
Wazzuupppp_ tarafından

502K 11.4K 4.7K

Fifteen year old Isabella Delgado is living her best life (kinda) - until she's pulled into a police station... Daha Fazla

Before We Start.....
Characters <3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 pt.1
Chapter 35 pt.2
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 pt.1
Chapter 37 pt.2
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
BONUS (100k!!)

Chapter 17

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Wazzuupppp_ tarafından

A/N: Idek what this chapter is......


It had been two weeks since my trip to the ice rink with Xav, and two weeks since Xander had put a hole in the upstairs hallway wall for Xav letting Kelsey get away with calling me a bitch. His words not mine.

Aside from that, everything had been going smoothly; everyone had been in a good mood, I'd facetimed Chase every Friday and got to know Felix and Dakari a little and even met his girlfriend Aurora over the phone.

Today was November 22nd, and it was Talon's birthday. While he and Xander were going out for a meal with his family, Zane had convinced him to bring his boyfriend over to make up for the shitshow of a dinner we tried to have last time. Xander was apprehensive, but Caleb soon swore to be on his best behaviour.

We'd see how that went down.

"Why's he so fucking nice? And he's hot, god and he compliments me like 24/7- and even though when he whips out these long ass words I find it attractive Izzy", listening to Amelia waffle about Atlas had brought the biggest smile to my face, god she was falling for him, "what's going on?".

"Sounds like love", I grinned, "you need to take him somewhere that interests him too".

"Are you saying he might not like what we've been doing?", her eyes widened and she grabbed her phone, her face now taking up the whole screen, "god has he only been doing what I like to keep me happy?".

"Jesus, calm down", I told her, "I'm not saying that, but next time you go out, see if there's anything in particular that he wants to do".

"I've got it!", she declared, "there's this weird-ass museum he was talking about with like body parts in jars". Huh?

"That's not disturbing at all", I mumbled, "but yeah, take him". She laughed and threw herself back onto the bed.

"So, you're meeting Talon again?", she changed the subject and I nodded, "good luck- if it's anything like last time, you're gonna need it".

"It won't be", I sighed, "hopefully".



Defined as the ability to think or behave in a normal or rational manner.

And surprisingly what all of my brothers were possessing as we hung out with Talon around the dinner table.

Seeing as he and Xander had already eaten and we'd ordered a takeaway because apparently we weren't competent enough when our designated chef wasn't home, Zane had bought a cake for Talon that we were stuffing our faces with.

"So college", university, "what are you thinking of doing Talon?".

Zane was literally the human form of a fucking quiz, I was surrised he hadn't asked Talon what he had for dinner on the 16th of July 2012 yet.

"I wanna be a paediatrician", he announced and I raised my eyebrows, "it's a long road to get there, but I wanna do it".

"What's a paediatrician?", Caleb whispered across the table and Xander rolled his eyes.

"Stupid-ass", he muttered.

"It's a doctor for kids basically", Talon addressed Caleb and he nodded in understanding, "and don't act like you didn't ask me what it meant the first time I told you".

Scott choked on his cake and Caleb snorted, waving his fork in Xander's face to try and rile him up. To my surprise, Xander just chuckled and shook his head - the Talon effect.

"Is he okay?", Xander pointed his fork towards Xav who was next to me; headphones on and blaring music, he had finished his cake and was just scraping his spoon around the empty plate.

"He's been okay all day", I shrugged, "he gave me his usual commentary while we watched Tangled earlier".

"Again?", he frowned.

"Yes again", I scoffed, "but anyway, he's been fine".

"Oi", Caleb slapped him on the head and he glanced up, removing his headphones.


"You good?".

"Very", he nodded, "I'm gonna go study". As soon as he upped and left, Zane followed close behind. Huh.


"You're lying", I stared between my brother and his boyfriend with my jaw dropped, the pair of them were cuddled up on the sofa while I was lying in the middle of the floor in my pyjamas.

"I'm not lying", Talon chuckled, "you'll have to come and see sometime".

"I can officially say I've met someone with 15 pets", I grinned.

"Why would you ever need to tell someone that?", Xander frowned.

"Shut up", I told him, "I'd commit murder for a tortoise, and I'd run someone over for 5 dogs".

"You're strange", Xander commented and Talon rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like Neo isn't your favourite", he nudged him and I snorted.

"He's a cool tortoise", he defended himself, "just watch the film". Ignoring him, I propped myself up on my elbows and peered over at them - why was I third wheeling in here?

"Have you enjoyed your birthday Talon?", I asked and he smiled.

"Course", he nodded, "it's been great, I've got everything I need". And before I could blink, they were kissing each other like there was no tomorrow.

"And that's my cue", I stood up and left them to it, time to phone Chase I suppose.


"You'll see me in 16 days Izzy, I'm sure you can manage", my brother was mid-pasta making when I called, so he had his phone propped up in the kitchen while he spoke to me, "you've got those five to keep you company".

"Oh please", I scoffed, "I love all six of you, but I have the most in common with you - can you picture one of the twins reading a book?".

"Nope", he replied and I hummed, "is now a good time to drop some kinda bad news?". I stared at him for a moment and groaned- who asks that?

"Well you've said it now", I waved a hand and he grinned, disappearing out of the frame for a second before returning, "what's up?".

"I'm only staying for 2 days", he revealed and my jaw dropped, "but, I'll be back on the 23rd in time for Christmas".

"That's not so bad", I shrugged, "two weeks".

"Exactly", he nodded, "okay, I was gonna say-". He didn't get to finish that sentence. Felix burst through the front door and slammed it shut, as soon as he saw the phone he gasped.

"Izzy!", he exclaimed, rushing over and picking it up, "I haven't seen you in ages".

"You called her yesterday", Chase's voice came from that background and I chuckled.

"Your point?", he scoffed, "so, I took your advice and tried pineapple on pizza".

"And....", I grinned.

"Fucking life changing", he beamed and I cheered while Chase groaned.

"You people disgust me", oh please.

"This is the third sense you're lacking man, you okay?", oh my god, "touch and smell are clinging on huh?".

"I hate you", Chase replied, although I could hear the amusement in his voice, "Izzy end the call, I'm gonna kill him".

"Have fun", I chuckled, hanging up on the betrayed expression on Felix's face, "weirdos".


16 days later

"Can you all just piss off and leave me alone! I'm sick of all of your shit, I'm tired, and I don't give a fuck about what any of you have to say!", no that wasn't coming from Xander.

Or Caleb.

Nope, Scott - one of the calmest people in this house and also the birthday boy - had officially lost the plot.

I gulped down the rest of my orange juice, flinching when yet another door slammed; this had been going on since nine this morning, it was now one in the afternoon for fuck's sake.

"I bet this isn't the welcome home you were expecting", I said to Chase who was hovering in the doorway, debating whether to join the others in trying to get Scott out of his room.

"I expected someone to be screaming and slamming doors", he shrugged, "let's just say it wasn't him".

I snorted and stood up, putting my empty plate and cup in the sink; as much as it sucked that Scott didn't want to be bothered on his birthday, I think it would've been better if the guys just left him alone. They'd been pestering him for the last 24 hours and it didn't surprise me that he'd finally cracked.

"You're selfish, you know that?", a door banged, "this is Izzy's first time spending your birthday with you and you're what? Screaming at us? Slamming doors? You're not fucking Xander, Scott".

"Caleb, move away from the door and leave your brother alone", Zane, ever the mediator, attempted to resolve the situation but it only backfired on him.

"Leave him alone? He's a selfish piece of shit Zane!", give me strength, "I get that he's going through shit - but we're all going through shit, he's not special".

"Caleb", Zane warned.

"No, just because of all this shit going on with him-", he didn't get to finish that sentence; a crash filled the house and I looked to Chase urgently, when he made a move to leave the room of course I followed.

"You will choose your next words very carefully", at the top of the stairs Zane was pinning Caleb against the wall by his shirt, I'd never seen him lose his cool like this.

"You don't fucking scare me", Caleb scowled, why the fuck was he so angry?

"I don't? Go on then, say it", silence fell upon us while the pair of them stared each other down, "that's what I thought - learn some respect". He let him go and strolled off like nothing had happened, Caleb turned to me and Chase; his cheeks were flushed and he didn't look too happy.

"What?", he snapped, barging past us and heading down the stairs and straight out the door. God.

"I'll uh, I'll be back in a minute Izzy", Chase glanced at Scott's door, then at me, then the floor, then back at me - were they all possessed or something?


Now don't get me wrong, I loved all five of my brothers more than anything- well, almost anything; but they always kept me in the dark about stuff.

Especially stuff surrounding our parents.

And being the genius I was, I usually sussed it out before they told me, and I'm not saying that like it's a good thing either. I fucking hated it.

"When the hell were you gonna tell me whatever this news about Dad is?", I pressed my palms on Zane's desk and stared at him, "what the hell man? Is this just another thing you're keeping from me to 'protect' me?". He stayed silent for a moment, probably thinking his reply through thoroughly - I hated when he did that.

"I was going to tell you", he said that every single time, "but you've been so occupied by your college work, I couldn't find a good time to do so Chase". He also said that every single time, but I could tell he was stressed so I left it at that.

"Just tell me what it is", I pushed my glasses up my nose and took a step back, sticking my hands into my hoodie pocket slowly.

"I received an email...his release is looking likely", what the fuck?, "I don't want you to worry Chase-".

"I'm not worried", I interrupted, "he'd be stupid to come back here anyway".

I couldn't, I physically couldn't bring myself to even think about potentially having to see that man face to face again; it made me feel sick. No wonder they were all such a mess in here.

Santiago Delgado...wasn't a nice person. At all.

He definitely wasn't put on this planet to be a father either- well, maybe to Isabella, but to us? I would've rather grown up with no dad than have him in my life; it'd taken me years to get over the shit he put us through.

"You are worried", Zane stated and I rolled my eyes, "I'm not expecting you to be cheering and clapping at this news Chase, but I know you - you're probably going to pretend I never told you this-".

"And so what if I do?", I asked, "is it so bad to want to forget him and everything he did?".

"Of course not, but-", I wasn't dealing with this shit right now.

"So leave me to forget the news in peace", I cut him off, turning on my heel and leaving his office - shit.


I am a hypocrite.

About half an hour ago I was all 'let's just leave Scott on his own' and 'he needs space', but now I was literally camping out on the floor outside his bedroom. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Scott?", I tapped the door lightly with my knuckles and hugged my knees to my chest, "can you just let me know you're okay? Just throw something at the door, or tell me to piss off, anything". Silence. Well, that was until the door that I was sitting against creaked, I knew he was sitting on the other side.

"You know, after Mum died, I shut myself in my room for ages- days at a time actually, obviously I had nobody to talk to but I wish I did", I leaned my head back and sighed, "talking to someone will help you Scott, it might not feel like it but shutting everyone out isn't the way to do it".

I didn't expect a reply from him, so sitting in silence was kinda comforting to be honest.

"I miss her", I barely heard him say that because it was so quiet, "I miss her so much".

"Yeah me too", I closed my eyes, "me too".

"What was she like?", he asked from his side of the door, I smiled and sat up slightly, "the last time I saw her I was 9". I couldn't even imagine what their childhoods had been like.

"She was amazing, strict as hell sometimes, but god she was amazing Scott. She loved to bake, she played guitar every now and then, we'd watch horror films together, she was a great listener, great at advice - I wish you guys had longer with her", I fiddled with the carpet and sighed, god I missed her.

"I wish you had longer with her too", he sniffed, "I'm sorry about the shouting, and ruining today".

"You didn't ruin today, ignore Caleb".

"Caleb's right".

"Caleb's an idiot", I scoffed, "look, you have nothing to apologise for, if you wanna spend your birthday on your own they've gotta respect that, I'm gonna go eat something but if you wanna hang out later come and find me yeah?".

"Yeah", he replied, "thank you bebita".

"Anytime", I smiled, "maybe don't stay on the floor though, back's killing me". His chuckle, no matter how small it was, made me smile; they all needed to smile more.


A/N: this chapter feels messy🤨

Next chapter Sunday <3

Ps: thank you for all the reads omg!!

Okumaya devam et

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