Zephyr's Mission

By izzymbyers

12 1 0

The tale of a young pirate, her mates, her package, and its security. More

Meet Some MORE Characters

Meet the Characters!!!!

8 0 0
By izzymbyers

(AN: Hello everyone! Before you meet these lovely characters I need to give you a little information lol. So basically everyone's last name on the crew [besides Elide's] is Pelagic, which means "the open seas." Everyone has the same last name because they are each other's family even though they aren't related by blood. In fact nobody besides Alaric and Zephyr are blood related. ALSO in the next episode there will be more character introductions, but they won't be main characters. Alright that's all. Thank you for reading and enjoy!)

Zephyr Tasina Pelagic:

Name Origins: the name Zephyr means a "gentle breeze" and the name Tasina means "her sea"
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Sexuality: she thought that she was straight...she was wrong
Pronouns: she/her
Facts to Know:
- the main character
- the captain's daughter
- has been in love with Rith since the age of 12 but starts to fall in love with Calla in this story
- an amazing swordsman

Rith Sirius Pelagic:

Name Origins: Rith means "courage and strength" and the name Sirius means "shining, burning star"
Star Sign: Libra
Sexuality: not interested in labels but is more interested in girls
Pronouns: he/him
Facts to Know:
- was raised (and abused) as a gypsy and was apart of a caravan but was saved by the crew when he was 10-years-old
- is best friends with Zephyr
- is a pretty crappy swords man but is amazing when it comes to hand-to-hand combat
- he is a fabulous dancer and has a keen eye for jewelry

Geo Mirelle Pelagic:

Name Origins: the name Geo means "earth" and the name Mirelle means "to look to"
Star Sign: Scorpio
Sexuality: queer
Pronouns: they/them most of the time but doesn't mind changing it up a bit with other pronouns
Facts to Know:
- best friends with Zephyr, Rith, and Jyn
- an extremely talented navigator
- was found abandoned at the docks as a baby and was taken in by the crew
- is a trained thief and extremely talented in martial arts
- is lowkey in love with Jyn but neither of them know it

Jyn Shafira Pelagic:


ame Origins: the name Jyn means "bright" and the name Shafira means "distinguished"
Star Sign: Aquarius
Sexuality: pansexual
Pronouns: she/they
Facts to Know:
- best friends with Zephyr, Rith, and Geo
- she is a witch (by birth)
- was an enslaved street performer, she specialized in acrobatics and fortune telling
- when she was 13-years-old the crew saved her from the streets and slavers

Calla Corvina Eirian:


ame Origins: the name Calla means "beauty" the name Corvina means "raven haired" and the last name Eirian means "silver"
Star Sign: Pisces
Sexuality: closeted lesbian (somewhat in denial)
Pronouns: she/her
Facts to Know:
- is third in line for the thrown
- sisters with Makaria
- has always been the family outcast
- she basically has an "I hate everyone" attitude for the first part of the story

Makaria Sahar Eirian:

Name Origins: the name Makaria means "goddess of a 'blessed' death" the name Sahar means "dawn" and the last name Eirian means "silver"
Star Sign: Virgo
Sexuality: bi-curious
Pronouns: she/her
Facts to Know:
- is second in line for the thrown
- sisters with Calla
- she is the favorite daughter in the Eirian family
- she is very dutiful and doesn't realize the bigger picture until deep in the story

Mirela Éowyn Lamont:

Name Origins: the name Mirela means "to admire" the name Éowyn means
"I am no man" and the last name
Lamont means "the law"
Star Sign: Cancer
Sexuality: bisexual in denial
Pronouns: she/her
Facts to Know:
- the first body guard for the princesses
- at the top of her class
- very dedicated to the crown
- is best friends with Senka
- extremely social

Senka Keres Devoe:

Name Origins: the name Senka means "shadow" the name Keres means "goddess of violence" and the last name Devoe means "fox"
Star Sign: Aries
Sexuality: closeted lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Facts to Know:
- the second bodyguard for the princesses
- second in her class (of course always just behind Mirela)
- is secretly against the crown but doesn't do anything because she doesn't want people she love to get hurt
- is absolutely in love with Mirela
- very overprotective of those she cares about

Alaric Rayan Pelagic:

Name Origins: the name Alaric means "ruler" and the name Rayan means "wise"
Star Sign: Leo
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: he/him
Facts to Know:
- Zephyr's father
- captain of the ship and crew
- has been a pirate since he was a boy
- is best friends with Elide

Elide Bain:

Name Origins: the name Elide means "battle" and the last name Bain means "white bone"
Star Sign: Gemini
Sexuality: asexual
Pronouns: genuinely doesn't give a fuck
Facts to Know:
- literally amazing at everything to do with combat
- is best friends with Alaric
- the captain's right hand man

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