Foster Family

By smilemore954

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Louis had been in foster care since he was a kid. Each home had turned out the same, either miserable or abus... More



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By smilemore954

Louis's POV:

Once we get back to the house, I thank the triplets for the ride before quickly moving up to my room, I was feeling rather overwhelmed and needed to be alone for a few minutes to digest everything that has happened today.

I hear one of the boys say my name but I just pretend like I didn't hear it, not wanting to get upset in front of them and let them know something is wrong.

I lock myself in my room before sliding down the other side of it, my eyes filling with tears.

I don't even know why I am getting so upset, my day was all fine after that issue with that mean boy, heck I even made a few friends, even though I do feel like they are only being nice to me because they feel bad.

But I know that I am going to have to see that boy day after day for the next year. I was just starting to think that I was escaping people like that but I should have known it was too good to be true,

And that word he called me 'fag' was one I haven't heard in a few months. I absolutely hate it, I don't know why it affects me as much as it does but a couple of my previous foster families used their knowledge of me being gay against me, which is why I never tell anyone anymore. I just don't know how that boy somehow could just tell, what if he is going to do something to me because of it?

I don't know how I am supposed to make people like me more or at least how to make this one boy stop hating me.

I try to wipe away all the tears on my cheeks, I don't like crying, people used to tell me it made me weak but they just keep rushing out of my eyes.

I flinch when I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Uh, who is it?" I ask in a panic as I try to stop crying.

"It's us Lou, can we come in?" Edward's voice rings through the door.

I can't let them come in and see me but it's their house.

"Y-yeah sorry just give me a second," I say trying to sound normal.

I rush to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face, my tears had mostly subsided but my eyes were still bright red.

"Everything alright? We can come back if you don't want to see us right now." Marcel says, his voice had worry in it though, I could hear it.

"No no no, it's fine you can come in now."

It would look worse if I told them that something was wrong and told them to leave, pick my poison.

I make my way back into the room with haste as they are slowly opening the door still knocking on it as they do.

I paint a smile on my face.

"Hi," I say, my voice sounding slightly horse from my crying but I do my best to cover it up.

Their eyes all rake over me as I stand awkwardly, I see worry flush into their eyes almost immediately.

"What's wrong?" Edward asks, his voice sounding concerned.

They all move in towards me and I back up slightly out of instinct, causing them to cease their moments.

"What? Nothing, I'm fine." I say, keeping my smile, not giving up.

Their worry doesn't seem to subside at all.

"Louis, what is going on? Did we say something in the car to upset you?" Harry says sounding extremely concerned at the thought of being the reason I am like this.

"Nothings wrong," I repeat but I find the tears welling back up in my eyes as I think about earlier today.

I try my best to smile and push everything else down but nothing I can tell that the tears are falling through my smile.

I look down, not being able to bear looking at the pure worry in their eyes.

"I knew that something was wrong," Harry says to himself.

They all move closer to me and before I can even comprehend, I am pulled into a warm hard embrace.

All three of them have wrapped their strong arms around me. My head is pressed against Edward's firm chest and another one of the triplets is rubbing my back as I begin to sob.

"Shhh, everything is okay darling." Marcel soothes so gently.

"Just take a deep breath love, you are okay. Everything is okay." Edward says and he holds my head against his chest.

I have never ever been held or touched in this way it's so foreign but something about it is just so, comforting, like everything just goes away.

They continue to just hold me and sway my body a little bit while they whisper sweet nothings to me until my tears subside and all just goes silent.

"There you go, good boy," Marcel says as they calm me and he pets my hair.

They hadn't let go of me once and we had been in the same position for nearly ten minutes now. Is this how brothers are supposed to act? I have never really had actual siblings but I don't see them as my brothers for some reason but I also don't even know what it is supposed to feel like to have brothers.

"What happened baby?" Edward asks and the name immediately sends butterflies through my body.

"Nothing," I still say, just looking down at my feet as I let them continue to hold me.

I can't tell them about that boy from school. They are going to think I'm weak and dumb for getting so upset over some boy grabbing me and yelling at me. I mean heck I knew people weren't going to like me so I myself don't even know why I am upset.

"Louis, we both know that's not true. Just tell us what happened and we can help make it better, we promise, but you just have to talk to us." Marcel says with a rub on my back.

"Nothing happened, I'm sorry," I say and try to pull away but they just hold me back in and I immediately relax again.

"Shh okay okay, we get it. Nothings wrong, we don't have to talk about it." Harry says, knowing that it would just upset me again if they try to get me talking about it.

"Thank you," I whisper, nearly inaudibly.

Of course, they could tell that something was wrong, I practically just had a breakdown in their arms.

"Why don't we sit down hm?" Marcel says, in a voice that is extremely soothing for some reason.

I nod, though part of me doesn't want to let go for some reason.

I reluctantly pull apart and all sit on the side of the bed, me in the middle of Marcel and Harry while Edward actually pulls up my desk chair in front of me and sits there.

"We know you don't want to talk about it Love but we seriously want you to know that you can tell us anything. We aren't going to ask any more about what happened right now but if it was something that we did then we are incredibly sorry." Edward says as he slowly takes my hand in his.

I see slight guilt flush his eyes when he says that they think that they did something wrong.

"It wasn't you," I say quietly looking down.

I don't want them to know anything but I am also not going to let them think that it's their fault. They have been the most welcoming people I have ever encountered and I in no world would want them to think that they are doing something wrong.

"It wasn't?" Harry asks.

I shake my head,

I see relief glance in their eyes for a moment before the worry comes back again.

I can tell that they are holding back from asking more about it but I'm glad that they don't.

Edward reaches one of his hands and brings it up to my cheek before he wipes off the last of the semi-dried tears, his large thumb gently running against my skin.

His hand doesn't move off of my cheek though and I slowly look up as his hand cups my face. Our eyes lock and I feel a slight blush coating my cheeks when neither of us looks away.

My eyes widen a bit when I see him moving in closing, as he so slightly moves my head with his hand.

The other two triplets' eyes were glued to me, I could feel it, but no one dared to say a word.

Edward continues to lean forward and I feel my heartbeat go a million miles an hour.

Soon we were less than inches apart he closes his eyes and I follow. His lips hover over mine for a millisecond, as if he is checking for my comfort before his lips connect with mine so so gently.

Sparks. Immediate sparks.

I have never even gotten close to kissing someone before this so the feeling of utter shock that is going through my body is something. This can't be real, Edward is supposed to be Or my something at least.

His lips gently moved against mine, his were soft and sweet.

After a few seconds, his lips pull away from mine and he slowly moves his head back. It takes me a second to open my eyes back up, I am still in shock.

Edward had a smile on his face, his eyes lovingly darting into mine.

"H-hi," I say, not knowing what to do.

"Hi there darling, was that okay?" Edward asks, his voice deep yet soft.

I nod, a little quicker than I should have, making me blush more.

All three men smile brighter.

"Well then Is it okay if I do this.." Marcel says before cupping my face like Edward had done before he turns my face towards his and kisses me as well, leaving me equally shocked.

His was possibly even more gentle than Edwards had been.

It was soft and sweet and full of passion, but eventually, he pulled away too, leaving my lips tingling.

My face heats up more and more by the second.

"You two always leave me out. May I?" Harry says, turning me over to him.

I nod again, feeling on fire.

And the third pair of lips touch mine. What in the world is happening?

He was like his brothers smooth sweet and gentle.

I don't know why I felt sparks with all three of them or why none of them are having an issue with me kissing their brothers.

Most people don't like when you kiss someone else right after you kiss them.

He lasted slightly shorter than his brothers but once he pulls away he pecks me again before actually pulling away fully.

I mean, of course, I have heard of multi-person relationships but I have never seen these three be anything more than brotherly with each other. I am so confused, why did that just feel so right?

"I-I what?" I say my words coming out just as confused as I was.

"I'm sorry Lou, I'm sure that was a lot really fast. Are you okay?" Edward says.

"No no I'm okay, just really confused," I say, feeling shy as everything that just happened begins to set In.

"Of course, of course, we're sorry we probably should explain this a bit to you yeah?" Marcel says with a slight chuckle.

I just nod again.

"We like you Louis, a lot." Marcel starts, making the butterflies crawl back to me.

Why in the world would any of them like me? They are like three gorgeous gods and I am some wimpy kid. Are they just messing with me?

"Y-you all do?" I ask like I am afraid I am going to jinx it or something.

"Honestly, we have since the first second we saw you. And we know that it is probably weird and overwhelming that we are springing this all on you so soon but if you don't feel the same way we fully understand. We know that we can be a lot, especially when it's all three of us." Harry admits, slight insecurity coming through in his voice.

I still feel in shock, no one has ever told me they like me before. I liked the triplets as well but I never even considered the possibility of them liking me back.

"But you like me?" I ask again, in disbelief.

"Yes sweetheart, we like you a lot," Marcel says with a little nod.

"So you guys are uh together?" I ask, not knowing exactly how to ask, not even knowing if I was allowed to ask something like that.

"Oh god no, we just like to all be in a relationship with the same person, but not each other. Does that make sense?" Edward asks as he visibly cringes at the idea of being like that with his brothers.

"Mhm" Is all I find myself saying with a nod.

"Does that weird you out?" Harry asks.

I immediately shake my head, it far from weirds me out.

"No no, it definitely doesn't weird me out," I respond before I can even really think about what I am saying.

They smirk slightly at my words, I look back down at my lap.

With that Harry places a single finger under my chin and makes me look back up.

"Don't be embarrassed love, never be embarrassed around us," Harry said.

I just nod, never wanting to disagree with any of them.

"You don't have to give us an answer now but do you think that you would have any interest in giving us a shot? But again we understand if this is all too much for you." Marcel says, his tone is delicate.

"I h-have never been in a relationship before, I haven't done really anything," I admit, nervously looking around the room.

I see a look of endearment wash through their eyes.

"Well, we would love to be able to teach you and help you learn if you were willing to allow us," Edward says, his voice sounding excited with the idea.

I blush slightly.

"W-why would you guys want to be with me? It doesn't make sense." I say, still utterly confused.

I don't want to let myself get attached to these boys if they are just playing some kind of trick on me or something. Or if they do somehow actually like me, once they get to know me better they are going to lose interest and I don't want to risk making the first people to actually be nice to me stop actually being nice to me.

But I like them, I don't know If I have ever felt this way about anyone before, and especially not for three people at once.

"Why would we not Louis? Please stop looking down on yourself, you are perfect. The sweetest most gorgeous person we have ever met and we want you, we really do and we will make sure you know that if you give us a chance." Harry says as he puts his other hand on my thigh and rubs up and down softly.

"Okay," I say a few moments later.

"Okay? Meaning that...?" Edward asks, excitement laced in his voice.

All three of them looked as if they were about to blow with excitement, making me laugh a little.

I nod and their smiles breakthrough.

"You won't regret this, we promise."


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