Je'daii Deku: Rise of the Rev...

By The_Nocturnal_Raven

92.3K 2.6K 443

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Young Izuku Midoriya is constantly punished by the world he was... More

A Wake Up Call
The True Nature of Earth
A Mother's Concern
Understanding What Threatens You
Inko's Recovery
Izuku's Lightsaber
First Step into the Dark
UA Exams
A Day of Choices
Izuku's Observations
Inko's "Observations"
The Road to Hell...
Cynical Intervention
A Tour for the Fair Lady
Gears Begin to Turn
Moving Forward
Trust Excercises
The UA Sports Festival
Shinsou's Capstone
Heroes Properly Ressurected
Machinations in Motion
Light the Tinderbox
Struggles on the Home Front
Allmight Vs. Stars & Stripes
Dawn of War
The Faction in the Shadows
The Shadows Come To Light
Week-Long War: Japan
The Week Long War: America
The Week Long War: Resolution
A Mercy Mission
The Second Attempt
Underhanded Tactics
Flight & Fight
Negotiations Pt. 2
Aggressive Negotiations
Race to the Finish
The Truce

A Mother's Promise

2.9K 82 10
By The_Nocturnal_Raven

After Katsuki's... warm welcome... Izuku got to his unsteady feet. Breathing raggedly, he stumbled down the alleyway... when he felt it. The calling. Turning to face it, he found a collection of "useless" quartz, thrown away after being unable to sell them. Upon closer inspection, many had what people perceived to be faults: they were clear, fractured on the inside, or just dull... but then he found it. The crystal... it called him, and he gingerly picked it up, cupping it in his hands. It shined, as if joyful to be saved from it's previous fate. Carefully, he put it into his pocket, and navigated back towards home, so he could rest for the next day.

Inko woke up first thing in the morning. Restless, she got up and stretched. Revan projected himself into the room. "There is a cleaning station in the other room, and a spare set of clothes. I was inspired by the royalty of Alderaan, known for their elegance."

She took advantage of the facility, and the spare clothes. When she pulled out the outfit... she didn't know what to say. It was on par with Mitsuki's fashion lines, but before, Inko had never felt good enough to wear those. Now, though... After changing into it, she marvelled at her new look in the mirror. "This outfit is beautiful..."

Revan admitted to her, "It fits you much better than I thought it would. Do you need any assistance with what you are going to do?"

"No... this is personal."

"Do not kill him, there is likely an explanation for his behavior. And you cannot help Izuku from within a prison cell."
"I know."

Izuku arrived back at the temple, collapsing to his knees as his body ached from the previous day's beating.
Revan was completely concerned for the boy, "Young Izuku..."
But, the green haired boy was too excited about that. "I found it."
A moment of pause before the AI responded, "You did?"
"I have it... here..." He pulled out the crystal from his pocket, showing the gem in all its glory.
"Indeed... a perfect Kyber Crystal... this is an important milestone in your training. But, before you start the construction of your lightsaber... you look like you have taken a beating recently. I want you to get checked up in the medical wing."

"Yes, sensei..."
"Do not be surprised by your mother's absence. She went to take care of some... personal... matters..."
"That's alright. I'm just glad she has recovered."

Revan didn't respond as Izuku left for the hospital wing.

Inko arrived at the Bakugo household, and knocked on the door. Mitsuki answered, surprised. "Um, who are you?"
Inko smiled sadly, "Sorry, it's been a while Mitsuki."
She immediately recognized her voice. "Inko?! You look 20 years younger! How?!"
Her eye sparkled slightly at the praise, before she whispered to her, "Let's talk inside."
"Sure, sure, come on in!"

They sat in her living room. "It's been how many years, 3? Life goes by quickly..."
"Yes... it does..." She looked right in Mitsuki's eyes, her happy expression changing to a dark, sinister one. "I'm going to get straight to the point. Why does Katsuki beat up my son?"
To her credit, Mitsuki was horrified by the allegation. "He does WHAT?!"

That put the greenette at ease. "So you didn't know... I only found out 5 days ago... and it's made me so angry that... well, I can't stand by anymore."
The blond haired woman shook her head, with complete sympathy, "I understand completely. Izuku's like a second son to me, he even helped me carry groceries the other day when my bag broke... to think he's treating him like this..."
Just then, the devil they spoke of slammed the front door closed, announcing his arrival. When he entered the living room, the two women looked at him with scathing eyes. "Katsuki, come here."

"What do you want?!"

Mitsuki gestured to her friend, sitting across from her. "Inko has been telling me how you beat up Izuku on a constant basis. Is this true?"
Bakugo was shocked by Inko's new appearance. He had seen her a week ago, and knew that a change like this had to be due to a quirk, or some other power. "A-Auntie Inko?"
Her cold voice completely "I know what you did, Katsuki. I saw you beat him up the other day... and then he came back home, broken again. What do you have to say for yourself?"

His weak, pathetic excuse escaped from his lips. He could be arrogant and bold to anyone... except his honorary aunt. "I... He's lying..."
Mitsuki was about to shout at him, when the room went cold. A heavy and dark aura emanated from Inko, and she stood up to her full height, taller than the boy. Mitsuki couldn't do anything as an invisible force gripped his throat, lifting him off the floor. Inko had a hand up, as if clutching his throat. She stepped closer with every other word. "Listen carefully, brat. You hurt my Izuku again, and I will make your life absolutely miserable. Mitsuki will dole out the proper punishment... and if you attack him again, and I will know if you do, then you will not be able to run away from my fury." She was now directly infront of him, less than 6 inches away. "Do you understand?"
He nodded frantically, unable to do anything else.

"Good." She dropped him, and he struggled to breathe.

His excuses kept pouring out, "It wasn't... wasn't just me... everyone at school hates him... including the teachers..." He coughed, clutching his throat. "I'm sorry, Auntie..."

She briskly interrupted him, "And you don't get to call me Aunty anymore. You made your choice." To Mitsuki, who was scared about what Inko just did, she soothed her fear. "I'm sorry, Mitsuki, but it needed to be said... and it seems he won't listen to anything else."

"Th-that's fine..." She breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll fix his attitude... and anything else wrong with him."
She smiled warmly at her best friend. "Good. I look forward to seeing him... change." Inko then left the Bakugo household as they feared what she had become.

Inko arrived back at the observatory, and went to the medical wing. "Izuku is currently resting. He fainted as soon as he arrived. It's clear he didn't sleep very well the previous night."

The green haired woman sighed, before reaching an epiphany, "Does this place have living quarters?"

Almost as if he was expecting this, the man nodded, "It does. I have rooms that are more to your comfort as well, as I had observed your world, and predicted that you both might move in, considering I won't ask for any compensation. It has all the amenities you would need, including a spliced connection into your power grid, so you can keep the devices you want."
That solidified everything, "Very well. I will be moving in during the week."

"I will make the proper preparations." His hologram flickered out, and Inko went to see her son. 

When she entered the medical wing, she silently walked over to Izuku, asleep in bed. She sat in a chair next to him, leaned over, and gripped his hand. She whispered, more to herself as a quiet promise, "I'm sorry that I missed all of your pain, Izuku. I will protect you as best I can."

Unbeknownst to her, Izuku could hear her. He stirred when Inko gripped his hand, but he didn't move. He moderated his breathing as she made her promise. He took that how any loyal son would. It wasn't your fault... I chose to endure it... but I will do the same for you, because you are the best mother I could ever want.

She squeezed his hand, then stood and left, letting him sleep. When the door closed, Revan materialized next to her. They talked as they walked back to the main hall. "He found his lightsaber crystal. He will be building it as soon as he recovers."

She smiled warmly, "That is great news! I want to see him build it. However, in a more serious matter, I am pulling him from school... I found out they are partially responsible for his pain. He can dedicate his time here, to the expansion of his own power, and he will be ready for UA... the school I believe he still wants to attend, one I know will treat him fairly."

He nodded, agreeing with her. "That will allow us to expedite his already fast training regimen. He is excelling at every task, I cannot describe him as anything other than a miracle of the Force. Extracting him from that school he currently attends will allow him to finish his training in 7 months."

She stood up, determined to learn, and become a better protector than she was before. "He was always a bright child. I will be back later."

Revan called to her, "Tomorrow, I could lend you some of my droids in the moving process."

The woman responded, "That would be appreciated."

When she was about to leave the observatory, the AI told her one final thing. "You also need to continue your training. You have a basic understanding of the Force, and no experience with a lightsaber. To protect Izuku, it is imperative that you gain your own blade... and find your own crystal."

"I understand." She turned to him and bowed slightly. "Thank you for everything, Revan. You have given me hope and showed me the truth."

"All I wish is for you to live your life as you wish. Use the knowledge I give you. I understand you have obligations, and will not halt you any further." The hologram faded, leaving Inko to leave, and head off to home, to break Izuku's last chains in the world.

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