Love Or Sobriety

By breadandgumballs

705 11 0

Lip helps you out with being sober from weed but eventually before your 100 days you break it.Even though you... More



78 1 0
By breadandgumballs

You got startled awake from the train rolling past by outside the window. You looked around the room to see Carl on his phone and Ian changing his shirt. You pulled the curtains over to see the sun out. You closed the curtain slowly and rubbed your face. You looked down and thought.

" Hey sleepyhead get up" You heard ian say to you.

You looked up at him and rolled your eyes before throwing the covers off of you and getting up quickly. You walked to the bathroom slowly. You opened the door and slammed it behind you. You walked over to the mirror and looked at yourself for a minute before turning on the water and putting your hands under it and getting some. You splashed it on your face before turning off the water and using your shirt to wipe off your face. You opened the bathroom door and walked out. You walked downstairs to see lip in the kitchen talking to Fiona. You walked in and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. Once you got your beer you closed the fridge door and then turned around to see your pills sitting blankly out there on the counter. You saw lip already looked up you looking worried so you gave him a worried looked before walking over to your pills and setting them up on the shelf. You gave both of them a look before gulping your beer why walking in the living room. You walked up the stairs and back into Ian's room. All you saw was Carl talking to his girlfriend on the phone. You picked up a shirt off the floor and took your wet dirty one off and threw it on the ground. You put on the shirt and walked out out of the shared room with your beer. When you rushed downstairs you looked at the click and saw it was 3:00 in the afternoon. You raised a eyebrow before walking in the kitchen mad.

" Why didnt you guys wake me up at 12" you asked them holding out your arms.

" Well you kinda had a rough night last night so we decided to let you sleep" Fiona explained why looking worried.

" You told her" you looked at lip with a raised eyebrow why pointing to Fiona.

He nodded.

You stopped pointing at Fiona and looked at lip with a dirty look.

" Motherfucker" you whispered to yourself as you walked out of the kitchen.

Lip looked at Fiona why Fiona looked at lip with a complaint face. You rushed upstairs and walked into the shared room. You sat down on Ian's bed and put your hands on your head. You felt your eyes started to get warm and water so you blocked a little bit before wiping your eyes. You set your beer on the dresser before laying down slowly on Ian's bed again. You curled up a little bit before falling asleep.

( we're just going to Timeskip to nighttime because I don't know what else to put after that part)
You woke up from loud music and laughing from downstairs. You tolled over to see the door cracked and the hallway lights on. You squinted from the blinding lights for a minute before slowly throwing the blanket off of you and standing up. You rubbed your head as you felt dizzy. You held on to the dresser next to you until you got your vision back. Once you could see clear again you walked to the door and opened it wide to walk out. You walked out the room rubbing your head. You looked over the stair railing to see Fiona,V,Carl,Kelly,ian,,frank,and Liam dancing. You got confused so you walked down the stairs holding on to the skinny white railing. You stood at the end of the stairs for a moment.

" AHHH HEY GIRL" Fiona yelled as she walked over to you and hugged you With  a beer in her hand. You gave her a dirty look when she broke the hug why she just smiled.

You ignored everyone dancing at walked into the kitchen to see lip sitting at the table with his hands in a ball. You walked over to the table and sat beside him in the chair. He glanced at you before Looking back down. You crossed your arms on the table and glared at him.

" Hey what's wrong" you said as you out your hand on his arm.

" Fiona..just Fiona"

" Why what happened"

" Her boyfriend Ford broke up with her and she attacked his house with eggs before going to the store and buying a bunch a vodka and weed and got drunk" Lip explained as he looked at you blankly.

" Well..are you ok" you asked him why you stroked your thumb on his arm.

" Yea I'm good she's just been a asshole bitch" Lip insulted her as he looked at her high and drunk sister dancing with V in the living room.

They both stayed silent for a minute as they stared  down at the table.

" Take your pills today" lip asked you

" Oh you Mickey now taking care of Ian"  you joked as you smiled and chuckled.

" I'm serious" lip said as he glared at you.

You stayed silent for a minute as you looked around the room.

" Well I was about to but when I saw you in her alone I decided to sit with you" you said as you stood up out of your chair and walked behind the counter. You grabbed the orange bottle quickly and looked at the bottle label to make sure it was your and not Ian's. You twisted the white cap off with the pharmacy name on it and dropped it on the counter. You then spilled some pills out in your hand and you picked out 2. You set them on the counter as you spilled the rest back in the bottle and grabbed the cap quickly and screwed it back on. You set the orange labeled bottle back on the shelf before you tilted your head back and quickly dropped the pills in your mouth and swallowed them by taking a big gulp. You then walked over back to the table and stood by lip and talked to him for a minute before he told you he had to go get some more cigarettes. He walked out the back door and you immediately sat down in his chair. You put your hands in a ball and stared down at the table thinking before you heard someone enter the kitchen. You quickly looked up to see Fiona grabbing a cup and vodka out of the fridge and pouring it quickly. When she turned around she saw you and walked over to you and sat down in the chair next to you were you were originally sitting when you were talking to lip. You stared at Fiona for a minute as she pulled out a bag of weed out of her pocket and threw it on the counter. You panicked as you watched every move she made with it.

" Do you wanna talk" You heard her say. You quickly looked up  at Fiona's face to see dried up mascara drilling down her eyes and eye bags. You gave her a slightly a dirty look.

" Uh sure" you said to her as you stared at the weed. She stared rambling on about Patsys,her ex boyfriend,and life in general. You blocked out her voice as you stared at the weed trying not to pick it up. Your face twitched as your eyes couldn't look away. You snapped out of your vision by Fiona snapping her fingers and saying "Hey".

" You want some of I'll give you some"  Fiona asked as she looked at you.

" I uhm actually Fiona I'm-"  you stuttered as you glanced up and down at the weed and her.

" Here"  she held out some of it and smiled.

She noticed you didn't take it and kept staring at her so she startled you and grabbed your hand. You glanced up and done at your hand and her as she played with your hand. She made your hand spread you so she could plant the weed in your hand. She then balled up your hand in a fist and smiled. After she got up firm the chair drunkly and walked off gulping  her vodka. You opened your hand and gulped. You glared at it trying to fight off the urge. You couldn't handle it anymore you couldn't stop staring at it and you couldn't drop it. You did it.

A few minutes later before you did it you heard lip walk through the back door.

" Hey I got you a beef jerky stick" lip safi as he closed the door behind him as he held the beef stick. He walked over to the table smirking and dropped the stick. He then sat down and saw you weren't looking at him so he duked his head a bit to try to look at you as you stared down at the table.

" Hey" he said as he pulled back your hair.

" Leave me alone" You said as you quickly got up from your seat as you kept looking down . You walked out the back door and slammed it behind you.

" The hell" Lip whispered to himself as he got up firm the chair quickly and opened the backdoor and saw you walking down the white outside stairs as your hands were in your pockets  and your shoulders were up as you freeze from the cold Chicago night.

" Meet me under the L" you said as you raised your voice so he could hear you as you turned the corner to go around the the front yard. Lip looked at you worried before peaking his had back inside and closing the door behind him.

*1 hour later*
You were sitting under the L bridge where it passed drinking wine. You looked around the south side Chicago neighborhood and drunk your wine until lip got there. As you zipped your wine you saw lip coke your way. You put the wine down on the rocks and put your hands in your lap. Lip greeted you with a " hey" but you didn't responds back you just looked down and stayed silent. You felt him sit down on the white dirty basket next to you.

" So uh..why did you want to meet here"  lip asked you as he looked at you.

" I'm sorry" you said as you still were looking down.

"...what" lip questioned you confused.

You looked up and your eyes were blood red and you had eye bags under your light blood red eyes.

" Hi lip" you said as you smirked at him. You noticed his eyes go wide in shock.

" Wait wait what" lip said panicked.He for up from his basket and got infront of you. You watched every move he made. He kneeled down in front of you. You looked down at him as you smirked. He put his hands on your face.

" Who did this to you what happened" he asked you as he panicked

" I did I did it to myself"  you said as you looked up

" No who gave it too you" lip asked you. You looked back down at him.

" Fiona" you blankly said.

Lip looked away from you and stared at nothing and thought for a minute. He took his hands off of your face. Your eyes started to tear up and you started to sniffle. Lip heard and quickly looked at you.

" Lip I'm so sorry I don't even know why your sister gave it to me.. She just came over to talk to me and took it out of your pocket and dropped it on the table and I couldn't stop looking at it and then she gave me some and I couldn't drop it my hand wouldn't move so I just did it" you explained as you cried.

" Lip I'm so sorry I'm such a bad person" you said as you sobbed.

" No no your not come here..I got you" lip said as he pulled you in for a hug. He held you tightly as he kissed your head and put his chin on your blonde hair and stared at nothing. He rubbed your back as you sobbed. You kept getting louder as you sobbed.

" FUCK IT HURTS"  you screamed out as you broke the hug and rubbed your eyes quickly.

" What hurts" lip asked you.

" MY FUCKING EYES FUCKING BURN" You screamed out again as you kept rubbing your eyes. Lip stared at you and thought for a moment.

" Well that's because your crying hun" lip explained. You took your hands off your eyes and blinked.

" Lip I'm so sorry I'm a bad person ain't I" you stated as you stared at him.

" No no your not we all fuck up and make mistakes sometimes"  he stared as he pulled you in for another hug. You sobbed more as he held you. You kept sobbing until you eventually passed out.

Once you passed out lip carried you back to the the house and carried you to bed and waited for the morning.

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