Wait I'm King?!

By DamiKuro

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(Kyo kara Maoh) [ISEKAI] if you haven't watched the anime , I recommend you watch it , it's so underrated. (... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

176 8 6
By DamiKuro


Have yall ever tried Mochi? Green tea Mochi and Coconut Mochi are my favorites


I hear a man yell loudly, should I go and stop the conflict? It wouldn't really effect the plot much.. as I was thinking I felt a sudden rush of emotion in my body, telling me to go see what was going on. I guess I should go anyways.

I jog to the top of the ship and where I had heard the yell.


Conrad stutters out, he wasn't prepared for me to suddenly go off like that and follows closely behind.
Once I made it to the top, I see a man ready to punch a boy who looked not older than me. I quickly turn to Conrad.

"Conrad, please do something, he's just a kid" I whisper yell

His eyes widen before smiling softly at me. He gains the man's attention mid-swing, the kid was only a second from being hit. The guy looks over at Conrad.

"On this boat so early in the morning, you hit children?"

"What was that??"

Conrad looks at him seriously

"You're hurting my ears."

He makes a slight gesture to me

"You're bothering my master"

I give the man a blank and disappointed look.

"This guy.. is In a first class room!"

The man blurted out loud not quiet enough for us not to hear. Conrad takes some coins out of a small bag in his pocket and hands it over to the man who takes it happily.

"It will be fine if you disappear"


He scurried off, pocketing the money.

I sighed, kinda annoyed he took our money but it's not that big of a deal.
I turn to the boy and smile softly at him.

"I hope your alright"

I say in an almost quiet voice, he stares blankly at me for a few moments before getting up and bows his head in thanks before dashing away. He should be okay, he was alright in the manga and anime, just hate how he worked for the pirates.

"Is your sense of Justice and conscience hurt?"

Conrad asks me, I look at him and can't help the irritated look show on my usual blank face

"Giving that man money almost felt like he was being rewarded, no person should hit a kid"

I say truthfully, Conrad looks in understanding

"There is always going to be greedy people like that in any world your in. Though I wish it wasn't that way"

I nod, I can just beat them up. That wouldn't completely ruin my pacifist image right?

"We should talk about Mr.Hiscreif"

I say suddenly, catching Conrad a little off guard, he was about to bring it up but didn't expect his majesty to pick up on it and bring it up before he did.

Conrad begins to tell me things about Mr.Hiscreif and what he has noticed as we walk to get breakfast, I only listen and give out short thoughts.
They were serving quite the breakfast
I grabbed a muffin and some waffles with 2 cups of water.

"You know, I don't want to brag Conrad but I am a good cook/baker"

I randomly say as I eat the tasty muffin, we are seated at a random table far from the others. Conrad sits across from me with his own breakfast and leans his face against his hand that he propped up on the table.


I swallow and nod a few times showing him a proud smile.

"Though im more good at baking, whenever I have the time, I'll bake something tasty for you and the rest of the people I know in the Demon Kingdom!"

I state enthusiastically, the first thing that pops into my mind is making something extremely cute and giving it to Gwendal and seeing his reaction. What if he doesn't eat it because it's too cute? That would be funny! Not as funny as the time I baked a cake for Shori with a drawing of me and him on it as a joke but Shori being reluctant of slicing through it because of said drawing that his little brother drew. But it would still be funny.

"I can't wait, Yuuri"

Once we finish we head back to the room where Wolfram is still in

"Is that for Wolfram?"

Conrad Asks noticing the cup of water I brought with me, I nod.

"Hopefully it will help a little"

"I'm sure it will"

I open the door and see Wolfram still in bed, he hears the door open and looks over at us.

"We're back! I got you some water"

I inform, walking over to the side of the bed

"I'm not thirsty.."

I tilt my head in confusion

"But you need it, it could help you feel better, and who wouldn't want to feel less sick?"

I smile at him, motioning him to take the cup. He sighs and takes it from me, muttering a small thank you before taking small sips.

I then walk over and sit in a chair and grab Gunter's book he left us. I open it and see the foreign writing that just looks like scribbles to me, I shrug and just look at all the different scribbles and note repeating ones I see as I turn the page, though I don't know the language I pretty sure Gunter has neat handwriting. I continue to 'read' the book to pass the time, deciding to ignore Conrad's curious stare.

A bit of time passes until there was a knock on the door, it kinda startled me because I wasn't expecting it. Conrad gets up and opens the door, it was a man in uniform who ive never seen before, he had told something to Conrad and Conrad said something back before closing the door again. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I can guess.

"What did he say?"

I ask putting the book down as Conrad walks over.

"There will be a dance banquet tonight, and since we are high class guests were informed"

He answers me, I gave him a lazy stare

"Do we have to go?"

"It would be seen as normal if we did, and uncommon if we didn't"

Conrad gives me an amused smile, I sigh and stand up.

"There's enough time for me to take a nap, right?"

Conrad nods at me and grabs the book I was 'reading' and sits in a different chair.

"It will be a bit before the banquet starts so you should have enough time  to get some rest, you're majesty"

I yawn and give him a thumbs up.

"Move a little over Wolfram, I wanna sleep"

He just needs to move a little bit to the right and I'll have enough room to rest comfortably but he just grumbles and doesn't move at all. I sigh, if he wasn't sick I would have pushed him myself but he gets a pass since he is sea sick now.

"You can rest on my bed if you want to, you're majesty"

Conrad let's me know as he turns a page in the book, not bothering to look up, finding Gunter's expressive words a bit more interesting for the moment. I shake my head.

"But this is my bed, so I'm gonna sleep in it. Thank you though!"

I quickly thank him and get in bed with Wolfram, I hope he doesn't mind the sides of our bodies are squishing against each other. I try not to think about it, which was easy to do since I was tired and ready to nap away.

Not hearing any protest aside from a gasp which I had understand it to be the fact Wolfram didn't know I was going to lay down on the same bed anyways. I felt him tense for a few moments before relaxing, hugging the pillow a little tighter. Poor thing, I wish he didn't have sea sickness.

I took this lack of protest as a sign that I was good and pulled the covers over us. Ahhh now it's time to go into dream land~

I close my eyes and quickly drift off into sleep..


------> Time Skip ------>

I feel someone shake me

"Nooo 5 more minutes mom.."

I grumble, but I felt someone shake me again.

"You're majesty, it's time to wake up"

I hear Conrad chuckle

I sit up and yawn, I look over at Wolfram beside me and see he's in the same position as before, sleeping. Kind of surprised he didn't kick me off the bed. I rub the sleepiness out of my eye.

"It's time to get dressed for the banquet, ah, wait- don't rub your eye your majesty, your contacts!"


I completely forgot I had contacts on!

The contact fell on my shirt and I used my finger to gently pick it up, looking at Conrad apologetically.

"Sorry, I completely forgot"

"It's alright, sit over here and I'll put it back in for you"

I nod and carefully get up, not wanting to wake up Wolfram.

I sit in the chair I sat in before and handed the contact to Conrad.

"Be gentle Conrad..."

"I will.. Does it hurt?"

"A little bit.."

"Let's put it in correctly, once more"

"C-Conrad, I'm a bit scared.. have you done this before?.."

"Yes I have, it's alright, trust me.."

"Ah.... mm..."

I try not to let out a small laugh when Wolfram practically bolts out of the bed, thinking dirty thoughts. I cant believe that woke him up, or was he even asleep in the first place?

He gets up and and angrily looks at the both of us as if we committed a sin.

"You guys.."

He grabs a pillow and throws it at me

"Knock it off!!"

I didn't bother to dodge or lift my hands up to stop the pillow because I didn't think a soft pillow would hurt, but when it Landed on my chest I didn't expect the impact to be so strong. It didn't really do anything to me but I am surprised at the small pain in my chest.

"What's wrong?"

I tilt my head innocently

"You know what's wrong!"

He grabs Gunter's book

"I won't forgive you for having an affair when I, your fiancé, is weak!"

I wave my hands in the air in a panic, I completely forgot he would throw the book!

"W-Wait! He was helping with my contacts! Not the book!"

I go behind Conrad as a shield.

"Doesn't that book belong to Gunter?"

Conrad finally speaks.

I nod

"He said it's important but I can't read the language"

Conrad looks at me curiously

"I saw you reading it earlier in the day?"

I shrug

"I was just looking at the neat scribbles on each page"

Wolfram huffs and opens the book on the first page, calming down now.

"Then I shall read it to you"

He begins to read and I close my eyes listening to his voice.

"That happened a bit differently, also Wolfram you should like, read to kids or something, you have such a soothing voice"

I suggest, as someone who used to listen to audible books, he does have the voice to be one of the top voice actors if he ever signed up for something like an audible. So does Conrad and Celi, I think Gunter would be a little too passionate and I don't know about Gwendal..

The young girl now his majesty failed to notice the stutter and blush that had crept on the blonde young man's face from the sudden compliment to his voice. She now he was too deep in thought trying to imagine Gwendal saying lines to one of his favorite books.

Hmm yeah I'd listen to Gwendal read a book too.

"It's a love diary to his majesty ♡"

Conrad gives us an amused smile.

"Seems so.."

I sighed though im a little flattered. Me and Conrad went and got changed for the party, I'm so excited! Not because of the party but I'll get to dance with Conrad, he's so tall and handsome, i can I not be excited? Leave me be if your just going to judge! My mom says if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all.

Me and Conrad walk to the banquet, Wolfram obviously staying due to being too weak. I look around and grimace at the food and bones being dropped on the floor.

"That's gross.." I mutter

I try not to look at the ground.

"You shouldn't be surprised by this"

Conrad says to me

"This shouldn't be normal, also I don't know how to dance, maybe I could dance If I was taught but alas I haven't been taught to dance, would be nice if someon-"

"I shall help you practice your majesty"

Conrad gives me a soft look but I could tell he was trying not to let out a chuckle. God was I too obvious? Well it worked so I'm not going to dwell on it.

Conrad takes my hand and positions us into a 2 party dance position.

"Now, it's usually in reverse, put your hand on my lower back..."

He continues to teach me, being so close and also in physical contact with Conrad is driving me a little crazy.

"And spin"

He twirls me around. Once he finishes I accidentally step on his foot due to slight dizziness, I've never been twirled around before.

"Ah, sorry!"

I say in embarrassment, Conrad just chuckles saying it's alright before continuing to teach me.

"As far as dance speed goes, it isn't a problem with girls, what's important is height, aren't you glad your partner isn't Gwendal?"

Conrad tells me, I hum in response

I would not mind at all.

The music starts to slow down from its more upbeat rhythm. 

"Oh my, it seems it's time for slow dancing"

This is the part where I die.


I repeat slowly, trying not to let my face heat up

"It's alright.."

Conrad gently brings me in close, putting his hand on my mid back and the other on my shoulder blade, making both my hands rest against his chest.

"This time, you want to hold your partner close"

I can't not control the red on my cheeks and my quick heartbeat, it doesn't help I can feel Conrad's breath hit against my forehead.


Did I die already?? Is this what heaven feels like?

I lean closer in, I can feel Conrad pull me closer in, swaying us from side to side. I felt myself start to smile.

Then I felt myself frown when SOMEONE tapped me on my shoulder.

I look and see Jozak in a crossdress disguise smiling happily at me.
I know your smiling because you enjoyed ruining my time with Conrad! Atleast that's what I told myself.

Conrad and I pull away from each other and I turn giving Jozak a polite smile.

"Hello, I love your dress"

I compliment, I can feel the blush that was once on my cheeks fade away.

"Why thank you!"

I can see him and Conrad share a knowing smile. He turns back to me.

"Would you like to dance with me?"

I think for a moment, I really don't see why not. wolfram wouldn't be mad if I danced with Jozak, right?


"Hold on just a moment!"

A young woman cut me off and I look an see her and other women looking my way. I don't want to get ganged up on by beautiful women, nor do I feel like dancing with them. I'm not a lesbian. And I'm also lazy and only danced because I'm a simp for a tall, protective, perfect swordsman.

I snap back into reality when I see the women come sprinting towards me.
My eyes widen in surprise.

Shit! I accidentally started daydreaming.

I go behind Conrad for cover and press myself against his back, clutching his coat. I peek barely behind Conrad looking at the women with fearful eyes.

"S-Sorry, not interested in dancing with you all. Y-You all are just far too beautiful for someone l-like me to dance with!"

I try to excuse to avoid dancing.

Conrad is in shock and in confusion, he thought since his majesty is quite good looking in this world, even if he seemed unexperienced, he would want to dance with them. What he didn't expect was his majesty to use him as a shield, pressed against him and gripping his coat so tightly. A movement so quick he didn't have time to fully register. It was.. oddly.. cute?.. though he was a little concerned, is he too shy with women?

Jozak almost thought the same

Is that young man afraid of women?

He tries to hold back a chuckle at the amusing sight.

I was then saved by Mr.Hiscreif coming over to where we are. Making the women disperse a bit. I sigh in relief and unclutch my hands from Conrad's coat, walking up to him.

"Hello again Mr.Hiscreif!"

He does his greeting with a smile back.

"Hello, you seem to he having a bit of trouble, why don't you dance with Beatrice?"

He suggested as he gestures to Beatrice who is standing politely looking at me with a small smile.

I smile back.

"I don't see why not, do you want to dance, Beatrice?"

I extend a hand to her giving a slight bow.

She nods and takes it and I lead her to a more open space.

"What the heck, he's into loli-con?"

I hear someone say out loud.

I make a face of disgust. What?? This is just a child! Who would say that?

I choose to ignore them and just focus on Beatrice.

We stop at a spot and we start to dance.

Though I was moving a bit awkwardly

"Did you dye your hair?"

She asks me. I nod

"Yeah, looks terrible right?"

"Yep! It doesn't suit you"

I let out a laugh

"I'm glad your honest, is this your first time dancing?"

She nods


I nod as well

"I can tell"

Okay ouch, she's a little too honest.

"It can't be that bad...is it bad??"

She giggles, giving me a bright smile

"You're awkward when dancing, but it's okay. Your kinda cool"

"Really? Your cool too!"

I smile back, atleast I got one compliment. 

The music stopped and we both bowed to each other before Beatrice runs into the arms of Mr.Hiscreif.

I look softly at them both before turning to see Conrad and Jozak together talking about whatever.

I don't think i have to lose a contact and talk to that young boy so I decide to just head back to the room, not before taking a small plate of food and drink with me. If Wolfram doesn't want to eat it, I will. I decided to ignore the boy as we crossed paths, we kinda just did the 'white people smile' at each other.

I open the door which gains the attention of Wolfram who looks over at me and gets up, arms crossed with a glare like I killed his pet cat. He's In a bathrobe, a towel around his head.
So I really am in both the anime and manga version of this world.

I beam at him giving an innocent smile as I walk up to him.

"Wolfram! I got you some food"

He glances at the plate In my hand and drink in the other and back at me.

"Did you dance...?"

Noticing he wasn't going to take the plate and drink I walk past him and place it on the dresser.

"I didn't dance with any women"

Beatrice doesn't count, she's a child.

I turn back and he's still glaring at me.




"...does Conrad count..?"

I ask with a sweatdrop running down my temple.


I cover my ears from his yell and look at him in confusion. 

"It's CONRAD, how is that cheating?!"

I give back the same energy, but Wolfram points at me looking angry.

"My OWN brother, you traitor!"

I pause

"Wait a second.. didn't you say you didn't see him as a brother?"

I question, a teasing smile forming on my face. Wolfram's arm is lowered as his face goes from anger, confusion then embarrassment.

"I-I uh, I didn't-"

"Oh you said he's your brother~ don't deny it~"

"Shut up cheater!"

I sigh, and walk up to him.

"I don't think I cheated, he was only teaching me to dance"

"I can teach you how to dance! Its your fiancé's job!"

I spread my arms out causing him to look at me confused

"What are you- !!"

I wrap my arms around his body and pull him into a hug

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Here's an apology hug! Fixed with a hug right? Do you forgive me, Wolf?"

His body and arms are frozen solid, not moving a muscle at the sudden hug. His face tinted red, not in anger, but in embarrassment, hidden from his fiancé, caught off guard by the warm embrace. It makes him almost forget why he was so mad.

"A-A hug doesn't solve e-everything"

He stutters

"But it solves this right? Can you feel how apologetic i am?"

(These pics are traced from existing  screenshots from the show. Only for visual use)

I respond with a closed eye smile


Before Wolfram can respond a loud boom was heard on top of the ship which made the boat shake, making me unwrap my arms around Wolfram.

"What was that?!"

Wolfram asked in alarm.

"Is it pirates come to take over?"

I ask, it could be believed as a joke

"It could be!"

"Wait really? You have actually pirates here?"

I feign shock, he turns towards me and nods, grabbing his sword

"Of course!" 

"We should find Conrad"

I say, he nods in agreement.

"Stand behind me, I have to protect a whimp like you"

He states getting in front of me as we neared the door. I have a feeling no matter what I do, Wolfram will always call me a whimp.

I sigh.

"Not a whimp.."

Before we can head outside the door opens revealing Conrad. He looked in concern before switching to relief when he noticed us safe inside.

"I'm glad your safe.."

He glances towards Wolfram

"Good, you have your sword. Both of you follow me"

He makes us go inside the closet

"Hide in here"

"Is it pirates?!"

Wolfram questions

Conrad nods

"A few bandits are already on board"

"You should stay here"

I suggest, he barely helps anyways since he gets captured. Too many hostages for him to defeat them.

He smiles at me

"What are you saying? I'm here for these types of situations"

He reassures me

"I'll hold them back on the deck"

"Be careful.."

Was all I could think of to say, he raises his hand and gently rests it on my head.

"I will.. you do the same, if you were to fall then Gunter and the whole Demon kingdom would cry, including me"

I'm pretty sure not the WHOLE kingdom would cry, I can't imagine Gwendal crying. But awww

I give him a smile

"I want to fight outside too!"

Wolfram makes his presence known already wanting to climb out of the closet. But Conrad shakes his head in disagreement.

"You can not"

Wolfram grits his teeth, confused as to why he couldn't do the same as Conrad.

"Do you not have any confidence in my abilities?!"

He questions in offense

"I do have confidence, that's why I need you here to protect his majesty"

Conrad replies rationally, causing Wolfram to go silent, knowing that's the best position for him to be in, in a situation like this as his majesty's retainer.

"Leave your little brother to me"

"I'm counting on you, Yuuri"

Conrad stops for a moment

"And Yuuri?"

He places a hand on my cheek

"If I don't make it, I'm sorry"

Conrad then closes the closet doors and leaves, we both hear a click sound indicating that Conrad has closed the door to our room. I know he'll be okay but something inside me is making me feel worried..

I shake my head and look at Wolfram with a confident look and a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I will protect you!"

I whisper yell, he looks at me as if I'm kidding. He grips his sword.

"It's not your job to protect me but me to protect you. As your retainer and your fiancé, I'm the one with the sword you whimp!"

"Shhh.. I got my fists, also don't call me a whimp"

I say, I may not be completely serious, I'll still throw hands with someone looking for a fight. Though for plot reasons and the fact it will only make the situation worse I won't use my fists today. Wolfram only sighs.

"If by some chance we are found out, don't try anything reckless. If it comes to that, they should spare your life because you are good looking"

He tells me seriously. I look at him with also a serious face.

"You too, you're like the most valuable art piece in the world no amount of money can buy, meaning, you're way cuter than me!"

I was gonna say he looks like a masterpiece that belongs in a museum but do they even have museums here? I forgot.

"N-No, I'm a Demon Tribe soldier, if I don't fight and survive, I won't be forgiven"

He accidentally stutters, moving the sharp sword closer to him. I pout.

"I'd forgive you"

I mutter, but then we both hear the door open and multiple footsteps come inside.


It's the pirates!

What should I do? If we successfully hide then what would happen to the people on the deck? Conrad? Beatrice?

Doesn't helping the humans and Beatrice give us a good image to Mr.Hiscreif?

I sigh quietly, I yet again have no choice but to follow the plot.

I tap on a random box alerting the bandits.

"Somebody is in there!"

Wolfram looks at me like I'm the dumbest person ever.


I apologize quickly.

"Mee Meeee~"

I mimic a cat using the manga version of how they sound.

"Using animal sounds, that could work" 

"Is that a cat?"

"A cat?"


"I want to pet it"

"Same here!"

Me and Wolfram both look deadpan at what we just heard.

I lean in closer to Wolfram who is gripping his sword tightly

"Let's surrender for now"

His head whips over to me so fast I'm worried he might get whiplash, his eyes stare into mine as he looks at me bewildered, looking to see if I'm joking or not.

"Absolutely not, I have to figh-"

"There's too many of them, please, just trust me.."

He goes quiet for a moment thinking it over.

But he slams open the closet doors with sword in hand and jumps out, making the bandits all take a step back in surprise. Making me jump in surprise too.


Before I could even let out a sentence Wolfram let's go of the sword making it drop to the ground with a clink noise. 

"We surrender"

I let out a breathe of relief that he had actually listened to me. I get out as well.

We were both taken out on the deck

I mutter a small thank you to Wolfram but he only 'hmpfs' back.

Once we make it to the deck we see everyone including Conrad being hostages, the women, men, and children separated. 

I do admit, them wearing Japanese school girl outfits is kind of funny.

"How pitiful, you guests are"

One of the men say who I think is the leader.

"I heard that you two were newly weds, you were even sharing the same room"

He says, Wolfram looks at me with a slight but confused smile as he takes off the towel on his head.

"We're newly weds?"

I look at the captain/leader

"Mind your business please"

Like for real, how is that any of your business?

The captain looks irritated but continues to speak.

"We can sell you for a high price, we also got a lot of women"

Why is he telling us this? Oh Great One, please let me throw hands just this once. Wait- can the Great One hear me even when I don't seriously call out to him in my mind? I hope not.

"You better stop capping right now and let us all go before my fists meet your face captain weirdo!"

I spoke in English, making everyone look at me in confusion.


"Stop this slave trade!"

I say, if I actually said the other thing then it would probably be a bad look on my part. Luckily no one here knows English...

No one on this boat knows the language so I can speak my mind without them knowing what I'm saying instead of bottling it up..

The captain looked like he was gonna say something when we heard a yell


Mr.Hiscreif cries out, Beatrice is about to be sent over board!

How did I forget this part! The anime and manga mixing is confusing me!

I run as fast as I could to Beatrice and managed to lean over and take her hand before it was too late. 

"I won't let go of your hand"

I say gripping it tightly and trying to pull her up.

She looked up at me with a sad look and small smile.


I don't say anything, I focus more on pulling her up.

"As long as I meet mother and father... it's okay to let me fall"

I looked at her softly

No kid should ever think that way..

I feel my vision start to fade, which I get confused but only for a moment when I heard myself start to speak without any control. 

"Using your power, you foolishly seize this ship.."

I mentally sigh, I start to feel myself pass out before I hear King Yuuri say anything else. Welp, time for sleep again I guess. Is this what yuuri kinda feels like when he goes into this mode? Considering he doesn't remember what happens and I only know because I've watched the show.

I decided to seize my thoughts and let myself rest until it was time to wake up.

----> Time Skip ---->




I wake up with a jolt, sitting up quickly and look at my surroundings

"Huh?? Huh?"

Though my movements were too fast because a headache started to form making me grip my head in slight pain.

I realized I was in Conrad's lap and fought the constant blush trying to reach my cheeks.

"Thank goodness, Are you alright yuuri?"

I look at both Conrad and Wolfram who is still in a bathrobe and around again, noticing I was in some sort of jail on another boat. Ahh so I'm here, makes sense. I give them a nod and take my hand away from my head.

"Looks like you finally woke up, it was a nightmare"

Wolfram remarked with arms crossed.

"Nightmare? What was a nightmare? I don't remember anything"

I lied smoothly. Wolfram froze and looked at me with shock, a few beads of sweat rolling down.

"You don't remember..? ...it's better that way"

I just shrug at him, I can't blame him, a monster made out of trash and bones sounds horrid that I wouldn't even want to experience.

I move to the window that had iron bars and looked at the sea.

"How long was I asleep?"

I genuinely question, I don't remember every single detail in the show, plus it's been over a decade.

"About two days"

Conrad answered, I hum.

"Are you not curious about where we are or what happened?.."

Was his question to ask. My eyes widen, shit, I'm being too laid back for someone who passed out and supposedly doesn't remember anything!

"Ah... i-i was just about to ask!"

I look back and see Conrad Staring at me and into my eyes. I shrink.

But he then gives me a smile and starts to explain what happened and how Beatrice is alright.

I look over towards Wolfram

"That does sound kind of like a nightmare but it worked out in the end right? Well.. aside the fact we are here.."

I say the last part weakly, Wolfram only scowls

"Humans are always doubtful of us"

He says leaning against the wall.

"But aren't you also always doubtful of humans?"

I counter unexpectedly

"I- ... well... "

I smile and close my eyes, turning back towards the window.

"Subject change!"

I yell out loud as I open my eyes again.

I hear a weird sound of moment behind me, realizing it was Wolfram being startled by his shouting at me.

"Hey! Don't just randomly yell like that!"

He scolds

"You yell a lot though"

"What did you say?!"

I turn my head only to stick my tongue out at him before looking back. Making him fume more.

"Stop being childish, you're supposed to be a king!"

I was about to say something else when I heard laughter coming from Conrad. I feel myself smiling at the sound, glad I could make Conrad laugh. Especially since the remark Wolfram said about humans.

Wolfram gave Conrad a glare and opened his mouth to say something when the door suddenly swung open revealing Jozak with a plate full of yummy looking food. I stare at the food with shining eyes, my stomach growled, reminding me that I haven't ate in a while.


I blink away my shining eyes to focus more on Jozak, finding the food more important than him is rude.

"Sorry for the waaait, here is your splendid meal~☆"

He winked at us. I smiled at him, his personality is like taking a breath of fresh air after being cooped up in your room for a long time because you were watching a marathon of an anime. My personal favorites are usually isekai or the MC has a hidden power cliche like Naruto or The shield  Hero. Considering I'm in an anime where that has both is ironic. Wait, what was I talking about again?

"...i wonder if it will suit your taste"

Ah, I wasn't listening. What was he talking about? I think just the food and greeting me right?

I nod and smile.

"It's nice to see you again too! We first met at that bath place right? And then at the dance, that was you wasn't??"

I ask. His expression wore surprise but then held amusement a moment later. He lets out a laugh.

"I'm surprised you recognized me since then when you were naked at the bath! It seems Gunter was right about your sharp mind!"

He pats my shoulder. I also heard a growl from behind me but it was so quiet I just thought it wasn't really anything and kept my focus on Jozak.

"And yes that was me, I'm a man, but in certain situations being a female is more convenient ♡"

I nod in response.

"I can understand that"

I then feel an arm aggressively wrap around my neck, it actually kind of hurt which made me yelp.


"Naked in a bath with another man behind my back?"

Wolfram angrily said in an accusing tone. I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"What ever your imagining is completely untrue"

I simply said.

"Enough with your lover's quarrel, his majesty needs to eat and we can escape"

Jozak spoke, the mentioned of Lover's quarrel made Wolfram pause for a moment so I took advantage and slipped out of his grasp. I felt myself drool slightly as my eyes shine once again at the plate of yummy goodness.


I clap my hands together

"Thank you for the food"

And dig in.

I notice Wolfram and Conrad avoiding the meat with bone in it and smile at them.

"What's wrong, you don't like it? It's tasty! You both should try some~"

I try to offer some but they both gave traumatic looks at the meat and backed a step away from it.

Jozak let out a chuckle from it

"I like you already"

I give him an innocent smile before going back to eating.

After I was done we finally escaped by boat and is currently rowing towards land.

I decided to stick with OG Yuuri and do the breathing technique

"Your majesty, that's the Lamaze breathing technique"

Conrad informs me.

The Lamaze breathing technique is for women giving birth, not to row a boat.

"Your calling out gets me pumped up!"

Jozak joined in on the breathing technique which made me smile.

"Join us Conrad!"

I say gleefully and continue with the breathing

A couple moments after he also joins in with us and we all row closer and closer to land.


Sorry this is later than usual.

Made it a bit longer!

I hope you liked this chapter.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments and vote/heart this story.

Your comments give me motivation to write more :)

Words: 6200

Not edited

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