The Forgotten Salvatore Book 3

By Gh0stFac31996

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Book 3 in the Forgotten Salvatore Series. In season 4, Daniel will have to help the group find the Cure to Va... More

Full Bio
Growing Pains
The Rager
The Five
The Killer
We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
My Brother's Keeper
O Come, All Ye Faithful
After School Special
Catch Me If You Can
The Walking Dead
BONUS CHAPTER: 500 Years Of Solitude
BONUS CHAPTER: A Closer Walk With Thee
The Deal

A View To Kill

303 3 5
By Gh0stFac31996

Salvatore Boarding House

Damon is still in the cellar, looking weak. He hears footsteps and sees Daniel. "Stefan asked you to come snap my neck again? Because I woke up feeling completely un-murderous, and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free." Damon said. Daniel throws a vial of blood towards Damon. "Oh man, really? You let me practically be bled dry. At least spring for a bag or something. I'm thirsty." Damon said. Daniel sets a water bottle between the bars of the door. "Not exactly what I had in mind." Damon said. Damon gets up, groaning, and walks over to grab the water bottle. He sees Klaus standing on the other side. "Hello, mate." Klaus said to Damon. "What the hell are you doing here?" Damon asked abs Klaus smiled.

"Babysitting." Klaus said. "Oh." Damon said. "Stefan said to give him a vial of blood every couple of hours, so he doesn't desiccate. If he gets too much strength back, or if he just annoys you, bleed him out again." Daniel said to Klaus. "Silent treatment, huh? Is that Stefan's best shot?" Damon asked Daniel before turning to Klaus. "Stefan's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena." Damon said. "You sure about that? 'Cause I saw him trying to sneak out of Rebekah's bed this morning, which would suggest to me that he's moved on." Klaus said and Daniel froze. "What?!" Daniel nearly shouted. "Yeah, sorry mate." Klaus said sincerely.

"Well, well. Looks like Stefan ripped out a page of my revenge-sex handbook." Damon said. "Well, why don't you two enjoy your little, uh, villain bonding time? Stefan will let you know when he gets the dagger from Rebekah." Daniel said before leaving.

Later ~ Street

It's night-time. Kol is walking down a street listening to music on his phone and listening to Daniel rant about Rebekah when it rings. He answers it. "Jeremy Gilbert. Nice to see I'm still on your speed dial, mate. Hey, you want to meet up at the batting cages in Denver?" Kol asked. "Actually, it's Elena Gilbert." Elena said on the other end. "What a treat. Yeah, I was just thinking of all the clever ways I could have your brother killed, but I'd settle for ripping off his illustrated arm instead." Kol said and Daniel sighed at his friend's dramatics. "I need to talk to you – in person. I'm guessing Daniel is with you, so bring him to." Elena said. "I wanna call a truce, in the name of Silas." Elena said and makes Kol and Daniel stop in their tracks.

"You want to talk about Silas?" Daniel asked knowing Elena could hear him. "I'll meet you wherever you want. I'll come to you." Elena said. "I'll tell you what. How about we come to you?" Kol asked. The doorbell rings. Everyone turns in surprise. Jeremy cocks his gun and points it at the door. Kol and Daniel are outside. "If you want a truce, open the door and invite me in." Kol said. Daniel didn't say anything since he was already invited in. Elena is slightly flustered by the unexpected turn of events and looks around for her next move. "We're waiting. Let us in and let's talk truce." Kol said. Elena takes a blackboard down from the wall. "Hello?" Daniel called out. "Wouldn't that be kind of stupid to invite you in?" Elena asked.

She starts writing on the board. "On the contrary, I can't kill your brother with my own two hands, or I'll suffer the hunter's curse and spend the next 20 years trying to off myself in gruesome ways." Kol said. Elena shows what she wrote on the blackboard to Matt: "Help Stefan find dagger". He leaves out the back door. "And I've heard that vervain's back in town, so I can't compel you to kill him either. So I think it's fair to say you're semi-safe, for now." Kol added on. Elena has erased the board and written a new message for Jeremy. She shows it to him: "Get out. Get Bonnie". "I'm the only one that can invite him inside." Jeremy whispered. "He's right, obviously." Kol said. Elena goes and opens the door for Kol and Daniel.

Daniel steps into the house. "You'd think being alive for over a thousand years would teach me some manners, but I couldn't resist stopping by." Kol said. "What manners?" Daniel asked in a joking matter. "If I let you in, my brother goes. You're not getting near him." Elena said directing it more to Kol than Daniel. "Fair enough." Kol said. Elena looks back at Jeremy and nods. Jeremy nods. "You can come in." Jeremy said. Jeremy leaves through the back door. "No gold medals for bravery, I see. You know the thing I love about the modern age, anytime you like." Kol said. Kol puts his phone and earphones in his pocket, and it gives Elena a view of the white oak stake, which is stashed in an inside pocket of Kol's jacket.

"So...this is the part where you offer me a drink so we can have a proper chat." Kol said. Elena nods and makes way for Kol, then closes the door. She turns around and sees Daniel looking at her. "You ok?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, just nervous about an original in my house, the reckless one at that." Elena said and Daniel nodded. "The quicker we talk, the quicker we go." Daniel said and Elena nodded. "Yeah." Elena said.


Kol is playing the video game, and Elena abs Daniel walk up behind him with a bottle of alcohol. "Sorry, I had to dig up the old people alcohol." Elena said. Kol turns around and pauses the game. He begins to walk over to the kitchen. "Yeah, that's the problem with people today. They have no drinking imagination. Turn-of-the-century New Orleans – now, they knew how to make a drink." Kol said. "You lived in New Orleans?" Elena asked. "We all did, till Niklaus shoved a dagger in my heart." Kol said. "I've always wanted to go to New Orleans." Daniel said. "Really?" Kol asked. "Yeah, the never ending party. Also, I thought of moving there a couple decades back." Daniel said. "Why? What did you do to get daggered?" Elena asked Kol. "What makes you think I did anything? Has your alliance with my brother softened you to his horrors?" Kol asked.

"I don't have an alliance with Klaus. We had a mutual interest in finding the cure – that's all." Elena said. "Had?" Kol and Daniel asked. "Yes. And I'm willing to give up looking for it if you promise to leave my brother alone." Elena said. Kol doesn't reply, and Elena picks up the mixer. "Now, can you teach me how to make this?" Elena asked. "Just to let you know, I never went after Jeremy." Daniel said. "I know." Elena said. Elena slightly smiles and Kol takes the mixer. "I'll get some ice." Elena said. Elena watches as Kol pours something into a glass. She opens the refrigerator and pulls out her phone. She has a message from Jeremy that says 'Trying to find her. KEEP KOL THERE.' in response to her message "He's got the stake. Where is B?". She gets something from the fridge and closes the door. Kol is standing right next to her, startling her.

Elena is holding a bowl of ice, and she offers it to Kol. "Here you go." Elena said. "Would you like one?" Kol asked Elena and Daniel. "Sure, why not?" Elena said. "Yeah, I'll take one." Daniel said after. Kol puts the ice in the drinks. "You're really good at that game. Definitely considering you've been locked up in a coffin for a hundred years." Elena said. Kol smiles. "I'm a quick learner. Speedy reflexes. It's not much like the real thing, though, is it?" Kol asked and Elena looks up at him. "You've killed, haven't you? Or are you one of those Mary Sue vampires?" Kol asked. "I've killed. Once. I'm guessing your number's a lot higher than mine." Elena said. "You lose track over the years. So, are we going to talk about Silas, or just jibber-jabber?" Kol asked. Elena gestures to the family room, and Kol walks over, followed by Daniel. Elena pulls out her phone. She has a text from Matt saying 'No dagger yet. Need time.'

Kol and Daniel are drinking and leaning against the sofa. "Nobody else seems to think Silas exists, so why do you two?" Elena asked Kol and Daniel. "I used to run with some witches. Africa in the fourteenth century, Haiti in the seventeenth century, New Orleans in the nineteen hundreds. They all knew about Silas; that he needed to stay buried. I actually hold witches in high esteem." Kol said. "Yeah, but why Silas? Why are you so afraid of him?" Elena asked. "They said if Silas rises, he'll unleash hell on Earth. I happen to like Earth just the way it is." Kol said. "That's pretty biblical." Elena said. "Well, that's the other problem with people today – they've lost faith. And in that loss, they no longer know who they should fear." Kol said.

"And you? Why do believe Silas exists?" Elena asked Daniel. "I learned that anything g in this world can be possible. I mean look at us. A vampire, an Original and a vampire who can siphon other supernatural creatures for magic. Wouldn't be much of a stretch if Silas was real." Daniel said.


Kol is walking around and picks up a framed photograph of Elena and Jeremy joking around. He stares at it as Elena approaches him, carrying a bottle of wine. Daniel is one his phone looking at his messages. "So we're out of gin, but I think this is a good year." Elena said. "What if I said I don't believe you?" Kol asked. "Okay, you caught me. I don't know anything about wine." Elena said and Daniel chuckled. "Obviously, that was made in 1942. Bad year, trust me." Daniel said. Kol sets the picture down. "It just seems odd that you'd be so willing to give up something you want so much." Kol said. "I would do anything for my brother. And if what you're saying about Silas is true, what does it matter what I want if it puts everyone else in danger?" Elena asked.

"Well, this has been enlightening. Thanks for the drinks." Kol said. Elena starts to panic as Kol moves to leave. She takes a step towards him as he opens the door. "I'll take your request for a truce under advisement." Kol said. "Is there any chance that you could be wrong about Silas?" Elena asked. "Trust me, Elena. Some things are better left buried." Kol said before leaving. Elena sighs. "Told ya." Daniel said and Elena laughed a little. "Just to let you know, I'm sorry about everything I've done to you." Daniel said. "It's ok." Elena said. "No, it's not. I just wanted to stop running and I too the easy way out by trying to kill you. So I'm sorry and I do consider you a friend." Daniel said and Elena smiled. "But don't tell Caroline I said that. She thinks that she's the only I've called a friend." Daniel said and Elena nodded. "I better be going." Daniel said before leaving.


Jeremy walks in cautiously, holding up a gun loaded with wooden bullets. He closes the door and hears a noise. He's ready to shoot, but stops when he sees it's Elena. "I'm sorry. He left. I mean, I – I tried to stall as long as I could." Elena said. The doorbell rings. "That's Bonnie. She was right behind me." Jeremy said. Elena goes to open the door, but it's Kol. "I've considered your request for a truce. Request denied." Kol said. Elena slams the door in his face. "I'm sorry. I've already been invited in!" Kol shouted. He kicks the door open and walks in; Elena and Jeremy are gone. "Hide and seek? Fine by me." Kol said.

Salvatore Boarding House

Daniel is with Damon and Klaus and is filled in on their conversation topic. "Your brother's lack of communication is infuriating." Klaus said. "It's one of his trademarks, like his brooding and his hair." Damon said. "I don't understand what's taking so long. I mean, how hard is it to steal a dagger?" Klaus asked. "From a vampire who's been stabbed as many times as your sister, I'd say difficult." Daniel said. Klaus sighs and tosses Damon a vial of blood. "Sweet." Damon said. "You disappoint me, Damon. You're not trying very hard to get out of here. I expected more the daring escape artist, less the cell potato." Klaus said. "Well, I am compelled to kill Jeremy, so I figured it's probably smarter to sit here and chit-chat with you than bust out of here like the Hulk." Damon said.

"How do you think Elena felt about that, by the way? Your inability to overcome Kol's compulsion for a single moment even though it meant saving the person she loves most in the world?" Klaus asked. "She's met me. She knows impulse control's not my strong suit." Damon said. "Still, must be hard trying to live up to Stefan. I remember when I compelled him to feed off Elena. He fought it so hard, he actually managed to resist. Now, that's love." Klaus said. "What do you know about love?" Damon asked. "I know that you're in love with Elena. But I think you're afraid of what might happen when we find the cure at the end of the rainbow. Personally, I don't see a fairytale ending for you. All I see is Stefan and Elena. I think you see the same thing." Klaus said.

Damon doesn't reply, and Klaus' phone rings. He sees it's Kol and answers it. "Well, if it isn't the happy homicidal maniac." Klaus said and Daniel laughed a little. "Did you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother are trying to kill me?" Kol asked and Daniel grew shocked. "What?" Klaus asked. "Don't pretend like you're not in on it. Your obsession to find the cure clearly trumps any sibling loyalty you once felt." Kol said. "I don't know what you're talking about." Klaus said. "I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arm and kill Elena just for sport. Then I'm coming for you." Kol said. Kol hung up and Klaus looked over and saw Daniel gone.

Gilbert Residence

Kol hangs up and starts walking. Elena is at the top of the staircase with a crossbow and she shoots Kol in the leg. He groans in pain. She disappears upstairs with vampire speed. Kol pulls the arrow out of his leg and goes after her. Daniel walks through the front door and tries to find out what's going on. Elena is in her bedroom. She pushes her dresser in front of her door, but struggles as Kol pushes back. Kol manages to shove the door open and Elena falls to the ground. With vampire speed she runs into the bathroom, shuts the doors behind her and locks it. Kol kicks open the door and finds Elena gone. He punches through the other door and finds Elena in Jeremy's room with Jeremy. Jeremy shoots Kol with a stake gun. Kol catches the stake. "Missed!" Kol said.

Jeremy shoots again, and Kol catches it with his other hand. Elena fires a pistol at him, shooting him multiple times. "Go!" Elena screamed to Jeremy. Daniel is still at the bottom of the stairs when Jeremy lands at the bottom of them. "What the hell is going on?" Daniel asked. "Kol's trying to kill us." Jeremy said. "Why?" Daniel asked. "We tried to kill him." Jeremy said. "To get your mark to grow?" Daniel asked and Jeremy nodded. Kol then walked down to stairs. "Now...about that arm." Kol said. Kol sees Daniel abs snaps his neck. Kol then drags Jeremy down the stairs by his feet.

Kol has Jeremy strapped to the counter in the kitchen by his arms. Jeremy struggles against his bonds. Kol pulls a cleaver out of the knife block. "Now, like I said, I don't fancy the hunter's curse, so I'm just going to chop off your arm. But don't worry, I'll heal you right up with a bit of blood after." Kol said. Kol holds Jeremy's head against the counter. "Sorry about the sting. Now, which arm is it? Is it left or right? I'll just chop off both to be safe." Kol said. Jeremy closes his eyes as Kol raises the knife over him. Suddenly Elena appears and grabs Kol; the cleaver misses Jeremy and instead slices through one of Jeremy's restraints. Elena slams the cleaver into Kol's chest, shoving him against the counter. Jeremy releases his other arm and rushes to the sink. He grabs the spray hose and sprays Kol with the vervain water. Kol cries out in pain as the water hits him; Elena moves away. Jeremy keeps the water on Kol, and Elena takes the white oak stake from Kol's jacket, throwing it to Jeremy. Daniel starts to wake up and hears noise in the kitchen and for over.

"Jeremy, now!" Elena said. Jeremy catches the stake and stabs Kol through the heart with it. Kol screams and bursts into flame. He continues to scream as he staggers through the kitchen and falls to the floor, dead. "Kol!" Daniel shouted. Daniel the realises that he dreamed this. Jeremy then looked over at Daniel and couldn't control himself. Jeremy started walking over towards Daniel and Daniel grew confused. "Jeremy?" Daniel asked confused. Jeremy snaps a leg of a chair and charges at Daniel. Daniel moves out of the way before he could be hit. "What the hell?" Daniel asked. Jeremy kept going at him and Daniel dodged each time. Daniel got tired of this so he smashed Jeremy's head onto the counter, letting him fall to the floor.

Daniel then turned to Elena. "Why the hell is trying to kill me?" Daniel asked. Eelam looked behind him and saw Jeremy. "Look out." Elena shouted. Daniel turned around but wasn't quick enough. The wooden leg went straight through his heart and Daniel gasped in pain. He could see his skin start to desiccate and he knew he was dying. He looked over at the front door and saw Klaus stood there, in shock. With Daniel's final breath, he mouthed "good bye" to Klaus before he fell to the floor. Daniel Salvatore was dead. Jeremy snaps out of his trance and realises what he had done. He then looked towards the front door. Elena notices that Jeremy sees something behind her, so she looks over to see Klaus standing at the open doorway, looking upset and angry.

"What did you do?" Klaus asked. "We didn't have a choice. He was trying to cut off Jeremy's arm!" Elena said. "Lies! He never would've gotten inside if you hadn't have set a trap for him." Klaus said. "You said you were going to put him down too." Elena said. Klaus was furious. "I was going to make him suffer on my terms! I'm going to burn this house to the ground. And then, when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill you both without blinking. And what about Daniel? Why did he die?" Klaus asked. "You kill us, you'll never get to the cure. You'll never be able to make any more hybrids." Jeremy said. "You really think I care for an instant about my bloody hybrids? I want the cure so I can destoy it. I would've killed you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead." Klaus said.

Klaus falls to the ground, crying out and falling to his knees. Bonnie walks in past him. "Invite him in." Bonnie said. They look at her, confused. "Do it!" Bonnie said. Klaus gets up. "Come in." Jeremy said. Klaus falls forward as Bonnie magically pulls him inside and immobilizes him. "Living room. Go!" Bonnie commanded. Elena and Jeremy run through the living and into the kitchen. Klaus follows, but he can't get into the kitchen. He punches at the air, but there is an invisible barrier. Jeremy pulls the white oak stake out of Kol, and he and Elena run to the door and Klaus continues to pound on the barrier. "Witch, you can't do this to me." Klaus said.

"You have no idea what I can do now." Bonnie said. "I will hunt all of you to your end! Do you hear me? Do you!?" Klaus shouted. Elena, Bonnie, and Jeremy leave the house. Klaus pounds against the barrier futilely. Klaus stopped and then looked at Daniel's body and started to tear up. "I'm sorry this happened to you." Klaus said on the verge of tears. Little di he know that Daniel was on the Other Side, stood next to him. "It's not your fault." Daniel said.

Later ~ Salvatore Boarding House

Jeremy is pacing, staring at his bare arm. Elena and Bonnie are on the sofa. "It didn't work." Jeremy said. "It took time for Finn's line to die off, remember? It'll work." Bonnie said. "What if it doesn't?" Jeremy asked. "Where's that Gilbert optimism?" Damon asked. Damon walks over to Elena. "Hi." Damon said. Smiling, Elena hugs him. "Sorry I missed all the excitement." Damon said. "I'm just happy to see you." Elena said but then remembered that she needed to tell Damon about Daniel. "Damon there's something you should kno-'' Elena said but was cut off. The front door opens and Stefan walks in carrying Silas' tombstone. He closes the door. "Looks like I didn't miss much. Got the Silas headstone." Stefan said. "We're just waiting for Jeremy's mark to grow." Elena said.

Stefan sets the stone down on a table while Damon watches him warily. "Klaus is trapped in our living room." Elena said. "Temporarily. I drew on the new moon to bind the spell. We've got three days to find that cure – four, max." Bonnie said. "If we don't, we might as well look up Katherine Pierce and see if she wants some company in hiding, 'cause he will come after us." Jeremy said. "We'll find it. Now that we've got Rebekah taken care of, all we need is professor Shane, and then we'll have everything we need." Elena said. "Yeah, I didn't, uh...I didn't dagger her." Stefan said. "What? Why not?" Elena asked. "I didn't need to. She's on our side." Stefan said.

"On our side? Did you really just say that?" Elena asked. "Yeah, she handed over the headstone. I mean, she wants to find this cure more than any of us." Stefan said. "Why would you possibly think that we could trust her?" Elena said. "Let me guess, she pledged her allegiance to you while you were naked in the sack?" Damon asked. Everyone reacts silently. Elena looks shocked. "I bet you were just dying to get that out, weren't you, Damon?" Stefan asked. "Oh, was that supposed to be a secret? Maybe you should have made that a little clear while you were bleeding me dry in our cellar." Damon said. "Yeah, to keep you from killing Jeremy." Stefan said. "I'm surprised that Daniel isn't here right now killing you." Damon said.

Elena then realised she needed to tell them. "Both of you stop it! There's something you should know." Elena said. Damon and Stefan looked at Elena. "When Jeremy was killing Kol, Daniel was also there. Umm, Jeremy went at him and Daniel did stop him, but ummm, when Daniel wasn't looking, Jeremy got him." Elena said on the verge of tears. "Don't tell us that-'' Damon said but was cut off. "Daniel's dead." Elena said. Both Damon and Stefan were shocked. But there shock was cut short from Jeremy screaming. Jeremy rips off his shirt, and the mark is growing. "It's happening." Jeremy said. Elena is shocked because she can see the mark. "Oh, my god..." Elena said.

"You can see it?" Jeremy asked. Elena nods as they watch the mark grow up his arm and across his chest. "Here we go." Damon said not letting us grief get in the way of getting the cure. On the Other Side, Daniel was shocked and heart broken at the fact that his brother stopped grieving after less than 10 seconds. He saw Stefan walk away so Daniel decided to follow him. He saw Stefan punch a wall and start to cry. He watched as Stefan pulled his phone out and clicked on a contact.

"Hello Stefan." A voice said on the other end of the phone. One Daniel recognised as Katherine. "What do I owe the pleasure?" Katherine asked. "It's about Daniel." Stefan said. "What about Daniel?" Katherine asked. "He's dead." Stefan said. There was silence on the other end. "Katherine?" Stefan asked through his tears. The line went dead. Daniel could only imagine how Katherine looked and suddenly he was somewhere he didn't recognise. He heard crying and turned around to see Katherine on the floor, crying her eyes out.

"What happened to you? Why did you have to leave?" Katherine asked, not knowing Daniel was there. Daniel at least knew two people cared about him.

A/N: and that is the end of the Forgotten Salvatore Series... NOT!!! I'm just kidding. No, there will be a couple more chapters and then possibly a book 4, but you'll just have to wait and see. See you next chapter. Also,  I know you all hate me for this but I will make it up to you!!!

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