Just A Soulmate

By BlueInk_xoxo

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' What's a soulmate dad ? ' " It's someone you have been missing from the beginning but you didn't know you w... More

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By BlueInk_xoxo

' Andrea wake up , c'mon ' Jeena whispered softly . Blinking my eyes slowly I stretched my hands a little . ' I didn't realize that I dozed off ' . ' Hmm , you must be tired . Well look we are here ' Haul chirped like a little kid .

I looked out of the car window . The house is still the same way it was when I last visited five years ago . Covered in shades of blue and peach . The same cozy vibes . Surrounded by lots and lots of green trees .
The moon shining brightly with millions of stars .

' Welcome home Andrea ! ' . My aunt screamed from the doorway . Her beautiful smiling face resembled my mom's a lot .
' Welcome home dear , we all missed you a lot Ann ' . She embraced me in a warm hug . I wrapped my arms around her too smiling happily while rocking back and forth slowly .

' Oh Andrea we missed you so much ' . She said again . ' I missed you guys a lot too Aunt Eun ' . She patted my head tenderly like she always does . ' C'mon Ann the food is almost ready freshen up dear ' . With that I followed her inside . The mild yellow colour warmed up my heart . Photos of our sweet old days were hung up on the walls .
It brought a smile on my face unconsciously. ' You , Haul and Jeena look so cute in this picture . You can say it's my favourite one ' . Aunt Eun said softly .
' Indeed it is ' . I whispered back slowly .
It was taken almost 12 years ago . I was 14 back then and Jeena and Haul both were 18
It was taken when we went to a family picnic a few months after Haul and Jeena got together . I had my arms around their shoulders grinning like an idiot .
' Dinner's ready ! ' Haul screamed from the kitchen . ' Coming ! ' Aunt Eun screamed back . ' Let's go Ann ' she said , eyes nostalgic .

' How's the food Ann ? ' . Jeena asked .
' Much better than the take outs I had ' I answered stuffing my mouth with the delicious food they cooked . ' I thought you learned how to cook ' . Haul raised his eyebrows at me . ' Well I tried to learn . But mom have forbidden me from entering the kitchen once she realised that I was the upcoming MasterChef of America ' 
They just laughed at my silliness .

Sitting in the backyard with them brings back a lot of old memories . Whenever we visited Seoul in the spring holidays we would always end up here in the backyard . Sometimes stargazing , talking , playing games till the first ray of sun .

' Do you remember this Cullen ? ' asked Haul while handing over my favourite thing . ' How can I not remember this Haul ?' my hands gliding over the soft wooden surface of the guitar . Dad gifted me this guitar on my 11th birthday .
' I kept it as safe as possible ' Aunt Eun said .
' Thanks for keeping it for me ' I pulled a few strings and adjusted it properly . It is a little wear out now but still shines like the first time I saw it . With a huge grin displayed on my face I played the song that always comes to my mind first .
My heart will go on .

Dad used to play this song for mom whenever she lost all hope , whenever she couldn't move on with life , whenever she was depressed . It was the first tune dad taught me to play . It relaxes me everytime I play it , like my parents are there with me . Dancing together with the music I play . It makes me happy . I didn't need to recall the tabs in my mind , my hands moved over the string on their own like they have memorised it themselves . Playing this magnificent song on silent night sky under millions of stars and the moonlight is one of the best feelings .

With the last note I finished the song and looked up to see Aunt Eun had tears in her eyes . ' Mum are you crying ? ' Jeena exclaimed . I went up to hug her . ' It's okay Aunt Eun , it's okay ' . She always stayed strong through thick and thin , always being the shoulder to cry on , never once she cried when her sister and brother-in-law died . But she was hurting equally if not even more than us all . But she's good at masking her feelings . But the walls needed to be broken one day .

' I-I just miss them so much Ann ' she cried .
' I know , I know how you feel . I miss them too . But being stuck at the same place won't help at all . It's a tough job to move on , I know it very well , but you have to move on Aunt Eun . And you aren't alone , we all are here . And hiding your feeling won't help either , Moreover it'll worsen your condition . Sometimes it's better to vent out your anger , frustration , sorrow , it doesn't make you weak it just shows that you have stayed strong for a long time . '
She wrapped her arms around me tightly while nodding her head slowly . Jeena and Haul joined the group hug too .


Do we have any Titanic lovers here ?

              Or Guitar lovers ??

I included My heart will go on specially because my mom loves Titanic a lot .

Personally I love guitars though I can't play it . By the way what's your favourite instrument ?

I have read and have seen numerous romances but to me there's nothing like Titanic .
The bond between Rose and Jack was something out of the world .

Please vote and support if you liked it .

Thanks a lot for spending your time here .
Stay happy and healthy 🌼

Love you all💛💛

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