What Is A Pirate? Legolas x F...

By Bambi-Sempai

97.2K 3.1K 452

Y/n Blackblade. A name given to her because of the powerful sword she carries around, is one of the closest a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 26

2.5K 87 6
By Bambi-Sempai

There had to be some way to protect her.

The next morning, they awoke early, Haldir, Legolas and Aragorn made sure of that. The nights rest did wonders for Y/n's tired body. She still felt quite weak but not as brittle or dizzy as the day before. Though her usual s/t cheeks had taken on a more muted and duller variant as her body was still fighting with the blood loss but it was nothing a good meal and some rest couldn't fix. Now that she had to stop drinking, she noticed that her body recovered quicker than it used to or maybe it was because she wasnt injured as frequently. It had been hard on her in the beginning but maintaining a drunk status in this kind of environment was even harder. Travelling on foot with a rag-tag group straight out of a children's fable was also a good but exhausting distraction. Besides, being drunk so much it did actually feel quite reliving to be sober for such a prolonged time. Though she wouldnt mind getting blasted again as soon as the circumstances would allow it.

They followed Haldir as he and the other elves led them through the forest. They walked for a long while but the views of the surrounding forest were too beautiful to mind. In the fresh morning air and with the rising sun the golden forest glowed bright and it was a breath-taking sight. Though it was strangely silent as there werent many birds singing and she hadnt seen many other animals running about. After a while she started to hear a distant river. It must have been quite the vicious waters be heard from so far. The gushing and dripping sounds only grew louder and soon they stood in front of the river.

"We have reached the great river." Haldir spoke. "We must cross it though we have not built a bridge. The danger of evil crossing over would be too great. We will cross the elven way." One of the other elves shot an arrow across the river on which a rope was attached. It burrowed into a tree on the other side, then they bound the rest of the rope to a tree on their side pulling it thought.

"For us elves this is enough but for you we will add another, a bit higher so you can cross with help." said Haldir before skillfully rushing to the other side, not swaying even once. Having reached the river bank again he got off and shooting two more ropes across, both close to the first one, just a bit higher, one more so than the other. One was a guard rail for the small folk and one for the humans.

First the hobbits went across. It was an easy task for Pippin who seemed to almost have no need for the guard rail while Sam clung to it for dear life shimmying across sideways to have better footing. Next was Gimli who seemed terrified but said not a word and would not accept any help. Y/n was up next. Legolas was ready to help if needed but she declined.

"I'm a pirate, mate. I know how to keep balance." she said and rushed across the impromptu bridge. She didn't stumble or hold onto the guard line and was quickly at the other side, having been only slightly slower that Haldir had been. Proudly she stood on the other side and grinned to Legolas who stared in awe. Aragorn and Boromir also seemed surprised and Haldir, who stood next to her quirked a dark brow. Then Legolas came quickly to the other side followed by Boromir and Aragorn who came last. Then the other elves followed except for two who remained on the other side to further keep guard in the forest. They removed the ropes and continued their journey.

Somehow y/n found herself tracking alongside Haldir as the trees around them now grew taller and thicker as they got deeper into the forest. Even stranger was that the elf decided to start a conversation with her.

"A human dressed in elven clothing, a peculiar sight to be sure. You also seem to be close with the Mirkwood Prince. Tell me how does that come to be?"

"Im not sure me self mate. A lot'a strange things have been happening lately."

"With an evil like the ring walking with you that should come as no surprise. Though I am wondering why you walk with it. All that travel here seem to have been chosen. Except for you."

"Well, I didn't 'ave anything better to do, you could say." she muttered.

"So, you chose to walk to your death." Y/n couldn't help but chuckle which earned her a confused look from Haldir.

"Youre an elf." she stated and the man tilted his head. "What could you know about walking into death?"

Haldir held back a scoff.

"I have fought in more battles than you could ever live to see, I've seen destruction and death of magnitudes you couldn't fathom."

"You've seen others pass but have you ever looked into deaths eyes yerself?" the elf stayed quiet and y/n nodded in victory until Haldir spoke again.

"Have you?"

"Aye, many times. Too many one might say. People say that if youre face to face with death, you see your life flash before your eyes but that's not true. Looking into doom, knowing theres nothing you can do, no matter who you are, it's just a moment of acceptance. No fear or panic just acceptance because deep down you know there is no way out." her voice sounded empty as she gazed into the distance recalling all the times, she had been sure she wouldn't live to see another day. She cleared her throat before speaking again.

"You only know how you've lived when you're about to die. Some are content with what they have achieved and what they leave behind. Some are desperate and full of regret, wishes of what they should have done differently and things they still wanted to do."

Again, the elf kept silent for a few seconds before asking again.

"What did you see?"

Now it was y/ns turn to be quite before she gathered her voice.

"Nothing." she quickened her steps trying to escape the uncomfortable conversation when she suddenly found herself at the top of a hill, she hadnt even realized they were climbing, in the distance they started to see the large trees of the elven city, they were almost there.

"Caras Galadon. The heart of Elvendom on earth. This is the city of Galadhrim where dwell the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light." spoke Haldir proudly when he came up next to her before they continued walking.

The elven city consisted of pale trees so large the trunks alone were the size of a ship. The roots formed intricate patterns on the floor and the other buildings seemed to be part of the trees to a point where y/n had to wonder if they had grown that way.

They were led up a large dwindling stairway up a tree to another platform where they were instructed to wait for the lady of the light and her husband. They stood before another short set of stairs that lead to a tall door made of woven white wood. When the door swung open a bright light erupted from the room behind it momentarily blinding the fellowship. Out of the light stepped two fair elves. One in a flowing white gown the other in a sturdy looking robe. They gracefully descended down the stairs the ellon holding the elleth's hand in a courteous manner.

Once they stood before them the male chose to speak in a serious tone, a grim look on his face.

"The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Nine there are here, yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar." Towards the end the males turned solemn, maybe it was a sign of worry.

Though before one could answer the lady of the light spoke in a soft voice: "Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into Shadow." seeking answers her gaze fell onto Legolas, her blue eyes bored into his with much intensity.

"He was taken by both Shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria."

Galadriel averted her gaze again so did the Fellowship, in embarrassment of their failure and mourning of their friend.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose." She then turned to Gimli who seemed most uncomfortable of them all.

"Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dûm fill your heart Gimli, son of Glóin. For the world has grown full of peril, and in all lands, love is now mingled with grief."

Then her eyes fell on Boromir who crumbled under the silent attack as tears sprung to his eyes and he had to look away.

"What now becomes of this Fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost." spoke Celebron, husband of Galadriel whose gaze moved onto Aragorn.

"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all... Yet hope remains while the company is true." She looked to Sam. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil." Now her gaze was set onto Frodo, the small ringbearer.

"Tonight, you will sleep in peace."

As they turned to leave a sudden sensation overcame y/n that send dread towards her stomach and made her halt mid-step. She no longer felt alone, though not in a comforting way as she felt no longer alone in her own mind. It was like someone invaded the very depths of her soul, she felt as though she was thrown into the ocean, no boat in sight not sure how far land was or how deep the sea beneath her feet. She felt out in the open and vulnerable. She was no longer safe in her own head. Her mind her thoughts, the very thing that had kept her alive, that hid conspiracies and trickeries that saved her life was no longer save. Her body felt cold but sweat formed on her brow.

"Being not from Middleearth. Tell me what you are seeking here?" demanded the voice. She gulped not sure if she should answer out loud, in her mind or at all. She decided to keep her mouth shut and only focused on her answer, thinking hard about what she wanted to say. Hoping that out of her racing mind she could form a clear sentence that the lady of the light would understand. And between panicked thought of. 'Leave!; 'Help!; 'Get out!' and other variants of such phrases her answer rang out louder and clearer than the rest of the voices.

"I only seek a way home."

"Home, you say. Where may that lay?"

Where was her home? Beyond the ocean? On the ocean? Was her boat her home or piracy? She had no answer so she stayed quiet. But once more Galadriel herd the womans own mind attacked itself with questions.

"Seldom have I seen a soul so lost. You seek answers to questions you do not know and answer the questions that were never asked. The answer to all you seek, you already know but refuse to listen too. Why?" Y/n furrowed her brows. What was she trying to say? Why did she act like she knew all about her? She is in my mind after all... she quickly pushed that thought aside over powering it with her response.

"If I know not of my answers and questions, how could I respond to yours? To return to what I know is what I wish for. If you cannot help me with that I would like to rest now." she snapped and heard a chuckle in her mind before she spoke again.

"A near, a gweg? A bar i has baw bar. Rinn- ben dorth-? Lent ben Gwil- ? Rad- Valititui a rad- gel."

Y/n brows furrowed further so they almost met in the middle, when she heard no more words, she rushed down the stairs her comrades had already disappeared on. At the end of it Legolas was waiting for her giving her a gaze she couldnt quite decipher.

They exchanged no words as they joined the Fellowship in a pavilion that stood near some trees and a fountain. The they had been given wine, water, fruits and bread which they gladly accepted. Y/n took a seat on a polstered bench and started to eat of the sweet berries and the soft bread that seemed to fill her much better than normal fruit ever could. Elven food was truly magical.

Around them the elves of Lothlorién had started a slow sorrowful song.

"A lament for Gandalf..." said Legolas, he was holding a silver pitcher which he used to fill the pirates cup with water. Using her eyes, she gave him a silent thank you.

"What do they say about him?" asked Merry but didnt receive an immediate answer as Legolas first sat down next to y/n.

"I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near." he said quietly and the hobbit pushed no further. Instead, Sam, who was currently working on making his bed started to speak.

"I bet they dont mention his fireworks. There should be a verse about them." he spoke solemnly

With sudden confidence he then stood up reciting a verse he quickly came up with.

"The finest rockets ever seen.

They burst in stars of blue and green

Or after thunder, silver showers

Come falling like a rain of flowers." though his confidence quickly faded and he sat down again mumbling softly: "Oh, that doesnt do them justice by a long road." He looked rather frustrated but y/n still gave him a kind smile.

"Its a start better than most, even if you don't think so Gandalf would be honored by your kind words, I'm sure." she received a small but comforted smile from the hobbit gardener in response.

Y/n eyelids were growing heavy and she covered her mouth as she was unable to suppress her yawn. Legolas turned to her, speaking barely above a whisper as to not disturb the already resting hobbits.

"You should rest too. We're save behind these walls." The pirate gave him a gentle smile. For a second, she thought about asking him about what lady Galadriel had said to her. She opened her mouth before closing it again. She averted her gaze and softly repeated the foreign words that were somehow burned into her mind.

"A near, a gweg? A bar i has baw bar. Rinn- ben dorth-? lent ben Gwil- ? Rad- Valititui a rad- gel."

Legolas was stunned for a few seconds before blinking himself back to reality.

"What did you say?"

"Lady Galadriel said these words to me though I know not what they mean."

Legolas stayed quiet gathering up his own response.

"A place, a person? A home that has not one location. Return or stay? Travelling or fleeing? Find the answers and find true happiness." he answered then.

Y/n features twisted into a face of confusion. What had this to do with returning to the ocean. Return or stay? That wasnt even question! Traveling or fleeing? A pirate does both every day! And what was that a place a person thing. She had never stayed in one place so who should that person be? Unless it was Callypso and so the seven seas. That had to be it! The place and the person was Calypso. A home that had not one location was a boat. Either her Drunken Ghost or Jack's Pearl. It probably didn't matter which one. Travelling and fleeing stood for her pirate life. Find the answers and find true happiness. That would mean that she could return home, right? But when and how?

For all she knew she could be ripped from this world just as suddenly as from her own. Somehow that thought pained her. She wasn't yet ready to leave it all behind but one day she would have to, wouldn't she? Maybe knowing when it would happen would grant her peace of mind.

A smile was brought to her features. The elf next to her smiled as well, though for a different reason, if only slightly. He also thought about the lady of the lights words.

Could it be that she had involved him in her prophecy? Does that mean that y/n would stay with him? That their fates were entwined to a point Lady Galadriel had noticed it? But the questions, what about the questions she asked? A place, a person. Maybe that was the choice she had to make. Him or the ocean. His heart sunk a little for he feared that he couldn't ask such a thing from her.

Return or stay? But that part would mean that the choice was not fully made yet. There was the possibility that she would choose him after all. But what would he do if she chose the ocean? He pushed his worries aside and instead chose to dwell on the fact that he even was a choice. The possibility alone filled him with joy.

Elves are being of hope after all.


The actual translation of the elvish is: "A place, a person? A home that has no home. Return or stay? journey or fly? Find valitity and find joy.!" It was the closest to what I meant but I think it does fine.

So yeah, the plot thickens I guess. :) Hope you enjoy!

Also: Yoo I cracked 3000 words! :)

Edited: made a mistake, CupaRedfall noticed it. Thx for that :)

~3032 words

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