Twist of fate// A wrong numbe...

By stickybun441

253K 6.8K 1.3K

I like reading these, but there never enough so I hope you like it (I DO NOT OWN ANY MARVEL CHARACTERS) I thi... More

Wrong Number
Chapter 2!!!!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5!
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note & suggestions
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Photos 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50

Chapter 49

1.5K 62 14
By stickybun441

            I struggle against the person pulling me back towards the deserted convenience store. They have a grip of iron and their grip does not loosen a millimeter even with all my aimless flailing.

"Let go of me!" I grunt still trying my best to get free.

         I jerk my head and try to get a glimpse of who grabbed me. I catch a flash of red hair but am promptly twisted back around. Is it? I wonder, no it can't be. She has no idea. I am here, and after all, why would she be here. It's not like I am a world-endangering threat. Also, and slightly more alarming to me, how could they have found me. It's not like I publicly declared that I was going somewhere. Magic or whatever it is, I pushed it aside for now. I focused on getting myself away from whoever grabbed me. Although I stopped trying to hit them as hard as I could just in case it actually was Natasha.

"Let go!" I grunt as I try to throw myself away.

"You're only going to make this harder I swear... Is anything easy with you blue?"

I immediately stop resisting, "Natasha?" I question. I let out a hushed whisper "Is that you?"

            She pulls me back into the deserted convenience store and sighs, and motions for me to sit. I slouch against a rack of cereals and breakfast items giving a half-second to glance at the prepackaged muffins that have long since expired. For all I know they could be classified as muppets they are covered in so much mold. Don't even get me started on the freezers. They could make sewage look drinkable.

"So.." I say trying to break the silence. "Come here often?" Inwardly I cringe, I know that was stupid but it's not exactly like I can say, "Hey new friend and possible person I care for guess who snuck out of your house which you were so gracious to let me spend the night in and run across town to a sketchy street/building and act like a lunatic. I promise I have a great reason; get this.."

           We sit in silence for a few moments, and I just closely watch Natasha's face. She just stares stoically at the space right next to my head. After what feels like ages she says something.

"Explanation?" She says calmly. I am in huge trouble now.

"Fresh air?"

"I'm not buying that for even a second Y/N what in gods green earth were you thinking to go all the way across town where, may I add, the air is worse to get your "Fresh air"

"Considering that the earth is mainly ocean it would have the be gods bl-"

"You have negative seconds to explain I would better start now." Natasha says harshly through gritted teeth.

"Short version: I came to get a necklace, long version: I came to get a necklace that's the only reminder of my past family and possible exact revenge on someone I dislike," I say, surprising myself about how normal I sounded saying those words. I thought for sure I would stutter, my voice would crack, or for some reason, I would just cry.

          I lean back, careful not to knock over the cans in the self behind me. My brain going a million miles a minute and my emotions switch quicker than I can put a name or even a feeling to them.

"Alright.." Natasha says as she stands up. "Where is the necklace?"

"Um in that ugly gray-looking building."
"Your going need to be more specific."

"The ugly gray-looking building with the pink flamingo garden toy in what could be the vegetable beds," I say, hoping that was enough details.

          Natasha nods at me and starts to leave the store. I get up and start following her to the entrance. Just after she leaves Natasha closed the door and locks it from the outside.

"What the! NATASHA!" I say fuming. I have had enough setbacks for today.

"You're going to stay in there where you're less likely to be hurt. I know exactly where everything is, thank you for the help and I'll be back soon I promise."

          She walks a few steps down the road then turns around and jogs back. "I think the bottled water is still good. Also, I'm really sorry about this."

          I kick the door a few times but to no avail. It's not going to break or open anytime soon. Sighing, I settle down and watch Natasha's retreating form make its way down the darkened lane. On the corner, I see her take out a phone and have a brief conversation with someone. Hanging up, she turns around and shoots me an apologetic smile. I frown back and turn away. She better be right about everything or I am going to be severely unhappy.

         I curl up, and prepare for an uneventful night of looking at expired food labels.

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