think whoever drew this picture did that?" He asked.

"So no one would know them other than K.P." Brad answered.

"Exactly, moving on. We are now looking at the first supposed photo of one of the siblings."

"1849." He exclaimed with a smile. "Did you know that the photographs back then took anywhere from thirty seconds to a minute to take back then?" He asked smiling.

He pointed at a blur, "this if you look carefully you can see a person with "wings" walking through. How or why K.P did this is unknown. Based on the drawing we could see the man was enormously taller than the girl. So is it safe to assume that the smaller frame is most likely the girl?"

The class nodded, a couple people shrugging. "Now, since this was so long ago it seems impossible that the siblings would still be alive but what kind of class would this be if we didn't look at the impossible."

"Now, since that picture was taken there have been more. But in the ripe years of 1914, there was another one. This time what we see in the picture is a couple people in what looks to be some kind of masquerade ball or dance. But when we zoom in right here we can see two people dancing." He said as the picture zoomed in.

"These two people in their masks are dancing. What can you guys tell me about this picture?"

"Their pointer fingers are touching, though black and white you can see how their fingertips are a different shade than the rest of their hands," I answered, pointing at the screen from my spot.

"Yes, one more thing. Can anyone see it?"

When no one answered he pointed at their eyes through the mask, we could see how their eyes are a lot darker than they should be. "The eyes, one could say they match the way their fingers glow."

"One last picture. This one was taken in 1989. This picture was taken in color, both siblings were caught with their wings out. Zooming in we can get a clear picture of their wings but not either of their faces."

"Now tell me this, the first picture was in 1849, how can they still be alive and fairly young looking over a hundred years later. In 1989?"

Everyone stared at him but never answered, a couple of people leaning down and whispering to their partners.

"Now who do these wings resemble?" He asked pointing at her.

"Esmeray," Flash answered quickly.

"Precisely." He answered looking at me.

I swallowed hard, the bell rang so I stood up grabbed my bag, and rushed out of the room. I didn't stop until I was in my car waiting for Peter.

"Kath." He said as he got in, throwing his bag in the back.

I pulled out and started for the tower. "Kath." He said again.

"No." I shook my head.

"You're freaked out." He stated.

"No. I'm fine. That's not me. I don't know what Joshua's getting at." I explained.


"We're done talking about this," I stated, as I gripped the wheel tightly.

"Kath you can't just ignore the possibility. What do you really remember about your childhood?"

"I'm not hundreds of years old. I was born in 1995, no earlier."

"Kath, you need to th-"

Too much, my hands started to tingle, and glancing down I saw purple. I haven't been able to practice them. I can't control the strength of them yet.

"Peter, knock it off," I warned.

"No Kath you-"

The power grew in my hands. "Peter!" I yelled as I swerved the car over, cars honking at me as I did. I pulled into an empty parking lot and forced the car into park before it was even stopped. It made a terrible noise and I jumped out.


"Shut up Peter. Now's now the time." I mumbled as I placed my hands on my knees, I could feel the heat through the fabric.

"When will it be time?" He asked as he got out and rounded the front. "You-oh my God."

"Will you shut the fuck up please?" I glanced over, he widened his eyes. "Glowing?" He nodded. "Fuck." I mumbled, trying to calm down.

"Should I call Tony or Bucky?" He asked quickly.

"I need you to stop talking." It was becoming too much. I looked around and saw a building a little further down. I sprinted as fast as I could behind it and fell to my knees as I slammed my hands down. The ground cracked and a loud thump was heard.

I sat there until my powers calmed down. I stood up and walked back over to the car. Peter was on the phone with someone. He looked at me and hung up the phone.

"Tony said to come back instantly."

"Yeah," I nodded, "okay." I tried to open the door but he pushed it closed.

"You're not driving." He stated and pushed by me, getting in the driver's seat. I rounded the car and got in the passenger seat.

I stayed silent as he drove to the tower. When we arrived I left, leaving my bag and everything in the car as I made a beeline to Tony's lab.

"You need to make something that takes them away. Please. I can't do this." I said as I walked through the lab, my hands shaky and my heart pounding.


"No. I need them gone and I need them gone now. I don't want them. I never wanted them. Please, Tony." I practically begged as I placed my hands on his desk.

"You'll learn-"

"And until then they need to disappear. I lost control today just from Peter talking. I will not do that again." I shook my head and left the room. I went down to sublevel two.

"FRIDAY turn on the dangerous protocol. Don't let anyone from the outside in unless I say so or I stop breathing." I instructed as I grabbed a pair of shorts from my bag in the observation room. We all had one just in case.

"FRIDAY bring the disk machine out and turn it on."

"Are you sure Ms. Morgan? That could be dangerous."


I watched as a machine popped out from the wall and turned on. "FRIDAY record for my team file."

"Yes, ma'am."

The machine started beeping, I counted them until the tenth one.

I watched a disk fly at me, I bought my hand up and shot it out. I was also thrown back from the power. I was not prepared for it.

I jumped to my feet and got in a better stance. I started to shoot at the disks, I kept missing though.

My aim was completely gone. I was hit multiple times, they didn't hurt. They were on the lowest setting so it was just a small shock when I was hit.

"Ms. Morgan? Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts, and Mr. Barnes are asking you to unlock the doors."

"Tell them no and that danger protocol is on for a reason." I continued to shoot at them, FRIDAY speeding them up. My hands started to hurt, along with my back. I felt the pressure building in my back. They wanted to come out, but they are not my concern.

"They are insisting Ms."

"Ask Tony if he's made a bracelet that will take the powers away while I wear it."

"He said no."

"Then tell them I said no."

I looked up as the door opened. "I'm sorry Ms., he overrode your instructions."

"Put the disks away." The machine turned off and went back into the wall. I walked across the room and up the stairs.

"Get me when you're done," I said before leaving. I walked to the elevator, getting in it and shutting the doors before anyone could get in.

After a very long time waiting, I got to my floor. I stripped and stepped into the shower. I stood under the water with my hands and head on the wall.

I heard my bathroom door open and the sound of clothes hitting the floor. The shower door opened, and Bucky wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What happened?"

"I want them gone. I want it all gone." I closed my eyes as I mumbled my answer.

"It's okay." He kissed my shoulder.

"It's not Buck. I'm Katherine Morgan. I am eighteen years old. I was born on January 16th, 1995. I have powers. I am not over a hundred. I am not the girl. I am not a poet. I can't make words rhyme. I don't need help standing tall. I don't want these...things on my back. I don't want to be able to shoot shit from my hands. I don't want my eyes to glow. I don't want to break headboards when I feel good. I want to be normal." I said as a single tear fell down my face.

He turned me in his arms, "what happened? Talk slowly, explain to me." He said as he held my face, my arms by my sides.

"Joshua, he showed us these things and he kept looking at me like I was her and that I should know something but I'm not her and I'm not old and...and I'm scared, I'm so scared," I explained, my voice quiet and hard to understand over the running water, my arms wrapping around him.

"Who? Who does he think you are?"

"One of the K.P siblings. That can't be true. Right?" I asked looking up at him.

He furrowed his brows for a second as if he was thinking about it. I looked to the side when he didn't answer. "You think so too," I whispered as I let my arms fall from being wrapped around him to back by my sides.

"Honey, I could be thinking about the wrong thing, we don't know anything. Everything will be alright." He recovered quickly.

"I'm not her." I shook my head, talking softly.

"Okay. You're not her."

I nodded and hugged him again. I'm not her. I can't be her. "What happened with Peter?"

"He kept trying to say I should think about the possibility, even though there is no possibility." I shook my head again.

"Alright, how are you feeling?"

"I'm scared."


"I don't know what's happening to me," I admitted. "I feel angrier. I feel...I don't know. I feel normal, everything is normal but when someone says a comment I don't like I feel so angry, and I don't know how to stop it."

He rubbed my back as he nodded. "Okay take some deep breaths, it's going to take time to learn. You'll get it." Bucky comforted me, he grabbed the soap and started washing me.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Joshua showed us. I've been around for eighteen years, not over a hundred.

I was snapped out of my zoned-out state, by Bucky rubbing my side. "C'mon, let's get ready for dinner." I nodded and let him pull me out.

We got dressed and headed downstairs. Bucky held my hand tight in his as we walked into the common room.

I watched as a black and white video played. It showed a bunch of people at a masquerade dance. The footage was zoomed in and showed two people dancing, I watched as they lifted their fingers to each other.

They glowed a black on the footage, letting us know that they were glowing. This is what we saw in school. The footage continued and followed the two as they danced around.

They both took their masks off. I froze when I saw someone who looked exactly like Kareem, and someone who looked just like me. I shook my head again.

"That's not me. I was not alive when that was taken." I stated harshly as I pulled my hand from Bucky's and walked to the fridge.

"Kathie-" Tony started.

I quickly turned around and pointed at him. "No."

"Alright," Bucky said walking over to me, his expression giving Tony a warning to shut up.

"How about we order something today? We can go watch a movie on our floor? Hmm? How does that sound." Bucky asked stepping in front of me.

"Sure," I nodded. I let him pull me back out of the room.

January 30th, 2013.


I had just finished my session with Dr. Palmer, I cried, I calmed down, I ranted, and cried again.

I told him everything-but for Kareem and Glendon-I got everything off my chest. The way I've been feeling and acting. I walked into the kitchen and saw the big bouquet of flowers. Sweet peas and orchids.

I picked up the note. The only time it was different was on my birthday. Mr. Conners-Shane has been sending me flowers every Wednesday since our yelling fight. I've mostly ignored them and threw them away unless Pepper asked if she could have them. I always said yes.

I quickly made my way down to my office. I pulled up Shane's file and found his number. I listened to it ring as I waited.

"Hello?" I heard him ask.

"Hi, Mr. Conners," I mumbled, regretting my decision to call.


"Yeah. Are you free this Saturday?" I asked looking at my calendar and seeing that I didn't have anything scheduled.

"I'll make myself free. Can we meet for lunch? I think we have a lot to talk about."

"Sure, Saturday. Meet me at K2P, we'll go for lunch."

"Alright. I'm so sorry innocent one." He apologized.

"I know," I said before hanging the phone up and going to Bucky's room.

He wasn't in his room or mine. "Where's Bucky?" I asked aloud.

"He and Mr. Rogers went out for a run." I nodded. I'm bored.

I purse my lips and walk towards his desk. I dug around until I found the pink vibrator Bucky bought.

I took it and went to my room. I turned do not disturb on and locked my door. I stripped down so I was naked on my bed. I turned it on and grabbed the remote.

I held it to my clit as it started buzzing. I relaxed into my bed as the feeling spread through me. I turned it up and spread my legs further apart.

I hummed and turned it up further. I rocked my hips against it, smiling when the lovely and welcoming feeling of pleasure invades me.

"Mr. Barnes is wanting in your room."

My eyes widened as I scrambled under the blanket. I turned it off and hid it behind me with the remote. "Let him in."

The door opened and Bucky walked in with a smile. He quickly squinted his eyes. "What're you doing?"

I pretended to think about it. "Nothing much, about to take a nap."

"So you won't mind if I join?" He asked as he stripped his shirt off. He walked over to the bed and climbed in next to me, his body over the comforter.

"Well-erm-I," I mumbled. He pulled the blanket up and over him. His arm reached out and rested on my side.

"Where are your clothes?" He asked as he sat up a bit.

"I-uh," I didn't have time to talk because his hand pushed between my legs. His fingers pushed between the lips and rubbed.

"What were you doing?" He rubbed faster before stopping and pushing a finger into me.

I hummed and lightly rocked my hips. His free hand reached over me and took the vibrator from me. "You were masturbating?" I nodded and continued to move my hips against him. "Did you cum?" I shook my head.

He pushed another finger into me. I heard the buzzing as he turned it on and held it to my clit.

After five or so minutes the feelings got overwhelming in a way. Not the normal bad overwhelming but still overwhelming, nonetheless.

My body stilled as I moaned out, my orgasm hit me. It's nowhere near how it is with Bucky. Once my body relaxed into the bed Bucky removed his hand and the toy. He placed it on my side table and tugged me close.

"Goodnight, I'll see you when we wake up." He smiled, kissing my cheek.

"You never gave me a kiss hello," I pointed out looking at him. He smiled and kissed me.

"Hello," he continued to smile.

"Hi, goodnight." I turned in his arms and hugged myself to him as I fell asleep. I wasn't going to sleep originally but I'm not turning down the chance to cuddle Bucky.

Is he expecting me to help him right now? I opened my eyes at the thought. His eyes are shut, and he looks like he's sleeping.

I sighed and kissed his forehead before relaxing again.


I woke up to Bucky gone. I sat up, holding the blanket to my chest as I did. I looked around and saw the bathroom door cracked shut.

I got out of the blankets and walked over to the bathroom. I pushed the door open and joined him in the shower.

"Hi baby," he smiled as he continued to wash his hair.

"Hi." I leaned against the glass. "I told Shane Conners I'd meet up with him."


"Yeah, I wanted to tell you, so you know. We'll be meeting at K2P, for lunch I think on Saturday."

He nodded as he finished washing his hair. He used his hands to pull it back before motioning for me to come over.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Okay, good to know." He grabbed some shampoo and pushed me under the water.

He pulled me out and started washing my hair. "Did you know that it it's better to wash your hair with cold water when using conditioner?" I asked as his hands scrubbed my head.

"I didn't know that."

"Yeah, I haven't been doing it though," I mumbled as I wiped some soap that fell down the front of my face.

"Why not?"

"Because of the simulator. The water was cold, and I can't bring myself to do it now."

He hummed, I didn't think much of it until he finished the conditioner and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"What're you doing?" I asked when I tried to loosen his arms.

"Just relax. FRIDAY turn water cold." He called out.

"No Buck. No." I mumbled trying to pull away, but he just held me tighter. The cold water hit my back causing me to arch away.

"Wash the conditioner out and I'll change it back." I brought my hands up and shakily washed my hair out.

"FRIDAY change it back to normal," Bucky said when I finished. I pushed away from him and grabbed my towel.

I quickly stepped out and walked to my closet, wrapping myself up as I go. "Katherine," Bucky said following me.

"That was mean," I mumbled as I pulled a shirt down.

"It was only to help you."

"I didn't want help. It's water, that's a thing I'll get over later, not be forced to get over."

"I'm sorry." I turned to face him, a hand on my hip.

"No, you're not."

"Alright, I'm not. I just wanted to help you." He walked up to me and grabbed my hips.

"That was the wrong way to do it."

"Oh don't pout at me." He mumbled as he pulled me into a hug. "I can't resist the pouts."

"I'm so pouting right now. That was not nice."

"How about I make it up to you?" He kissed my neck.

And now his head is stuck between my legs as I attempt to squeeze my thighs together.

His hands reached up and forced my knees apart, he held them to the bed as he continued. My hands flew to his head, yanking on his hair. He groaned and the vibrations sent me over the edge.

My hips lifted off the bed as my body tensed. He pushed them back down and held me still. Once my body relaxed and went limp is when he pulled away.

"Amazing," he mumbled as he crawled up me.

He kissed me before getting off the bed. "Do you want me to-" I started asking before he interrupted.

"I don't want you to do anything. Just because I do it to you doesn't mean you have to do anything back." He stated as he stared at me. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." I nodded, pulling the blanket over my naked body.

"Good." He mumbled before continuing to the clothes he brought in. He must've done it when I was sleeping.

He pulled a pair of joggers on and flopped down on the bed next to me. I turned to face him on my side, him doing the same thing.

I brushed some hair from his face, "would you be mad if you woke up tied up. You know...for like sex?" I asked quietly.

"Are you trying to immobilize me?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No...maybe, would you be mad if you woke up with your arms and legs tied to the bed?" I asked, still brushing his hair with my fingers.

He thought about it. "I would be confused." He answered.

"Would you break out the minute you woke up?"

"No, unless you do some stupid shit that I don't like." He licked his lips.

"So you'd be okay with it?"

"I guess, if you tie me up I'm tying you up next." He threatened.

"Alright, after you though."

"Isn't it supposed to be the girl getting tied up? Not the guy?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

I smiled and kissed him softly, "just once." I bit his lip before pulling away.

"Tease," he rolled his eyes and rolled over me.

I laughed from under him, my arms trying to push him off me. "I say something you don't like or do something, and you always turn to crushing me."

"It's because I love the way you look under me." He mumbled, not moving off me.

"Really? I thought I looked pretty damn good on top of you." I smirked.

He lifted off me and stared down at me. "That you did. That you fucking did."

I smiled, "I talked with Dr. Palmer today. Told him everything that happened."

"How'd that go?"

"I cried. A lot, I was tempted to call you in."

"You should've, I would have dropped everything to help you."

"I know," I held his face, softly dragging my thumb over his lips. He kissed it causing me to melt. "You shouldn't have to though."

"You're too sweet." I smiled and pulled him back down to me. I hugged him as we relaxed. He pulled away and started a movie.

"Have you been called for any missions recently?" I asked turning to him on the bed.

"No," he shook his head.

"Me neither."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No just a lil' weird."

He hummed, "can we practice with your powers tonight?" I sighed and looked away. "You can't ignore them, babe, what if you need them?"


"Cheer up buttercup, you'll be happy once you get control of them." He kissed my cheek.

"I know." I groaned, "I hate when you're right."

"That can't be true, I'm always right and you love me anyway." I hummed in disagreement causing him to launch at me and pin me down to the bed.

"Say it." He said through gritted teeth, trying his hardest to look mean.

"No." I pursed my lips.

"Say it." He warned, his arms moving so he was holding my wrists down with just one hand.

"Say what?"

"Say you love me."

"I love what's between your legs," I answered causing his face to drop.

"Sometimes I think you're still with me because of sex." He mumbled.

"I mean it's a hard thing to let go. But I'm still with you for you because I love you." I smiled.

"Thank you." He rolled off me.

"Hey! Say it back!" I laughed, rolling myself onto him this time, the sheet still wrapped around me.

He smiled. "No." He mocked. I love this man.

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