The Hushing [#ONC2022]

By ACampbellAuthor

313 51 37

**A Snow White Dark Fairytale Retelling** - - - - - - - - - - - Marion Price wished something exciting would... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two (part 1)
Chapter Two (part 2)
Chapter Three (part 1)
Chapter Three (part 2)
Chapter Four (part 1)
Chapter Four (part 2)
Chapter Five (part 1)
Chapter Five (part 2)
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Author's Note

65 9 4
By ACampbellAuthor

This novella is for the Open Novella Contest 2022. I chose the prompt below:

84: Word has it that antique mirrors are the doors to another realm. When curiosity compels you to take a closer look at the giant mirror in the attic, you find yourself being dragged inside it. Leaving you trapped in an alternate universe.

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