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By -adriswrld

247K 6.4K 1K

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6.4K 169 11
By -adriswrld



As she seen the end of the Volturi, Hannah suddenly transported back to the field before the battle and it's clear that the battle was a vision that Alice was showing Aro. Hannah was the end of the Volturi. Hannah gasped being pulled from the vision, turning around to see Benjamin looking at her with worried eyes.

Kennedy took a step back from Hannah, releasing her hand and wrapping her arms around Alec who was just as confused as the other vampires on the field. Aro looked at Hannah in shock, now aware she was capable of ending the Volturi line with a simple scream of death.

"Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course," Alice said sharply. Taking Hannah's hand since she was still trying to recover from the vision.

"We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat." Caius said, putting his hand on Kennedy's shoulder who was still holding onto Alec. It was weird for Hannah seeing Caius comfort someone knowing how cruel he could be. It wasn't shocking though because he once treated her kindly.

"But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?" Edward said from his side of the field. Hannah read Alice's mind and nodded, returning back to her side and running into Benjamin' arms. Hannah was only there in case they tried to take Alice.

"Of course. But that cannot be known." Hannah heard Caius say, still tucked in the chest of Benjamin who wasn't letting her go knowing she saw something terrible in that vision. "Actually, it can." Edward smiled briefly.

Hannah turns to see two more witnesses, walking in from the woods, they come and stand next to Alice. They wore animal skins and furs, their attire somewhat like Zafrina' and Senna. "I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil," Alice explained.

"We have enough witnesses," Caius stopped as Kennedy placed her hand on his shoulder, telling him it was okay and let them explain. Kennedy never wanted to fight, they only brought her to be a weapon against Hannah because originally she's supposed to be kept hidden. She only wanted to meet Hannah and Benjamin.

The Volturi filled her with lies and built her up to destroy Hannah but that's never what she wanted. She just wanted her mom and a family. The Volturi was family but they weren't the family Kennedy truly craved. Alec would always support her and she knew this because he was letting her do what she pleased.

"Let him speak, brother."

"I am half human, half vampire. Like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal." Nahuel explained, gesturing to his Aunt beside him as she had blood red eyes like the vampire. Hannah watched as she had her head leaned on Benjamin' chest.

"How old are you?" Bella asked, desperate for answers about Nessie' life span.

"A hundred and fifty years."

"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked, Nahuel turned to face the vampire king, "I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then," he said. Hannah smiled, looking at Nessie who was embraced with her parents.

"And your diet?"

"Blood, human food. I can survive on either."

"These children are much like us," Marcus said amazed, speaking for the first time since arriving.

"Regardless, the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies." Caius snarled, he only wanted a fight. Kennedy rolled her eyes amused, hitting him on the chest. "Shut up. I seen what happens, you don't want to know." Kennedy said sharply, Caius rolled his eyes but didn't respond.

Aro turns and addresses his army. "Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight today." Aro addressed. Some of the Volturi look disappointed, including Caius and Jane, but they all listen to Aro and quickly leave, then before leaving Aro looks at Alice and Hannah. "Such a prize." Aro then turns and leave.

After Aro and his army leave. "We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack." Vladimir says, pointing off to where the Volturi ran off.

"Not today." Carlisle says.

"You're all fools! The Volturi might be gone. But they will never forgive what happened here," Stefan snarled. The Cullens and their witnesses do not listen so Vladimir and Stefan leave in anger and everyone else rejoices in the fact that they did not have to fight the Volturi. Hannah pulled from Benjamin' arms with a smile.

"Kate, Tanya. I need to show you something," Hannah said, Kate and Tanya furrowed their brows but followed Hannah. She stood in the field where the ashes of Irina laid. "What are you doing?" Kate asked, seeing the ashes of her sister on the snow covered ground.

"I said, nobody dies today. I intend to keep that promise." Hannah replied simply, waving her hands around the illusion of Irina' ashes turned into a Irina. "Irina?" Kate and Tanya both wrapped their arms around their sister. Irina sent Hannah a grateful look, embracing her sisters with a small smile.

"It was a simple illusion spell, you don't have to hide. The Volturi doesn't know Irina exists, I wiped their minds." Hannah explained shorty, turning to leave until Kate and Tanya grabbed her and hugged her. "Thank you so much." Kate whispered, Irina left to go and apologize to Bella and Edward for her involvement.

"It's no problem, no go hug your mates." Hannah pulled away, they smiled and left. Benjamin walked over, lifting Hannah who wrapped her legs around his waist. "She's still here isn't she?" Benjamin asked, Hannah sighed and nodded, laying her head on his.

Benjamin and Hannah waited for the Cullens and their witnesses to leave before waiting in the middle of the snow covered field. Kennedy and Alec walked up to them hand in hand, Alec there for emotional support. Hannah forced herself not to glare at her daughters mate. Ken looked apologetically at Hannah and Ben.

"I know you saw the vision and what I did in there, wasn't me. I was just enraged and grieving." Kennedy said, referring to her killing Benjamin and Jasper. It would take Hannah a while to understand that Kennedy was only doing was she was brought to do and truly never wanted a fight.

"I do understand, what I did was for the same reason," Hannah replied, glancing at Alec who was in a glaring contest with Benjamin. "Alec, cut it out." Kennedy nudged Alec who looked away from glaring at Benjamin. "My apologies. Hannah, you look well." Alec let a small smirk appear on his face.

Hannah rolled her eyes and ignored him, "Me and Benjamin are moving back to London. You could join us if you please, but you do have a home there. You and Alec are always welcome at our house. Maybe I could help out with your magic, it's a little rusty." Hannah smiled, Kennedy let out a small genuine laugh.

"Thank you, I know it's not easy to be okay with what I did. But I would be glad to visit you in London some time," Kennedy said, Hannah smiled and stepped forward embracing her daughter. Pulling away Kennedy embraced Benjamin, sending a small apology though he still wasn't aware what for.

"You hurt my daughter and I'll do way worse than kill you," Hannah threatened Alec who stepped back slightly scared. He was always threatened by Hannah, and one touch from Benjamin and he was toast. "Got it." He replied slightly scared.

Kennedy let out a laugh and grabbed Alec' hand in hers, "I actually have a surprise for you." Hannah said, Kennedy furrowed her brows but nodded. Alistair stepped out of the woods, smiling at Kennedy who gaped in shock.

"Alistair?" Kennedy ran forward into his arms, Alec heard about him from all the stories Ken told him. Mostly about how caring he was towards her, sticking with her through cancer and all her teenage problems she had when she was human. They all walked back to the house, mainly so Kennedy could formally meet Nessie because Caius needed to know she wasn't dangerous.

Entering the house, most of the witnesses were gone besides, Isaac, Shelly, Jason, Tia, and the Denali Coven. Everyone was slightly startled by Alec' presence, "Don't worry, Kennedy here has got him on a leash." Benjamin smirked, getting an eyes roll from Alec but laughs from everyone else in the house.

Nessie stood slightly behind her parents, nervous about Kennedy because of what she did to Hannah. "Don't worry Ness. She's not gonna hurt you." Hannah said, Nessie nodded trusting her Aunt Hannah, she stepped forward placing her hand on Kennedy's cheek who opened her mind to the hybrid.

Kennedy smiled amazed, looking at Bella and Edward she could see their entire love story. "Alec love, come see." Ken gestured her mate forward. He sighed, kneeling down next to Kennedy and hesitatingly letting Nessie out her hand on his cheek. Alec looked at Bella and Edward, he was still suspicious of their bond but he understood.

"You have a wonderful gift." He said to Ness, she smiled and hugged him unexpectedly. Kennedy smiled as he awkwardly hugged the little girl back.

Hannah looked at Alice who smiled at her, "I knew." Alice said, Hannah grinned and leaned back into Benjamin.

»»————-  ————-««


A.N: one more chapter


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