Staff Chat

By carver_edlundd

1.8M 58.6K 69K

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10.6K 318 261
By carver_edlundd

Chat between MCplayer_21 and Float_dubs

MCplayer_21 is online

MCplayer_21: oi float
MCplayer_21: u online?

Float_dubs is online

Float_dubs: I am now
Float_dubs: what's up?

MCplayer_21: eh not a lot
MCplayer_21: I'm dealing with these fucking NPCs blowing up my phone tho
MCplayer_21: it's annoying as hell

Float_dubs: that sucks :/
Float_dubs: why r they texting u

MCplayer_21: it's something for work

Float_dubs: ah
Float_dubs: "work"


Float_dubs: lol kay

MCplayer_21: I DO

Float_dubs: show me ur bank statements then

MCplayer_21: no???

Float_dubs: damn almost got em

MCplayer_21: I already said if u need cash I'll give u some

Float_dubs: aww, that's so sweet of you!
Float_dubs: but no <3

MCplayer_21: you didn't say that when I sent u the console

Float_dubs: shut up
Float_dubs: that was ur decision buttwipe

MCplayer_21: I didn't hear any objections

Float_dubs: you said
Float_dubs: and I quote
Float_dubs: "I'm tired of playing on those shitty online multiplayer sites with you. It's pathetic."

MCplayer_21: no I fucking didn't


MCplayer_21: ew lightscreen

Float_dubs: first off light screen is superior I will fight you
Float_dubs: second don't try to change the topic on me

MCplayer_21: I can and I will
MCplayer_21: did you know that one of the earlier MarioBros games had a whole world dedicated to penguins

Float_dubs: OENGUINS??
Float_dubs: wait no

MCplayer_21: One of the power ups was a penguin suit

Float_dubs: ohmygosh

MCplayer_21: it let you slide on ur belly like a penguin

Float_dubs: p en guin

MCplayer_21: ¬‿¬

Float_dubs: I know when to admit defeat

MCplayer_21: told u


MCplayer_21: ...

Float_dubs: I'm on a mission, bitch

MCplayer_21: remind me why I put up with you?

Float_dubs: because I'm the only one that can keep up with your deranged commentary during COD

MCplayer_21: I hate that ur right

Float_dubs: I always am
Float_dubs: now
Float_dubs: be honest with me MC
Float_dubs: are there feelings somewhere deep down in that cold, cavernous chest of yours?

MCplayer_21: fuck off.

Float_dubs: MC, do you maybe think of me...
Float_dubs: as a friend?
Read 4:41

Float_dubs: Coward.

A/N: one of my more favorite moments in the comments. I felt as if I had to share

Don come after my light screen whores. I already know that I'm a menace to society with no taste. <3

*also idk why you even would but please don't harass the commenters or anything. That's cringe and wholly not a vibe. Present Mic would not dig.

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